HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 1ORDINANCE NO. 96-115
Agenda Item No. 4(E)
WBMR.EAS, it is'necessary and desirable to improve the quality of life, to benefit
property values, to promote prevention of juvenile crime by providing positive recreation
opportunities, and to improve the recreation facilities for youth, adult, and senior citizens in Dade
County (the "County") through the improvement of neighborhood and regional parks and the
development, rehabilitation, protection, restoration and acquisition of beach and natural areas
within the County; and
WHEREAS, the State of Florida, the County and the municipalities within Dade County ...
presently own and operate numerous parks and park facilities, natural areas, and heritage sites,
which are in need of improvement; and
WHEREAS, the acquisition and capital improvement of State, County and municipal
paries, beaches, natural areas and recreational and heritage facilities benefit the entire population
of both incorporated and unincorporated Dade County; and
WHEREAS, at the same time that the Board considered this Ordinance, the Board
adopted a resolution calling for a special election to be held in Dade County, Florida (the "Special
Election") on Tuesday, November S, 1996 for the purpose of submitting to the electors of the
County the question of whether general obligation bonds not exceeding S200,000,000 shall be
authorized for a capital improvement program for improvements to, and the acquisition of
neighborhood and regional parks, beaches, natural areas and recreational and heritage facilities;
Annual Cast in Current Dollars
o cn o cn
cD <
N /
Benda Item No. 4(E)
Paze No, 2
WHEREAS, the Board wishes to authorize the issuance of the Bonds subject to the
referendum, to establish a Citizens' Oversight Committee to administer the capital improvement
program, and to designate those entities and projects which will be eligible for funding;
Section 1. Findings. The Board finds that:
(a) The purposes described in the Whereas clauses are incorporated in the body of this
Ordinance by reference. This Ordinance shall hereafter be known as the "Safe Neighborhood
Parks Ordinance" and referred to herein as the "Ordinance".
(b) It is critical that neighborhood and regional parks are restored and improved
throughout the County to improve the overall quality of life of our communities, provide safe
places for children to play and alternatives to gangs and gang activities, increase recreation -
opportunities for senior citizens, and provide pleasant places for all residents to enjoy relief from,:"
congestion and urban stress.
(c) The improvement, restoration, expansion, and enhanced safety of park, open space -
and recreation lands and.facifities will help reduce crime, increase the attractiveness of the County;
as a place in which to live and locate businesses, maintain sound economic conditions and a high
standard of livability in the County by increasing property values, economic activity, employment _
opportunities and tourism throughout the County.
(d) The protection of beach, park, recreation and natural areas is vital to the quality of
life in the County, providing important recreation opportunities to all residents of the County,
especially children and senior citizens, and helping to protect air and water quality.
(e) The Board finds that the distribution. of the funds for quali5ed projects must be
done in a fair and organised manner.
Section 2. Def-Wtion. As used in this Ordinance, the following terms mean:
"Administrative Expenses" means all direct expenses incurred in administering the development
and completion of any of the projects authorized and approved under the terms of this Ordinance.
Administrative costs shall not include those administrative expenses incurred in the everyday
operation of any Not -For -Profit Organization and Public Agency, which administer it project
funded pursuant to this Ordinance.
"Beaches" means beaches open to use by all of the residents of the County.
Agenda Ite;n No. 4(F)
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"General Fund" means those funds raised, primarily through ad valorem taxes, fees and
transfers, that are used to account for the general operations of the County or municipal
governments and all transactions which are not accounted for in other funds or account groups.
"Natural Area" means an environmentally sensitive area usually containing a natural forest
cornrnunity, freshwater or coastal wetland and managed to maintain and enhance biological
"Not -For -Profit Organization" means any legally incorporated not-for-profit organization
created under the laws of the State of Florida (the "State") and designated as a tax exempt entity
by the United States Internal Revenue Service, which has among its purposes the provision of
park and recreation services, gang prevention and: intervention, tree -planting, or the conservation
and -preservation of lands for park, natural areas, scenic, historic, or open spaces. tiX
"Parks" mean those areas of public land set aside for aesthetic, educational, recreational, or
cultural use by the citizens of the County. 4
"Park and Recreation Department" means the Dade County Park and Recreation Departmecit.
"Public Ageney.or,Public Agencies" means an agency or agencies or administrative division or
divisions-_ofthe United States government, the State of Florida, the County, or any municipality
within the County. - >:
"Recreation and Heritage Facilities" mean those facilities that are managed by a Public Agency:
or Agencies that focus their programming on cultural, historical; educational and recreational
"State Psi -k" means a parir owned oroperated by the Florida Department of Environmental
Protection, Division of Recreation and Parks:
"Trust Account" means the separate interest bearing account into which proceeds of the Bond
program, as outlined in this Ordinance, shall be deposited.
"UMSA" means Unincorporated Municipal Service area of the County, for which. the County
provides municipal services.
Sectio 3 z g In accordance with the provisions of the Dade County Home Rule .
Charter and the "#eneral Taws of the 84te of Florida, inclu ers 135, 159, and.166,
Florida Statutes=there is authdnzcd'to be issued, subject toe royal of he electorate
Pursuant to 'the Special Election, general obligation bonds of the County, in one or more scenes, in
an aggregate pninctpal amount not to exceedTwo Hundred Million Dollars (5204,004,000)
outstand:ng ai any one time (the "Bonds"�. ='lua ordtnance also authorizes the Issuance of oilier
evidences of indebtedness in the form of anticipation notes oc bonds in 'antiaipatton of stieissuance-
Agenda Item No. 4( )
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of the Bonds. The Bonds shall be payable from unlimited ad valorem taxes levied on all taxable
property in the County without limit as to rate or anount, the full faith and credit of the County
being pledged to the payment ofprincipal of, redemption prentium, if any, and interest on the
Bonds. The Bonds shall bear interest at such rate or rates, not exceeding the maximum rate of
interest permitted by law at the time of their sale, shall be stated to mature on a date or dates not
exceeding forty (40) years from the date of issue, shall be subject to redemption and shall have
such other terms, covenants and provisions as shall be determined by the Board by one or more
subsequent ordinances or resolutions. The purpose of the Bonds shall be (i) to pay the costs of
issuance of Bonds, (ii) to pay eligible administrative costs, and (iii) to finance the acquisition of
and capital improvements to Parks, Beaches, Natural Areas and Recreational and -Heritage
facilities, in the manner set forth in this ordinance, in amounts not to exceed the following:
(a) Municipal per capita allocation and direct grants for specific projects: One -
hundred seven million nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars (S107,950,000) for grants to:Pdblic
Agencies and Not -For -Profit Organizations for the development, improvement, rehabilitation, -
restoration or acquisition of real property for Paries and parse safety, youth, adult and senior _�.1 .
citizens` recreation facilities, Beaches, greenways, trails, and Natural Areas in accordance with the
following schedule: a
(1) Nineteen million nine hundred fifty thousand dollars (519,950,000) for grants i6`111
incorporated municipalities and UMSA (Unincorporated Municipal Service Area)
within thECounty, in accordance to the following schedule:
(i.) Nine mullion seven hundred thousand dollars (59,700,000) to divide on a
per capita basis among the municipalities duly incorporated on the effective date of
this Ordinance.
(ii.) Ten million two hundred fifty thousand dollars (S 10,250,000) to DMSA as
its municipal share.
(2) Direct grants for specific projects: Eighty-eight million dollars (S88,000,000) for
-direct grants to municipalities and UMSA, in accordance with the schedule
attached as Exhibit "A" and incorporated in this Ordinance by reference.
(b) Grams for Specific Regional Projects: Seventy-seven million fifty thousand dollars
($77,050,000) to the County Park and Recreation Department for the development,
improvement, restoration, rehabilitation or acquisition of real property for Regional Parks,
Beaches and Biscayne Bay access, specific regional projects, Heritage Facilities, Natural Area
Preserves and greenways and trails, in accordance with the schedule described in Exhibit "B"
(c) Challenge Grants: Fifteen million (515,000,000) for challenge grants to Public
Agencies and Not -Far -Profit Organizations in accordance with the following schedule:
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(I) Seven rziIlion dollars (S 7,000,000) for challezue grants to Public Agencies and
Nat -For -Profit Organizations for land acquisition. construction and developrnejt
of youth recreation and service facilities.
(2) Eight rnillion dollars (S8,000,000) for challenge grants to Public Agencies and
Net -For -Profit Organizations for natural areas, recreation and open space land
acquisition and development.
Section 4. Administz-ai on.
(a) The Citizens' Oversight Committee. A Citizens' Oversight Committee
("Committee") will be farmed to oversee the disbursement of the proceeds from the sale of the
Bonds. The Committee will have thirteen (13) members; one residing in each of Dade County's
thirteen commission districts. Members of the Committee shall be residents of Dade County who
possess outstanding reputations for civic pride, integrity, responsibility and business or
professional ability and experience or interest in the fields of recreation, conservation of natural
resources or land use planning. The Committee and the Nominating Committee, as defined `_:
below, will be comprised of members who are representative of the geographic, ethnic, racial and
gender make-up of the County.
I Selection. Members of the Committee shall be nominated and appointed in the
manner set forth in this subsection. The Board of County Commissioners of Dade
County, Florida shall appoint a nominating committee (the "Nominating
Committee") comprised of twenty-three (23) members as follows:
(i) Six (6) representatives of the State, County or municipal government,
which shall include the following persons or their designees: the State Attorney
for the Eleventh Judicial Circuit, the Superintendent of the Dade County School
Board, the Dade County Manager, and the Executive Director of the Dade League
of Cities;
(n) Twelve (12) representatives of civic, not-for-profit organizations, which
shall include the following persons or their designees: Chairman of the United
Way; President of Tropical Audubon Society, President of Citizens for a Better
South Florida, Director of the Urban League, Director of Alliance for Aging,
President of the Jewish Federation, President of the Children's Services Council,
President of the Cuban National Planning Council; President of CAMACOL,
President of the Mami•Dade Branch NAACP; President of Baptist Ministers
Council of Greater Miami and Vicinity; and the Executive Vice President of the
Rabbinical tlssociation of Greater Miami;
(iii) Five (5) representatiives of civic, not-for-profit organizations dedicated to
promoting and conserving the environmental or recreational resources of this r
Agenda Item No. 4(B)
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core.unity, which shall include the cllowing persons or their designees: President
of the Florida Recreation and Park Association, President of the Land Trust of
Dade County, and President of the Sierra Club.
The Nominating Committee shall submit a slate of four (4) candidates from each
Commission District to the Board of Dade County Commissioners for selection.
The Board must select from the slate submitted by the Nominating Committee;
however, the Board may request additional nonunations.
(2) Term. The Committee members shall serve two year terms, and may be
reappointed. The terms shall be staggered, with the representatives of the
evenly -numbered districts scheduled for replacement or reappointment after the
first year. Members of the Committee shall not be compensated for their services.
(3) Powers and duties. The Committee shall have the following powers and duties:
(i) to oversee the deposit and disbursement of the Bond proceeds in accordance
with the terms of this Ordinance;
(ii) to issue solicitations for all grants, to evacuate, disqualify, and rank
challenge grant proposals, and to recommend the award.of grams in accordance
with the tErms of this Ordinance;
(iii) to identify funding to reimburse the County for the reasonable costs of
providing staff to the Committee, in the process of the oversight and grant
management of this Ordinance, which funding tray include amounts available
under this Bond program if the costs of staffing are related to individual projects
authorized by this Ordinance;
(iv) to promulgate rules consistent with this Ordinance for the conduct of its
meetings and the discharge of its responsibilities;
(v) to perform such other functions as are set forth for the Committee in
this Ordinance.
(4) Deposit of Bond Proceeds. All proceeds of the sale of the Bonds shall be
delivered to the Director of the Finance Department of Metropolitan Dade County
who shall deposit those proceeds in the Trust Account, not to be commingled with
other funds of the County, to be disbursed solely for the purposes set forth in this
Ordinance. Dade County, itself or through independent auditors, shall have the
right at all times to audit the books and records of the Committee.
(S) Staff. The County Manager and the County Attorney shall provide to the
Agenda Item, No. 'IT(E)
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Cornrrut'_ee adequate staffand supper services to enable the Cornrnit:ee to car—,y
out its duties and responsibilities.
Section 5. Grant Pro2osah.
(a) Any adjustments to the amount available from the Bond proceeds which are
required to be made to satisfy the costs of providing staff or other services to administer the
Bonds shall be made to the amounts available under this Bond program, not to exceed one (1%)
(b) The following provisions of this Section 5.(b) shall apply to all grants to be
awarded pursuant to this Ordinance. -
(1) Individual applications for grants or per capita allocations pursuant to Section 3
shall be submitted to the Committee for approval as to conformity with the
requirements of this Ordinanci-and for Committee review and recommendation.
The application shall be accompanied by an atithdrizing resolution
from the governing body of the applicant.Pubfic Agency that the project (or
projects) for which the grant or allocation is sought is an important park and
recreation project tor ProJects) which will benefit all residents of Dade Countv and
that operating, management and programming funds are included in budget.
(2) Not more than seventeen -percent170/*) of monies awarded under any grant may
be utilizia for project pil an ning;- design and administration.
(3) The interest tamed on proceeds of the Bodds which have been sold but not
allocated shall be used for acquisition of park, open space and natural areas to
- meet the future needs of the growing population of Dade County. Requests for
use of these interest iii4s- maybe midt to thi Committee by Public Agencies and
Not -For-profit Otganiiiii loni,with in: fitle vesting in a Public Agency.
dthis Ordinance by -special election,- administrative rules
governing the implernen tation of the- Ordinance shall be prepa, r. pd.by-the County
Manager. Such rules shall include a timeline for the grant programs identified in
S6W& 3 . of this Ordinance, ent . eria and- tires eval such
proced uatMg p4c_ -grants,
" 66kid of c es and Not -For -Profit 044notions of the
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h, tS -program.
a��VrQce,ures, evaluating -challenge gran or eac Gi
to be held
.the grant
Agenda Item No. 4(E)
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awarded by the Board cf County Commissioners upon recornmendation of the
Committee in accordance with this Ordinance and the rules adopted in accordance
with this provision. i
(5) A Public Agency may enter into an agreement with one or more Not -For -Profit
Organizations for the purpose of carrying out a grant pursuant to this Ordinance,
subject to the requirements of Section 9.
Each Public Agency shall make every effort to employ local residents, and
particularly youth, from the area in which proposed projects are located.
Each Public Agency shall make every effort to work with Not-for-profit
Organizations with a demonstrated history of youth employment and training, gang
prevention and intervention, and environmental preservation and land
Funds that are granted pursuant to Section 3 for the purposes of development,
improvement, rehabilitation or restoration shall be expended for these purposes
only on lands owned or leased by a Public -Agency. Funds may also be utilized for
projects ot1 lands for which the Public Agency holds a lease or other use agreement
for an unexpired minimum term of 25 years.
In projects where funds are allocated pursuant to Section 3 for park and facility
development, every effort shall be trade to use non-invasive, drought -resistant, or
xeriscape landscape material, water -conserving irrigation systems and
energy-efficient fixtures, except when such use can be shown to be unfeasible.
When projects involve the rehabilitation of existing irrigation systems or the
creation of new irrigation systems, reclaimed water should be used whenever
possible and priority shall be given to development of reclaimed water irrigation
(10) The minimum amount that an applicant may request for any individual project is
ten thousand dollars (S 10,000)'Any agency may allocate all or a portion of its per
capita share to a regional or state project or another neighboring city, and all
agencies shall be encouraged to form partnerships to leverage other available funds
with the Dade County School Board, other Public Agencies, and Not -For -Profit
Organizations for park and recreation purposes.
(11 } Funds made available for approved projects from grants shall be expended or
encumbered by the recipient within three years of the date when such funds are
first made available unless an extension is authorized pursuant to the express terms
of this Ordinance. Any such grant funds that are not expended or encumbered by
the recipient within such period, shall be trade available for award for one or more
A endcd
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of the classes of expenditures specified in Section 3 that the Corn, inee deems to
be of the highest priority.
i. Upon deposit into the Trust Account, the original recipient of the funds
shall have no further claire to the finds.
ii. Tn1st Account funds shall be made available pursuant to the programs
outlined in Section 3, and shall be prioritized for heavily used parks and recreation
facilities in underserved areas of the County or r: tunicipalities. When funds are to
be used for the acquisition of property, priority shall be given to acquiring land for
park, recreation -or-natural-areas-purposes in:_denxLy4opulatcd,underse_rve�i areas
with documented deficiencies in park, recreation or open space opportunities.
(12) The scope of each per capita project, shaIl remain as defined in the application for
Bond funds and this Ordinance. If there are required modifications to the scope of
the specific project, the recipient may alter the scope of the specific project, as
defined by the administrative rules.- The modifications shall be subject to approval
:;3 ` by the Committee. The fiill _amount allocated for a specific project as detailed
v . within the application and this Ordinance shall be used for the designated project
and not transferred to another project. +
(13) • If Bond pfoceeds have not been expended or encumbered vfithin the periods
allowed, the recipient agencies may submit to the Committee for review and
approval in its discretion a plan for expenditure or ena4. rance of the funds in
accordance with the purposes of this Ordinance within the municipality or area of
the County in which the funds were originally authorized to be expended.
(c) Challenge Grants. In -addition to those provisions contained in Section 5 (b)
above, the following provisions shall apply to challenge grants to be awarded pursuant to Section
3 (c) of this Ordinance.
(1) The funds authorized in Section 3 (c) shall be available as grants on a challenge
basis to Public Agencies and Not-for-profit Organizations.
(2) An extension not to exceed two (2) years beyond the three-year time limit for
expenditure or encumbrance of grant funds may be authorized by the Committee
for reasonable cause.
(3) These grants shall be limited for acquisition ;of lands for public use, and
improvements or development to publicly owned lands and facilities.
4 PursusnCto Section 3 (c) (1} an amount not to exceed�seven million"dollars
(57,000,000), shall be dedicated to park, recreation and open space acquisition and _
Alte rate
Agenda Item No. 4(;)
Pace Nc. 10
development in areas which: (i) are identified as economically and/or socially
disadvantaged consistent with Federal guidelines, where at least 51 percent of
residents live at or below 80 percent of the County's median income, and (ii) which
possess a documented deficiency in recreation and open space opportunities
defined as the dim erence between area supply and area demand for facilities,
prograrns and services.
(5) In the evaluation of grant applications pursuant to Section 3(c)(1), priority shall be
given fast to correct vestiges of past discrimination and second to those which
meet one or more of the.following criteria: (i) joint application by a Public Agency
and a Not -For -Profit Organisation whose primary focus is working with youth; (ii)
application by a Nat -Por -Profit organization with a demonstrated history of gang
intervention, gang prevention, ability to work with at -risk youth, and prior
experience in such activities through grants from Public Agencies; (iii) application
by Not -For -Profit Organization which agrees to and can demonstrate the ability to
operate and maintain the facility to be constructed or developed on a long-term
basis; (iv) application by a Not -For -Profit Organization with experience in park
and open space acquisition and preservation.
(d) Grants for- Specific County and Municipal Projects. In addition to those provisions
contained in Section 5(b) above, the following provisions shall apply to the grants for specific
County and municipal pmjects to' be awarded pursuant to Sections 3 (a)(2) and 3 (b) of this
(1) Thee grants sitan be limited for acquisition of lands for public use, and
improvements or development to publicly owned lands and facilities for the
purposes set forth in Sections 3 (a) (2) and 3 (b) of this Ordinance.
(2) An extension not to excead two (2) years beyond the three-year time limit for
expenditure or encumbrance of grant funds may be authorized by the Committee
for reasonable cause.
f . e.4rr r •PTI-
TI a
(a) No funds authorized under Section 3 may be disbursed to any recipient unless the
recipient agrees:
(1) That grants for all programs in Section 3 shall be made available at least
once every twelve (12) months with public notice from the County.
(2) To maintain and operate in perpetuity the property acquired, developed,
improved, rehabilitated or restored with the funds, except where leases are
in effect. The recipient or its successors in interest in the property may
transfer the responsibility to maintain and operate the property to another
A.—,, ended
Agenda Itern No.(=)
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Public Azency or a: -,Other Not -For -Profit Organization in accordance wit,;
this Section. The recipient agency must provide adequate prograrnmin¢ for
env new facilities constructed with proc"..ds of the Bonds.
(3) To use the property only for the purposes of this Ordinance and to make
no other use, sale, or disposition of the property, except as provided in
subdivision (b) of this Section.
(4) Any beach, park or other public facility acquired, developed, rehabilitated
or restored with funds from this act shall be open and accessible to the
public without discrimination as to -race, color, gender, age, religious belief,
residence, national origin, marital status, cr disability.
(5) In order to maintain the exclusion from gross income for federal income
tax purposes of the interest on any bonds,, notes or other evidences of -
indebtedness issued for purposes. of this Ordinance, each recipient of.funds
pursuant to this Ordinance covenants to comply with each applicabler
requirement of Section 143 and Sections 141 through 154 of the internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. Each recipient of. funds shall agree in
Writing to the conditions specified in parag; aphA (2), (3), and (4) of this
The conditions specified in paragraphs (2), (3); (4) and (5) of this Section shall not
prevent the transfer ofproperty acquired, developed, improved, rehabilitated or restored with
funds authorized pursuant to Section 3 of this .Ordinance from the recipient to any other Public
Agency, to a Not -For -Profit Organization authorized to acquire, develop, improve or restore
Public real property for park, wildlife, recreation, open space or gang prevention and intervention
purposes; b:4he'State of Florida or to the -National Park Service,provided that any such
successor to- the recipient assumes the obligations imposed by such conditions.
(b) Any changes in use of any property acquired through grants pursuant to this Ordinance
must be maintained in perpetuity for public park and recreation purposes. If the use of the
property acquired through grants pursuant to this Ordinance is' changed to one other than a use
permitted under the category from-which.the funds were provided, or the property is sold or
otherwise disposed oC an amount equal to the (1) amount of the grant, (2) the`fair market value
of the real property, or (3) the proceeds from the portion of such property acquired, developed,
improved, rehabilitated orrestored with the. grant, whichever is greater, shall be used by the
recipient, subject fo subdivision (a) of this Section, fora putposeatithorized in that category or
shall be reimbursed to ,the Trust Account and be available for appropriation only for a use
authorized to that category.
If iheproperty sold`or-0therwtse disposed cfis8s than the entiremterest in the property
�ngrnally :acgwreddeveloped;'amproved, cehabtlrtaied or restored with :the grant, an amount
A? -ner.ded
A Iernate
A zenda Itern No. 4(j✓)
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equal to the proceeds or the fair market value of tree property interest sold or ether-xise disposed
of, whichever is greater, shall be used by the grantee, subject to subdivision (a) of uh!s Section, for
a purpose authorized in that category or shall be reimbursed to the general fund and be available
for appropriation only for a use authorized in that category. Nothing in this Section b shall limit a
Public Agency from transferring property acquired pursuant to this Ordinance to the National
Park Service or the State Park System, with or without consideration.
(c) Awards pursuant to this Ordinance shall first be available during the fiscal year in
which Bond proceeds are initially available.
Section 7. Property Acquisition.
(a) All real property acquired pursuant to this Ordinance shall be acquired in "
compliance with Dade County Administrative Order 8-4 and Florida Statute 125.355, and all
other applicable laws.'Funds disbursed to a Public Agency other than the County in accordance
with Section 3 shall be expended by that agency pursuant to an Interlocal agreement with '"ff
Metro -Dade County.
(b) For the purposes of this Ordinance, acquisition may include gifts, purc.'�ascs, `
leases, easements, the exercise of eminent domain, the transfer or exchange of property of like'
value, transfers of development rights or credits, and purchases of development rights and other
interests_ '
(c) All grants, gifts, devises, or bequests to any of the qualified Public Agencies of this
Ordinance, conditional or unconditional, for park, conservation, recreational, wildlife habitat,
natural lands or other purposes for which real property may be acquired or developed pursuant to
this Ordinance, shall be made in the name of the agency and accepted and received on behalf of
the agency pursuant to the applicable Administrative Order of the County. The grants, gifts,
devises or bequests shall be available for expenditure for the purposes specified in Section 3
(a) Reasonable public access to lands and facilities funded by this Ordinance shall not
be denied, except where that access may interfere with resource protection.
(b) All funds allocated pursuant to this Ordinance for projects involving the
rehabilitation or restoration of beach, park, recreation, open space or natural lands shall be used to
the maximum extent practical to employ residents from the surrounding community in which the
particular rehabilitation or restoration project is being carried out.
(c) To the maximum extent feasible, Public Agencies and Not -For -Profit
Organizations shall be encouraged and have authority to use funds received pursuant to this
I -�
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Ordinance to provide Ending through agreements with community organizations, particularly
when youth can be employed to work on restoration or rehabilitation projects being carried out in
their awn communities. Such agreements shall be entered into solely for the accomplishment of
the purposes set fol - h by this Ordinance.
Section 9. Environmental Review.
(a) Prior to recommending the acquisition of lands that are located on or near
tidelands, submerged lands, swamp, or other wetlands, whether or not those lands have been
granted in trust to a local Public Agency any agency receiving funds pursuant to this Ordinance
-- shall submit to the Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management (DFILM)
any proposal for the acquisition of those lands pursuant to this measure. DERM may, at its
discretion, within ninety (94) days of such a submission, review the proposed acquisition, make a
determination as to the State's existing or potential interest in the lands, and report its findingsto'. -
the entity making the submittal and to the County Manager. -
(b) No wetlands or riparian habitat acquired pursuant to Section 3 shall be used at a-
dredge spoil area or shall be subject to revetment which damages the quality of the habitat for
which the property was acquired.
(c) No provision of this Ordinance shall be construed as authorizing the condemnation
of publicly -owned lands.'
Section 14.' Bond Capital.
(a)Pursuant to subdivision (e) of Section 5506.9 of the Public Resources Code, no
proceeds from any Bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness -issued by Dade County Shan
be used for`in yop oleins, maintenance or servicing purposes, except that, such proceeds may be
used to pay all costs incidental to the preparation and issuance of the Bonds_
(b) The amounts of all allocations designated in Section 3 are gross amounts, and shall
be reduced not more than one percent (11%) for the costs of the ovehW administrative expenses of
the Bond: -
Section 11. Maintenance of Effort.
It is the nfent ofthis +Ordinance.to- produce a net benefit to the residents of Dade County.
No substitution in capital` -project funding by the County_. and/or. municipalities shall"occur as a
result of projects specifically funded by this -bond_ issue.
Section - Sale of Bonds::.
The Bonds` may be issued either all at one time or in part 66mtimeto time as `the Board`of _ >
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Countv Commissioners may in its discretion determine by subsequent ordinance or resolution.
The sale of such Bonds shall not be combined with the sale cf any other bonds of the County.
Section 13. Independent Audit
There shall be an annual independent audit of all proceeds of the Bonds. This audit shall
examine all process on hand and unexpended. The expense of the audit shall be paid from the
general bond fund. All Bond recipients shall cooperate fully with the program's auditors.
The Committer shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to require recipients of any grant
to retain the services of an independent private sector inspector general (IPSIG) to audit,
investigate, monitor, oversee, inspect and review the operations, activities and performance of the
recipient and its contractor. Said audit -shall include compliance with.contract specifications and
project costs, as well as the prevention of corruption and fraud. Grant agreements shall include
an acknowledgment by the recipient that the Committee has the right to utilize an IPSIG.
Section 14. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or provision of this Ordinance is
held invalid, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected by such invalidity.
Section 15. It is the intention of the Board of County Commissioners, and rt is hereby.
ordained that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of
Metropolitan Dade County, Florida. The sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or
relettered to accomplish such intention, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section,"
"article," or other appropriate word
Section 16. This Ordinance does not contain a sunset provision.
Section 17. This Ordinance shall become effective ten (10) days following the date of its
Section 18, In addition to any other remedies provided by law to any person or entity,
the remedies provided in the Citizens Bill of Rights shall be available for violations of this
Approved by County Attorney as
to form and legal sufficiency. °Al
Prepared by:
Exhibit "A"
A. Four hundred thousand dollars ($;00,000) to the City of Coral Gables in accordance with
the following schedule:
i.Three hundred thousand dollars (S300,000) for the development and
renovation of Phillips Park.
ii.Fifty thousand dollars (550,000) for Nat Winokur Park for the
installation of new _playground system_
J iii.Fifty thousand dollars (S50,000) for Salvador Park for the renovation .of
playground system and picnic pavilion.
B. Forty-eight thousand dollars (548,000) to the City of Florida City for Loren Roberts Park
to develop a baseball: and a softball field.
C. Five million dollars (S5,000,000) to the City of Hialeah in accordance with the following
S, v schedule. - _
LTwo million siz hundred thousand dollars ($2,600,000) for McDonald :Ts
Park for new lake contours, enhanced recreation areas, building
renovations, fencing, lighting and other improvements,
ii.One million four hundred thousand dollars (S 1;400,000) for Dent Park
for, the construction of the Dent Park gymnasium.
iii.Six hundred thousand dollars (S600,000) for the development of a
neighborhood park located at West 32-36 Avenue connector Road
(Hialeah and Hialeah Gardens Blvd.) acid 79 street.
iv.Two hundred and fifty thousand ($250,000) for renovations and
improvements at Cotson Park and. Reid Pool Park, to, include improved
athletic fields, renovation ofballfield-buud4 ing`and security lighting.
v.One hundred and fifty thousand (S150,000), divided equally_ between
Babcock Park and Milander Park for installation of new
playgrounds/totlots to comply with the American with Disabilities Act
(ADA) requirements.
One million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000) to the City of Homestead in
accordance with the following schedule:
i.One million dollars (S 1,000,00(D) to implement the first phase of the
development of the Homestead Equestrian Center and to be used to
leverage additional funds for the completion of the Center,
iiTive hundred thousand dollars (5500,000) for Roby George Park for the
development of the Phichol Williams Community Center.
E. Five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) to the Village of Key Biscayne for the
development of Village Grein Paris.
F. Eighteen million dollars ($18,000,000) to the City of Miami in accordance with the
following schedule:
i. One million eight hundred thousand dollars ($1,800,000) for the
restoration of the historically designated Virrick Gym, to be used by
persons with_ disabilities for adaptive sailing and other community
youth -related activities.
ii.One million dollars (S I,000,000) to complete a beach erosion control
program on Virginia Key Beach and enhancements to the island dune
iii.Eight hundred thousand dollars ($800,000) for the development of a
new recreation/senior trust building and site improvements at Maceo Park.
iv.Eight hundred thousand ($800,000) for the improvements and
renovations to the recreation building, swimming pool, and ballfields,
courts and playgrounds at Gibson Park.
v.Eight hundred thousand dollars ($800;000) for acquisition and
renovations at Jose Marti Park.
vi.Eight hundred thousand dollars ($800,000) for improvements and
renovations to Hadley Park.
vii.Seven hundred thousand dollars (S700,000) for renovations and
improvements to the youth center and swimming pool at Virrick Park.
viii. Seven hundred thousand dollars (S700,000) for improvements to
the recreation building and renovations to the basketball/tennis court and
baseball/softhIl fields and improvements to Douglas Park.
ix. Six hundred fifty thousand dollars ($650,000) for recreation building
improvements, new and renovated basketball tours and
basebalVsoftbali fields, and swimming pool renovations for Shenandoah
x.Five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) for the design and construction
of the Virginia Key Environmental Education Center.
xi.Five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) to be used as local matching
Ends for the renovation and adaptive reuse of two historic structures, the
Wagner Homestead and the Ft. Dallas Barracks for Lummus Park.
xii.Five hundred thousand dollars (5500,000) for shoreline improvements,
seating and plazas for Lummus Park.
ziii.Five hundred thousand dollars (5500,000) to be used as a local match
for other grants to extend the Miami Riverwalk.
xiv.Five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) for shoreline stabilization,
building renovation and new tenni court and roller hockey
facility enhancement at Peacock/Myers Park.
xv.Five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000).for shoreline stabilization,
swimming pool facility renovation, tennis center renovation, and lighting at
Morningside Park.
xvi. Four hundred fifty thousand dollars ($450,000) for improvements to
the recreation center for Persons with Disabilities Programs, renovations
to ballfields, and new playground and improvements at Kinloch Park.
xvi. Four hundred fifty thousand dollars (5450,000) for renovations and
improvements to Williams Park.
xvii.Four hundred twenty-five thousand dollars (S425,000) for renovations
and improvements at Athalie Range Park.
xviii.Three hundred fifty thousand -dollars ($350,000) for improvements
and renovations at Robert King High Paris.
xix.Three hundred fifty thousand dollars (S350,000)..for_;recreation
buitdtng renovations =and swi , ng :pool facility_retiovations at Curtis
xx.T'hree hundred fifty thousand dollars (S350,000) for building
enovat;cns and exercise course at Roberto Clemente Park.
xxi.Three hundred fifty thousand dollars (5350,000) for renovations to
building, ballfield and swimming pool facility and new playground and
volleyball courts at West End Park.
xxii.Three hundred thousand dollars (S300,000) for shoreline stabilization,
new playground, exercise course, volleyball court and lighting at Pace
xxiii.Three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) for improvements to the
tennis center/restroom building, new tennis court and lighting upgrade for
;c R Kirk Munroe Park.
xxiv.Three hundred thousand dollars (5300,000) for building and ballfield
renovations, playground expansion and security lighting upgrade for
Allapattah Comstock Park.
�= =. xxv.Four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000) for recreation building
and ballfield renovations, new playground and new sports lighting at Fern
Isle Park.
xxvi.Three hundred twenty-five thousand dollars (5300_,00.0) for expansion,
renovation and improvements at Buena Vista Park.
xxvii.Two hundred thousand dollars (5200,000) for repair and renovation
of Manuel Artime Center Theater, to improve handicapped accessibility,
and exterior security lighting.
xxviii. One hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) for renovations and
improvements to recreation building, ballfields and new sports lighting at
Moore Park.
xxix.One hundred fifty thousand dollars (5150,000) for renovations and
improvements to recreation building, ballfields, playground and lighting at
Grapeland Park,
xxx. One hundred fifty thousand dollars (S 150,000) for building and court
renovations, new fencing, playground and improvements at
Belafonte-Tacolcy Center.
xxxi. One hundred fifty thousand dollars (S 150,000) for recreation and
parking improvements, playground expansion, fencing and sports lighting
at Reeves Park,
xxxii.One hundred fifty thousand dollars (5150,000) for shoreline
stabilization and site building improvements, indluding exercise course
at Legion Park.
xxxii. The hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) for building
renovation, fencing and lighting for Simpson Park.
xxxiii.One hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) for improvements and
renovations at Dorsey Park. _
x)cdv.One hundred twenty-five thousand dollars (S125,000) for
renovations, improvements and shoreline enhancements to Kennedy Park.
- xxxv.One hundred twenty-five thousand (5125,000) for building and
ballfield renovations and new playground and "fencing at Coral Gate Park.
xxcvi.One hundred thousand dollars (S100,000) for softball field and
basketball court renovations, new playgrounds and volleyball court at
Southside Park.
)ovMi.One hundred thousand dollars (S 100,000) for building and court
renovations; playground and lighting for Bryan Park.
x?Dmii.One hundred and twenty` thousand dollars (S125,000) for
amphitheater renovations, playing'field improvements and new tot Iot for
African Square Park.
AOne hundred thousand dollarsI (S100,000) for court and ballfield
renovations, new fencing; fighting and playground ai Arinbrister Park.
xli.One hundred thousand dollars (Sl00,000) for new restroom facility,
fencing, playground expansion, secuntyJsport fighting and irrigation at
Henderson Park.
xlii.One hundred thousand dollars (S1001000) for park expansion and
improvcnents Band battfield'constncaon at Lenton City Park.
xliii.One hundred thousand dolla%s (S 100,000) for park :�zpansion and site
improvement at Maximo Gomez Park (Domino Park)
azly One hundred i`Iiousand"tioil3ars {S100,000) fog new -playground, lighting ��
and renorar:ors cfcourts, ballfeids and restroons at Riverside Park.
xlv.One hundred thousand dollars ($ 100,000) for renovations and site
improvements, including walkways and nature trails at Mice Wainwright
xlvi.One hundred thousand dollars (5100,000) for baywalk lighting at
Bayfront Park.
xlviii. One hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) for building
renovations, new playground, court renovations and lighting upgrade
at Bryan park.
xlvix. One hundred thousand dollars (S100,000) for new fencing,
playground and volleyball court and renovation of restrooms, parking
" lot improvements and improved lighting at Sewell. Park. t -
G. Six m0ion three hundred seventy-five thousand dollars ($6,375,000) to the City'of"
Miami Beach in accordance with the following schedule:
i.Three million dollars ($3,000,000) for beach and boardwalk renovation` --
and restoration. = a.
i.i.Two million one hundred fifty thousand dollars (52,150,000) for -
renovation of North Shore Open Space Park.
iii.One million dollars ($1,000,000) for swimming pool renovation at
municipal parks.
iv.Two hundred twenty-five thousand dollars (5225,400) for rehabilitation
of the Police Athletic League (P.A.L.) Juvenile Center at Flamingo Park.
K Five hundred thousand dollars (S500,000) to the City of Miami Springs in accordance
with the following schedule:
i.Four hundred fifty-seven thousand dollars ($457,000) for municipal pool
renovation at the Municipal Recreation Center.
ii.Forty-three thousand dollars ($43,000) for Prince Field renovations.
1. One million dollars (S1,000,000) to the City of North Miami for the development of the
North Miami Community Center.
J. Two million eight hundred fifty thousand dollars (S2,850,000) to the City of North Miami
Beach in accordance with the foilowing schedule:
i.One million eight hundred fifty thousand dollars (S1,850,000) for the
acquisition and development of the 167th Street Athletic Field.
H.One million dollars (S I , 000, 000) for the development of the North Miami
Beach Youth Enrichment Services (Y.E.S.) Center at Government Center,
K. One hundred seventy thousand dollars (S 170,000) to the City of Opa Locka for the
development of Segal Park.
L. Three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) to the City of South Miami for the
development of the Murray Park Recreation Center.
M. Five hundred thousand dollars (5500,000) to the City of Sweetwater for the expansion
and/or development of Antonio Maceo Park.
N. One hundred twenty-five thousand dollars ($125,000) to the City of West Miami florthe -a
renovation and development of the recreation center and Cooper Park.
O. Fifty million seven hundred thirty-two thousand dollars (550,732,000) to Dade County
DMSA, in accordance with the.following schedule:
i.Four million dollars ($4,000,000) for local park expansion at the
following parks:
a. One million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000)
for Carol City Community.
b.One-million -five-hundred-thousand-dollar-s-(-$I-,-500,-000)-at-
ve-hundred-thousand-dollar-s-(-$I-,500;000)-atGwen Cherry Park.
c.One million dollars (S 1,000,000) for Cutler Ridge
ii.Five million dollars ($5,000,000) to Dade County DMSA for park pool
development, including the acquisition of a family aquatic center for
approximately two million dollars (S2000,000); and the renovation and
upgrade of aquatic facilities for approximately five hundred thousand
dollars ($500,00), each-at'Norwood; Gwen sherry; Cutler Ridge, -South
Dade, A.D. Barnes, and Tanuami Parks,
ua:'Fortycne riiillion seven htidrei� thtrt}%ttiousad �doltar`s (541,732;000) to i
Dade County DMSA for local park development in accordance with the
following schedule-
a.Five hundred thousand dollars (5500,000)
for neighborhood park development at Brentwood
b.One million eight hundred thousand dollars (SI,800,000) to
complete park development, including a small community center
and lighted athletic fields, at Rolling Oaks Park.
c.One million dollars (S 1,000,000) to continue park development,
including addition to existing recreation building and walkways
a- -- along Oleta River at Highland Oaks Park.
- =a - d.Seven hundred fifty thousand (S750,000) for park development,
including recreation building, at Lames by the Bay Park.
e.Eight hundred thousand dollars (5800,000) for park development
including recreation building, at D= -wood Park.
f.Two mullion dollars ($2,000,000) to complete park development
with community footbalUsoccer stadium, recreation center,
playground and athletic fields at Southridge Park. -
One million five hundred thousand dollars (51,500,000) to
continue park development, including community building,
completion of softball complex and restroom/concession/storage
building, at Kendall Indian Hammocks Park.
h.Five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) to continue park
development with lighted soccer fields, tot lot and picnic shelter at
Southern Estates Parka
i.Eight hundred thousand dollars (S800,000) to continue park
development, including recreation building, at Millers Pond Park.
j.Nine million dollars (S9,000,000) for park and recreation land
acquisition in West Kendall Area, with phase I district park
development to include lighted ballfields, soccer fields,
restroom/concession building and maintenance facility, for West
Kendall Park.
k.Six hundred seventy-five thousand dollars (5675,000) to continue
park development to include lighted soccer and multipurpose fields
at West -wind Lakes Park.
l.Six hundred seventy-five thousand dollars ($675,000) to continue
park development to include multipurpose athletic fields, tennis
courts, multipurpose courts, tot lot and picnic shelter at Country
Lake Park.
m.Eight hundred thousand dollars ($800,000) to continue park
development to -include Iighted soccer fields, multipurpose courts,
restroom/storagelconcession building at Country Village Park_
n.Two million six hundred eighty two thousand dollars
($2,682,000) for park development to include picnic shelters,
walkway and jogging paths, recreation/fitness center and courts at
Miami West Park.
o. One million dollars ($1,U00,000) for further park development to
include community center at The Women's Park.
The following park projects -promote juvenile crime prevention:
p.Three million dollars (53,000,000) to develop large recreation
center in the Miami Carol City Park area.
q. Seven hundred frf y thousand dollars (5750,000) to develop park
to include multipurpose courts, athletic fields and upgrade of
existing recreation center at Perrin Park.
r.One million dollars (51,000,000) to complete recreation building
and upgrade other park facilities at Goulds Park.
s.Four million dollars ($4,000,000) for phase I development to
include athletic fields, trails and picnicking areas at HAFB
Recreation Area.
t Onerailliondollars ($1,0.00;000) to initiate development of new
community park at Royal Colonial Park:
u Four mrilton five hundred thousand dollars ($4,500,000) to
replace stadium field house, provide a baseball complex, upgrade
equestrian center, electrical utilities and irrigation at Tropical Park.
v.Two million dollars (52,000,000) to continue park development,
including soccer Fields and recreation center expansion, at Tamiami
w.One Trillion dollars (51,000,000) for further park development to
include recreation building, additional parking, landscaping and
lighting of existing ballfield at Ruben Dario Park.
Exhibit "B"
1. Nineteen million nine hundred thousand dollars (519,900,000) to the County Park
and Recreation Department for the development, improvement, restoration, rehabilitation or
acquisition of real property for beaches and Biscayne Bay access, in accordance with the
foIIowing schedule:
A. Three million dollars ($3,000,000) for beach restoration and dune
renourishment, to be used as the local match for Federal and State of Florida funds in projects
south of the County line to Government Cut.
B. Five hundred thousand dollars (5500,000) for development, including canal
improvements, northside restroom building and picnic area upgrades to Black Point Park. _
C. Two million dollars ($2,000,000) to initiate master plan development, including
picnic shelters, fishing and canoe launch area at Chapman Field Park.
D. Six million dollars ($6,000,000) for restoration and upgrade, .including garden
areas, cabanas, picric areas, restr ooms, dockmaster's.building, and park traffic circulation features
at Crandon Park.
E. Four million dollars ($4,000,000) for upgrading restroom and lifeguard
facilities, beach side picnic shelters, fishing pier reconstruction, Iighting and parking improvements
at Haulover Park.
F. One million dollars ($1,000,000) to renovate and upgrade atoll pool and picnic
areas at Homestead Bayfront Park.
G. Two million dollars (52,000,000) to renovate and upgrade the atoll pool,
roadways and picnic areas at Matheson Hammock Park. .
H. One million four hundred thousand dollars (S 1,400,000) for continued historic
preservation, development of interpretive trails and bay shore access at Charles Deering Estate.
2. Fifty-seven million four -hundred fifty thousand dollars (S57,450,000) to the County
Park and Recreation Department for the development, improvement, restoration, rehabilitation or
acquisition of real property for regional parks, regional recreation or heritage facilities and natural
area preserves, in accordance with the following schedule:
A. One million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000) to provide ADA
Al co
compliance at existing`regtonunty park facilities.
B. Four million dollars (54,000,000) for the restoration or park and recreation
natural areas and preserves to a maintenance level.
C. One million dollars (51,000,000) for the complete facility development,
including a new music hall, additional landscaping and access control for the African Heritage
Cultural Arts Center.
D. Two million dollars (52,000,000) for development of lighted soccer fields and
multipurpose balIfields, sand volleyball courts for public recreation to serve northeast Dade and
intramural for FIU Bay Vista Campus.
E. Three hundred thousand dollars (5300,000) to upgrade facility for the Dade"
County Auditorium to meet fire code provisions and provide general renovation.
F. One million five hundred thousand. dollars (S 1,500,000) to continue renovation
and upgrading of gardens, orchards, arbors and buildings for Redland Fruit & Spice Park
G. Onemillion dollars ($1,000,000) to renovate and upgrade pool, shelter, ItI
shuffleboard courts, install basketball court, tot lot, sand volleyball pit, recreation building, and for
camping utility hookups at Larry & Penny Thompson Park.
H. Twelve million dollars ($12,000,000) toward completion of the second lobe,
"The Latin American Experience," at Metrozoo, in accordance with approved plans, to be
implemented by the Dade County Park and Recreation Department in consultation with the
Zoological Society of Florida.
I. Two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) to initiate design and
development for South Dade Cultural Arts Facility:
J. Four million dollars ($4,000,000) for continued development of an
education complex at Fairchild Tropical Garden, including new construction and bringing existing
structures up to ADA and County building code requirements in accordance with approved
Fairchild Tropical Garden master plan to be implemented by its Board of Trustees in partnership
with the County Park and Recreation Department.
K. Four million dollars ($4,000,000) for natural areas and for in -holding
acquisition at the existing parks:
a.Two million dollars ($2,000,000) for Charles Deering Estates Outparcels.
b. Six hundred thousand dollars (5600,000) for East Greynolds/Oleta River
c.Five hundred thousand dollars (5500,000) for Camp Owaissa Bauer
d.Five hundred thousand dollars (5500,000) for PLANT additions.
e.Four hundred thousand dollars (5400,000) for Redland Fruit & Spice
Park outparceis.
L. Three inilIion dollars (53,000,000) to renovate and repair youth camp
grounds, install irrigation, rehabilitate entry feature, install picnic shelters, and complete
engineering on swimming hole restoration at Greynolds Park.
M. Eight hundred thousand dollars (5800,040) for the initial acquisition,'
design and development of an Hispanic Heritage Cultural Arts Facility.
N. Four minion doilz a (S4,040,000) for the acquisition, planning, design and
development of the former Parrot Jungle pro if made available for acquisition, to be
P, gl P per
implemented by "the County Park and Recreation Department or the County Park and Recreation
Department in joint partnership with the Village of Pinecrest pursuant to interlocal agreemetrt. =. .
O. One million eight -hundred thousand dollars (S 1, 800,000) for the
implementation of the adopted South Dade Greenways Plan. .
P. Two mullion dollars (S2,000,000) for the expansion and development of a'
watersports center at the historic Virrick Gym site, with special emphasis on serving disabled
The following park projects promote juvenile crime prevention:
Q. Six million dollars (55,000,000) for further park development with soccer
fields, softball complex, a large recreation center and swimming beach at`Amelia Earhart Park:
R. Three million dollars ($3,000,000) to initiate regional park development,
including youth and .adult athletic facilities at Ives .Estates Park.
S. Two million dollars (S2,000,000) to renovate and upgrade group cabins
and lodge wtehen_and swinuning pool for youth groups at Camp Owaissa Bauer Park.
T Three muton dollars (S3,000.00.0 for development of a Youth Education
and Sports Facility in 64 CarohCrty