HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-AIA Miami American Institute of ArchitectsAIA MIAMI .r.... ON, �YA. A Chapter of The American Institute of Architects oN. 06 -Alii�Statement on Behalf of the American Institute of Architects Miami Chapter My name is Martin A. Diaz-Yabor, President of the Miami Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. 2007 Board of Directors President Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman and distinguished members of the City of Miami Martin A. Diaz-Yabor, AIA Commission, Honorable Mayor Many Diaz and Staff. President -Elect Bernard N. Horovitz, AIA Again, I would like to commend our Mayor and all of those involved in the enormous effort in bringing "Miami 21" to fruition. ice -Presidents Daphne Gum, AIA Kricket Snow, AIA After many meetings and countless hours of work together with the Mayor and many of our peers, we have managed to review and improve to some extent the draft of "Miami Secretary-7Yeasurer Natividad Soto, AIA 21" Directors We have also presented and met with DPZ, the City Code Consultants, in several Ramon L. Arronte, AIA Virgilio Campaneria, AIA occasions and have brought forward 18 or so points of concern, of which, approximately Hector C. Fernandez, AIA 13 have been addressed, corrected or resolved. Thom Grafton, AIA Leonard O. Townsend, Esq., AIA As architects and experts on the field of zoning, planning and design, we believe that the "Miami 21" Code is a step in the right direction, a must for a progressive City. We know Past- President that given adequate time to finalize reviewing the entire draft, a good and sound Code can Jorge S. Kuperman, AIA $� �1 g be achieved, but the time to do so, is what we are asking and seeking for. State Directors Jaime Canavcs, FAIA Juan crespi, AIA It is of utmost importance that the steps we are about to take, which will shape the future John Forbes, AIA of this City, are taken with great care, integrity, prudence, consideration and sensibility to Javier F. Cruz, AIA all. Associate Directors Yovanna M. Alvares, Assoc, Hence, we would humbly request from all of you, Elected Members of this Commission, AIA Rick D. Ruiz, Assoc. AIA not to defer but to allow the "Miami 21" draft to move forward in the direction of progress and leadership that all great cities take, thus allowing us to continue working hands on Honorary Members with the Mayor, the City Consultants and Staff towards a final version of the "Miami 21" Juan A. Bueno, ASLA Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, Code. This will ensure that the final version of the Code is clear, comprehensive, FAIA manageable, practical and especially fair to all before it comes again before you for the Executive Director second reading. This will allow for all the pending points to be resolved in its entirety and Mike Brazvalsky for the code to carry the endorsement of all who look after the best interest of this Great City and its people. We thank you for giving us the opportunity to address you and voice our opinion and humbl est your endorsement in the passing of the "Miami 21" Draft, in this First R ding with conditions we have presented to you in this statement. Thank you and God Bless. Y _ j _ H 0 1�� m i-Yabor,� ml �.`+ � iav� � l '..�' i ♦ �. Mgr 275 University Drive ORD FU, Coral Gables, Fla. 33134 Phone: 305-448-7488 ITEM ^7 CA" PLQ I Fax: 305-448-0136 AIA MIAMI A Chapter of The American Institute of Architects ZIP Position Paper Pertaining to MIAMI 21 requesting modifications to the Draft based on the meeting of May 3, 2007 with DPZ and City Staff together with the American Institute of Architects Miami Chapter and Members. The following were items discussed with DPZ and City Staff, during the meeting 2007 Board of Directors mentioned above that needed to be addressed in order to clarify, correct, modify, further President study or delete pertaining to the Draft dated March 16, 2007 of the MIAMI 21 Code. Martin A. Diaz-Yabor, AIA 1. In the case where the Base FLR (Floor Lot Ratio) is not exceeded, the owner President -Elect Bernard N. Horovitz, AIA of the lot shall be able to build to the "Maximum Benefit Height" without or any additional cost. Vice -penalty Daphne Gurri, AIA 2. Likewise, clarify that for the FLR Bonus pertaining to LEED'S and the Public "cket Snow, AIA Space Benefit shall be considered earned and not payable. 3. T6-24 "O" shall be revised to have an FLR of 8 to be consistent with the T6 - Secretary -Treasurer Natividad Soto, AIA 12 and T6-36. 4. We suggest the following revisions as illustrated in your tables pertaining to Directors all T6 Transect Zones under article 5.6. Please see attached revised tables. Ramon L. Anonte, AIA Virgilio Campaneria, AIA 5. This to ensure that the Hi -rise portion of the building be permitted to arrive at Hector C. Fernandez, AIA the street level uninterrupted by setback at principal and secondary street Thorn Grafton, AIA Leonard O. Townsend, Esq., frontage. Please see attached revised tables. AIA 6. Floor Plate for residential and lodgigg uses is to be increased from 15,000 square feet to 20,000 square feet in order to accommodate required programs Past- President Jorge S. Kupetrnan, AIA and economies of scale. Office Plate at 30,000 square feet is adequate. �l q 7. It was also suggested for your consideration a 15% to 20% of the building State Directors footprint to use a ."Flex Encroachment" into setback as other Municipalities Jaime Canav6s, FAIA Juan Crespi, AIA are doing. Hence, allowing for buildings or residences to shift slightly forward John Forbes, AIA and back for portions of the building, such as porches, garages, entries, back Javier F. Cruz, AIA rooms, etc. Associate Directors 8. Allow for the obtainment of the building Certificate of Occupancy (C.O.) Yovanna M. Alvares, Assoc, prior to receiving the LEED Certification in order to allow full occupancy of AIA Rick D. Ruiz, Assoc. AIA the once completed prior to obtainment of Certification, but if P project Certification is not obtained within reasonable time, a fiduciary penalty will Honorary Members be imposed to the owner for failing to comply on a per day basis until Juan A. Bueno, ASLA Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, Minimum Certification Requirements by the code are meet and a final FAIA Certification is obtained. Executive Director 9. All buildings under fifty (50) thousand square feet which do not require Mike Brazvalsky LEED Certification under the code, but the owner on its own achieves a minimum of LEED Silver Certification shall receive a 5% FLR bonus. 10. To allow below grade parking structures to raise above grade towards the rear of the property a maximum of 42" to provide for the required mechanical and ventilation systems and equipment. 11. The Pedestrian Passage Break shall be further studied to ensure that these passageways do not become unused pedestrian thoroughfares due to lack of proportion, light, financial success of the activation, security and maintenance. 12. Although we agree that defining the urban edge is essential in our opinion to avoid monotony a certain rangeof deviation from the proposed min./max. 10' foot setback should be allowed. SUBMITTED INTO THE 275 University Drive Coral Gables, PUBLIC RECORD FOR Phone:305-448- 488 Phone: 305-448-7488 Fax: 305-448-0136 ITEMrz-,-)-kwlo-7 0 AIA MIAMI A Chapter of The American Institute of Architects 711009"o y 13. Floor Area definition shall read: the floor area within the inside perimeter of the outside walls of the building envelope. Including hallways, closets, interior thickness of walls, columns, and other features, parking and loading areas, and excluding balconies, stairs towers, shafts, elevator cores, floor penetrations, arcades, loggias, atriums, trellises and below grade levels. 14. Floor Lot Ratio definition shall read: The multiplier applied to lot area that determines the maximum floor area allowed in a given transect zone above grade. (That the definitions of both the Floor Area and Floor Lot Ratio must be consistent in the way a building is measured). 15. Under Mezzanine it may be allowed to a maximum of 33% of the floor area any mezzanine extending beyond the 33% shall be counted as an additional floor area. 16. Parapet Walls shall extend a minimum of 5 feet above the roof height to properly screen roof top equipment. 17. Under 5.6.2 Building Configuration (h). Other ornamental building features may extend Lip to 25% of the building height as measured to the top of the roof slab of the last habitable floor. Trellises may extend above the maximum building height up to 14' feet. Extensions above the maximum height for stairs, elevators and mechanical enclosures or decorative purpose only shall be permitted up to 30% of the roof area and height shall be controlled as described above. 18. We consider that the height of buildings along the Biscayne Boulevard Corridor urbanisticaly and architecturally, shall be controlled by the width of the right-of-way, compatible with the proper height and density of adjacent zoning classifications. We believe that by the appropriate setbacks and architectural treatment of the envelope of the building a balance can be achieved between the urban scale of Biscayne Boulevard and the low scale intensity of adjacent districts. We thank you for the opportunity of participating in the review of the latest draft and hope to be able to meet with you and the City Staff in order to help in reviewing and aiding you in the process of putting together and implementing MIAMI 21. Yours truly, Martin A. Diaz-Yabor, AIA President AIA Miami Chapter MAD SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR Enclosures ITEMPz> ONS—ag—u,. 275 University Drive Coral Gables, Fla. 33134 Phone: 305-448-7488 Fax: 305-448-0136 AIA MIAMI A Chapter of The American Institute of Architects MIAMI 21 ARTICLE 5. SPECIFIC TO ZONES DRAFT IN PROGRESS 03.16.07 5.6 URBAN CORE TRANSECT ZONES (T6.8) DUh- DING DISPLWI)CIN US 4-4 S CO) f o,m. 40 ft.) f b tat MLM SR mm 4, Lot Coversp 1-4 0"6 • hbov. 81 stsy 5 UOD t R ma. fv*, pwa I. 2d:. 34 0%, ft '.d. flh'r PI"t. I., camgvm1all d. Fba L.1 Nbu (FLO) 5 i 15%,odd-t" PA1. F—Aq. a f,.d wbnk 0%.. ---l—I ....... ... I. opt. sku. Requtom0rd' 101,6114 Y. Denetr' 150dafirtaHoar OUR DING PLAGEIAEN I I'MKIIJU Pt ACEMENI OU LDW U tBACk 60. GING 1#1041 IO ft Ab.a r a*T 121 D. h ',ei.ldaq rm;A I It. n'.' Rm. T 0'f th—g" 6`stayam 0 KI MoveMoveV Ito—t, 14 mo 'gill, Abut.g 14 min V ouwgh 5' LEDA.- T ttory AhAUUT3 f6ft inn r7611. .7k 4r' through 5 Wy —V 10 gi'6ADL MWT4 Akffmg T6 'Jmrj t61 "ILI f Amn *w P. m 13 Ri—p.*. F-4 1011 "t1—"h3`.(.y -1anll —I'll BUILDINGCONFIGURATION FRONTAGE PA.W.d ----- ----------- - b. pweh&F".. p-.hbdd I-- .•' t C e. "uQp pa-'Ift.d1einr^'gASUMW T3 nemutted h. Arc a& po-ftd by Sow.1 Asea R., b mb. tiqn c. W..8enOttlextid 4.,,.-, jhMAg Td, TSS 14- 25 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR 275 University Drive)7e Coral Gables, Fla. 33134 ITEM?z-3- ON Phone: 305-448-7488 Fax: 305-448-0136 AIA MIAMI A Chapter of The American Institute of Architects MIAMI 21 ARTICLE 5. SPECIFIC TO ZONES DRAFT IN PROGRESS 03.16.07 5.6 URBAN CORE TRANSECT ZONES (T6-12) SUdkINC. DI iMSITIrN iat X41F0)01`1 s La! Agra W00" h ! U NMi1 1. l •na: r t. tarwnya v !. prtlrb2ed b Parch A f once " Above d Vol) 15,000 s . o- Rao, rale lo, LaAB n9 L��• ft— nw. a:1< ar T (ff.. b GY'bA d f"It- I of Rnr (Ft R) ' 8130%3M%ansl NMI. kienaft e Fra,Rage rd h.A .6.rk 701bM ._.,___..__.._..... ...._..__.._____._._........____..._,..- t.OpenS;.xoR2yuemleme _.. _ _.. - IO`%Ictaea— y fAnaay ,ao dolaasmae Bull OIN6 SEWCK a Pnncipal F,od IGfl ieawneral - AL.,0'seolr 10flnnr. —�1 �pk H1f•�• v.•i•<. _'___---_ b �eca,drr; Fran 10 A.—. (aasmmdl _. i,-_•_ ------ I v 1 <.5de Ufl nxa mn ab. ve 8 A" -p jC, d fia ' oft r m bavnff vlm7y (ill s a Abwl g T6 OR uaamnla1. ebave 8- vloly-4 S __ _____._._. Ab-bmq 15 1 0 *1 uea t 8' through B' nlery --► 61 .8 R mr, aluvn B`-dny --ir 1 %7 1 � s Ab.Aalg 146 lhra,ah F' :tory 1R�-Ing�. e' NQuoa, slo,y—► Y ,l _"w""."_"- I L':-�'�lnbare 8":acre --•�1 1Lj1 ., '1 r. • .___�..� Ab:,AiIg T3 Ihmvgh Play -i 1 ------' rte' ¢'though5`slgy-•►Ip nvr, above i" shay -� IHa --1 1 A—ss ehw W, T3 m 14 Pun<Ipal Frcn! '.e R 4' IhroJoh 7` story __ _� S.—A.V Foil M R nrn .A— 3''sw BUIIA)114:3 `-C FMFNT t j � I av 4 e. BURRING HEIGHT BUILDING CONFIGURATION rRUNmeF: -- a Gmngntmvn v !. prtlrb2ed b Parch A f once wNbded r. Ir,¢revl 1. 1 prthbaeJ `^. a SIaN . ! penil8ad ..;, I.r I `;haalml S Avrnng -:r. P—"' d y Gnlxry _.h pem:dlad bf 5' pa -1 Ale'Plar Ai smeeedb peern , Sp,, Arrn Plsr OLMRNB Ig1GHl x W t4rrlM ?Gana h 13er He:Bhl •^• s!aaev c M- Omit 160W - Ostores*dku,g T5. T5dM — ' 11i—.6fwd:n flag:in 11 27 275 University Drive Coral Gables, Fla. 33134 Phone: 3051348-7488 Fax: 305-448-0136 PARMING P1 AC(:MP11 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC'RECORD FOR ITEM Pz_z ON&,n-b-7 . AIA MIAMI SUBMITTED INTO THE A Chapter of The American Institute of Architects 275 University Drive Coral Gables, Fla. 33134 Phone: 305-448-7488 Fax: 305-448-0136 PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM rz.;L ON & 3e -o-7. MIAMI 21 ARTICLE 5. SPECIFIC TO ZONES DRAFT IN PROGRESS 03.16,07 5.6 URBAN CORE TRANSECT ZONES (T6.24) Will DING DISPOI IMo1rl Lf/f OCCUPATION a tol Araa 4 000 a f. mkr. 100 IW a I ma,. b I'd YAd1h SOh mn c. Lot Covnaga 20 fl.mn 'o Mlwi. lb stones 8041na9 - Ab— S- sV9q ,a9. ftm fAafe for 2D n nvn �� � p V11�T , Ras md:a l.odgay 0 h. mm; mx above &'story y `y 00.000+bn Rnw Bohr ptale for 0 0 rnn 0. mn above U' story 4 16 Olfse dComnercial d Hoar lot Rahn IFI RI 81 %addrhonal Ptddic ffanafc A FrantAga al lmrd aalback 70% 1, f Lvan Span Regrnamerdr 10%Id wen mn g. Denny 150 draracmm..' OLnl.DIND SETBACK - prolubdad . Rantp`l Ront 10 ft. (aaswnenl) -Above&'!torr 20 fl.mn 'o Mlwi. b Seconoary, Fant ..--9 ._........ _.... _. __. .... ID fl. roan (aasemar Q Above &' .tory 2D n nvn �� � p V11�T , c. Siris 0 h. mm; mx above &'story y `y d Real 0 0 rnn 0. mn above U' story 4 16 e Abutlr+0 ft _ 1 0 d mn D R mat above Ir 91ay Abu0rg T5 0 0. ntin V mmugh Sstory t " B' through &" stor �y _ n191 abow,Tj 9toty �^— / ICil AbWt,+g 14B r n 1•' th o h 5'- ono y 1 c7 rt r G O Iorgh &" .Aon y to, n. lbbvtl tl8- 91my —i 5 1 BUIL DING COW IGURA.T ION FRONTAGE a. Cunmon Lawn - prolubdad b Pce hd. en.e n hibilod _._ .__ e. Tarm. or L C ................. molibitad d Feracnud pamatled ...... ....... . __...___-_ _ a. Stoop __...._....__.._...___.._.. permitted ( ShapFarl & Awning paided V. Gbnar) palmitlad by Spear Arca Wan h. Arc adp a matleu by Spwal Ar en Plan Bt1R DING HEIGHT a. Mm. .`Imghl 2 ,tomes b. Mac He ght 24 9ronaa _—_...._. _.. .._.. -..- _... c Mag. Bonefd Height 24 aronos abuttong. T6, T5 A '4 Or a9 nndfed M Ding9aln 0 (T�, -24 ) 6 pe. 12 d vA4;r,J t-e5j-rro-� �v uwJ e 80 Tr t J,�T BUILDING PLACEMUNI PARKING P1 AMA[ Nf BUT- DING HEIGHT , N 2,u/ f=I-R I'LL -tG- 24/F4Iz 8 W/Fl-2 2-9 , T6-2al/FI 2 s 12 AIA MIAMI A Chapter of The American Institute of Architects JXFYJ/� MIAMI 21 ARTICLE 5. SPECIFIC TO ZONES DRAFT IN PROGRESS 03.16.07 5.6 URBAN CORE TRANSECT ZONES (T6.36) BUILDING OISPC)S11ION LOl OCCI.PA FIUN a. LaAaa ..._.—.. '00DO,I mm IM 000 sl I— _ b Lot lKnth W1 rrnn c Lot Co.ww t•8 max RO'hmax Above B'star 15 max Ibor ptale, Fm -- ea n.401 d Lodging v rX; sy R Max. floor Plate to l Office 8 Cononetow I N. Lot Ratio (FLR) 12 a 22" 14076add6onel Pubk V. -NI e Fronage at 4o,* sarl:acL 70SSm;n I Open Space Rcjoeaoerta 10. lot mea mn ..g Oenuty 150 dulecse r33ar-' BUILDFNO PLACEMENT PARWIG PLACEMENT FAIIL DING HEIGHT BLRLOD6G SE {BACK j a Fnmppl Erer! 1UR (exsemerd) u:+v r �- i r. - At... Rth story N R mn —�1 1 O F11sJ. I s. I r b 50 onddry Front ...IDR mar (aasemerl) - � m ..... _ Atwe Y clay ?9 ft ran ..._+� 1 d 1•'111J. -__.. -. `.. cCA* On mn JD fl m abnve 8' Crory I•� __... .___..._. .. ..... a '-n d. Rear Oh v. 7D m alrore d sally (Gjl '" m r. Abutteg i5 DR all, I Ilaough5'dory- • n tlnough 9' sWr7 —+r ---------- ----- abovol7"'slery ' -- Aouleng 14 6 IL nin v through r slory—w 1 � 6'.a 8, Sorry h 0'' slay—+A.—.a s9ove D" y—+ 1 7 R. mn ry —f 1 :? BUIL. DING 00N1'I WRATIOR FRisNFA - ' s. Camwn Laem pinlrbRod .. -:I i b p th a Fence preh tided �-- c Tx we or 1, C. d. Forccoud pann6eJ I a .'nap panuBuJ + _" I f Shnjf—t Awing p.m.6e4 ce' s 3 g Gallery peanitted by gpaual Area Plmr b Arcade pannfled by SpecW Area Plan n DUL qRC wGFIF �_---' r=.✓.—._ i a Mn. FkigM I , b Mui 110.0 36 c Mac Benefit Fferghl 24[tones abutbnp 16.156 T4 Of as modlied n Dwymn 9 •' FLR 12 for SO 10. SO 16. 1. SO -to 2 8 SO 5 FF R ?2 fa SO -6. SID 6.18 %1-7 SUBMITTED INTO THE 275 University Drive PUBLIC RECORD FOR Coral Gables, Fla. 33134 ITEM?z-d- Phone: 305-448-7488 ON Fax: 305-448-0136 �'�� "DAWN" AIA MIAMI A Chapter of The American Institute of Architects 275 University Drive Coral Gables, Fla. 33134 Phone: 305-448-7488 Fax: 305-448-0136 MIAMI 21 ARTICLE 5. SPECIFIC TO ZONES DRAFT IN PROGRESS 03,16.07 5.6 URBAN CORE TRANSECT ZONES (T6.48) BUILDING OISPOS71 10i*., 1-01 OCCUPATION a W Area 16 :00 st mm: 100.000 , I nre. b Lot Vhft I C Lal Coverer 6 Raw Auftv T6 —�Iq alsaw g slrsq .. It, IF stwy V Above If' stay flooplaN It. Albudbig IS <W -U70.. g 'FILPlae. 000* 30 000 q R ma. 1. ON.. S Co"r"ma d Flae,, Lot Rau (I Wir ?4 F—tagt at Pont 7 ir',i m I ow Space Rellu—Ir Ifel.10 mea r+m 0 D"Y i 150 divatte nrax RUIt DING , 1-1 A(';f:IAFNT PARKING RACEMENT M M— Flont I 10ft ("swnb-4) T BUILDING HEIGHT Above r story ;P20" `-1 !11 1 1-410, b Socandwy Font, - At—, IF 'In"; C. Side OR to i"11 ll) I l Fr, -30 m n nbave fr m.q %r7 6 Raw Auftv T6 —�Iq alsaw g slrsq .. It, IF stwy V vahirned Albudbig IS It ma Y flewo 51 story I PfcNIriled 61hi%xigh W story --v C) p.mlled 0 Stop BUILDING CONFIGURATION 4. Perch N Fence vahirned Tar,.e a0j-, I PfcNIriled pow"Wrt p.mlled 0 Stop pvn,1ftt4 A.-9 J------ --- ------- P n,. -d q Geller Y I pm Ited W 4ectal Area Plan A Arcade p—,.,h.d by Spetral Area 111m HIALUM HF10"I A. Un I. r* . 1b. A4 F1ridA 48 stone, iterBenoit Height udmtedtllwes i 01 a rrrotlirod,ft 0.9, �4 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM Fz SUBMITTED INTO THE DUANY PLATER-ZYBERK & Cp %tC RECORD FOR ARCHITECTS AND TOWN PLANNER SITEM n,,)- ON(. -n -o,7, Position Paper Pertaining to MIAMI 21 requesting modifications to the Draft based on the meeting of May 3, 2007 with DPZ and City Staff together with the American Institute of Architects Miami Chapter and Members. DPZ comments in red in response to first meeting (May 3, 2007). DPZ comments in blue in response to second meeting (May 24, 2007). The following were items discussed with DPZ and City Staff, during the meeting mentioned above that needed to be addressed in order to clarify, correct, modify, further study or delete pertaining to the Draft dated March 16, 2007 of the MIAMI 21 Code. 1. In the case where the Base FLR (Floor Lot Ratio) is not exceeded, the owner of the lot shall be able to build to the "Maximum Benefit Height" without penalty or any additional cost. DPZ disagrees — must retain incentive for City to ensure use of public benefit program. DPZ still disagrees and firmly believes the City needs proper amenities as well as an adequate civic infrastructure to keep up with the anticipated growth of the City. 2. Likewise, clarify that for the FLR Bonus pertaining to LEED'S and the Public Space Benefit shall be considered earned and not payable. Done in Code. No additional changes. 3. T6-24 "O" shall be revised to have an FLR of 8 to be consistent with the T6-12 and T6-36. DPZ disagrees, an FLR of 6 is sufficient. DPZ showed how an FAR of 1.72 for office would generously become 2.0 habitable space plus 4.0 FLR parking. Juan Crespi offered to several projects that demonstrate that they do not have adequate FLR. We are awaiting these. 4. We suggest the following revisions as illustrated in your tables pertaining to all T6 Transect Zones under article 5.6. Please see attached revised tables. This to ensure that the Hi -rise portion of the building be permitted to arrive at the street level uninterrupted by setback at principal and secondary street frontage. Please see attached revised tables. DPZ agrees to the following changes for # 4 & 5 (table markups) a. Remove additional 10' setback at 8"' floor on primary and secondary frontages. However, retain all other side rear setbacks as is, especially for T6 properties abutting T4 and T3. DPZ added the following language into the Code, Section 5.6.1.h: "For a Frontage facing a Civic Space or a Thoroughfare 100 feet or greater, the Frontage Setback above the eighth story shall not be required." b. Retain tower setback at 30' min, but allow a Waiver for up to 25' min. separation in cases where it can be ascertained that the next tower will be 60' away. Waiver written into Code, Article 7, Section as follows: "Adjustments to setbacks above the eighth floor for lots having one dimension less than 100 feet as follows: frontage setbacks may be a minimum 0 feet; side and rear setbacks may be a minimum 20 feet". MIAMI WASHINGTON CHARLOTTE KUALA LUMPUR 1023 Southwest 25th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33135 Tel: (305) 644-1023 Fax: (305) 644-1021 www.dpz.com SUBMITTED INTO THE DUANY PLATER-ZYBERK & CPxW@C"f" RECORD FOR ARCHITECTS AND TOWN PLANNERSITEM vz- a- ON u7 . 6. Floor Plate for residential and lodging uses is to be increased from 15,0 sq—uWar—eTeN to 2 , square feet in order to accommodate required programs and economies of scale. Office Plate at 30,000 square feet is adequate. DPZ suggests 18,000 s.f. maximum for residential floor -plates. This should not grow anymore especially if the 8h floor setback disappears. DPZ made the following changes: 18,000 sf maximum for residential floor -plates in T6-36 and T6-48, 15,000 sf maximum for all other T -zones. 7. It was also suggested for your consideration a 15% to 20% of the building footprint to use a "Flex Encroachment" into setback as other Municipalities are doing. Hence, allowing for buildings or residences to shift slightly forward and back for portions of the building, such as porches, garages, entries, back rooms, etc. DPZ disagrees. As stated in #5, allow a Waiver for decreased tower separation (from 30' to 25'). No flex -encroachments allowed for now. Note that T3 has specific encroachments like a porch or bay window allowed and T6 allows entry canopies. Note the waivers list includes 10% additional deviations. 8. Allow for the obtainment of the building Certificate of Occupancy (C.O.) prior to receiving the LEED Certification in order to allow full occupancy of the project once completed prior to obtainment of Certification, but if Certification is not obtained within reasonable time, a fiduciary penalty will be imposed to the owner for failing to comply on a per day basis until Minimum Certification Requirements by the code are meet and a final Certification is obtained. Done, language inserted into Code. No additional changes. 9. All buildings under fifty (50) thousand square feet which do not require LEED Certification under the code, but the owner on its own achieves a minimum of LEED Silver Certification shall receive a 5% FLR bonus. Language has been added to Code to allow for an additional 2% FLR bonus. No additional changes. 10. To allow below grade parking structures to raise above grade towards the rear of the property a maximum of 42" to provide for the required mechanical and ventilation systems and equipment. DPZ disagrees, this can be done, but it will count as one story. DPZ also added the following language into the code in Section 5.6.2.i: "Exhaust air fans and louvers may be allowed on the fagade only above the fust floor on the Secondary Frontages". 11. The Pedestrian Passage Break shall be further studied to ensure that these passageways do not become unused pedestrian thoroughfares due to lack of proportion, light, financial success of the activation, security and maintenance. Language exists in code to require frequent doors and windows along pedestrian passages. Property owners will be allowed to secure passages at night. Security and maintenance are code enforcement issues, not zoning code issues. Cross block passages requirements changed from 300' or greater to 340' or greater. 12. Although we agree that defining the urban edge is essential in our opinion to avoid monotony a certain range of deviation from the proposed min./max. 10' foot setback should be allowed. Minimum frontage requirements are established at 70% min, therefore some deviation will be possible for the remaining 30%. DPZ believes additional deviations should not be allowed. There are provisions for an additional Waiver of up to 10% of any standard. The Code is designed to encourage a continuous street wall to establish character of the public realm. The discussion focused MIAMI WASHINGTON CHARLOTTE KUALA LUMPUR 1023 Southwest 25th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33135 Tel: (305) 644-1023 Fax: (305) 644-1021 www.dpz.com SUBMITTED INTO THE DUANY PLATER-ZYBERK & PUBLIC RECORD FOR ARCHITECTS AND TOWN PLANNERINN YS `ON -o-7 on need for establishing street space — we are not New York Cit yet! DPZ made one additional change in Section 5.6. 1. f to allow for corner deviations of frontage lines of up to 20%, instead of 5%. 13. Floor Area definition shall read: the floor area within the inside perimeter of the outside walls of the building envelope. Including hallways, closets, interior thickness of walls, columns, and other features, parking and loading areas, and excluding balconies, stairs towers, shafts, elevator cores, floor penetrations, arcades, loggias, atriums, trellises and below grade levels. DPZ disagrees and has suggested that the GFA include everything in an attempt to simplify everyone's work (for the applicant and the code reviewer too). The development capacity has been calculated this way. There was a discussion to add atriums to exclusion from calculations, but DPZ is has concerns of neighborhood reaction to less of predictability so we did not add atriums. 14. Floor Lot Ratio definition shall read: The multiplier applied to lot area that determines the maximum floor area allowed in a given transect zone above grade. (That the definitions of both the Floor Area and Floor Lot Ratio must be consistent in the way a building is measured). FLR has already been redefined to reflect this comment. No additional changes. 15. Under Mezzanine it may be allowed to a maximum of 33% of the floor area any mezzanine extending beyond the 33% shall be counted as an additional floor area. DPZ agrees and has made this change in the Code. No additional changes. 16. Parapet Walls shall extend a minimum of 5 feet above the roof height to properly screen roof top equipment. DPZ agrees and has made this change in the Code. No additional changes. 17. Under 5.6.2 Building Configuration (h). Other ornamental building features may extend up to 25% of the building height as measured to the top of the roof slab of the last habitable floor. Trellises may extend above the maximum building height up to 14' feet. Extensions above the maximum height for stairs, elevators and mechanical enclosures or decorative purpose only shall be permitted Lip to 30% of the roof area and height shall be controlled as described above. DPZ suggests the following language. a. Ornamental features can extend 10 `in T5, T6-8 and T6-12, and up to 10% for T6-24. There shall be no height limitations for decorative elements for T6-36 and T6-48. No additional changes. b. OK for trellis height extension up to 14' for T6's, but up to 8' high for T5. No additional changes. 18. We consider that the height of buildings along the Biscayne Boulevard Corridor urbanisticaly and architecturally, shall be controlled by the width of the right-of-way, compatible with the proper height and density of adjacent zoning classifications. We believe that by the appropriate setbacks and architectural treatment of the envelope of the building a balance can be achieved between the urban scale of Biscayne Boulevard and the low scale intensity of adjacent districts. This will ultimately be a political decision the City will have to make. DPZ has suggested a range of Transect zones (T4, T5 and T6-8) along Biscayne Boulevard. DPZ explained position on maintaining map as is, given extensive meetings with neighbors and Commissioners on this topic. MIAMI WASHINGTON CHARLOTTE KUALA LUMPUR 1023 Southwest 25th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33135 Tel: (305) 644-1023 Fax: (305) 644-1021 www.dpz.com SUBMITTED INTO THE DUANY PLATER-ZYBERK &IUBLIGRECORD FOR ARCHITECTS AND TOWN PLANNERS ITEM,p7-..)- ON(v-6 Position Paper Pertaining to MIAMI 21 requesting modifications to the Draft based on the meeting of May 3, 2007 with DPZ and City Staff together with the American Institute of Architects Miami Chapter and Members. DPZ comments in red in response to first meeting (May 3, 2007). DPZ comments in blue in response to second meeting (May 24, 2007). MAR comments to AIA group (June 7, 2007) The following were items discussed with DPZ and City Staff, during the meeting mentioned above that needed to be addressed in order to clarify, correct, modify, further study or delete pertaining to the Draft dated March 16, 2007 of the MIAMI 21 Code. 1. In the case where the Base FLR (Floor Lot Ratio) is not exceeded, the owner of the lot shall be able to build to the "Maximum Benefit Height" without penalty or any additional cost. DPZ disagrees — must retain incentive for City to ensure use of public benefit program. DPZ still disagrees and firmly believes the City needs proper amenities as well as an adequate civic infrastructure to keep up with the anticipated growth of the City. 2. Likewise, clarify that for the FLR Bonus pertaining to LEED's and the Public Space Benefit shall be considered earned and not payable. Done in Code. No additional changes. T6-24 "O" shall be revised to have an FLR of 8 to be consistent with the T6-12 and T6-36. DPZ disagrees, an FLR of 6 is sufficient. DPZ showed how an FAR of 1.72 for office would generously become 2.0 habitable space plus 4.0 FLR parking. Juan Crespi offered to several projects that demonstrate that they do not have adequate FLR. We are awaiting these. 4. We suggest the following revisions as illustrated in your tables pertaining to all T6 Transect Zones under article 5.6. Please see attached revised tables. This to ensure that the Hi -rise portion of the building be permitted to arrive at the street level uninterrupted by setback at principal and secondary street frontage. Please see attached revised tables. DPZ agrees to the following changes for # 4 & 5 (table markups) a. Remove additional 10' setback at 8`h floor on primary and secondary frontages. However, retain all other side rear setbacks as is, especially for T6 properties abutting T4 and T3. DPZ added the following language into the Code, Section 5.6.11: "For a Frontage facing a Civic Space or a Thoroughfare 100 feet or greater, the Frontage Setback above the eighth story shall not be required." b. Retain tower setback at 30' min, but allow a Waiver for up to 25' min. separation in cases where it can be ascertained that the next tower will be 60' away. Waiver written into Code, Article 7, Section as follows: "Adjustments to setbacks above the eighth floor for lots having one dimension less than 100 feet as follows: frontage setbacks may be a minimum 0 feet; side and rear setbacks may be a minimum 20 feet". MIAMI WASHINGTON CHARLOTTE KUALA LUMPUR 1023 Southwest 25th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33135 Tel: (305) 644-1023 Fax: (305) 644-1021 www.dpz.com SUBMITTED INTO THE DUANY PLATER-ZYBERK & COMRECORD FOR ARCHITECTS AND TOWN PLANNER SITEM -�- ON 6. Floor Plate for residential and lodging uses is to be increased from 15,000 square feet to 1.0,0uu V square feet in order to accommodate required programs and economies of scale. Office Plate at 30,000 square feet is adequate. DPZ suggests 18,000 s.f. maximum for residential floor -plates. This should not grow anymore especially if the 8' floor setback disappears. DPZ made the following changes: 18,000 sf maximum for residential floor -plates in T6-36 and T6-48, 15,000 sf maximum for all other T -zones. 7. It was also suggested for your consideration a 15% to 20% of the building footprint to use a "Flex Encroachment" into setback as other Municipalities are doing. Hence, allowing for buildings or residences to shift slightly forward and back for portions of the building, such as porches, garages, entries, back rooms, etc. DPZ disagrees. As stated in #5, allow a Waiver for decreased tower separation (from 30' to 25'). No flex -encroachments allowed for now. Note that T3 has specific encroachments like a porch or bay window allowed and T6 allows entry canopies. Note the waivers list includes 10% additional deviations. 8. Allow for the obtainment of the building Certificate of Occupancy (C.O.) prior to receiving the LEED Certification in order to allow full occupancy of the project once completed prior to obtainment of Certification, but if Certification is not obtained within reasonable time, a fiduciary penalty will be imposed to the owner for failing to comply on a per day basis until Minimum Certification Requirements by the code are meet and a final Certification is obtained. Done, language inserted into Code. No additional changes. This is an un -necessary penalty, we should be incentivizing energy efficient design rather than penalizing it. The fact is that LEED certification takes a significant amount of time and is dependent on USGBC capability to conduct their reviews, something that is out of the control of the owner/developer AND the City. Inserting penalties of any kind put the owner at risk without any control or ability to mitigate it. Further, the cost of certification itself is steep and will be injurious, in my opinion, to smaller owners particularly. The cost of certification would be better spent in improving the building for even greater efficiency. And what happens when a "better" system comes along? OR, if a higher standard of ASHRAE is built into building codes? What happens when ANSI establishes its own standards based perhaps on GBI or some other method? It should be sufficient to accomplish the Mayor's stated goals to require that: "new buildings OR substantial renovations to buildings shall meet the performance standards (requirements) established to achieve a LEED Silver rating or it's equivalent." All buildings under fifty (50) thousand square feet which do not require LEED Certification under the code, but the owner on its own achieves a minimum of LEED Silver Certification shall receive a 5% FLR bonus. Language has been added to Code to allow for an additional 2% FLR bonus. No additional changes. Again, as in #8 above, don't require certification, give performance standards. 10. To allow below grade parking structures to raise above grade towards the rear of the property a maximum of 42" to provide for the required mechanical and ventilation systems and equipment. DPZ disagrees, this can be done, but it will count as one story. DPZ also added the following language into the code in Section 5.6.2.i: "Exhaust air fans and louvers may be allowed on the fagade only above the first floor on the Secondary Frontages". MIAMI WASHINGTON CHARLOTTE KUALA LUMPUR 1023 Southwest 25th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33135 Tel: (305) 644-1023 Fax: (305) 644-1021 www.dpz.com SUBMITTED INTO THE DUANY PLATER-ZYBERK &RALIG RECORD FOR ARCHITECTS AND TOWN PLANNE�$�EM I w � - bi • 11. The Pedestrian Passage Break shall be further studied to ensure that these passageways do not become unused pedestrian thoroughfares due to lack of proportion, light, financial success of the activation, security and maintenance. Language exists in code to require frequent doors and windows along pedestrian passages. Property owners will be allowed to secure passages at night. Security and maintenance are code enforcement issues, not zoning code issues. Cross block passages requirements changed from 300' or greater to 340' or greater. I agree that they are code enforcement issues, but Zoning Codes that propagate and expand on the opportunities to create problem spots ARE NOT GOOD PUBLIC POLICY! The mere requirement of frequent doors and windows does not ensure use. These public passages will become de -facto homeless shelters if (when) they don't work as intended. 12. Although we agree that defining the urban edge is essential in our opinion to avoid monotony a certain range of deviation from the proposed min./max. 10' foot setback should be allowed. Minimum frontage requirements are established at 70% min, therefore some deviation will be possible for the remaining 30%. DPZ believes additional deviations should not be allowed. There are provisions for an additional Waiver of up to 10% of any standard. The Code is designed to encourage a continuous street wall to establish character of the public realm. The discussion focused on need for establishing street space — we are not New York Cit yet! DPZ made one additional change in Section 5.6.1.f to allow for corner deviations of frontage lines of up to 20%, instead of 5%. Continuous street wall = monotony and this is not by any definition, good design. The requirement that 70% of every building he parallel to and on the frontage line is un -necessarily restrictive and is not responsive to the needs of specific sites or uses. I agree that we are not yet NYC and that may not necessarily be a bad thing! The fact is that we do not have the public transportation systems nor the WILL to use them that New Yorkers have and will, unfortunately, not have them anytime soon. To define a city around those parameters — applied immediately — means that many projects will not move forward and many more that do will not succeed simply because they do not address the need to transition from the car -centric society that we now are to a more pedestrian oriented society that we all strive to become. This will not happen overnight — BUT THIS CODE WILL! Further, this "parallel alignment" requirement is not consistent with good sustainable design practices in that it eliminates "siting" options to take advantage of energy efficiencies available through the proper response (use) of prevailing breezes (passive cooling) and/or solar angles, especially since Miami is on a strict N/S grid. These code requirements might work when we're designing cities from scratch and can determine the angle of the grid to take advantage of sustainable design principles but DO NOT WORK HERE, where the grid is already determined. 13. Floor Area definition shall read: the floor area within the inside perimeter of the outside walls of the building envelope. Including hallways, closets, interior thickness of walls, columns, and other features, parking and loading areas, and excluding balconies, stairs towers, shafts, elevator cores, floor penetrations, arcades, loggias, atriums, trellises and below grade levels. DPZ disagrees and has suggested that the GFA include everything in an attempt to simplify everyone's work (for the applicant and the code reviewer too). The development capacity has been calculated this way. There MIAMI WASHINGTON CHARLOTTE KUALA LUMPUR 1023 Southwest 25th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33135 Tel: (305) 644-1023 Fax: (305) 644-1021 www.dpz.com SUBMITTED INTO THE DUANY PLATER-ZYBERK &, C RECORD FOR ARCHITECTS AND TOWN PLANN S was a discussion to add atriums to exclusion from calculations, ITLMIs has connceri % �� • neighborhood reaction to less of predictability so we did not add atriums. 14. Floor Lot Ratio definition shall read: The multiplier applied to lot area that determines the maximum floor area allowed in a given transect zone above grade. (That the definitions of both the Floor Area and Floor Lot Ratio must be consistent in the way a building is measured). FLR has already been redefined to reflect this comment. No additional changes. 15. Under Mezzanine it may be allowed to a maximum of 33% of the floor area any mezzanine extending beyond the 33% shall be counted as an additional floor area. DPZ agrees and has made this change in the Code. No additional changes. 16. Parapet Walls shall extend a minimum of 5 feet above the roof height to properly screen roof top equipment. DPZ agrees and has made this change in the Code. No additional changes. 17. Under 5.6.2 Building Configuration (h). Other ornamental building features may extend u� to 25% of the building height as measured to the top of the roof slab of the last habitable floor. Trellises may extend above the maximum building height up to 14' feet. Extensions above the maximum height for stairs, elevators and mechanical enclosures or decorative purpose only shall be permitted Lip to 30% of the roof area and height shall be controlled as described above. DPZ suggests the following language. a. Ornamental features can extend. 10 `in T5, T6-8 and T6-12, and up to 10% for T6-24. There shall be no height limitations for decorative elements for T6-36 and T6-48. No additional changes. b. OK for trellis height extension up to 14' for T6's, but up to 8' high for T5. No additional changes. 18. We consider that the height of buildings along the Biscayne Boulevard Corridor urbanisticaly and architecturally, shall be controlled by the width of the right-of-way, compatible with the proper height and density of adjacent zoning classifications. We believe that by the appropriate setbacks and architectural treatment of the envelope of the building a balance can be achieved between the urban scale of Biscayne Boulevard and the low scale intensity of adjacent districts. This will ultimately be a political decision the City will have to make. DPZ has suggested a range of Transect zones (T4, T5 and T6-8) along Biscayne Boulevard. DPZ explained position on maintaining map as is, given extensive meetings with neighbors and Commissioners on this topic. 19. With respect to the establishment of "minimum" building heights in the Urban Center and Urban Core zones (T5 & T6); the prescribed method is too restrictive without need. This proposed code does not give due consideration to the needs of specific building uses/types that are not compatible with multiple story configurations and limits an owner's property rights by forcing them into building types that are not consistent with their needs. Understanding what the stated goals are, there should be alternative methods to provide for minimum heights without requiring a minimum number of stories. MIAMI WASHINGTON CHARLOTTE KUALA LUMPUR 1023 Southwest 25th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33135 Tel: (305) 644-1023 Fax: (305) 644-1021 www.dpz.com DUANY PLATER-ZYBERK & COMPANY ARCHITECTS AND TOWN PLANNERS For instance, these requirements are not consistent and do not address the needs of "stand- alone" retail uses where second floors just don't work. Yet, through good design, a retail building can be created that addresses the urban look that this code strives to achieve without penalizing an owner with useless or under-utilized building area for the sake of obtaining a "look" which is, at the end of the day, what this is all about. �UBMITTEDINTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR iTEMpu ON& —,-tt —o a MIAMI WASHINGTON CHARLOTTE KUALA LUMPUR 1023 Southwest 25th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33135 Tel: (305) 644-1023 Fax: (305) 644-1021 www.dpz.com