HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-CorrespondenceE 0Bo BISCAYNE BOULEVARD HISTORIC DISTRICT MIMO BISCAYNE ASSOCIATION, INC. February 12, 2008 Honorable Mayor Manuel Diaz n INTO City of Miami SUOMI I I U 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133-5595 F)UBLIC RECORDRe: Miami 21/Height Limits M ITEM �� � �ON Dear Mayor Diaz: Please be advised that the following is the approved position of the MiMo Biscayne Association relating to Miami 21 and the height limits along Biscayne Boulevard within the MiMo Historic District MIMO BISCAYNE ASSOCIATION PROPOSED POSITION RELATING TO MIAMI 21: The MiMo Biscayne Association supports the Miami 21 concept and urges the City to move forward in their efforts to update Miami 21 with the changes promised the community. Chapter 23, the blueprint of regulations and incentives for historic districts, including MiMo Biscayne Boulevard needs to move forward and be approved to allow adaptive reuse of the current historic structures and relax the parking requirements so that projects within the District can move forward during the current delay in the approval of the Miami 21 legislation. Minto Biscayne Association supports a building height compromise within Miami 21 for the Biscayne Boulevard Historic District. We support a height limitation of 53 feet. However, construction on a case by case basis can allow up to a maximum of 70 feet in height in areas not abutting single family residences if parking for the building along with additional parking the for the general public is included within the structure. As part of this compromise, MiMo Biscayne Association urges the Miami City Commission to create buffer zones of less than the height limitations for new construction abutting single family districts. Those buffer zones shall be compatible with the heights of the single family homes. The MiMo Biscayne Association's recommendation is based upon the recognition that all new infill construction in the MiMo historic district shall be reviewed and approved by the City of Miami's HEP Board. Such approvals shall be based strictly upon design compatibility with the existing architecture and the surrounding built environment. Approved by a vote of Membership on February 11, 2008 We would appreciate appropriate consideration be given to our position. Sincerely, Fran Rollason, President C: Commissioners J. Sanchez, M. D. Samoff, M. Spence -Jones, A. Gonzalez, T. Regalado FOR 71///-; f/.110 GROUP 14'e, area diverse ggroup q/ � iri_ens Irher carr uhurrr rhe %rrturc <�l rho hisun is 6'iscaine 6unhwurd :lfiAdo di.crrict, Lb'e mee,l.jor hr�'akfusl or dinner on u reguldr hasis io explore nye challenge of revualmng the: historic Qrea ac a iiazire desthiation, ']'/re triols ire hav- esrab/ishec/ ni nr�ar our reals include creatm- a p/ace-n^along s/reet.ecrrpt . providing /acubstart and national incerahc s. rnarkemr g Me (vea uviih a A,10fo lhenle acrd empowering r lea, /ership group bl residenis.,husirress people acrd properly owners irlrp 11'1!1 nru-1ure rhe rr>ighhorhooil 686 N. E. 74* Street, Miami, Florida 33138 305 758-6144 email: MiMo-on•BiBo@comcast.net Vi v.MiMoBoulevard.org o(0- ozo95 — SubM' #al- CorrerpondenCe (A rr 2.110 CL CL 0 0 f+ 0, S; 0 f+ o Er 0 E revuelta archtectur-a internattonal M Tuesday, August 18, 2009 Miami, F11 Re: 35' Height Restriction Proposal. If MWF57-75T&1�,Fji:: At the request of my friend and colleague Dean Lewis I am writing this opinion letter to express my views regarding the 35' height restriction proposed and dernanded by some neighbors in the Immediate area. zones of C-1 in different areas of the City and the lesser Intensfty areas of R-1 and R-2. The oversight at some point decades ago of not planning for the growth of the C,11 zones and the demand for parking could have being easily solved then and now by creating transition zones that will not pay higher taxes until they are bought and developed by the purchaser. The answer is not limiting to 35 feet the areas that flank Biscayne Boulevard or for that matter other major avenues and streets that have a right of way of more than 70 feet to lower heights than 8 or 10 stories. Any avenue or street with such a right of way should be able to withstand contextually structures of a height one to one and half its width, without fear of creating an urban atrocity or an undesirable urban fabric. The solution is easy and many have proposed and endorsed it. The implementation Is also easy to achieve urbanistically, legally and financially. The problem lays In the political tug of war those neighbors with certain particular interests and views are creating with elected officials and the presare they are applying, in my view 2950SN2714MMO Side 110 K4Wrd6FWd8 33133 T.(305) 5905000F(305)590504 LI E «f * xl!riImrq if to achieve in what my opinion is a very selfish goal, will bring an Urban disparity in Biscayne Boulevard and other areas, that will be no better than the lack of vision of not implementing transition areas decades agD. f W1 fig Urban Context we all deserve, owners, neighbors, planners and elected olftials. Sirxwely, Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.5 on 10-22-09 Priscilla A. Thompson --City Clerk MSOV2nhAvenue SuNI10 Mian d,ftrida 33133 T(305) 590-50M F (305) 59¢504 1�1 E _DOV_E-R,'K(YH_L & PARTNERS t o w n p I a n n i n g August 31, 2009 To whom it may concern, Some residents hav6 expressed angst about the possibility of multi -story buildings along portions of Biscayne Boulevard, They *have fought to put a,,35'heightlimit in place on all new development -along one of Miami's main corridors. A Wheight limit'is adefacto.two-story.limit, as itis difficult to fit more than two stories in such an envelope, especially if generous floorto ceiling heights. are, used in the commercial storefronts, or in upper floor apartments and offlces. el 00 As a practicing town planner.and designer,'I ani toirripelled,t6explain that two story buildlngs.aee an inappropriate, and unsustainable use of land along a major corridor such as Biscayne Boulevard. Below I answer the question:: Why art, muN4Wm mixed use buildings along Biscayne. Boulevald the responsible thing to do? I.. They are good for the environment SustainabiliN depends. upon creating an .environment Where mixed Uses -,are encouraged. Neighborhoods that.feature an abundance of vertically mixed-use,multi-sto , ry buildings (including walk-ups, mid-riset, and high-rises) have the: lowest -per capitaemissions of greenhouse -gases due to reduced vehicle miles traveled, higher -energy efficiencies, lower consumption of water and utilities, and potentially, a higherdegree of social cohesiveness. Conversely, sprawl development (low slung, disconnected,. single -use development),,procluces the highest per caoita.greenhouse:gas emissions and is most consumptive of natural, resources and utilities. 2. They make vibrant places. Most great.stre6t and boulevards -that are Vibrant settings for economic and social interaction have complex layering of uses - Vertically. This would -be -made difficult by a rule to eestridititilldings to two floors,,and is` ,inappropriate, in a major metropolitan context. 3. They preserve natural areasand agriculture. A dense. and walkable Biscayne Boulevard benefits the entire region. Keeping South Honda's "Eastward Ho!" Receiving Area as dense and compact as possible means reducing the development pressure on' .sensitive- and strategic agricultural and wilderness areasIothe, west, both inside:and outside the'UDS. 4. They reduce crime. Neighborhoods that feature an abunclance.of mixed'use, multi - story ,buildings ,are safer, as,different parts of the, building are inhabited and activated at different -times of the day. This;is one of the pillars of natural surveillance, and it is a powerful crime deterrent.. 5-. They jUStleell 900d. The ideal spatial enclosure ratio that is found on walkable streets sh uld produce a street section that is. taller than it'is Wide. Biscayne Bdulevard is about 80' - 100' wide. 35' buildings would be incapable of forming thisdegree of, spatial enclosure. The need for spatial enclosure is recognized by many experts as a common and necessary feature of most walkable environments. Themider the,street, the taller the "stre ' etwall" should be-in,order to,creAte the c6ro rrect,pportion. This'is across - cultural and cross -climate pattern in urban design, though hotter cultures and geographies generally'have a more vertical proportion (i.e. higher- buildings framing a narrower space), 6. They make transit feasible. Neighborhoods eigh . borhoods t hat feature multi-stoty, mixeclw-use Widings.are transit -ready. That is to say, their density and mixture of uses.make it possible for transit.officials to -decrease, headways. (increasing frequency of'servioe) and make upgrades to, traiisiL it, corridor's where the ridership projections are likely to justify Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.5 on 10-22-09 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 9 the investment. Suppressing heightsand density is orfe: of the surest, ways to 'scare officials from pursuing public transit upgrades or allocating increasingly scarce transit funds; For these and other reasons, let us inake sum that any height regulations are rooted not in emotion, butinstead on, precedent and careful study of the great. and livable cities that we admire. By doing.so, we will be,clearty guided as to the environmental, funcbonal, and,aesthkic benefits of creating 6 dense, transit-ready,'mixed-use city fabric. Sincerely, Andrew Georgiadis Project Director Dover, Kohl & Partners Town Planning 1571 Sunset Drive, (:oral Gables: Florida 33143, TelephoneI.305):666-0446 Fax (305)666-0360 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.5 on 10-22-09 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk_ _Z/ iVl N/to AssociMion Boardl, 1 -do not support the proposed drastic change in the -City of Miiamil ZonCc,ing de, th�,rt would limit developinent height to 35' to the area currently zoned SD -9, located hriithe fessional opinion to place such a strict .upper east side of Biscayne Blvd. JA my prof arbitrary height limit would not -only discouragegood design and limit potential 'redevelopment -of this, area, it will also create a monotonous skyline, devoid of variety in potential users. The current SD-9,'which was precisely and carefully drafted to protect the residential ,.neighborhoods to therear, has built in flexibility which will provide buffers of between 25' , --*tb .40', depending on whether the adjacent neighbors are zoned R1/R2 or R3/R4, in Addition to a 45 degree setback angle. The maximum height facing'Biscayne Boulevard being 85'to 90' depending on type of use. That will result in buildings with a maximum height, of'8 to 10 stories, in the front, facing a 1,00' wide right of way, and 2 to 4 stories in the 'rear, fading the neighbors.. These design parameters will create a variety in architectural styles, uses and massing. There will be some sites that, because of their size or unusual geometry, and therefore lintited parking, which will be developed to four or five stories and others will be developed to approximately ten stories maximum. These different heights, encourage residential developments on the taller sections of the Buildings, because of views and security, and commercial, developments on the shorter buildings. An ideal scenario for making sure cities and neighborhoods thrive and survive, 'V because different uses feed on each other, and reduce dependence on the automobiles. I believe this proposed major Change, which -is not envisioned in the current code or Miami 21, will. be detrimental to the future of this significant and important neighborhood, and therefore respectfully oppose it. 3�.6 AftarCcfaj Gz-161cs. j.3-1416 MkAA , FLOR16A 61 0� �. 0 -i : tf;e1,D FE, C 0 LV a C = .0 N E N 0 41 t 0 4, 0 M Ln 0 E From: belmede760@aol.c.om Date: I Mon, 3 ) I Aug 2009 18:06:07 -0400 Td: <rollason@igi ide. net> sqbject:.Re: 35 ST height limit for -Biscayne We're are unable to attend the meeting, but can furnish you with this quote: "'Four story height limit riot,!" "One of the more destructive influences on imagination and honest confrontation of urbanism in our times of extreme overpopulation is the notion that buildings over four stories degrade humanity and should be banned. A major principle behind ecological cities is that higher living organisms are complex, three-dimensional entities and an apt modelfibuthe eitystrueture, another one of those principles in nature thdt.should be taken seriously." Ecocities: Rebuilding Cities in Balance with Nature by Richard Register Page 202 Ant-olin G. Ca_rbonelll, R.,A.. Meader RQ_6idGn*t (Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.5 on 10-22-09 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Page 1 of 2 Ftan Rollason From: Ernie Carnbq [ecambo@cpfinv.com] ,Sent: 681.28/2009,1:26 PM To: rnannjdiaz@ci.rniarniAus Subject: RESIDENT OF THE UPPER EAST SIDE, VOTE NO TO 35 FEET Mayor Manny Diaz, and the Honorable Commissioners The. City need's a comprehensive plan like Miami 21, however the Biscayne Corridor will lose FAR value if the 35 foot amendment is passed, it is not scare tactic, but a fact that the "as of right" building envelope will shrink. If the FAR shrinks, the amount of inhabitable units will shrink accordingly, assuming a i5% Common mon Area Factor and 1,000 SF per unit, effectively you will be left a larger common area and signifantly less FAR which will lead to dysfunctional business plans and valuations, in 1999,1 moved to Bay Point, within the first 45 days, a gentlemen jumped my 8 foot wall, for an attempted breaking and entering, he was cracked out, my wife was home with my then 10 month old son. Ten years later, we have a. more functional boulevard, The City and the County spent S35MM to create the "gateway", that gateway should be lined with ground level retail and apartments on top. You need to get up higher for units at the 2"2° and 3r, floor have historically been unattractive because of noise. Another level of parking because of the property depth will be required, and then what, you will at 24 feet? You will be left with a parking garage sandwich? Retail, Parking, 'and.so.me expensive units on top of a flawed business model. Without more eyes ball in the street, the Boulevard will not prosper. The entitlements are the future of the boulevard and a promise of a better tomorrow for a more prosperous and vibrant area. Without that option, what will the future hold for those landowners? They will see no exit on Biscayne and be forced to litigate to recover their investment-. irrespective of the financial markets, ability to develop, the potential promise would be eliminated, and that is government encroaching on not just property rights, but capital, retirement, education, public works, police and fire, for those potential ad valorem tax revenue will never be realized, and that is just flat out irresponsible ofthe:City Ao impose their will ori these landowners and beneficiares of the next generation; Regards, Ernie Cambo 4255 Lake Road Miami, FL 33137 ernie cambo principal cpf investment group 2977 mcfariane road #302 miaml, fi 33133 305.460.6262 main I05.460.6263 fax Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ -5 on 10-22-09 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk