HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmailCherney, Laura From: U,S. EPA [usaepa@govdelivery.com] Sent: Monday, July 06, 2009 1:34 PM To: Chemey, Laura Subject: News Release: U.S. EPA EXPEDITES ECONOMIC RECOVERY FUNDING TO REDUCE DIESEL EMISSIONS, CREATE JOBS IN MIAMI, FLORIDA U.S. EPA EXPEDITES ECONOMIC RECOVERY FUNDING To REDUCE DIESEL EMISSIONS, CREATE JOBS IN MIAMI, FLORIDA Contact Information: Kara Belle, (404) 562-8322, belle. kara aa)epa.gov (ATLANTA — July 6, 2009) In a move that stands to create jobs, boost local economies, reduce diesel emissions and protect human health and the environment for people of the City of Miami, FL, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded $731,850 to Miami to reduce diesel emissions from existing garbage trucks. This clean diesel project will create jobs while protecting Miami's air quality. "This grant is a great investment in environmental protection and will provide long-term economic benefits for Florida," said Stan Meiburg, EPA Acting Administrator in Atlanta. "This funding will go a long way in helping to bolster the economy and protect public health and the environment by creating green jobs that improve air quality." To speed distribution of funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act), EPA is funding proposals from last year's National Clean Diesel Campaign grant competition. The City of Miami will use the $731,850 in Recovery Act funds to replace 17 old garbage trucks with new garbage trucks which meet higher emission standards. It is anticipated that this project will reduce more than 1.2 tons/year of air pollution from existing garbage trucks, thereby improving air quality and protecting public health. In addition to helping to create and retain jobs, this clean diesel project will reduce premature deaths, asthma attacks and other respiratory ailments, lost work days, and many other health impacts every year. EPA will award the remaining Recovery Act clean diesel grants in the coming months. President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 on February 17, 2009 and has directed that the Recovery Act be implemented with unprecedented transparency and accountability. To that end, the American people can see how every dollar is being invested at Recovery.gov. For information on EPA's implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 in Florida, visit: htto://www.eoa.aov/recovery For information about EPA's clean diesel initiatives, visit: hftp://www.epa.gov/cleandiesel For information about the City of Miami's Recovery activities, visit: http://www.recoverymiami.com/ nn You can view or update your subscriptions or e-mail address at any time on your Subscriber Preferences Page. All you will 1-1 need is your e-mail address. If you have any questions or problems e-mail suogortAgovdeliverv.com for assistance. This service is provided to you at no charge by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.