TO: Glenn Marcos
Director of Purchasing Department
FROM: Peter Orini
Chief Oform
DATE: #11q1&6
SUBJECT: Acquisition of GIS ESRI
Software - Licensing, Re -licensing,
and Maintenance - Sole Source
The Informati n Technology Department is requesting a sole source finding for the acquisition of
Geographic InVormation Software (GIS) Software Licensing, Re -licensing, Upgrades, Maintenance,
Training, and services relating to: ArcInfo, ArcEditor, ArcView, ArcGIS desktop extensions
(ArcNetwork, ArcCOGO, ArcScan, 3D Analyst, Geostatistical Analyst, Data Interoperability, Maplex,
Network Analyst, Publisher, Spatial Analyst and Survey Analyst), ArcGIS Data reviewer, ArcGIS Server
Workgroup or Enterprise (Basic, Standard and Advanced versions), ArcGIS Server Enterprise extensions
(31) Analyst, Data Interoperability, Geostatistical, Image, Job Tracking, Network Analyst, Spatial and
Schematics), ArcSDE, ArcGIS Image Server, ArcGIS mobile, ArcLogistics, ArcGIS Schematics, Maplex,
ArcIMS, ArcIMS routing, ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Business Analyst, Maplex, Military Overlay Editor
(MOLE TM), PLTS, Tracking Server from Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (SSRI).
The City is in need of acquiring products and services from ESRI that will allow for the display, use, and
application of GIS information to support the City of Miami's Enterprise solutions such as Land
Management, Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), ERP, E -Team as well as census, demographic, and
general mapping information.
The City's use of ESRI products up to this point has created and developed a wealth of GIS maps, layers,
and data for the last decade. Moreover, City employees have developed in-house expertise and
knowledge in using the ESRI tools. ESRI is the recognized world leader in GIS software and technology,
and is currently utilized by the State of Florida and the City of Miami. The ESRI GIS software allows for
the displaying and retrieving of data, management reporting, decision support, and manipulation of
information through a graphical format for the presentation of the City to its departments and citizens via
the intranet, internet, and as hard -copy maps. A number of Departments directly benefit from these
services, including CIP, Code Enforcement, NET, Parks, Planning, Zoning, etc.
ESRI has been a partner with the City for over a decade, and the Department of Information Technology
recognized the importance to continue to develop and maintain the GIS System and Infrastructure from
SSRI. In fact, the City, via prior sole source findings and per Resolutions 89-362, 91-291, 01-1310, and
04-0698, has approved the acquisition of various software related maintenance from ESRI as sole source
Based upon the attached letter and sole source products list from Jackie Ricks, Contracts and Legal
Services Specialist for ESRI, the Information Technology Department is requesting that you take the
necessary steps to verify that ESRI is the sole source for the provision of licensing and maintenance
services for this software.
of Purchasing Department