HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Support Preservation of Historic Royal PalmsPreserve Biscayne Boulevard as "Gateway to. Miami " Support Preservation of our Historic Royal Palms Designate Biscayne Boulevard as Scenic Transportation Corridor SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM P2 ---ON 6-�-c�. www.SavePalms.com SavePalms-com SavePalms is a collaborative effort of concerned citizens striving for the preservation of Biscayne Boulevard's decades -old, historic, palm -lined, "tropical gateway" landscape. SUBMITTED INTO THE To that end, since January 2006 we have: ' PUBLIC RECORD FOR • Launched website ITEMP2__.)3 ON • Conducted a public opinion survey ' • 100 signatures (16 boulevard businesses) • Disseminated information to local citizens and media • Collected over 100 signatures requesting assistance from District 2 commission Office. • Participated in print and on -air media coverage Local Business Supports Preservation Vagabond Motel Boulevard Bistro Meduhr Day Spa Hiho Batik Cafe Le Glacier Uva 69 Mr. B. Custom Taylor Kingdom SUBMITTED INTO THE Furniture Formula Starbuck's PUBLIC RECORD FOR KOBE Minar 1TEM0N Danny's Printing Glo Jimmy's Diner Palm Realty Historic Biscayne Boulevard THE FOR ITEM ON-� Biscayne Boulevard "Built at a cost in Miami a penny. the: Phipps. SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM -Fz- . excess of $16M,:"most of it didn't cost It mostly funded by Hugh Anderson and "This expensive gift means as much�Ao Miami as does Avenue to New York; .the Champs d'Elysees to Paris; Michigan Boulevard to Chicago; Rio Branco to Rio de Janeiro, or the Prado to Havana." Fifth "It not only is the principle road entrance to Miami from the north, but it is one of the world's most famous and most beautiful streets." - Miami Herald, Sunday Magazine, 11 /18/56 Biscayne Boulevard SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR 1926 Dedication Ceremony ITEM f -u� "On November 11, 1925, at combined Armistice Day and Arbor Day ceremonies, Mayor Romfh and City Manager Frank H. Wharton planted the last of the royal palms that were to become Biscayne Boulevard's trademark." "The thoroughfare was then dedicated to veterans of all wars. That was the official birthday of Biscayne - Miami Herald, Sunday Magazine, 11 /18/55 Biscayne Boulevard SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC ITEM ON &, -- a,� - o-7 10 ! Proposition: A Way Boullevarto • In our pre -freeway Miami, bumper -to -bumper rush hour traffic strangled many parts of Biscayne Boulevard. • City's answer: make Biscayne Boulevard a one-way thoroughfare, through the Upper Eastside, for northbound commuters. • Biscayne Boulevard business owners fought for the preservation of Biscayne Boulevard as "Gateway to Miami." PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM -el 1958: A One -Way Boulevard? rr y Miami" „ The Gateway to 1V1a m BISCAYNE BOULEVARD Improvement association GOING NORTH COMING SOUTH P.O. BOX 1377 •LITTLE RIVER STATION •MIAMI 38, FLORIDA TO; ALL OWNERS OF REAL PROPERTY AND ALL BUSINESSMEN ON AND ADJACENT TO BISCAYNE BOULEVARD We, the undersigned, in an effort to overcome many obstacles which have heretofore and are presently confronting Biscayne Boulevard Businessmen and Property Owners, hereby urge each and every merchant and property owner to join with us in the formation of a much-needed and unified Biscayne Boulevard Improvement Association. All -of us have invested large sums of money in our businesses; these invest- ments must be protected at all costs. We alone cannot accomplish this mammoth undertaking. We need your help, not moneybut manpower, for only with a united effort gan we push forward a well laid program that can be considered by our city father's. The Association must be strong, it must be represented by all types of business people, restricted only to members directly tied in or fronting on Bis- cayne Boulevard. SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMv.-)-' > ON v-a'-o�1958: AOne-Way Boulevard' — Bill Crames Charles Braddock Crames Realty Tropical Chevrolet Ben Slote Slote Realty Morris Frogel Sidney Goldberg Harry Rich Aloha Motel Vagabond Motel Harry Rich Carpet Co. Ed Hamilton Arnold Eisman Harold Burger Hamilton Realty Little Vienna Restaurant Harry Rich Carpet Co. Harold Friedman Q. J. Powell John J. Lurz, Gen. Cr. Mgr. Harold Friedman Radio 4. J. Powell Realty Dir, of Customer Relation Jordan Marsh Dept. Store Morris Goldfarb Sanford Jacobson Lucius Knox Goldfarb Associates Rayco Automotive Products Knoxon Motel Paul Howard Real Estate Norman Howard Real Estate Brent Neilson Dorsett Motel Grantley Freeman Stardust Motel Gregory Pappas Frenchy's Pottery Joe Shalimar Shalimar Hotel ITEMI��,-,,!, ON L-ag -o-78 1958: A One -Way Boulevard? ._,111:80 Fle ght" I WO, pt�.-ro"S gel Me., engineerf; saw there is ` no- ot6r pt6&ical :way o rel e*ve, the fort- �.ast .' tr$ffic : stxa��►�i�,ii��z�: _� . F'cers 'trfe tried t4E''ri ,,. lit .,Street," ' ail.' undo. '"M 16hg ` 8e#s > E e•,k�e w -it. was cri' 1 11 We' 6iled: Vie.' ,we Aried f -. c takep rki off �th�.BQ6ip-- ; afar.' : Tire retrczits:4.et, : -a8 . €tablii.ff;�et arkg." Kind �Aenied nil�re mec• :chants .�t�ulcf .lose ����n�t "_`ill. thegrwo.:sgns,'i{t.h Court to i:dirt estoiner,� .laver ' to Along the Way: City Ordinance SD -9 quote (from Zoning Ordinance 11000): Sec. 009.3.2 (1) "Along Biscayne Boulevard, the pedestrian open space and the ground floor frontage shall be so designed, improved and located to provide an attractively landscaped appearance using royal palms and other types of tropical plants suitable to its gateway role." SUBMITTED INTO THE ?UBLIC RECORD FOR TEMP�� ON SUBMITTED INTO TH PUBLIC RECORD FO ITEM Along the Way: A Miami Landmark I �,tj Ntp://www.cimiamifi,tn/nets/page,,4�pperEa*ide/easisi*.aSD - upptt sartirlde community - Neighborhood Adations - Faith 8&944 otgarOzationz fi Ef Home 12-ks� 1 WmP I t---_jste:JET E4 1 WET Gude� TT!wpel fasts-vdf� About Upper Eastside The City of is nodheasst, uirrinonly referred to as The Upper Eastside, has a convenient cortrtA lwa!Vn, close to the mawv poirds of *merest in Miarrf,-Dacle County'. WIh a population of i 5X2, it is one of Mjwni's rt divTrse neighborhoods; it aimulti•ethnr and racial mor that includes high, mile ar--J lavv snoome residenI5 Biscayne Boulevard is the ctentral backLone of this neighhorf'*cd. A true Miami liandmark, this lxaLdifuf and neWnally famous hig"Ilay a 9 grand avenue- of stately royal palms, and Wo an impor-tart cornivercit-4 corridor of re-statzarts and many busirwesses. East of5scayrLAevard, there are -everil n*hborhimds that stwe corivenient proximity to the -sparkling of Biscayne Bay- Bay Point, Mormr-side, Belle Meade, Bayside,, and Shorecrtst are elthef on or -,N-thin walking distarce to the Bay. 0 -fly. POW and Palm Bay are e'-xcCwqe re-sidefrtial commt;n?.*--, by the water, Moningside and Sorts fe ire destg,ated historical distticts, And Belle Meade, like her sister comnmtnilies, featwes o!egant homes in the Mediterranean stv�m lh,at cot-ipletT*n! tNe lush Vopical climate lr-Ki wjuatic seflinq of the area The... Royal Palm: Aristocrat SUBMITTED INTO TH PUBLIC RECORD F01 ITEM ;�� ONm->a-o "The name says it all, Royal Palm! .Truly* an aristocrat of the plant kingdom, this palm makes a memorable impression wherever it is grown." "Massive and symmetrical,. with a smoothly sculpted trunk this palm looks almost artificial, like a denizen of an idealized Disney landscape. But it is real and distinctive air to parkways and boulevards all Florida and the Caribbean." lends a over South The Royal Palm: Native Royalty • The Florida Royal Palm (Rbystonea elata) is native to the cypress swamps of south Florida. It is disappearing from the wild but nice s''tands,;,..,can still be seen at the Royal, Palm Visitors Center near Homestead, Florida in the" Everglades National Park. • The Cuban Royal Palm (Roystonea regia) is native to Cuba. SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM 2L,�3 ON Why Restore: History SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM � ON � ,r =7 . BISCAYNE BL.VO. LOOKING NOR'T'H FROM 13TH 5T. CIRCLE, MIAMI, FLA,—KM3oo s:ref , the most bea.Ui ful "'boula- ;. 15 miles long. from East t ° h ' �v 11"r nt to the northern limits o r `= iami. It 9q 100 feet wide, and is Y royal palim and distinctive white ay throughout its whole length. Why Restore: Minto Dmis SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR triclTEM p�ON SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM' ON 0-3aol. Why Restore: Tropical Beaut y SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM,1�4-�,ON Why Restore: Palms Help Business Storefronts are clearly visible to countless passers-by Ouaivn I I to SIV I U INE PUBLIC. RECORD FOR ITEMP2-�< 3ON Why Restore: Pal'm's Help Business Storefronts are clearly visible to countless passers-by SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMQz>30Ne.,x-�, . Why Restore: Business Exposure More often than not, dense foliage obscures storefront signage SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMLLLON.6--W-0-7.- Why Restore: Business Exposure Even dormant trees obscure storefront_ signage Why Restore: Hurricalnes 1�1_ \ 1 11 #life Wind -Borne Debris Region ( 120 mpt� and above) .ASCE 7-98 WN) ZONES .... HL."'t4L WNDS 150-159 mph ..... Ctrgory 5 (Wch) 140-149 mph . , . c�t�g y 4 (Ard) 130-139 mph .:...Cjigoty 4 (Opt) 1 Mac d c,a�# (Nnhandic E'cctcc#( n Provision) 120-129 mph .... , . categ y 3 (F .�.� 110 mph ..... Awthin N :7}irs m fr h at sante tt� itre cauray 1 h rite ao b1 "rd ryasckr , Pbc�a4einafchiesne�'t�+slr�dre. � - 11r1n4i spe?rk ae ba4e4 the Ar*+errCAn EiV OF Ghat EMV'"4s Sasr4atf iA E `iia} -ywar rx A Ipm 41?i G'. € 4 rr.J-t RLE1s.[3NG CO&PAfftSWN SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEW6��,(_�� 0N t t Why Restore: Hurricane Resist -ant Natively Aerodynamic D INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM ON 6� 1 o-7 . ;UBMITTEDINTO THE 'UBLIC RECORD FOR TE M ON�, Why Restore: Hurricane Resistance Unlike many other types of trees, palms do recover Why Restore: Sub -tropic Aw INCORP ORATED t i w T � Symbol of Miami ITEM.L4:s ON � � o� This Was Biscayne, Boulevard — View North from NE 50th Terrace before these palms were removed by FDOT in 200 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR �z This Is Biscayne BoulevardEt8Nd9y=�—�' South of N E 36th Street hundreds .of royal palms are in jeopardy SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM-P,j-3 ON&.-.?e-u� . Preserve Biscayne..Boul.evard as "Gateway to Miami" Designate Biscayne Boulevard as Scenic Transportation Corridor www.SavePalms.com