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Summary Form
SP. 1 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORT" Law vm epartent FILE .ID: w 0/26 /267o Matter ID No. 09-325 Datc: 12/29/09 Requesting Department: CIP Conunission Meeting Date: 111'1/] 0 Distriet(s) Itnpacted: Ell D2 RX') [14 ❑5 Type: ©Resolution ❑Ordinance ❑ I tnergeucy Ordinance ❑ Discussion Item ❑ Other Subject: Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an Agreement Nvith Suffolk Construction Company. Inc. for the Stadium Site Parking Proiect, B-30648. P11I'nOSC of Item: To authorize the City ]manager to execute a Construction Manager at Risk Agreement with Suffolk Construction Company, Inc.; for the provision of construction management services for the Stadium Site Parking Project; 13- 30648, in the not to exceed amount of Sl 68,174 for pre -construction services, allocating funds fioili Award No. 1420- Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority Contribution to Capital. Resolution further authorizes the City Manager to accept ani Initial Guaranteed Maximum Price (cGMP); and a final Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) in an amount not to exceed $75,000,000, inclusive of the pre -construction fee. Funds are to be allocated from the sale of Special Obligation Parking Revenue Bonds and thus the execution of the GMP is contingent upon the sale of said bonds. n 11 Background .Information: Capital improvements Program (CIP) issued Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 08-09-056 on July 21 2009 to'' select a qualified firm to provide Construction Manager at Risk services for the Stadium Site Parkin, Project. On August 17; 2009, twelve (12) submittals were received in response to the RFP, with eleven (H) firms deemed to be responsive. A Kick-off meeting was held by the Evaluation Committee (Committee) on September 1=1,.2009 to discuss the] process and procedures to be utilized during the evaluation process. The Committee elected to have all of the! Proposers attend presentation/interview sessions which were conducted oil Thursday, October I, 2009 ani] Friday, October 2, 2009. Continued... I3ud2et Impact Analysis NO Is this item related to revenue? YES Is this item au expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below. Gcweral Accouni Nn: Specicll Revenue AccounI .Mo: CIP Prqjecl No: B-30648 NO Is this itein funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood .Inrprovenient :Bonds? Start Up Capital Cost: Maintenance Cost: Total Fiscal 1111pact: ,75P00 , 000 Final Approvals (SIGN AND DATE) CIP N/A Budget !f'usinorreccivin,capital lands, Grants _ 1111/14 Risk Iti; Purchasing \VA ept.I Chief City M Page l of 2 Project `{anaaer. Robert Fenlon The firms were given the opportunity to answer a series of structured questions, which had been previously provided to them, and each were able to present their team's experience and capabilities in the allotted timeframe. All firms received the same five questions and were allotted 45 minute increments, consisting, of a maximum of! 30 minutes for oral presentations and 15 minutes of unstructured questions. j The RPP consisted of a technical proposal portion and a fee proposal portion. The fee proposal submitted in a separate sealed envelope was evaluated after the review and evaluation of the technical proposals. Based on their Proposal and interview session, the Committee determined Suffolk Construction Company to be the top-ranked firm. Subsequent to award of the contract to Suffolk Construction Company and prior to completion of the design documents by Leo A. Daly Company, Suffolk Construction Company shall provide pre -construction services and an LGMP. Upon completion of tate pre -construction services, Suffolk Constmetion Company shall submit a GMP. based on Suffolk's bidding of the work. Based on the GMP submitted, the City Manager may further ne4gotiate' the GMP and shall ensure that the final GMP accepted by the City shall not exceed fi75,000,000. Page ? of 2 Projcct Manager: Robert Fenton