TO: MG.,
FROM: e2� P-.
City Manager
DATE: 'October 14, 2009
SUBJECT: Gallagber Bassett Services, Inc.
Bid Waiver
In December of 2002, the City of Miami isswd Request for Proposals 02-03-010 se ildug qualified .arid
experienced lirms for the provision of Workers CoWensation Claims Administration ("Pwt I Services"),
General, Automobile and Professional Liability Claims Administration (Pofice Tort and Public Officials
Liability), {"Fart B Services", .and 'markers Compensation Managed Care Services ;(`Pant Iii Services")
on behalfof the Rask Management Department_ Pursuant to Resolutions 03-03K and 03-0877,
professional services agreements were entered into with Gallagher Basseft Services, Inc_ the
recommended proposer for Part I and fart II Services and with AmeriSys for Pmt 11I Services
Since October 201113, Grallagber Bassett Servaoes, .lac. ("Providea-) has met the City's needs and provided
satisfactory service under the Professional Services Agreement ("Agreement"). Tlae Agreement between
the City of Mami and Provider Bared on October 7, 2099, and the City has accepted a proposal from
the .Provider to continue tine administration of Part I and fart B Services as indicated in the previous
Agrftment tlarmaag'h,October 2b, 2i11J9.
The City wishes to issue a new Request for lQualitications for Part 1, Part I3 and Part 110 Services, however
regahes Haat the services be provided until such time that the City Inas completed a competitive
procurement Inns and awarded a contract for fire saabjject services. The Provider has been providing
the Services to the City for six (6 years, and Haus is mostqualified to continue providing the Services on
a raaont'•ta to -month basis until such time as a fiiture award is approved by the 'City Commission.
Based on the above, we are Tecommending a waiver of'the competitive bidding process and award of a
contract for .the provision of Part I and Part B Services to Gall4gber Bassett Services, Inc.
C: Larry Spring, CFO
LeeAnn Bnehua, Direefor, .Risk Department