HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 9-24-09Virginia Key beack ''ark rust FY 2009-2010 Proposed O aerati n Budget Virginia K,cg 5cach rarL Trust FY 2010 Budget Revenues & Expenditures by Department Consolidated Revenues: Contribution From The City Of Miami ................................ Carryover Fund Balance .................................................. Income on Investments................................................... Grants, Contributions, & Other Revenues .......................... Total Revenues Expenditures: Salaries & Wages........................................................... Other Employee Benefits ................................................. Professional and Technical Services Purchased ................ Property Services Purchased ........................................... Other Services Purchased ............................................... Supplies........................................................................ Property & Equipment Capital Outlay ................................ Budget Reserves & Adjustments Total Expenditure Revenues Less Expenditures Total Staff Full & Part -Time Z:\Riverside\VKBPT\Budget\fy09-10 1125000\Consolidated Template1125000 8/10/2009 General Museum & Education FY 2010 Admin Parks Ops Developm't Marketing Events Cult. Center Programming Budget 940101 940131 940141 940111 940161 940121 940151 Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1,125,000 488,148 308,702 84,454 86,635 50,375 106,686 233,303 111,805 78,364 2,381 40,524 229 - 370,000 - 70,000 200,000 - 100,000 - - $ 1,728,303 $ 599,953 $ 457,066 $ 286,835 $ 127,159 $ 150,604 $ 106,686 $ 960,653 313,179 308,417 131,909 69,826 47,854 89,468 244,867 115,302 65,230 27,325 13,242 10,550 13,218 - 70,400 22,000 - 40,000 - 8,400 - - 173,271 76,952 36,219 16,500 - 43,600 - - 206,992 55,800 7,800 64,000 37,590 39,000 2,800 72,120 16,720 39,400 7,100 6,500 1,200 1,200 $ 1,728,303 $ 599,953 $ 457,066 $ 286,835 $ 127,159 $ 150,604 $ 106,686 $ $ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 19 4 10 2 1 1 1 Z:\Riverside\VKBPT\Budget\fy09-10 1125000\Consolidated Template1125000 8/10/2009 Virginia Key t)each Park Trust Fund Balance and Trend Fiscal Years 2005 Thru Budget 2010 Revenues: Contribution From The City Of Miami .................................. Carryover Fund Balance .................................................... Income on Investments..................................................... Grants, Contributions, & Other Revenues ........................... Total Revenues Expenditures: Salaries & Wages............................................................. Other Employee Benefits .................................................. Professional and Technical Services Purchased .................. Property Services Purchased ............................................. Other Services Purchased ................................................. Supplies.......................................................................... Property & Equipment Capital Outlay .................................. Budget Reserves & Adjustments Total Expenditure Revenues Less ExpenditureE Full -Time Staff Part -Time Staff FY 2010 FY 2009 FY 2008 FY 2007 FY 2006 FY 2005 Budget Forecast Actual Actual Actual Actual Total Total Total Total Total Total 1,125,000 1,250,000 1,316,156 1,680,955 1,354,442 900,976 233,303 658,258 1,013,991 586,403 519,240 824,384 - 10,477 16,613 13,803 18,231 10,873 370,000 194,820 202,017 34,125 34,321 60,808 $ 1,728,303 $ 2,113,555 $ 2,548,777 $ 2,315,286 $ 1,926,234 $ 1,797,041 960,653 1,015,297 927,691 615,479 462,713 407,086 244,868 262,154 247,216 176,409 131,015 99,132 70,400 99,840 63,755 88,240 230,756 405,016 173,271 165,707 216,819 184,896 159,359 149,048 206,991 281,833 289,275 218,979 154,886 181,604 72,120 80,054 85,108 46,154 31,604 25,745 - 3,000 60,655 47,885 192,917 10,170 - (27,632) - (76,747) (23,419 $ 1,728,303 $ 1,880,253 $ 1,890,519 $ 1,301,295 $ 1,339,831 $ 1,277,801 $ 0 $ 233,303 $ 658,258 $ 1,013,991 $ 586,403 $ 519,240 13 15 15 15 7 6 6 6 6 J 1 1 Z:\RiversideWKBPT\Budget\fy09-10 1125000\Consolidated Template1125000 8/10/2009 Virginia Key Beach Park Trust Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Budget Consolidated ZBEg virgmia may meacn varK c rust Y42009 24 1OV4 lr i �t ti Q[ay e Opjet FY 2010 Developme FY 2010 Minor Code dracle Descrl tion ' Budget Gen Admin Parks nt Marketin Events Museum Education Budget 094 4a110q. Misc:tnterestarPanat .3. 749 489800"-:! Qkhef Norio eratln `:Souroe 4. ,- 713 481000; iiiterfynd Transfer 2 i` 233 233,303 192 ,9-8847-1 481QOQ.+ Interturid.Transfer 1.:: 1'125 000. 488 148 308 702 84 454 86,635 50 375 106 686 t 1 125,000 utloils Donations 4 x 140.;000'- Cantrib& - 140,000 140,000 4370001:: Granta Rmm Othe�:Loeal`Uriit& 4 : =`'60 000'd 60,000 60,000 ae0R4 ^" Misc=other: Mlscellarieous.Raven 4 j7Q 000 70,000 100,000 170,000 1728,303 599953 457,066 286,836 127,159 150,804 106,686 1,728,303 010 512000- Re uler:$alaplesandlWa es 866190 313179 215,954 131,909 69,826 47,85489468 868,190 012 . 51 2000 ° Re ular-5alarles'arld We es r 92'463':' 92,463 92,463 {Total Ra ular Salaries andWa es 960 653 313,179 308,417 131,909 69,826 47,854 89,468 960,653 7777777 1 013 %`513000: other Seia'rlassanq-Wa es. -.,s 083 , 516QOOM: Filn a Benefits < 6 400'r 5,400 5,400 100 521000 -, Fica Taxes; 73,,490= 23,958 23,594 10,091 5 342 3.661 6 844 73,490 110 :'522gOQ' Retirement GantributionS 1.607: 42,000 4,405 2,518 2.684 51,607 130 s523Q00 = t fe and Fiealtti Insurance 91`61 32 371 27 465 id 057 7 666 6 658 3 245 91,361 150 :.1@24000 W_arkers"Com ensatlan .13'g10 1,573 9,767 660 334 231 445 13,010 Iso b25Q0a:; Unem to irientCpiti'"'ensatlan ; ;10;000'- 10000 10,000 270 :531000x^ Professlonai Service§ 48i4Q0+ 40 000 8 aoo a6,aoo 280 €532og0;; 'pccoutittn" and Auiiltln 22'000:+ 22,000 22,000 340 534000 OthecContractuat ServlCes� 72 704`1 14 000 3,700 15,000 40,000 72,700 54000q,t Travel and Per Dlam�'< 3 t 27^200;: 14,000 3,000 6,000 1,200 1,200 1,800 27,200 541QQp{ Gommunatlons B,:Ralated &ervl , 7190r 2,000 1,200 2,000 390 600 1,000 7,190 T'SA11g0 ,Posta eX ,.t� 19'4Q0'; 4,800 3 100 6,500 - 14,400 543QOD.a 111111 620:444Q04' Rentals and Leases :+ 58 Q$2 `545000 62,952 1,500 3,600 68.052 . Insurance 35'R09' 35,000 - 35,000 670 ;646000 Re aIr and;Malntenaiiae Serviae c 32 519 32,519 32,519 6a7oo4': Printin and,Bindin ? ; :5471Q0�, PKFWJ1 �Wfdi Bindiri' "�utsoural- �, 47`200- 10,000 36,000 1,200 47,200 548000c Rramotloiial Activities 70;Q00+ 40,000 30,000 1 70,000 287 548144. ItlyertlslD "and Related Costs;; s „ 16 6UQ 3,000 3,600 4,000 6,000 16.600 470 4 ,.gaw 1,800 - 3,800 700 7-5510Q4 `Office Su Iles 7 000 7,000 7,000 705 652Q04 Q eratin'=SU Iles„ :_ < r a x1 200' 30,000 1,200 31,200 552010 Motor Fuel 7 OQ0' 7,000 7,000 552200 Ciothin /Uniform Su Ifes 2x00'; 2,400 760 554Qg4 S'ubscfl tl9ils Mem4ershl s `.� 10420= 4,920 4,000 1,200 2 400 830 =.'6$4000 I'" ro"--r - - I her -Than Builds _ 10,120 s41 Nlalchfna anSl1t; ut' men860 Z86dGLefiRe4i6Ne 885 Ca996 c 1,728,303 599,953 457,066 286,835 127,159 150,604 106,686 11728,303 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Staff Full & Part -Time 19 1 4 10 21 1 1 1 119 Z:\Riverslde\VKBPT\Budget\fy09-10 1125000\Consolidated Templatel125000 8/10/2009