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Exhibit 8
2005 Specified/Per Capita EXHIBIT Miami Construct new splash park. d citlzerlg I ocrerssght committee safe r2eighborhood°). parkg DISTRICT F�3 African Square Splash Park Fiscal Year BUDGET ITEMS rr 20—�05-200088-1 PLANNING DESIGN—� PROJECT ADMINISTRATION L� PRE -AGREEMENT SOFT COSTS LAND/BLDG ACQUISITION CONSTRUCTION Construct new splash park (partial) 100,564 TOT.-A'1�''ONSTP.!_I'TION 1�n GFa ART ALLOWANCE (Miami -Dade Only) FIXTURES, FURNITURE, EQUIPMENT OTHER COSTS EXPENDITURE TOTALS 100,564 Remarks Z-391-05; Minutes of 9/14/04. 2005 Specified/Per Capita EXHIBIT � cstasens' oversight cnrnrnittee Sc3�e O neighborhood. - L DISTRICT Miami [Athalle Range Poo( Renovations Bathroom/dressing room renovation and pool equipment. Fiscal Year BUDGET ITEMS 2005-2008 PLANNING 7 DESIGN -7 PROJECT ADMINISTRATION 1 5,000 PRE -AGREEMENT SOFT COSTS LAND/BLDG ACQUISITION CONSTRUCTION Stall Partitions 1 10,000 Floor Re -surfacing 10,000 Lighting Upgrades-(Lnterior & Exterior) 11,000 Shower Improvements 4,000 Entry Gates 3,000 Painting (Interior & Exterior) 9,000 Filter Tank & Pump Valves 29,100 Janitor Closet x�--3,0--0011 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION l� 79,100 ART ALLOWANCE (Miami -Dade Only) FIXTURES, FURNITURE, EQUIPMENT u OTHER COSTS Lockers 20,000 Heater 60,000 EXPENDITURE TOTALS 1 164,100 Remarks R-391-05; Minutes of 9/14/04. 2005 Specified/Per capita EXHIBIT L�1 Miami Recreation building upgrades. CS$TBe qI OYeI'Slg}st COIruz71tt2B safe c neighborhoodb. park Athalie Range Park Remarks DISTRICTE� R-391-05; Minutes of 9114104. FF&E approved with application: Counterfshelving. Fiscal Year BUDGET ITEMS 2005-2008 PLANNING r+� DESIGN L� PROJECT ADMINISTRATION 4,000 PRE -AGREEMENT SOFT COSTS 0 LAND/BLDG ACQUISITION O CONSTRUCTION Flooring 20,000 Painting 10,000 Lighting Upgrade 15,000 0 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 45,000 ART ALLOWANCE (Miami -Dade Only) I FIXTURES, FURNITURE, EQUIPMENT 8,007 OTHER COSTS EXPENDITURE TOTALS 0 57,007 Remarks DISTRICTE� R-391-05; Minutes of 9114104. FF&E approved with application: Counterfshelving. 2005 Specified/Per Capita EXHIBIT L� tcitieens' oversight committee safe neighborbood o parte Miami `ICurtis Park Purchase and install playground and vita course equipment. EXPENDITURE TOTALS 1 56,148 Remarks R-391-05; Minutes of 9/14/04. DISTRICT 7 Fiscal Year BUDGET ITEMS 2005-2008 PLANNING DESIGN PROJECT ADMINISTRATION PRE -AGREEMENT SOFT COSTS L� LAND/BLDG ACQUISITION L__J CONSTRUCTION Vita Course (10 Stations) 25,000 Playground with Rubber Surface 31,148 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 0 0 56,148 ART ALLOWANCE (Miarni-Dade Only) FIXTURES, FURNITURE, EQUIPMENT OTHER COSTS C� EXPENDITURE TOTALS 1 56,148 Remarks R-391-05; Minutes of 9/14/04. DISTRICT 7