HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 17Exhibit "A"
A. Four hundred thousand dollars (5400,000) to the City of Coral Gables in accordance with
the following schedule:
i.Threr hundred thousand dollars (5300,000) for the development and
renovation of Phillips Park.
ii.Fiffy thousand dollars (550,000) for Nat Winokur Park for the
installation of new,piayground system. _. _ ...
iii.Fifly thousand dollars (S50,000) for Salvador Park for the renovation of
playground system -and picnic pavilion.
i 4kY cQ
B. Forty-eight thousand dollars -(S48, 000) to the City of Florida City for Loren Roberts Park
='ta develops baseball and a softball field.
C. Five aiai:Ilion dollars (S5,DOO,000) to the City ofHaleah in ac; ordance wi* the following
i.Two nulfion six hundred thousand dollars (S2,600,D00) for McDorii3ld
Park for new lake contours, enhanced rerr=Eon areas, building
renovations, fencing, lighting and other improvements.
ii. 0nc million four hundred thousand dollars (S 1,400, 00 0) for Dent Park
for the construction of the Dent Park gymnasium,
iii.Six hundred thousand dollars (5600,000) for the development of a
neighborhood park located at West 32-36 Avcnue connector Road
(Hialeah and Hialeah Gardcns Blvd,) and 79 Str"t.
iv.Two hundred and fifty thousand (S250,000) for renovations and
improvements at Cotson Park and Rcid Pool Park, to include improved
athletic fields, renovation of ballfield building and sccurity lighting.
v, One hundred and fifty thousand (S l 50, 000), divided equally between
Babcock Park and NElander Park for installation of new
playgrounds/totlots to comply with the American with Disabilities Act
(ADA) requirements.
D. One million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000) to the City of Homestead in
accordance with the Follovring schedule:
improvements, new and renovated basketball courts and
basebalUsoftball fields, and swimming pool renovations for Shenandoah
x.Five hundred thousand dollars (SSD0,000) for the design and construction
of the Virginia Key Environmental Education Center.
xi.Five hundred thousand dollars (5500,000) to be used as local matching
funds for the renovation and adaptive reuse of two historic structures, the
Wagner Homestead and the Ft. Dallas Barracks for Lummus Park.
xii.Five hundred thousand dollars (5500,000) for shoreline improvements,
seating and plazas for Lummus Park.
xiii.Fivc hundred thousand dollars (5'500,000) to be used as a Iocal match
i - for other grants to extend the Hanzi Riverwalk.
_ xiv.Five hundred thousand dollars (5500,000) for shoreline stabilization,
building renovation and new tennis court and roller hockey
facility enhancement at Peacock/Myers Park.
xv;Five hundred thousand dollars ,(5500,000) for shoreline stabilization,
swimming pool facility renovation,-tennis.crnter renovation, and lighting at
Moraingside Park.
xvi, Four hundred fifty thousand dollars (5450,000) for improvements to
the reorration center for Persons with Disabilities Programs, renovations
to balIfields, and new playground and improvements at Kinloch Park.
xvi, Four hundred fifty thousand dollars (V50,000) for renovations and
improvements to Williams Park.
xvii.Four hundred twenty-fivcthousand dollars (5425,000) for renovations
and improvements at Athalic Range Park.
xviii.ThreL hundred fifty thousand dollars (S350,000) For improvements
and renovations at P obcrt .King High Park,
xix.Three hundred Fifty thousand dollars (5350,000) For recreation
building renovations and swimming pool facility renovations at Curtis
xx.Thre;, hundred fifty thousand dollars (5350,000) for building
i.One million dollars (51,000,000) to implement the first phase of the
development of the Homestead Equestrian Center and to be used to
leverage additional funds for the completion of the Center,
hFive hundred thousand. dollars ($500,000) for Roby George Park for the
development of the Phichol Williams Community Center.
E. Five hundred thousand dollars (5500, 000) to the Village of Key Biscayne for the
development of Village Green Park.
F. Eightesn rniIIion dollars (518, 000, 000) to the City. of Miami in accordance with the
' .• following schedule: _._... .. . .
LOne million eight hundred thousand dollars (51,800,000) for the
restoration of the historically designated Virrick Crym. to be used by
persons with. disabilities for adaptive sailing and othercommunity
youth -related activities.
ii.Otte million dollars (51,000,000) ro completea, beach erosion control
( ra on V a K-- Bcach and enhancements td the island dLme
p L� >� � 'Y .. .
ni.Eight hundred thousand dollars (5800,000) for the development of a
new recrmtion/senior trust building and site improvements at Macao Park.
iv.Eight hundred thousand (5800,004) for the improvements and
renovations to the recreation building, swimming pool, and ballfelds,
courts acid playgrounds at Gibson Park.
v.Eight hundrtd thousand dollars (5800,000) for acquisition and
renovations at Jost Marti Park.
vi.Eight hundred thousand dollars (5800,000) for improvements and
renovations to Hadley Park.
vii.Seven hundred thousand dollars (5700,000) for renovations and
irnprovemcnts to -the youth center and swimming pool at Virrick Park.
viii. Seven hundred thousand dollars (5700,000) for improvements to
the rt--rcation building and renovations to the baskctball/tcnris court and
basebalUsof2ball fields and improvements to Douglas Park.
ix. Six hundred fifty thousand dollars (S650,000) for recreation building
renovations and exercise course a[ Roberto Clemente Park.
xx'.Three hundred fifty thousand dollars (5350,000) For renovations to
building, ballfield and swimming pool facility and new playground and
volleyball courts at West End Park.
xxii.Three hundred thousand dollars (5300,000) for shoreline stabilization,
new playground, exercise course, volleyball court and lighting at Pace
xxiii.Three hundred thousand dollars (S30C,000) for improvements to the
tennis center/restroom building, new tennis court and lighting upgrade for
Kirk Munroc Park.
•xxiv.Three hundred thousand dollars (S340,000) for building and ballfeld
renovations, playground expansion and sevurity'lighting upgrade for
Allapattah Comstock Park.
xx}r.Four hundred thousand dollar; (54,00,000) for recreation building .....
and ballfield renovations, new playground snd new sports lighting at Few
Isle Park.
xxvi.Threr hundred twenty-five thousand dollars (S3D0,000) for expansion,
renovation and improvementsat�u na Vista Park,
xxvii.Two hundred thousand dollars (S200,000) for repair and renovation
of Manuel Artime Center Theater, to improve handicapped accessibility,
and exterior security lighting.
xxvi LDne hundred fifty thousand dollars (S150,000) for renovations and
improvemtnts to recreation building, ballfields and new sports lighting at
Macre Park.
xxix.One hundred nfty thousand dollars (5150,000) for renovations and
improvements to recreation building, ballficlds, playground and lighting at
Grapeland Park.
xxx. One hundred fifty thousand dollars (S 150,D00) for building and court
renovations, new Fencing, playground and improvements at
l3clafontaTacolcy Ccntcr,
xxxiDne hundred fifty thousand dollars (5150,000) for recreation and
parking improvemcnts, playground expansion, fencing and sports lighting
al Recves Park,
xxxii.0ne hundred fifty thousand dollars (5150,000) for shoreline
.stabilization and site building improvements, including exercise course
at Legion Park.
xxxii.Thc hundred fifty thousand dollars (5150,000) for building
renovation, fencing and lighting for Simpson Park.
xxxiii.Dne hundred fifty thousand dollars (S 150, 000) for improvements and
renovations at Dorsey Park.,
xxxiv,Dne hundred twenty-five thousand dollars (5125,OQ0) for
renovations, improvements and shoreline enhancements to Kennedy Park,
7. xxxv. One hundred twenty-five thousand (S 125,040) for building and
ballfield renovations and ncew play mind and fm mig at Coral Gate Park.
- -- xx-vi.One hundred thousand dollars (S 100, 000) for softball field and
basketball court renovations, new playgrounds and volleyball court at
Southside Park.
=-vii.Onc hundred thousand dollars (5100,000) for building and court
renovgtions, playground and lighting for Bryan Park.
xxxviii.One hundred and twenty thousand dollars (S125,000) for
amphitheater renovations, playing held improvements and new tot lot for
Afiican Square Park,
xl.Cnc hundred thousand dollars (S100,OD0) for court and ballfield
renovations, new fencing, lighting and playground at Armbrister Park.
x1i.One hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) for new restroom facility,
fencing, playground expansion, security/sport Iighting and irrigation at
Hcndcrson Park.
xlii.Onc hundred thousand dollars (a 1.00,000) for park .expansion and
improvements and ballfield construction at Lemon City Park.
xliii3One hundred thousand dollars (5100,000) for park expansion and site
improvement at Maximo Gomez Park (Domino Park).
x1iv,One hundred thousand dollars (5100,000) for new playground, lighting ,�