HomeMy WebLinkAboutMemo 2M IAM I•DADE Memorandum � Date: February S, 2008 To: Honorable Chairman Bruno A. Barreiro i Agenda Item No. 10(C) (1) (A) and MeraAbers, Board of County Commissioners l From: George cul yBurgess Counl�°T lhager Subject: Memorandum of Agreement regarding Discharge Planning Policies for Homeless Persons Recommendation It is recommended that the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) adopt the attached resolution authorizing the County Mayor or his designee to execute, in substantially the same form as attached, the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that includes the participation of Miami -Dade County's Homeless Trust and Corrections and Rehabilitation Department, the Florida Department of Corrections, the Florida Department of Children & Families, the 11 `h Judicial Circuit, Jackson Memorial Hospital/Public Health Trust, Our Kids, Inc., and various community mental health facilities. Scope The MOA details the responsibilities of all parties under this agreement. The impact of this MOA is countywide. Fiscal Impact/Funding Source A proposed discharge planning budget illustrating the estimated costs is attached to the MOA; however the anticipated costs in the current fiscal year will be for six months only. A fiscal impact of no more than $170,250 will be generated in the current year as a result of the implementation of this MOA. The additional full-time equivalent (FTEs) required will not be in the County's table of organization, rather services and staffing will be provided by a community based organization(s) selected via a Request for Application process. The Homeless Trust does not provide direct services, thus the proposed services as described in the MOA report would be procured through a competitive process. Funding for these services will be provided via private sector funding and additional unanticipated Food and Beverage tax carryover funds from the previous fiscal year that were not included in the FY 2007-08 Adopted Budget. However, prior to utilizing additional Food and Beverage tax funds, the Homeless Trust is securing potential private sector funding through community partners such as the Miami Coalition for the Homeless to reduce the need to fully fund these services with Food and Beverage Tax funding. The Homeless Trust has already secured $40,000 from Community Partnership for the Homeless in FY 2007- 08. The Homeless Trust will continue to work with community partners to identify private funding for recurring costs of this project which are projected to be no more than $340,500 on an annual basis as detailed in the attached budget to the MOA. Honorable Chairman Bruno A. Barreiro and Members, Board of County Commissioners Page 2 Track Record/Monitor The agreement shall be monitored by the Homeless Trust, Background On April 24, 2007, under the sponsorship of Vice -Chair Barbara J. Jordan, the BCC passed a Resolution (R-432-07) which directed the Homeless Trust to develop and recommend an MOA establishing discharge polices for agencies in Miami -Dade County who provide services to homeless persons or those at risk of homelessness as recommended by the Community Affordable Housing Strategies Alliance Taskforce. Resolution R432-07 required that the Homeless Trust present the recommendations and memoranda to the BCG within 120 days of its passage. A memorandum dated August 21, 2007 was sent on behalf of the Chairman of the Homeless Trust requesting additional time to complete this work because issues regarding individuals with mental health issues residing in County jails needed to be resolved. On November 6, 2007, the BCC adopted Resolution R-1238-07, extending the reporting deadline by an additional 90 days from the date of passage. The attached report is the work of the Homeless Trust. The goal of this MOA is to prevent homelessness, by setting forth discharge planning policies, and the identification of roles and responsibilities of each participating entity related to the discharge of homeless individuals or those who are at risk of homelessness. Process Beginning in May 2007 the Homeless Trust implemented a planning process related to establishing a MOA. A series of meetings were held with all pertinent parties, which were led by Ronald L. Book, Chairman of the Homeless Trust. Additionally, sub -committees met over the course of several months related to various special populations including: the felony population, civil court probate cases, individuals with mental health, sexual predators/offenders, youth exiting Foster Care and families involved with the Department of Children & Families. Recommendations were made, discussed, and shared with representatives from the systems of care representing all of the above referenced entities as well as the Public Defender's Office, the State Attorney's Office, law enforcement agencies and other key stakeholders. The result of this group's work was approved by the Homeless Trust Board and is presented as an MOA for the consideration of the BCC. Additionally, the ongoing monitoring of this agreement and further work of this group will be conducted under the auspices of the Homeless Trust and will be reported to the Board of County Commissioners as requested. This MOA was approved by the Homeless Trust Board on October 26, 2007 and by the representatives of all participating entities. Attachment "Assistant Coun`fy Manager V t 21_ NIENIO-RAN:-DUNI !!-6 1 . �, -, :.: - - 11, TO: DA TE: 1, 1 wj: Ii.C,,e,VaOj) SUBJECT.- A�-,endi I'Lem , X Q. 10(C) (2) (A) Coin A-norj-,ey Please note any items checked. "4 -Day Rule" ("3 -Day Rule" for committees) applicable if raised 6 weeks required betm-'ecri first reading and public hearing 4 wecks notification to municipal officials required prior to public hearing Decreases revenues or increases expenditures without balancing budget Budget required Statement of fiscal impact required Bid waiycr requiring g County Mariager's written recommendation t, Ordinaii6c creating a new board requires detailed County b I report for public hearing Housekeeping item (no policy decision required) o comnlittee reN:icw Approved Mayor Veto Override RESOLUTION NO. Agenda Item No: 10(C)(1)(A) 02-05-08 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY MAYOR OR HIS DESIGNEE TO ENTER INTO A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT (MOA) THAT INCLUDES THE PARTICIPATION OF THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY HOMELESS TRUST, THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND REHABILITATION, THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN & FAMILIES, THE 11TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL/PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST, OUR KIDS, INC., AND COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTERS AND FACILITIES WHEREAS, this Board desires to accomplish the purposes outlined in the accompanying memorandum, a copy of which is incorporated herein by reference, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that this Board hereby authorizes to the County Mayor or his designee to execute, in substantially the same form as attached, the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that includes the participation of the Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust, the Miami -Dade County Corrections & Rehabilitation, the Florida Department of Corrections, the Florida Department of Children & Families, the 11th Judicial Circuit, Jackson Memorial Hospital/Public Health Trust, Our Kids, Inc., and Community Mental Health Facilities to file and execute the MOA and any necessary amendments to the MOA, followingapprovalby the -County -Attorney's Office, for and -on - behalf of Miami -Dade County, Florida, and to exercise any amendment, modification, renewal, cancellation and termination clauses of the MOA on behalf of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Agcnda Itmi-i No. 10(C) (1) OM Paac No. 2 The foregoing resolution was offered by Commissioner who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Bruno A. Barreiro, Chairman Barbara J. Jordan, Vice -Chairwoman Jose 'Pepe" Diaz Audrey M. Edmonson Carlos A. Gimenez Sally A. Heyman Joe A. Martinez Dennis C. Moss Dorrin D. Rolle Natacha Seijas Katy Sorenson Rebeca Sosa Sen. Javier D. Souto The Chairperson thereupon declared the resolution duly passed and adopted this 5th day of February, 2008. This resolution shall become effective ten (10) days after the date of its adoption unless vetoed by the Mayor, and if vetoed, shall become effective only upon an override by this Board. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HARVEY RUVIN, CLERK M Approved- by County Attorney as - to form and legal sufficiency. �,�_ Nandana Dashtaki. Deputy Clea (hi April.24. 2U07, under LIK sponsorship of VVIChair Barbara .1_ W". Qc Qami- Dade County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) passed a Resolution (R-4.2-07) vwhich directed the Homeless Trust to dnwhp and recommend Memoranda of Agreement (her inafter referred to as Agree:nentl establishing discharge polices for agencies in Miami -Dade Couniy who provide services w homeless persons or those at risk of homelessness in an effort to prevent homelessness as recommended by the Cormilunity ABbi-dable Housing Strategies Alliance T askforce. The Resolution required that the Homeless Trust present ihC recommendations and memoranda to the BCC v"ithin 120 days of the Resolution. On November 6, 2001 the BCC passed a Resolution extending the rMorting deadline an additional 90 drys from the dai:e of the Resolution. The following is the repotI of the Work of Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust (hereinafter referred to as Bomcless Trust or "Trust") related to this issue and the proposed Memoranda of Agreement. Memoranda of Agreement B etween The Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust And Miami -Dade County C,oucctions & Rehabilitation And The Florida Department of Corrections .And The Florida Department of Children & Families And The State of Florida l Vh Judicial Circuit And - Jackson 1V4cmorial Hospital!PublicHealth Trust And Our bids, Inc And community menial health facilities :Process Beginning in May, 2007 the Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust implemented a planning process related to establishing Memoranda of Agreement involing the aforementioned parties. A series of meetings were held Wh all pertinent parties, which were led by Ronald L. Book, Esq,, Chairman of file lrlonneless Trust. Additionally, sub- committees also met related to vanouas special populations including: the Felony population, civil court (probate division), medical, mental health, sexual hredaiors.•'offenders, yomh exiting Foster Care and families involved with the Dep grnent ofCllildren L.Fan;ilics. Reconimerida ions ,vc—rc made. discussed, vetted and shared �vitl; �,-on; gsams of c;ar'c represcming 11 of the abmm refcamed endues as \Fell as die Public L) tenders Cti1Cn .112 State .'.t?Oi'1 oi'lct. la:. CnIfOrccrIlent aild Ott'r 1:e; stakenold!--rs. The -,-,suit 0 f this MTOLI]]'S "Cir f•: 1S pI seated bc-1mv Tor the, cor)sldcratlon of lilC \11am1-Dade COLlnty H017leleSs 1 TUSI alld 01C BOaI"d of COLIIII`J CGInIi11S51oil e1:-. fiddltlonally, the 011201,111, 11101111011n", of this I'1«i'eEnlenl and funkier ',vork of ti]1S ST]'oup Will be conducted under the auspices of the N iami-Dade County Homeless Trust and as requested will be 1"eported to the Board of County Col?11111SSloners Purpose The goal of this Interagency A.;recment is to prevent homelessness, by setting forth discharge planning policies, and the identification of roles and responsibilities related to the discharge of holncless Individuals or those who are at risk of homelessness. Aureement goals The <-,oais of this Agn-cement include the following: L To establish formal linkages, training policies, and discharge polices bet,,veen the Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust and all of the above referenced parties. 2. To establish discharge policies between the State of Florida Department of Cor-rections (DOC) and the Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust for State inin Ates. 3. To establish discharge policies between the Mianli-Dade County Homeless Trust and the Miami -Dade County Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation for County jail inn?ates. 4. To establish discharge policies between the .Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust and Jackson Memorial Hospital/Public Health Trust for homeless patients or those at ride of homelessness. 5. To establish discharge pohcles between the State of Florida 11"' Judicial Circuit and the Miarli-Dade County Homeless Trust for homeless persons and those persons at risk of homelessness involved with the ll'h Judicial Circuit (misderncanor, felony, civil and diversion cases). 6. To establish discharge policies between Our Kids, Inc and the Miami -Dade County Flonlcless Trust for Youth .Exiting Foster Care who are at risk of homelessness. 7. To establish discharge policies between community mental health centers and facilities for IIO1`nCless persOrs exiting mental health facilities and centers. S. To establish linkaL-cs between the Ivliami-Dade; County Holllcless Trust and The Florida Department of Children & Families related to iamllles at risk of homelessness. Q. To establish dischar,c policies Nctwccn hospitals and the. Miami -Dade County 1-Ionlcless Trust for hon?elcss persons and those at risk of homelessness. Term of Agreement The term of ii?is .Agreement Shall be for f -, L (5) years from the date of lis execution. This r `i"cClllent I1la. 1?e I"Ci1C� 'Cd 11111"CattCl" f01" IiVC (�) StiCCCSSI\'C ilVf )'C 1' tern?s u. on, t.11C Zvi-Ir'1CIl_liltlttlal COI15Cni ()i tl1e part.)Cs. 7 'To int hesi)nnsii;iJI; rics 111nterlll�T Iilo 1111S arreelllcili all partICS 1?iC? 10 GaiTy' Our 1.11 i011O`:v1n+T rcSpC)PS1�)litl 5: 1. To assign aphropTiale replcscntat]A'es to tyle N11arm-Dade Coullty Ho111e1e5s TTust Services Deveioplllci1t Corimilttee for ongolrlL' dlalo'uc, refllcn-iel]t, elnd nrionitorill^ of the progress of this A{,rccrnent on a minimum of a quarterly basis. 2. To establish and maintain the use of a data system (Homeless N4anagenlent Information System) to identify, refer, and track hone)ess individuals served by mutual systems, particularly hl, -Ii utilizers of se? -vices of multiple systems of care. 3. To create and review systems data in teens of the number of homeless people or people at risl: of homelessness entering and c�:Iting each system of care involved in this .A,reement and to identify trends and unmet needs, and the identification of chronically homeless people who arc hie11 utilizers ofmultip)e systems of care. 4. To provide cross-sysienls training to appropriate personnel of all systems related to resources, rules, and regulations pertinent to homeless people and those at risk cl of horn elessuess. 7. To refer, and accept as appropriate, horricless persons, or those at risk of homelessness into housing and services, as available and appropriate. Agency Responsibilities: Miami -made CountI, Homeless Trust I. The Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust will provide a nlininrum of quarterly training sessions on Homeless Trust resources to the other entities involved in this agreerlient. The training will be provided to, but not be limited to: Drug Court case managers; Judges, Bailiffs, Probate Bar, Miami -Dade Correctional Counselors or appropriate Corrections staff, DOC Classification and Probation Officers, HART (Homeless Assessment Referral and Tracking) staff, .jTAH/Public ?health Trust Social Workers or appropriate staff, Hospital Social Workers, Community Mental Health Centers and Facilities staff, State Attorney's Office, Public Defenders Office, Guardianship program staff, .DCF staff, Our Jtids staff. ?. The Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust will provide access to and training on the Homeless Management Information System (HN4JS) for client referral, tracking, and case management purposes. 3. The M.iarrli-Dade County Homeless Trust will establish a team of Housing Specialists, link=ed to the Homeless Helpline, who will accept referrals and serve as appropriate within available resources, hol;leless individuals or those at risk- of honlclessness, from all of the other parties involved in this Agreement. These spcciaiisis may be located at strategic locations (e.`,. The Justice Center) or other sites -to be determined by the Homelcss Trust. 4. The Miami -Dade County I-Jomeless Trust will' idcntify housim, arid .scrviccs... 1"'11113"71 aeailablc resou ccs or tllrou111 the de\elopmc:nt of FIC\V resources within bud -clary and legal limitations, for homeless individuals or those at risk; of homelessness referred 'by all Other parties tlrlderthis :1M1recrncnt. !\fi 1n1i-Dade County Homeless Trust will work,. '\vitli the other a,cncles under this to collect data on those indi� idu,lls relclTed, placed, and or unable to he served, tU jCI llt.lj'y trcllos, hiLOj1 Uhil l"j, 1111111C1. I1CCdS, 0111 ti li"i'lerS ?0 i placement. The Homeless Trust will wr):—l: t0 resourc�-S to n;e"t 'dimict nttas id'm:Jl;ed Via this hroCcSS. 6. The Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust ygill identify Chronically Homeless - High Utilizers of multiple syslcrns of care who will be r,:fc:n-cd to and rc-cciv2 loin demand pern-lanent supportive housinfg, or other housing and services as available and appropriate. 7. The Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust �ti�ill review and detcrnline policy related to prioritizinn "court involved clients" in imps of Trust funded hed availability for mental health and substance abuse treatment pro rams. The State of Florida 11'x' Judicial Circuit S. The I I'' .Judicial Circuit will ensure that Jvd ,cs, Judicial Assistants, the Probate Bar Bailiffs, Homeless Assessment Referral and Tr acicing (HART) program staff, Drug Court staff, and other appropriate staff are trained in the use of Homeless Trust resources. 9. The 11 `l' Judicial Circuit will ensure that appropriate program staff is trained in the use of the Homeless Management hilormation System. 1U. The 11`1' Judicial Circuit will identify appropriate staff and utilize the HMIS to make referrals, track clients, and identify hinla utilizers of services, and special needs populations. A. The 11"' Judicial Circuit will ensure that homeless individuals «gill provide referrals to the homeless outreach teams on site at the Justice Center for homeless individuals in need of emeracncy housing placement who are involved with misdemeanors and felonies 12. The I P" Circuit will identify and provide in-kind office space for an on- site housing specialist as made available through the Homeless Trust, who will' provide housing referrals to homeless indi\�duals or those ai risk of homelessness who are involved with misdemeanors, felonies, civil and probate divisions. Nbami-Dade Countv Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation: 13. Upon intake at booking, The Miami-Dadc County Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation will identify all homeless individuals as designated by means of - arrest affidavits indicator. 14. The Miami -Dade County Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation will ensure that Correctional Counsclors and other employees as may he appropriate are trained in the use of Homeless Trust resources at a minimum of quarterly, at no cost io the Miami-Dadc County Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. 15, The 1\2ianii-Dude County Department of Corrections and Rehahilitalion will ensure that Coricctional Counsclors and other employees as may be approhriatc arc trained in the use of the Homcicss Ivlanagcmcrit Lnforinlation System. 16. The J\liami-Dadc County Departrncilt of Corrections and Rehabilitmion will It] II -'C the HMIS to make referrals, frac]: honicicss clients, and identify hi��h I I I i I izers, of serviCeS, Lill shCCial I)cod s pop ulall oils. 1 Trac. 1\f ami-Dadc County Dcl);ar11i7erit of Com-cctioi;s, throu h tlhc Corrections Health Scl-viccs (.T1\�H:'PIITi shell heaitl- ass�ssmcnt tool as a recd upon hti" C'or, ccti��ns, the 1 ].lud" a) Circuit and \1H,?H'h. (Dote: This is aiSo ret'jccted in 1tCni „ 4 1 as pa, o1 (_ o--=loils 121cahll 1 S..,ncorporated into this a-T-ccme.nt, 'i ile Dcpm ment of r on rior:s and Rehabilitation shall novena themselves by tlieir Standard Operatin i'nocedurta pursualit to its policies Tor mental health: services, recogniz.ing and supervisill , mentally ill inmates, and release of inmates with special needs, as may be amended as nccessarv. 1 9. The Ittiami-Dade County Departnleni of Corrections assist homeless individua]s cxitin� the jails by referring them to appropriate. housing, services, and conmIunity resources via homeless outreach staff or housing specialists provided by the Miarni=Dade County Homeless Trust. Florida Department of Corrections/'4Ii2mi-Dade County Homeless Trust 20. The Florida Department of Corrections will ensure that classification officers develop appropriate dischar(,c plans for inmates at least 180 days prior to release. 21. The Florida Department of Corrections will forward discharge plans from classification officers to the Homeless Trust Housing Specialists for tllosc individuals who will become homeless upon release within 150 days of release, with the consent of the initiate; or for those inmates on probation, community corrections staff (probation officer) will submit their placement requests to the Homeless Trust Housing Specialists within 30 days of release with the consent of the inmate 2. The Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust Housing Specialists will review the discharge plans and respond to the DOC classification ofi5cers within 30 days of receiving the discharge plan as to the availability of housing and resources within N/Iflami-made County. 23. The Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust Housing Specialists will respond in writing to the classification officers as to any placement barriers (e.g. 27500 *foot rule for sexual predators) so as to provide sufficient time to identify alternati>>e placements. Florida Department of Children & Families (Circuit 11): 34. The Floiida Department of Children S: Families will ensure that eligibility spccialists and protective investigators, attorneys, and other appropriate staff are trained as to Honielcss Trust resources. 25. The Florida Department of Children & Families will ensure that homeless individuals and families or ihosc at risk of homelessness arc rcfer,ed to appropriate housirJLY services, housin, specialists and community resources by protective investigators and elioibilit-y spccialists and will notify the Homeless Tnlst as to any han-icrs in accessil;g these services. ?G. The Florida Department of Children -& Families Neill post Homcicss 1-iclplinc. Ilousin, Locator and other homeless resource inforn;ation in LCF Offices and ".Access" sites. ?. The Florida Deparuncnt of Children K' Families ill pro, idr trainin to llonri:icss Trust prm idcrs rclate-d to appropria(c- rcpol-Linf ohaht:sc and ne'_']cct H, The FI -j- "a Depai,,mert o. Chlldl-cn L I'a; 1111'.s .1%lii provide, tl'alliln % tG ]On'r l Ss TrUS prOvldcrs related to the LG1•_er .let as Nvtfl beneilt eli 'ib]]1tV (C.`Z T." -F) availauly through DCF or the State. Our Fids. Inc of Miami-Dnde and <lonroe County N. Our kids, Inc. %vill ensure chat full case manaLcnici-it agency direct scrvicc- siafi; and independent living program staff refer homeless individuals, fan -lilies, or those at ris): of holrelcssness to appropriate housing, sore ces, housing specialists and community resources avadablc through the Homeless Trustor other ciititics. 30. Our Fids, Inc. will ensure that "Independent Living" and other appropriate staff, as identi jed by Our Kids, Inc. are trained by the I-Iomcless Trust in the use of the I-IMIS and Homeless Trust resources. 3l. Our lids, Inc will ensure that Independent Living staff utilizes the HiMIS io make referrals, track clients, and identify those youth at risk of homelessness upon exit from Foster Care. 32. Our Kids, Inc. will-,Njork with the Homeless Trust to identify unmet needs and wit) maximize the coordination of monetary and community resources utilized for move in and rental assistance to youth exiting foster care. J,ickson Memorial Hospital/Public 14calih Trust 33. Jackson Memorial Hospital/Public Health Trust',>.fll ensure that JMit/PET Social Workers and other appropriate staff are trained in the use of Hopeless Trust resources. 34. Jackson Mernorial Hospital/Public Health Trust will establish linkages with Nomeless Trust funded outreach teams. 35. Jackson Memorial Hospital/Public Health Trust will ensure that J\/j/PJ-TT Social Workers are trained in the use of the HAAS. 36. Jackson Memorial Hospital/Public Health Trust will utilize the HMIS to make referrals, identify, and track homeless people and those at risk of 1lomelessness 3T Jacicson Memorial HospitaUPublic Health Trust will identify homeless high utilizers of Hospital, Erncr,ency Room, and Mental Health Crisis Services and refer and link them to the Homeless Trust chronic outreach team 3S. Jackson Memorial Hospital/Public Hcalth Trust will wort: with tilt 1-10111CIcss Trust to identify and reaii ml resources to ser e individuals (e.g. undocumented irnmi`�l-ants) in the ]east restrictive sctti.ngs and to utilize cturenily funded Homeless Trust funded programs (c.g. The Homeless Assistance Centers ol- ALFs) where appropriate. 39. Jackson Memorial Hospital/Public Ilcalth Trust will screen and refer those patients at risk of homelessness to the I-lomcless Tnst Housing Specialists as appropriate. '10..iacicson Memorial Iiosnital/aacl�son %9cmorial Posi-ital shall amens] 111c Memoranda of Agreement hetwvecn N41'anii-Dade County Dcpartment of Correclicns and Rc.hubilitation and .1N,1Fi/PHT to rcf1ect the revisions to 111e mental he:.11111 scrCCnln instrument as described in Niimbcr 1.; Ljbovc. CornmunitN!yiental Heald -i Centers (CMHCs) and _vlental 14calth Faciiities: 4l. C'�IHCs alld 1v'lentai Health Faciiities will eaabiish linl;a2,es %vith Homeless Tn!si i°unded ouireacJl scams. 42. CM.F,Cs and Menial 1-1ealth Frlcilities will ersuretilat Crisis Lni1 Social Xorkers and other appropriate staff are trained in Ill use Of'rlornciess "Furst resources 43. CME Cs and MClllal Health Facilities will ensure tllat Crisis unit Social Workcrs and other appropriate staff are trained in tile use of the HMIS by the I-Jori,cless Trust. 44. CMHCs and Mental Health Facilities '<>,'ill Utill"/,e tllC HN11S to make referrals, track clients, and identify homeless people and (hose at risl: of homelessness in need of housing, and ser,.,ices. 45. CMHCs and Mental Health Facilities «ill identify homCess high utilizers of Crisis Services and refer and link i.lnenn to the Homeless Trust chronic outreach team 46. CMH.Cs and Mental Health Fa.ciIities will screen and refer those homeless patients to the Homeless Trust Housing Specialists as appropriate. Slate Attornev's Office 47. The Slate Attonley's Office shall recommend [hat the Grand Jury re-examine Lhcir report and the progress and rcmai.ning barriers on nncnt:al health and the criminal justice system. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of this ureement The success of this agreement shall he evaluated on ,a quarterly basis by the Homeless Trust Board and appropriate Committees based on the following criteria: • . identification of Baseline data on the number of homeless people and those at risk of homelessness served by the entities involved in this agreement s . Annual reduction of the number, of homeless persons entering,. exiting and recidivists involved with all entities involved in Ili' agreement- percentage to he determined Coufidentiality The Parties to this ,Agreement (Parties) understand that'dur]ng the course of perfonning th.e Services hereunder, each party relay leave access to certain confidential and proprietary infornnation and materials of the other party in order to furtiler performance of the Sei-. ices. The Pal -tics shall protect confidential information and comply wjih applicahic federal and state taws on con;idelltiality lo -prevclnt unauthorized use, dissemination or publication of confidential infonllation as tach 1--)art4' uses to protect its ov,,n com"idcrimil ulforlma ion in a like. manner. The 'ariics silall not disclose the confidential infornrition to ,inti' third party 01 to any ol,�ll,lovice. 01" Con1I-aC(or W-110 locs not have a rlCCd 10 1 MW SUCH )11f01,11atiOn, \1'.'llCll 11CCd is relate Cl t0 r1 CI"fC'rIllalnc c of a responsrbil;iy hereunLer. Howcvc this ''arCC!llent imposes 710 ON i`ation rhe Parties 11'lth reshoct io coniI lill3l 1niQ1']1latlo!1 \`.,l -Ch (a) v. as lawfully known to the pan., neforc receipt from if oil-:er; (b) is or beCon)es 3 rnatter e,f pllbltc knou'lcd"t throLiL''h iln faUit of the par`%; (C j '.S rightfully received by the pary from a Thia-d parry 1,vithout resu-ictior, on disciosure; (d) is indeperiderntly devt- oped by or for that parry; N;) is disclosed under operation of iavl; (f) is disclosed by the receiving Party Lith the other Party's prior Writial approval. The confidentiality provision of tris A-Treernmi shall remain in full force and effect after the termination of this Agrrmment. Financial Obli<rations of the Parties The Parties acknowlcdge that this ,,kgrecn-ient is not intended to create financial obligations between the parties. However, in the event that costs are incun-ed as a result of any party performing their roles under this Agreement, each party agrees to be responsible for their own costs. Termination of Agreement The Panics agree that this Agreement may be terminated by any party hereto by written notices to the other parties of such intent to terminate at ]cast thirty (30) calendar days prior to the effective date of sucli tennivation. Termination of the Agreement as to one party will not affect the Agreement as to the. remaining parties. A!encv Contacts The following individuals are nan-ied as Agency Contacts for purpose of administration of this Agreement. (To he completed upon execution) Effective Date T his Agreement small become effective on .Tanuary 1'`, 2005 The following parties have caused this _ page document to be irnplernented b_v their authorized off cials (To be compieted upon execution) S �� Further Recommendations to be e�yoiored by the Viami-Bade Couniv Plomeless Trust via the Services Development Commiite.e, including reoreseniatives ;from this -workt_,ron o: Sexual Predators • Identify National Remsin, of Sexual Predators and Low to access • We bavc determined thal the Mialni-Dade Police Department maintains mapaMLI of 2,500 foot rule and have produced a map of the County identifying" those areas where sexual predators may/may not reside �V-- Dave also been advised that an Internet based mapping program is in the process of development which will allow the public to rc: ,Jcw and cheek specific areas where sexual predators reside. • Reproduce reap (with a disclaimer stating that addresses must be officially cleared by the Miami -Dade County Police Sexual Crimes Purcau), 1 hich can be utilized by, Classification, Correctioris and Probation Officers, and Housing Specialists, sexual predators and offenders, and other interested entities. • Review state statutes related to sexual predators and oft:ernders, - New, "Romeo and Juliet" exemptions for young adults classifications • Explore Legislative changes to State Statutes requiring a residential address for inmates as part of the discharge plan prior to release into the community • Ongorng need for data- How many people convicted, solving sentences, released? Obtain numeric data from the Department of Corrections • Explore Risk Assessment based placements for sex offenders versus sexual predators -Offenders with certain sentences could be placed at 1,000 feet versus sexual predators at 2,500 feet. Review Best Practices Models in New York and or other convnunities. • Explore development of specialized facilities/scattcred site placements • Explore linkages with South Florida Workforce for employment opportunities Medical • Baker Act training of Homeless Trust providers • Identify Jackson Manorial Hospital/Public Health Trust (TMY,/PHT) ftr-Jdcd programs- Assisted Living Facilities, Salvation Army, Guardianship Placements, and the potential real igniment of resources • Explore funding Assisted Livin FacIlitics /Nursing Horne placeme?ts • Tdentify funding for TMH./PHT guardianship placements • Explore Agency for Persons \vitll Disabilities vacancies as potential placement opportunities Florida I I`l' Judicial Circuit Establisli linkcl Tes to the i ionlcle;; Trus, and tLe South Florida Providers Coalition related to acc-CS"in�, hcrlranent sups ortive, affordable, or ocher appropriate housing and services for clients C7;ltil?? Stalc funded tl"Cdtl;lel]t hi(1 ?'a117S 1"CfCJ1"cd l%�' the 11,h IUGICIal t nCull (tl?ls 1111kaL'_c c'xplorallon lm'm" i,C) ncvon { courl, involved, casCs). ` % (/ e L>a)lOre tral]SaOl at)Or] Opi1011� _( 10};e1lS or free 1ranSpC,rlallon) for CC)uri ;1:A-01V'Cd Cll'ntG ll? need of transportation Tor cOLlrt appearances a11d essc-inial social scrvic'es • Need for data- (e.`. V'i:iie Paper) relate to actual nced.:]unlbcr of homeless indi'Viduals arrested, pretrial; in need of ;]]ental hcaith and or substance abuse lreatll]ent • Need to obtain Monthly Reports from HART from the Miami -Dade County Department of Human Services • Obtain .Florida Department of Children &, .Families data on mental hcalth clients awaiting placement and those placed info State Civil and Forensic Hospitals • Explore issues of youth involved in criminal justice system at risk of 110111C]CSSneSS- include the Department of )LIVC1111e Justice and. the .1Uvc1111C Assessment Center • Provide training on the SOAR program which expedites the processing of Social Security benefits. Youth ExitInE! Foster Care • Explore mentoring= programs for youth exiting foster care- Link to Educate TomorT-ow, currently program starts at 17 years of age, we need to start at 13 years of age- need for volunteers • Explore Formal TraiTaing- Best Practices, 211, 311, Switchboard • Our Kids is drafting an invitation to negotiate for intensive case ntanayement- for I ndependent Jiving programs- explore incorporation of housing specialists • Identify Jur kids After Care budget for youth exiting foster care move in assistance- Can Housing Assistance Grant, Eliler,cncy Food & Shelter Board, Homeless Trust and other community resources to fund these services? • Identify individuals with Devciopmental Disabilities and barriers to their care - advocate for State funding of these young adults via the Medicaid Waiver D F Families • Explore linkages with Ncidmborhood wcekend access to outreach • Cash for Protective fnvestigators nex prevention program. State Attornev's Office Centers to explore aced for right and funds- can we link to Camillus new The Stair ,4ttol;ley's Office has a present policy that all documentation and paperwork for "No Action" cases where a defendant is still in custody is processed by the SAO and deli-,-e]-ed to corrections and rehabilitation siaff by 4:30 p.m. Mondav-Friday. The State ,A t1omcy!s Office shall work with other entities in an effort to sct up a process lvhereby.iackson Mcnnorial J-lospital!Corrections Health Servlccs, and/or the Department Ol C0l7-e,Ct10nS VIJ 1101ifV 1,11e SAO and identify persons in cusiodv vho, via an assessillem. arc determined to 112VC, a illPlltll 11111eSS lull Who 11-C M-21JL1112 al"ral,(TrlllCnt Oil llcv, cases. The SAO will usc; this prior notiFicatioll to C>:pedltE die proc%sS i0 sLIN-l"I'm-'1g Lill doclimc:nt.lilon rclalcd to "No Action Iml the Slue." Cl_scs for 111cso Mcd1 I ua,'S And ItJr'',-;ai"L this 11"I)0^17u110(7 tG th r1'JaT l]t f Co^' CUOII� ca!"1'r as gac,NW an or Of= the 4:30 g ry normal deadline. other Issues Splcm capacity issl.les must be explored in terms of av it ble erl]crgency, transitional; pern1aneni supportive housing, suppo;Zwe. sea- Ves, Baler Act Beds, as %vcll as affordable ho! 1S1I] ,. Toten tial- Pa rtn ers/Funders • Miami Coalition for the Homeless • Community Partnership for 1�01ncless • Miami -Dade County Children's Trusi. • Dade Community Foundation • united 1%, • Health Foundation of South Florida • Mental Health Foundation • South Florida Providers Coalition • Alliance for A,iii f Inc. Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust iemorarida of Agreement (MOA) isGharga Planning Budget Backq round On April 24, 2007, under the sponsorship of Vice -Chair Barbara J. Jordan, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) passed a Resolution (R-432-07) which directed the Homeless Trust to develop and recommend a Memoranda of Agreement establishing discharge polices for agencies in Miami - Dade County who provide services to homeless persons or those at risk of homelessness in an effort to Prevent homelessness as recommended by the Community Affordable Housing Strategies Alliance Taskforce. The Homeless Trust also directed that a budget reflective of the scone of recommended enhancements be created and attached as a supplement to the MOA. A draft of this budget follows for your review: Housing Specialists d.'Veekend Outreach 2 FTE's, one stationed at Justice Center $110,000 2-4 FTE's 65 10" hours/week 5,000-110.000 Night Outreach 2 FTE's: Must address system capacity $110.000 prior to funding positions. Citv of :.Miami alreadv performing 24 hour outreach on a limited and taraeted basis Bus Tokens 7,000 (G $1.50 each $10,500