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Item Description # 1 Knob 3605370Z01. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. # 2 Antenna 8505241 UO3. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. #3 Volume Control3605371Z01 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. # 4 Retain 4305372Z01. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. # 5 Kit Keypad Board NTN8311 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. # 6 Oring 3205082E96. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. # 7 Kit Vocoder NTN8250. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. # 8 Keypad 7505293Z02. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. # 9 Controller Board NCN6167 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. 30 Each $ 358.28 lea $ 10,748.40 Motorola INCN6167 $ 374.64 lea $ 11,239.20 $ 340.99 Ilea $ 10,229.70 Motorola Motorola as specified INCN6167L Prepared by: Maritza Suarez, 12/14/09 Page 1 of 17 American Communication Systems* Unit Extended Unit: Amount: N 0 N R E S P O N S t V E nl V-1 Approval: partm t Dir ctor/Designee TABULATION OF BIDS IFB NO. 189144 - MOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Continental Wireless Inc Radio One -Communications Svc. Superior Communications Est. Annual Unit Extended Unit Extended Unit Extended (Qty: UOM: Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: 300 Each $ 3.23 lea $ 969.00 $ 3.36 lea $ 1,008.00 $ 3.34 lea $ 1,002.00 Motorola Motorola Motorola 360537OZ01 as specified 360537OZ01 200 Each $ 27.03 lea $ 5,406.00 $ 25.74 lea $ 5,148.00 $ 21.99 lea $ 4,398.00 Motorola Motorola Motorola 8505241 UO3 as specified 85052241 UO3 200 Each $ 3.34 lea $ 668.00 no bid lea No bid $ 3.45 lea $ 690.00 Motorola Motorola 3605371Z01 3605371Z02 250 Each $ 0.51 lea $ 127.50 $ 0.59 lea $ 147.50 $ 0.55 lea $ 137.50 Motorola Motorola Motorola 4305372Z01 as specified 4305372Z01 35 Each $ 35.62 lea $ 1,246.70 $ 37.38 lea $ 1,308.30 $ 35.99 lea $ 1,259.65 Motorola Motorola Motorola NTN8311 as specified NTN8311 50 Each 5.57 lea $ 278.50 $ 5.84 lea $ 292.00 $ 5.75 lea $ 287.50 Motorola Motorola Motorola 3.21E+102 as specified 3.21 E+102 15 Each $ 377.31 lea $ 5,659.65 $ 397.32 /ea $ 5,959.80 $ 349.99 lea $ 5,249.85 Motorola Motorola Motorola NTN8250H as specified NTN8250H 100 Each $ 4.01 lea $ 401.00 $ 4.16 lea $ 416.00 $ 4.15 lea $ 415.00 Motorola Motorola Motorola 7505293Z02 as specified 7505293Z02 30 Each $ 358.28 lea $ 10,748.40 Motorola INCN6167 $ 374.64 lea $ 11,239.20 $ 340.99 Ilea $ 10,229.70 Motorola Motorola as specified INCN6167L Prepared by: Maritza Suarez, 12/14/09 Page 1 of 17 American Communication Systems* Unit Extended Unit: Amount: N 0 N R E S P O N S t V E nl V-1 Approval: partm t Dir ctor/Designee Item Description Connector Cover #10 1505579Z01. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. #11 Main Seal 3205349Z03. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. # 12 Display Locator 7505336Z01 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. Volume Know 0 -Ring # 13 3205379W01. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. Lightpipe indicator # 14 6105376Z01. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. # 15 Secure Level 4505375Z02. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. Front Cover Kit, Ruggedized, # 17 NTN8652. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. Key Pad, Ruggedized, # 18 7505293Z02. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. TABULATION OF BIDS 50 Each $ 340.58 /ea $ 17,029.00 $ 319.20 /ea $ 15,960.00 Motorola Motorola NTN8652 as specified 100 Each $ 4.01 /ea $ 401.00 $ 4.16 /ea $ 416.00 Motorola Motorola 7505293Z02 las specified Prepared by: Maritza Suarez, 12/14/09 Page 2 of 17 I$ 323.99 lea $ 16,199.50 Motorola NTN8652G $ 4.15 lea $ 415.00 Motorola 7505293Z02 American Communication Systems* Unit Extended Unit: Amount: N O N R E S P O N S I V E Approval: _... _ ........4- 7 7 „9 epart entdirector/Designee IFB NO. 189144 - MOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Continental Wireless Inc Radio One -Communications Svc. Superior Communications Est. Annual Unit Extended Unit Extended Unit Extended Qtv-. UOM: Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: 50 Each $ 2.45 /ea $ 122.50 $ 2.52 /ea $ 126.00 $ 2.59 /ea $ 129.50 Motorola Motorola Motorola 1505579ZOI as specified 1505579Z01 200 Each $ 3.12 /ea $ 624.00 $ 3.28 /ea $ 656.00 $ 3.25 /ea $ 650.00 Motorola Motorola Motorola 3205349Z03 as specified 3205349Z03 25 Each $ 1.95 lea $ 48.75 $ 2.10 /ea $ 52.50 $ 2.29 /ea $ 57.25 Motorola Motorola Motorola 7505336Z01 as specified 7505336Z01 200 Each $ 0.21 /ea $ 42.00 $ 0.21 /ea $ 42.00 $ 0.29 /ea $ 58.00 Motorola Motorola Motorola 3205379W01 as specified 3205379W01 250 Each $ 2.79 /ea $ 697.50 $ 2.86 /ea $ 715.00 $ 2.87 /ea $ 717.50 Motorola Motorola Motorola 6105376Z01 as specified 6105376Z01 250 Each $ 9.62 /ea $ 2,405.00 $ 9.24 /ea $ 2,310.00 $ 9.85 /ea $ 2,462.50 Motorola Motorola Motorola 4505375Z02 as specified 4505375Z02 50 Each $ 340.58 /ea $ 17,029.00 $ 319.20 /ea $ 15,960.00 Motorola Motorola NTN8652 as specified 100 Each $ 4.01 /ea $ 401.00 $ 4.16 /ea $ 416.00 Motorola Motorola 7505293Z02 las specified Prepared by: Maritza Suarez, 12/14/09 Page 2 of 17 I$ 323.99 lea $ 16,199.50 Motorola NTN8652G $ 4.15 lea $ 415.00 Motorola 7505293Z02 American Communication Systems* Unit Extended Unit: Amount: N O N R E S P O N S I V E Approval: _... _ ........4- 7 7 „9 epart entdirector/Designee Item Description Front Cover Kit, Ruggedized # 19 Yellow, NTN 8671. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. # 20 Special Tool 66-80334E07. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. HNN9628B Batttery for Radio # 21 LTS2000. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. # 22 Motorola Part No. RNN4006 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. XTS 5000 Radio Parts Only - HS ASSY, FIN, RUGG, BLK, # 23 M3,1585468D45. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. XTS 5000 Radio Parts Only - # 24 LABEL ABC, 3385657D01. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. XTS 5000 Radio Parts Only - LABEL DISPLAY, # 25 3385419C01. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. TABULATION OF BIDS IFB NO. 189144 - MOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Continental Wireless Inc Radio One -Communications Svc. Superior Communications Est. Annual Unit Extended Unit Extended Unit Extended Qty, UOM:1 Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: 50 Each $ 340.58 /ea $ 17,029.00 $ 319.20 I/ea $ 15,960.00 Motorola Motorola NTN8671 las specified 5 Each $ 36.75 /ea $ 183.75 Motorola 66-80334E07 100 Each $ 32.86 /ea $ 3,286.00 Motorola IHNN9628B 25 Each $ 73.14 /ea $ 1,828.50 Motorola RNN4006B 50 Each $ 80.41 /ea $ 4,020.50 Motorola 11585468D45 50 Each 1 $ 2.79 /ea $ 139.50 Motorola 3385657D01 50 Each $2.79 /ea $ Motorola 3385419C01 $ 324,99 /ea $ 16,249.50 Motorola NTN8671G no bid /ea No bid $ 34.55 /ea $ 172.75 Motorola 66-80334EO7 $ 51.41 /ea $ 5,141.00 $ 34.00 /ea $ 3,400.00 Motorola Motorola original battery as specified IHNN9628B $ 95.00 /ea $ 2,375.00 $ 34.99/ea $ 874.75 Motorola SuperiorCom brand as specified 14006B MH 3800 MAH $ 84.00 /ea $ 4,200.00 $ 78.00 lea $ 3,900.00 Motorola Motorola as specified 11585468D45 $ 2.90 /ea $ Motorola as specified 139.50 1 $ 2.90 /ea $ Motorola as specified Prepared by: Maritza Suarez, 12/14/09 Page 3 of 17 145.00 145.00 1$ 2.90 /ea $ 145.00 Motorola 338565713101 $ 2.89 /ea $ 144.50 Motorola 3385419COl American Communication Systems* Unit Extended N 0 N R E S P 0 N S I V E Approval: �- anart nt irnrfnr/r)ncian n XTS 5000 Radio Parts Only - # 29 SEAL PORT, 32858771302. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. XTS 5000 Radio Parts Only - LABEL FRONT R MODEL # 30 YELLOW, 3385221 D03. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. XTS 5000 Radio Parts Only - # 31 SEAL B+, 3205351 202. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. 50 Each $ 3.84 Motorola 3285877B02 50 Each $ 4.67 Motorola 3385221D03 $ 192.00 $ 233.50 $ 3.99 lea $ 199.50 Motorola as specified $ 4.87 /ea $ 243.50 Motorola as specified 350 Each $ 15.37 /ea $ 5,379.50 $ Motorola Mc 3205351Z02 las 0.34 I/ea $ 119.00 :d Prepared by: Maritza Suarez, 12/14/09 Page 4 of 17 4CCESSORIES Superior Communications Unit Extended Unit: Amount: $ 2.95 /ea $ 147.50 Motorola 095888K02 $ 32.50 /ea $ 1,625.00 Motorola 0286165A03 3216463HOl $ 3.99 /ea $ 39.90 Motorola 7585936D03 $ 3.95 /ea $ 197.50 Motorola 3285877602 $ 4.90 /ea $ 245.00 Motorola 3385221D03 $ 15.65 /ea $ 5,477,50 Motorola 3205351202 American Communication Systems* Unit Extended Unit: Amount: N O N R E S P O N S I V E e 1 f % 7/Vrl Approval: TABULATION OF BIDS IFB NO. 189144 - MOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND Continental Wireless Inc Radio One -Communications Svc. Est. Annual Unit Extended Unit Extended Item Description Qty- UOM: Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: XTS 5000 Radio Parts Only - SKT RTC BATTY LEAP, # 26 0985888K02. 50 Each $ 2.89 lea $ 144.50 $ 2.98 /ea $ 149.00 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Motorola Item/Product No. 0985888K02 as specified XTS 5000 Radio Parts Only - PLUG VACCUM TEST PORT, # 27 3285688D01. 50 Each $ 30.56 /ea $ 1,528.00 no bid /ea No bid Manufacturer Name: Motorola Item/Product No. 0286165AO3I3216463H01 (REPLACEME ITEM) XTS 5000 Radio Parts Only - PAD, CONT. SILRUB, STOCK FINISH. P, # 28 7585936D03. 10 Each $ 3.78 /ea $ 37.80 $ 3.74 /ea $ 37.40 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Motorola Item/Product No. 76585936D03 as specified XTS 5000 Radio Parts Only - # 29 SEAL PORT, 32858771302. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. XTS 5000 Radio Parts Only - LABEL FRONT R MODEL # 30 YELLOW, 3385221 D03. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. XTS 5000 Radio Parts Only - # 31 SEAL B+, 3205351 202. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. 50 Each $ 3.84 Motorola 3285877B02 50 Each $ 4.67 Motorola 3385221D03 $ 192.00 $ 233.50 $ 3.99 lea $ 199.50 Motorola as specified $ 4.87 /ea $ 243.50 Motorola as specified 350 Each $ 15.37 /ea $ 5,379.50 $ Motorola Mc 3205351Z02 las 0.34 I/ea $ 119.00 :d Prepared by: Maritza Suarez, 12/14/09 Page 4 of 17 4CCESSORIES Superior Communications Unit Extended Unit: Amount: $ 2.95 /ea $ 147.50 Motorola 095888K02 $ 32.50 /ea $ 1,625.00 Motorola 0286165A03 3216463HOl $ 3.99 /ea $ 39.90 Motorola 7585936D03 $ 3.95 /ea $ 197.50 Motorola 3285877602 $ 4.90 /ea $ 245.00 Motorola 3385221D03 $ 15.65 /ea $ 5,477,50 Motorola 3205351202 American Communication Systems* Unit Extended Unit: Amount: N O N R E S P O N S I V E e 1 f % 7/Vrl Approval: IFB NO. 189144 - N XTS 5000 Radio Parts Only - LABEL FRONT R MODEL # 35 YELLOW, 3385221 D02. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. XTS 5000 Radio Parts Only - DISPLAY MODULE, # 36 7285726C01. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. XTS 5000 Radio Parts Only - # 37 KEYPAD MITI, 7585104D01. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. 25 EachL338522 3.68 lea $ 92.00 D02 20 Each $ 75.41 /ea $ 1,508.20 Motorola 7285726CO2 50 Each $ 10.60 /ea $ 530.00 Motorola 7585104D01 Prepared by: Maritza Suarez, 12/14/09 TABULATION OF BIDS IOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND j Radio One -Communications Svc. Unit Extended Unit: Amount: no bid /ea No bid $ 3.99 /ea $ 199.50 Motorola as specified $ 3.99 /ea $ 199.50 Motorola as specified $ 3.86 lea $ 96.50 Motorola as specified kCCESSORIES Superior Communications Unit Extended Unit: Amount: f 1 I $ 14.50 /ea $ 870.00 Motorola '2885866A01 $ 3.99 /ea $ 199.50 Motorola '3385419C07 $ 3.99 lea $ 199.50 Motorola 3585741D01 $ 4.09 /ea $ 102.25 Motorola 3385221D02 no bid /ea No bid $ 74.99 /ea $ 1,499.80 Motorola 7285726CO2 no bid /ea No bid $ 11.50 lea $ 575.00 Motorola 7585104D03 American Communication Systems*' Unit Extended Unit: Amount: N 0 N R E S P O N S I V E Approval: Page 5 of 17 --- - Continental Wireless Inc Est. Annual Unit Extended Item Description Qtv. UOM:Unit: Amount: j XTS 5000 Radio Parts Only - CONNECTOR, 26 -PIN COMPRESSOR, #32 2885866A01. 60 Each $ 13.92 /ea $ 835.20 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Item/Product No. 2885866A01 XTS 5000 Radio Parts Only - BEZEL DISPLAY LABEL, # 33 3385419C07. 50 Each $ 3.84 /ea $ 192.00 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Item/Product No. 3385419C07 XTS 5000 Radio Parts Only - MESH MIC FRONT, # 34 3585741D01. 50 Each13585741 $ 3.84 /ea $ 192.00 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Item/Product No. D01 XTS 5000 Radio Parts Only - LABEL FRONT R MODEL # 35 YELLOW, 3385221 D02. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. XTS 5000 Radio Parts Only - DISPLAY MODULE, # 36 7285726C01. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. XTS 5000 Radio Parts Only - # 37 KEYPAD MITI, 7585104D01. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. 25 EachL338522 3.68 lea $ 92.00 D02 20 Each $ 75.41 /ea $ 1,508.20 Motorola 7285726CO2 50 Each $ 10.60 /ea $ 530.00 Motorola 7585104D01 Prepared by: Maritza Suarez, 12/14/09 TABULATION OF BIDS IOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND j Radio One -Communications Svc. Unit Extended Unit: Amount: no bid /ea No bid $ 3.99 /ea $ 199.50 Motorola as specified $ 3.99 /ea $ 199.50 Motorola as specified $ 3.86 lea $ 96.50 Motorola as specified kCCESSORIES Superior Communications Unit Extended Unit: Amount: f 1 I $ 14.50 /ea $ 870.00 Motorola '2885866A01 $ 3.99 /ea $ 199.50 Motorola '3385419C07 $ 3.99 lea $ 199.50 Motorola 3585741D01 $ 4.09 /ea $ 102.25 Motorola 3385221D02 no bid /ea No bid $ 74.99 /ea $ 1,499.80 Motorola 7285726CO2 no bid /ea No bid $ 11.50 lea $ 575.00 Motorola 7585104D03 American Communication Systems*' Unit Extended Unit: Amount: N 0 N R E S P O N S I V E Approval: Page 5 of 17 --- - Item Description XTS 5000 Radio Parts Only - SHIELD ASSY VOCON # 38 MODEL III, 2685567D03. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. XTS 5000 Radio Parts Only - # 39 SHIELD RF, 2685930E01. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. XTS 5000 Radio Parts Only - GASKET SHIELD TO # 40 SHIELD, 3262737D01, Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. XTS 5000 Radio Parts Only - # 41 MAIN SEAL, 3205349Z03. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. XTS 5000 Radio Parts Only - HSG ASSY, FIN, RUGG, YEL, # 42 M3, 1585468D42. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. Model # 070533OZ01 Display Flex Bracket for Motorola # 43 Radio XTS 3000 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. TABULATION OF BIDS IFB NO. 189144 - MOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Continental Wireless Inc Radio One -Communications Svc. I Superior Communications Est. Annual Unit Extended Unit Extended Unit Extended tgy: UOM: Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: 5 Each $ 37.84 Ilea $ 189.20 Motorola 2605567D03 10 Each m $ 7.24 lea $ 72.40 Motorola 2.69E+06 50 Each $ 3.84 Ilea $ 192.00 Motorola 3262737D01 50 Each $ 3.12 I/ea $ 156.00 Motorola 320534Z03 25 Each $ 62.05 Ilea $ 1,551.25 Motorola 1158546BD421 50 Each $ 9.07 I/ea $ 453.50 Motorola 1070533OZ01 $ 39.48 lea $ 197.40 Motorola as specified j $ 7.26 lea $ 72.60 Motorola as specified $ 3.99 lea $ 199.50 Motorola as specified $ 3.28 lea $ 164.00 Motorola as specified 1 $ 64.89 lea $ 1,622.25 j Motorola as specified $ 9.87 lea $ 493.50 Motorola as specified Prepared by: Maritza Suarez, 12/14/09 Pana F of V' $ 38.99 lea $ 194.95 Motorola 2685567D03 $ 7.50 lea $ 75.00 Motorola 2.69E+07 $ 3.97 lea $ 198.50 Motorola 3262737D01 $ 3.25 lea $ 162.50 Motorola 3205349Z03 1$ 63.99 lea $ 1,599.75 Motorola 1585468D42 !rican Communication Systems* Extended Amount: N O N R E S P O N S I V E $ 9.45 lea $ 472.50 Motorola 070533OZ01 Approval: Est. Annual Item Description Qtv.. UOI Model # 4205631 Z01 Control Locking Clip for Motorola TABULATION OF BIDS IFB NO. 189144 - MOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Continental Wireless Inc Radio One -Communications Svc. Superior Communications American Communication Systems* Unit Extended Unit Extended Unit Extended Unit Extended Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: # 44 Radio XTS 3000 50 Each $ 0.41 lea $ Manufacturer Name: Motorola Item/Product No. 4205631ZOI Model # 330563OZ04 Bottom Label (Intrisic) for Motorola # 45 Radio XTS 5000 50 Each $ 1.52 lea $ Manufacturer Name: Motorola Item/Product No. 330563OZ04 Part# 1585468D44 Assembly, Model II Housing (Yellow R Model) for Motorola 20.50 1 $ 0.42 lea $ Motorola as specified 76.00 1 $ 1.14 Ilea $ Motorola as specified # 46 Radio XTS 5000 25 Each $ 71.23 lea $ 1,780.75 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Item/Product No. 11585468D44 Part # 1585468D45 Assembly, Model III Housing (Yellow R Model) for Motorola # 47 Radio XTS 5000 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. Part # 7585104D02 Key Pad, Model 11 for Motorola Radio # 48 XTS 5000 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. 25 Each $ 80.41 lea $ 2,010.25 Motorola 11585468D45 50 Each $ 5.68 lea $ 284.00 Motorola 17585104DO21 Prepared by: Maritza Suarez, 12/14/09 21.00 57.00 I $ 0.49 lea $ Motorola i4205631Z01 $ 1.20 lea $ Motorola 3305630Z04 24.50 11 60.00 I $ 74.55 lea $ 1,863.75 $ 69.49 Ilea $ 1,737.25 Motorola Motorola as specified 1158546BD44 $ 84.00 lea $ 2,100.00 $ 78.99 lea $ 1,974.75 Motorola Motorola as specified 1585468D45 $ 5.97 lea $ 298.50 $ 5.90 lea $ 295.00 Motorola Motorola as specified 7585104D02 Approval: T PaeP 7 of 17 N 0 N R E S P 0 N S I V E IFB NO. 189144 - M Part # 3205472M03 Seal Port Continental Wireless Inc Est. Annual Unit Extended Item Description C tT: UOM:. Unit: Amount: Part # 0105956T85, Assembly, Controls Universal Item/Product No. Flex for Motorola Radio XTS no bid # 49 5000 25 Each $ 188.10 /ea $ 4,702.50 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Item/Product No. 0105956T85 Part # 330563OZ01 LBL Flas 25 Each $ 6.57 /ea $ 164.25 Bot, Intrinsic for Motorola Motorola # 50 Radio XTS 3000 150 Each $ 1.17 /ea $ 175.50 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Item/Product No. 330563OZ01 Part # 3205472M03 Seal Port # 51 for Motorola Radio XTS 3000 100 Each no bid lea no bid Manufacturer Name: Motorola Item/Product No. no bid Part # 3305573Z02 LBL Motorola Front for Motorola # 52 Radio XTS 3000 25 Each $ 6.57 /ea $ 164.25 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Item/Product No. 3305573Z02 Part# 7585696A02 Keypad Model 2 for Motorola Radio # 53 XTS 3000 100 Each $ 7.24 /ea $ 724.00 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Item/Product No. 7585696A02 Part # 1585507D18 Housing AAD M2, Rug Y for Motorola # 54 Radio XTS 3000 25 Each $ 79.86 /ea $ 1,996.50 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Item/Product No. 1585507D18 Prepared by: Maritza Suarez, 12/14/09 TABULATION OF BIDS OTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Radio One -Communications Svc. Superior Communications Unit Extended Unit Extended Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: $ 197.40 /ea $ 4,935.00 $ 179.90 /ea $ 4,497.50 Motorola Motorola as specified 0105956T85 $ 1.26 /ea $ 189.00 $ 1.39 /ea $ 208.50 Motorola Motorola as specified 330563OZ01 no bid /ea No bid no bid /ea no bid no bid part obsolete $ 7.65 /ea $ 191.25 1 $ 6.50 Motorola Motorola as specified 3305573Z02 $ 7.65 /ea $ 765.00 $ 6.99 Motorola Motorola as specified 7585696A02 $ 84.84 /ea $ 2,121.00 $ 77.49 Motorola Motorola as specified 11585507D18 Page 8 of 17 $ 162.50 1 $ 699.00 1 $ 1,937.251 Communication Systems' Extended Amount: N O N R E S P O N S I V E a )7/)97"7 Approval: Item Description Part # NTN8671 G Housing M3, Rug Ylp for Motorola # 55 Radio XTS 3000 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. Part #HKN6155A Radio Programming Cable -Motor for # 56 Motorola Radio XTL5000 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. Part # HKN6183A Radio Programming Cable -Standard # 57 for Motorola Radio XTL 5000 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. Part # 4305373Z02 Insert Retainer for Motorola Radio # 58 XTL 3000 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. Part # 0905585Z03 Connector B+ Assembly for Motorola # 59 Radio XTL 3000 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. TABULATION OF BIDS IFB NO. 189144 - MOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Continental Wireless Inc Radio One -Communications Svc. 4 Superior Communications Est. Annual Unit Extended Unit Extended Unit Extended (Qtv: UOM:1 Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: 25 Each $ 340.58 /ea $ 8,514.50 $ 319.20 I/ea $ 7,980.00 Motorola Motorola NTN8671 G las specified 5 Each $ 111.30 /ea $ Motorola HKN6155A 5 Each $ 70.33 /ea $ Motorola IHKN6183A 200 Each I $ 1.95 I/ea $ Motorola 4305373Z02 150 Each $ 4.28 I/ea $ Motorola 556.50 1 $ 105.00 I/ea $ 525.00 Motorola as specified j 351.65 $ 66.35 /ea $ 331.75 Motorola as specified 390.00 $ 2.10 /ea $ 420.00 Motorola las specified 642.00 Ino bid lea No bid Prepared by: Maritza Suarez, 12/14/09 Page 9 of 17 $ 324.99 /ea $ 8,124.75 Motorola NTN8671G $ 116.99 /ea $ Motorola HKN6155A $ 73.75 /ea $ Motorola HKN6183A $ 2.09 /ea $ Motorola 4305373Z02 $ 4.49 /ea $ Motorola 0905585Z04 584.95 1 368.75 1 418.00 1 673.50 Communication Systems* Extended Amount: N O N R E S P O N S I V E Approval: oartm t Dir rtnr/DPCiQnPP Item Description Part # 0105957T51 Flex Control Assembly for XTS # 60 3000 Radios Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. Part# 3585626801 Microphone Mesh for # 61 Motorola Radio XTS 3000 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. Part # 0705368Z01 Keypad Flex Bracket for Motorola # 62 Radio XTS 3000 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. Part# 2605344Z01 Vocoder Board Shield for Motorola # 63 Radio XTS 3000 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. Part # NTN8753G Blk Housing Assy III w/flex control assy., for Motorola Radio XTS # 64 3000 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. Part # 1585507D17 Yel Housing Assy III Shell only, # 65 for Motorola Radio XTS 3000 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. TABULATION OF BIDS IFS NO. 189144 - MOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Continental Wireless Inc Radio One -Communications Svc. Superior Communications Est. AnnuatUnit Extended Unit Extended Unit Extended QtT. UOM: Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: 10 Each $ 149.14 lea $ 1,491.40 $ 156.24 lea $ 1,562.40[0105957T51 144.99 lea $ 1,449.90 Motorola Motorola orola 10105957T51 as specified 50 Each $ 2.23 Ilea $ 111.50 $ 2.31 lea $ Motorola Motorola 13585626BOl as specified 10 Each $ 9.07 Ilea $ 90.70 Motorola 1070536BZ01 25 Each $ 10.68 lea $ 267.00 Motorola 12605344Z011 30 Each $ 328.34 lea $ 9,850.20 Motorola NTN8753G 100 Each $ 77.36 lea $ 7,736.00 Motorola 11585507D17 $ 9.87 lea $ Motorola as specified 1 $ 11.34 lea $ Motorola as specified no bid lea No bid 115.50 98.70 283.50 $ 2.39 lea $ Motorola .3585626601 j $ 9.45 lea $ j Motorola 10705368Z01 119.50 1 94.50 1 $ 10.99 lea $ 274.75 Motorola 2605344Z01 $ 319.00 lea $ 9,570.00 Motorola NTN8753G $ 7,392.00 $ 78.00 lea $ 7,800.00 Motorola 1585507D17 Approval: Prepared bv: Maritza Suarez, 12/14/09 Page 10 of 17 American Communication Systems* Unit Extended Unit: Amount: N O N R E S P O N S I V E Item Description Part # 5185633C42 LCD Module for Motorola Radio # 66 XTS 3000 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. Part # NTN8493 Keypad Board Kit Model III for #67 Motorola Radio XTS 3000 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. Part # 1505348Z01 Casting Assy for Motorola Radio XTS # 68 3000 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. Part # 1505348Z04 Casting Assy Ruggedized for Motorola #69 Radio XTS 3000 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. Part # 2605342Z01 Controller Front Shield for Motorola # 70 Radio XTS 3000 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. Part # 3585340001 Speaker Mesh for Motorola Radio XTS # 71 5000 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No, TABULATION OF BIDS IFB NO. 189144 - MOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Continental Wireless Inc Radio One -Communications Svc, Superior Communications Est. Annual Unit Extended Unit Extended Unit Extended Qty Unit: Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: 30 Each $ 77.91 Motorola 15185633C42 $ 2,337.30 $ 81.48 lea $ 2,444.40 $ 78.05 lea $ 2,341.50 Motorola Motorola as specified 15185633C42 10 Each $ 95.72 lea $ 957.2 Motorola NTN8493 7 Each $ 48.42 Motorola 1505348Z01 100.80 lea $ 1,008.00 $ 92.50 >torola Motorola specified INTN8493A $ 338.94 $ 50.82 lea $ 355.74 Motorola as specified 5 Each $ 32.28 Ilea $ 161.4 Motorola 1503484Z04 HAS BEEN REPLACED B 16 Each $ 11.08 Motorola 2605342Z02 50 Each $ 1.95 Motorola 3585340D01 $ 177.28 Ino bid lea No bid lea No bid $ 97.50 1 $ 2.10 lea $ 105.00 Motorola as specified Prepared bv: Maritza Suarez, 12/14/09 Page 11 of 17 $ 925.00 1 $ 51.00 lea $ 357.00 Motorola 1505348Z01 $ 33.99 lea $ 169.95 Motorola 1505348ZIO $ 11,99 lea $ 191.84 Motorola '2605342202 $ 2.15 lea $ 107.50 Motorola '3585340D01 Communication Systems* Extended Amount: N 0 N R E S P 0 N S I V E I )�� /-I Approval: IFB NO. 189144 - M Part # 1305374Z03 Frequency Dial Escutcheon # 74 for Motorola Radio XTS 5000 50 Each $ 1.90 lea $ 95.00 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Item/Product No. 1305374Z03 Part # 2685567D02 Keypad Continental Wireless Inc Est. AnnjEach Unit Extended Item Description � Unit: Amount: Part # 2685567D01 Controller Part # 09859731304 B+ 109859731304 Connector for Motorola Radio Front Shield for Motorola # 76 XTS 5000 250 Each $ 7.24 lea $ 1,810.00 Manufacturer Name: # 72 Radio XTS 5000 10 $ 10.41 lea $ 104.10 Manufacturer Name: Board Kit for Motorola Radio Motorola # 77 XTS 5000 Item/Product No. Manufacturer Name: 2685567D01 Item/Product No. Part # 3385221001 Front Label Board for Motorola # 73 Radio XTS 5000 50 Each $ 4.67 13385221DO1 lea $ 233.50 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Item/Product No, Part # 1305374Z03 Frequency Dial Escutcheon # 74 for Motorola Radio XTS 5000 50 Each $ 1.90 lea $ 95.00 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Item/Product No. 1305374Z03 Part # 2685567D02 Keypad Board Kit Model II for # 75 Motorola Radio XTS 5000 5 Each $ 28.39 lea $ 141.95 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Item/Product No. 2685567D02 Part # 09859731304 B+ 109859731304 Connector for Motorola Radio # 76 XTS 5000 250 Each $ 7.24 lea $ 1,810.00 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Item/Product No. Part # PNNTN5567B Vocon Board Kit for Motorola Radio # 77 XTS 5000 5 Each $ 594.66 lea $ 2,973.30 IPNNTN5567B Manufacturer Name: Motorola Item/Product No. TABULATION OF BIDS OTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND J Radio One -Communications Svc. Unit Extended Unit: Amount: $ 11.13 lea $ 111.30 Motorola as specified $ 4.87 lea $ 243.50 'Motorola as specified $ 1.98 lea $ Motorola as specified $ 29.82 lea $ Motorola as specified 99.00 149.10 $ 7.26 lea $ 1,815.00 Motorola as specified kCCESSORIES Superior Communications Unit Extended Unit: Amount: i $ 10.99 lea $ 109.90 I Motorola 2685567D01 $ 4.90 lea $ 245.00 Motorola 3385221D01 $ 1.99 lea $ Motorola 1305374Z03 $ 29.99 lea $ Motorola 2685567D02 99.50 1 149.951 $ 7.59 lea $ 1,897.50 Motorola 09859731304 $ 688.80 lea $ 3,444.00IPMINNTN55671 565.00 Motorola otorola as specified Prepared by: Maritza Suarez, 12/14/09 D_ I n -F $ 2,825.001 American Communication Systems* Unit Extended Unit: Amount: N O N R E S P O N S I V E Approval: Item Description Part# PNUF3577M Transceiver board Kit 700/800 Mhz for Motorola Radio XTS # 78 5000 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. Part # 2785219D15 TCasting Assy for Motorola Radio XTS # 79 5000 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. Part # 2785219D16 TCasting Assy Ruggedized for Motorola # 80 Radio XTS 5000 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. NTN9815B premium battery 1525 mah for Motorola Radios # 81 1500 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. # 82 3805367Z02 Seal PTT Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. 1585506D07 HSG, XTS3000, # 83 MS, STD and 41 -PIN, ADD Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. TABULATION OF BIDS IFB NO. 189244 - MOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Continental Wireless Inc Radio One -Communications Svc. Superior Communications Est. AnnJ—Unit: Unit Extended Unit Extended Unit Extended W. Amount: Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: 5 Each $ 384.78 lea $ 1,923.90 Motorola PNUF3577M 3 Each $ 46.64 I/ea $ 139.92 Motorola 2785219D15 3 Each $ 50.09 lea $ 150.27 Motorola 127852119D16 100 Each[380d5367ZO2 lea $ 5,194.00 25 Eachlea $ 41.00 115 Each $ 55.65 lea $ 6,399.75 Motorola 1585506D07 $ 376.80 lea $ 1,884.00 $ 365.00 lea $ 1,825.00 Motorola Motorola as specified PNUF3577M $ 48.80 /ea $ 146.40 $ 49.99 lea $ 149.97 Motorola Motorola as specified 12785219D15 $ 52.08 /ea $ 156.24 $ 49.99 lea $ 149.97 Motorola Motorola as specified 2785219D16 $ 53.28 lea $ 5,328.00 $ 51.99 lea $ 5,199.00 Motorola Motorola as specified NTN9815 $ 1.68 lea $ 42.00 $ 1.75 lea $ 43.75 j Motorola Motorola 1 as specified 3805367Z02 $ 58.38 lea $ 6,713.70 $ 54.99 Motorola Motorola ,as specified 1585506D07 Prepared by: Maritza Suarez, 12/14/09 r3--- ` "- $ 6,32185 American Communication Systems* Unit Extended Unit: Amount: e Approval: N O N R E S P O N S I V E Item Description # 84 3586162A01 Mesh SPKR Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. 3005664ZOI CBL Coax # 85 Assem. Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. 3505586Z02 Grillcloth mic # 86 front Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. 2805216Z03 Conn Cmpsn 20 # 87 pin Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. 2805214Z03 Conn Cmpsn 50 # 88 pin Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. 3305573Z01 LBL Motorola # 89 front Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. 3305574ZOI LBL Motorola # 90 back Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. #91 3205349Z02 Seal main Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No, TABULATION OF BIDS IFS NO. 189144 - MOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Continental Wireless Inc Radio One•Communications Svc. Superior Communications Est. Annual Unit Extended Unit Extended Unit Extended UOM: Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: 50 Each $ 2.45 lea $ 122.50 No bid lea No bid $ 2.65 lea $ 132.50 Motorola Motorola 3586162A01 3586162A01 135 Each $ 8.51 Motorola 3005664Z01 200 Each $ 4.18 Motorola 125 Each $ 6.01 Motorola 2805216Z03 225 Each $ 9.96 Motorola 2805214Z03 200 Each $ 5.46 Motorola 3305573Z01 100 Each $ 4.40 Motorola 3305574Z01 200 Each $ 6.47 Motorola 3205349Z02 Prepared by: Maritza Suarez, 12/14/09 $ 1,148.85 ! $ 836.00 $ 751.25 $ 2,241.00 $ 1,092.00 $ 440.00 1 $ 1,294.001 I No bid lea No bid $ 4.29 lea $ 858.00 Motorola as specified $ 6.22 lea $ 777.50 Motorola as specified $ 10.71 lea $ 2,409.75 Motorola as specified $ 5.71 lea $ 1,142.00 Motorola as specified $ 4.58 lea $ 458.00 Motorola as specified $ 6.72 lea $ 1,344.00 Motorola as specified $ 8.85 lea $ 1,194.75 Motorola 3005664Z01 $ 4.39 lea $ 878.00 Motorola 5305586Z02 $ 6.25 lea $ 781.25 Motorola 2805216Z03 $ 10.30 lea $ 2,317.50 Motorola 2805214Z03 1$ 5.65 lea $ 1,130.00 Motorola 3305573ZOI $ 4.60 lea $ 460.00 Motorola 3305574Z01 $ 6.75 lea $ 1,350.00 Motorola 3205349Z02 iAmerican Communication Systems* Unit Extended Unit: Amount: I Approval: N 0 N R E S P O N S I V E ! %'j Prepared bv: Maritza Suarez, 12/14/09 " American Communication Systems* Unit Extended Unit: Amount: II Approval: N O N R E S P O N S I V E TABULATION OF BIDS IFB NO. 189144 - MOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Continental Wireless Inc Radio One-Communications Svc. Superior Communications Est. Annual Unit Extended Unit Extended Unit Extended Item Description (Qty_ UOM: Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: 2605343Z07 RF Shield assy #92 no foot 25 Each $ 15.03 lea $ 375.75 $ 15.75 lea $ 393.75 $ 14.99 lea $ 374.75 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Motorola Motorola Item/Product No. 2605343207 as specified 2605343207 NUF6472F XTS3000 800mhz # 93 rf board 30 Each $ 534.24 lea $ 16,027.20 $ 504.00 /ea $ 15,120.00 $ 529.00 /ea $ 15,870.00 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Motorola Motorola Item/Product No. NUF6472F as specified NUF6472F # 94 7505922201 Conduct tape 200 Each $ 0.22 /ea $ 44.00 $ 0.23 /ea $ 46.00 $ 0.29 /ea $ 58.00 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Motorola Motorola Item/Product No. 7505922201 as specified 7505922201 1305374201 Escutcheon #95 frequency 250 Each $ 1.90 lea $ 475.00 $ 2.02 lea $ 505.00 $ 1.99 lea $ 497.50 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Motorola Motorola Item/Product No. 1305374201 as specified 1305374201 4305373Z01 insert Ret. Freq. # 96 Knob 100 Each $ 0.50 lea $ 50.00 $ 0.59 /ea $ 59.00 $ 0.54 lea $ 54.00 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Motorola Motorola Item/Product No. 4305373201 as specified 4305373Z01 # 97 3205354Z02 Seal control 105 Each $ 3.23 lea $ 339.15 No bid lea No bid $ 3.25 lea $ 341.25 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Motorola Item/Product No. 3205354Z02 HAS BEEN REPLACED BY 05354Z04 3205354Z04 3305574202 LBL Motorola #98 rug yellow 150 Each $ 3.78 lea $ 567.00 $ 4.37 lea $ 655.50 $ 3.95 lea $ 592.50 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Motorola Motorola Item/Product No. 3305574202 as specified 3305574202 # 99 3305573203 LBL yellow R 100 Each $ 3.34 lea $ 334.00 $ 3.53 lea $ 353.00 $ 3.50 lea $ 350.00 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Motorola Motorola Item/Product No. 3305573203 as specified 3305573Z03 Prepared bv: Maritza Suarez, 12/14/09 " American Communication Systems* Unit Extended Unit: Amount: II Approval: N O N R E S P O N S I V E Prepared by: Maritza Suarez, 12/14/09 `" American Communication Systems* Unit Extended Unit: Amount: N O N R E S P 0 N S I V E Approval: TABULATION OF BIDS IFB N0.189144 - MOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Continental Wireless Inc Radio One -Communications Svc. Superior Communications Est. Annual Unit Extended Unit Extended Unit Extended Item Description Qtw. UOM:Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: NTN7144CR Battery for Radio # 10( MTS2000 25 Each $ 30.74 lea $ 768.50 $ 66.00 lea $ 1,650.00 $ 32.99 lea $ 824.75 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Motorola Motorola Item/Product No. NTN7144CR as specified NTN7144CR NTN4327C STX Radio # 10' Battery 50 Each $ 50.88 lea $ 2,544.00 $ 43.52 lea $ 2,176.00 $ 26.99 lea $ 1,349.50 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Motorola SuperiorCom brand Item/Product No. NTN4327C as specified NTN4327 # 10', NTN8299BR Battery NIMH 50 Each $ 77.38 lea $ 3,869.00 $ 91.80 lea $ 4,590.00 $ 36.99 /ea $ 1,849.50 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Motorola Battery Zone Item/Product No. NTN82996R as specified BZ8299MH IS 7.5V Nickel -Metal Hydride Battery 3500 MaH, Part No. RNN4006B. NO # 10; SUBSTITUTIONS, 1975 Each $ 73.14 lea $ 144,451.50 $ 65.00 lea $ 128,375.00 $ 68.99 lea $ 136,255.25 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Motorola Item/Product No. as specified Prem. Batteries (NiMH1800)for Motorola Radios XTS 3000, Part #NTN8923AR. NO # 101 SUBSTITUTIONS 50 Each $ 66.78 lea $ 3,339.00 $ 78.20 lea $ 3,910.00 $ 64.99 lea $ 3,249.50 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Motorola Item/Product No. as specified Chassis Opener tools to repair Motorola Radios, Part # 10; #66-85666D01 3 Each $ 4.12 lea $ 12.36 No bid lea No bid $ 4.99 lea $ 14.97 Manufacturer Name: Motorola Motorola Item/Product No. 66-85666DDI 66-85666DOI Prepared by: Maritza Suarez, 12/14/09 `" American Communication Systems* Unit Extended Unit: Amount: N O N R E S P 0 N S I V E Approval: Item Description Kit Transceiver Board for Motorola Radios XTS 5000, # 10E Part #MNUF3577M Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No, Pad Coax for Motorola Radios XTS 5000, Part # 10i#7505487Z01 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. Membrane Mic. forMotorola Radios XTS 5000, Part # 1N #3285757D01 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. Pad Display Locator for Motorola Radios XTS 5000, # 1M Part #7585189D01 Manufacturer Name: Item/Product No. TABULATION OF BIDS IFB NO. 189144 - MOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Continental Wireless Inc Radio One -Communications Svc. Superior Communications Est. Annual Unit Extended Unit Extended Unit Extended tG: UO M: Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: Unit: Amount: 30 Each $ 384.78 lea $ 11,543.40 Motorola MNUF3577M HAS BEEN REPLA 50 Each $ 2.62 Ilea $ 131.00 Motorola 17505487Z011 50 Each I No bid lea No Bid 50 Each $ 2.89 Ilea $ 144.50 Motorola 7585189D01 Assembly Model III Housing j (STD for Motorola Radios # 11(XTS 5000, Part #15854681)39 100 Each $ 69.01 lea $ 6,901.00 Manufacturer Name: Motorola I Item/Product No. 1585468D39 No bid lea No bid =D BY PNUF3577M $ 3.02 lea $ Motorola as specified 151.00 5/ea $ 250.00 Motorola as specified $ 2.98 lea $ 149.00 Motorola as specified $ 365.00 lea $ 10,950.00 Motorola MNUF3577M $ 2.79 lea $ 139.50 Motorola 7505487Z01 nobid lea nobid part obsolete $ 3.05 lea $ 152.50 Motorola 7585189D01 $ 72.24 lea $ 7,224.00 $ 68.99 Motorola Motorola as specified 115854681339 Prepared bv: Maritza Suarez, 12/14/09 DnN� 17 ^{ 1 $ 6,899.00 ] American Communication Systems* Unit Extended Unit: Amount: N 0 N R E S P 0 N S I V E *Delivery will be 30 days ARO *Deemed non-responsive for taking exceptions to the Special Conditions 2.9 Delivery 1 // 7 b Approval: r—n It—