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Ordinance: 13136
File Number: 09-01051A
City Hall
3500 Pan American
Miami, FL 33133
Final Action Date: 1/28/2010
WHEREAS, the Miami Planning Advisory Board, at its meeting on October 7, 2009, following
an advertised public hearing, adopted Resolution No. PAB-09-0039 by a vote of nine to zero (9-0),
item No. P.1, recommending approval as set forth; and
WHEREAS, the Miami Planning Advisory Board, at its meeting on October 7, 2009, following
an advertised public hearing, adopted Resolution No. PAB-09-0039(a) by a vote of eight to zero (8-0),
item No. P.1, recommending that the City Commission direct the Planning Department to conduct a
longterm parking study on the Biscayne Boulevard corridor as well so that the temporary measure
would not be necessary; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission finds that the current economic conditions have discouraged
economic growth, and that the creation of an interim temporary parking pilot program would
encourage the availability of public parking that can assist in the revitalization of critical economic
hubs within the City; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission, after careful consideration of this matter deems it advisable
and in the best interest of the general welfare of the City of Miami and its citizens to amend its Zoning
Ordinance as hereinafter set forth;
Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Ordinance are adopted
by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section.
Section 2. Ordinance No. 11000, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, as
amended, is amended in the following particulars:{1}
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Section 916. Interim parking.
916.1. Intent.
It is intended that this section allow for a mechanism which will enable conditionally,
unimproved and partially improved lots in the city to be utilized, for accessory parking purposes in a
temporary fashion or as a component of facilities which require parking on an event by event basis,
without having to comply with permanent parking requirements on the proposed interim lots to
accomplish this goal. As specified herein, proposals subject to this section shall also ensure that
safety measures are implemented which will safeguard users of the subject facilities.
916.2. Special permit required for approval.
An interim parking facility or interim parking shall be defined as a surface parking lot for which
paving, drainage and marking of parking spaces as well as other improvements incidental to
permanent parking lots shall not be required.
There shall be three (34 four 4 types of interim parking as follows:
(a1) Temporary special event parking -aid
(Q) Short-term event parking. And
(E3) Interim special use parking, and
Interim temporary parking pilot program
916.2.1. Temporary special event parking. Temporary special event parking on unimproved interim
parking lots, as defined herein, shall mean parking permitted pursuant to Class I Special Permit and
only in conjunction with an approved special event that requires the additional parking to be
accommodated on said lot(s).
916.2.2. Short-term event parking. Short-term event parking means parking permitted as a
conditional use on non -residentially zoned lots, within a one thousand (1000)_foot radius of the major
public facility they are intended to serve, pursuant to a Class II Special Permit subject to the
applicable criteria in Section 1305, and only in conjunction with major public facilities such as major
sports facilities, arenas, exhibition centers, performing arts centers and any other such major public
facility whose scale and operation warrant the use of interim parking facilities on an event -by -event
basis versus daily year-round use. However no such short term event parking shall be located
adjacent to, abutting or across the street from single family zoned property.
Renewals may only be granted by the City Manager upon findings and recommendations by the
Director of the Department of Planning that such renewals are in the best interest of the City for
reasons related to insufficient parking within proximity of a major public facility. At such time that
renewals are granted, the City Manager may include conditions to mitigate safety concerns that arise
as reported by the NET Administrator, Code Enforcement or the Miami Police Department that pertain
to the particular parking facility in question. Parking spaces provided as interim parking shall not be
counted toward meeting required parking for any such major public facility, unless parking spaces are
either owned, controlled, or under agreement for use by the major public facility it serves.
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916.2.3. Interim special use parking. Interim special use parking means parking permitted as a
conditional use on non -residentially zoned lots, within a one thousand (1000) foot radius of the
special uses they are intended to serve, pursuant to a Class II Special Permit subject to the
applicable criteria in Section 1305, and only in conjunction with uses such as special entertainment
districts, historic districts which consist predominantly of non -residentially zoned properties,
government facilities or institutional uses whose scale and operation warrant the daily year round use
of interim parking facilities rather than temporary special event uses. However no such interim special
use parking shall be located adjacent to, abutting or across the street from single family zoned
property. Special use areas may also include other public or private attractions and uses that are over
ten (10) acres in size that could benefit from interim parking, such as a dog track, amusement park or
flea market.
Yearly renewals for short-term event parking and interim special use parking may be issued annually
by the City Manager upon findings and recommendations by the Director of the Department of
Planning that such renewals are in the best interest of the City for reasons related to insufficient
parking within proximity of the special uses. Renewals may include conditions to mitigate safety
concerns that arise as reported by the NET Administrator, Code Enforcement or the Miami Police
Department that pertain to the particular parking facility in question. Parking spaces provided under
this type of interim parking facility shall not be counted toward meeting required parking for any such
special use they serve, unless such parking facility is in full code compliance.
916.2.4. Interim temporary parking pilot program. Interim temporary parking pilot program is a
five-year temporary parking program that encourages the use of properties on a temporary basis to
support parking needs of specific areas within the City. The interim temporary parking pilot program
permits parking as a conditional use on non -residentially zoned lots that are a minimum of 10,000
square feet in size, within a one thousand (1,000) foot radius of the uses they are intended to serve,
pursuant to a Class II Special Permit subject to the applicable criteria in Section 1305, and only in
conjunction with uses such as medium-sized institutional uses and medium-sized business uses that
serve as critical economic hubs. A medium-sized business or institution employs 100 or more
individuals or serves over 100 people per day. However no such interim temporary parking pilot
program may be applied to property adjacent to, abutting or across the street from single-family
zoned property.
Renewal of the parking approved in the interim temporary parking pilot program may be issued for
one additional five-year period at the expiration of the initial five-year approval period by the City
Manager. Said approval shall be based on findings and recommendations by the Director of the
Department. of Planning that such renewal is in the best interest of the City for reasons related to
insufficient parking in conjunction with uses such as medium-sized institutional uses, medium-sized
business uses that serve as critical economic hubs within one thousand (1,000) feet of the property.
Renewals may include conditions to mitigate safety concerns that arise as reported by the NET
Administrator, Code Enforcement or the Miami Police Department that pertain to the particular parkinc
facility in question. Parking spaces provided under this interim temporary parking pilot program shall
not be counted toward meeting required parking for any such special use they serve, unless such
parking facility is in common ownership with the property it is intended to serve or united with the
property it is intended to serve by a covenant in lieu of unity of title. All parking approved through this
interim temporary parking pilot program as required parking shall be provided free to the public.
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916.3. Considerations and standards.
In order to mitigate any potentially adverse effects that unimproved interim parking lots may
have on adjacent areas, all such facilities intended to be utilized as described in sections 916.2.21
aed 916.2.3, and 916.2.4.above, shall be required to maintain a park -like appearance to consist of
fully sodded lots over an approved stabilized, below grade, pervious system or any other type of
system which provides a honeycomb type stabilized base underneath the lot and therefore allows for
parking on the sod while not impeding drainage.
In lieu of providing a park -like appearance as described above, a parking facility may be
paved or consist of any combination of paving, gravel and grass upon approval by the city of a
sufficient alternate drainage system. This requirement may also be met through the installation of
porous asphalt, porous concrete, a plastic grid system or block pavers, only as approved by the
Zoning Administrator and Building Director. Except for temporary special event parking (as defined
above) associated with a Class I Special Permit, all other interim parking shall comply with applicable
ADA requirements as set forth in the Florida Building Code, as amended from time to time.
Parking areas approved through the interim temporary parking pilot program shall provide
lighting as approved by the Zoning Administrator and Building Director.
Interim parking may also be used for the temporary staging of miscellaneous equipment
and/or vehicles necessary for any of the functions associated with an approved special event or an
activity taking place in a major public facility subject to all applicable regulations and special permits
listed above.
All interim parking and staging activities permissible under this section shall be limited in
duration to time and locations specified in the special permit obtained. The duration shall run
concurrently with the event or activity requiring said parking or staging, and may be expanded on a
limited basis to allow for preparation, disassembly and activities related to that specific event or
In addition to the considerations and standards listed generally in section 1305 of this
ordinance, Class I and Class II Special Permits for interim parking facilities shall also consider the
(a) Use of traffic monitors to facilitate vehicular flow into and out of such facilities during major
(b) Use of specialized lighting features to ensure safety when such facilities are proposed for evening
use; and
(c) Use of perimeter fencing to assist in the control of access points and security of proposed lots
while not in use.
(d) Surface interim parking lots, which are located within the SD -5, SD -6, SD -7, SD -20 or designated
CRA areas of Southeast Overtown/Park West or Omni, may also be required to comply with the
conditions and criteria set forth in Section 917.3.2. as conditions to the special permits required
herein or as conditions of time extensions granted by the City Manager.
(e) All such interim parking lots may also be required to comply with any design standards and
guidelines that may be in place for the specified area in which the parking lot is located (i.e. uniform
signage, fencing and attendant kiosk standards).
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Enactment Number: 13136
Section 3. If any section, part of section, paragraph, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance is
declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this Ordinance shall not be affected.
Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after approval its adoption and
signature of the Mayor.{2}
{1} Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall
be added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate
omitted and unchanged material.
{2} This Ordinance shall become effective as specified herein unless vetoed by the Mayor within ten
days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Ordinance, it shall become
effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission or upon the effective date
stated herein, whichever is later.
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