�� /109
Date: 9/16/2009 Requesting Department
Commission Meeting Date: 11/19/2009 District(s) Impacts
Type: ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Emergency Ordinance ❑
Subject: Resolution to authorize additional services front
Purpose of Item:
Law Department
Matter ID No.
1 ❑2 ❑3 04 ❑5
sion Item ❑ Other
To authorize Amendment No. 2 to the agreement with Horizon Contractors Inc., which increases the
total award value by $765,000, from $6,448,006.15, to an award amount of $7,213,006.15. The
additional work is necessary due to unforeseen conditions, utility conflicts, and City requested
changes. These include City requested driveway approaches within public right of way and differing
quantities for $655,656.20, tree plantings for $63,000, differing site conditions for $4,757.14,
unforeseen utility conflict with an existing gas main for $32,344.16, and other unforeseen conditions
and City requested changes for $9,018.38 (Please refer to attached Exhibits "A and B"). The proposed
amended contract amount of $7,213,006.15 is still below the currently budgeted amount for
construction costs. Project funds are thus available.
Background Information:
On December 13, 2007, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 07-0701, approving the bid of
Horizon Contractors Inc., as the lowest responsive bidder, and executed an agreement pursuant to
formal Invitation for Bids No. 06-07-012, issued September 06, 2007, for the "Flagami/West End
Storm Sewer Improvement Project, Phase II, B-50695," in the amount of $5,589,096.50 for the scope
of work, plus an additional $558,909.65 owner contingency, for a total award amount of
$6,148,006.15, for construction of a storm sewer system in the Flagami area. Amendment No. 1 was
approved, pursuant to R-09-0175, increasing the award amount by $300,000, due to owner requested
changes, regulatory changes, and unforeseen conditions. The $765,000 of additional work requested in
this Amendment No. 2 is available in the CIP project account, B-50695.
Budget Impact Analysis
NO Is this item related to revenue?
YES Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below.
General Account No:
Special Revenue Account No:
CIP Project No: B-50695
NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost:
Maintenance Cost:
Total Fiscal Impact: $765,000
Final Approvaks
CIP N/A Budget w O
If using or receiving capital funds
Grants N/A Risk Management N
Purchasing N/A Dept. Direct r