HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiami River Commission RecommendationsPolicy Committee: Governor of State of Florida Mr. Jeb Bush Designee: Mr. Tony Garrastazu Chair of Miami -Dade Delegation Representative Gus Barreiro Chair of Governing Board of South Florida Water Management District Mr, Kevin McCarty Designee: Ms. Irela Bagud Miami -Dade State Attorney Ms. Katherine Fernandez -Rundle Designee: Mr. Gary Winston Mayor of Miami -Dade County Mayor Carlos Alvarez Designee: . Ms. Amy Gonzalez -Hernandez Mayor of Miami Mayor Manuel A. Diaz Designee: Mr. Robert Ruano City of Miami Commissioner Commissioner Joe Sanchez Designee: Mr. Steve Wright Miami -Dade County Commissioner Commissioner Bruno Barreiro Designee: Ms. Betty Gutierrez Chair of Miami River Marine Groupp Mr. Charles'Bud" Morton Designee: Capt. Beau Payne Chair of Marine Council Mr. Phil Everingham Executive Director of Downtown Development Authority Mr. Dana A. Nottingham Designee: Mr. Adam Luken Chair of Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce Mr. Barry Johnson Designee: Ms. Megan Kelly Neighborhood Representative Appointed by City of Miami Commission Dr. Ernest Martin Designee: Mr. Michael Cox Neighborhood Representative Appointed by Miami -Dade Commission Ms. Sallye Jude Designe<:: Ms. Jane Caporelli Representative from Environmental or Civic Organization Appointed by the Governor Member at Large Appointed by the Governor Mr. Eric Buerrnann Member at Large Appointed by Miami -Dade Commission Ms. Sara Babun Designee: Ms. Carmen Polanco Member at Large Appointed by City of Miami gommrssion Mr. Manny Prieguez Managing Director Mr. Brett Bibeau Miami River Commission c/o Robert King High 1407 NW 71 ST, Suite D Miami, Florida 33125 Office: 305.644-0544 Fax: 305-642-1136 email: miamiriver@bellsouth.net www.miamirivercommission.org April 18, 2007 City of Miami Planning Advisory Board City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Re: Recommendation for Approval of April 18, 2007 Planning Advisory Board Agenda Item 1 Dear City of Miami Planning Advisory Board: This letter serves as the Miami River Commission's (MRC) "official statement" to the Planning Advisory Board, requested in City Resolution 00-320, regarding April 18, 2007 Planning Advisory Board agenda item 1, which impacts the Miami River. On March 5, 2007, the MRC unanimously found the draft "Miami 21" Eastern Quadrant to be consistent with the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan, subject to the following three conditions: 1) Expanding the riverfront building setback (the draft's ."rear setback") to 50 feet, incorporating the City Charter formula which indicates that the setback for parcels less than 200 -feet -wide would become 25% of the property width, and exempting marine industrial and low density residential properties; 2) Requiring a publicly accessible riverwalk consistent with the Miami River Greenway Action Plan, featuring a minimum 20 -foot - wide area consisting of an unobstructed 16 -foot -wide pedestrian path with an additional 4 -foot passive zone including decorative lighting, landscaping, etc. 3) Revising the draft's proposed new zoning for the Miami Circle site from T6-36 (Urban Core) to CS (Parks) Sincerely, ?h4ili libg4�_ Vice Chair, Miami River Commission t:oteradi of State of Florida Miami River Commission Chair of Miami -Dade Deleption Ke rresenndoe Juan 7a „ )aa c/o Robert King High Dc,lgnee: Representatise Lui. Garew d ix 14117 NW 7" ST, Suite U Chair of Goteriting Huard of _ v Miami, Florida 33125 I-rmth Florida Water il1anagement District Office' 305-644-0544 . F Fax: 305442-1136 email; miamiriverCtbelkouth,net 1limtmi-Dude State :1lMrrx}' 'x .._ -�• °•- -� www.miamirivercommtscien.org �f, k:uhcrntr I•rm:uulei•Rundle _ — — ')r,l�nec: 111. ('ian w'nL tem Mayor of ltiami•Dade County January 7, 2009 NlaI rr Carlos Alsarci Planning Advisory Board — i h•v_ncr 17x. f:ufk,n 'r, �`ilLa C'ity of Miami Ma>ur of nnanti .lus nr \1.nu cl A i)i!v 3500 Pan American Drive Ik.wmec Mfr Rolreri Ruin' Miami. FL 33133 City of Miami Commissioner rcuillni,smne) 11K 5:,nil„' Re: Recommendation of Approval With Conditions for r)c,i�mcr Orr Ctesi 11righl Januar' 7, 2009 PAB Agenda Item 1 \li:uni-Dade County C`om.... oner ( nnttniraunel finow R;Imn'rr uea,•nev- M< Lubb% Navarro Dear Planning Advisory Board: Chair of Miami River Marine Group This letter serves as the Miami River Commission's (MRC) fit. Ricluinl unpin Capt Bean I a.%ne advisory recommendation regarding 2l. On January 5, 2009, by a vote of 11-0, the MRC found the revised drag (Awir of Marine Council Nil. i d.,w,if:rm "Miami 2l" to be consistent with the Miami River Corridor )l',Igtlie. 11x. Phil i Pl'flnkhalrl Urban Infill Plan and the )Vianii River Greenway Action Plan Wive Director oIMH'nUtwn P:kIlrelo subject to the following remaining conditions consistent with I •t clupuu•nl :\ul Kurif l} \Is Alyce RA-riNon what was approved by the MRC on May 5, 2008: i)r,lenrr Mr, Adam l.ui,in previously (.'hair of (:mater Miami Chamber (11, Cummeme 1) Inserting caveat in "A f)pendix B: Waterfront Design\11. lion 'v Jolut„on Guidelines, Policy 6: "Access from the water to the land I)e,l,'rlii: 11s 1h•g;ut ):ells t\eighMtrhtxxi Kepresertlulive should be incorporated/provided in waterfront designs- ,Mppufnted h'N Cit, of Miami where permissible and practical -subject to obtaining o Cmmisslon required permits from applicable agencies.” I )r l.rnc,l 11;Irun D,'vgnre: 11r. Miihael ("m 1eighborha)d Reprv%votative I 2) Inserting "minimum" in front of "15 foot wide" in :Mplwinled b) Miami -Dade Appendix B: Watcer!ronf Guidelines, B.3 Circulation Zone to ('ummis+fun .l NI,. NaIItie Jude make the text consistent with the proposed fifteen -sixteen I .\1, .I,;ne (',Iponclli foot wide circulation zone depicted in the related rendition ReprFmirvoolient lyore' and first line of descriptive text Fmirtrnox•ntal or Civic Orgauication Appoin(al by the (;uternnr 3) Maintain current MRC recommendation to measure lie Gin tat Lail c.Aplx intcd by fwaterfront building setbacks from the shoreline, rather than hc(;usernnr Member it Larve Appointed b) the property boundary, which varies in distance from the \liaml•Dade Commiscirtn actual shoreline 11s ti;ua i'iahun 1>rsu•nrr AIN Henn I.lvo.l Member at Lunge Appointed by 4) Inserting `'federal law" in Section 2.2.2 after "vary with ('it, of Miami Conrmi.tirxr the applicable requirements of any" Mr M.mm, Prievuei - i ianagiint Director Mt hTell lilhcml Asslstanl Managing Director Nk. Ashh•s I. Clm,v Polk -1 Collimil er: Golernllr or .State of Florida Mr. Chachc Urki Chair or Pliami-Dade imegautin Reprewillillive Juan %;rp;ncl l UC>iloc: Represcnlative Elm GaICr1: Chair of Gom•erning Board of South Florida plater Management Dist riot Mr. Fr,c Rucrrluoul Miami -Dade Slalr Attorney Ats. UIN-nnc 1-crnande/ Rundle Ih rencc: \11. Ci.na Wiuslon Manor of NIlami-Dade County A14%or C';,rlo� Apure/ rK,Nwrec Mr Robeft T. Vilha \lallor of \liami \Ln,ir N-howel A. Dial. Dc.icnec: \1r Robert Ruane Cite of Miami Commissioner Col mllll'sn'nm Irk sollehei f'k.ignee. Nb. N1cw Wri!:h1 \Iianmi•Dade County Commissioner t'unumnennmcr Brum Nnvinr Ucacncc: ,,\ls. Luhb) N;narro Chair of Alianti River Marine (;roup hlr. Riehtml Dubin Ih•�il:ncc C api Heim t'uyne Chuir or •\larinr Council \1r. Ed 5wAon I)c,lcrwe. Mr. Phil fiveringham Fxvcutivc Ili"or of Downtoen De'dupnu•nt Authority L. NAI'wr IscihcrtNon D,eirnr Nit Adam Lul.in fslernber;mt Large Appointed by the (P'merour \lrmtwr at I.arlte Appointed by \liami-Dude C'onunission I)c�icncr: \ts. I.Icn;t I.u•ra fslember at Larg(, Appointed by Ott of Miami C'on11116Aon fib' V.uur: I'nr"uci. Mollaging Dimrlor Ml. 111cit nilmm Assistant Managing Director Nl1 . ANhles L. (•bine• Miami River Commission do Robert King High 1407 NW 71" ST, Suite D Miami, Florida 33125 OPffce: 305-644-0544 Fax; 305-642-1136 email: mi ami river@beilsouth.nel www.miatniriverennixnissioti.org 5) "Maintain current MRC recommended language for the definition of Marine Related Industrial Establishment by inserting, "including but not limited to shipping, boatyards, marinas commercial fishing, container yards and tug boat basins" and also insert "cargo, boat building and boat manufacturing" Your time and consideration are appreciated. Since ly, eBuermann . Chair, Miami River Commission