HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Minutes (2)CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM 10: Honontb,lv DATE Mayor and September 28, 2007 : Members of the City Commission SUBJECT: Directive to City Clerk: 1 FROMREFERENCES: PZ.. 18 on September 27, 2007 : � Priscilla A. Thompson, CMC City Clerk ENCLOSURES: f ILE At the Planning and Zoning Meeting; of September 27, 2007, the City Clerk, pursuant to PZ 18 and File ID 07-00939zt, was directed to provide a copy of the verbatim transcript of the April 22, 2004 City Commission rrleeting regarc ig the Midtown discussion. This request was made pursuant to an excerpt of the discussion submitted into the official record on that date. Attached please find a copy of the verbatim minutes for S1.5, File ID 04-00443, heard on April. 22, 2004. Please note that page 24 of the verbatim minutes reflects the excerpt submitted on September 27, 2007. Should you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. PAT/PB Enclosure c: Pedro ,G. Hernandez, City Manager Jorge L. Ferndndez, City Attorney SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMR -' ON lop:10, . $ad - 01OC--07 City of Miami Cit)(Half 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL_ 33133 www. rniarrtig©v. cern Meeting Minutes Thursday, April 22, 2044 9:0o AM PLANNING & ZONING (Verbatim Minutes) City Hall Commission Chambers SUBMITTED INTOIJHE City Comm issionPUBLIC RECORD FPR iTEMFz,-7 _ ON io-z Manuel A. Diaz, Mayor Arthur E. Tee/e, Jr., Chairman Joe Sanchez, Vice Chairman Angel Gonzalez, Commissioner District One Johnny L. Winton, Commissioner District Two Tomas Regalado, Commissioner District Four Joe Arriola, City Manager Jorge L. Fernandez, City Attorney Priscilla A. Thompson, City Clerk City Commission Muting Minutes S1.5 04-00443 DISCUSSION ITEM April 22, 2004 DISCUSSION REGARDING AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT AMONG THE CiTY OF MIAMI, MIAMI-DADE COUNTY AND THE MID -TOWN MIAMI COMM, JNITY DEVELOPMENT C_ _ ''RICT. DISCUSSED A motion was made by Commissioner Winton, seconded by Vice Chairman Sanchez, and was passed unanimously, to add to the call of the April 29, 2004 Special Commission Meeting, a proposed resolution authorizng the City Manager to execute an inter -local agreement with Miami -Dade County, Florida, and the Midtown Miami Community Development District and authorising the City Manager to prepare a "Finding of Necessity Study"for the district. Direction to the City Manager by Chairman Teele to provide a chart to snow the specific responsibilities of the two proposed developers of the Midtown projeet and a flow chart showing the economic incentives for commitment, compliance and oversight on the hiring of residents from Wynwood, Little Haiti, Overtown and Allapattah. Direction to the Administration by Vice Chairman Sanchez to meet with each Commissioner individually to answer any questions they may have about the proposed Midtown Miami Project and provide any additional information they may need. Chairman Teele: All right. Mr. vice Chairman, 1 am going to yield to you. 1 had asked that an item be placed on the agenda for 4 o'clock today, item -- a discussion relating to the interlocal agreement, and I would yield and ask to be recognized. Vice Chairman Sanchez: All right. Mr. Chairman, you're recognized. Chairman Teele. Commissioner Winton, the Sunshine law doesn't allow me to discuss with you where this is or where this is going. I placed this on the supplemental agenda for the purpose of trying to get some clarity on one specific point. Unfortunately, sometimes when you ask a question, everything starts rolling out -- Priscilla A. Thompson (City Clerk): They haven't finished. Chairman Teele: -- and I've hearing more variations of what I'm doing, what my intention is. I mean, you know, this town is so full of rumors and mischaracterizations, it's unbelievable, .but let me just say for the record to you, Commissioner Winton, 1 have taken a lot of time to try to understand the economics of development in this city, and I want to express my appreciation to the diversified -- what's the name of the group? Diversified Realty component that has made �`► their chief economist available. I've got at least three educations in one meeting. Mr. -- Dr. l� Fishkind, who is truly, I think, a professional, a former University of Florida -- we won't hold that against him -- professor, but I just wish that Dr. Fishkind could meet with every member of this Commission, one on one, to just sort of talk about economic trends, not in -- on this project, but economic trends in the nation, and economic trends in Florida, and where Miami sort offits into this because we tend to always pat ourselves on the back and say that we're the hottest thing going. We're not the hottest thing going. � C pp Commissioner Winton. We're not? . Chairman Teele. No, not by along shot. Washington, D.C. is, apparently. 21 Commissioner Winton: Oh. Well, that's the seat of national government. It always will be. Chairman Teele: But absent that, we probably are the top thing going in the south. Cir)! of .Viamr Page 2 Printed on 9/27/2007 City Commission Meeting Minutes April 22, 2004 Commissioner Winton: Shrinking government. Chairman Teele. And, certainly, we're the top thing in Florida, according to my interpretation of Dr. Fishkind's comments. My discussion with Dr. Fishkind was largely, Commissioner Winton, around how can we take some of the things that you and I have been working on and talking about, relating to job creation, job expansion and, particularly, how can we work beyond the rhetoric to deal with the number one problem in this city. The number one problem in the City of Miami today, in my opinion, is this scarlet letter that we hang around our neck saying "the poorest city in the nation, " based upon the 2000 census, and that is not discussion for the Chamber of Commerce. It's just a fact. This Commission, the Mayor, we've all taken a lot of initiatives. We set aside a million dollars or so to deal with poverty initiatives. We've dealt with the Earned Income Tax Credit. There's a lot of things going on, but if the development in this city is as hot as it appears to be, I think one of the things that we can do on a voluntary basis, generally, but in the cases where government monies are going in, is work to try to get jobs, particularly jobs in the surrounding area, to be a part of the development plan. The Raphael Hernandez CDC (Community Development Corporation), which technically, Commissioner Winton, you represent, but all -- because they're on the east side of the district line, but all of their projects are in my district, on the west side of the district line, straddles this whole -- Commissioner Winton: Right. Chairman Teele: -- 50 -acre FEC (Florida East Coast) property and yet when I call them in and say what are you all doing and how is this really working, nobody's even contacted them. The Chamber of -- the Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce, which is very much involved in this process, is also expressing concern, and so -- Commissioner Winton: Well, I'm going to have a chitchat with them because if that's what they've said, they're in deep, deep with me, because that is absolutely unequivocally not the fact. Raphael Hernandez may be -- Chairman Teele: Raphael Hernandez -- Commissioner Winton: -- but the Puerto Rican -- Chairman Teele: --and I had lunch. City of Miami Page 3 Printed on 9/27/2007 f.. Commissioner Winton: -- Chamber of -- 1 said Raphael Hernandez may be, but the Puerto Rican C' Chamber of Commerce is absolutely not. 1 know specifically that members of this team has met *•• 8 Q with them several times, and I've met with them on this project personally, so -- Chairman Teele. Well -- and my - Commissioner Winton. - I'm not happy about that. C a Chairman Teele: Commissioner Winton, and my concern is not just the meetings, because I've been here in this town long enough to know that everybody's for something, and then the with these agreements is when there's a disagreement, can't find the ,C problem gentlemen you Q, gentlemen, so from my vantage point, if we're going to talk about creating a CDD -- which 1 strongly support, on the surface, the concept. 1 strongly support the concept -- we really need to V? .z tie in something related to job development and hiring --first hire agreements, as it relates to the neighborhoods, and I wanted to say the Raphael Hernandez CDC, which 1 don't represent -- it's not in my district, per se, but I do represent a large number of the people there. Because there is three -- there's three clear communities that we don't want to pit against each other, Commissioner Winton, in this. We have the Puerto Rican and the Hispanic community. We have City of Miami Page 3 Printed on 9/27/2007 City Commission Meeting Minutes April 22, 2004 Allapattah on the extreme western part of this, which is largely Cuban and, in my judgment, the dominant community, which is just to the north, is the Haitian community, and what I -- one of the things that I wanted to put on the table, in terms of this whole concept, is that our efforts have got to be proactive and reach out to all three -- of three of those communities in particular. Commissioner Winton: I want to correct a point I made. I met with Raphael Hernandez today on a totally separate issue with CD (Community Development), and Raphael Hernandez (UNINTELLIGIBLE), told me today, with her board chairman, that about -- and it was a side part of the conversation, which is the reason it kind of went over my head -- about a commitment that they have from Midtown Equities to build affordable housing in the neighborhood so I'm going to get them on the phone right now also and see if I'm missing something here. Chairman Teele: OK. Let -- but, Commissioner, I don't want to get into a he said, she said. Let me just say this. There is a commitment out there on affordable housing that came in from the County that is tied to a 108 loan for Midtown, but you know and I know that the Midtown component of this appears to be the second component. The first component appears to be the diversified component, which is where the real dollars are, and particularly, where the jobs are, where the jobs are, Johnny. Commissioner Winton: Right. Chairman Teele: And, you know, the commercial is going to generate 20 to 30 to 40 times more jobs -- Commissioner Winton: Right. Chairman Teele. -- long-term jobs than the residential, and so I thought Dr. Fishkind was extremely helpful. I asked him, gratuitously, if he would take my concerns under advisement, would he look at something that would be sort of voluntary. That was before we really got heavily into the CDD, and what I wanted to just say on the record, three things. One, let's don't play communities off communities. Clearly, the Hispanic community, led by the Puerto Rican community, is the community most adjacent to this project, without getting Raphael in your gun sight, and the -- that CDC, which is having a difficult time right now, could play a very valuable role, I think, in helping with this. We also have the Cuban community on the Allapattah side, which is a tremendous resource in terms ofjob opportunities and, of course, the Haitian and black community, which is everything north of 361h Street, essentially is Little Haiti, and so -- Commissioner Winton: Overtown south. Chairman Teele: And Overtown -- Q Commissioner Winton. Nine blocks. Chairman Teele: Overtown south, it's 36th Street, 20th Street. a Commissioner Winton: Well, it's -- 291h Street is a southern end of this project. You've got a C 0 9 -block area. Chairman Teele: 29th Street to 15th but, you know, not to leave out Overtown at all, but 1 do _ N ' think the sphere of influence is clearly the Haitian community, the Puerto Rican and the Cuban 2'ZN- community, and my concern is, if the 108 is not going to go forward, because apparently E everybody had attached -- or the County had done an outstanding job as 1 read everything. They had attached a series of initiatives to the 108, and when 1 asked the question about where are we on interlocal agreement, it was silent, as it relates to this, and I don't want to get into a big drama about it. 1 don't even know why all these people are here, candidly, and -- but thank you City of M ami f age 4 Printed on 9/27/2007 City Commission Meeting Minutes April 22, 2004 for coming, especially those of you from out of town but, Commissioner, what .I want to be very clear on is that I think this Commission needs to speak very clearly on the CDD; that we have to have some real commitment and real teeth to a job hiring program, not only in the construction job, because those are the 18 -month jobs, 2 -year job, but on the long-term, and I think it needs to be voluntary, and I don't see -- is Dr. Fishkind here? I don't see him here, but he said he was going to look at some models across the country, and I just can't pay compliments enough to the principles of Diversified for making Dr. Fishkind available: He is truly a professional and so, Commissioner Winton, because we weren't going to have a Sunshine Law meeting, I wanted to be on the record in support of the project, but supporting the project with strong, strong, strong, with teeth commitments to support the kinds of things that the County had put on the table in the 108, and apparently the 108 may or may not go through, but I think it needs to be apart of an interlocal agreement, and I think those commitments need to be City of Miami specific to the extent they can, and they need to have some funding sources to ensure the oversight, and the collection of data, and all of that. That's been always the big thing that falls out. We can't get data on the Performing Arts Center, good data, you know, because nobody -- no outside entity is responsible for keeping data on that, and I just would like to be on the record as supporting that, and candidly, I am very, very encouraged about the development potential here, so with that, Commissioner Winton, I wanted to say that to you, to my colleagues on the Commission, to the staff, and to the public, and I -- now 1 understand the City has a presentation to make, and I don't know if that presentation is ready but, you know -- Commissioner Winton. And if] may, I think that what the City Administration is going to do is give all of us kind of an up -to -minute update in terms of the negotiations and the economics of this deal, and the impact on our city. We won't be taking any action today. We anticipate taking action on this entire item at the special Commission meeting next Thursday, is that not correct? Linda Haskins (Chief Financial Officer): Yes. Yes, sir. Chairman Teele: Has that been put on the agenda for Thursday? Commissioner Winton: I'm hoping so. Ms. Haskins: We would ask for a motion for that. Chairman Teele. All right. Ms. Haskins: My name is Linda Haskins. I'm the Chief Financial Officer at the City of Miami. We wanted to give an update on the Midtown Miami Project and where we stand in the C negotiations, and what's coming down the pike over the next few days. We anticipate finalising C an interlocal agreement, all language items this evening. We will gel drafts -- draft interlocals -- C�(�) the draft interlocal agreement to the Commissioners for their review, and we will be available it but, I do is C E any time you want to meet to go through first, what wanted to give you some ' tC background information on the project, which gives you a little bit -- quite a bit of background $E on how we were looking at the economics of the transaction, and what it can do for the City of G d Miami, and this project really starts in November of 2002, when the FEC Corridor Strategic Redevelopment Plan was adopted by this Commission, and the purpose of that study was to come up with a rational plan to redevelop one of the most economically challenged areas in the City of Miami. That study took approximately one year. It was a community process -- two years, two years -- and they -- as a result of that study, some interesting information came in the -- Chairman Teele: You cut her off. Ms. Haskins: Hello? There. The study showed that based on census information, nearly 20,000 lobs had been lost in the FEC Corridor in the 1990s. Ciq.. of Miami Pakc 5 Prinied on 9.12712007 City Commission Meeting Minutes April 22, 2004 Commissioner Winton: Can 1 -- I've seen this three times (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Ms. Haskins: Yeah. Commissioner Winton: It started with the Mayor's -- Ms. Haskins. Right. Commissioner Winton: -- City -- State of the City address. Ms. Haskins: Right. Commissioner Winton: That's 80's, not 90's. Ms. Haskins: OK It's -- OK. Commissioner Winton. So could we get that corrected? Ms. Haskins: Sure. The per capita income in that area was something like nine thousand, one hundred and twenty-seven dollars. The per capita income was at 42 percent of the national average. The poverty and unemployment rates were significant, 42 percent unemployment rate, and we see that continuing today in our census tract information that we look at in community development, and those poverty and unemployment rates tend to. be multiple times of national averages. In the study, the 56 -acre FEC railway yard was identified as the key to revitalization of the area, because it was such a large tract of land that had not been developed, and because it had contributed to -- significantly to the blight in the area for many years, and the rail yard blight didn't just affect Wynwood. When you have blight of this size, 56 acres, in a small area, you know, in a -- in this confined area, that spillover effect goes to all the neighboring areas, whether it's Allapattah, the Design District, Overtown, the Biscayne Boulevard Corridor. In its conclusions, the FEC Corridor Study said that any development on the FEC rail site needed to be integrated in the community; if we wanted to look to maximum economic revitalization of the area, and with the Midtown Miami Project, we have the ability to implement the centerpiece of the FEC Corridor Study, In December 2002, Biscayne Development Partners purchased the 56 -acre FEC rail yard for thirty-five million dollars, and shortly after that, they purchased the adjacent Chiquita Banana site for seven million dollars. 1 want to give you a little bit of background of the developers that we're talking about here. Biscayne Development Partners is a partnership. The general partner is Midtown Equities, which is a private investment management company for the Carrie family assets. They own a 24 percent leasehold interest in the World Trade Center, and they will continue to own that leasehold interest in any development, and any future development. They developed the Commons of Holmdel, New Jersey, on the Lily Tulip site. It's 120 -acre site, with 235, 000 square feet of retail, and 80, 000 square feet of office and seminars complexes. They entered into a conversion project in N Washington, D. C., the Cayre Jemal's Gateway in D.C., where they converted 250, 000 square feet f of warehouse into 350, 000 square feet of office. In that project, they -- as Dan Siam told me, b they basically turned a war zone into a model rehab -- prototype rehab. They also converted * >G 492, 000 square feet of the Woodward and Lethrop Department Store in D. C., which had been +D closed for eight years, into a retail and office facility. This was also a historic rehab project. The other partner in BDP (Biscayne Development Partners) is Samuel and Company. Michael Samuel, the president, has acted as a purchase rep, developer, and manager ofa wide variety of U AN very prestigious projects, including Parkmerced in California, with 3400 residential units, and 200,000 square feet of commercial. The Seabonay Beach Resort condominium conversion in Hillsboro Beach, Florida. In Fresh Meadows, New York, they did 3200 residential units with a million square feet in commercial space. The Biscayne Development Partner team is going to be responsible for developing around 3, 000 condos along with structured parking and retail forming the base of those residential lowers. To give you an idea of how far along they are on C/O' of Miami - Puge 0 Printed on 9/27%2007 City Commission Meeting Minutes April 22, 2004 that part, they have started to enter into lease agreements with -- and the retail --for the retail tenants. They've signed up companies like Sushi (UNINTELLIGIBLE) from New York, Marcos, which is a brick oven pizza -- very high-end pizza. They say they're going to truck in water by the tanker full to make the dough on the pizza, and Bailey's Coffee. On the retail side of the development, Developers Diversified Realty will develop 600, 000 square feet of retail facilities. DDR (Developers Diversified Realty) is from Cleveland, and is a publicly traded real estate investment trust. It has nearly nine billion in assets. It's the largest investor of open air shopping facilities in the nation. The construction that they're planning to do in this project will be funded out of cash. They currently own and manage more than 450 retail properties in 400 states, with one hundred million square feet. Commissioner Winton. 400 states? CIO' of M+ami Page 7 Printed on 9/27/2007 Ms. Haskins: 44 -- I'm sorry. 44 states. 450 retail properties, 44 states, OK. In May 2003, DDR displayed this project at the very prestigious International Council of Shopping Centers, the ICSC convention, and the project got incredible reviews, incredible interest. There are significant big box retailers that are very interested in this project, and they are going to present it again this May, next month. (UNINTELLIGIBLE) -- you look at a company this size, nine billion in assets, 450 retail properties, a hundred million square feet, they say that this project is their preeminent project today. Getting to the point earlier, and that is, what does this project bring to the City, other than just talking about development again, right, that sort of thing? But what does the project really bring to the City of Miami? We have approximately 3, 000 loft condos, 350 apartment buildings, 600,000 square feet of retail. It's development on a critical mass scale in a depressed area of the City, a development that embraces the FEC Study. At the time the FEC Study was done, our understanding is the FEC was talking to an interested party who was going to put just big box retail on this site, and it would have been the typical suburban big box retail, with shopping center and just acres of parking, and that would not have been an integration into the neighborhood, with streets going through and that sort of thing. They're bringing construction costs of nearly 1.2 billion. They're doing all of this on a parcel that has been contaminated; that has been blight in the neighborhood. It has no streets. It has no water or sewer, or other infrastructure, and it has been a bane to the communityfor a long time, but what does it bring beyond that? They're anticipating to bring 700 full-time construction jobs, over a 7 -year period; over 2500 permanent jobs when the project is complete. The project will yield, conservatively, over four -- iffully built -- over four hundred and fifteen million of additional real property taxes to the City of Miami alone, over the next 30 years. There will be additional personal property taxes, sales taxes, and other revenues generated. There's a spillover effect to all the surrounding neighborhoods, whether it's Allapattah, Overtown, the Design District, or Biscayne Boulevard. There's an improvement of quality of l fe. We're already -- understand that there's another developer who may be interested in putting another 500, 000 square feet of retail in a nearby parcel. That's not something we need to be concerned C with -- is there going to be an overbuild -- because part of the economic study in the area says g? that because the City and the surrounding areas have no shopping, there is a need -- there's a ci C demand for four to five million square feet of retail in the 11 -mile radius around this area. It r ,+ gives our City residents a place to shop. We've got 34, 000 people moving into the City, is our anticipation. Our current residents have to go up to Aventura to shop. They've got to go out to C Dolphin Mall to shop. They've got to go to Kendall to shop. .Now, we have a -- instead of being exporters of our dollars and exporters of our earnings, we can keep our earnings in the City of C Miami, and beyond that, from the information that we have from the economic study, we believe we're going to become an importer, because Miami Beach does not have this kind of shopping available to it, so the developers and the potential retail stores believe that they will be drawing people from Miami Beach, as well. This community involvement by strong developers -- these E developers have done some really interesting things. Of course, they were very much involved in Art Basel, but one of the things that we don't really hear about, and they don't toot their horns about a lot, they took a school that had put together an FCAT (Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test) -- a Saturday FCA Tpreparedness program, and the teachers were having a CIO' of M+ami Page 7 Printed on 9/27/2007 City Commission Meeting Minutes April 22, 2004 hard time getting kids to come in on Saturdays. First of all, they didn't have money to fund lunches, so the developers funded thirty-five hundred dollars for lunches. Kids still weren't really showing up like they could, and they donated three mountain bikes so that kids that would attend this class on Saturday might have a chance to win a mountain bike, and the attendance on the Saturday class increased tremendously. When we did the -- you know, we did gel some good -- a good rating increase from SNP a couple months ago, and there was a progressive process involved in that, and one of the key meetings that we had with the rating agencies was last summer on economic development in the City. These developers attended every session we had with the rating agencies. It was the premiere project that we talked to the rating agencies about, and for the rating agencies to see significant developers with national -- with a national profile taking the chance of investing in this kind of parcel, contaminated parcel, not developed, no infrastructure, and it wasn't in the main downtown businesses core, like they're used to seeing all these years, it was a big boom. Commissioner Winton. And no entitlements. Ms. Haskins: Right. And -- right, so, in essence -- I mean, if you look on your screen, what we want to do -- what we believe this Midtown Miami project is going to turn this look into that look, and that's a significant change. We're going to talk about what they're requesting. What are the developers requesting? We talked earlier that this site has no infrastructure. Infrastructure costs alone are soon to accumulate to about a hundred and six, a hundred and seven million dollars. The site restraints really prohibit standard surface parking associated with big box retail, like you would typically see in suburbia, and again, in the FEC Corridor Study, that's not what the City and the Commission adopted. They wanted something beyond just parking lots on that site. They wanted an integrated development on that site. Commissioner Winton: Could I add one point to that, Linda? Ms. Haskins: Sure, Commissioner Winton. Because this is an important point that you can understand about the economics and a question that the media has asked. They could, in fact, build a standard power center on that site, big box retail, that has surface parking all over it. That would have fit perfectly. That wasn't acceptable to us. We wanted something that really created a community that would allow us to link this project with the rest of the community, both north, south, east and west, and that required a different thought process for development. Well, to get that different thought process, they had to squeeze more stuff on there, particularly, on the retail side, and we have to create parking because we're taking the parking away and putting real development on it, so you have to build structured parking garages, which are very expensive, and retail centers don't typically do that, and power centers simply don't do it, Ms. Haskins. And I think the other point in there is, shoppers at these kind of centers expect to _ N not have to pay for parking, as well. That's, you know, the other economic of it, so -- 0 1y+ Commissioner Winton: Right. Ms. Haskins: -- you're spending this extra money and you're not getting the return on that investment. The CDD, which was formed by the developers and approved by the City in W November of 2003, have asked for -- have requested assistance from the City and the County in ' LN Tnancing of 2900 surface and structured parking spaces, and a public plaza that supports the C project's retail components. The accumulated cost of that -- of the parking structures, some IZ, surface parking in the Midtown Plaza are about seventy-six point six million, the raw construction cost, about fifty-one million. There's capitalized interest during the construction speriod as well. As the County and the City have discussed this with the develop -- with the CDD, because the CDD is the party to -- would be the parry to the agreements. Contributions from the C ty of I✓lianai Page 8 Printed on 9/272007 City Commission Meeting Minutes April 22, 2004 City or the County are directly linked to the completion of units, and part of the -- the big part of the process here has been to finalize what the phasing of the development would be, what the final construction cost would -- what the construction costs would be, and then the City and County doing estimates of what kind of values we -- that we would accrue to us before we would --so that we would not impact our general funds in any assistance that we gave them. When we looked at their estimates, they are showing -- and these may have changed a little bit because we've changed a little bit of the phasing, but it's pretty close -- approximately three hundred and twenty-six million of construction will be completed by the end of 2006 An additional hundred and seventy-three million would be completed by the end of 2007, so we're talking five hundred million dollars by the end of 2007. The parking structure and the public plaza would be completed in these first two phases. These --this parking plaza and the structures are integrated into the retail component. As I said earlier, we will be distributing to you, for your consideration -- and we were going to be asking you to vote on it in the special Commission meeting -- is an interlocal agreement, and we would ask that you review it. Again, we'll spend as much time as you want, and that interlocal -- that resolution would ask that you authorize the City Manager to execute an interlocal agreement, in substantially the attached form, that we will distribute to you, and I want you to understand as well that under the interlocal agreement, the City would commit to using its best efforts to designate a community redevelopment district, having the boundaries of this project only, and that's from 28th to 36th -- 28th Street to 36th, and from Miami Avenue on the east, to. 2nd -- I mean, on the west, to 2nd Avenue on the east. The way the assistant works in this proposed ILA (interlocal agreement) is that before -- before a CID is formed, there are economic incentive payments. Economic incentive payments are shared proportionately between the City and the County, and they are based on completed. components only, so they only get incentive payments based on completed components. The first incentive payment would occur in 2008, if it occurs. If they develop what they say they're going to develop in 2000 -- by 2006, the first fiscal year that those properties would generate property tax revenues --they would generate other revenues earlier, but property tax revenues would be 2008. That's when the substantial revenues come in. Commissioner Gonzalez: And how much would that be? Ms. Haskins: Those revenues are expected to be in excess offour million dollars in the first year. Commissioner Gonzklez: Four million? Ms. Haskins: We've changed a little bit of the phasing, and it's four million. Yeah, in excess of Jour million, in that first year. r— Chairman Teele: That's gross offour million (INAUDIBLE) -- If •Ld Ms. Haskins. Gross, finer million to the City and the County, and the City's portion is approximately six erccnt n that -- sir , 3erce�a o that. The reason that we have to o through P J I 1 g g the economic payments calculation is because there's not a CRD. If a CRD is formed, it would create a TIF (Tax Increment Fund), and the TIF revenues would accrue -- if a CRD is formed, which this legislation does not require. It just says we have to use our best efforts -- but if a CRD is formed, there are TIF revenues, but again, in the agreement, we have tied TIF revenues to developed -- completed components, and there are two components that we're very concerned with. We want the 600, 000 square feet of retail done by the end of 2006, and we want the • 4V shopping -- the office building done by the end of 2007. If those units aren't completed, we �-- would reduce payments back to an EIP (economic incentive payment) level, rather than a TIF level. In any event, the amount of revenues retained by the entity will only be enough to cover debt service related to the construction of the structured parking in the Midtown Plaza, nothing else. There's no other -- any TIF revenues that would be generated in excess of that are retained by the City and the County, so they cannot get more revenues, and there is not a separate City of Miami Page 9 Printed on 9/277007 City Commission Meeting Minutes April 22, 2364 what we have to -- there's an indication today that that 108 loan might not be used, so we need to make sure that we're protected and make sure that those provisions are going to carry over into this agreement. We will ask that there's a condition precedent to the signing of this agreement, and we will have that agreement, as well, for you next week, that the City and the County enter into an agreement with the developers, related to affordable -- I mean, minority participation goals, affordable housing and that sort of thing, just to make sure that that carries over, so the developers are not a party to the ILA; it's the CDD, so we need to make sure that we've got the developers and -- We. have some people here that can give this a whole lot more justice, but I just want to give you a little bit of idea what they've done so far. To date, 85 percent of the labor related contracts with -- contract amounts totaling nearly eighteen million dollars have gone to minority contractors attached to this project. Eighty-five percent of eighteen million dollars. Vice Chairman Sanchez. Have already gone out? Commissioner Winton: Already -- Ms. Haskins: Have gone to minority contractors. They have partnered with the Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce.to identify contracting and job placement opportunities for minorities. They are working with South Florida Workforce. They've hired 30 people directly from the Wynwood communityfor security related positions, and those positions provide healthcare benefits, but I think to get a better idea of what they're doing on that side, Willie Lopez is here and --from DDR -- from BDP, and I'd like him to give you a little bit of information on this. William Lopez: Thank you. Good afternoon, Commissioners. Good afternoon, folks. My name is William Lopez. Everybody knows me as Willie. I know I'm a familiar face. At the present time, I work for Midtown Miami Group, as their Security Consultant and Director, but I also wear other hats with them. I'm also the Director of Community Outreach, and also now working with Human Resources to make sure that we bring those folks, as we were talking, into this project. I think to understand why I'm wearing these hats, you have to understand what my past is. I was a police officer for 27 years. I served with (UNINTELLIGIBLE), New Jersey for 20, and then.I moved down, because of my interest in community policing and crime prevention, and those are my areas of expertise. I moved to Miami, and the NET concept was one that really attracted me because I think Miami is the right track with that. 1, shortly after coming to the City of Miami, and started as a rookie police officer, all over again, asked to be placed in the Wynwood community. I am Puerto Rican born, raised in New Jersey, and] took a very -- interest in Wynwood because of what I saw and what I didn't like. Seven years ago, when I was in Wynwood, I saw a lot of crime. I saw a park then, Roberto Clemente Park, which is a great name in the Puerto Rican community, full of gang members, loud radios; where, I understand, it was three murders in one year. I went to see then -Chief Warshaw. I got permission to see him through the chain of command and said, I will like to be appointed as your community policing i off cer from Wynwood, because I think there's a lot that can be done there. I went into the { school systems -- and I won't take too long. I went to the school systems and I said, what is the • O -A, Police Department doing? They said, well, they're a bunch of great guys. If we need them, they C come. They respond. They come in a while and have a cup of coffee. I said, what programs -- and this is -- I'm talking about the Anita Hardner school that, at that time, was brand new. Well, there was no crime prevention programs. There was no McGruff The kids didn't know who McGruffwas. There was no D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) Program. I said, you •O N have that now. I started those programs because I am certified in those fields. I went to talk to CL Yvette. I went to see (UNINTELLIGIBLE). I went to see Nora Smith, all of the community leaders,. and I wanted to know what was the relationship with the Police Department, and what were we doing there. We had drug dealers on every corners, and there's reasons why -- and there's situations that loan themselves to those types of activities. We started conducting all those programs, and those are nice -to-do programs, and let me tell you something. I believe in Christmas parties for kids, and I took the lead in that in Wynwood, with the (UNINTELLIGIBLE) city of miami Puge 17 Prinied on 912712001' City Commission Meeting Minutes April 22, 2004 bureaucracy created. Vice Chairman Sanchez. And what percentage would that be? Ms. Haskins: We -- our revenue share is aboui 60 percent, and -- Vice Chairman Sanchez. How much? Ms. Haskins. Our revenue share is about 60 percent. Vice Chairman Sanchez: 60 percent. Ms. Haskins: In the forecast that we did on this project, it's a significant return to the City over time. It shows on the next slide. We are estimating -- and this is conservative -- we have not used sales values of condos. We've used construction costs on condos. We've knocked that back /or additional homestead exemptions, that sort of thing, but we estimate, over 30 years, the project will generate in excess of four hundred million dollars in incremental property taxes to the City. When all is said and done, the City share of incentive payments, whether they're TIF or economic incentive payments to pay the debt service -- so it's basically our share of the debt service -- is right at a hundred million dollars. Vice Chairman Sanchez: Have we agreed on the TIF already, the percent? Ms. Haskins.No, we have not. The interlocal -- Vice Chairman Sanchez. There's a lot of things -- Ms. Haskins: -- agreement only says that we will use our best efforts, but that would be separate legislation that would come later -- separate legislation that would come later for your vote yes or no. Vice Chairman Sanchez: But why would it come later? Ms. Haskins: Because we -- there have to be things under 163 done. There has to be a finding of an economic need and that sort of thing, so there have to be other things done, procedurally, under the State Statutes for a TIF district to be formed, so we're talking about four hundred million dollars. We're retaining three hundred million, and again, that's only our estimate of real property taxes. It doesn't include personal property taxes. It doesn't include increased sales taxes. It doesn't include any other source of increases in revenues or the spillover effect --just like we have a spillover effect on the blight of this area into the other neighborhoods, we anticipate a spillover effect on a positive note in the surrounding neighborhoods. It doesn't /actor that in. Before next week's Commission meeting, we will make sure that we have our independent financial advisor review all the calculations for your -- to make sure that we have another set of eyes look at the numbers. Another thing that was discussed and that was, as part of the negotiations of this project, there was the anticipation of a Section 108 loan that would be paid solely by the developers or the property owners. Vice Chairman Sanchez. And the 108 -- Ms. Haskins. That was approved by the County, a 108 loan -- Vice Chairman Sanchez. The County. Ms. Slazyk: -- that had been approved by the County, and within that 108 loan framework, there were negotiations on minority participation and affordable housing, and that sort of thing, so City of Miami Page 10 Printed on 912712007 City Commission Meeting Minutes April 22, 2004 family that, I think, many of you are well aware of. The (UNINTELLIGIBLE) with the camping for the kids, the fishing trips, but those are nice to do programs. They only put short-term smiles on people. With the community, I saw, was a lack ofjobs, so one day I'm sitting in my office, in Wynwood, in uniform. I see these gentlemen come in and they had like a New York accent, which I can relate to, so I went up and they introduced themselves like the gentlemen that were coming to do this great thing in Miami, called Midtown, and I immediately introduced myself, shook their hands, and I said, I'm the Neighborhood Resource Officer, and I want to be here to help you to make sure -- and I said, but I found out something very interesting, that you gentlemen are talking about bringing large retail, and I said, if I can help you when those stores come, we have people in this community that need jobs. Many of the people are not going to be able to afford buying condominiums, but the people in Wynwood do not have a place to buy a bicycle. They don't have a place to buy a toaster, There is no retail stores --affordable retail or value retail, and I made a commitment to these gentlemen, and I said, as soon as you're ready to hire people -- I skipped the construction phase. I was so excited about the retail store. I said, we have softball. teams. We got the girls leaderships --I can help you get the right people there, get you good people, and now I can go out there and tell the kids that they got something to look forward. I can tell the 5th graders and 6th graders that a couple of years, there will be jobs for everybody. As some ofyou know, after 27 years, I found myself not advancing with the Police Department. There was some other police departments in the County that were offering me jobs; one as an executive assistant to chief, a couple with the Miami Beach -- North Miami had a training position, which was paying more. The developer of Midtown Miami read that on their computer in New York because they monitor the Herald, which is a smart thing to do, and I got a phone call from them, and they said, we don't want you to leave because we like your attitude, and we'd like to keep you in Wynwood,. and the gentlemen flew down and offered me a job, and I said to him, I said, 1 don't really want to leave Wynwood, but stay in Wynwood, because we started so many things. I've got to face these kids everyday. I got to face the community everyday, the seniors, and they said, well, how does that become a problem? I said, because we have a lot of programs that 1 started, and I hate to see the baseball and the turkeys and the senior trips all fall apart, and they said, look, we'll make you a deal. We'll hire you, You bring those problems for you. We'll give you a budget, so that was really great, and I was very happy, but then I said, but the long-term solution here is jobs because when there's high unemployment - - and I know you all know this -- there is poverty. Poverty brings violence, domestic violence, drug use, alcoholism, and it all relates to each other. Let me tell you what we've done so far, gentlemen and ladies. The sales office has been (UNINTELLIGIBLE) like you heard, 85 percent local contracting. (UNINTELLIGIBLE) done fencing from 21st Street, built our first fence, which was a very nice contract. The landscapers, I identify, by young people who just started a landscaping company in Wynwood. The electricians, the cleaning ladies -- we have a cleaning lady who came up to me, says, I need a job, and I'm not going to mention her name: I don't have her permission, but she was making six dollars an hour, with no benefits. We gave her a nice f` raise. We brought her on board with us, with medical and medical kicked in just yesterday. .1- we decided to go with our own security company, because I want to apply the same concept of community policing to community securing, if I may, and that says giving the jobs to the local N people that know the neighborhoods, because the people cannot afford to buy a condo and they ,+ are left out -- it's not going to work, but giving people affordable housing, giving them jobs -- and long-term jobs with benefits -- they're buying into the plan. They make it part of their -- they .� C take ownership into the project, and I'll tell you right now. I don't Think you can go to Wynwood C in any cafeteria and say anything negative about Midtown Miami, because they really, really -- I'll tell you --they really like the program. This is a flyer of a workshop that we held on March •_ 31st. What we wanted to do -- we know that there's people out there --you know, I've been told •C by other developers and other people, they're not qualified people in the inner city to work some �. of these jobs, and I'm going to prove them wrong. There's a lot of talent out there, Many of them co are intimidated to go to big companies. Maybe they don't have the writing skills to do the resume. Maybe they don't have transportation to get to an interview, or maybe they're just intimidated, so what we did, we held a workshop, and this was in conjunction with the Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce, Luis de Rosa, who we have given some financial assistance to Cil) of .khmni Page 12 Printed on 9/2712007 City Commission Meeting Minutes April 22, 2004 conclusion, what we're looking at here is a project that's, on a critical mass scale, is redeveloping an entire area, consistent with our plans. In discussions with the ULI, this project is --got national recognition. They are looking at this kind of project as a prototype for redevelopment within urban core. In the end result, the project is going to generate significant, positive, economic, and quality of life impacts to this City and its residents, and that's why we are going to propose -- recommend from the administration that we provide the economic incentives that have been requested. Commissioner Winton: Now, I would like to just reiterate. This is an update. We're making no decision tonight. This will come back at the special meeting, next Thursday, so we -- I know that this is a complex deal. There's big numbers, and each ofyou have to have all ofyour questions answered, which is most appropriate, and both the developers and City staff will be available to meet with each of you at any time you want during the course of the coming week, so that we can bring back a.decision by next Thursday. And the County, by the way, is going through the exact same process that we're going through, as we speak, and then, the third piece of the puzzle is that Developers Diversified had their closing scheduled for -- to buy their land from Midtown Equities on the 20 -- Ms. Haskins. 27th. Commissioner Winton: -.-27th? I don't know if that closing's getting postponed a few days or what, but there's a lot.ofpieces tied together here in terms of sequencing between the County, their primary lenders, their equity transfer, the City of Miami and everybody, so there's a lot of moving parts that kind offit together. Ms. Haskins: Right. They --the IRA --we have representatives from the County here. The developers will finalize all those agreements tonight. The County Commission is voting on --it's on the County Commission agenda for Tuesday, the 27th. Commissioner Winton: And it's been through their committees. Chairman Teele: Mr, Chairman. Commissioner Winton. Yes, sir. Vice Chairman Sanchez: You're recognized. Chairman Teele. Thank you. Linda, two things I think would be very helpful. First, if we could get a wiring chart with responsibilities, because what we're dealing with, you know, is being presented in a very, very comprehensive fashion, but the specifics don't let us really see a clear picture. They're two different developers here, is that correct? Ms. Haskins: Yes. Yes, sir. Chairman Teele, Diversified and -- and it really would be helpful if we understood how that works, and what each is responsible for, and secondly, on the economic incentive issues, and where those incentives are going to flow. Ms. Haskins: Yes. Chairman Teele. In other words, to which side and wherever, and -- Ms Haskins: Yes, we can do that. Chairman Teele: And then the question that I had when I started is still the question, and that is -- so that we're not on Thursday, you know -- What kinds of contractual and agreements can be - Cit)' Of MtOrM Fuge 14 Printed on 9/27/2007 City Commission Meeting Minwes April 22, 2004 help us with this program. We went to De Hostos centers and we had 120 people showed up, and we had them fill out pre -applications. I don't care ifyou're skilled; I don't care rfyou're not skilled, just put down what you like to do and what you can do. We had senior citizens. We had teenagers, and we have a total now of 120 pre -applications. Since that -- even before that, we've already hired close to 25 or 25 people from the Wynwood, Edgewater and Upper Eastside area, including 15 security guards, and six that are on standby for ground breaking that I can hire as soon as we, you know, go ahead with the ground breaking. We also, just yesterday, are now starting -- because we're doing good with this project, Commissioner -- that I have other developers calling me to get them help. We just referred yesterday two people --and this is in conjunction with the program that Mr. Teele and Mr. Winton, you know, that Miami Florida Works -- we were able to refer two individuals to (UNINTELLIGIBLE). We were able to refer two individuals to Randy Jensen, our mercenaries, and there's. other issues, and let me just say. I know that in Wynwood we do not have a real big black population. 1 know that, and we want to make sure that everybody is represented equally. That is important. These are people from the City that need to be represented, and they need jobs, so what are we doing about that? I wasn't getting enough black pre -applications, so 1 got together with, of course, the Miami Works program, which has been very well. We've been networking, and I don't want to get too much into that because that's a different thing. And now, presently, we are working with South Florida Workforce. We are working with Mark Coats, who's here today, and establishing a very positive relationship. Just working with South Florida, and also working with Bobby McGhee -- Bobby McGhee sent me two security guards yesterday, who are from the Liberty City area, that will start upon ground breaking, and, sir, when 1 say security guards, we're talking a decent salary, with benefits, vacation, long-term employment, because Midtown's going to be therefor a long time, so those are just some of the things we're doing, so I really think that the community Involvement and the programsfor the kids are good, but the bottom line is employment. Nick Penelas here -- would you just wave your hand? -- he's our -- he's going to be our construction site supervisor. We have not even broken ground yet, and we have so many people working. Nick, now, is In the process of getting bids and issuing bids so that we can then start selecting who's going to be the contractors. What we are stipulating is that when they come in and submit their bid, they need to put in that bid they'll make every effort possible to bring people, minority F n ` hiring, and they will have to meet with me, who will supply them with these applications, and make sure, before they go out of the City, out of the County, or elsewhere, that they focus on the folks here in the City of Miami. Now, we also want to reach out to Allapattah, and I met with a N (] young lad}) -- her name slips my mind now -- I said, we haven't broken ground yel, but as soon as iC the jobs start coming in, we will not forget Allapallah and Little Haiti. 1 have several Hail ian-A m ericans from the Little Haiti area -- and I have the folders here -- who are currently employed by us, and it's working out fantastic. Now, if the contractors don't want to play ball '4 and not into this concept, then they're not going to gel the bids because I'm going to be all over .9 them, and the last thing I want to say is this: As a community policing specialist, and when you talk about problem solving and doing away crime.proactively, this is the route that has to be taken and we're doing it, and 1 am so proud to be working for these gentlemen, and I think that if developers, 40 have this "inner years ago, would used philosophy, the word city" today would have a whole different meaning. Thank you. Any questions? Thank you. Ms. Haskins: There's just one other item to cover before the conclusion, and that is, BCW is making available ten units out of each of its eight buildings for affordable housing. They have an exiting arrangement with HSBC (Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation) Bank, USA, + to provide 97 percent financing to condominium buyers that can be utilized in conjunction with City of Miami programs for the affordable housing. BDP hcus eotramitted to contribute, ji).-4• 140 W -A `'L cj thousand dollars of closing costs per unit. BDP is going to provide a one million dollar J revolving line of credit to a non-profit housing agency toacquire vacant parcels, boarded up dwellings, or other units to rehabilitate or construct affordable housing within the Wynwood and surrounding neighborhood, so they're going to target, you know, some of the -- They were talking about yesterday some of the properties that have been acquired through tax certificates that are just boarded up and held by speculators, and look at doing something with that. In CIO) of Miami Pafie t 3 Printed on 9/27;7007 City Commission Meeting Minutes April 22, 2004 - whether it's a part of the interlocal, or whether it's a side agreement, or whether it's whatever associated with the incentive payments for the compliance and oversight and commitment on the local hiring -- I'm not --you know, with all due respect, as a County Commissioner, I talked about minority contracting all the time. I'm not talking about that right now. Ms. Haskins: It's minority employees. Chairman Teele: I'm talking about minority hiring and -- of City resident -- not minority. I'm talking about resident -- they can be purple, not minority, but City resident hiring, particularly, in the three adjacent communities of Wynwood, Little Haiti and Allapattah. Ms. Haskins. We're -- Chairman Teele. And Overtown, for that matter. Ms. Haskins. There's been a very good discussion with the developers on that. We will -- there will be certain goals put together and committed to. There will be monitoring and reporting on that, and we will work on remediation plans should they be needed -- Chairman Teele: I would -- Ms. Haskins: -- as that project progresses. Chairman Teele: As I said in the beginning, I would hope that you all would talk to Dr. Fishkind, who's got some ideas on something that would not be onerous, or some ideas -- I don't know what they are. He said he would look at it, but I'm not big on these commitments without any type of oversight or independent -- I mean, you know, God bless Officer Lopez, I mean, you know, but I don't want this program to rest on him not having a heart attack, or him not deciding he's going to move back to New Jersey, or move to Puerto Rico, for that matter, so, I mean, with all due respect to you being -- the system's got to be independent of an individual is all that I'm saying. Ms. Haskins: We will address that issue. Chairman Teele I've got tremendous respect and I'm really happy you're there, Officer Lopez. Thank you. Vice Chairman Sanchez, Angel. C� Chairman Teele. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Q � Vice Chairman Sanchez. Yes. You know, I make all my decisions based on good information that I get and, you know, within 13 days, I'm going to have to make a decision on one of the -- CL. one of the biggest redevelopment projects that have been made in the City. Now, based ' �— on the statements that have been made before, it is my understanding that the administration has Gbeen working on this for more than a year, since we're talking about already -- .41 C a T_ I . Commissioner Winton. Well, not this financing plan. The developers have been working on a 1 C global plan. Vice Chairman Sanchez. Well, no. Johnny, the element of the plan. Yes, but -- the City has been -- the administration's been working on this for quite some time, and the reason why 1 bring that up is because yesterday, when 1 had a meeting -- not to mention anybody's name -- is the first time that 1 heard the word Midtown. As a matter of fact, 1 said Midtown Towing, not knowing anything about this, which 1 -- Listen, looking at it, I support economic development. I Cily of Miami Page 15 Printed on 912 7 2007 Git}t COJYIInission Meeting Minutes April 22, 2004 think Wynwood area deserves what's coming to them, but you're talking about a hundred million dollars, the largest subsidy that we have ever given any developer, and if you do a little bit of history in the City of Miami, the closest we've come to is four million dollars in Miami One, and correct me if I'm wrong, so there are a lot of questions that clearly have not been answered here. Commissioner Winton.Well, I will correct you -- Vice Chairman Sanchez. Johnny, I -- Commissioner Winton: -- because this is radically different, and I will correct you. The Miami One four million dollars was for the public bay walk, and it came out of our bond money. This money isn't coming from bond money, and it isn't coming from any of our tax base existing in our City of Miami. Every dollar of this hundred million dollars is coming from one place and one place only, and will only come from that, and it will come only if this project's developed. If the project isn't developed, there is no expenditure of a hundred million dollars. Vice Chairman Sanchez: Johnny, being that I'm a statesman and 1 have the utmost respect for you, I will yield for you. Commissioner Winton: I'm sorry? Vice Chairman Sanchez: I would yield for you to continue to talk. Commissioner Winton: No. I just wanted to answer your question about that. That's all 1 was doing. Vice Chairman Sanchez. Well, that's not my point here. My point here is that this has been going on for the longest time, and 1 have just been given a pack to analyze some of the finances and stuff, and there's a lot of questions that I have that I hope that the administration can sit with me within the next 13 days and spoon feed me on this. Because let me tell you what my concerns are. interlocal agreement. Chairman Teele: Would you yield2 It's not 13 days. Vice Chairman Sanchez: Six -- Commissioner Winton: Seven. Vice Chairman Sanchez: Oh, next Thursday. 1 thought it was the following Thursday. Cto- of Miami Page 16 Printed on 9/27/2007 Commissioner Gonzalez: Next week. F— C i5 m Chairman Teele: You keep saying 13 -- Vice Chairman Sanchez. Well, when is it? Cs Commissioner Regalado. Six days. Commissioner Gonzalez: Seven days. Vice Chairman Sanchez. Is it six? 0- Chairman Teele. Six days. Commissioner Winton: It's a week from today. Vice Chairman Sanchez: Oh, next Thursday. 1 thought it was the following Thursday. Cto- of Miami Page 16 Printed on 9/27/2007 City Commission Meeting Minutes April 22, 2004 Commissioner Winton: No, no. Vice Chairman Sanchez. That even makes it worse. Commissioner Winton. Right. Vice Chairman Sanchez. Thank you for correcting me. I thought it was the 6th, when we were having our special meeting; we were going to add it on to the special meeting. I have not seen an interlocal agreement yet. I have not seen the methodology offinancing of the project and the profit sharing. No one has answered the question as to the TIF sharing yet, so I want to see as best -- I want to see the best scenario and 1 want to see the worst scenario. 1 want to see all the safeguard that protect the City's assets, because this is going to probably be the biggest, biggest, biggest deal that we will be doing, and let me tell you. 1 have the utmost respect for Midtown coming into Miami and investing in our community, and working so heavily involved with the community. Mr. Lopez, you and I worked when I was a State Trooper. As a matter offact, we did the same thing, community policing, and we worked very closely in Wynwood 'so I know the area very well, and I know your concept very well, but the concern that 1 have here is, that I want to make sure that -- you know, interlocal agreements -- you've got to be very careful -- when we talk about interlocal agreements, that's an interlocal agreement where you protect your assets and you make sure you have -- the deal benefits you, and as you always say, you know, there's gentlemen's -- when the -- what's your saying? When there is no -- Chairman Teele. When there's a disagreement -- Vice Chairman Sanchez: There's no gentlemen. Chairman Teele: --you can't find the gentlemen. Vice Chairman Sanchez. So those are the things that I want to see. I want to see the safeguards protecting the City's assets, and I tell you this. This is one point two billion dollars, OK, with the City putting in a hundred million dollars, so I tell this to the administration, you have six days to convince me. If the vote was today, 1 don't think anybody would support it today, but I'm telling you. You're going to have a tough time convincing me on this, just based on the fact that you're bringing this out and giving me six days to digest all this information to approve it. I'm very disappointed. 1 made it very clear to the City Manager -- Commissioner Winton: This point needs to be clarified. Joe, this -- the information didn't exist a Cit), of Miami Puge 17 Printed on 9/2712007 week ago. This whole financing package that's been in the works for probably the last -- f Q Vice Chairman Sanchez: Johnny, I disagree with you -- Commissioner Winton: -- six to eight -- Vice Chairman Sanchez: -- because this deal -- the cow is out of the barn on this one, pal. Look at all of the agreements -- Commissioner Winton. Joe -- Vice Chairman Sanchez: -- that have been made here already that I wasn't aware of Commissioner Winton. -- trust me. I know. Vice Chairman Sanchez. Johnny, I don't want to get into it. Cit), of Miami Puge 17 Printed on 9/2712007 City Commission Meeting Minutes April 22, 2004 Commissioner Winton: It isn't something that's been -- the financing package is something that's been evolving over the course of the past two months, and there's been a lot of changes in the way this structure's working, up to two days ago, so you couldn't -- oh, up to today, so it -- the financing -- Now, the plan itself, the big plan -- and 1 don't apologize for that -- that could have come here a long time ago, and I probably should have done that but this financing package, as it's -- as you're looking at it, it couldn't have come here a week ago. Vice Chairman Sanchez. Johnny, I'm not focused on the concept of the financing. I'm focused on the concept of itself All this is being put here had to take time to be done. They didn't do this in a couple of days or a couple of weeks. This has been timely put together. Well, I happen to disagree with you, and you know, I get it today, and I got Thursday to make a decision on it, and my only thing -- and I didn't want to bring it out. As a matter offact, I wanted to handle it like a statesman and professional because I have the utmost respect for the administration, but I think the administration did not f ilfill the commitment to provide us with all the information to make an intelligent decision. My biggest problems that I've had in this Commission, when I've gone against something, my biggest concerns with the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) was that, at times, they did not provide us the information adequately, and we were not provided information, and it's always been my statement that if I'm not provided the information that 1 need to base my decision -- that's always been -- Commissioner Winton: No, and you've always been -- Vice Chairman Sanchez: I mean, no one could say that Joe Sanchez -- that's always been my philosophy -- Commissioner Winton. Right. Vice Chairman Sanchez: -= in government, because I have a tough responsibility. This is -- what happens if this is the best deal in the City of Miami? We could all walk away and say, hey, this was great. What happens if it fails? What happens if this deal fails? Commissioner Winton: You can -- that question -- Vice Chairman Sanchez: We're going to be labeled failures. Commissioner Winton: No. We could -- that question is easily answerable. Vice Chairman Sanchez: Well -- Commissioner Winton. There -- that safeguard exists. DMs. Haskins: If they -- if the project fails and they don't build, they get nothing. N C U Vice Chairman Sanchez: Look, once again, I don't want to debate this. I just wanted to make 0. my point that I'm very disappointed -- . ~ Commissioner Winton: We agree. Vice Chairman Sanchez: -- because I was not provided the information that I felt I needed, out C I of respect for being a Commissioner, and second, that my vote counts in this Commission. Ic Although it's one, it still counts in this Commission. Commissioner Winton: But it's an important vote. Commissioner Regalado: Mr. Chairman. Cio, of vlanv Page 18 Printed on 9,27'2007 City Commission Meeting Minutes April 22, 2004 Unidentified Speaker. Go ahead. Chairman Teele. Mr. Presiding Officer. You're presiding. Vice Chairman Sanchez. Oh, you're recognized. Commissioner Regalado: Oh, OK. Well, yesterday afternoon, 1 was up in the Mayor's Office, and the Mayor was very gracious when I finished with him. He asked me if I had some time, if was in a hurry, and I said, no, and he said, "So Linda can talk to you about Midtown project. " 1 really -- like Joe -- I thought we were talking about towing, but we weren't, so Linda gave me this very good report, and I asked her two questions. Question number one --just two questions. Question number one: What is the argument to explain to the people -- and this is perception. Mind you, Johnny -- I understand what Johnny's saying. I understand what -- what is the argument to explain that we're giving away a hundred million dollars to developers? That is the perception, not the reality, but the perception, and the second is, can we do this for other areas of the City, and the answer is a very logical one, you know, a project of this magnitude deserves this. My first reaction is, it's a good deal because you give 100, or maybe more and you get 300 in return, but -- and probably it's very easy to explain, because if there is nothing, they will get nothing, but we come back to the point that Commissioner Sanchez was making, and I'm really sorry to say this, but you know, the problem is shat for someone or maybe the system, maybe the structure of the government, they don't care about the City Commission. They just come.here and tell us that this is good business, and you know, we have to make decisions, too, and decisions as Commissioners for the City of Miami, and then for our district. I did not know anything at all about this, and I really thank you, Linda, because this morning -- I usually read the paper at 4 a. m., to do the things for the radio -- this morning, I saw what you told me at 4 p.m. yesterday in the Mayor's Office; I saw it at 4 a. m. in the Miami Herald with an article, Oscar Corral, so I was ahead of the Herald by 12 hours, which is good forme. It's -- I mean, proving, because sometimes I read the things about the City -- Commissioner Gonzblez: An hour later. Commissioner Regalado: -- one day later in the Herald, so, you know -- 1 mean, 1 understand the concept, but like Commissioner Sanchez, /'m just saying, maybe I should punish the administration and vote iso. I may be punishing the City and the residents of Wynwood, but I don't have other recourse. What do you want me to do complain, scream? You know, whenever there is a culture that Commissioners do count, then we can, you know, understand better the situation and -- Vice Chairman Sanchez: Let me just change the tone here a little bit. Maybe I could -- look, this '-' may be the best thing since sliced bread. This may be the greatest deal for the City of Miami, but 0 C 'L 1 think that you're going to have to provide -- at least, I speak for myself You know; we do have 0 p3 talented people working for the City, so I think that if you sit down with me, and you walk me C(j through it, and I'm able to do my research with my staff -- I'm not saying that you might get my vote, but I'm saying that you'll have much better chances today, than you may have on the 6th, a r {; couple of days away, but I'm just saying I -- this needs to be spoon fed to me and my staff -- Ms. Haskins: And we will. e3 V Vice Chairman Sanchez: -- so we could do the additional research to base it on an intelligent 'C(n decision, OK, so let me just change the tone here. / didn't want to criticize anybody. 1 just C (L wanted to state that 1 was put in a situation where I, as a Commissioner, do not want to be, l do not want to be handed a document that is one point two billion dollars, an investment of the City #li for a hundred million dollars, and say you've got to vote on it in c; couple of days. That's it. That's all that I want to say. I just want to change the tone completely because -- Cir), of Miami Page 19 Printed on 9/27/2007 City Commission Meeting Minutes April 22, 2004 Ms. Haskins. And -- Vice Chairman Sanchez. -- we do have a good relationship here in the City. Ms. Haskins: -- and 1 think that when we -- you know, when we -- vice Chairman Sanchez. We're trying to work together. I'm a decent guy, you know. I love everybody. I'm a nice guy. Ms. Haskins. And a big part of going through those details is they're literally being negotiated -- vice Chairman Sanchez: Sometimes 1 could -- Ms. Haskins: -- up to the last minute, but -- Vice Chairman Sanchez. Hey, sometimes, I could be the skunk at the family picnic, but I'm a nice guy. Ms. Haskins. But I do want -- 1 want to -- 1 understand what you say and 1, again, apologize that it's this late in the game and we're still negotiating -- 1 mean, we're still coming down to it to give Commissioner Gonzalez: We see these deals where the County is a part of it, the City is apart of City of Miami Nage 20 Printed on 9127.12007 you those numbers, but in the end, what 1 want to be able to convey to you -- and if I can't, 1 ask you to keep asking me questions to keep convince -= to keep trying to convince you, and that is that this isn't a corporate giveaway. This is a -- and when I look at this project for the City's perspective, we think about this parcel that was not on the tax rolls for years. I know there was a discussion several years ago about a baseball stadium going on. There was a, you know, potentially a discussion ofjusl big box retail going on, at one point in time. That wasn't really going to do that economic development. This is almost a windfall to the -- I look at it as almost a windfall to the City, and myjob, in the last --you know, coming down to these last negotiations - - has been to make sure --1 was the budget director, and 1 understand the impacts on general fund. 1 understand what Larry goes through every day. It's a lough job to make sure that we're protecting the general fund and the citizens of the City, and if we can deliver it -- if we can deliver something that 1 can -- as I said to Commissioner Regalado yesterday, if I can look you in the eye in the end and say that 1 protected the City, and the general fund is protected, and the .City's going to have a windfall of taxes -- because if this didn't happen, there would be no revenues to generate -- and I can convince you that we've done these estimates on a basis that says we're going to take the most narrow, conservative approach we could toward what will happen here, then 1 would ask for your vote. C Commissioner, Gonzalez: Mr. Chairman. Yeah. I just want to add that I'm in the same situation ci$ my colleague, Commissioner Sanchez and Commissioner Regalado. I was just informed of this project yesterday afternoon, as 1 was in my regular meeting with the Mayor, before a City ECommission meeting, and I was informed of the project -- or 1 was told about the project, and let me tell you. This may be a. great deal for the City. I don't doubt that, but the perception, you ' < know -- and we're going to read about this, and we're going to hear this on radio programs and commentators, you know. This is going to be called welfare for the rich. This is going to be welfare for big developers, which it's not, but the public, the general public doesn't realize that `- � C� '— out there, and let me tell you. One thing that really -- we just had a discussion about an item -- N of a project in Aliapattah, and this is exactly what I was talking about in that project. We have huge projects going on all over the City of Miami, and there are some neighborhoods that still are neglected. Commissioner Winton: Including this one. Commissioner Gonzalez: We see these deals where the County is a part of it, the City is apart of City of Miami Nage 20 Printed on 9127.12007 City Commission Muting Minutes April 22, 2004 it, everybody is apart of it, and let me tell you. I have a case of childcare in Allapattah that we've been trying to build for the last three years, and we're talking about four hundred thousand dollars. I have assigned to that project, from my Community Development monies -- three years consecutively, I've been assigning money to that project, and it's still -- and this is going to be a project that is going to be serving kids from low, low-income families, and we can get this project done. I -- as a matter offact -- and I'm talking about it because 1 see the gentleman from the County here -- Commissioner Winton: Brian Finney (phonetic). Commissioner Gonzalez: -- Brian Finney, with whom 1 met in order to see if 1 could get some assistance from the County in order to build this daycare for these kids from low, low-income families and, still, they are under red tape and, still, we don't have a commitment to build a simple daycare for 100 kids, i ve been struggling with the support of -- even with the support of my colleagues in the Commission, for a parking lot, a much, much needed parking lot to maintain my commercial area in Allapattah and, still, there is -- they're working on it, but still we don't have a commitment. We don't have -- you know, every time I ask, they're doing more paperwork, and these are the things that really, really, you know, make me feel very bad because what do I tell my community? What answers do 1 give to my -- to the people in my district? And it is exactly the same type of things that happen in Overtown, in Little Haiti, Model City, Allapattah, East Little Havana, you know, areas that doesn't seem to be -- to have the chance or to have the same leverage, or to have the same commitments to advance these people. Commissioner Winton. Well, by the way, Wynwood fits in that same economic category. This isn't -- Commissioner Gonzdlez: And Wynwood has been in the same category. Wynwood has - Commissioner Winton. --yeah -- this isn't downtown. Commissioner Gonzdlez: -- been in the.same categoryfor years, and years, and years; same as Allapattah. Commissioner Winton: Right. Commissioner Gonzalez: You know. Chairman Teele: Commissioner -- Mr. Chairman, Commissioner Gonzdlez: One -- and I'm sorry. I'm going to finish right away. Chairman Teele: No, no. Take your time. Commissioner Gonzalez: One serious question that I have on this is, where are these hundred million dollars going to come from? Because Ms. Haskins said, if there is no project, there is no hundred million dollars, but -- Commissioner Winton: There isn't a hundred million spent, if there isn't a project. There isn't a dime spent if -- Commissioner Gonzalez: Yeah, but -- Commissioner Winton: -- something doesn't get on the tax roll. Commissioner Gonzalez: Yeah, but what 1 mean is, this is supposed to -- this is going to be used Circ of MiQmi Puge 21 Printed on 9/27/2007 City Commission Meeting Minutes ,April 22, 2004 for infrastructure, right? Commissioner Winton. No. They're paying for all the upfront infrastructure. The developer is actually spending a hundred million dollars of their money on the real infrastructure. What we're doing is bringing a hundred million dollars after they spend more money on these parking garages, and their products go online, on the lax roll. We get a check from the County Assessor's Office. lr;'e t°eimburse therrt fbr ixvo campofreni parts: The big parking garage. 11 may be two or three parking garages, but the structured parking facilities and the common area plaza thing. We will reimburse them for that but water, sewer, electric, roads, all of that stuff, they're paying for out of their pocket up front. Commissioner Gonzalez: Well -- Commissioner Winton: So we don't have -- we don't risk a dime. We only give them money back for stuff that we consider infrastructure. Once their commercial projects have come online, they get a tax bill, they write their tax check, they give it to the County, then the County submits money to the -- the Assessor's Qf ice sends money to the City and to the County, and each of us have a puce that we give back to them, so tf they don't build a product, we don't spend a dime. Ij they don't get a building built and online, and on the lax records, we don't spend a dime. We are reimbursing. They're paying all upfront costs. Commissioner Gonzalez: Johnny, I know the agenda is kind of big We're going to be here a long time tonight, and I'm not going to have all my answers -- all my questions answered -- Commissioner Winton: No. Exactly, and you need to meet with them. Commissioner Gonzalez: -- tonight so, you know, we have a week to get the answers and then make a decision, you know, and -- Vice Chairman Sanchez. And that's what the administration should do; should sit with us and just, you know, inform us -- Commissioner Winton. Exactly. Vice Chairman Sanchez: -- of the questions and, you know -- Commissioner Gonzalez: And then decide, but I'll tell you. Cily of Miami Page 22 Printed on 9117:1007 Commissioner Winton: Because those are good questions, they're legitimate questions, they re the kind of questions our constituents --your constituents are going to ask. You deserve answers. I was just trying to answer that one quickly. I didn't mean to get into a big thing. Staff and develop -- they need to meet with each of you and answer every single question you can C - think of that your constituents might ask, or the media might ask, so that you have an answer. Vice Chairman Sanchez: Commissioner Teele. Are you done, Commissioner Gonzalez? Z („) Commissioner Gonzalez: Yes, I am. + d Vice Chairman Sanchez. Commissioner Teele. m Chairman Teele: I want to clear the record, and I want to say something that I really hope that N .0 my colleagues will listen to me on. First, Commissioner Sanchez, I -- I should say, first, �. Commissioner Gonzalez, because you were the one that put three names out there, Commissioner Gonzalez. I want to clear the record. I had no knowledge, by the City 1W. administration, of this project_at all, OK, so dont give the reference that I was in on the deal. Cily of Miami Page 22 Printed on 9117:1007 City Commission Meeting Minutes April 22, 2004 Commissioner Gonzalez. No, 1 -- Chairman Teele: 1 got three calls from the County staff -- Commission staff, .and one on behalf of a County Commissioner wanting to understand certain aspects, and 1 got a copy of something that was going to a -- Vice Chairman Sanchez: That's three calls more -- Chairman Teele. -- economic -- Vice Chairman Sanchez. That's three calls more than me. Chairman Teele: But the calls came from the County Commissioner's staff Vice Chairman Sanchez. I'm only kidding. Chairman Teele: But -- and then there was something going to an economic committee sometime this week, and 1 answered a bunch of -- a series of questions relating to that. As a result of that, 1 wanted to understand where was the issue relating one issue, and that was the jobs. It was my understanding that the jobs issue was tied to the 108. All of the discussion to date have primarily been to the -- candidly, negotiated by the County, OK, by the County, and the County had put the 108 and the affordable housing on the their side of the equation. Loving the County, respecting the County, but not trusting the County, 1 was concerned about making sure that that agreement had a City of Miami neighborhood component build into it, and so that's when 1 put it on the agenda for the discussion that brought up this. 1 had no idea that 1 was breaking a code or doing anything --1 went in to meet with the Mayor. The next thing 1 knew, you know, then the newspaper started calling around and -- 1 mean, you know -- and it's pretty clear, you know, something -- somebody tripped a tripwire. 1 don't know what happened. All I'm telling you is, these are my concerns, number one. Number two, 1 am a big stickler, Linda -- and I really want you to hear this --for people coming to us, especially City staff, and ,giving us the whole truth, not the truth of what we are being asked. The number has not been put on the table yet, so let's put the number on the table. The number, 1 understand it to be more like a hundred sixty million, not a hundred million, in the interlocal agreement, as it relates to the County and the City, because we're going to be signing an interlocal agreement. Is it a hundred or is it a hundred and sixty? Ms. Haskins: The combined City and County taxes over the 30 years is over seven hundred million dollars, with a total debt service of 169. The City portion of that is over -- the City portion of that is four hundred million and -- over four hundred million in taxes, with the City portion of the 169 being 100. Chairman Teele: OK. The number on the interlocal agreement -- the interlocal agreement is what we're going to be signing -- is we're signing up to 169. Now, having said that -- 00 CCommissioner Winton: Out ofseven hundred million C iD Chairman Teele: Out of seven hundred million. Having said that, I want to appeal to my f colleagues -- 0. -0. Ms. Haskins. Commissioner, can 1-- its proportional, so the proportionate at interest is 40 percent County, 60 percent City. Commissioner Winton: But the value -- and the value in having the opportunity to meet with staff and their consultants and everybody, one on one, as you -- we can get all these questions City of Miami Yuge 23 Prinked on 9/27/2007 City Commission Meeting Minutes April 22, 2004 answered and come back in the few we have left -- Chairman Teele: But, Johnny, numbers are being thrown around and, see, what I don't want to do -- Let me make my final statement on this. Commissioner Winton: OK. Chairman Teele. I think it's very important that we understand something that is really not clear in this City; the difference between a general government hat and a redevelopment hal, and it's not the same, contrary what you may have been reading. It is not the same. As a redevelopment entity, the staff has got to give us these numbers, because this was railroad land, and railroad land is right in the Florida Constitution, like with agriculture land, and the most impressive number is what has this land been generating in taxes for the last years, which is basically nothing, because that's the way railroad -- AIr. Flagler wrote the first constitution. Railroad property doesn't pay taxes. When we sit in a redevelopment role, it's not a giveaway. It is not a giveaway. It is an incentive to stimulate development, and the. hundred and sixty million dollars, which is a number, is a cheap price, in my opinion, to pay for the kind of development that we're going to get. The biggest problem you've got in your district, Angel, I've got in my district. I get crucified, dead and buried, and burnt up for trying to get parking in Overtown. You can't even get the parking out ofAllapattah. Now, we're going to provide -- the main piece of this -- let's just break it down -- the main piece of this incentive package is parking, and it's parking that's going to be,free to the people who use these for shops. You .are not going to get somebody to go and pay, Bal Harbor parking jot° a --- I ■ Commissioner Winton: Target store. Chairman Teele: -- Target store, or for a -- the whole big box context. That's why the meeting with this economist is so important. You cannot make --you will never sell to somebody in Overtown or Allapattan', or W wwuod i{ they've got to come and pay five dollars for parking, and neither can the stores in Overtown get people to crime in there ijthey've got to pay for parking, and 1 don't care what anybody says. The parking in Overt own and the parking in Allapattah is the hest thing this City Commission has done, and it didn't -- and it won't cost as much as this larking is going to cost, per parking lot -- Commissioner Winton: That's right. Chairman Teele: -- because this is elevated parking. Commissioner Winton: Correct. d .�� Chairman Teele: OK. The six, seven, eight hundred thousand dollars ofparking in Overtown is •,1(1 worth it for the redevelopment of Overtown. The fifty million dollars of parking that is needed in C` 81 this facility is worth it. You can never get those jobs if you don't provide the incentive, and who's • Q going to pay for the parking? If Off -Street Parking builds it, they're going to have to pay so, you C know, it's no need to hold these people or this developer hostage for what we are frustrated with Cin our own units. Angel, I can't tell you how disappointed I am in this management about Little •r Haiti. 1 mean, we don't even have a contract yet for an architect fully. 1 mean, the iVanager (`— - said, we're going to get this done. We're going to get this. Trust me, I'm all in favor. It's all • talk, but let me tell you. When somebody like this comes through, their plat is put on the table. It E goes through in the same day, I'm not mad at them, but there is two systems here, and it's no need to punish the developer who's trying to deal with the biggest problem we've got in this city, which is unemployment, and my plea to my colleagues is, look, Commissioner Winton took the lead on this. He was obviously the only person in the loop. I'm not offended at all. I assume you were kept informed. The fact of the matter is, is that what we're talking about is a redevelopment deal. This is a redevelopment deal. This is creating, in effect, a TIF, and the reason -- the only Ctp- ofbfiami Page 24 Printed on 912712007 City Commission Meeting Minutes April 22, 2004 reason to create a TIF is to push dollars back out to stimulate that development, and 29 -- How many parking spaces is it, 2900? 2900 parking spaces is what it's going to take. The rest of it is a plaza, you know. The other big number is a plaza. The plaza is owned by the public. It's open space, so I don't think we should see this as putting money -- before anybody goes on radio -- I don't think -- Commissioner Winton. Tomas. Chairman Teele: And start saying what -- Commissioner Regalado: I -- Chairman Teele: And -- Commissioner Regalado: .Listen, listen. Chairman Teele: -- admit I respect you, but let me -- I know you. I know you. Commissioner Regalado: No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. The only two questions that I asked Linda yesterday --and you might say if I'm telling the truth or not. I first said, it looks like a real good deal, but I have two questions. The perception is that we'll be giving away a hundred million dollars to developer. We need the arguments to defend that decision. That was my first question or statement to them. The second is, well, you know, it looks very good. My question is, can we do it in other parts of the City2 Because some developers -- Commissioner Winton: The answer's yes. Commissioner Regalado: -- will come to me and said, you know, in Flagami -- and, by the way, west of 37th Avenue, there's only three new construction in the City of Miami, and only three for the last six to seven months, so my vote here has always been for development and all that but, you know, the Flagami area is not sharing the wealth of the rest of the City; short of two motels that have been built in Southwest 8th Street. You know why and for what. So, Commissioner Teele, my question and my statement yesterday to Linda was, you know, this perception is that we're giving away money to developers. Do I think it's good? Because I -- well, some people maybe in the administration think that we all are people dumb, that we don't understand. Sometimes I understand something, and I understood that if they don't do it, they don't get it. Fine, but the perception, the headline -- Commissioner Gonzalez: Would you yield? Commissioner Regalado: -- is that and -- I mean, you know -- but the point is that it's real difficult for me to support something if I don't get the information, if I don't get -- You know what? I may change my mind on the arena thing, come Monday, because the Manager sat with me for about 15 to 20 minutes explaining the thing, but the last time -- or the first time that we went to the MSEA (Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority) Board, we're given a package. We want to sell the arena 10 Hank Sopher. No, because if it has a name, to me it looks dirty, and 1 didn't know anything at all. It only take 15 minutes. I mean, 15 -- there are five here. One hour, you know. I don't see it that difficult, so go ahead. Angel, I'm finished. Commissioner Gonzalez: In support --first of all, let me say that I'm not holding anybody hostage, OK. /just made a compilation of -- a comparison of this project with some little projects in the neighborhood, in the inner neighborhoods, where there is need of money from the County, and from the City, and from everybodyfor these very low-income families and children, and youth, and it takes an act of God to get some money approved, especially from the County, Cite of Ivtianri Page 25 Printed on 9/27/2007 Cit}t Commission Meeting Minutes April 22, 2004 OK, to assist on building a facility that is going to be serving 100 kids in the City of Miami. That was my point. My other point was in reference to the project that was presented here early, in Allapattah, with the facility to do any project anywhere else in the City of Miami, and in support of what Commissioner Regalado said, it's a perception, When we approved the four million dollars for One Biscayne, that same night we were being criticized by the media on the radio, and in different interviews, I had to make it clear that this money was an allocation that Commissioner Johnny Winton made from his allocation of the bond issue, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and I had to repeat it, and repeat it, and repeat it. I don't know how many times, because we were being blasted because of that. Then -- or before that, it came the races, OK. Same thing. We were going to give a loan of three million dollars for -- to have a race in downtown. No interest. No nothing. No conditions, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, OK. We were also being blasted because, you know, who were the people involved in the race deal? It wasn't workers from downtown or Wynwood. It was people that are known to be millionaires, and we're giving these people all this money to keep making money, so we were criticized. Then we had to go out there, and we had to defend the issue, and we had to, you know, make sure that people knew that we were charging interest, that there was security on the loan, that there was personal security, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, because -- you know, every time we have one of these meetings, just listen to the radio and read the papers. Read the papers. You will read it in the next morning paper, and you will hear it in tomorrow morning newscast on the radio, on all the stations, and that is -- Vice Chairman Sanchez: All right. Commissioner Gonzalez: --something that I'm concerned with. Vice Chairman Sanchez. OK. Commissioner Gonzalez: It's that simple. Vice Chairman Sanchez: Well, being -- Pm just going to say the last word, and I'm -- Chairman, before I turn it over on this. Let me jus! say that I'm open-minded. I want to look at the numbers. I'm going to allow the administration the opportunity to sit down and provide more information, educate me on it. Let me just say that the administration, I'm sure, worked very hard with the developers to put this together. 1 know the developers have workedvery hard with the community, so I just want to commend them on that aspect of it. I just think that what happened here today -- and tomorrow is another day in this City. That's the beauty of it. -- that we could continue forward with it. I mean, I'm open-minded about it, and I look to sit down with the administration and developers on the issue so, other than that, anything else? I" Commissioner Regalado: No. Vice Chairman Sanchez; OK. Turn the gavel over to the Chairman. j Chairman Teele. All right. 0 Vice Chairman Sanchez: Thank you. r.. _ Chairman Teele: Thank you. Before the County representative leaves, Angel, I would just say r this. It might be a good time, you know, not to tie this to anything else, but to suggest that we would like a side agreement -- an interlocal agreement to do another CDD, and I'll tell you why. All of the CDDs, CRAB are in one person's district, primarily, Commissioner Winton, contrary to what you're reading, They're in Commissioner Winton's district. The Omni --most of the CRA in the so-called Overtown/Park West is in Park West, the vast majority of it, in terms of the dollars, you know. Eighty -Jive percent of the dollars collected are in Commissioner Winton's district, and it's really fair to look at a CDD in another area that gives rise to it, and it may be City of miami Puge 26 Prinled on 9/27:'2007 City Commission Meeting Min -.:es April 22, 2004 something that the County would be willing to entertain and have long discussions with the County Manager -- the City Manager about, but we cannot create another CDD without the permission of the County, and I think, you know, we have to be partners in that. We need to put that on the table, as well, and it might be a good time to just, you know, see if there's any openness about a CDD outside of Commissioner Winton's district. Because, as I was saying, Johnny, all the CDDs, CRAB are literally pretty much in your district. The -- I share the Overtown/Park West, but 80 percent of the revenues are coming in from Park West. Commissioner Winton: And, frankly, this vehicle, fyou think about it, is a vehicle that could work in a whole host of areas in our City, It's a great vehicle. Chairman Teele: But it can only be used, really, in an area -- Commissioner Winton: Of slum and blight. Chairman Teele.. -- that is proper -- that is slum and blight, and that's why the state has a study done, and it lends itself to redevelopment. It should not be used as an economic development tool, but as a redevelopment tool -- Commissioner Winton: Agreed. Chairman Teele. -- and it's a big difference in that. Vice Chairman Sanchez: All right. Commissioner Winton: I guess I need to move a continuance, though, of this item -- Vice Chairman Sanchez: Yeah. Commissioner Winton. -- to the meeting of next Thursday, whatever that date is? Vice Chairman Sanchez: Yes. Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney). You need to include. it -- Vice Chairman Sanchez: Is there -- Mr. Vilarello: -- in the call of the special meeting. F— 0 Commissioner Winton: OK. That's what I'm doing then. So moved. • k Mr. Vilarello: Including this item. Chairman Teele: Second the motion. Vice Chairman Sanchez. Second. C Chairman Teele: All right. Moved by Commissioner Winton, seconded by Commissioner Sanchez that the item be placed on the agenda, and given the Gucci's -- What time is that Zmeeting starting, Madam Clerk? M" 1 Ms. Thompson: Its scheduled to start at 3 p.m. Chairman Teele: Well, we're going to need to move that time back a little, probably to 2:30 or something, because this agenda's getting longer and longer, right? C-il). of Miami Page 27 Printed on 9/27/2007 City Commission Meeting Minutes April 22, 2004 Unidentified Speaker: Well -- Chairman Teele. What else is on that agenda? Commissioner Gonzalez: Make it at 2. Chairman Teele: And -- what's -- the purpose of that agenda was what? The -- Commissioner Winton: The Biscayne Boulevard Plan. Chairman Teele. The Biscayne Boulevard Plan, so Commissioner Winton: So what we added to it was the 40 foot height moratorium issue, which could be very, very quick, and this. Chairman Teele: We added something else to it -- Commissioner Gonzalez: Make it at 2. Chairman Teele: -- but, OK. What I'm saying, Johnny, just so that we don't get into another one of these problems where you've got the residents of Biscayne Boulevard, who have been noticed for 3 o'clock -- this item cannot come up before 4:30. Commissioner. Winton: Which item? Chairman Teele: This item. Commissioner Winton: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Chairman Teele: So we need to just try to manager ourselves a little bit better on this, so we'll notice it for 3 but, folks, you know, come to the Grove and have a cup of coffee or something, but look for us around 4, 4:30, 5 o'clock, depending on how long the Biscayne Boulevard item runs; is that fair? Commissioner Gonzalez: Mr, Chairman. Commissioner Winton. Yes. C io of Miami Page 28 Prnnled on 9/277007 Chairman Teele: Commissioner -- � C3 LO Commissioner Gonzalez: I need to leave. I'm going to be out for about an hour. I should be back in about an hour. Chairman Teele: Thank All We have a motion and Is there C you very much. right. second. O 2 objection? All those in favor, say "aye. " [` The Commission (Collectively): Aye. (y, Chairman Teele. All opposed have the same right. PP g C io of Miami Page 28 Prnnled on 9/277007