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66 uNpfS PgtAQff --
Co al Use pe skble s listed or To 3
C U Ni sere s Isis 11 Table 3
em. by canpf a N'
ssly idle M.
aww55,0-00 square fact per establish-
The flat and recod Stery ofthe Pdnopal B k rg ant
• r
• The first and d Stay o` Me p q Bu ld mg and
• A maximum afe of 55 000 square feel per establ sh-
shell be less the,25%B ling Poor area total
men l.
A axinun area of a5 000 sq -tee feet per ealabol
M f3 p rr gap ce for e y 1,000 q feet
Pao i p me paw for deduce 000 ors feat
• M" " t 3 parking spaces to, every I (bop sq am according b the
may bed,
f err Se except fm Pock, Storage F
1 ark g p f every 2 000 q' to feet. I
Shred pal o 4, Ts
feet form ' lure Shared pamnng siardard And, 4, Tetde 5.
Minimum of pal-Pam'm every 0" sprue,
F rc' 9 r'� 1 ay N ed� orm to Hp
feel f :ommx se.
Sh d ,ding standard,Art 1 4 Table 5
• Mln old BicycleR eSpeceoucry 20 h P rkig tlo maybe reduced why / ie rad Of TCO
P Is e9c h Y be reduced awaNng to h
tl d,ANded TaNaS
M offec deR h,es, forces, 20 hlar
space red, sod WM' r re mi Tri Condor by Mrty
E (
Sha Oparkrg to
M'- um MIB yde Rack Space for every 20 v,frouk
P '� ed
belong iomey nes d' ed 'f / d fT00
( D
space noo d
am 'MI .m d f n iCo d by Mrty
s wool 500 feet of T3 WMin 100).1 by prosess of Waller, exmpi Wen As
P rk 9 aria he red dwiN -I d of OO
" t (309E) by Prooa of Vtoi,ar, arcept hum Ii
_ •
cwe, n% 1e d' faTra TGa- by thM
non, 500 root of T3.
ni !30Y by mourassd Waver except when sl
Parking be Uy awned p ase offs s
.... • Load, - Soo Article 4, Tabu, 5 fes See AmoA B.
isszwMin 500 feet 01 T3.
• may provided
honlDoc feet by Wcosss of Waiver, except when solo
Civic Uses am perm ssble As f ted in Tab'. 3, united by
Civic U are perm ss tole a=- listed on Table 3, limited by
ddb Ownersh' I= f to
• Park'ng may be itmo e Y p or e -se o ss
Mhir 500 feet of T3
commerce wpm:
WMin 1, 000 fast by Process of Waiver, except Wlen site
Is w Min 500 feel of T3.
LozAln See Abode 4. Table
Minimum of 1 parkirg sprobbe kr every 5 seals of os
Minim ... i 1 pan ngsp.. circvery5seats"faemby
Leading Sae At.4, Tables
Cmmem'aI Auto-nekled Drvn'.h or Dm -In FAmr-
has See Aer
Oil Uses be'
as l" -fed "n Table 3, limited by C Us,, ar peon sa tole as listed in Tai 3, limited by C U . re pe bl f. d -n Table 3 nor. by
CTMIG pl' so M' pI rh
w :
mpk nt nce
M' um f t p rltlrg a for every 5 seals of M g of i p to p far every 5 at, of a M "lip n" g p f ry5 t mbly
flbly I,y, uses.
Mn num ,1 pent g f every 1 wo square f t M N of 1 pi g P f every i OW square feel M i pard, p a to ry i 000 square .reef
ofexhibition a remaeont area, am park nA spaces or of extor osafm India and...kng spacesf oSs "htfloom 11 Uses as neat n ea dpan'ng spaces for
boor Use d, cols, Uses required,
Parking redurvol may oe reduced sceding to fie • Parting reckermart maybe reduced eccalfing to the. P n' g re y of d -ed according DO the
Shared pending standard. Amid,t Table 5. Steed p.rk' gstandard, Aral 4,Table5 Shared paA(ngmal Ahs4 Teca S
to imen ofd Ncyc@ Rack Space for every 20 muctuder Minimum of I Ryde R_k Space fa' .2C vehivi Mimmur,oflasly.1 Rbc,SPdb.Io-vary2ovsh,cubl
spaces requires Tb.s somal s,a.s resulted'
oon/ uch fTOD P rlti Arab May be reduced h / d of TOO
Park ng vet' Vbe d Qa Win h I d' `TOL mnnngmk Y d' d Mn'/• of Tarot Ear by Mrty
and wiJi / le radius of a Tend Co 'd0 by Mrry d w4hin /) rydus alfa iComm,by h na art 30% f Wa vie , exaepl when site
fen! 130%) by p-,1 of Waver, except when t percent (30°/ by f Wa ver except when Ina De ( ) by prows. o
Nin 500 feel T3.
Jrin 5DO fast Of T3 'Man 5Wf 1 Of To
Parkin may he provided by woe fp o I oN t Park 9 maybe provided by owrersnp or hese ons to P may be provided by e h p hde
wrig000 feet by process of Waver except when stc WM'n t000f tbypr sb•Wa.er exceplwhensle rF 1000 four bDmws-of Na ver sx.slN when siE
's witrin SW feel of T3. s s wtnn 5C0 feel of T3.
oodino 500feat of Td Loading See Abode 4, Table5
Lwtling -See Artce 4, Tables •Loading -See Ankle 4, TableS A-
1 - -� --- Su 'tole as list=ed M Table 3,
'rvil Support Use permas tole as s ed n able 3 Cir Support U psmi Sskble as -ted n Table 3 O W d U p
GML SUPPORT muted by eomplarcx with. " 'ted by compll ce lb. G i d b mpl It'
Minimum of 7 pxlung spzce for every 800 squat flat M" .mum o.. 1 pool spars for every 1000 share feet e m of 1 k' p fore cry 1000 square feet
of C'vil SuppM Use. f C:vil supper.U 1 C Supped U
Mrm m fi ?ark'ng A, o.,bvcy 5 seateefaseembly M -.'rumofiparcingsoawfaevery5" of assembly M meand'.. paMngspses fmv,,ary55eatsufassembly
• Meimum of i parYrItes'tg spa¢ for every 5 reps o' marine • be.
of 1 parklrg space .a every 5 sllos of marine Minimum of I parking space for every' 5 slips of marnne
Paking r
rayu •ament may be reduced ecbrd'ing to M Ad D yw M f i P r t member -Adult Der C M" " ol 1 slat member.
Shared parking standuldr ANd 4 Table . p rk "r,cu emem may be red a
d cccrtl ng 0 M "N119 raga t mov me abroad accomog to Me
•Mn mount i B-cyde Rack Spew forevery 20 veli Se- paru g stardarl Arhde4 Tabo5 Small p.don, at era, Ands 9, Table 5,
spaces requ red M n mum of 1 Brcyda Rack Spew for every 23 velisul M ' m of • Bicycle Rack Space forcry 20 h alar
•Parking or yb m' ed U / I d fTOD pawsrequisd. P r•gwree.
van to
vele r=dus f,T t ba by lh rtyI Pa, 'afpmay bereduced wfh. /mrk rzdios OfTOD Prk g ham beedvm lh rades0T00
percent (30%) by emcees of Waver axwpt warmro and w4m, / duo of a Tmnel Cwmor by thirty snit wittno v. 'le d f Transit Comber by thirty
s within 500 feet of T3. percent (30%) by process of Waver except when s ie pameM'30%' by Process of Waver except when ode
Leading Arlcle 4, Tables a WMin SCO feet of T3. Mn 500 feet of T3.
A -`moo g a he d.d b vmarsh p Ur lease onsite
• Pamng may be proudest by wmersrp or lease ells rile y Prov ° y o
by Wo 1000 feet by prow's 0 Wa ver, exwp.when Nn1000 ieelbypiowss ofWa ver except when site
s With
500 teal of T3. wiMn 50G tact o(T3.
•Loading- See Abode 4, Table 5 o.ding See Artola4. Table5
'S u L. -1 , 7 o lD, j
65 thi PER AM
Commented Uses are pam Bible as fa'ed in Table 3 and -al teas are pmmkssible Ab IsiM in Tale 3,
limber by wmfleari with.mmym
aww55,0-00 square fact per establish-
The flat and recod Stery ofthe Pdnopal B k rg ant
• r
Oifce and Commercial Uses shal he less for 25% al
Budingfl atrial Main f 3 part spaces for every t 000 sq erfee'
• A ea of 55000 square he' per id h fee 'al sept for Nblic Storage F 'like,
Pao i p me paw for deduce 000 ors feat
• M" " t 3 parking spaces to, every I (bop sq am according b the
may bed,
Shred pal o 4, Ts
feet form ' lure Shared pamnng siardard And, 4, Tetde 5.
P�ed�q may be reducedM Mnun "racy eRa kSpa ¢tore ery20 ehuvlar
Shared p,ling 'sndaN And. 4r Tables pace eq 'rod.
le S.
• Mln old BicycleR eSpeceoucry 20 h P rkig tlo maybe reduced why / ie rad Of TCO
space red, sod WM' r re mi Tri Condor by Mrty
E (
w n%mile red sed ['A romp lT00 eet(DM)bY Poo iW wpt Wensk
ant Vi /roll¢ radlu f T dna 1 Comda Gy N rty M4M `ay -eel of T3.
( D
percent (30`) by Mr . d Nairer. exxpt W 1 Palling may be provided by rrtrshp kale ons ie
s wool 500 feet of T3 WMin 100).1 by prosess of Waller, exmpi Wen As
• Pal MY ber provided by nwrwrship or ease "opsit, a WMin 500 `set of T3.
WMin 1,000 feet by process of Waiver, except Wren elle •Loa)Ing- See ArNde 4, T.doe5
s vol 500 feet of T3. • Commercial Aut-Itser , Drive -Tho or Drive m Fed,
.... • Load, - Soo Article 4, Tabu, 5 fes See AmoA B.
Cly Uses am pormia le as listed in Tache 3 poll by
Civic Uses am perm ssble As f ted in Tab'. 3, united by
Civic U are perm ss tole a=- listed on Table 3, limited by
wmpl a nce WM.
commerce wpm:
• Minimum of 1 parking space for every 5 seats of al
Minimum of 1 parkirg sprobbe kr every 5 seals of os
Minim ... i 1 pan ngsp.. circvery5seats"faemby
seal move.
ball 0-
•M f l loading space for every 1000 al feet
•Minimum fl wrong space, ior awryi 070 scrame feet
Minimum ofIpa q space for every 1.000 square feet
Of mbitb eaikn sear am hall g spews for
of umithinum or ev,swasn area and park N P s for
ex:n b Ice -shot ata and park mg spaces for
oll Uses as squired.
Inter Uses es requred.
oboe, Uses as requ red.
• P ,Yang equalment may be reduced arbbrdng to Me
• Parverer re pm ememt may he odrow dans g M nee
P Ming requirement may be reduced seconding to Me,
Small III sompard, Ati^le 4 Tape 5
Shaped paling standard, Aman, 4 Table 5
Shard Padding s'amad Art 4 Table S.
Minimm,dl Do" Rack Space forevery 20 vehsular
M"r mum bol Bicycle Rack Spaceforevbry20ceh¢vtar
M'n mumoi Bicycle Rack Spateforevery2Cwhscla,l
spaces req "red
W -b eq led
spax 'equines, '
•Park g rato maybe reduced uston /mile radius cf-OD
aro Milan Y. m le radiusof a Tool Cardio- by dolly
•Pemug ,don may be reduced Wthi/,die cWhus ofTODP-king
ol " kk nadirs f a Transit Conk by Minty
aMn /
tip ybenedud N' oikredrus OTOD''
m wrtli f le radius of T Good., by Mit,
pe ! 130% by process Of Waver, except'when its
percent (a0%) by Drecess of Wove,except when file
abs¢ t (30%) by process of Narver, except schen site
s within 50C feet of T3.
is withn 5DO:eet of T3.
a vol 500 feet of T3.
• Parking may be re ovoled by ownership or lease offsite
• Pan" may te provided by ownership or ease croup,
'Artung mey be provided by ownership or kese offsite
"I ir1000feet by process of Waiter except when site
War, 1000faei by gccessof Wavencom twHrsite
ado', 1000 feet by p,ofWivar, aexcept when site
s WMin SOC feet of T3.
is w1hn 5% fest of T3.
s within 500 feet of T3.
•mal - See Artists 4, fable 5
•LomVg- See Abode 4, Table 5
Loading- See. Amid. 4, Took
Civil Suppon Uses are permksible as lat•N Table $
Clrl S ppoIt Uses are cemissbk as lured in i"i 3
Civil Support Uses are comieaiMe as listed n Tabu 3.
Grouted by wmphorree w M:
sited by mp ance wgh
limit by full with.
• M' mum of 1 paridng space for every 800 square feel
• Miturann, of I paring SpdS bravery, 1000 sq re feet
I• Minims f 1 parking syae for "o, 1000 s,prare feet
Of 00 Smepont Jae.
ofCif Sui Use
I f C'yd Support Use
Mmmumolf pending sFxeforovery5sabbof-nobby
Moloo parkirgspecefore-g5sealsofassemNy•
Mminumll paaingspacehrevary5eealsofassenni
Minimum 01 parking space forevery 5 sips of marine
=mm of 1 funning space far every 5 sips of marine
Mlnimum of 1 parting soave for ..,y 5 slips of marine
• call requirement may be removed wobbling 10 Me
• Amur Da'ybere. Minimum bf I space Per staff member.
• Adult Daycare-Mmeriun of I ='pax per staff member.
Shared P rt''g standard, Abode 4, Tape 5.
. Pane rg requirement may be reduced acwrding he to
Parking req ement may the ecubad aerding to the
Mir' of 1 Bkoycle Rack Space for every 20 vch.blar
Shared pardog standard, Abode 4, Table 5.
Shared point,, stamard Add 4, Table 5
spawn tequr'ed
• Mnmumot 1 Berle Rack Space bravery 20h"cular•Mrimum
off Scroll Rade Space lot every 20 vehcular
•Padkng ners maybe reduced wfhm%Tharelitec TOD
spaces request
spaces required.
and N /.mikmdi f T rotConklel Mimy
,Pa•Idrg do ybe reduced M' /mileradiusoiT00
•Parking fomaybe rMueed 'M /,mkradus ofTOD
pe 1(3p,%) by Proves Waiver met Waexcept when aid
and thin /, art. radius Of Tmmail Coriidor by thirty
ASM Wm n': mile red us of a Transit Comex by thirty
is wrM'n 500 feet of T3
percent (30%) by pm0ess of Waver, except when site
Ponsi (30%) by Process of Waiver ..of when site
• Loading- See Arkle 4, Table 5
Is stem 500 feel of T3.
. WMn 500 ketol T3.
Parking may be preened by ownaah p or lesse, 0111
• 1- N may be 1,,- M swrership a ease oRsi s
within LOW feet by process of Weiser -of W¢n auk
W N d 1000 feet by pibcess o1. Waiver, exceed, real sill
K Motor 500 fast of T3.
.WMin 500 het of T..
robbing -Sae Abode 4, Tables
• Load'ng - See Adele 4, Table 5
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