HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal Letter-Judith SandovalJune 27, 2007
Honorable Commissioners,
I am writing to request that the commission defer the adoption and implementation of the
proposed Miami 21. It has been said that residents of each "quadrant" would have the
chance to review the zoning code proposed for its area prior to adoption by the city
Each section of the City deserves the opportunity to review specifically how the draft
zoning district regulations will be applied to, and will affect, their neighborhoods,
commercial districts and institutional and other uses prior to the adoption of any district
Please request a di ferral for adoption o; Miami 21 zoning until a proposed zoning map for
the entire City has been prepared, and all residents of the City have been given an
opportunity to review the specific zoning proposed for their neiehborhoods.
Golden Pines Neighborhood Association
Gilda Rodriguez
786 210 3349
ITEM. pza ONGam.
Yahoo! Mail - ninawestl000@yahoo.com
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 05:16:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Nina West" <ninawest1000@yahoo.com>
Subject: Fwd: FW: Citizen Against Wholesale Adoption of Miami 21
To: ninawest1000@yahoo.com
Judith Sandoval <mimosan@earthlink.net> wrote:
From: "Judith Sandoval" <mimosan@earthlink.net>
To: "Nina West' <ninawestl000@yahoo.com>
Subject: FW: Citizen Against Wholesale Adoption of Miami 21
> [Original Message]
> From: Judy Gray
> To:
> Cc: ; ; Judy Gray
Broton, James; Eileen Marcial
; ; ; priscilla
greenfield -manning
> Date: 6/27/2007 8:13:57 AM
> Subject: Citizen Against Wholesale Adoption of Miami 21
> Ms. Spence -Jones,
> First, and most importantly, our thoughts are with you as you recover
> from your recent emergency. Please pass my following note to the
> appropriate individual during your recovery.
> I have written to you previously regarding high-rise development
> immediately adjacent to single family dwellings, specifically as it
> regards Spring Garden. I am now concerned that there is a chance that
> Miami 21 could take away the power of homeowners to fight inappropriate
> development next to or very near to their properties. This is just
> wrong. Unfortunately, I am not home in Miami this week (on business in
> Ft. Worth, TX), because if I were I would take time from my job to
> attend the rally of concerned citizens who will attend the City
> Commission meeting on 6/28 and ask for a deferral of Miami 21 until all
> residents are (1) educated as to how it will affect their own properties
> and, after that step, (2) have been able to comment on it. Zoning
> changes that could alter the charming ambiance of Spring Garden are bad
> for Overtown and the rest of your district. We are constantly battling
> developers and need your help to stem the tide of inappropriate
> development. You need only visit me at 1036 NW North River Drive to see
> what a developer can do to ruin a close-knit, quiet community (and that
> was not even a high rise!). Thank you for your attention. -Judy Gray -
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> Judith Gray
> Mia , F North River Drive ,ATO THE
> 305-545-7955
> 5-3663 (cell) RECORD FOR
> judy.grudy.gray@noaa.gov PUBLIC
ITEMS N c� � o-7
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From: "Judith Sandoval" <mimosan@earthlink.net>
To: "Nina West" <n1nawest1000@yahoo.com>, strell@oneplacerealestate.com
Subject: Latest edit - use this one, Richard. Only made a few small changes
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2007 22:46:16 -0400
Nina - additionally, I think you might add to your Buena Vista statement that your HOA had many meetings and submitted a very
detailed series of maps and comments on exactly what you want in the neighborhood based on the format that was being used by
DPZ. This template was used by at least half a dozen other neighborhoods to submit their needs and wants to DPZ (the Coral Way
NET neighborhoods, for instance). SUBMITTED INTO THE
--- Original Message ----
From: Judith Sandoval
To: strell _ oneplacerealestate.com
Sent: 6/27/2007 10:24:23 PM
Subject: Statement to Commission on Miami21
Miami City Commissioners
City Hall
ITEM,Pz_P._ ON.&),v o .
June 28, 2007
Miami 21 is a bad plan that will transform the city and we who live here in ways that will benefit the
development community, but few residents and small business owners. This drawing -board,
insensitive and artificial plan reflects the theories of consultants overpaid (more than $6 million) who
have not respected the history, living patterns and preferences of our neighborhoods. It has ignored
the wishes of our residents and given us Manny Diaz's pretentious fantasy for a city that is not
suitable for our climate, under -developed infrastructure and diminishing water supply.
But have the Consultants, Duany Plater-Zyberk, dissented or quit when the city and developers made
major changes not even shown to the public? No. Has the Planning and Advisory Board been allowed
to vote on them before Miami21 has been submitted to the City Commission? That in itself is an illegal
maneuver! DPZ has never done a plan for an entire big city. They will use Miami21 to capitulate their
firm into many more millions of business. elsewhere. They are anxious to finish this plan, have the city
government's starnp of approval and get paid. DPZ and the mayor, continually
seeking personal praise in other places, need Miami21 passed in a hurry. No matter that it is
unfinished and badly done, and we the people don't even know how it will affect our lives and
properties! And we citizens have spent thousands of hours to make input and our suggestions have
been rejected or ignored.
The city Planning Department and the Mayor have used DPZ and abstract theory, to justify anything
and everything developers could want for the next fifty years. Spin over substance. DPZ's original
plans have even been permanently removed from the city website, to prevent comparison with earlier
goals and plans! Even this week, items continue to be moved around daily, making them almost
impossible to trace. What is the hurry?
The Mayor evidently is not bothered by transgressions in ethics and accountability. So ultimately, if
WE want others to stop thinking of Miami as third world, we need to stop acting the part. The "House
of Lies" Herald series indicated that our local leaders don't understand the concept of "government for
the people", as opposed to "for a few friends".
Miami 21's stated goals of a comprehensive plan, focusing on infrastructure concerns and livability,
have nothing to do with whats before you today. Nothing. Please defer it until it is right, or say "no" to
Miami 21 before you go down in infamy as the destroyers of what once upon a time was a Magic City
in a tropical paradise on a beautiful bay. But that is okay. The developers and some politicians will be
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happier and richer.
Thank you.
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ITEM Pz_a OWlavlo-1 .
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