HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 892%L Exhibit "A" A. tour hundred thousand dollars (5-1100,000) to t',c Cit ty of Coral Gables in accordance with the 110110wJ'nz schedule: LTi r= hundred thousand dollars (S300,M) For the development and renovation of Phillips Park, ii.Fffty thousand dollars (550,000) for Nat Winokur P:rk far the . iii1ifty thousand dollars (S50,D00) for Salvador Park for therencvati0 or playz*rouad sfstem'amd picnic pavilion. B. Forty-eig:�tt thousand dollars (5.48,000) to the City of Florida City for Loren Robe;rs Park - to develcip a baseball and a softball field. C. Five rniUf on dolIm (S5,D00,Xw0),to the City of F -We -ah in accordance with the following i. T.6 m066 sit huhdie:d thousand 6611irs; ($2,600,CVQ) f6r McDonald tu- Pjjk ?6r . new ijkL.e 1, contours, ritours, enhan recreati6n. awns; Ni ding renontions, fencing, lighting and other hpirovi :mm S. ii.0ne md1lion four hundred thbusmd dollus; (S1,400,000) for Dent Park for the construction of the Dent Park 1=. UL Six hundred thousaid do[L&rs (S400,000) for the dcvtlopm=it of a neighborhood park located at West 32-36 Avenue connector Road (M and HAJ-_Ah Gix- 75 Street. iv. Two hundred and fifty thousand (52150,000) for renovations and improvements at Cotson Park and -Reid Pool Park, to-i.ncl.udejmpr-qved athletic fields, renovation of balLftld-buildiftg'-ind se unity 11ghtffig. v. One hundred and fifty thousand (S 15-0, 000), &i&ed 6quay between Babcock Park and Wander Park for inrtallation -of neiw­ playgrounds/totlots to comply with the Am, erican with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. D. One rdflon flVeh66'&d tfibL&nd:dollars (SI,500,M),Io the City of Homestead in le: accordance with 9 t o,.;,i.ng sc h -I edi� L— i.Gne million dollars (S 1,OC�i,000) to immpie,mcm the first phese of` -he development of the Homestead Equesrr:an Center and to be used to leverage additional 5unds for t,,e completion of the Center. ii.Five hundred thousand dollars (5500,000) for Roby George Park for the development of the Phichol IvV lliams Community Center. E. Five hundred thousand dollars (5300,000) to the Village of Key Biscayne for the development of Village C; ern Park. F. Eighteen million dollars (Sl8,000,000) to the City ofNflaini in accordance with the following schedule: . . i. one trillion eight hundred thousand dollars (S 1,860, DX) for the restoration of the historically designated Vi! -rick C-y� to be use by -- persons with. disabilities for adaptive sailig and other. cotntnurity youth -related activities. ii.One trillion dotiars (S 1,000,000) to copplete ;.brach erosion control program on Virginia Key Beach and czlihancemetits to the island dune systems, iii.Eight hundred thousand dollars (S800,000) for the development of a new recreation/senior ttu' t building and site improvements at Maceo Park. iv.Eight hundred thousand ($800,000) for the irnproverner.ts and renovations to the recreation building, rAritri-nmg pool, and ballgeids, courts and playgrounds at Gibson Park v.Eight hundred thousand doll= (5800;000) for acquisition and renovations it Joss Marti Perk. vi.Eight hundred thousand dollars (5800,000) for improvements and renovations to Hadley Park. vii.Seven hundred thousand dollars (5700,000) for renovations and improvements to the youth center and swimming pool at V r; ick Park. Seven hundred thousand dollars (S700,000) for improvements to the recreation building and renovations to the basketballltennis court and baseball/sonball fields and improvements to Douglas Park. ix. Six hundred fifty thousand dollars (S650,000) for recreation building improvements, new and renovated basketball Courts and basebaJUsoitball fields, and swimmIng pool rtnovaticns fcr Shenandoah Park. x.Five hundred thousand dollars (5500,000) for the design and construction of the Virginia Key Environmental Education Center. xi.Five hundred thousand dollars (5500,000) to be used as local matching funds for the renovation and adaptive'i eusee of rvo historic structures, the Wa¢ner Homestead and the Ft. Dallas Barracks for Lummus Park. xii.Five hundred thousand dollars (5500,000) for shoreline irnprove,:tmts, seating and plazas for Lummus Park. zdii.Frve hundred thousand dollar (5500,000) to be used as a local rratch for other runts to extend the tvfiami Riverwalk - &.Five hundred thousand-doflars (5500,000) for shoreline stabilization, building renovation and new tennis court and roller hockey facility emhancvnient az Peacoc .Myers Park. . xv:Five hzincird:thousand dollai-s..(�500,000);for Shoreline stabilizationr -. s;, iiT m ng:*I ficiliry-renovmor4 tectnis canter renovation, vid lighting at Morningside Perk. xvi: Four.hundred fifty thousand dollars (S450,000) for improvements to the recreation center.. for PerSbas with-DisrhiIities.Frogranrs, innovations to ballfields, and new playground gnd improvements at Kinloch Park. xvi. Four hundred fitly thousand dollars ($450,M-) for rcnavations and improvements to Williams Park. xvii.Four hundred twenty -five -thousand dollars (S425,OOd) for renovations and improvements at Athalie Range Park. xviii.Threr hundred fifty thousard.,dollafs (5350;000) for improvements and renovations at Robert King High Park. xik:TF 66 hundred ffty:thousand doll :(S3St7; 3 for_iecreation butiraing rcriavafi6ns-and s iim;�iiing poo}; s ilIttycr=ovati m. s at Curti ..:_ Park, xx..Ti fae hundred fifty tIiousai d doligrs (S3SO,n00) for building _' renova-tions and exercise course at ROberto C M ente xxi.T'rree hundred pity thousand doliars (S350,Yj0) for renovations to building, bailfield and swimming pool facility and new playground and volleyball courts at West End Park. xxii.Three hundred thousand dollars (S300,000) for shoreline stabilization, new playground, exercise course, volleyball court and fighting at Pace Park. xxiii.Three hundred thousand dollars (5300,004) for improvements to the tennis centerlrestrootn building, new tennis court and lighting upgrade for Kirk Munroe Park. .�aiv.Three hundred thousand dollars (5300,000) for building and baMeld renovations, playground expansion and security' lighting upgrade for Allapattah Comstock Park. xxv.Four hundred thousand dollars (S400,000) for recreation building ,i = F,� ; : ;; . •. and baffleld renovations, new playground and new sports ligating at Fern' . isle Park xx--,i.Th= hundred twenty-five. thousand doll= (S300,000) for expansion, renovation and improvetnents 3uessa VIsta Pt<rk. xxvii.Two hundred thousand dollars (5200,000) for repair and renovar-ion of Manuel Artime Center Theater,' to improve handicapped accessibility, and exterior security lighting. )oMii.One hundred ffty thousand dollars (Sl 50,000) for renovations and improvements to recreation building, ballrelds and new sports lighting at Moore Park. xxix.One hundred fifty thousand dollars (SI50,000) for renovations and improvements to recreation building baIlfidds, pIgyground and lighting at Grapcland Park. x=One hundred ftfiy thousand dollars (SI50,000) for building and court renovations, new fencing, playground and improvements at Selafonte-Tacolcy Center. xxxi. One hundred fifty thousand dollars (S150,000) for recreation and parking improvements, playground expansion, fencing and sports lighting at Reeves PJk. xxxii.Cne hundred filfty thousand dollars (5150,000) for shoreline .stabili= tion and site building improvements, including exercise course at Lazion Park. )Dodi. The hundred forty thousand dollars (S 150,000) for building renovation, fencing and Iighting for Simpson Park, xxxiii.0nehundred fifty thousand dollars (5150,000) for improvements and renovations at Dorsey Park,_ y xxxiv.0ne hundred twenty -Eve thousand doflass ($125,000) for re novations, improvements and shoreline enhancements to Kennedy Park. xxxv.One hundred twenty-frve thousand (S125,000) for building snd ballfield renovations and new plzygr(>Ur d and fencing at Coral Crate Park. Xxxvi.One huh6red thous dollais 5144,000) for softball field snd baskAi coffin re~t&v ons, nearplaygrounds .=iii vaIle;fall court at Southside Park. xxxvu.One hundred . th' 6sand dollars (S I 04,000) .for building and court - renovations; playground and fighting for Bryyan'Park. - xzxvw.One htindred &ad`twenty thousand dollars ($125,000) for &-IlA thestcr renovations, playutg .field ir7rov'eme= grid new tat lot for African 'Square Park. xl:Quihtlidred`.thbusand'dollars {5140;000) farcaurta.�d ba11Ee1d renovations, new`rencing Ii- ting and pisygrou id'st-Ariabrister Park. xli.One hundred, thousand dollars .(VW,000) for new restraorn facility, f��'P�Y3rourid expansion; �xuritylslsort ligliting zrd irrigation at Hideison Pak. &.One hundred thousand, dollars (S104,000) for park expansion and improvemrn6indB05eld"66nsin6ciioa it T..;ciii8d-Ci'ry Ark. xliii One hundred rhodsand dollsi$Tdf park'• zpansion and site imprbvti tcni at 1v_fa_xiris_ri Gbihdz.ParoNho Pit '} a!•wT' fi '� r r.sY ;Ttic ht�zmcdio3sartdars S1 ''ar`nV=pia• 'round, lighting _ and renovations of cours, ba;l5elds and reSir,)Orns at Riverside Park. XIV -0-t': hundred thousand dollars (S 100,000) for renovations and site i+;;provements, including walkways and nature trails at Alice W _;nwright Park. xl-,i.One hundred thousand dollars (S 100, 000) for baywalk lighting at Bayfront Park. xlviii. One hundred thousand dollars (SI00,000) for building renovations, new playground, court renovations and fighting upgmde at Bryan park. xNvix. One hundred thousand dollars (;I DUN) for new f -racing, playground and voIIeyball court and renovadoh of restrooms, parking _ lot intprovernents and improved fighting at Sewell. Park.: _. G. Six million three hundred seventy-five thousand dollars (56,375,000) to the City 6f lyfia_m Beach in accordance with the following schedule- ,s . LThree ttuIlion dollars (53,000,000) for beach and b6 rdwalk redovt 66o ... and restoration. ii.Two rallion one hundred fifty thousand dollars (52,150,000) for renovation of North Shore Open Space Park, iii.0ne million dollars (S 1,000,000),•"or s�imming pool renovation at municipal parks. iv.Two hundred twenty-five thousand dollars (S225,000) for mhabEtation of the Police Athletic L•ewie (P.A.L.) Juvenile Center at Flamingo Park. R Five hundred thousand dollars (S500,000) to the City of Miami Springs in actord.gnce with the following sehdule: i.Four hundred fifty-seven thousand dollars (5457,000) for municipal pool renovation at the Municipal Recreation Center. E.Forty-thtw thousand dollars (S43,000) for Prince Field renovations. I. One trillion dollars (SI,000,000) to the City of North Miami for the development of the North Miami Community Center. J. Two million eight hundred fifty thousand dollars (52,850,000) to the City of North Miami Beach in accordance wit:i the foilow;ng schedule: i.One ,Million eight hundred fi<<y thousand dollars (S 1,850,000) for the acquisition and developrnent of the 167th Street Athletic f=ield. ii.Orte miIIion dollars (51,000,000) for the development of the North Miami Be;:ch Youtrh Enrichment Services (Y.E.S.) Center at Government Center. K One hundred seventy thousand dollars (S 170,000) to the City of Opa Locka for the developmcut of Segni Park. L. i nr� hundred thousand.doIl4n (5300,000) to the City of South Wdarni for the developmerti 6f the M 1 z y Park Recreation Center. A Five hundred tho.issnd dollars (5500,000) to the City of for the expansion and/or development of Antonio Maceo Park. N. One hundred twenty-five thousand dollars (S125,0D0) to the City of West'Miatai for?the >r renovation and. development of the recreation canter and Cooper Park. 0. Fifty million seven hundred thirty-rwo 0ousand dollars (S50, 732, 000) to DF -de County U MSA, in accordance with ihc.fotlowing schedule: LFour million dollars (54,000,000) for Iocr1 park expansion at the follov,^;ng parks_ a.One miLion five hundred thousand dollars (S 1,500,000) for Carol City Community. b:fln�zniliion•five-hur:di•cn-ther�sa.*id-dol-lairs-(�-I.380;�303-az C -wen Cherry Park, c. One rniIIion dollars (SI,000,000) for Ct_tlerRidge Neighborhood. ii.Five miIIion dollm' (S5,000,000) to Dade County DMSA for park pool development, including the acquisition of a fkmHy aquatic canter for appcaziciiatciy two ililiion-,toilkis 3� 000,C0G ; gild tae-reflovation and upgsr£de. af.aquaiic faclitid for $pgi oxitiztitely five hundred thousand "t •' •--e-..,hf+ ^. :d: _ .. a .'l. e h — dolIii-s'(SSt3D,i340 e$�fi•-ii��Ndrvrood;•Gwen- fia7y CurlerRidgc;`�South Dade, A.D. Barnes, and Tamiarni Parks: _.. _... : iti:�o zy'one -fliiff1.6h severr--)itin&.R thirty thousand 5`666 s (� 1;733 a410� to _ . L Dade County UMSA for local' park development in accordance wl h the following scLedule: a.Five hundred thousand dollars (5500,000) for neighborhood park development at Brentwood Park. b.One million eight hundred thousand dollars (.SI,E00,000) to complete park development, including a sma11 community center and lighted athletic fields, at Rolling Oaks Park. c.One trillion doUars (S 1,000,00()) to continue park development, including sddition to existing rxreation building and walkways -- along Oleta River at Highland Oaks Park_ d.Seven hundred fifty thousand (5750,000) for park development, including recreation building, at Lakes by the Bay Park. = e -Fight hundred thousand dollars (SS00,000) for park development _. including recreation building, at Deerwood Park. f.Two trillion dollars (5'2,000,000) to complete park development w th community footbali/soccer stadium, rec eation center, playuound and athletic fields at Southridge Park.. gone rtiIlion five hundred thousand dollars (51,500,000) to continue park development, including community building, completion ofsoitball complex and restroom/concassioa/storage building, at Kendall Indian Hammocks Park. h.Five hundred thousand dollars (5500,004) to continue park development with lighted soc---r Belts, tot lot and picnic shelter at Southern Estates Park. i.Eight hundred thousand dopers (SS00,000) to continue park developrnent, including recreation bLEding, at .Millers Pond Park. jAne million dollars (59,000,000) for park and recreation land acquisition in West Kendall Arca, with phase I district park development to include lighted b0elds, soccer fields, restroom/concession building and maintenance facility, for West Kendall Park. if k.Six ;;urdred seventy -rive thousand dollars (5675,000) to continue park deve!opnnent to include lighted soccer and multipuT?ese Fields at Veesr•Nind Lakes Park. l.Six hundred seventy-five thousand dollars (S675,000) to continue park development to include multipurpose athletic Fields, tennis courts, multipurpose courts, tot lot and picnic shelter at Country Lake Park. m.Eight hundred thousand dollars ($800,000) to continue park development to.include Iighted soccer...fields, multipurpose courts, restJvomistoragrJcon, essioa building it Country Village Park. ,LTwo million six hundred eighty two thousand dolia�� (52,682,000) for park development to include picnic shelters, -c - walker$y.nd a'a n paths, recreadon/frtness center and co6r; s at J8�3 - lyfi� west Park. o. One million dollars (S 1,000,000) for further park development to include community center at The Women's Park. The fottowu:g park projxts-promote juvenile crime prevention: p.Three million dollars (53,0 0,000) to develop large recreat on center L-1 the Miami Carol City. Park. area. q Seven iusrtdr d ftfty;thousand dollars *($750, 000) to develop park to uiciude iulripurpose courts, athletic fields and upgrade of =s=3 recreation c. -later $t Fertile Park. r.One million dollars (51,000,000).{o complete recreation building and upgrade other perk facilities at Goulds Perk. s.Fourmillion dollars ($4,00.0,M).for.phase I development to include athletic fields, trails &d_picnicking areas at KkFB Recreation Are& t.One_million dollars,(S 1,000;000), td'initiate development of new cotiinittiiit ark at t'dQ coloi al`Puk."` . y p-:. - u Fourrniliion rfXa 1?iiridi= thatasanij-Sbllxrs (54,500,000) to replace sta�ium &eld tipusi ; prov�de-a aseball complex, upgrade equesfriari center, electrical utilities and 'srrigation at Tropical Park. In v.T,,;o million dollars (53,000,DOC) to Continue park developrnent, including soccer gelds and r_creation center expansion, at Tan, iami Park, x.One rrullio'n'dollEri (51,000,000) for fu; her park development to include recrertion building, additional parkin¢, landscaping and lighting of m—sting ballneld at Rub.n Dario Park. '��-...wr'-. tet".: :''z:3_��e� ii.:�:i-�a�i r� ivi :'T :..ii `�•T`'-�''� i-�s-1.'-r,. >`i " ._ .. .. - - .. :a .. s.y •�,i I� _ '1J ..._ _. �i•_iii:.�.:F_:.}:rbo_rirr.�:JS4�'i�,w:saF,`.::.1lfc:�wS;.`.`: ..'* •�.:y�'.�., -- ., • ��. Z:i.`��.r�'.;i�r:r.:� �i�•.rrl�y? r. ��<i.�• _moi = :.%. __ Exhibit "B" 1. Nineteen million nine hundred thousand dollars (519,900,000) to the County Park and R=reation Department for the development, Lmprovcment, restoration, rehabilitation or acquisition of real propeny for beaches and Biscayne Bay access, in accordance with the following schedule: A. Three miMon dollars (53,000,000) for beach restoration and dune renourishment, to be used as the local match for Federal and State of Florida funds in projects south of the County line to Government Cut. B. Five hundred thousand dollars (S500,000) for development, including came improvpncnts, northside restroom building and picnic area upgrades to Black Point Park_ C. Two million dollars (52,000,000) to initiate master plan development, includiEg picnic shelters, fishing and canoe launch area at Chapman Field Park. D. Six tttiiiion dollars (56,000,D00) for restoration and -u e, incltidiug gsrdcri <, areas, cabanas, piareas, restrooms, docLanaster's txiMn&, and park ire c mrma ation fegiiiies at Crandon Park. E. Four million dollars (54,000,000) for upgrading restroom and lifeguard facilities, beech side picnic shelters, fishing pier reconstruction, lighting L -id parking in, at HauIover Park. F. One million dollars (SI,000,000) to renovate and upgrade atoll pool and picnic areas at Homestead Bayfront Park G. Two million dollars (S2,OOO,000) to renovate and upgrade the atoll pawl, roadways and picnic areas at Matheson Hammock Pari,.. H. One million four hundred thousand dollars (51,400,000) for continued historic preservation, devcloprnent of interpretive trails and bay shore a^..cess at Charics Deering Estate. 2. Fifty -sewn million four -hundred fifty thousand dollars (S57,450,000) to the County Park and Recreation Department for the development, improvanent, restoration, rehabilitation or acquisition of real property for regional parks, regional recreation or heritage facilities and natural area preserves, in accordance with the following sr-h6dule: On.& million five hundred thousand dollars (S1,500,000) to provide ADA compliance at dxistirig4 ib.`n'4-cotdn1y park facilities. B. Four million dollars (54,000,000) for the restoration of pari; Ind r ecrealion natural areas znd preserves to z maintenance level. C. One million dcilzrs (S 1,000, DOD) for the complete facility development, including a new nusie ha11, addition?! Iandscaping and access control for the A ica*t HeritzQe Cultur-ri Arts Center. D. Two -million dollars ($2,000,000) for development of lighted soccer fields and multipurpose balifields, sand volleyball courts for public recreation to serve norhA...: st Dade and intramural for FIU Bay Vista Campus. E. Three hundred thousand dollars (5300,000) to upgrade faciliry for the Dade County A-uditorium to meet 5r.e code provisions and provide ge-rend r enovation. F. One million five hundred thousand. dollars (S1,500,D00) to continue renoviiion` and upgrading of gardens, orchards, arbors and buildings for Redland Fruit & Spier Park- G., One million do[Iars (51,000,000) to renovate and upgrade pool, sbtfici, H shuffleboard courts, install basketball court, tot Ict, sand volleyball pit, recreation bending, and for �V campLag utility hookups at Lary & Penny Thompson Park. H. Twelve million dollars (S 12,000,000) towrrd completian of the se: and Eobc 'The Latin Anerican Experience," at Metro'zoo,. in accordance with approved plans, to be implemented by the Dade County Park and Recreation Department in consultation with the Zoological Society of Florida _ I. Two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) to initiate design and development for South Dade Cultural Arts Facility: 1. Four million dollars (54,000,000) for continued development of an education complex at Fairchild Tropical Garden, including new construction and bringing existing structures up to ADA and County building code requirements in accordance ::lith approved Fairchild Tropical Garden master plan to be implemented by its Board of Trist= in partners�lp with the County Park and Recreation Department. K. Four million dollars (54,000,000) for natural areas and for in -holding acquisition at the existing parks: a.Two million dollars (52,000,000) for Charles Deering Estates Outparcels. b.Six hundred thousand dollars'(5600,000) for East Greynoldsl0leta River V I Lcl l ld V1 , c.F;ve hundred thousand dollars (5500,000) for Camp Ow'ziSSa Bauer addition. d.Five hundred thousand dollars (1500,000) for PLANT additions. e.Four hundred thousand dollars (S400,000) for Redland Fruit & Spice Pzrk outparcels. L. Thre-- at0on dollars (53,000,000) to renovate and repair youth czr,,p grounds, install irrigation, rehabilitate entry feature, install picric shelter;, and complete eng~neefing on swimming hole restoration at Greynolds Park. M. Eight hundred thousand dollars (S800,0X) for the initial acgttis%tion, design and development of an Hispanic Heritage Cultural Ass Facility. N. Four rrtiIIian dbIfa a (54,000,000) for the stxluisitian,pl,n m& design t' develop iem of the former Parmt4iingle �oPerty; if made available for.acquisition, to be In .;Fe=ed by tax County Park,and Raci =666 Depsr�tertt or the Couitty Pgrk.thd. R -n eE*ion . Digu met in joint partnership with the -Village of Pi6ec=' pursrialit to inter 3acal 0. One million eight -hundred thousand dollars (S1,800,000) for the implementation of the zdopfai South Dade Gre—atiways Plan. P. Two trillion dollars (S2, 000, ON) for the expansion and devrloprner 60' f it—: waterspor,.s center at the historic vrrick Gym site, with special emphasis'on serving disibled pcmns. 1 The following park projects promote juvenile crime prevei7tion: Q.. Six million dollars (S6,000,Q00) for fuithorpark development with lace -r Welds, saftb�il coinpiex, a.lsr¢e rccrcation o nter.aM r�viriimirg belch aE`Aneiia Ezrhan Pine: R. Three million dollars (53,000,000) to lnitEEte regional park developtitent, including youth and :adult..athlatic facilities at Ives .Estates Pa, -k. S. Two million dollars (S2,000,000) to renovate and'iipgr e group cabins- ' and lodge>kitchem4hd•stiinm rig:pgol ;or.youth.groups:at Camp.Owaiasa Ba4er Park. ::., ,.,>,T� , Tlueemton dollars (,53,000 000) for develapmprtt ofa Youth Education and