FILE ID: 09-0 J2--1 0
Date: 10/20/09 Requesting Department: Public Facilities
Conw, ission Meeting Date; 11/19/09 District Impacted: 2 Law Department
Type: ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Emergency Ordinance ❑ Discussion Item Matter ID No.
❑ Other
Subject: Authorizingthe he City Manager to expand the management area within the current agreement
with Global Spectrum Limited Partnership for the management and operation of the existing University
of Miami leased area at the Miami Convention Center /James L. Knight International Center.
Purpose of Item:
A Resolution of the Miami City Commission, with attachments, by a four-fifths (4/5ths) affirmative
vote, after an advertised public hearing, ratifying the City Manager's finding, pursuant to Section,
18-85 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, waiving the requirements for
competitive bidding procedures for the procurement of services; authorizing the City Manager to
execute an amendment, in substantially attached form, to the agreement with Global Spectrum
Limited Partnership ("Global") for the expanded management and operation of approximately
35,000 additional square feet of meeting and conference space at the Miami Convention
Center/James L. Knight International Center located at 400 SE 2 Avenue, Miami, Florida; further
appropriating a total of $277,559 for the operations and maintenance of said area for the additional
area, as calculated on a square foot basis per the existing agreement, effective January 1, 2010.
Background Information:
See attached.
Budget Impact Analysis
YES Is this item related to revenue? $618,383
YES Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below.
General Account No:
Special Revenue Account No: 10100.221070.534000 P -22 -420005;A -1176,T-01
CIP Project No: E -other Cont. Svcs,0-221070
NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost: 0.00
Maintenance Cost: 0.00
Total Fiscal Impact: $277,559
Final Approvals
Subject: Authorizing the City Manager to expand the management area within the current agreement
with Global Spectrum Limited Partnership for the management and operation of the existing University
of Miami leased area at the Miami Convention Center /James L. Knight International Center.
Background Information:
On May 10, 2007, the City Commission authorized the City Manager to: (i) prepare an invitation for
bid for the sale of the city -owned property located on the north side of I-95 ("North Side assets"); and
(ii) explore the scenarios that contemplate the redevelopment of the assets located on the south side of
the I-95 ramp ("South Side assets") and/or amending or entering into a new lease with the Hyatt at the
Miami Convention Center/James L. Knight Center complex. With the exploration of these scenarios
underway and the uncertainty of the long term use of this site, the administration believes it is in the
best interest of the City to expand Global Spectrum Limited Partnership's (Global) contract to include
what is currently the University of Miami's leased area. Pursuant to Resolution 08-0394, as approved
by the City Commission on July 10, 2008, the University of Miami agreed to an early release of their
leased area, effective December 31, 2009 at the Miami Convention Center/James L. Knight Center.
Per existing agreement, Global is responsible for managing and operating the Miami Convention
Center/James L. Knight Center, including marketing, ticketing, event booking, accounting,
maintenance, and capital improvements. The agreement includes language which establishes a base
management fee of $97,200 plus expenses; a 120 day optional City termination clause; and. City
discretion to audit accordingly. The agreement was approved by the City Commission on September
23, 1997, Resolution #97-662, which authorized the City Manager to enter into a management
agreement with Global to provide professional services for the management and operation of the
Miami Convention Center/James L. Knight Center complex. The City Commission approved
subsequent extensions of the agreement pursuant to Resolutions 02-1053 and 07-0386, thereby
renewing Global's contract for an initial period of six months, effective October 1, 2007, with three
(3) one (1) year options. Upon expiration of Global's agreement, if plans for the site are developing
such that the facility in its current form would not be operational for an extended period of time, the
City Manager would have the authority to exercise the renewal options. If plans are not progressing
as such and the City anticipates the site remaining status quo for an extended period of time, the
administration will proceed in rebidding these management services.
Due to the University of Miami's early departure, the administration proposes to expand Global's
management area by approximately 35,000 square feet of meeting and conference space, effective
January 1, 2010. Global shall be compensated $40,000 per fiscal year for this additional management
area, plus expenses, as calculated on a square foot basis per the existing agreement. It is anticipated
that $618,383 will be received in projected revenues. The total operational expenses FY 2010 is
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