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City of Miami Repayment Agreement with HUD
a) HOPWA: Movers, Inc. resale of Sugar Hill Apartments: $935,556.20
City to use all avenues at its disposal to seek the repayment of the amount from Movers,
Inc. Notwithstanding, within eighteen (18) months, the City hopes to reimburse its
HOPWA line of credit in an amount of $935,555.20 being the total amount disbursed for
the Sugar Hiil Apartments project.
b) HOME:
i. Model City project land banking and consulting fee disallowance: $2.6 million
The City will make $250,000 payment for fiscal year 2009, $450,000 for fiscal year
2010 and a final payment of $1.9 million in the third year to the City's HOME line
Of credit
ii. City employees down payment program conflie, of interest: $87,685
The City will make the $87,685 payment within 120 days of approval by HUD.
c) CDBG: Downtown Facade Improvement Program: $404,583.56
This -payment -will-be-mada within 120 slays -of approval of the -plan: - - -
(PUBLIC LAW' 110-289, TULY 3011 2008)
City of Miami
B -08 -AIN -12-0016
January 8, 2009
This Grant Agreement between the Department of Housma and Urban De<,,&-Tment (HLD)
and the City -of Afiami_-(_Graatee) is made_ to the authority of s�on�_2301 _- 230-4 of the -
Pursuant -
Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-289 (July 307 2008)) (HERA). The
program established pursuantto section 2301-2304 is lmown as the Neighborhood Stabilization
Program" or `2NSP_" The Notice of Allocations, Application Procedures, Waivers
Granted to and Alternative Requirements for Redevelopment of Abandoned and Foreclosed Holies
Under the Housing and Economic RecoveryAct, 2008 published at 73 FR 58330 (October 6, 2008)
(Notice); HEA- the Grantee's submission for NSP assistance (Grant-- Submission); the HU -D
regulations at 24 CFR § Pa L 5 70 (as modified by the ?Notice aad as noz in efrect amd as maybe
amended fromtime to time) (Rego ations); and this Funding Approval incl ,a any Tecial
conditions; constitute part of the Grant Agreement
Subject to the prmwisions of this Grant Agreement, HUD will make NSP Grant Funds in the
amount of $12,(}63,702 available to the Grantee upon execution of this Grant Agreement by the
parties. The Grantee shall have 18 moms from the date of HUD's execution of this Grant
Agreement to obligate the NSP Grant Amount pursuant to the requirements of HERA and the
Notice. The Grantee shall have 48 months from the date of HUD's execution of this Grant
Agreement to expend the NSP Grant Amount pit to the requirements of the Notice. The NSP
Grant Funds may be used to pay eligible costs arising from eligible uses incurred after the NSP
Approval Date provided the activities to which such costs are related are carried out in compliance
with all applicable requirements. Pre -award planning and general administrative corts may not be
paid with funding assistance except as permitted in the Notice; the Notice limits such costs to those
incurred on or after September 29, 2008. Other pre -award costs may not be paid with funding
assistance except as permitted by 24 CFR § 570.200(h); for purposes of NSP, such costs are limited
to those incurred on or after the date that the NSP substantial amendment was received by HUD.
The Grantee agrees to assume all of the responsibdities for emironmeatal re-,iew,
de: isiormaking, and actions, as specified and required in regulations issued by the Secrete
pursuant to Section 104(8) of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act; as arnendedd
(42 U_S.C. 5304) and published in 24 CFR § Pari 58. The Grantee further acknowledges its
responsibility for adherence to the Grant Agreement by sub -recipient entities to which it make
funding assistance hereunder available.
This Grant Agreement may be amended only with the prior urttea approval of HTi1D. In
considering proposed amendments to this Grant Agreement; HU -D shall reNiew, among other things.
whether the amendment is otherwise consistent with HERR; the Notice; and the Regulations.
The Granteti may amend its Grantee Subs. ]Mon; however; such amendments, including
substantial amendments as defined in 24 CFR § Part 91, will be subject to the requirements of 24
CFR § Part 91 (or any successor regulation) and any revisions HUD may male to the Notice (or any
successor Notice orregulation)_
The Grantee shall at all Imes maintain an up -to -dale copy of its Garrtee Submission=
including all amendments approved by HUiD, on is Internet website as required by the Notice.
Further the Grantee shalll maintain information on all drawdown; deposits; and expenditures of
stent finds and progian income under tds Funding ADprova-1 and Graat z�-e—_meat and any other
_ records required by24_CFR _570.544, inits_nles_and_shall make—such_infonaation_available for audit
or inspectiola by duly autho_ized representatives of HUD, HU,DD s Off ice of the Inspector General; or
the Cornptrollmr General of the United States_
The Granter shall submit information on rrormance measurcn-_at as established by the
Secretary for activities imdertaken -vith NNSP grant fmds.
The Granter is advised that prodding false, fictitious or misleading information with respect
to N -ISP Grant Funds may res- li in crt:� civil or administrative prosecution under 18 USC
§1001, 19 USC §1343, 31 USC §3 729, 31 USC .§3 801 or another applicable she.
Close-out of this grant shat be subject to the provisions of 24 CFR § 5-10.509 or such close-
out 7nctrac7dons as may hereafter be issued by HUD specifically for _NSP giants.
(1) Special Condition is attached to this Grant Agreement.
This NSP Grant Agreement is bindmi g with respect to HUD in accordance with its terms
upon the execution by HU in the space provided above; subject to execution on behalf of the
The United States Department of
Hoiesing and Urban Development
Simature of Authorized Official
Maria R Ortiz
Fame of Authorized Official
Title of Authorized Official
_ C)
The ra City of Miami
Signature of Authorized Oficial
Name of Authorized Official
Title of AuorL.�--d Official
Dai of SIMattrre------ - -- - -
Gn.�tev Tai_ Ide tif-ca.tion Number
Specia) Conditions to Funding Appm,-a] a_ -id Cram Agreement For
Neighborhood Stabilization Proms (NSP) Funds
as .authorized and .A.pprop:iated by under the
Housing and Economic Re—coven- Act of 20 S
(Public Lain 110-289, July 30, 20OS)
NSP GRANTEE: City of Niiami
NSP GR. N7T NUNSER: B-0&_hVNT-12-0016
NSP GRANT 4-MOU' T: 512,063.702
NSP APPROVAL DATE: January 8, 2009
Special Condition �i :
1_ Pwsuant to 24 CFR § 8 5. 12 (a) (1) (2) (4) or (5), a special condition applies to this a2zit
Ageement due to past performance in the CDBG program_ The City- of Miami- shall
submit doc=entation describing how, past CDBG perf=azice issues have be --n
resolved or are no -w, being resolved and explain how they wii1 not =Past the
administrion of the NSP pro am_ Oir records show that ;here are several outstandins-- -__-
- _ w - -- - -
monitoring findings that requ3r-e resolution in the Ci s HOPWA, HONE, and CDBG
programs. In addition the City has several outs`unding issues regarding non compliance,
inhere it had agreed to reimbsrse tis Line of Credit as identified below:
a) HOPWA: The amount of $935,556.20 for the unauthorized sell of the Sugar Hili
Apartments property.
b) HOME: The remaining balance of S 2.6 million for the Model City occurrence; and
$87,685.00 for ineligible down payment assistance in a Conflict of interest
c) CDBG: In FY 2006 the amount of $404,583.56 for ineligible areas of assistance in the
Miami Downtown area.
The City must submit a Dlaa of action to our Office addressing the abo"v_e_ideptEed
issues_ stating how it will resolve this deficiencies and a time frame for L letion
T re City must also indicate hour the pastperformance issues will not impact its
administration of the NSP Drog=. if the City of Miami fails to submit such
documentation within 60 days from the date HUD sited this Grant Agreement. HUS
may thereafter withhold authority to incur additional obligations of N SP Grant Funds or
take other actions authorized under 24CFR& 85.12(b).