HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Elvis CruzMNU Proposed M21 Changus, Bullet Points Tuesday, September 1, 2009 9:50pm A listing of proposed amendments to Miami 21. Requested Mapping Changes 1. T4 zoning (a 35 foot height limit) for any commercial corridor which abuts any single family or duplex, as currently zoned. 2. 35 foot height limit for Upper Eastside. 35 foot height limit in the MiMo Historic District. 3. Shoreerest wants 35 for all their neighborhood, as far West and South as the Little River. 4. Belle Meade is comfortable with T-4 (53') along the east side of Biscayne Boulevard from NE 72nd Terrace to 77th Street and up to 70' if public parking is provided. 5. Palm Grove: M21 proposes making the east side of NE 4 court, from 77 Street to 63 St, T4L, which would include coirunercial. It should be T4R, to keep it residential, like the rest of Palm Grove. Change, from T5R and "1'4R to T3L: The historic Palm Grove / West Bayshore neighborhood, from 58 Street north to 60 street, from behind the Biscayne Boulevard - fronted lots west to the railroad tracks. There are almost all single family homes in that area. The formerly O section of Palm Grove on tlie-east,, behind the businesses along BB should be changed to T3L, because that is primarily what those properties are. 6. Bayside: 61 and 62 Streets - 61 Street (Lemon City Avenue) is the oldest street in the city, has the oldest house in the city; 654 NE 61 Strcet, built in 1901. The neighbors were told they could get petitions to change the zoning from R3 (15) to T3R, and have done so. 7. Coral Way: T40 from 15th road to 3 -Ind road. T5 for the rest of Coral Way all the way to 37th avenin. A 8. 27'h Avenue: Change 27th Ave, between Coral Way and US 1, from T6 to T5, as per the PAB recommendations. 9. Miami River Revert zoning of Miami River marine parcels back to original - D3, as per court case: 1884 NW North River Dri\ e 2215 NW 14th St 1583 NW 24thAv SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMP-L--s ON O(o - D209S-Subr )1 f (a.1— F_1 V I S Cruz —r--- -r-,-� Miami Neighborhoods United Analysis of Miami 21'Is Draft of October 13, 2009 With Requested Amendments Wednesday, October 14, 2009 Miami Neighborhoods United, a coalition of 18 neighborhood associations, was formed to preserve and protect Miami's single-family and duplex neighborhoods. Miami 21, in section 2.1.2, declares its first conservation goal as being "preserving neighborhoods". This analysis of Miami 21 was done with the same goal in mind. A brief summary ofMNU's position on the Miami 21 Atlas. First and foremost, by far the most important aspect of Miami 21 is the zoning atlas. In order to preserve and protect neighborhoods, MNU has long advocated a 35 foot height limit along commercial corridors outside downtown, with certain specific exceptions such as the Civic Center and the Airport Lake area (Between LeJeune and Red Road, North of NW 7 Street.) M21 proposes an excellent concept with T40 zoning, as this is a 3 -story height limit which is the logical zoning category to have along commercial corridors, especially where they abut low density single-family and duplex neighborhoods. MNU strongly urges our commissioners to implement T4 zoning along any commercial corridor that abuts any currently zoned single-family or duplex neighborhood. Up -zoning a single family or duplex property to circumvent the T4 zoning should not be allowed. An analysis of the Miami 21 CODE and MNU's position. In general, the code appears to have many examples where objective criteria have been substituted for subjective criteria, under the guise of flexibility. This can lead to major problems vis-a-vis inconsistent protection of neighborhoods. In this analysis, any text or paraphrasing from the Miami 21 code is in regular type, with MNU's analysis comments in Italics. ITEM 1: 1.13. Building height is measured in stories. 111.7 3.5.1 Unless otherwise specified herein, the Height of Buildings shall be measured in Stories. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.5 on 10-22-09 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 1) 111.7 3.5.2 A Story is a Habitable level within a Building of a maximum fourteen (14) feet in Height from finished floor to finished Floor. Basements are not considered Stories for the purposes of determining Building Height. A ground level retail Story may exceed this limit up to a total height of twenty-five (25) feet. A single floor level exceeding fourteen (14) feet, or twenty-five (25) feet at ground level retail, shall be counted as two (2) Stories. Where the first two stories are retail, their total combined Height shall not exceed thirty-nine (39) feet and the first floor shall be a minimum of fourteen (14) feet in Height. MNU strongly opposes this concept. Building heights should be measured in fee4 in addition to the maximum number of stories allowable. Use 25 / 14 only, in downtown, 15 / 10 elsewhere, as is the .standard. And why an arbitra,y minimum of 14,for the ground level retail? V.21 The below drawing shows a T5 building abutting T3. Same in V.31 with T6. ARUM N6 SIX & RM T3 The above drawing shows the first and .second floor of the T3 as having the same height as the T5, but M21 proposes allowing a 25 foot first floor, and 14 foot floors above that. The drawing needs to be redone to shorn 25/14, up against a 9 foot tall house, currently standard for most single family homes. The drmvinf;, below, shows M21. real dimensions and why it is inappropriate to have 25 and 14. f oot high floors outside the CBD. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.5 on 10-22-09 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk -It CAAW-1k L�.VPWNT 50iECN "it WE=T I MECKWCAT cswrvrEw, M UWItJt T60.rriGMO Ii7tiRE WUI JI TSa U��:::irw= 1bove you see the real e#ect M21 's proposed 25 / l4 lour heights would have on a neighborhood. Suggestion: ,Apply the 25 and 1 l.foot maximums only in downtown, Outside downtown, make it 15 and IOfeet. From what Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk (the Miami 21 consultant) has said, 25114 would not be economically. feasible outside of an intense commercial area anyway, so there would be no harm in limiting it that way. REQUESTED AMENDMENT: Amending the definition of Building Height in "Article 1. Definitions", on page 1. 13, to read: Building Height: The vertical extent of a Building measured in Stories and feet. Also amending section 3.5.2, on page III.7, by adding: The above section. 3.5.2, which defines the heiehts of stories as 24 feet for the first floor and 14 feet for upper floors, shall only apply to buildings in downtown. Outside of downtown, the first floor shall be a maximum of 15 feet, with upper floors being a maximum of 10 feet. Should an applicant wish to have a floor which is higher than those maximums, it can be achieved by giving up the next floor's height. Downtown shall be defined as the area within the Urban u s O — 41 O Y 3 CL � a C d — O t ++ N N 0 V +�+ C C C O Q O f6 U E OE W ai � L Central Business District as it is mapped in Appendix LLJ-Iof the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan of November 2008. ITEM 2: Page I.13 The phrase "by right" is used throughout the entire document, but it should be replaced with "allowable ", because nothing in Miami 21 is "by right " or "as of right ", as we have been told by Planning Dept staff and as is verified in other places in the Miami 21 code, such as: 11.9 In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this Miami 21 Code shall be the minimum requirements or maximum limitations, as the case may be, adopted for the promotion of the public health, safety, morals or general welfare. Even though the definition of " by right - mentions Zoning review and approval, to the average citizen, "by right " conveys a sense of undeniable buildable rights, contrar3• to the definition given in M21. Most specifically, " by right " should not apply to building heights. REQUESTED AMENDMENT: All instances of "by right" throughout the entire Miami 21 code shall be replaced by "allowable" or "may be allowed-. ITEM 3: 111.24 3.14.1 The bonus shall not be available to properties in a T6 Zone if the property abuts a T3 Zone. Goodtd, but should be modified to apply to all properties currently zoned T3, so as to avoid progressive up -zoning in the future. Also, perhaps this should also apply to CS? REQUESTED AMENDMENT: 111.24 3.14.1 The bonus shall not be available to properties in a T6 Zone if the property abuts a T3 Zone, or any property which was zoned T3 on September 4, 2009 or at any time afterwards . I1101131 A IV.27: Article 4, Table 12, "Design Review Criteria" Submitted into the public record in connection with 4 item PZ.5 on 10-22-09 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk As the planning department publick stated, in writing, "Section 1305 as referred to in Ordinance 11000 will be incorporated in its entirety within the Miami 21 zoning code revisions_ " This is simply not mare; it has been changed very much from how if appears in 11, 000, where it runs for 9 pages, while in A121 it is only one page long. Also, section 1306, ftom 11, 000, should also be included in M21, because 1306 gives the city the authority to enforce 1305. REQUESTED AMENDMENT: All of 1305 and 1306 shall be included in A121. I_H 01ll� _._u'I>1� Drastic changes to 11, 000's "GI ordinance " are made in M21. V.43 In the event that a Civic Institution Zone ceases to be used for Civic Institution Uses, it shall be developed either in accordance with the regulations of the most restrictive Abutting Transect Zone or by process of rezoning, subject to the limitations of the Comprehensive Plan. On the same topic, from another area ole M21: VI1.30 Amendment to Miami 21 Code a. Successional Zoning. 1. When a Cl zoned property ceases to be used for Civic functions, the successional rezoning is determined by identifying the lowest Intensity Abutting Transect Zone, and rezoning to that Zone's next higher Intensity Zone. These sections weaken the GI ordinance, which states: 11,000. Section 401, under G/I Government and Institutional: Uses ancillary to these ( government / institutional J uses are allowed to a maximum density and intensity equivalent to the least intense abutting zoning district, subject to the same limiting conditions. To preserve the intent of the GI ordinance, the successional zoning in M21 should be the same as the least intense abutting, not the neat higher. We also need language to prevent a CI property from carving out a piece of property in order to insulate them from abutting transect zones, such as was attempted at Mercy. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.5 on 10-22-09 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 6 REQUESTED AMENDMENT: VI1.30 Amendment to Miami 21 Code a. Successional Zoning. 1. When a Cl zoned property ceases to be used for Civic functions, the successional rezoning is determined by identifying the lowest Intensity Abutting Transect Zone, and rezoning to that same Transect ZsRes„ )d hkj ►er 1'Rte R6ity Zenc . Uses ancillary to CI uses are allowed to a maximum density and intensity equivalent to the least intense abutting zoning district. subiect to the same limiting conditions. ITEM 6: V.5 5.3.2 For T3 -R and T3 -L, second story lot coverage shall not exceed thirty percent (30%). Good.for those two transects, but it does not apply to 73-0, .so it would still allow duplex McMansions, as has been happening in Coconut Grove. 3hould he changed to include T3-0. REQUESTED AMENDMENT: V.5 5.3.2 For T3 -R and T3 -L and T3-0, second story lot coverage shall not exceed thirty percent (30%). fMM 7: 111.12 b. Deferral period, revocation of permit; notice of revocation. A deferral may be allowed for up to five (5) years without provision for renewal except upon application for a new Waiver. All applications for deferral shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director before issuance by the Zoning Administrator. This section refers to parking requirement deferrals. Upon closer scrutiny, and mindful of existing parking conditions near several projects, MNU objects to parking deferrals outright, Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.S on 10-22-09 6 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk and agrees with those passages of this section which advocate all parking be built concurrently with the improvements which generate the parking requirement. REQUESTED AMENDMENT: 3.6.8 Deferral of Off-street Parking Standards a. Deferral of portions of total required parking improvements in phased projects Parking requirements shall be met as set forth by this Code and built concurrently with approved improvements generating said requirement. Provision of parking 6hould shall not in part or in whole be deferred for future implementation. Further, phased projects shall be approved subject to provision of required parking for each component phase to be provided concurrently with the phase generating said requirement er FFal6 may -be -granted- y Wal . b-9efe FF -•- -.dr T. -L • .. ► .. • _ MIM■A. . a• w • � a . a • • . .- ITEM 8: 111.18 3.9.1 Special Area Plans 10. Flexible allocation of development capacity and Height, excluding Density on individual sites within the Special Area Plan shall be allowed so long as the capacity or Height distribution does not result in development that is out of Scale or character with the surrounding area, and provides for appropriate transitions. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ -5 on 10-22-09 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 8 "Flexible allocation of development capacity and height " — what exactly does that mean? Who decides it, and using what criteria? This can lead to problems, especially if it is abutting or adjacent to T3. "not... out of Scale or character " sounds good, but again, who decides if something is out c?f scale or character? The same planning depl that recommended approval of the Mercy condo towers? REQUESTED AMENDMENT: III.18 3.9.1 Special Area Plans - - - - - - - e e Special Area Plans must comply° with same transect limitations of Miami 21 as used throughout the entire Cite. ITEM 9: IVA Table on Lot Occupation: Maximum lot area is 40,000 square feet. 40, 000 sf as a maximum in T5 is too much. M21 originally suggested 30k. Suggestion: Take it back to 30K as a T5 max. REQUESTED AMENDMENT: Amend Article 4. Table 2. Lot Occupation to read: a. Lot Area for T5 maximum is 40,000 30.000 square feet . Building height in T5 and T6-8 is a minimum of 2 stories. Why are single story buildings not allowed in T5 and T6-8? This would make it more expensive to build a minimum -sized building. What about restaurants and gas stations? Every single -story building in TSO and T6-8 commercial areas would then become a non -conforming use. REQUESTED AMENDMENT: Amend Article 4. Table 2, Building Height (Stories) to read: a. Principal Building in T5 and T6-8: 2 matin. 1 min. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.5 on 10-22-09 8 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk IN ITEM 10: IVA Table on Lot Occupation: There is a zero side and rear setback requirement in T4 and T5 abutting T5 or higher. Wouldn't this allow windowless apartments? Where would you plant Trees? This is in conflict with LEEDs, which advocates sunlight. Similarly: 1.19: Note this definition: Habitable Space: Building space which Use involves human presence with direct view of the enfronting streets or public or private Open Space, excluding Parking Garages, self-service storage facilities, warehouses, and display windows separated from retail activity. Haw is that compatible with the zero side and rear setbacks allowed in T5? How can two side- by-side buildings, up against each other with zero setback, have windows between them? MNU's position is that zero -setback T5 buildings should only be allowed in downtown areas. (Is downtown defined as the area bordered by the Miami River, Biscayne Bay, 1-95 and 1-395?) REQUESTED AMENDMENT: Amend Article 4. Table 2, Building Setback, c. Side and d. Rear, for 'I'4 and T5: 0 rw.min. 10 ft. min. ----------------- ITEM 11: VII.3 Article 7 The "Permitting Process Diagram" on this page has eliminated public hearings for large building projects - No more MUSPs. If there is no waiver, warrant, exception, variance or zoning change involved, they are "by right" and get a building permit. This is an outrageous lirniting ofpublic involvement. Just as before, public hearings and city commission approval should be required of any large building. Suggested criteria: any building over 3 stories and / or ti units should have a public hearing. Also, what is the meaning gfthe asterisk seen in severalplaces of that diagram? It should be clearly defined on the same page. REQUESTED AMENDMENT: Submitted into the public record in connection with q item PZ.S on 10-22-09 Priscilla A. 'Thompson City Clerk m Amend ARTICLE 7. DIAGRAM 14 PERMITTING PROCESS such that the diagram for a "By Right" application is exactly Like listed for a Zoning Change, for any building in a T5 or T6-8 zone. [ Also, what is the meaning of the asterisk seen in several places of that diagram'? It should be clearly defined on the same page. ] ITEM 12: \111. 15 7.1.2 Permits Permits issued in error shall convey no rights to any party. The Zoning Administrator shall require corrections to be made unless construction has commenced on that portion of the construction that was permitted in error. VI1.43 Approvals granted in error do not authorize violation of this Code; corrections required. a. An approval issued in error shall not confer any rights to construction or occupancy, and upon a finding that a permit has been so issued, it shall be revoked unless construction has commenced on that portion of the construction that was permitted in error. This is improper and could lead to abuse ofthe system, or allow bad construction to stand We treed protection against harried construction on an error, like a stop -work order if the permit is being challenged REQUESTED AMENDMENT: V11.43 Approvals granted in error do not authorize violation of this Code; corrections required. a. An approval issued in error shall not confer any rights to construction or occupancy, and upon a finding that a permit has been so issued, it shall be revoked URIe t . A stop -work order shall be issued if a citizen shows reasonable proof of the error to either the Building Department. Planning Department or City Manager that the permit was issued in error. I'T'EM 13: VII. 17 c. The Board shall determine whether the administrative determination is upheld or rescinded. The ruling of the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board may be further appealed to the City Commission, and must be filed with the Office of Hearing Boards within fifteen (15) calendar days of the Board's issuance of its ruling. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.S on 10-22-09 10 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk The above paragraph should include "De Novo " after the word "appealed", so that appeals to the City Commission are de novo appeals, as is cur•renth^ the case,, as is stated in Miami 21 for PZAB appeals. Suggested language: "An appeal oj'a planning determination, if.s•ought, .shall be de novo. " REQUESTED AMENDMENT: VII.17 c. The Board shall determine whether the administrative determination is upheld or rescinded, The ruling of the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board may be further appealed to the City Commission, and must be filed with the Office of Hearing Boards within fifteen (15) calendar days of the Board's issuance of its ruling. The appeal to the City Commission will be a de novo hearing. Another problem with this same section.- Before section: Before appeal of any action to the City Commission, the appellant is required to have exhausted administrative remedies by appearing on the record at the hearing before the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board. In addition to requirements of the Hearing Boards Office, the filing of the appeal shall state the specific reasons for such appeal, together with payment of any required fee. The appeal may be filed only by the applicant or any person who appeared of record at the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board hearing on the decision being appealed and who is aggrieved by the action of the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board. This is onerous, and much more restrictive than the current. Anyone .should be allowed to appeal de novo to the city commission, even if they did not appear at the PZAB or are "aggrieved", whatever that would be interpreted to mean. Who decides who is aggrieved? The city? REQUESTED AMENDMENT: RISE! - L - - ■ L L` m: L L LAMC y required fee. Th - a' aa- -s a _a . G Whe aGti0R o•e Planning,. • Appeals-goar-d. Any citizen may initiate an appeal to the PZAB or to the City Commission. Important note: the same amendment is recommended to be applied to, and all other sections, such as Warrant, Waiver, Erception and Variance, which have similar language. v s � - ,-1 O -Y 3 am o n a c N E V O C O 12 'a U! tr++ . v a E � a � o 12 II* fISA VII.20 4. A Warrant shall be valid for a period of two (2) years during which a building permit or Certificate of Use must be obtained. It should be one year, as it was before. It was changed in the M21 red -line version Nov 5, 2008. Note that the same situation applies to other sections, such as Warrant, Waiver, Exception, and I'ariance, which have similar language REQUESTED AMENDMENT: V11.20 4. A Warrant shall be valid for a period of two (2) one (1) years during which a building permit or Certificate of Use must be obtained. Also Recommended: Appeals to PZAB and City Commission should be free, not the current $500 for each appeal. ITEM 15: V11.21 This section includes a listing of 25 different waiveable deviations from the code. In general, there is too much power to waive requirements administratively, such as parking. This makes it dicult for the public and neighborhoods to protect themselves. There should hem public hearings at PZAB for the 25 waiveable items in this section, not just public notice and cin administrative decision. REQUESTED AMENDMENT: There should be public hearings at PZAB for the 25 waiveable items in this section, not just public notice and an administrative decision. Appeals to PZAB and City Commission should be free, not the current $500. ITEM 16: NOTICE requirements: Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.5 on 10-22-09 I Priscilla A. 'rhompson City Clerk 1� V11.23 c. €aide' "iYe-notice-uiideF this se iQf -'BF-a Wa+VeF- Forlunately, this outrageous sentence has beery struck from the many places it appears throughout the article, wherever notice is mentioned, as you see above. If would have allowed the city to not give notice, without penalty. Suggestion: Leave the sentence in, but strike the word "not ",from each anti every occurrence, like this: REQUESTED AMENDMENT: VI1.23 c. Failure to give notice under this section shall r=at invalidate a decision on a Waiver. That sentence would serve as a stronger protection against notice failures, as happened in the past with Buena Vista Last. That would.foree the city to actualhv do their job and give proper notice. Notice that this REQUESTED AMENDMENT: should also apply to administrative decisions, warrant, waiver, exceptions and variances; anything that requires a public notice. ITEM 17: VII.42 d. Modifications to special permits and Variances approved under a previous code. 1. An applicant may modify a special permit approved under a previous zoning code, as a minor modification through the Warrant process, if the components being modified will after modification be in compliance with this Code, even though the remainder of the approved development plan is not in full compliance with this Code. The special permit may be amended with modifications that the Planning Director determines not to be minor, and variances may be modified according to the following procedures: a. Class I Special Permits shall be amended pursuant to Chapter 62 of the City Code. b. Class II Special Permits shall be amended as a Warrant c. Special Exceptions and Major Use Special Permits shall be amended as an Exception d. Variances may be modified as a Variance. This loophole should not be allowed: Class 2 and MUSPs should have to reapply or go to public hearing, or both. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.5 on 10-22-09 13 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 14 REQUESTED AMENDMENT: VII.42 d. Modifications to special permits and Variances approved under a previous code. 1. An applicant may modify a special permit approved under a previous zoning code, as a minor modification through the Warrant process, if the components being modified will after modification be in compliance with this Code, even though the remainder of the approved development plan is not in full compliance with this Code. he speGial permit may be a th Med-ifin--ntoons that the anning-MrerAor-detefrr+ines net -Ito -be -miner; and va4a-Rtes cm be nm�itrie,d-ac�G rdi S tCode- b. a�r1 pe—'al Permits 6YtG rater 62 ref t City' p he C_:._SpeGia4_&!`„pp},i_-I­i�uM.ajOF (rteSpecria-I-PeFmits sha11 ho nme-nded as d. VaFnaRGesr ay -be -+edified as a Vaia-rGe. Substantial modifications shall require re-application. Itt0111 u 9F;� VI1.42 3. The expiration date for any Class II Special Permit, Major Use Special Permit or Variance approved under the Zoning Ordinance 11000 in effect immediately prior to the date of adoption of this Miami 21 Code may, upon application to the Director b the owner, be extended from its original expiration date as follows: a. Class Il Special Permits, Special Exceptions and Variances shall be permitted no more than one (1) time extension for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months. b. Major Use Special Permits shall be permitted no more than two (2) time extensions for each time extension period not to exceed twenty-four (24) months. What criteria is there for determining if the extension should be granted? Is it totally at the discretion of the Director? No public involvement? This is not fair, as there is nothing to prevent special-interest group influence. Extensions to previously approved Class .2 permits, Variances, MUSPs and Special E.rceptions should have to reapply or go to public hearing, or both. REQUESTED AMENDMENT: VI1.42 3. The expiration date for any Class II Special Permit, Major Use Special 14 I Permit or Variance approved under the Zoning Ordinance 11000 in effect immediately prior to the date of adoption of this Miami 21 Code may, upon application to the Director by the owner, be extended from its original expiration date as follows: a. Class II Special Permits, Special Exceptions and Variances shall be permitted no more than one (1) time extension for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months, if approved the City Commission following a public hearing. b. Major Use Special Permits shall be permitted no more than two (2) one (1) time extensions f� ,oF a h not to exceedtwet' four (24) twelve (12) months, if approved the City Commission following a public hearing. ITEM 19: VI1.44 Intent The intent of this section is to establish procedures to ensure procedural due process and maintain citizen access to the local government decision-making process for the review of certain applications that require quasi-judicial hearings. These procedures shall be applied and interpreted in a manner recognizing both the legislative and judicial aspects of the local government decision-making process in quasi-judicial hearings. Failure to observe the procedures set out herein shall not provide a separate cause of action to challenge the decision of the decision-making board. This is a denial of due process. Is this even legal? The city doesn't even have to follow its own rules? The boldface sentence should be stricken. REQUESTED AMENDMENT: V11.44 Intent The intent of this section is to establish procedures to ensure procedural due process and maintain citizen access to the local government decision-making process for the review of certain applications that require quasi-judicial hearings. These procedures shall be applied and interpreted in a manner recognizing both the legislative and judicial aspects of the local government decision-making process in quasi-judicial hearings. €a+!Wete G13-ceNe the PFGGed U set aut heF e separ-ate G -u-se of astien to s esi . ITEM 20: 111.11 3.6.7 3. The applicant shall submit plans which demonstrate how the remaining parking may be accommodated in the event that the housing becomes market rate housing at some time in the future. Suggestion: Change the "may" above to "will" Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.5 on 10-22-09 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 16 REQUESTED AMENDMENT: 3.6.7 3. The applicant shall submit plans which demonstrate how the remaining parking will lx accommodated in the event that the housing becomes market rate housing at some time in the future. ITEM 21: 1I.7 - Zoning Ordinance] 1000 will still apply to Midtown and Miami World Center, although the M21 appeals process, which decreases public involvement, would also apply. It makes no sense to have two different zoning ordinances at the same time. Why are these two private projects being given special treatment? REQUESTED AMENDMENT: 24A-A-�i6 Gode roasesAhe Zeninq OrdinanGe for w -n as QfdinanGe 11000 eXGept that Sestien 627,—S[) 27- he{eby retaifled-and_inserper Ordiaar+se-� a 94e #erfed4e4n Ses l Gist tr$vfdir g� t#at itbi n tom;; 2-27Dist i Zoningand Appeals BeaFd and pFeGedwes Fela ed te appeals theFetO 6et out by this Mian;C)FdanaRGe 11000.mral -z - -Eli - - •�a ]ITEM 22: 111.25 3.14.3 The proposed bonus Height and FLR shall be permitted in exchange for contribution to the City for the following public benefits: affordable/workforce housing, Public Parks and Open Space, Green Buildings, Brownfields, and Civic Space or Civil Support space. The City shall establish a Miami 21 Public Benefits Trust Fund for the cash contributions for Affordable/ Workforce Housing, Public Parks and Open Space, and Green Building certification shortfall penalty made under this section. The City Commission, upon the manager's recommendation, shall annually decide the allocation of funds from the Trust Fund collected under this section. All cash contributions thus allocated by the Commission to support affordable/ workforce ho >< I be Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.5 on 10-22-09 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 17 deposited in the Affordable Housing Trust Fund for expenditures pursuant to the guidelines adopted by the City Commission. All cash contributions thus allocated by the Commission to support Parks and Open Space shall be deposited in the Parks and Open Space Trust Fund, set forth in Chapter 62 of the City Code, to be expended in accordance with the guidelines outlined therein. Suggestion: Post an on-line spreadsheet of the various trust .ffind contributions / balances / uses.) REQUESTED AMENDMENT: The city shall shall establish and maintain an on-line spread sheet listing all contributions and pay -outs for all the public benefits and trust funds. ITEM 23: V.17 and V. 24 5.5.1 and 5.6.1 j. Maximum Lot size as shown in Illustration 5.5 (and 5.6) may be increased by Exception for Uses that serve the Neighborhood. What are "uses that serve the neighborhood?" That is vague, undefined and open to convenient interpretation. M21 should either disallow exceptions to the max lot size, or define criteria for the exception. REQUESTED AMENDMENT: V,17 and V. 24 6.6.1 and 5.4. - aSsdiNR-iF}4I StFa#+D R�---Y fie Iii fE?aSed by EXGeptieR fnr Uses that septe the Ponhb94;eGd-. ITEM 24: V.42 In Civic Spaces, Buildings shall conform to regulations of the most restrictive Abutting Transect Zone, except as shown by City of Miami's Parks and Public Spaces Master Plan. Other adjustments to the regulations shall be approved by process of Exception. Not sure what is on the Parks and Public Spaces Master Plan, but what exactly is meant by "Other adjustments to the regulations shall be approved by process gfException "? Again, the door is left open fur potentially undesirable changes. REQUESTED AMENDMENT: Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.5 on 10-22-09 17 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 18 V.42 In Civic Spaces. Buildings shall conform to regulations of the most restrictive Abutting Transect Zone, ,eeYt as she ..., by City, of Miami's n..rk S ,,.,.a Public- Spaces ,►.gas e. ITEM 25: VI.25 6.4.1 Personal Wireless Service Facility allowed in T3 to 35 feet, T4 to 60 feet. 35.16ol tall antennae should not be allowed in T3. REQUESTED AMENDMENT: V1.25 6.4.1 Personal Wireless Service Facility allowed in T-3 to 35 feet-. T4 to 60 feet. ITEM 26: ITEM 27: VII.25 b. 3. Projects equal to or less than two hundred thousand (200,000) square feet of floor area shall be reviewed by the Planning Director and the Zoning Administrator without need for review by the Coordinated Review Committee, unless the Planning Director and Zoning Administrator determine that review by the Coordinated Review Committee is necessary. 200, 000 sq feet is the size of two Home Depots! The cutoff should be 30, 000 square feet. anything above that should go to the CRC, even for an Exception. REQUESTED AMENDMENT: b. 3. Projects equal to or less than thirty thousand (30,000) square feet of floor area shall be reviewed by the Planning Director and the Zoning Administrator without need for review by the Coordinated Review Committee, unless the Planning Director and Zoning Administrator determine that review by the Coordinated Review Committee is necessary. ITEM 28: VI1.36 7. Waiver of time limits. The time limits set forth in this subsection g. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.S on 10-22-09 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk I () may be waived by a vote of at least three (3) members of the City Commission when such action is deemed necessary to prevent injustice or to facilitate development of the city in the context of the adopted Comprehensive Plan, or any portion thereof. This is similar to.- V111.44 o: VI1.44 Resubmission and Withdrawal of Applications Requiring Public Hearing. a. Whenever an application has been denied, the city shall not thereafter consider the same application for any part or all of the same property for a period of eighteen (18) months from the date of the denial. b. Whenever an applicant has voluntarily withdrawn an application after the application has been scheduled for a public hearing, the city shall not thereafter consider the same application for the same property for eighteen (18) months from the date of the withdrawal. c. The time limits set by paragraphs a. and b. above may be waived by a vote of not less than three (3) members of the decision making body when such action is deemed necessary to prevent injustice or to facilitate development of the city in the context of the adopted Comprehensive Plan, or portion thereof. This is subjective and vague, as it could apply to any item. All development is already required to be in the context of the comp plan. Time limits should not be waiveable, to protect the public interest. REQUESTED AMENDMENT: iR this 6Ubsestien-9-aIay-be waived by a vote of at least lee�-n begs-ef the-Q44SOr ++ss+efl-when sueh astieR is dee fne neGersary to-p4:eYeRt4njustiGe or to farillitate developme t of the Gily n-the-Gontext eUthe-ad$}3tEd r 6' pfebeasiye Plan or arvy-W4en-tF$9f. • L • _ ��11if1= Aj•- - - beeR deRied, the - • L' e the ••- L 7 eL eL eighteeR • w • the date of the - . b. - ? • • D - - appliGatiop,haaro been ror--hedluled for a publiG heaFiRg, • . GGRsideF the ••_ appliGatiOR.• e date of the w4thdFawall-. • - - -L t .. s • e Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ -5 on 10-22-09 I �� Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 0 ITEM 29: VII.4I Modifications to Applications Requiring Public Hearing a. Modifications to applications after processing begins. An applicant may modify an application filed with the Office of Hearing Boards after processing begins and prior to the public hearing if the modifications are not substantial. Otherwise, a new application must be made and fee paid. Whether a proposed modification is substantial shall be determined by the Zoning Administrator, according to whether the requested modification requires a Variance or Exception. There should be objective criteria for the determination of "substantial ", not just the opinion oJ' the Zoning .4dministrator. A modification can be substantial without requiring a variance or exception. REQUESTED AMENDMENT: Modifications to Applications Requiring Public Hearing a. Modifications to applications after processing begins. An applicant may modify an application filed with the Office of Hearing Boards after processing begins and prior to the public hearing if the modifications are not substantial. Otherwise, a new application must be made and fee paid. Whether -a proposed mcg4+'Ga i iss^,•ubs,ta+ Rttai shall be-detir-r*4ned by the 7nrttng Adi-+n-i-&trat0f;�a a rdin9 iGther the requested modi,iraticm roequi ,Fe6 a ptiGR. Substantial modifications include those which increase the height, footprint, density, number of units or square footage of a building, or decrease the number of parking spaces, or change the configuration of the building. ITEM 30: ITEM 31: ITEM 32: VII.46 c.The official file shall be available for inspection during normal business hours. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.S on 10-22-09 20 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 21 Suggested addition: and be posted on-line at least 6 days Prior to the meeting. REQUESTED AMENDMENT: c.The official file shall be available for inspection during normal business hours, and be posted on-line at least 6 days prior to the meeting. ITEM 33: VII.48 Rules of Evidence f. Documentary evidence may be presented in the form of a copy of the original, if available. A copy shall be made available to the Decision-making body and to the staff no later than two business days prior to the hearing on the application. Note the l day deadline. It should be at least 6 days, to require posting on a Friday for a commission meeting the following Thursday. It .should also require submission to the public folder and on-line posting. REQUESTED AMENDMENT: Rules of Evidence f. Documentary evidence may be presented in the form of a copy of the original, if available. A copy shall be made available to the Decision-making body and to the staff, posted on-line and included in the public file no later than twe six business days prior to the hearing on the application. ITEM 34: V11.49 The record All evidence admitted into the record at the hearing, and the adopted development order of the Decision-making body shall be maintained by the City Clerk in a hearing file for a period of at least forty-five days (45) from issuance of the decision. Should also be posted on-line for at least 10 years ufierwards. REQUESTED AMENDMENT: The record All evidence admitted into the record at the hearing, and the adopted development order of the Decision-making body shall be maintained by the City Clerk in a hearing file for a period of at least forty-five days (45) from issuance of the decision, and posted on-line for at least 10 years afterwards. Submitted into the public record in connection with iters PZ.5 on 10-22-09 1 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk VI1.49 7.1.5 Appeals There is no mention of an appeal fee. It is currently 5500. The public should not have to pay to appeal an issue to their appoinled or elected officials. REQUESTED AMENDMENT: 7.1.5 Appeals g. Any citizen may file an appeal by submitting a letter to the Office of Hearing Boards, within the time limit, and paving an appeal fee of $100, which is refunded to the citizen if he / she appears for the appeal hearing. In lieu of the $100 fee. 20 signatures of registered city voters will suffice. ITEM 36: V.42 One or more Buildings may be built in each Civic Space. Building floor area shall not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the lot area of the Civic Space, and shall support the principal use of the Civic Space. 25% is too much park land to become a building Suggestion: Only 5% oj'a park should be allowed to be covered by a building. (Why does M21 call parks "Civic .Space "? Why not still call them Parks, PR?) REQUESTED AMENDMENT: One or more Buildings may be built in each Civic Space. Building floor area shall not exceed t t-y-#ive--perms+ r�-'�-) five percent (5%) of the lot area of the Civic Space, and shall support the principal use of the Civic Space. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.S on 10-22-09 Priscilla A.'rhompson City Clerk