HomeMy WebLinkAboutSummary FormAGENDA MM SUMMARY FORM FILE 11): N — (A (0 mmv Date: I- L Requesting Department G m-ts Commission Meeting Date: 107 ,?2QM District Impacted: Type: 0 Resolution D Ordinance D Emergency Ordinance El Discussion item 0 Other Subject: Mami-Dade County Safe Neigbborhood Parks Bond Program =1S 14 Dikkell purpose of Item: Law Department Matter ID No. It is recommended that the Aliami (Ity Commission adopt the attached Resoluton, with attachments, au&oA--zi-ng the City1fianager to submit an applicafien for grant funding to Manii-Dade County's Safe Neighbozhood-Padcs Bond Pwp-arn in the arnoinif not to exceed 3500,0 for the acquisition of land located at 1814 Bridcell Avenue, authorizing iffie allocation of regnired matdtipg fim& not to exceed S3,004,262 for Park Land Purchase at 1814 Bdcketf, authonzing the CityMaaager to execute The necessary documents in substmitiaUythe, attached forms, for submission of a grant application for fiscal yea 2009-201Q, and submit to the terms and condifiens of said grant applications. Badcground Information: 1he cilmns of Miami -Dade County have authorized the issuance of general obligation bonds for -the purpose of fmancigg capital knprovement programs for certain parks, beaches, natural areas and recreational facilities to jmprove the quality;of lik benefit property values, promote the prevention of juvenile crone and improve recreational ficilibes for youtl% adults and senior citizens. The City of Manu wishes to make application for the grant 3nmes to purchase park land at 15 14 Bfickell A -venue to increase the CiVs inventory tof green spaces. Budget Impact Analysis NO Is this item related to revenue? YM Is this item an expenditure? If so, please Wtuffy funding source below. G=vra?A-cvvunt No. - Special Aevmue Account No CIP Project No -- NO Is this item funded by Homeland D efenselNeighborhood Improvement Bonds? Start Up Capital Cost - Maintenance Cost: Total;Fiscal impact: Grants I ' i7 w rppEs � 4P Final Approvals L'UO MD DA70 Budget Risk M-anagemoo, Dept. Director cfty Manager Tage I of I