HomeMy WebLinkAboutResponse to IFBCEfiu 11f Mitami ,July .9, 2009 Internakmal Narneplatc U,S., Inc. Attri: ,Jason Jacyno 2905A W Marshall Ave. Longviev:,, TX 75604 RE: Response to IFB 146110, Vehicle Decals and Striping Iv1 r...Ja cryn o, PEDRO G. 1 INO\.ANDEZ, P.L. City bManagw The City ol Miami is iri receipt of your response to IFE 1461 -10, Vehicle Decals nd Str irinq. Eased upon; GUr evaluation, we havre encountered P• discrepancy between the Unit price and extended price for line ite:ne.,7t 49 to 67. When ever said discrepancy occurs, Sectior 1.62(E.), PREPARATION OF RESPONSES (HARDCOPY FORMAT), states: "�...1r in t:iiSE plc dis�rEpBl cy betV✓ceti the unlit price and extended price, the w11 f)!?Ge �Niii b -I pf,esurned con-ect" Therefore, please review ;rte corrected bid line items on the next pages and confirm; If the Unit Prices area correct and if you agree with the corrected extended prices for line iternstT' 49 thru 57. If you indicate, otherwise. pursuant to Section 1.28 and 1.34, your bid will be deemed nor; 'espor"tsive an re)ectear. In addition, Section 1.5 , OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE, requires that Anyperson, f?n.'YJ, corporation or joint VG'?7tllre, i...j meet !t'ielr l ;'Cal+ Occupational License Tax requirements. " However, according to the Texas Statee Comptroller of Public Accounts Office website, International Nameplate U.S., Inc., "is not in good star;dir',y as it has not satisfied all franchise tax requirements." For purposes of completing the evaluation of your bid response, please provide: us with documentatlor; 'that your firm has paid the Franchise Tax required by the State of Texas and copy of said Occupational License or B'usiness Tax Rec-ejpL Pie-, se msporld to this rogUest via e-mail or fax to the, attention of Yusbel Gonzalez, y;otizaiez'rrinliarni�� orrl or 305-400-5104, by no later than Thursday, July 16, 2001, at 5:00 P.M. . ilt.lt'e to respond by ^e Stipulated date and time may deerrl your hid non-responsive. Thank you for your coot:)eration. Sincerely, 6Djrector/Ch'irei, os, C: PC_), CPf'Pi=CF'Cv1, Cf'AGr1:LR:yg Prp urernun,t 0ficer DEPART. BENT OF PURCHASING 444 S.W, 211d Avenue, 6"Ecus Ps,Ua,rn:, R. 33130 (305) 416-1900 Fax: (3-05) 41 6-1 925 1 Mailing Addrtss: P.O. Box 330708 llian!i, t loridd 333233-0117108 F ,Mail Address: purcnasecci.miamiJI.us Website: hatp:/,'ci.miamON.!.!s Line:49 ' Dauzip!inn: Fire Vehicle Decals, Fire DeparbnentSea|: 2" Diameter Seal Unii Of k"JeaSUre: Each Uni� Phoe� �1�1 Numberof Units: 2DO Extended Price �m shown � b� response): �£���B ConecfedEx|enoedPhce: $2O2�O [ ~ c� ixand | agree with the Corrected Prioe�Ycw. Unit P i lNo. Unit P�ce�no��xry��and!hereby re�aoimyb�for this iksni- Line: 50 DeachpUon: Fire Vehicle Decals, Fins Department Seal: 3~Diameter Seal Unit oiMeasure: Each Unit Price: NumborufUnits: 2OO Extended Price (as shown inbid rooponse)�S50LJI0 Cunoc/adEx,.endodprirl-'e:$838.00 / ! Yes, Unb P/ioe isoorreci and | agree with the Corrected Extended Price. [ ]No. Uni/Phueisnetcorrect and | hereby retract mybid forthis item. Line:51 Desohpon: FireVehicle Decals, Fire Department Seal: 4^Diameter Seal Unbot Measure: Each, Us"KPhxe: $1 �9X6 Nunbero[Units: 20O Extended Price (as shovin:nbid response)�S-58|il0 Cm!'61,,iecdExtended*3{2.{0 ' � 'Yes, Unit Price iocorrect and iagree with the ConeciedExtended Phce. No, nit Price is 7,ot Cor cot and I hereby retract my bid for this item. Line: 52 Description: Fire Vehicle Decals, Fire Department Seal: 5^ Diameter Seal UrJ|:" r0emnuno:Each Unit Price: $2Z� Num -Der ofUnits: 200 ExtendudPrice (as show, inbid oaxponsa): 1X0 i ConeolecExiended$458.00 | / . 6�Yes, Unit Price is correct and | agree with the Corrected Extended Price. | ]No, Unit Price- isnmLcorrect and | hereby retract nnybid for this item, ! Line: 53 Description: Fire Vehicle Decals, Fire Department Seal: O^Diameter Seal Unit oi Measure: Each UndPhue�$Z46 Number ofUnhu:2U0 Extended Price (as uho-wriinDid neuponoo)�$73g.()!) � -'-ClonreotedEx/nndodPrioa:�����I "A Yes.Unh Price is rnrrodand | agree with the Corrected Extended Phce' ( ] No, Un['P�iuo|uno4correct and |hevmbyretract mybid for this i1em / It Lij;rc: 54 Duscliption: Fire Vehicle Decals, Fire Department Seal: 7" Diameter Seal 1 Ur-i�1. ; u; Each "ni, .05 Number of Units: 200 Extended Price. (as shown in bid re�>ponsze)s $915 (XI covre�;Ie,; 1E.Xtend(!d Price: 5610,001 Y,, -..s, 'Unit Prine, is cora -.c11 and I agree with the Corrected Extended Price. 'I No. Unit Price,, is no,' correct and I hereby retract my bid for this item. Line: 55 'Descripfion: Fire Vehicle Decals, Fire Department Seal: 8" Diameter Seal Unit nit a,' lvleasur,(-,1: Each Unif Price: $3.62 Number of Units: 200 Extended Price (as shown in bid lrespunse,): $108`5.0,0 Ccirte-clud Extended $724.00 ,01 Yes, Unit Price is correct and I agree with the Corrected Extended Price. No. Unit. Price is nocorrect and .1 hereby retract my bid for this item. Line: 56 D esulip i lon: Fire Vehicle Decals, Fire Department Seal: 9" Diameter Seal Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price': NUMbE," of Units: 200 Extended Price las shown in bid resp,,insie,): i31 7.0,1) Co 'C­xie-nrled -, p rice: $878.00 Yc;-.,;: U-: i;I P; -i,,4:; :s correcand I agree with the Corrected IL-ax-terided Price. I j No, Unj; Price is nol _,orrect and i hereby retract my bid for This item. Lire: 57 Description: Fire Vehicle Decals, Fire Department Seal: 10" Diameter Seal 'nit of MeasUre: Each unil Price: Murriber of Units: 200 Extended Price (as shown in bid r(,-,spo;-)se) f, Correched Ex+oncied Price: $998.00 P! ves, 21.Jni4 Price iS Cor� and I agree with the Corrected Extended Price. J ne tc- No, Unit Price is not correct and I hereby retract my bid for this item Line- 58 Descr:.Dfion: Fire Vehicle Decals, Fire Department Seal: 11" Diameter Seal Unit o' J'Aeosure: Each Unit Price: Number of Units: 200 'Extended Price (as shown in bid respurlse-): Corrected Extended Price: $1166.00 i,,,/ves, Unit Price is correct and 1 agree with the Corrected Extended Price. No; I ol Unit Pr�ce is no., correct and I h-reby retract my bid for this item. I 1-jr-te: 59 Descr;P'i(.-.)n: Fire Vehicle Decals, Fire Department Seal: 12" Diameter Seal 3 Uni: of rvleasure: Each UrIjI T-Dric;- I:fj 'I4 Number of Units.- 200 Extended Price (as shown, In bid res-r)o1rise)- 5;1112 00 Cotrecle(I Fxfendodi Price: $1228,00 ----------- .......... pwj Yes. Unit PriC:E: is WICE-cl wid I agree; with the Corrected Extended' Price. No, Uni; Price is not correct and I hereby retract my bid for this item. 60 Dr;scnptiaTi: Fire Vehicle Decals, Fire Department Seal: 13" Diameter Seal L.JrW 0,1 Each Unl;4 Price: $.7,0_0 Number of Units. 200 Extended Pric(-.., (as shown in bid i_:xiundiell PI $'400.00 .......... . ....... A Yec, Unit Price S : , i arid I agree with I the Corre.�.Ierj Extended Price tv] s I ; 114 1 [ I No, Unit;'rice is ric), correct and 1 hereby retract my bid for this item. Line: 61 Description: Fire Vehicle Decals, Fire Department Seal: 14" Diameter Seal Uni[ of Jvlerisure- Each . . . . 'l I ). $1.?')- 1,00 Unit S7.77 (!umber of Units: 200 Extended Price (as sllo"Ir; In D!_11. R.-Is,.:Or�scll Cortected Extended 7rice: $1554,00 Ml Yes, nit Price Is correct and I agreeL with the Corrected Extended Price.th Ln I No, 'Unit Pr:r,(� is not r-orfect and 1 hereby retract my bid for this item Line; 62 Dt-.�sc.ription: Fire Vehicle Decals, Fire Department Seal: 15" Diameter Seal Unil o, Maisi.jre: Each unii!'rice: Si .80 Number of Units: 200 Extended Price (as shown. in Nd respomsel,: $264C).LiC, ter '-_-)11_7FjGJ00 Yes, Unit Price is cc Unit P r: , e- is ju.)t cororrect and I agree with the Corrected Extended Price. ; reaind ct I hereby retract my bid for thism ite- 63 Description: Fire, Vehicle Decals, Fire Department Seal: 16" Diameter Seal Unit of Measure: Each Unif F'rice: $9.24 NUrnber Units: 200 Extended Price (as sl-tavvIn in bid resporise): $2772.00 Correcied'Exiended Price: 51848.00 n4l. Yes, Uni' Price is correct and I agree with the Corrected Extended Price. No, Unit Ptice, is no correct and I hereby retract my bid for this item. J 4 Lina 64 [.)escription: Fire Vehicle Decals, Fire Department Seal: 17" Diameter Seal f WAt of Measure: Each Ur ;t $10.83 Number of Units: 200 Extended hie Os shown in bid respu"Q. $Q2AjQ'.) Consled ExtendedMe: WHO) Yet Unit PAc-. iF and' t Pgree with—the Corrected Extended Price. 14, Unit Me is nol correct �,ind j hereby retract my bid for this iter -n. Lin: 65 Desai hon: Fire VeNde Decals, Fire Department Seal: 18" Diameter Seal Uni! of Measure. Each (..'Al Priue: 112.25 Number of UNK 200 Extended Price: (z -is shown in hid rc-sponse,): C. rectecl Extendcd Prix,: $245(M Cis Ye.s,, Pricce is coir ect and 1 agree with the Cotrecled Extended Price. No LMA Pike is Nol correct aind 1 hereby retract my bid for this item. Line: 66 DescriuUmn Fire Vehicle Decal, Fire Department Seal: 19" Diameter Seal Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: $1325 Number of Units: 200 Extended Me Is shown in bid resr)onse)-' 539,75,00 Correc!eci Extended Pince: Y ;,i Unit Price, i::..,_ met and I agw'�, with the Corr&cfed Extended Price. Nn LMA Pike is not correct and I hereby retract my bid for this itern. Line: 67 Description: Fire Vehicle Decals; Fire Department Seal: 20" Diameter Seal Wit of Measure: Each Wit Men $1419 Number of Unity 200 Exwnded Price (as shown in bid responise): Corrected Extendetd Price,: $2858.00 Yet Unh Me is correct, and 1 agree vvith the Corrected Extended Price. F 1 Nv, MO D". ;s —4 carr=pct and 1 1- - - i retract — L'id f ii ; ;i Print Name: AUthorized j' g• Date: 5