TO: Glenn Marcos DATE: November 17, 2009 FILE:
Director of Purchasing
Sole Source for the Purchase of
SUBJECT: Geographic Information Software,
Licenses, Training, Services,
Maintenance and Support
FROM: WLourdes Rodriguez, PPB
Procurement Supervisor
An investigation was conducted to determine whether Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.,
(ESRI), located at 380 New York Street, Redlands, California 92373, is the sole source provider for the
Geographic Information Software based software licenses, training, services, maintenance and product
support, for the ESRI products which include, but are not limited to, ArcGIS, ArcEditor, ArcGIS Arclnfo,
ArcGIS Image Server, ArcGIS Server, Archlnfo workstation and extensions, ESRI Developer Network (EDN)
subscriptions, GIS Portal Toolkit, Map Production System Atlas, Maplex 3.x, MapStudio, Military Overlay
Editor (MOLE), NetEngine, Production Line Toolset (PLTS) for ArcGIS, including PLTS Foundation and PLTS
Solutions and certain proprietary training courses, for the Department of Information Technology.
The Department of Information Technology needs the continued acquisition of products and services from
ESRI that will allow for the display, use and application of GIS information to support the City's Enterprise
solutions such as Land Management, Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), ERP, E -Team, as well as, census,
demographic and general mapping information.
On March 3, 2004, Request for Proposal (RFP) No. 03-04-072 was issued for Professional Services to
"Define an Enterprise GIS Architecture and Implementation Plan," and the Successful Proposer
recommended the City purchase GIS Software and Infrastructure in order to meet the needs of thirteen (13)
different Enterprise applications, and defined the need for the City to procure ArcSDE, ArcIMS, Arclnfo,
ArcEditor, and ArcView application software in order to properly support these applications.
Using ESRI products in the past, the City has created and developed a wealth of GIS maps, layers and data
for the last decade and its employees have developed in-house expertise and knowledge in using the ESRI
tools. ESRI is the recognized world leader in GIS software and technology, and is currently utilized by the
State of Florida, Miami -Dade County, and the City of Miami. This ESRI GIS Software allows for the displaying
and retrieving of data, management reporting, decision support, and manipulation of information through a
graphical format for presentation of the City to its departments and citizens via the intranet, internet, and as
hard -copy maps.
ESRI has been a partner with the City for over a decade, and the Department of Information Technology
recognizes the importance of continuing to develop and maintain this GIS System and infrastructure from
ESRI. In fact, the City, pursuant to Resolutions 89-362, 91-291, 01-1310, and 04-0698, has approved the
acquisition of various software related maintenance from ESRI as sole source procurements.
Accordingly, I am recommending that the requirements for competitive bidding be waived, and these findings
be approved: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc., (ESRI), located at 380 New York Street,
Redlands, California 92373, is the sole source provider for the Geographic Information Software (GIS) based
software licenses, training, services, maintenance and product support, for a period of five (5) years, for the
ESRI products which include, but not limited to, ArcGIS, ArcEditor, ArcGIS Arclnfo, ArcGIS Image Server,
ArcGIS Server, Archlnfo workstation and extensions, ESRI Developer Network (EDN) subscriptions, GIS
Portal Toolkit, Map Production System Atlas, Maplex 3.x, MapStudio, Military Overlay Editor (MOLE),
NetEngine, Production Line Toolset (PLTS) for ArcGIS, including PLTS Foundation and PLTS Solutions and
certain proprietary training courses, for the Department of Information Technology
Based on the foregoing, it is recommended pursuant to Section 18-92(a) (1) and (3), that the determination of
a sole -source purchase be rendered by the Chief Procurement Officer and that the City Manager support said
finding herein and respectfully recommend for the City Commission to ratify both the Chief Procurement
Officer and City Manager's decision by an affirmative four-fifths vote. Both signatures below will affirm the
sole source decision by both the Chief Procurement Officer and City Manager, that Environmental Systems
Research Institute, Inc., (ESRI), located at 380 New York Street, Redlands, California 92373, is the sole
source provider for the Geographic Information Software based software licenses, training, services,
maintenance and product support, for the ESR) products, for a period of five (5) years, for a first year cost not
to exceed $87,000, for the Department of Information Technology, allocating funds from Account Code No.
0001.251000.546000.0.0, with future years subject to the availability of funds and budgetary approval at the
time of need.
Glenn arco CPPD, CPP , FCPM, FCPA Da
Chief ro ureme Officer/ urchasing Director
P e z, P. E. Date 1