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III.2. Traffic Impact Analysis
F MUTA - U17.0 t-UMr-UMI-1 1 I Ul`i December 01, 2008 r r1r1 INIJ. - Z:'-)'4 f • )71 ( 03 LJclu. Jl _UV -10 V -14 -10r -ll 10r -ll r Ms. Lilia I. Medina, AICP Assistant Transportation Coordinator City of Miami, Office of the City Manage r/Transportation 444 SW 2''" Avenue (101h Floor) Miami, Florida 33130 Re: Civica Medical Center MUSP Sufficiency Letter — Review # 009 [dear Ms. Medina; 'ilia Fax and US Mail Subsequent to our December 4, 2008 review comments for the subject project, we have received a response letter and a revised report from Richard Garcia and Associates Inc. (RGA) dated December 8, 2008, A copy of RGA's response letter is attached herewith, Atthis time, we conclude that the traffic, impact report meets all the traffic requirements and the study is found to be sufficient. Please nate the traffic study identifies following Transportation Control Measures (TCM) in recognition of utilizing the alternate modes of transportation and higher vehicle occupancy: 1. Car pooling; 2. Ridesharing into the site; 3. Providing bicycle racks. The development approval should be conditioned upon this TCM plan being implemented to recognize the credits given towards the transportation concurrency management, previously we had recommended accommodating a northbound right -turn lane with sufficient storage to accommodate the heavy right -turn volume out of the project driveway at the intersection of NE 141h Street and NW 11th Avenue. The approval should be conditioned to implement the proposed lane configuration. Further, the applicant should coordinate with Miami -Dade County Traffic Signals Division to secure approval of the proposed turning movement phase addition to this traffic signal. Should you have any questions, please call Ms. Geysa Sosa or me at 954.739.1881. Sincerely UgS Corpt_�r 'oto oulthern Raj Sian► ugam, E. SeniQ Trari ear Attachnioot Cc., Mr, Antonio E. Perez, Planner ll, City of Mfarnl Planning (Fax: 305,418.-1443) URS Corperutlon Mr. Richard Geula, Richard Garcia & AS&oola e5 (Fax; 305-675.6474) 3343 West Co1»m8rcird Boulevard 5URO 100 Fort Laud44rdolo, 11 33807 red: 9 54.739,18bi Rix: 954.7,39,1789 t- NUM : UK.b WKI-UNH I IUN t HA NU. Dec. ,3l ZWJUd 4J4: 3�i1 'I'I IJ• CIVICA MEDICAL CM"I'tM MUSS TRAFFIC IMPACT S"('t1()Y 13117 NW 107flI Avenue, Unit 4, Hialeah Gardens, Florida 33018 Phone (3015) 595-75505 Fax W5) 675-6474 December 8, 2oo8 Rajendran Shati mugam, P1, Vice President / Branch Manager UEB Corporation Southern 3343 West Commercial Boulevard, Suite ion Fort Lauderdale, F1,3g,3oc) SUBJECT.- Civics Medical Center MUSP Traffic Study Revisions. Mr. Shanmugam: We have reviewed the comments offered by your office, dated. December 4,, •)oo8, for the referenced project and have revised our analysis accordingly. We hereby offer the following responses to addreus th.e comments made, 'We have enumerated them consistent with her paragraphed items (i. through 5) as follows: i. We agree that the subject project is located outside the Miami Downtown D)RT li.niits. As such, we have niodifled the pedestria.a trip reduction factor to reflect the 5 perecent (%) requested and have updated the trip generation calculations accordingly, b We have calculated the project internalization factor following the .Inethod.ology of Multi -Use Development Trip poileration and Internal Capture obtained from the ITE ':i'rip Generation IIandbook, 2nd Edition. As such, the results yielded 'a 2 percent (%) internalization, Moreover, the trip generation calculations were updated consistent with This finding. Appendix A contains the supporting documentation. . r 3. We have revised and modified our analyses consistent with,the proposed land uses: r 4. We apologize for the discrepaticy. We have revised the trip generation calculations and found p that this redevelopment will have 97 net Vehicles per hour (vph),entering and 484 vph exiting during the PM peak hour. . 5� We will coordinate with Mi.,awi-Dade County Traffic Signals and Signs Division as the project moves forward through the approval process. Furthermore, the updated analysis has 283 northbound right -turns. Based on the geometry, the signal has to run split phase. Therefore, the three (3) proposed lanes can be designed as a left, left-thru-right andan exclu,91ve right turn lanc. As such, the resulting 95th percentile queue length will be 49 feet for the exclusive rigb.t torn lane 1 which is • appropriate with the current design. Appendix H contains the supporting documentation. The attached updated report includes the revisioijs listed above and any subsequealt modifications. Should you have any questions do not hesitate to call ine. 10 011nh^.a CnrNtn.A aaenrInhaic lnr� t- KUN : UKb L_Uh•:I UKH I IUN rH,; NU. Dec. 31 2L'U'd U4:6b[1(1l [ 4 Gem Scisa/FtLouderdale/URSCorp To "Richard Garcia" 4rgarda(gDrgatraff1c.com>, 12/04/2008 09;48 AM LIIIaMedinaOmianiiguv.corn cc R4i Shanmugam/FtLnuderdalelURScorp a@URSCORP bcc Sutaject 0:ivica Medlcel Center Reviow Cc)mments Richard, As per our phone discussion, the following issues need to be addressed: a This project is located outside the Miami Downtown DRI limits. A trip reduction factor of 5% to account for pedestrian use is applicable to this project; The internalization reduction of 10% appears to be high. Please revise ITE Rates for internalization based on the land use intensities for this development, a ' The site plan development table does not reflect the sarne intensities for the land uses described in the traffic study. Please revise the site plan/traffic study report to be compatible; + Revise trip generation calculations, the total net new trips after reductions for vehicle occupancy, transit, bicycle and pedestrian use are subtracted appears to be incorrect; 0 The intersection of NE 14"' Street and NW11th Street is currently' a 3 -leg intersection that provides access for eastbound, westbound and southbound traffic movement. According to the traffic study, this intersection is proposed to be converted to a four -leg intersection adding a south leg that will provide access to northbound traffic exiting the proposed development. The applicant needs to coordinate with pertaining agencies to Secure appropriate approval as this project goes through the review process Note that the proposed development is adding 186 northbound right -turns on this Approach. We recommend providing 1, northbound right -turn lane with adequate storage to accommodate the proposed northbound right turning volume form this development. If you helve any questions do not hesitate to contact us. Regards, Gem Y. SQSa, P.C. Traffic Engineer URS CQrporation- 3343 West Commercial Blvd., Sulte 100 Ft Lauderdale, FL 33300 Phone: (964) 739-1881 x. 234 pireot: (954) 67d-2608 Fax: (954) 739-1789 gey�a�scsatarsGQt-p.��m www,urscorp.com . This unroll and any attachments are confidential, If you recolve this message in error or are not the Intended reclplent, you should not reWln, distribute, disclose or use iany of this information and YOU should destroy the a -mall and any attachments or copies. 12/o8/2oo8 ----- -- ---- ------ -- .. Civica Medical Center (Previously Civica Towers) Major Use Special Permit Traffic Impact Study (Revised with response to comments) 105o N. W. 14th Street Miami, Florida KA RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. (-- 1 CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP r 13117 NW 107th Avenue, Unit 4 Hialeah Gardens, Florida 33o18 Phone (305) 595-7505 Fax (305) 675-6474 December 8, 2oo8 Rajendran Shanmugam, P.E. Vice President / Branch Manager URS Corporation Southern 3343 West Commercial Boulevard, Suite loo Fort Lauderdale, F133309 SUBJECT. Civica Medical Center MUSP Traffic Study Revisions. Mr. Shanmugam: TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY We have reviewed the comments offered by your office, dated December 4, 2oo8, for the referenced project and have revised our analysis accordingly. We hereby offer the following responses to address the comments made. We have enumerated them consistent with her paragraphed items (1 through 5) as follows: 1. We agree that the subject project is located outside the Miami Downtown DRI limits. As such, we have modified the pedestrian trip reduction factor to reflect the 5 perecent (%) requested and have updated the trip generation calculations accordingly. 2. We have calculated the project internalization factor following the methodology of Multi -Use Development Trip Generation and Internal Capture obtained from the ITE Trip Generation Handbook, 2nd Edition. As such, the results yielded a 2 percent (%) internalization. Moreover, the trip generation calculations were updated consistent with this finding. Appendix A contains the supporting documentation. 3. We have revised and modified our analyses consistent with the proposed land uses. 4. We apologize for the discrepancy. We have revised the trip generation calculations and found that this redevelopment will have 97 net vehicles per hour (vph) entering and 484 vph exiting during the PM peak hour. 5. We will coordinate with Miami -Dade County Traffic Signals and Signs Division as the project moves forward through the approval process. Furthermore, the updated analysis has 233 northbound right -turns. Based on the geometry, the signal has to run split phase. Therefore, the three (3) proposed lanes can be designed as a left, left-thru-right and an exclusive right turn lane. As such, the resulting 95th percentile queue length will be 49 feet for the exclusive right turn lane which is appropriate with the current design. Appendix H contains the supporting documentation. The attached updated report includes the revisions listed above and any subsequent modifications. Should you have any questions do not hesitate to call me. 1• Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY I, Richard Garcia, P.E. # 54886, certify that I currently hold an active Professional Engineers License in the State of Florida and am competent through education and experience to provide engineering services in the civil and traffic engineering disciplines contained in this report. In addition, the firm Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. holds a Certificate of Authorization # 9592 in the State of Florida. I further certify that this report was prepared by me or under my responsible charge as defined in Chapter 61G15- 18.001 F.A.C. and that all statements, conclusions and recommendations made herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and ability. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROJECT LOCATION: Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. Civica Medical Center MUSP- Traffic Impact Study 1050 NW 14th Street Miami, Florida I �/ � 6X /° Florida Registration No, 54886 M Date 2 • CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Table of Content Executive Summary............................................................................................................. 5 Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 7 ProjectDescription / Location....................................................................................................................... 8 Existing Condition..............................................................................................................lo DataCollection............................................................................................................................................. 10 TrafficCounts............................................................................................................................................ 10 Geometry..................................................................................................................................................... ii Signalization...............................................................................................................................................12 LOS(Level of Service)...................................................................................................................................14 IntersectionAnalysis..................................................................................................................................14 ArterialAnalysis.........................................................................................................................................14 Project Traffic..................................................................................................................... y5 TripGeneration.............................................................................................................................................15 TripDistribution............................................................................................................................................16 TrafficAssignment........................................................................................................................................17 SiteTraffic..................................................................................................................................................... 18 Proposed Conditions (2011)................................................................................................19 BackgroundGrowth......................................................................................................................................19 PlannedRoadway Improvements................................................................................................................20 Capital Improvements and Transportation................................................................................................ 20 TransportationControl Measures Plan (TCMP)........................................................................................20 Intersection Level of Service Analysis......................................................................................................... 20 Corridor Level of Service Analysis............................................................................................................... 22 Conclusion......................................................................................................................... 23 Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. 3• CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY List of Figures .. r.....ir{plf{ffr: f{f.4. f. tf.:'. «..:: [:.rfJU. F':a. r. rf.4e..::rRf 1.1...:4 f+i.....G4{F•G: F{fA£ "{.rif:'di'f.{:{�:.'r'f.':':•:'"fti4...r.......«.....r....i7f:4:.:f.{^�F:'r'.iar.•ri'fi%2:2:rrX.t F'Yd'fr{rfff+ Figureis Location Map....................................................................................................................................... 8 Figure2: Site Plan............................................................................................................................................... 9 Figure3: Existing PM Peak Hour TMC's (2008).............................................................................................11 Figure4: Existing Lane Geometry....................................................................................................................12 Figure5: TAZ Map.............................................................................................................................................16 Figure6: PM Peak Site Traffic.......................................................................................................................... 18 Figure7: Growth Trend Chart (Station #: 1146)..............................................................................................19 Figure8: Proposed PM Peak Hour TMC's (2011)............................................................................................21 List of Tables ff.� Cf:Sa.'S'f1 fX::..44f...fr:.fa:ff. 1tff.'f[..if'.ff.1f.:^.T.t?x::5'f::':':14"ff4i�:i4Ef.1F{q.ffffffE....a.lfaxfffF.4lFfi:f�fffffrff.::+l�aafi .`.'ffffft <':fffirffffff.Fifa..:.aff{ _g��ff1�1 :; Table1: Intersection Level of Service Summary............................................................................................... 5 Table 2: PM Person Trip Corridor Analysis Summary (One -Way Analysis) ................................................... 6 Table 3: Existing PM Peak Hour Volume (Arterial)........................................................................................ 10 Table4: PM Existing Level of Service (LOS)....................................................................................................14 Table5: PM Existing Level of Service (Arterial)..............................................................................................14 Table6: PM Trip Generation Summary............................................................................................................15 Table7: Cardinal Distribution...........................................................................................................................17 Table8: PM Peak Hour Traffic Assignments...................................................................................................17 Table 9: PM Proposed Level of Service (LOS)..................................................................................................21 Table io: PM Person Trip Corridor Analysis Summary (One -Way Analysis) ............................................... 22 Appendices F}:11n:6 Appendix A: Trip Generation Appendix B: Trip Distribution Appendix C: Signal Timing, Growth Rate & Adjustment Factors Appendix D: Traffic Counts (TMC's & ATR) Appendix E: Committed Developments & Programmed Improvements Appendix F: Transit Appendix G: Corridor Analysis (Person Trip) Appendix H: Intersection & Driveway 4• Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. t I CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Executive Summary The subject project is located at 105o NW 14th Street in the City of Miami, Florida. The subject redevelopment is comprised of 468,484 square "feet (SF) of General Office, 83,532 SF of Medical -Dental Office and 19,915 SF of Specialty Retail. The site is currently occupied with 22o rooms of Hotel. The Trip Generation calculations of this project revealed there will be 97 net vehicle trips per hour (vph) entering and 484 vph exiting during the PM peak hour when the appropriate trip reductions are applied. In comparison, the previous study performed on June 16, 2oo6 for the Civica Towers indicated 265 vph entering and 615 vph exiting during the PM peak hour. As such, the current proposed project will generate 299 less trips during the PM peak hour, or 34 percent (%) less trips, which will have a considerable less traffic impact on the adjacent roadways. Table 6 on page 14 of this report depicts the trip generation results. Additionally, these peak hour trips correspond to the adjacent street peak hour. Moreover, the subject project is located in TAZ 488. Using the MUATS cardinal distribution from the Miami -Dade Transportation Plan the project traffic was assigned to the surrounding roadway and intersections. Intersection traffic counts were collected, averaged and adjusted for peak seasonal conditions and used in the existing intersection analysis. A background growth of 1.64 percent with a 3 year build -out was utilized to approximate future traffic trends. In addition, the committed traffic from the City of Miami was included in the analysis. Lastly, these analyses were performed for the PM Peak hour. The following table summarizes the results found. This analysis was performed using the Synchro/SimTraffic traffic model to determine the existing and proposed Level of Service conditions. The intersection analysis revealed the following results: Table 1: Intersection Level of Service Summary Intersection Existing PM Peak (2008) Proposed PM Peak (2011) Proposed PM Peak (2011) Optimized Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS NW 14th St & NW 7th Ave NW 14th St & NW 10th Ave NW 14th St & NW 11th Ave NW 14th St & NW 12th Ave 21.4 C 91.6 F 29.4 C 51.3 D 50.1 D 33.9 C 12.7 B 63.2 E 28.0 C 36.3 D 61.0 E 37.1 D Furthermore, a corridor analysis was performed following the City of Miami's Person Trip Methodology. The results of this analysis find that all the link level of service thresholds are maintained within the LOS standard of E with the Person -Trip methodology. Moreover, the results of the corridor analysis reveal that all levels of service thresholds will be at LOS C for the PM peak. Therefore, since sufficient roadway capacity exists within this project, the person -trip Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. 5• 1 CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY transit mode analysis was not determined. Tables 2 summarizes the results while Appendix G contains t— the spreadsheet utilized to compute the seasonally adjusted existing condition, the future year (i.e. 2011) background condition, the background and committed condition and finally, the proposed condition containing the cumulative effects. Furthermore, we have contacted the City staff as well as the City's traffic consultant to obtain the committed development surrounding the subject project. Appendix E includes the necessary supporting information. Table 2: PM Person Trip Corridor Analysis Summary (One -Way Analysis) In conclusion, the results of the analysis contained in this report finds that the levels of service thresholds are maintained within the LOS standard of E for the Person -Trip methodology for the roadway segment. Additionally, all the intersections analyzed have acceptable Level of Service. The results indicated the intersections analyzed will be within the LOS standard of E threshold. As such, sufficient roadway person -trip capacity exists to support this redevelopment. Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. 6• ROADWAY MODE ROADWAY DIR MIAMI ADOPTED LOS CORRIDOR TYPE ROADWAY VEHICULAR CAPACITY PERSON- PERSON- EXCESS TRIP ROADWAY TRIP PERSON CAPACITY VEHICULAR VOLUME TRIP Q 1.6 PPV VOLUME 1.4 PPV CAPACITY ROADWAY PERSON TRIP FROM TO V/C LOS As1 EXISTING CONDITION Seasonal) d u NW 12th Ave SR 836 NW 20 ST NB E 2LD-Class II 1800 2880 1322 1851 1029 0.64 C NW 20 ST SR 836 SB E 2LD-Class II 1800 2880 1323 1852 1028 0.64 C NW 14th St NW 7AVE NW 14 AVE EB E 2LD-Non State 1 1720 2752 744 1 1041 1711 0.38 C NW 14 AVE NW 7AVE WB E 2LD-Non State 1 1720 2752 647 1 906 1846 0.33 C WITH BACKGROUND TRAFFIC 2011 NW 12th Ave SR 836 NW 20 ST NB E 2LD-Class II 1800 2880 1389 1944 936 0.67 C NW 20 ST SR 836 SB E 2LD-Class II 1800 2880 1 1389 1 1945 1 935 1 0.68 C NW 14th St NW 7 AVE NW 14 AVE EB E I 2LD-Non State 1720 1 2752 1 781 1 1093 1 1659 1 0.40 C NW 14 AVE NW 7 AVE WB I E I 2LD-Non State 1720 1 2752 1 680 1 952 1 1800 1 0.35 C WITH BACKGROUND B COMMITTED TRAFFIC NW 12th Ave SR 836 NW 20 STI NB I E I 2LD-Class II 1 1800 1 2880 1 1389 1 1944 1 936 1 0.67 C NW 20 ST SR 8361 SB E I 2LD-Class II 1 1800 1 2880 1 1389 1 1945 935 0.68 C NW 14th St I NW 7AVE NW 14 AVEJ EB I E I 2LD-Non State 1 1720 1 2752 1 781 1 1093 1659 0.40 C NW 14 AVE NW 7 AVEJ WB I E I 2LD-Non State 1 1720 1 2752 1 680 1 952 1 1800 1 0.35 C WITH PROJECT AND BACKGROUND & COMMITTED TRAFFIC NW 12th Ave SR 836 NW 20 ST NB E 2LD-Class 11 1800 2880 1466 2052 1 828 0.71 C NW 20 ST SR 836 SB E 2LD-Class 11 1800 2880 1462 2047 1 833 0.71 C NW 14th St NW 7 AVE NW 14 AVE EB E 2LD-Non State 1720 2752 1065 1491 1261 0.54 C NW 14 AVE NW7AVE WB E I 2LD-Non Slate 1720 2752 977 1367 1 1385 0.50 C In conclusion, the results of the analysis contained in this report finds that the levels of service thresholds are maintained within the LOS standard of E for the Person -Trip methodology for the roadway segment. Additionally, all the intersections analyzed have acceptable Level of Service. The results indicated the intersections analyzed will be within the LOS standard of E threshold. As such, sufficient roadway person -trip capacity exists to support this redevelopment. Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. 6• CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Introduction The purpose of this study is to evaluate the associated traffic impacts with the proposed redevelopment of the site located at 105o NW 14th Street in the City of Miami, Florida. This project was previously approved as the "Civica Towers" MUSP. This report follows the methodology for a Major Use Special Permit (MUSP) utilized in the City of Miami. The traffic impacts to the adjacent roadways were evaluated as well as the intersections at NW 14th Street/NW 7th Avenue (US-441/SR 7), NW 14th Street/NW loth Avenue, NW 14th Street/NW lith Avenue, NW 14th Street/NW 12tH Avenue (SR 933) and site driveways. These intersections were the most affected by this project. This analysis was performed for the existing and proposed conditions during the PM Peak Hour. This report follows the methodologies adopted by the City of Miami's Person -Trip Analysis and conforms to the Institute of Transportation Engineer's (ITE) Trip Generation, and Traffic Impact Studies Manual. Lastly, this report has evaluated the following: ♦ Trip Generation ♦ Traffic Distribution ♦ Traffic Assignment ♦ Traffic Counts ♦ Existing Level of Service ♦ Proposed Level of Service ♦ Recommendations 7• Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. i t � CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Project Description / Location The subject project is located on the south side of NW 14th Street between NW loth Avenue and NW lith Avenue in the City of Miami, Florida. The following land use, as identified by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), most closely resembles the proposed redevelopment. These land uses are as follows: • Land Use 710: General Office Building with 466,985 Square Feet (SF) • Land Use 720: Medical -Dental Office with 81,527 SF • Land Use 814: Specialty Retail with 19,928 SF Figure 1 depicts the site's location map, while Figure 2 is the proposed site plan. Figure 1: Location Map RE Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Figure 2: Site Plan Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. 9• CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Existing Condition The existing conditions analysis identifies conditions of the current operational and geometric characteristics of the roadways within the study area. The purpose of this section is to provide a basis of comparison to future conditions. Data Collection Manual Turning Movement Counts (TMC's) were taken at the nearby intersections identified below. These counts were done during the PM peak hour of 4:00 PM to 6:0o PM. The Turning Moving Counts (TMC's) were collected on Tuesday May 26th 2Oo8 and Thursday July 24, 2Oo8. Moreover, these counts were adjusted for peak seasonal variations by utilizing the 2007 Florida Department of Transportation Peak Season Correctional Factor (PSCF) of l.ol. Furthermore, these intersections would be the most impacted due to their close proximity to the subject location. Traffic Counts and operational characteristics were gathered at the following four (4) intersections: o NW 14th Street £t NW 71h Avenue/US-441/SR 7 o NW 14th Street ft NW 1 oth Avenue o NW 14th Street £t NW 11th Avenue o NW 14th Street £t NW 12th Avenue/SR 933 Traffic Counts For the purposes of the corridor analysis, 48-hour Automatic Traffic Recorder (ATR) counts were taken on Tuesday August 13th through Wednesday August 13th, 2008, for NW 14th Street (East of NW 12th Avenue) and NW 12th Avenue/SR 933 (South of NW 14th Street). These counts were averaged, adjusted for peak seasonal conditions by utilizing the 2007 Florida Department of Transportation Peak Seasonal Correction Factor (PSCF) and Axle Correction Factors (ACF) of l.ol and o,98, respectively. Table 3 depicts the results of the seasonally adjusted existing PM Peak hour traffic volume. These calculations are included in Appendix G. Table 3: Existing PM Peak Hour Volume (Arterial) Link ROADWAY PM PEAK HOUR DIR VOLUME NAME AT Existing Condition (Seasonally, Adjusted) 1 NW 12th Avenue South of NW 14th Street NB 1,322 SB 1,323 LINK 2,645 2 NW 14th Street East of NW 12th Avenue EB 744 WB 647 LINK 1,391 10• Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Figure 3 is a graphical representation of the existing PM TMC's that have been seasonally adjusted for peak annual conditions. Figure 3: Existing PM Peak Hour TMC's (2008) Geometry ♦ NW 7th Avenue/US-441/SR 7 NW 7th Avenue is a four lanes divided state road. It provides connectivity in the north -south direction. On -street parking is not permitted. ♦ NW loth Avenue NW loth Avenue is a four lane undivided non -state road. It provides connectivity in the north- south direction. On -street parking is not permitted. ♦ NW 11th Avenue NW filth Avenue is a two lane divided non -state road. It provides connectivity in the north - south direction. On -street parking is not permitted. ♦ NW 12th Avenue/SR 933 NW 12th Avenue is a four lane divided state road. It provides connectivity in the north -south direction. On -street parking is not permitted, however bus routes/stops do exist within this corridor. ♦ NW 14th Street NW 14th Street is a four lane divided non -state road. It provides connectivity in the east -west direction. On -street parking is not permitted, however bus stop do exist. Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. 11• r -1 CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Existing Lane Geometry i The existing approach lane geometry is depicted in Figure 4 below. This figure also depicts the Synchro Model used to perform the existing intersection analysis. This model was created using an aerial photograph of the subject site and surrounding area. As such, it is a geometrically accurate depiction of the existing conditions. Figure 4: Existing Lane Geometry Signalization NW 7" Avenue/US-441/SR 7 & NW 14t" Street " The existing signal timing was obtained from Miami -Dade County Signals and Signs Division. The existing PM Peak hour condition has a 90 second cycle length. The PM Peak hour Signal Operating Plan (SOP) consists of a two-phase operation. The first phase provides east -west movement. This phase has 29 seconds of green indication followed by 4 seconds of yellow and no all red. The second phase is the north -south movement. This phase has 53 seconds of green indication followed by 4 seconds of yellow and no all red. This is further documented in the Timing/Factors tab as Asset ID 2375• C. NW 10th Avenue & NW 101 Street The existing signal timing was obtained from Miami -Dade County Signals and Signs Division. The existing PM Peak hour condition has a 140 second cycle length. The PM Peak hour Signal Operating Plan (SOP) consists of a four-phase operation with a pedestrian phase. The first phase provides a protected east -west left turn movement. This phase has 10 seconds of green indication followed by 3 seconds of yellow and no all red. The second phase is the east -west through movement with permissive left turns. This phase has 71 seconds of green indication followed by 4 seconds of yellow and 1 second of all red. The third phase is the pedestrian phase which will only occur when there is a pedestrian activation (i.e. actuation/call). The fourth phase is the north -south protected left turn movement. This phase has 8 seconds of green indication followed by 3 seconds of yellow and no all red. Lastly, the fifth phase provides the north -south through movement which also allows permissive left turns. This phase has 18 seconds of green indication followed by 4 seconds of yellow and 1 second of all red. This is further documented in the Timing/Factors tab as Asset ID 2376. 12 • Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. I CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY r -' NW 11th Avenue & NW 14t" Street The existing signal timing was obtained from Miami -Dade County Signals and Signs Division. The existing PM Peak hour condition has a ioo second cycle length. The PM Peak hour Signal Operating Plan (SOP) consists of a three-phase operation. The first phase provides east left turn movement. This phase has 6 seconds of green indication followed by 3 seconds of yellow and no all red. The second phase is the east -west through movement. This phase has 53 seconds of green indication followed by 4 seconds of yellow and 2 seconds of all red. The third phase is the south movement. This phase has 27 seconds of green indication followed by 4 seconds of yellow and i second of all red. This is further documented in the Timing/Factors tab as Asset ID 6729. NW 10"' Avenue & NW 14th Street The existing signal timing was obtained from Miami -Dade County Signals and Signs Division. The existing PM Peak hour condition has a 140 second cycle length. The PM Peak hour Signal Operating Plan (SOP) consists of a four-phase operation. The first phase provides a protected north -south left turn movement. This phase has 18 seconds of green indication followed by 4 seconds of yellow and no all red. The second phase is the north -south through movement with permissive left turns. This phase has 65 seconds of green indication followed by 4 seconds of yellow and i second of all red. The third phase is protected east -west left turn movement. This phase has 12 seconds of green indication followed by 3 seconds of yellow and no all red. The fourth phase is the east -west through movement with permissive left turns. This phase has 27 seconds of green indication followed by 4 seconds of yellow and 2 seconds of all red. This is further documented in the Timing/Factors tab as Asset ID 2377. 130 Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. r-, CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP r I I-- LOS (Level of Service) Intersection Analysis TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Using the above TMC data, intersection Level of Service (LOS) analyses were performed for the peak seasonal existing condition at the four intersections previously described using the Synchro/SimTraffic software. The analyses were performed using the 20oo Highway Capacity Manual methodology for the PM peak condition. Table 4 provides a summary of the results while Appendix H provides the program output. Table 4: PM Existing Level of Service (LOS) Intersection Existing PM Peak (2008) Delay LOS NW 14th St & NW 7th Ave NW 14th St & NW 10th Ave NW 14th St & NW 11th Ave NW 14th St & NW 12th Ave 21.4 C 51.3 D 12.7 B 36.3 D Arterial Analysis Following the City of Miami's adopted person trip methodology, the existing condition arterial analysis was performed for the PM peak hour. This methodology is further detailed in the Corridor Level of Service Analysis section of this report. The results of the analysis reveal that the existing arterial LOS yielded at C. The supporting documentation is included in Appendix G. Table 5 depicts the existing arterial LOS results. Table 5: PM Existing Level of Service (Arterial) Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. 14• ROADWAY MODE ROADWAY ROADWAY VEHICULAR CAPACITY PERSON- TRIP CAPACITY 1.6 PPV ROADWAY VEHICULAR VOLUME PERSON- TRIP VOLUME 1.4 PPV EXCESS PERSON TRIP CAPACITY ROADWAY PERSON TRIP FROM TO DIR V/C LOS EXISTING CONDITION(Seasonally Adjusted) NW 12th Ave SR 836 NW 20 ST NB 1800 2880 1322 1851 1029 0.64 C NW 20 ST SR 836 SB 1800 2880 1323 1852 1028 0.64 C NW 14th St NW 7 AVE NW 14 AVE EB 1720 2752 744 1041 1711 0.38 C NW 14 AVE NW 7AVE WB 1720 2752 647 906 1846 0.33 C Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. 14• t-- 1 CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Project Traffic This section of the report will cover the project traffic for the existing and proposed land uses. In addition to calculating the trip generation, site traffic internalization as well as vehicle occupancy and transit reduction factors were utilized to determine the future project traffic in the subsequent sections. Trip Generation The trip generation characteristics for the subject project were obtained from ITE's Trip Generation Manual, 7th Ed. ITE's Land Use (LU) 710: General Office Building, LU 720: Medical -Dental Office and LU 814: Specialty Retail were used to determine the trip generation rates for the proposed redevelopment. The Trip Generation calculation results of the proposed development reveals there will be 581 net vehicles trips (vph) during the PM peak hour. These peak hour trips were adjusted by the project's internalization and adjustment factors discussed and agreed with City's consultant. The project internalization trips were calculated following the methodology of Multi -Use Development Trip Generation and Internal Capture obtained from the ITE Trip Generation Handbook, 2nd Edition. This methodology estimate an internal capture rate between each pair of land uses within a multi -use development. The results obtained indicate that 2 percent (%) internalization will occur during the PM peak hour. The supporting documentation is included in Appendix A. In comparison, the previous study performed on June 16, 2oo6 for the Civica Towers indicated 265 vph entering and 615 vph exiting during the PM peak hour. As such, the current proposed project will generate 299 less trips during the PM peak hour, or 34 percent (%) less trips, which will have a considerable less traffic impact on the adjacent roadways. Table 6 below summarizes the greatest traffic impact associated with the subject redevelopment, which occurs during the PM peak hour(s). Table 6: PM Trip Generation Summary Land Use LU Units ITE LU CODE PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS Previous Approved MUSP TOTAL Percent Change ITE TRIP GENERATION RATE IN OUT TOTAL Trips Trips TRIPS TRIPS EXISTING USE Hotel PROPOSED USE General Office Medical -Dental Office Speclalty Retail 220 Rooms 466,985 SF 81,527 SF 19,928 SF 310 710 720 814 0.59 1.49 3.72 2.71 68 62 117 579 82 222 24 1 30 130 696 303 1 54 Site Trip Generation 154 770 924 1655 -44% Project Internalization @Ll 2.0% Of Site Trips 3 15 18 Gross Vehicle Trips (Site Trips - Internalization Trips) 1 151 755 1 906 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment 16.0% Of Gross Tris 24 121 145 Transit Trip Reduction 14.9% Of Gross Tris 22 112 134 Pedestrian/131c cie Trig Reduction 5.0% Of Gross Tris 8 38 46 Net Vehicle Tris 97 484 581 880 34% NOTES: Trip Generation from ITE 7th ED. Adjustment factors wore applied as discussed and agreed with City's consultant. Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. 15 • CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Trip Distribution The Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) for the subject redevelopment is TAZ 488 as assigned by the Metropolitan Planning Organization's (MPO). The County's TAZ are included in Appendix B. The County's TAZ map was obtained using the available GIS (Graphical Information System). Figure 5 depicts the TAZ map and the current Miami Urban Area Transportation Study (MUATS) for the study area and site, while Table 7 is the corresponding directional traffic distribution for this TAZ. Appendix B includes a TAZ Map and the corresponding Directional Distribution Summary for this zone utilizing the 2005 Cost Feasible Plan. Figure 5: TAZ Map 1�H �.-- 19T -H_ -- -- - -- i I { D 1481 47 , --- --X 1 >. 479 -486 462, . 1 476 ' -- 13TH - — ______ _ 1— , 15TH 1 T -,—, --- — t � 480 Project site - f { ___--13TH 111 RII- -�.. 4 7 i•,.i �� 1 1�TH L- 491 .12 i — —i488i i --� Y 8TH.. -9TH _"-_-1 75 � nR ----- $Hfil 1 4 9 i�7'1 TF{lll iZ5 i� $ -T-- N ..,1 4 — - GTL— —_ 16• Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP Table 7: Cardinal Distribution DIRECTION DISTRIBUTION % NNW 12.21 NNE 14.01 ENE 8.49 ESE 14.22 SSE 11.77 SSW 13.11 WSW 13.23 WNW 12.97 TOTAL 100.00 TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Traffic Assignment The peak hour trips from Tables 6 has been distributed and assigned to the existing adjacent roadways. As evident from trip generation calculations, the peak hour represents the worse case. Table 8 was developed to depict the PM Peak Hour Assignments. Table 8: PM Peak Hour Traffic Assignments 170 Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. PM Peak Trips. DIRECTION IN OUT Total NNW 12 59 71 NNE 14 68 82 ENE 8 41 49 ESE 14 69 83 SSE 11 57 68 SSW 13 63 76 WSW 13 64 77 WNW 12 63 75 TOTAL. 97 484 1 581 170 Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP Site Traffic TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY This redevelopment has three (3) proposed driveways to provide site access. Of these three driveways, two (2) will be utilized as entrance only and one (1) will function as exit only. The peak hour trips from Table 8 have been assigned to the adjacent intersections. Appendix B includes the ingress and egress traffic distribution with the corresponding assignments to the North, South, East and West for the AM and PM peak hour. Figure 6 depicts the PM site traffic assignments to the surrounding intersections. Figure 6: PM Peak Site Traffic +_ 64 13 <- 127 `> Ir 60 NW 14th 3trset Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. V 46 I�<- 46 < E- 22 OJT 110 11 60�, 18• a a a �* s r � +_ 64 13 <- 127 `> Ir 60 NW 14th 3trset Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. V 46 I�<- 46 < E- 22 OJT 110 11 60�, 18• CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Proposed Conditions (2011) The proposed condition includes background growth, committed development and site traffic. The existing traffic was grown with a background growth rate of 1.64 percent per year. This growth rate was obtained utilizing the 2007 historical traffic counts data from the Florida Department of Transportation. Lastly, this growth rate was compounded over a three (g) year period having a build -out year of 2o11. Background Growth Using the 2007 historical traffic counts data from the Florida Department of Transportation's Count Stations 1146 and 5012 two regression analyses were performed for the last ten (1o) years of available data. Out of the two count stations, the station 1146 was utilized since it yielded the most conservative growth rate. The results indicate a trend growth rate of 1.64 percent from 2oo8 to the design year of 2o11. As such, this growth rate was applied to the existing traffic counts to address background growth in the area. Figure 7 depicts the data graphically with its corresponding trend line. The count station data and analyses are included in Appendix C. Figure 7: Growth Trend Chart (Station #: 1146) Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. 19• r CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Planned Roadway Improvements The 2008 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) was reviewed for possible roadway improvements near the subject project. The Capacity, Safety and Other Improvements Map in addition to the Reconstruction, Rehabilitation and Resurfacing (RRR) Improvements Map were evaluated for improvements within a three year horizon. Ultimately, there are no planned roadway improvements that would affect the proposed project. Consequently, the proposed conditions were based on the existing roadway geometry. Capital Improvements and Transportation The Capital Improvements and Transportation projects in the City of Miami were reviewed to determine Possible roadway improvements in the vicinity of this project. As a result, there are no planned Capital Improvements that would affect the proposed project. The supporting documentation is included on Appendix E. Transportation Control Measures Plan (TCMP) The developer recognizes the need to minimize the single -occupant Auto -Trip Based mode of transportation. As such, every effort will be made to promote the use of various modes available to this site. Such strategies as carpooling, ridesharing, and bicycle racks will be considered in keeping with the City's effort to alleviate traffic congestion. Intersection Level of Service Analysis The four (4) intersections previously identified were augmented with the background growth, site traffic and committed developments. This forms the basis for the proposed future condition. Furthermore, we have contacted the City staff as well as the City's traffic consultant to obtain the committed development surrounding the subject project. The calculations for the specific movements at each intersection are contained in Appendix D as Table A3. Figure 8 contains the proposed PM peak hour condition with project traffic. Table 9 depicts the proposed PM peak hour level of service. Moreover, please note that the intersection of NW lith Avenue/NW 14th Street has been analyzed with a northbound leg since the proposed driveway (exit only) will form a regular four leg intersection. Accordingly, the signal timing has been modified to split phase for the north -south movement. 20 • Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. r- CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Figure 8: Proposed PM Peak Hour TMC's (2011) Table 9: PM Proposed Level of Service (LOS) Intersection Proposed PM Peak (2011) Proposed PM Peak (2011) Optimized Delay LOS Delay LOS NW 14th St & NW 7th Ave NW 14th St & NW 10th Ave NW 14th St & NW 11th Ave NW 14th St & NW 12th Ave 91.6 F 29.4 C 50.1 D 33.9 C 63.2 E 28.0 C 61.0 E 37.1 D Using the TMC's from figure 8 the approaching volumes were determined at the site driveways. The driveways volumes were determined by the trip distribution analysis according to the ingress and egress calculations from the trip generation. Appendix H contains the supporting documentation. 21 • Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY I Corridor Level of Service Analysis A corridor analysis was performed that follows the City of Miami's Person Trip Methodology. This methodology has been utilized in the City's Development of Regional Impact (DRI) — Increment II and has been accepted by both the FDOT and the South Florida Regional Planning Council. Lastly, this methodology is further detailed in the City's document: Transportation Corridors: Meeting) the I Challenge of Growth Management in Miami and states the following: 'An average of 1.4 persons -per -vehicle (PPV) has been accepted as the existing peak -period private passenger vehicle occupancy in Miami, and 1.6 PPV as the "practical capacity" of such vehicles. The results of the corridor analysis reveal that all levels of service thresholds will be at LOS C for the PM peak. Therefore, since sufficient roadway capacity exists within this project, the person -trip transit mode analysis was not determined. Table 10 summarizes the results while the Person Trip tab contains the spreadsheet utilized to compute the seasonally adjusted existing condition, the future year (i.e. 2011) background condition, the background and committed condition and finally, the proposed condition containing the cumulative effects. Lastly, Appendix G contains the supporting documentation. Table 10: PM Person Trip Corridor Analysis Summary (One -Way Analysis) 1 Based on Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan as adopted by the City Commission. I t 22 • l Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. ROADWAY MODE ROADWAY DIR MIAMI ADOPTED LOS CORRIDOR TYPE ROADWAY VEHICULAR CAPACITY PERSON- TRIP CAPACITY 1.6 PPV ROADWAY VEHICULAR VOLUME PERSON- EXCESS TRIP PERSON VOLUME TRIP 1.4 PPV CAPACITY ROADWAY PERSON TRIP FROM TO V/C LOS EXISTING CONDITION Seasonal) Ad usted NW 12th Ave SR 836 NW 20 ST NB E 2LD-Class 11 1800 2880 1322 1851 1029 0.64 C NW 20 ST SR 836 SB E 2LD-CIass .11 1800 2880 1323 1852 1028 0.64 C NW 14th St NW 7 AVE NW 14 AVE EB E 2LD-Non Slate 1720 2752 744 1041 1711 0.38 C NW 14 AVE 7 AVE WB E 2LD-Non Stale 1720 2752 647 906 1846 0.33 C -NW WITH BACKGROUND TRAFFIC 2011 NW 12th Ave SR 838 - NW 20 STI NB I E I 2LD-Class II 1 1800 2880 1369 1944 936 0.67 C NW 20 ST SR 8361 SB 1 E ab -Class II 1800 2880 1389 1 1945 935 -0.68 C NW 14th St NW 7AVE NW 14 AVEJ EB I E I 2LD-Non State 1 1720 1 2752 1 781 1093 1659 1 0.40 C NW 14 AVE NW 7 AVEI WB I E I 2LD-Non State 1 1720 1 2752 1 680 1 952 1800 1 0.35 C 11119 & 4RAFFIG �I., ,.,. NW 12th Ave SR 836 NW 20 ST NB E 2LD-Class II 1800 2880 1389 1944 936 0.67 C NW 20 ST SR 836 SB E 2LD-Class II 1800 2880 1389 1945 935 0.68 C NW 14th St 1 NW 7AVE NW 14 AVE EB E 2LD-Non State 1720 2752 781 1 1093 1659 0.40 C NW 14 AVE NW 7 AVE WB E 2LD-Non State 1720 2752 680 1 952 1800 0.35 C WITH PROJECT. AND BACKGROUND &-COMMITTED TRAFFIC] NW 12th Ave SR 836 NW 20 ST NB E 2LD-Class II 1800 2880 1466 2052 828 0.71 C NW 20 ST SR 836 SB E 2LD-Class II 1800 2880 1 1462 2047 833 0.71 C NW 14th St NW 7AVE 'NW 14AVE EB E 2LD-Non State 1720 2752 1 1065 1491 1261 0.54 C NW 14 AVE NW 7AVE W13 I E 2LD-Non State 1720 2752 1 977 1367 1385 0.50 C 1 Based on Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan as adopted by the City Commission. I t 22 • l Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. r� CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Conclusion The results of the analysis contained in this report finds that the levels of service thresholds are maintained within the LOS standard of E for the Person -Trip methodology for the roadway segment. Additionally, all the intersections analyzed have acceptable Level of Service. As such, sufficient roadway person -trip capacity exists to support this redevelopment. 230 Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP Appendix A: Trip Generation Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY 240 NOTES: Trip Generation from ITE 7th ED. Adjustment factors were applied as discussed and agreed with Citys consultant TABLE: Al Civica Medical Center MUSP Project Trip Generation & Comparison PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS Previous ITE ITE TRIP IN OUT Approved MUSP Percent LU GENERATION TOTAL TOTAL Change Land Use LU Units CODE RATE % Trips % Trips TRIPS TRIPS EXISTING USE Hotel 220 Rooms 310 0.59 53% 68 47% 62 130 T PROPOSED USE General Office 466,985 SF 710 1.49 17% 117 83% 579 696 Medical -Dental Office 81,527 SF 720 3.72 27% 82 73% 222 303 Specialty Retail 19,928 SF 814 2.71 44% 24 56% 30 54 Site Trip Generation 17% 154 83% 770 924 1655 -44% Project Internalization @ 2.0% Of Site Trips 17% 3 86% 15 18 Gross Vehicle Trips (Site Trips - Internalization Trips) 17% 151 83% 755 906 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment 16.0% Of Gross Tris 17% 24 83% 121 145 Transit Trip Reduction @ 14.9% Of Gross Tris 17% 22 84% 112 134 Pedestrian/Bicycle Trip Reduction @ 5.0% Of Gross Tris 16% 8 82% 38 46 -_ __: —•= Net Vehicle Tris 17% 97 83% 484 581 880 -34% Net Person Trips in Vehicles @ 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 17% 136 83% 678 813 Net Person Tris in Transit @ 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 17% 31 83% 157 189 Net Person Tri "s Vehicle and Transit Modes 17% 167 83% 835 1002 Net Person Trips (Walking/Bicycling) @ 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 17% 11 83%° 53 63 NOTES: Trip Generation from ITE 7th ED. Adjustment factors were applied as discussed and agreed with Citys consultant Analyst CV Date ' 4 -Dec -08 Civica Medical Center MUSP MULTI -USE DEVELOPMENT TRIP GENERATION AND INTERNAL CAPTURE SUMMARY LAND USE A Specialty Retail Exit to External 28 23 Enter from External 3% 1 Demand 0 Balan De ced 3 36 Demand ITE LU Code 814 Size 19,928 SF LAND USE B General Office Total Internal External ITE LU Code 710 1 23 Exit Size 466,985 SF 28 Exit to Extemal 54 3 51 % 574 5% Total Internal External Enter 117 3 114 al Exit 579 5 574 1141 Total 696 8 687 Enter from Extemal % 1 100% 1% 99% ITE LU Code 814 Size 19,928 SF LAND USE C Total Internal External Enter 24 1 23 Exit 30 2 28 Total 54 3 51 % 100% 5% 95% Demand Demand Demand 0 0 0 Balanced Balanced Balanced 23 % 133 131%1 25 Demand Demand Demand LAND USE C Medical -Dental Office Demand Balanced Demand Time Period PM Peak Hour 1% 6 F5 6% 5 Demand Balanced Demand ITE LU Code 720 Size 81,527 SF LAND USE C Total Internal External Enter 82 6 76 Exit 222 3 219 Total 303 8 295 % 100% 3% 97% LAND USE A LAND USE B LAND USE C TOTAL Enter 23 114 76 212 INTERNAL CAPTURE Exit 28 574 219 821 Total 51 687 295 1033 2% Single -Use Trip Gen. Est. 54 696 303 1053 Source: Trip Generation Handbook, 2nd Edition Chapter 7 page 109 Enter from External 76 Exit to to External -CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Appendix B: Trip Distribution 25 ! Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. �Im Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZ) N 19TH. 19TH 4TH 18TH .. 8TH 18TH 17TH _:. _ 481 j ... ED N E MAN 11 TH_ _ 6TH 16 _ 16T.1 _ _ 4!8 7 � �, s 493 479 °486 m 492 'VV,gMEO 476 13TH ^, 15TH .15TH �� 15TH 480 - .139 - 14TH -.. .: Project SitesR ..... ......,W. ..: - .......- .. 836 _-... op - _ 514 13THUNNAMED 13TH 4�, 7 _ 488 12TH 491, 12TH . z = - w 0 11T `. O p-011, 11TH - ,. .. 11TH .. 36 m .. ._.. Z478 9TH ¢ NoRTyR/��R 2 0 = (09TH . 8TH z75:3 Z TH rHR,�ER 8TH 8TH z 489 490 s z 75 6TH 754 `" �,� 6TH A r-• r - Miami -Dade Transportation Plan (to the Year 2030) 'u - Directional Trip Distribution Report January 2005 Prepared by: [] Gannett Fleming In association with: PACO Group Public Financial Management Media Relations Group Miami -Dade Interim 2005 Cost Feasible Plan DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY ORIGIN------------- ------ CARDINAL DIRECTIONS-------------� TOTAL ZONE NNE ENE ESE SSE SSW WSW WNW NNW 481 TRIPS 1891 834 1716 727 1628 2067 1600 1524 11987 PERCENT 15.78 6.96 14.32 6.06 13.58 17..24 13.35 12.71 482 TRIPS 453 243 350 438 532 586 417 370 3389 PERCENT 13.37 7.17 10.33 12.92 15.70 17.29 12.30 10.92 483 TRIPS 346 143 176 389 377 439 282 285 2437 PERCENT 14.20 5.87 7.22 15.96 15.47 18.01 11.57 11.69 484 TRIPS 498 176 164 404 563 661 414 396 3276 PERCENT 15.20 5.37 5.01 12.33 17.19 20.18 12.64 12.09 485 TRIPS 306 112 172 233 302 414 298 269 2106 - PERCENT 14.53 5.32 8.17 11.06 14.34 19.66 14.15 12.77 486 TRIPS 528 122 117 216 418 498 371 465 2735 PERCENT 19.31 4.46 4.28 7.90 15.28 18.21 13.56 17.00 487 TRIPS 2474 792 839 1497 1799 3489 2122 2253 15265 PERCENT 16.21 5.19 5.50 9.81 11.79 22.86 13.90 14.76 488 TRIPS 482 292 489 405 451 455 446 420 3440 PERCENT 14.01 8.49 14.22 11.77 13.11 13.23 12.97 12.21 489 TRIPS 222 186 290 138 135 274 302 280 1827 PERCENT 12.15 10.18 15.87 7.55 7.39 15.00 16.53 15.33 490 TRIPS 105 46 86 73 57 112 148 104 731 PERCENT 14.36 6.29 11.76 9.99 7.80 15.32 20.25 14.23 491 TRIPS 263 78 89 122 174 314 285 264 1589 PERCENT 16.55 4.91 5.60 7.68 10.95 19.76 17.94 16.61 492 TRIPS 93 .33 48 97 91 145 99 81 687 PERCENT 13.54 4.80 6.99 14.12 13.25 21.11 14.41 11.79 493 TRIPS 341 129 202 391 322 785 606 378 3154 PERCENT 10.81 4.09 6.40 12.40 10.21 24.89 19.21 11.98 494 TRIPS 314 167 186 460 223 520 385 288 2543 PERCENT 12.35 6.57 7.31 18.09 8.77 20.45 15.14 11.33 495 TRIPS 644 204 250 486 578 973 561 627 4323 PERCENT 14.90 4.72 5.78 11.24 13.37 22.51 12.98 14.50 -33- 1118105 TABLE:A2 Civica Medical Center MUSP Project Cardinal Distribution JAZ 488) Note: Based on MUATS $ Year 2025 Plan Update, Technical Report: Directional Trip Distribution Year 1999 Model Validation and 2005-2025 Cost Feasible Plan, Date: December 31, 2001 obtained from Miami Dade MPO. TABLE: A2-1 1N OUT Total PM Peak Hour Volume: 97 484 581 Percent: 16,70% 83.30% (Calculated) lmr:RFCC Fr; R FCC DIRECTION DISTRIBUTION 5r calculated PM Peak Trips calculated DIRECTION DISTRIBUTION % IN OUT Total NNW 12.21 12 59 71 NNE 14.01 14 68 82 ENE 8.49 8 41 49 ESE 14.22 14 69 83 SSE 11.77 11 57 68 SSW 13.11 13 63 76 'WSW 13.23 13 64 77 WNW 12.97 12 63 75 TOTAL 100.00 97 484 581 Note: Based on MUATS $ Year 2025 Plan Update, Technical Report: Directional Trip Distribution Year 1999 Model Validation and 2005-2025 Cost Feasible Plan, Date: December 31, 2001 obtained from Miami Dade MPO. TABLE: A2-1 1N OUT Total PM Peak Hour Volume: 97 484 581 Percent: 16,70% 83.30% (Calculated) lmr:RFCC Fr; R FCC DIRECTION DISTRIBUTION 5r calculated used calculated used TOTAL NNE 14.01 13.5897 14 67.8084 68 82 ENE 8.49 8.2353 8 41.0916 41 49 ESE 14.22 13.7934 14 68.8248 69 83 SSE 11.77 11.4169 11 56,9668 57 68 SSW 13.11 12.7167 13 63,4524 63 76 WSW 13.23 1 12.8331 13 64.0332 164 77 WNW 12.97 12.5809 12 62.7748 63 75 NNW 12.21 11.8437 12 59.0964 59 71 TOTAL 100.01 97.0097 97 484.0484 484 581 TABLE: A2-2 Civica Medical Center MUSP Project Quadrant Distribution (TAZ 488) DIRECTION DISTRIBUTION % DIRECTION DISTRIBUTION % IN OUT Total NNW 12.21 Total DIRECTION PERCENT ASSIGNED RESULTING ASSIGNMENT 22 .NNE 14.01 NORTH 26.22 26 127 153 ENE 8.49 100% 23% 23% SOUTH 100% 100% .ESE 14.22 EAST 22.71 22 110 132 SSE 11.77 100% 100% SSW 13.11 SOUTH 24.88 24 120 144 WSW 13.23 WNW 12.97 WEST 26.20 25 127 152 TOTAL 100.00 TOTALS 100.00 97 484 581 TABLE:. A2-3 TRAFFIC ASSIGNED PROJECT TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION TO FROM Total DIRECTION PERCENT ASSIGNED RESULTING ASSIGNMENT 22 TO FROM TO FROM NORTH 50% 50P/ 13% 13% EAST 100% 100% 23% 23% SOUTH 100% 100% 38% 38% WEST 100% 100% 26% 26% 100% 100% TRAFFIC ASSIGNED TO FROM Total 13 63 76 22 110 132 37 184 221 25 127 152 97 484 581 r� Civica Medical Center MUSP Project Cardinal Distribution (TAZ 488) PM SITE TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT Note: The distribution is based on the Miami Dade County cardinal distribution. IN OUT ; TOTAL 97 484 581 r CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Appendix C: Signal Timing, Growth Rate & Adjustment Factors 26 Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. Signal Timing N 19TH 19TH ... ._ 4TH 8TH _. _ 18TH _ - 18TH TH ED NE. 1 MAN - - - - - 1TiH- - - • .� T x o s 16TH-. .. - m 16TH --' 'o = �� �NNq 15TH MFO - .13TH 15TH - - - - - 1.3S - 15TH.. SR Project Site 14TH 237e 6729 237 5�g36 23 75 \95 77 x r x 13TH _ UNNAMED 13TH m � NORTHR���R _ STP z x w 12TH 12TH _ �a 11T 11TH _ 11TH N m = am ❑ N°RTy i 9TH 9TH _ RIVF R x 8TH .. z ,Sol,?- - 8TH am 8TH. -wi 8TH HRIVFR - � � x 7TH PHASE: 02 08-057 Medical Office Complex MUSP G(w) 1 5 2 NW 7th Avenue & NW 14th Street - G(9) 11 G(total) 2°I 53 PM Signal Timing Y AA- � R ID: 2375 33 TIMING DATA FOR 2375 NW 7 AVE & 14 ST (SEC: 30 TYPE: SA) PAT OF NSG G Y EWW F G Y S Y M CYC 1 T 8 62 1 4 7 11 21 4 110AM PEAK M1 2 T 53 52 1 4 7 11 11 4 90AM PEAK M2 3 T 70 52 1 4 7 11 11 4 90PM PEAK 4 T 14 31 1 4 7 11 2 4 7 60NITE 1/6 5 T 22 4.0 1 4 7 11 8 4 75PRE AM 1/0 6 T 26 50 1 4 7 11 8 4 85AVERAGE 7 T 16 50 1 4 7 11 8 4 85POST PM PEAK 8 M 24 67 1 4 7 11 16 4 110I-95 BLOCKAG 9 M 24 67 1 4 7 11 16 4 110I-95 BLOCKAG 10 M 13 44 1 4 7 11 19 4 900RANGE BOWL 11 M 24 32 1 4 7 11 1 4 600B IN TEST 16 M 93 87 1 4 7 11 6 4 1200RANGE BOWL 18 T 26 50 1 4 7 11 8 4 85MID AFT M1 22 T 14 31 1 4 7 11 2 4 7 60NIGHT 8/4 23 T 14 31 1 4 7 11 2 4 6 60LATE NIGHT 1 _ 24 T 14 31 1 4 7 11 2 4 60RECALL TEST MIN: 14 11 1 PHASE: 02 G(w) 1 5 2 G(f) 1� - G(9) 11 G(total) 2°I 53 Y AA- � R SPLIT 33 5-1 08-057 Medical Office Complex MUSP NW 10th Avenue & NW 14th Street PM Signal Timing ID: 2376 TIMING PAT OF 2 T 0 3 T 0 4 T 0 DATA EWG 78 62 70 FOR G Y 1 4 1 4 1 4 2376 R -1 1 1 NW 10 XW F 5 12 5 12 5 12 AV NSL 8 6 8 & NW Y NSG 3 15 3 15 3 18 14 Y 4 4 4 St R 1 1 1 EWL 10. 8 10 (SEC: 144 Y 3 3 3 TYPE: SA) S Y M CYC 7 145AM PEAK 0/2 7 125AVERAGE 0/2 7 140PM PEAK 0/2 5 T 0 23 T O 24 T O MIN: 54 54 24 17 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 1 1 5 12 5 12 5 12 12 6 6 6 5 3 10 3 10 3 10 ].0 4 4 4 1 1' 1 6 6 6 5 3 3 3 7 110 0/6 7 180NITITE T 7 0RECALL TEST PHASE: 01 02 03 04 05 Red �hq G(w) G(t) 5 I� 12 - — G (9) I G(total) �0 R SPLIT ��C� Q` GSA GS��'�vr\�v V, c cue . CL = �o 08-057 Medical Office Complex MUSP NW 11th Avenue & NW 14th Street PM Signal Timing ID: 6729 PHASE: 1 q)2 03 G(w) G(f) 2 O `2 G(9) - g G(total) Y R _ 2 - SPLIT SPLIT CL-- 100s �I MONDAY TIMING FOR 6729 NW 11 AV & NW 14 ST 07-28-08 TIME PATTERN NUMBER AND NAME TYPE=SA 5ECTI01,q :144 MINIMUMS; OFF E8 F Y R SW F G Y R EL Y 0 23 N 2/4 1 5 CYCLE SKIP EYT MC 600 3 AVERAGE AGE 0/2 0 18 20 4 2 7 12 2 4 0 700 2 AM PEAK 0/2 0 19 20 4 -2 7 12 2 4 1 6 0 70 3 7 900 3 AVERAGE 0/2 0 27 20 4 2 12 2 4 8 3 80 7 _15 0 1800 a pjVj 'PEAK 0/2 3 AVERAGE 0/2 0 19 20 20 4 a 7 12 2 � ? i 1 5 3 3 90 8 0 7 1830 5 VE 0/6 0 19 20 4 2 7 72__8__e_:�.Y_�_3 2 �tZO 7 24 RECALLgT 0 18 20 4 2 7 12 2 4 4 i 6 3 80 7 SKIPS: NONE 0 14 20 4 2 7 12 2 4 0 1 6. 0 3 70 3 7 7 75 7 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAYNO FRIDAY SATURDAY SCHOOL NO SCHOOL TIME PT CYC TIME PT CYC TIME PT CYC TIME PT SUNDAY MONDAY FRIDAY 23 55 0 23 55 0 CYC TIME PT CYC TIME PT CYC TIME PT CYC TIME PT CYC TIM P PT CYC 600 700 3 8o0 315 24 2 90 345 60 23 55 Epp 2 90 0 600 23 55 3 80 0 600 23 3 55 0 23 55 0 23 55 900 23 3 80 600 3 55 80 900 700 2 90 700 2 80 630 5 60 630 . 5 60 1530 1800 4 100 700 2 3 80 90 3 80 1530 4 100 900 1530 3 80 4 100 900 1530 3 $� 1830 900 3 5 60 1530 4 80 100 1800 3 80 1830 5 1800 3 80 1800 4 3 100 80 1800 3 80. 60 1830 5 60 1830 5 60 1830 5 60 08-057 Medical Office Complex MUSP NW 12tH Avenue & NW 14tH Street PM Signal Timing ID: 2377 TIMING DATA FOR 2377 NW 12 AV & 14 ST ZI _ 146 TYPE: SA) PAT OF NSW F Y R EWJ Y EWW F G Y R NSM(Z,EC: 1 T 0 30 15 4 1 5 3 5 21 1 4 2 5 4 S Y M CYC 5 T 4 45 15 4 1 8 3 5 21 7 1AM PEAK 8 T 2 35 15 4 1 10 3 1 4 2 17 4 130PRE 0MPEAK 0/4 12 T 7 50 15 4 1 12 3 5 5 21 1 4 2 15 4 120I D DAYAVG 16 M 48 45 15 4 1 6 21 1 4 2 18 4 1PEAK 0/4 17 M 6 37 15 4 1 10 3 3 5 21 4 4 2 6 4 1220PM 00 B IN 18 T 2 15 15 4 1 5 3 5 21 4 4 2 10 4 1200 B OUT 22 T O 30 15 4 1 5 5 21 1 4 2 5 4 0/4 24 T O 10 15 4 1 6 3 5 21 1 4 2 5 4 7 00NITEI2/ 173RECA 2/7 MIN: 6 15 5 3 5 12 1 4 2 6 4 7 73RECALL TEST 21 1 5 03 (C�_ 04 V� 12- 5 - ZI _ I 12 2-7 _ 2 15 33 1405 Traffic Trends - V2.0 SR 933/NW 12 AV -- 200' N NW 20 ST =PIN*973215-1 County: Miami (87) Station #: 1146 W; 9.. ** Annual Trend Increase: 418 Trend R -squared: 32.76% Trend Annual Historic Growth Rate: 2.05% Trend Growth Rate (2007 to Design Year): 1.64% Printed: 23 -Jul -08 aY• SR 933/NW 12 AV Year I Count* I Trend 1998 40000 20600 1999 35000 ®Observed Count 2000 21500 Fitted Curve p 30000 Log. (Fitted Curve) 2002 23000 22300 U) m 21500 22700 U 25000 23100 > 19800 23500 2006 26500 23900 2007 20000 24400 i— 15000 Cm CE L 10000 ° •° ' > a � . 5000 1998 2003 2008 2013 2018 2023 2028 2033 Year ** Annual Trend Increase: 418 Trend R -squared: 32.76% Trend Annual Historic Growth Rate: 2.05% Trend Growth Rate (2007 to Design Year): 1.64% Printed: 23 -Jul -08 aY• SR 933/NW 12 AV Year I Count* I Trend 1998 22000 20600 1999 19500 21000 2000 21500 21400 2001 23000 21900 2002 23000 22300 2003 21500 22700 2004 22500 23100 2005 19800 23500 2006 26500 23900 2007 25500 24400 11: •:11 2010 Mid -Year Trend = 2011 Design Year Trend *Axle -Adjusted AADT Flags: C = Computed; E = Manual Estimate; F = First Year Estimate S = Second Year Estimate; T = Third Year Estimate; X = Unknown Florida Department of Transportation Transportation Statistics Office 2007 Historical AACT Report County: 87 - MIAMI-DADE Site: 1146 - SR 933/Sw/NW 12 AV, 200' N NA 20 ST Year Direction 1 Direction 2 K Factor ---AADT--- ---- ------------------- D Factor T Factor 2007 2006 25500 26500 C C N 13000 - S 12500 8.01 _ 54.34 ________ 2.60 2005 19800 C N N 13500 10500 S 13000 7.97 54.22 2.60 2004 22500 C N 12500 S 9300 S 8.80 53.80 5.10 2003 21000 C N 11500 10000 9.00 53.30 5.10 2002 23000 C N 12000 S 9500 S 11000 8.80 53.40 5.80 2001 23000 C N 12500 S 10500 9.80 52.30 4.00 2000 21500 C N 11000 S 10500 8.20 53.50 1999 19500 C N 10500 S 9000 8.20 53:10 4.70 q_70 1998 22000 C N 11000 19300 9.10 52.70 5.40 1997 20300 C N 11000 S 9.0 52. 3.30 1996 20400 C N 10500 S 9900 9.110 64.50 64.5 0 2.70 1995 19500 C N 9600 8.50 53.10 3.40 1994 20300 C N 10500 S 9900 7.90 62.60 5.4 0 1993 25000 C N 11000 S 14000 80 60.00 4.40 0..00 00 .00 0.00 AADT Flags: C = Computed; E = Manual Estimate; F = First Year Estimate S = Second Year Estimate; T = Third Year Estimate; X = Unknown Traffic Trends - V2.0 SR 933/NW 12 AV -- 200'N FLAGLER ST/SR968 =PIN*973215-1 County:Miami (87) Station #: 5012 Hinhu.a - ** Annual Trend Increase: -39 Trend R -squared: 0.62% Trend Annual Historic Growth Rate: -0.14% Trend Growth Rate (2007 to Design Year): -0.22% Printed: 23 -Jul -08 Y• 5R 933/NW 12 AV Year 30000 Trend 1998 21400 Observed Count 1999 25000 Fitted Curve oLog. 21900 (Fitted Curve) 2001 24500 23000 1 � 20000 23000 2003 22500 22900 > t 22900 2005 15000 22900 m L 21600 22800 2007 22000 22800 0 10000 5 L - � I Q y 5000 ;a a 0 1998 2003 2008 2013 2018 2023 2028 2033 Year ** Annual Trend Increase: -39 Trend R -squared: 0.62% Trend Annual Historic Growth Rate: -0.14% Trend Growth Rate (2007 to Design Year): -0.22% Printed: 23 -Jul -08 Y• 5R 933/NW 12 AV Year Count* Trend 1998 21400 23100 1999 24000 23100 2000 21900 23100 2001 24500 23000 2002 23500 23000 2003 22500 22900 2004 26000 22900 2005 22200 22900 2006 21600 22800 2007 22000 22800 11: 2010 Mid -Year Trend m m 2011 Design Year Trend *Axle -Adjusted AADT Flags: C = Computed; E = Manual Estimate; F = First Year Estimate S = Second Year Estimate; T = Third Year Estimate; X = Unknown Florida Department of Transportation Transportation Statistics Office 2007 Historical AADT Report County: 87 - MIAMI-DADE Site: 5012 - SR 933/NW 12 AV, 200' N FLAGLER ST/SR 968 Year AADTDirection 1 Direction 2 K -- -- ----------- Factor D Factor T Factor 2007 2006 22000 C 21600 C N 11500 ---- -`-`-- S 10500 7 90 _ 63.12 -------- 2005 22200 C N N 12000 12500 S 9600 7.39 58.66 5.30 7.60 2004 26000 C N 12500 S 9700 S 13500 7.70 65.70 2.40 2003 22500 C N 11500 S 11000 8.20 67'10 2002 23500 C N 12500 S 11000 8:10 72.30 5.30 5 .80 2001 24500 C N 13000 S 11500 9,20 68.00 5.00 2000 21900 C N 13500 S 8400 8.20 53.50 8.30 1999 24000 C N 12000 S 12000 8.20 53.70 4.50 1998 21400 C N 12000 9 9400 9.10 52.7 0 4.20 1997 20900 C N 12000 S 8900 9.30 52.70 3.30 1996 20100 C N 12000 S 8100 9.10 64.50 2'70 1995 22900 C N 14000 S 8900 8.50 53.10 3.90 1994 22300 C N 13000 S 9300 7.90 62.60 5.40 1993 23300 C N 13500 S 9800 8.90 60.00 4.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 AADT Flags: C = Computed; E = Manual Estimate; F = First Year Estimate S = Second Year Estimate; T = Third Year Estimate; X = Unknown L 2007 Peak Season Factor Category Report - Report Type: ALL Category: 8701 MIAMI-DADE SOUTH Week Dates SF MOCF: 0.99 PSCF 1 01/01/2007 - 01/06/2007 0.98 0.99 2 01/07/2007 - 01/13/2007 1.00 1.01 3 01/14/2007 - 01/20/2007 1.02 1.03 4 01/21/2007 - 01/27/2007 1.01 1.02 5 01/28/2007 - 02/03/2007 1.01 1.02 6 02/04/2007 - 02/10/2007 1.00 1.01 7 02/11/2007 - 02/17/2007 1.00 1.01 * 8 02/18/2007 - 02/24/2007 0.99 1.00 * 9 02/25/2007 - 03/03/2007 0.99 1.00 *10 03/04/2007 - 03/10/2007 0.98 0.99 *11 03/11/2007 - 03/17/2007 0.97 0.98 *'12 03/18/2007 - 03/24/2007 0.98 0.99 *13 03/25/2007 - 03/31/2007 0.98 0.99 *14 04/01/2007 - 04/07/2007 0.99 1.00 *15 04/08/2007 - 04/14/2007 0.99 1.00 *16 04/15/2007 - 04/21/2007 0.99 1.00 *17 04/22/2007 -- 04/28/2007 1.00 1.01 *18 04/29/2007 - 05/05/2007 1.00 1.01 *19 05/06/2007 - 05/12/2007 1.00 1_(1� *20 05/13/2007 - 05/19/2007 1.00 f Ll_Qd 1py, 9.L.2 0 0..�...... _,:.4,.1.,.2. .4.4.7_.. _1.:�4 �, .. 1,01 22 05/27/2007 - 06/02/2007 1.01 1.02 23 06/03/2007 - 06/09/2007 1.01 1.02 24 06/10/2007 - 06/16/2007 1.01 1.02 25 06/17/2007 - 06/23/2007 1.01 1.02 26 06/24/2007 - 06/30/2007 1.02 1.03 27 07/01/2007 - 07/07/2007 1.02 1.03 28 07/08/2007 - 07/14/2007 1.02 1.03 29 07/15/2007 - 07/21/2007 1.02 1.03 30 07/22/2007 - 07/28/2007 _68/04/2007 1.01 1.02 )Q5C 31 07/29%2007 - 1.01 1.02 32 .08/05/2007 - 08/11/2007 1.00 1.01 33 08/12/2007 - 08/18/2007 1.00 1.01 34 08/19/2007 - 08/25/2007 1.00 1.01 35 08/26/2007 - 09/01/2007 1.01 1.02 36 09/02/2007 - 09/08/2007 1.01 1.02 37 09/09/2007 - 09/15/2007 1.02 1.03 38 09/16/2007 - 09/22/2007 1.01 1.02 39 09/23/2007 - 09/29/2007 1.01 1.02 40 09/30/2007 - 10/06/2007 1.00 1.01 41 10/07/2007 - 10/13/2007 1.00 1.01 42 10/14/2007 - 10/20/2007 0.99 1.00 43 10/21/2007 - 10/27/2007 1.00 1.01 44 10/28/2007 - 11/03/2007 1.00 1.01 45 11/04/2007 - 11/10/2007 1.00 1.01 46 11/11/2007 - 11/17/2007 1.01 1.02 47 11/18/2007 - 11/24/2007 1.00 1.01 48 11/25/2007 - 12/01/2007 0.99 1.00 49 12/02/2007 - 12/08/2007 0.99 1.00 50 12/09/2007 - 12/15/2007 0.98 0.99 51 12/16/2007 - 12/22/2007 0.99 1.00 52 12/23/2007 - 12/29/2007 1.00 1.01 53 12/30/2007 - 12/31/2007 1.02 1.03 * Peak Season Page 2 of 8 '107 Weekly Axle Factor Category Report Report Type: ALL County: 87 - MIAMI-DADE Week Dates 8713 8714 1 01/01/2007 - 01/06/2007SR 90/US 41 SR 836/I 395 8715 2 01/07/2007 - 01/13/20070.96 0-96 0.99 SR 826 3 01/14/2007 - 01/20/2007 0.99 0-95 4 01/21/2007 - 01/27/2007 0.96 0.99 0.95 5 01/28/2007 - 02/03/2007 0 96 0.99 0.95 6 02/04/2007 - 02/10/20070 0.96 0'99 0.95 7 02/11/2007 - 02/17/2007 .96 0.99 0.95 8 02/18/2007 - 02/24/2007 0-96_ 0 96 0'99 0.95 0.95 9 02/25/2007 - 03/03/2007 0.96 0.99 0.95 10 03/04/2007 - 03/10/2007 0.96 0'99 0.95 11 03/11/2007 - 03/17/2007 0.96 0.99 0.95 12 03/18/2007 - 03/24/2007 O96 0'99 0.95 13 03/25/2007 - 03/31/2007 0.96 0.99 0.95 19 04/01/2007 - 04/07/2007 0 96 0'99 0.95 15 04/08/2007 - 04/14/2007 0.99' 0.95 16 04/15/2007 - 04/21/2007 0.96 0'99 0.95 17 04/22/2007 - 04/28/2007 0.96 0.99 0.95 18 04/29/2007 - 05/05/2007 0.96 0.99 0.95 19 05/06/2007 - 05/12/2007 0.96 0.99 0.95 20 05/13/2007 - 05/19/2007 0 96 0.99 0.95 21 05/20/2007 - 05/26/2007 0.96 0.99 0.95 22 05/27/2007 - 06/02/2007 0.96 0'99 0.95 23 06/03/2007 - 06/09/2007 0.96 0.99 0.95 24 06/10/2007 - 06/16/2007 0 96 0'99 0.95 25 06/17/2007 - 06/23/2007 0.96 0.99 0.95 26 06/24/2007 - 06/30/2007 0 96 0'99 0.95 27 07/01/2007 - 07/07/2007 0.96 0.99 0.95 28 07/08/2007 - 07/14/2007 96 0'99 0.95 29 07/15/2007 - 07/21/2007 00 0.99 0.95 30 07/22/2007 - 07/28/2007 .96 0.96 0.99 0.95 31 07/29/2007 - 08/04/2007 0.96 0.99 0.95 32 08/05/2007 - 08/11/200.7 0.96 0'99 0.95 X33 08/12/2007 - 08/1812007 O.y_6 0.99 0.95 34 08/19/2007 - 08/25/2007_ 0.96 --- 0.99 0.95 35 08/26/2007 - 09/01/2007 0 96 0'99 0.95 36 09/02/2007 - 09/08/2007 0.96 0.99 0.95 37 09/09/2007 - 09/15/2007 0.96 0'99 0.95 38 09/16/2007 - 09/22/2007 0 96 0.99 0.95 39 09/23/2007 - 09/29/2007 0 96 0.99 0.95 40 09/30/2007 - 10/06/2007 0.96 0'99 0-95 41 10/07/2007 - 10/13/2007 0 96 0'99 0.95 42 10/14/2007 - 10/20/2007 0 0'99 0.95 43 10/21/2007 - 10/27/2007 .96 0 96 0'99 0.95 44 10/28/2007 - 11/03/2007 0 96 0'99 0.96 45 11/04/2007 - 11/10/2007 0 96 0 0.96 46 11/11/2007 - 11/17/2007 0 -99 0.99 0.96 47 11/18/2007 - 11/24/2007 0 96 0'99 0.96 48 11/25/2007 - 12/01/2007 .96 0.96 0'99 0.96 49 12/02/2007 - 12/08/2007 0 96 0.99 0.95 50 12/09/2007 - 12/15/2007 0 96 0.99 0.95 51 12/16/2007 - 12/22/2007 0 96 0'99 0.95 52 12/23/2007 - 12/29/2007 0 96 0.99 0.95 53 12/30/2007 - 12/31/2007 0.96 0.99 0.95 0.99 0.95 8716 SR 933/sw 12 AVE 0.98 0.98 0.98 0-98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0. 98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0-98 0-98 0.98 0.98 0 _9 8'_ 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0-98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0-98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 F � CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Appendix ®: Traffic Counts (TMC's & ATR) 270 Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. TABLE: A3 Civica Medical Center MUSP INTERSECTION APPROACH VOLUMES 0 Z Z 0 w U) Of Z INTERSECTION NAME APPROACH MOVEMENT PM PEAK HR COUNT Date of Count PHF PSCF PEAK SEASONAL ADJUSTMENT BACKGROUND GROWTH @ 1.64% FOR Years Committed Net Traffic Site Traffic Total Traffic Developments w/o Project (VPH) (VPH) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 SBR 42 1.01 42 45 0 45 13 58 SOUTHBOUND SBT 505 1.01 510 536 0 536 0 536 SBL 68 1.01 69 72 0 72 0 72 TOTAL 615 621 652 0 652 13 665 WBR 112 m 0 1.01 113 119 0 119 0 119 WESTBOUND WET 59 `" N 1.01 70 73 0 73 22 95 WBL 39 1.01 39 41 0 41 0 41 1 NW 14th St 8 NW 7th Ave 0 m 0 TOTAL 220 - - 222 233 0 233 22 255 NBR 26 1.01 26 28 0 28 0 28 NORTHBOUND NBT 544 m a 1.01 549 577 0 577 0 577 NBL 31 1.01 31 33 0 33 11 44 TOTAL 601 607 637 0 637 11 648 ? F EBR 49 1.01 49 52 0 52 60 112 EASTBOUND EBT 123 1.01. 124 130 0 130 110 240 EBL 128 1.01 129 136 0 136 63 199 _F TOTAL 300 1 1 303 1180 318 1 233 551 TOTAL 1736 1753 18 41 0 1841 279 2120 SBR 261 1.02 266 280 0 280 0 280 SOUTHBOUND SET 193 1.02 197 207 0 207 0 207 SBL 37 1.02 38 40 0 40 0 40 TOTAL 491 m 501 526 _ 0 526 0 526 WEIR 116 0 1.02 118 124 0 124 0 124 WESTBOUND WBT 232 c u 1.02 237 248 0 248 46 294 WBL 47 1.02 48 50 0 50 0 50 TOTAL 395403 423 0 423 46 469 2 NW 14th St & NW 10th Ave m 0 NBR 18 1.02 18 19 0 19 0 19 NORTHBOUND NET 73 1.02 74 78 0 78 0 78 NBL 64.x° 1.02 65 69 0 69 0 69 TOTAL 155 158 166 0 166 0 166 EBR 317 1.02 323 340 0 340 0 340 EASTBOUND EBT 259 102 264 277 0 277 233 510 EBL 223 1.02 227 239 0 239 0 239 TOTAL 799 815 856 0 856 233 1089 TOTAL 1840 1877 1971 0 1971 279 2250 @Richard Garcia and Associates, Inc., 2008 12/8/2008 TABLE: A3 Civica Medical Center MUSP INTERSECTION APPROACH VOLUMES 0 Z 0 w BACKGROUND rn w PM PEAK Date of PEAK SEASONAL GROWTH @ 1.64% FOR 3 Committed Net Traffic Site Traffic Total Traffic z INTERSECTION NAME APPROACH MOVEMENT HR COUNT Count PHF PSCF ADJUSTMENT Years Developments w/o Project (VPH) (VPH) t 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 SBR 126 1.02 129 135 0 135 0 135 SOUTHBOUND SBT 0 1.02 0 0 0 0 0 0 SBL 78 1.02 80 84 0 84 0 84 TOTAL 204 208 218 0 218 0 218 WBR 35 0 1.02 _ 36 37 0 37 0 37 WESTBOUND WBT 590 cv 1.02 602 632 0 632 0 632 WBL 0 1.02 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 NW 14th St&NW 11th Ave TOTAL 625 '' M m d 638 669 0 669 0 669 NBR 0 1.02 0 - 0 0 0 233 233 NORTHBOUND NBT 0 1.02 0 0 0 0 0 0 NBL 0 1.02 0 0 0 0 251 251 TOTAL 0F 0 0 0 0 484 484 EBR 0 1.02 0 0 0 0 0 0 EBT 611 1.02 623 654 0 654 51 705 EASTBOUND EBL 51 1.02 52 55 0 55 0 55 TOTAL 662 675 709 0 709 51 760 TOTAL 1491 1521 1597 0 1 1597 535 1 2132 SBR 147 1.01 148 156 0 156 0 156 SBT 599 1.01 605 635 0 635 0 635 SOUTHBOUND SBL 69 1.01 70 73 0 73 13 86 TOTAL 815 823 864 0 864 13 877 w WBR 134 0 1.01 135 142 0 142 64 206 WESTBOUND WBT 399 ,ri 1.01 403 423 0 .423 127 550 WBL 219 1.01 221 232 0 232 60 292 TOTAL 752 760 798 0 798 251 1049 4 NW 14th St & NW 12th Ave '� - N rn 0 NBR 129 1.01 130 137 0 137 13 150 NORTHBOUND NBT 648 5 1.01 654 687 0 687 0 687 NBL 193 1.01 195 205 0 205 0 205 TOTAL 970F 980 1029 0 1029 13 1042 EBR 186 1.01 188 197 0 197 0 197 EASTBOUND EBT 180 1.01 182 191 0 191 25 216 EBL 164 1.01 166 174 0 .174 0 174 TOTAL 530 535 562 0 562 25 587 TOTAL 3067 3098 3253 0 3253 302 1 3554 Notes: 1 Intersection Name 2 Intersection Approach 3 Intersection Approach Movement 4 TMC data provided by RGA, Inc. 5 Date of Count 6 Peak Hour Factor 7 Peak Seasonal factor obtained from FOOT 8 Seasonally Adjusted TMC= Count' PSCF (These are the volumes utilized in the existing condition intersection LOS) - 9 A 1.64 percent background grouth was utilized with a project build -out of three years. 10 Commited Traffic obtained from the City of Miami Lance Scale Report 11 Net Traffic = Peak Seasonally Adjusted TMC+ Backgound+Commited 12 Site traffic assignment 13 Total Traffic = Net Traffic + Site Traffic (These are the volumes utilized in the proposed intersection LOS analysis) @Richard Garcia and Associates, Inc.,, 2008 12/8/2008 RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 13117 NW 107 AVE. SUITE NOA HIALEAH GARDENS, FL. 33018 PH; 305.595.7505 / FAX 305.675.6474 File Name : untitled8 Site Code : 00000028 Start Date : 5/20/2008 Page No : 1 05:00 PM 17 122 22 0 161 35 14 7 0 56 5 124 6 0 135 12 28 41 2 83 435 05:15 PM 6 100 15 .0 121 25 26 9 0 60 2 132 6 0 140 16 33 42 0 91 412 05:30 PM 13 112 10 0 135 12 19 11 0 42 1 116 10 0 127 19 18 26 0 63 367 05:45 PM 3 115 11 0 129 14 19 6 0 39 4 101 6 0 111 19 28 32 2 81 360 Total 39 449 58 0546 86 78 33 0 197 12 473 28 0 513 66 107 141 4 318 1574 Grand 83 966 119 0 1168 194 152 65 0 411 47 102 Total 66 0 1125 105 238 245 4 592 3296 Apprch % 7.1 82. 10. 0.0 47. 37. 15. 0.0 4.2 90. 5.9 0.0 17. 40. 41. 7 2 4 0.7 Total % 2.5 29. 3.6 0.0 35.4 5.9 4.6 2.0 0.0 12.5 1.4 30. 2. 0.0 34.1 3.2 7.2 7.4 0.1 18.0 NW 7 AVE - Vlll\J NW 14 ST � � 1\Ulif\J NW 7 AVE 2 NW 14 ST =966, From North From East From South 0 From West 0 Start Rig Thr Left Ped App. Rig Thr Left Ped App. Rig Thr Ped App. Rig Thr CJ O CJ Ped App. Int. Time ht u s Total ht u North s Total ht Left u s Total ht u Left s Total Total Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 a N 1.0 1.0 1:0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 jam � 1.0 1 1.01 1.01 1.0 04:00 PM 12 129 15 0 156 34 23 4 0 61 5 122 7 0 134 12 31 29 0 72 423 04:15 PM 13 105 15 0 133 22 22 5 0 49 11 129 12 0 152 6 38 30 0 74 408 04:30 PM 10 130 15 0 155 28 17 7 0 52 10 127 9 0 146 8 30 21 0 59 412 04:45 PM 9 153 16 0 178 24 12 16 0 52 9 161 10 0 180 13 32 24 0 69 479 Total 44 517 61 0 622 108 74 32 0 214 35 539 38 0 612 39 131 104 0 274 1722 05:00 PM 17 122 22 0 161 35 14 7 0 56 5 124 6 0 135 12 28 41 2 83 435 05:15 PM 6 100 15 .0 121 25 26 9 0 60 2 132 6 0 140 16 33 42 0 91 412 05:30 PM 13 112 10 0 135 12 19 11 0 42 1 116 10 0 127 19 18 26 0 63 367 05:45 PM 3 115 11 0 129 14 19 6 0 39 4 101 6 0 111 19 28 32 2 81 360 Total 39 449 58 0546 86 78 33 0 197 12 473 28 0 513 66 107 141 4 318 1574 Grand 83 966 119 0 1168 194 152 65 0 411 47 102 Total 66 0 1125 105 238 245 4 592 3296 Apprch % 7.1 82. 10. 0.0 47. 37. 15. 0.0 4.2 90. 5.9 0.0 17. 40. 41. 7 2 4 0.7 Total % 2.5 29. 3.6 0.0 35.4 5.9 4.6 2.0 0.0 12.5 1.4 30. 2. 0.0 34.1 3.2 7.2 7.4 0.1 18.0 Out In Total 2 =966, 0 0 0 Right Thru Left Peds 4 I L+ CJ O CJ C"1 N lti •"�".�p W � O p��L rnmm North C N N r--) F- /20/2008 4:00:00 PM +-� z' p 0 o s 0 /20/2008 5:45:00 P zcn N M �� CARS r T m rn o a N v o v ar TRUCKS N n. o_ jam � T r Left Thru Right Peds 64Y1125rn-22610 2 66 Fa17136 Out In Total NW 7 AVE r RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 13117 NW 107 AVE. SUITE NOA HIALEAH GARDENS, FL. 33018 PH; 305.595.7505 / FAX 305.675.6474 I File Name : untitled8 Site Code : 00000028 Start Date : 5/20/2008 Page No :2 Peak Hour From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 NW 7 AVE NW 14 ST NW 7 AVE NW 14 ST 04:30 PM From North From East From South From West Start Rig Thr on Ped App. Rig Thr Ped App. Rig Thr Left PedFApp.1 0 Rig Thr Left Ped App. Time ht u Left s Total ht u Left s Total ht u s 7 ht u 04-45 s Total Peak Hour From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 123 128 2 Intersecti 04:30 PM 40. 42. on 2 7 4 13 32 Volume 42 505 68 0 615 112 69 39 0 220 Percent 6.8 82. 11. 0.0 50. 31. 17. 0 Q 1 1 9 4 7 04-45 9 153 16 0 178 24 12 16 0 52 Volume Peak Factor r High Int. 04:45 PM 05:15 PM Volume 9 153 16 0 178 25 26 9 0 60 Peak 0.86 0.91 Factor 4 7 26 544 31 0 601 4.3 90. 5.2 0.0 9 161 10 0 180 04:45 PM 9 161 10 0 180' 0.83 5 NW 7 AVE Out In Total 784615 1 1399 421 5051 bul 0. Right Th -L eft Peds 4J 4 Nor h 120/2008 4:30:00 PM /20/2008 5:15:00 PM CARS TRUCKS 4� T F1' Left Thru Right Peds 311 54-41 261 0 E-59-31-EE194 Out In Total NW 7 AVE 49 123 128 2 302 16. 40. 42. 0.7 2 7 4 13 32 24 0 69 05:15 PM 16 33 42 0 91 0.83 0 Int. Total 1738 479 0.907 Richard Garcia & Associates Inc. 13117 NW 107th Ave SUITE #4 Hialeah Gardens, Fl. 33018 PH: 305-595-7505 Fax: 305-675-6474 File Name : NW 10 Ave & NW 14 St Site Code :2 -PM Start Date : 7/24/2008 Page No : 1 Mr—inc Prinf-1- Care _ Tr—Lre 05:00 PM 61 NW 10 AVE 13 11 129 NW 14 ST 55 10 1 NW 10 AVE 5 16 21 NW 14 ST 43 61 79 59 4 Southbound 474 05:15 PM 57 Westbound 11 10 140 Northbound 70 12 Eastbound 107 0' 21 Start Time Right Thru Left Peds gpp,Tw, Right Thru Left Peds ppp,Tdal Right Thru Left Peds gpp,TMa, Right Thru Left Peds gpp,Tgy InLTotal 04:00 PM 69 57 9 3 138 26 50 19 2 97 9 12 17 0 38 43 51 44 2 140 413 04:15 PM 70 55 9 1 135 27 62 19 2 110 4 18 17 0 39 58 47 38 3 146 430 04:30 PM 69 41 7 9 126 25 57 9 2 93 3 18 20 0 41 81 57 53 3 194 454 04:45 PM 74 46 6 6 132 33 50 16 1 100 10 18 16 0 44 88 67 57 4 216 492 Total 282 199 31 19 531 111 219 63 7 400 26 66 70 0 162 270 222 192 12 696 1789 05:00 PM 61 44 13 11 129 33 55 10 1 99 5 16 21 1 43 61 79 59 4 203 474 05:15 PM 57 62 11 10 140 25 70 12 0 107 0' 21 7 4 32 87 56 54 5 202 481 05:30 PM 56 49 10 11 126 20 41 12 0 73 10 14 7 2 33 84 54 48 4 190 422 05:45 PM 51 46 8 5 110 22 51 9 1 83 4 15 5 0 24 69 52 37 2 160 377 Total 225 201 42 37 505 100 217 43 2 362 19 66 40 7 132 301 241 198 15 755 1754 Grand Total 507 400 73 56 1036 211 436 106 9 762 45 132 110 7 294 571 463 390 27 1451 3543 Apprch % 48.9 38.6 7 5.4 27.7 57.2 13.9 1.2 15.3 44.9 37.4 2.4 39.4 31.9 26.9 1.9 Total % 14,3 11.3 2.1 1.6 29.2 6 12.3 3 0.3 21.5 1.3 3.7 3.1 0.2 8.3 16.1 13.1 11 0.8 41 Cars 507 400 73 56 1036 211 436 106 9 762 45 132 110 7 294 571 463 390 27 1451 3543 % Cars 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Trucks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 % Trucks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Out in Total 733 1 1036 Q76 0 0733 1036 5071 400 73 56 0 0 0 0 507 400 73 56 Right Thru Left Peds p� M N� 1 N 1 F N N J I j0 Z o North _ "r4A s —► �' A .p c F 7/24/2008 04:00 PM , c o o r 7/24/2008 05:45 PM . m S ET LO u r y N o N C') o r> '�' Cars '� rn o rn o T o Trucks N N W W O A 0_ CL N N o V7 W O W W r► Left Thru Right Peds 110 13245 7 0 0 D 0 1101 1321 451 7 1077 2929r4[1;371 94 13711 Out In Total i r— Richard Garcia & Associates Inc. 13117 NW 107th Ave SUITE #4 Hialeah Gardens, Fl. 33018 PH: 305-595-7505 Fax: 305-675-6474 File Name : NW 10 Ave & NW 14 St Site Code :2 -PM Start Date : 7/24/2008 Page No : 2 PeaK t -lour Analysis 1-rom U4:U0 PM to 05:30 PM—Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Renins at rld•3n PM - T- 04:30 PM NW 10 AVE NW 14 ST NW 10 AVE NW 14 ST 126 Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Start 3 18 20 0 41 81 57 53 3 194 454 04:45 PM 74 46 6 6 132 33 50 16 Time Right Thru Left Peds npp.raDi Right Thru Left Peds I npp,r" Right Thru Left I Peds I npp.raei Right Thru Left Peds n�.Taa PeaK t -lour Analysis 1-rom U4:U0 PM to 05:30 PM—Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Renins at rld•3n PM - T- 04:30 PM 69 41 7 9 126 25 57 9 2 93 3 18 20 0 41 81 57 53 3 194 454 04:45 PM 74 46 6 6 132 33 50 16 1 100 10 18 16 0 44 68 67 57 4 216 492 05:00 PM 61 44 13 11 129 33 55 10 1 99 5 16 21 1 43 61 79 59 4 203 474 05:15 PM 57 62 11 10 140 . 25 70 12 0 107 0 21 7 4 32 87 56 54 5 202 481 Total Volume 261 193 - 37 36 .527 116 232 .47 4 399 18 73 64 5 160 317 259 223 16 815 1901 % App. Total 49.5 36.6 7 6.8 29.1 58.1 11.8 1 11.2 45.6 40 3.1 38.9 31.8 27.4 2 P HIF 1 .882 .778 .712 .818 .941 .879 .829 .734 .500 .932 .450 .869 .762 .313 .909 .901 .820 .945 .800 .943 .966 1 9YA � V NW 10-AUE out In Total 412 527 939 F--2611 1931 371 36 7Rht Thru 'Left Peds 1 I`,► Peak Hour Data N� h Peak Hour Begins at 04:30 PM Gars Trucks '1 T F+ Left Thru Right Peds 641 731 181 5 557 960 717 out In Total NW 10 AVE Richard Garcia & Associates Inc. 13117 NW 107th Ave SUITE #4 Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 r- PH: 305-595-7505 Fax: 305-675-6474 File Name : NW 11 Ave & NW 14 St Site Code :3 -PM Start Date : 7/24/2008 Page No : 1 G 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 23 36 NW 11 AVE 11 54 88 roups Printed- NW 14 ST Cars - Trucks 0 5 153 0 0 0 23 23 0 Southbound 10 11 162 426 05:30 PM 28 0 NW 11 AVE 54 44 115 87 13 NW 14 ST 0 14 183 Start Time Right I Thru I Left Peds 22 22 Westbound 197 17 Northbound 222 542 05:45 PM, Eastbound 0 13 04:00 PM' 27 0 7 20 gpp,Total 54 Right 14 Thru Left 141 Peds aPP.rwai Right Thru Left Peds AP' RighOt ��r9 L�ft Pe nPa1 'm365 04:15 PM 27 0 18 46 91 6 0 157 0 5 160 0 0 0 14 14 0 8 7 l37 147 04:30 PM 35 0 11 26 72 7 137 0 9 172 0 0 0 7 7 0 130 7 7 144 414 04:45 PM 39 0 27 37 103 13 154 0 6 11 150 178 0 0 0 9 9 0 131 7 7 145 376 Total 128 0 63 129 100 40 589 0 31 860 0 0 0 8 8 0 130 15 6 151 440 5.5 90.3 0 4.2 .320 0 0 0 38 38 0 510 40 27 577 1595 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 23 36 0 0 11 54 88 6 142 0 5 153 0 0 0 23 23 0 141 10 11 162 426 05:30 PM 28 0 25 15 54 44 115 87 13 156 0 14 183 0 0 0 22 22 0 197 17 8 222 542 05:45 PM, 24 0 13 40 77 3 9 138 133 0 0 1 142 0 0 0 9 9 0 143 9 9 161 399 Total 111 0 64 192 367 31 569 0 3 23 145 623 0 0 0 8 8 0 147 6 8 161 391 0 0 01 0 0 0 01 100 0 0 0 62 62 0 628 42 36 706 1758 Grand Total 239 0 127 321 687 71 1158 0 54 1283 0 0 0 100 100 0 1138 82 Apprch % 34.8 0 18.5 46.7 5.5 90.3 0 4.2 63 1283 3353 Total % 7.1 0 3.8 9.6 20.5 2.1 34.5 0 1.6 38.30 0 0 0 0 100 0 88.7 6.4 4.9 Cars 239 0 127 321 687 71 1158 0 3 3 0 33.9 2.4 1.9 38.3 % Cars Trucks 100 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 0 100 100 0 0 0 100 100 0 38 1100 100 100 100 100 %Trucks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 11 Out In Total 000201 a Right Thru Left ds Pe �► 75000 � W momma o O CZ m o m North o MOo) r _ F —' 0 0 0 s 7/24/2008 04:00 PM 7/24/2008 05:45 PM i o n N 5 w w� r� o f m m O= � m M o m Cars Trucks f F o 0 0 w o w ro m'CLa CL o A AOA N T F1' Left Thru Right Peds 0 0 0 100 0 0 01 0 0 0 01 100 0 100 100 0 0 0 0 100 100 Out In Total C � Richard Garcia & Associates Inc. 13117 NW 107th Ave SUITE #4 Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 PH: 305-595-7505 Fax: 305-675-6474 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No NW 11 Ave &NW 14 St 3 -PM 7/24/2008 2 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 04.45 PM ' v Inl. Total 04:45 PM NW 11 AVE NW 14 ST NW 11 AVE NW 14 ST 103 Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Start Time I Right Thru LeUPeds App.Taa Right Thru Left Peds APP.Taai Right Thru Left Peds Right Thru Left Peds PP.k t-Innr Annlvcic Cr...., nnnee . 130 APP.Tdel App.Taa Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 04.45 PM ' v Inl. Total 04:45 PM 39 0 27 37 103 13 154 0 11 178 0 0 0 8 8 0 130 15 6 151 440 05:00 PM 23 0 11 54 88 6 142 0 5 153 0 0 0 23 23 0 141 10 11 162 426 05:15 PM 36 0 25 54 115 13 156 0 14 183 0 0 0 22 22 0 197 17 8 222 542 05:30 PM 28 0 15 44 87 3 138 0 1 142 0 0 0 9 9 0 143 9 9 161 399 Total Volume 126 0 78 189 393 35 590 0 31 656 0 0 0 62 62 0 611 51 34 696 1807 App. Total 32.1 0 19.8 48.1 5.3 89.9 0 4.7 0 0 0 100 0 87.8 7.3 4.9 PHF .808 .000 .722 .875 .854 .673 .946 .000 .554 .896 .000 .000 .000 .674 .674 .000 .775 .750 .773 .784 .833 NW 11 AVE Out In Total 86393 479 1111 1261 01 781 189 Right Thru Lel ft Peds Peak Hour Data North Peak Hour Begins at 04:45 PM Cars Trucks 11 -IT F' Left Thru Right Peds 0 0 0 62 621 62 Out In Total NW 11 AVE_ Richard Garcia & Associates Inc. 13117 NW 107th Ave SUITE #4 Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 PH: 305-595-7505 Fax: 305-675-6474ile Name : NW 14 ST .& NW 12 AVE -PM Site Code :29 -PM Start Date : 5/15/2008 Page No : 1 Start Tirr7eRight 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM Total b2 33 34 28 147 NW 12 AVE Southbound Thru Left Peds 155 29 5 149 13 8 147 17 3 148 10 4 599 69 20 pPP,I 241 203 201 190 835 Right 36 37 31 30 134 NW 14 ST Westbound Thru Left Peds pPP.1.1 99 48 0 183 101 58 0 196 100 53 0 184 99 60 2 191 399 219 2 754 Right 35 28 35 31 129 NW 12 AVE Northbound I Thru Left Peds 176 48 8 155 30 20 168 60 26 149 55 19 648 193 73 p To,a, P267 233 289 254 1043 Ri ht 68 34 45 39 186 NW 14 ST Eastbound Thr- Left Peds 38 35 0 47 43 1 48 51 0 47 35 5 180 164 6 pP141 125 144 126 536 159 m 832 757 818 761 3168 05:00 PM 34 170 33 6 243 21 107 44 0 172 22 159 44 22 247 53 54 33 4 144 806 05:15 PM 43 152 13 5 213 25 107 64 0 196 33 172 44 5 254 37 36 35 1 109 772 05:30 PM 29 143 12 7 191 30 122 59 0 211 23 171 56 5 255 59 42 31 2 134 791 05:45 PM 22 130 13 2 167 24 101 53 0 178 20 148 14 4 186 41 35 28 0 104 635 Total 128 595 71 20 814 100 437 220 0 757 98 650 158 36 942 190 167 127 7 _49_1_3004 Grand Total Apprch % Total % Cars % Cars Trucks Trucks 275 16.7 4.5 270 98.2 5 1.8 1194 72.4 19.3 1163 99.1 11 0.9 140 8.5 2.3 98.6 2 1.4 40 2.4 0.6 100 0 0 1649 26.7 98.9 18 1.1 1234 15.5 3.8 97.9 5 2.1 836 55.3 13.5 98.9 9 1.1 439 29.1 7.1 98.6 1.4 2 0.1 0 100 -6() 0 1511 24.5 98.7 20 1.3 227 11.4 3.7 97.8 5 2.2 1296 65.4 21 1260 97.1 38 2.9 351 17.7 5.7 99.1 3 0.9 109 5.5 1.8 100 0 0 1985 32.2 97.7 46 2.3 376 36.6 6.1 99.2 3 0.8 347 33.8 5.6 99.1 3 0.9 291 28.3 4.7 97.3 8 2,7 13 1.3 0.2 100 0 0 1027 16.6 98.6 14 1.4 6172 98.4 98 1.6 12 Out In Total 1631 3403 18 69 1649 34721183 j 138 4011 2 01194 140 40 Right Thru Left Peds OZ vd,r> North a o a o o f -� 5/15/2008 04:00 PM -I 2 m V cn r� r r 5115/2006 05:45 Ph l a N cO 1 n N it 1 Cars T w w 51,11- _N11 O o Trucks O N r O F4 Left Thru Right Peds 348 1V2223 351 11989202009 OutIn Total Richard Garcia & Associates Inc. 13117 NW 107th Ave SUITE #4 Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 PH: 305-595-7505 Fax: 305-675-6474ile Name : NW 14 ST & NW 12 AVE—PM Site Code : 29 -PM Start Date : 5/15/2008 Page No :2 F - NW 12 AVE NW 14 ST NW 12 AVE NW 14 ST 241 Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Start 35 176 48 8 Time Right Thru Left Peds pnv,ror� Right Thru Left Peds paa,Taai RightThru Left Pedsppp,7olal M:qhtjT�Left�Pd,p Peak Hour Analvsis Frnnn n4•nn Pnn r„ nF- i s 04:15 PM 33 Tmai Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Beoins at 04 -no PM 04:00 PM 52 155 29 5 241 36 99 48 0 183 35 176 48 8 267 68 38 35 0 141 832 04:15 PM 33 149 13 8 203 37 101 58 0 196 28 155 30 20 233 34 47 43 1 125 757 04:30 PM 34 147 17 3 201 31 100 53 0 184 35 168 60 26 289 45 48 51 0 144 818 04:45 PM 28 148 10 4 190 30 99 60 2 191 31 149 55 19 254 39 47 35 5 126 761. Total Volume—i-- 34 399 219 2 754 129 648 193 73 1043 186 180 164 $ 536 3168 App. Total 17.6 71.7 8.3 2.4 17.8 52.9 29 0.3 12.4 62.1 18.5 7 34.7 33.6 30.6 1.1 PHF .707 .966 .595 ,625 .866 .905 .988 .913 .250 .962 .921 .920 .804 .702 .902 .684 .938 .804 .300 .931 1 952 NW 12 AVE Out In Total 946 835 1781 147 599 69 20 Rllght Thru Left Peds y T r i�r� 1004 1043 2047 Out In Total —NW 12_AVE Peak Hour Data N 2 � F J � � North C � Peak Hour Begins at 04:00 PM Cars O CD D Trucks (L T r i�r� 1004 1043 2047 Out In Total —NW 12_AVE Richard Garcia & Ass®ciates,lnc. Page 1 13117 NW 107th Ave. Unit No.4 Hialeah Gardens, Florida 33018 Tel. 305.595.7505 / Fax. 305.675.6474 Station ID: 8965 NW 12 AVE SOUTH OF NW 14 ST OUdn iz-Hug-uu Total Time Tue NB SB 12:00 AM 28 55 12:15 26 49 83 12:30 18 31 75 12:45 16 27 49 01:00 24 18 43 01:15 15 20 42 01:30 18 21 35 01:45 13 16 39 02:00 17 15 29 02:15 13 17 32 02:30 11 19 30 02:45 16 16 30 03:00 17 16 32 03:15 17 19 33 03:30 23 20 36 03:45 9 17 43 04:00 26 9 26 04:15 21 25 35 04:30 28 15 46 04:45 40 37 43 05:00 47 40 77 05:15 74 43 87 05:30 141 70 117 05:45 154 76 211 06:00 172 124 230 06:15 346 144 296 06:30 424 174 490 06:45 423 186 598 07:00 A03 234 609 07:15 405 213 717 07:30 429 306 618 07:45 322 326 735 08:00 390 233 '648 08:15 302 265 623 08:30 356 275 567 08:45 316 244 831 09:00 314 249 560 09:15 401 230 563 09:30 317 208 631 09:45 292 218 525 10:00 314 145 _ 510 10:15 356 261 459 10:30 335 284 817 10:45 269 294 619 11:00 265 :: ;314 563 11:15 259 " 757 579 11:30 291 ;3:04 516 11:45 322 34:7 595 Total 8915 6526 669 15441 Percent 57.7% 42.3% Peak 06:45 11:00 07:00 Vol. 1740 1222 2718 P.H.F. 0.901 0.880 0.924 Richard Garcia & Associafcs,inc. Paget 13117 NW 107th Ave. Unit No.4 Hialeah Gardens, Florida 33018 Tel. 305.595.7505 / Fax. 305.675.6474 Station ID: 8965 NW 12 AVE SOUTH OF NW 14 ST Start 12 -Aug -08 Total Time Tu e NB SB 12:00 PM 275 308 583 12:15 302 333 635 12:30 302 302 604 12:45 252 290 542 01:00 293 301 594 01:15 300 292 592 01:30 283 275 558 01:45 263 268 531 02:00 491 320 •611. 02:15 303 284 `587 02:30 297 318 615 02:45 83 319 J602 03:00 255 293 548 03:15 259 328 587 03:30 2583:12 570 03:45 247 3,45 592 04:00 254 348 602 04:15 207 310 517 04:30 254 326 580 04:45 188 315 503 05:00 275 343 618 05:15 258 341 599 05:30 238 323 561 05:45 223 310 533 06:00 134 257 391 06:15 231 249 480 06:30 212 285 497 06:45 164 206 370 07:00 191 202 393 07:15 138 190 328 07:30 124 266 390 07:45 107 214 321 08:00 116 190 306 08:15 105 161 266 08:30 89 157 246 08:45 93 132 225 09:00 111 129 240 09:15 81 131 212 09:30 81 109 190 09:45 92 76 168 10:00 69 112 181 10:15 74 88 162 10:30 96 84 180 10:45 90 101 191 11:00 57 84 141 11:15 65 81 146 11:30 49 94 143 11:45 34 66 100 Total 8963 11168 20131 Percent 44.5% 55.5% Peak 14:00 15:15 14:00 Vol. 1174 1333 2415 P.H.F. 0.969 0.958 0.982 Richard Garcia & Associates,inc. Page 3 13117 NW 107th Ave. Unit No.4 Hialeah Gardens, Florida 33018 Tel. 305.595.75051 Fax. 305.675.6474 Station ID: 8965 NW 12 AVE SOUTH OF NW 14 ST Start 13 -Aug -08 Total Time Wed NB SB 12:00 AM 49 53 102 12:15 26 40 66 12:30 24 34 58 12:45 14 26 40 01:00 13 21 34 01:15 15 20 '35 01:30 13 22 35 01:45 13 18 31 02:00 18 20 38 02:15 5 14 19 02:30 16 28 44 02:45 18 18 37 03:00 17 12 29 03:15 1.3 13 26 03:30 18 17 35 03:45 14 16 30 04:00 21 19 40 04:15 19 20 39 04:30 38 19 57 04:45 53 36 89 05:00 73 42 115 05:15 75 46 121 05:30 110 52 162 05:45 116 82 198 06:00 234 115 349 06:15 283 156 439 06:30 463 180 643 06:45 .421 183 604 07:00 336221 557 07:15 >402 210 ;612 07:30 426 303 729 07:45 319 323 _ 642 08:00 387 23061.7 -61 08:15 299 262 08:30 353 272 625 08:45 313 241 554 09:00 311 246 557 09:15 398 227 625 09:30 314 205 519 09:45 289 215 504 10:00 311 142 453 10:15 353 258 611 10:30 332 281 613 10:45 266 291 557 11:00 262 .: X11 573 11:15 256 74 510 11:30 288 . 301' 589 11:45 319 663 Total 8727 6459 15186 Percent 57.5% 42.5% Peak 06:30 11:00 07:15 Vol. 1622 1210 2600 P.H.F. 0.876 0.879 0.892 Richard Garcia & Ass®ciatcs,inc. Page 13117 NW 107th Ave. Unit No.4 Hialeah Gardens, Florida 33018 Tel. 305.595.7505 / Fax. 305.675.6474 Station ID: 8965 NW 12 AVE SOUTH OF NW 14 ST marl i J-Hug-ua Total Time Wed NB SB 12:00 PM 300 303 12:15 282 311 603 12:30 316 278 593 12:45 327 308 594 01:00 239 276 635 01:15 269 233 515 01:30 229 284 502 01:45 328 302 513 02:00 263 250 630 02:15 317 311 513 02:30 392 321 628 02:45 378 303 713 03:00 327 326 681 03:15 348 349 653 53 03:30 1372 300 03:45 37.1` 321 672 04:00 38.6 324 ;692 04:15 ,36.9 313 490 04:30 337 342 682 04:45 330 ;317 679 05:00 320 331 647 05:15 274 347 651 05:30 292 ?345 621 05:45 201 267 637 06:00 200 289 468 06:15 192 263 489 06:30 212 243 455 06:45 207 241 455 07:00 150 214 448 07:15 131 231 364 07:30 114 258 362 07:45 108 197 372 08:00 106 179 305 08:15 69 180 285 08:30 85 131 249 08:45 105 115 216 09:00 81 123 220 09:15 67 128 204 09:30 63 106 195 09:45 79 71 169 10:00 79 105 150 10:15 66 101 184 10:30 89 87 167 10:45 86 86 176 11:00 49 95 172 11:15 65 71 144 11:30 52 104 136 11:45 41 53 156 Total 10063 11033 94 Percent 47.7% 52.3% 21096 Peak 15:30 16:45 15:15 Vol. 1498 1340 71 27 2776 P.H.F. _ 0.970 0.965 Grand Total 36668 35186 71854 Percent 51.0% 49.0% ADT ADT 36,282 AADT 36,282 i c , Richard Garcia $ Assoceatc.s,lnc. Page 1 13117 NW 107th Ave. Unit No.4 Hialeah Gardens, Florida 33018 Tel. 305.595.75051 Fax. 305.675.6474 Station ID: 8682 NW 14 ST EAST OF NW 12 AVE Start 12 -Aug -08 Time Tue WB EB Total 12:00 AM 0 8 12:15 18 7 8 12:30 16 13 25 12:45 12 9 29 01:00 7 10 21 01:15 14 8 17 01:30 4 7 22 01:45 12 3 11 02:00 4 8 15 r 02:15 9 6 12 02:30 10 2 15 02:45 9 3 12 03:00 7 3 12 03:15 10 6 1016 03:30 10 3 03:45 95 13 04:00 9 4 14 04:15 8 10 13 04:30 16 9 18 04:45 20 14 25 05:00 17 8 34 05:15 29 6 25 05:30 48 18 35 05:45 66 45 66 06:00 67 71 111 06:15 94 79 138 06:30 132 107 173 06:45 133 99 239 07:00 129 104 232 07:15 124 127 233 07:30 142 110 251 07:45 189 124 252 08:00 191 115 313 08:15 X05 102 306 08:30 217. 106 906 08:45 320 11 1 323 09:00 241 110 93;7 09:15 175 117 951 09:30 201 121 292 I 09:45 184 118 322 10:00 164 I�U 302 10:15 165 146, 294 10:30 160 128 305 10:45 157 :: 131 288 11:00 157 102 291 11:15 166 106 259 11:30 144 109 272 11:45 148 105 253 Total 4269 2890 253 Percent 59.6% 40.4% 7159 Peak 08:15 10:00 08:15 Vol. 883 532 1312 1312 P.H.F. 0.916 0.950 r - Richard Garcia & Associatcs,inc. Page 13117 NW 107th Ave. Unit No.4 Hialeah Gardens, Florida 33018 Tel. 305.595.75051 Fax. 305.675.6474' Station ID: 8682 NW 14 ST EAST OF NW 12 AVE OIdR rz-Hug-ud - Time Tue WB EB ,Total 12:00 PM 158 123 12:15 147 137 281 12:30 135 118 284 12:45 174 106 253 01:00 135 125 280 01:15 122 89 260 01:30 146 114 211 01:45 133 97 260 02:00 1'60 87 230 02:15 .152 69 247 02:30 .168 112 221 02:45 :178 1.04 280 03:00 138 103 282 03:15 149 100 241 03:30 157 146 249 03:45 130 134 303 04:00 144 122 264 04:15 128 142 266 04:30 137 1$5 270 04:45 135 182 292 05:00 149 ...'22-2 317 05:15 123 780 371; 05:30 113 148 303 , 05:45 120 139 261 06:00 104 113 259 06:15 115 96 217 06:30 138 90 211 06:45 102 71 228 07:00 89 71 173 07:15 106 50 160 07:30 119 45 156 07:45 67 41 164 08:00 64 34 108 08:15 64 31 98 08:30 56 40 95 08:45 52 21 95 09:00 47 14 73 09:15 34 23 61 09:30 52 23 57 09:45 42 19 75 10:00 37 15 .61 10:15 26 20 52 10:30 64 17 46 10:45 38 27 81 11:00 39 22 65 11:15 42 14 61 11:30 52 13 56 11:45 21 16 65 Total 5001 3980 37 Percent 55.7% 44.3% 8981 Peak 14:00 16:30 Vola 658 739 16:30 P.H.F. 0.924 0.832 1:30 1283 Richard Garcia & Ass®ciatesjnc, Page 3 13117 NW 107th Ave. Unit NoA Hialeah Gardens, Florida 33018 Tel. 305.595.7505 / Fax. 305.675.6474 Station ID: 8682 NW 14 ST EAST OF NW 12 AVE Time Wed WB EB Total 12:00 AM 15 8 12:15 13 8 23 12:30 21 8 21 12:45 16 11 29 01:00 15 3 27 01:15 10 6 18 01:30 9 11 16 01:45 6 5 20 02:00 6 4 11 02:15 7 6 10 02:30 13 5 13 02:45 11 2 18 03:00 5 9 13 03:15 6 2 14 03:30 5 .1 8 03:45 11 6 6 04:00 8 4 17 04:15 6 10 12 04:30 14 10 16 04:45 17 10 24 05:00 17 11 27 05:15 27 14 28 05:30 48 23 41 05:45 68 30 71 06:00 69 45 98 06:15 112 87 114 06:30 142 100 199 06:45 132 124 242 07:00 117 120 256 07:15 154 107 237 07:30 >223 133 261 07:45 204 112 356 08:00 225 112 :316 08:15 211 95 337 08:30 201 117 3os 08:45 213 108 318 09:00 164 125 321 09:15 191 121 289 09:30 168 110 312 09:45 138 ;:122 278 10:00 165 >' 134 260 10:15 161 1:32 299 10:30 148 -.143 293 10:45 172 11.0 291 11:00 146 111 282 11:15 148 98 257 11:30 148 103 246 11:45 150 127 251 Total 4276 2903 277 Percent 59.6% 40.4% 7179 Peak 07:30 09:45 Vol. 863 531 07:30 P_H.F. 0.959 0.928 1315 0.923 u Richard Garcia & Associates,inc. 13117 NW 107th Ave. Unit No.4 Hialeah Gardens, Florida 33018 Tel. 305.595.7505 / Fax. 305.675.6474 Page 4 Station ID: 8682 NW 14 ST EAST OF NW 12 AVE „-ruy-vo Time Wed WB EB Total 12:00 PM 155 115 12:15 154 140 270 12:30 184 118 294 12:45 148 122 302 01:00 150 111 270 01:15 120 82 261 01:30 184 92 202 01:45 159 136 276 02:00 146 119 295 02:15 155 123 265 02:30 :162 124 278 02:45 T63 132 286 03:00 (145. 165 295 03:15 180` 139 310 03:30 148 152 319 03:45 151 149 300 04:00 163 140 300 04:15 153 181 303 04:30 145 'c >:993. 334 04:45 142 159 338 05:00 112 197- 301 05:15 147275 309 05:30 109 151 362 05:45 110 133 260 06:00 107 119 243 06:15 106 98 226 06:30 146 94 204 06:45 117 85 240 07:00 78 46 202 07:15 112 59 124 07:30 97 59 171 07:45 67 46 156 08:00 61 41 113 08:15 78 23 102 08:30 44 27 101 08:45 .60 21 71 09:00 44 29 81 09:15 52 23 73 09:30 53 24 75 09:45 37 23 77 10:00 45 22 60 10:15 34 17 67 10:30 52 26 51 10:45 44 25 78 11:00 41 11 69 11:15 36 16 52 11:30 55 8 52 11:45 21 17 63 Total 5172 4347 38 Percent 54.3% 45.7% 9519 Peak 14:30 16:30 Vol. 650 764 16:30 P.H.F. 0.903 0.888 1310 Grand 0.905 Total 18718 14120 Percent 57.0% 43.0% 32838 ADT ADT 9,450 AADT 9,450 r, CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Appendix E: Committed Developments & Programmed Improvements Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. TABLE: A4-2 Civica Medical Center MUSP Committed Developments Link ROADWAY DIR Project Name Total Committed Traffic Person Trip Volume @ 1.4 PPV Mass Transit in Person -Trip @ 14.9% NAME AT UM Florida UM Medical Wagner's The Urban I nterdicipl i nary Department Staff Parking Jenny Wagner Place Club Laboratory of Health Garage Tower Square Building 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 NW 12th Avenue South of NW 14th Street NB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LINK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 NW 14th Street East of NW 12th Avenue EB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LINK 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 )tes: 1 Roadway Name Roadway Name 2 Direction Direction 3-9 From Traffic Studies on From Traffic Studies on File at the City of Miami (see attached) 10 Total committed traffic a Total committed traffic assigned to analyzed roadways. 11 Person trips assigned tc Person trips assigned to Transportation Corridor. 12 Transit trips assigned tc Transit trips assigned to Transportation Corridor. j ?a Search Results Layers Legend Result Type: Project List Total: 8 No Project `lame UM Interdisciplinary Laboratory Building 2 Wagner's Place 3 Urban Club, The 4 Civica Towers i a University of Miami Clinical Research Building & P U.M ME�iCAL STgFti Q4iL�1�' "I Wp,p�NclZ SQuA�� -• - 11 ,.,I, I - I - I uiy wieciory I city ornciais I commission agendas I employment I events J+ r .,`, 1lM1R s r. 915823.272 y:530734.465 This Web site is best viewed using Internet Explorer version 5.0 or higher with a resolution of 1024 z 768. Copyright © 2005, City of Miami, Information Technology Department http://gis.miamigov.com/RedDBGIS_50/MapFormslwfrniRedDBMaD.asDx?ScrHeialit=566&Sci-Width=Rnn 7/01 / )00Q TABLE: A4 -1 Civica Medical Center MUSP Committed Developments Folio No Name Type of Permit Address Description Net Area 1 01-3135-065-0030 UM Interdisciplinary Laboratory Building 2006-0136 1501 NW 10th Avenue Medical offices and research ALLAPATTAH 2 01-3135-024-0030 Wagner's Place Class II 1511 NW 13 Court Residential ALLAPATTAH 3 01-3135-010-0420 Urban Club, The Exempt 1444 NW 14 Avenue Residential ALLAPATTAH 4 01-3135-000-0165 Florida Department of Health 1350 NW 14th Street Medical Lab & Clinic ALLAPATTAH 5 01-3135-060-0010 UM Medical Staff Parking Garage 1453 NW 9th Avenue Parking Garage and Chiller Plant built on existing surface parking lot ALLAPATTAH 6 01-3135-010-0030 Jenny Tower Exempt 1524 NW 14th Avenue Residential ALLAPATTAH 7 01-3135-059-0020 Wagner Square Exempt 1700 NW 14 Avenue Mixed Use: residential & retail (Affordable Housing) ALLAPATTAH IrJ City of Miami - Capital Improvements and Transportation Page 1 of 2 En Espanol i Text -Only i home i city directory i city officials i city organizations j commission agendas I employment i events i search CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ABOUT US FIND A PROJECT CAPITAL PLAN BOND OVERSIGHT BOARD PROCUREMENT OPPORTUNITIES TRANSPORTATION INITIATIVES CONTACT US SEARCH CITY OF MIAMI: Find a 11'ro,ject District 1 Projects Under Construction To learn more about a specific project, click on the symbol in the map or legend: y r i L r y ikf T ' http://www.miamigov.com/capitalImprovements/pages/ProjectInfonnation/Distriet1.asp 8/8/2008 P1 �; cm' rn� c r ivv 27 CT Z fV\ --L NVQ' 2 AV E- NIAI 4 � it7 4 I W 2 AN r- 2 PL NW 23 CT I L�V 2 m Ilk- + cm cn cn rr� 1 ; ¢ Njy i Av LO k 4 m Ilk- + cm cn cn rr� 1 ; ¢ Njy Av LO k - 1 m Carlos Valentin From: Carlos Valentin [cvalentin@rgatraffic.com] t __-'Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 5:08 PM To: 'Geysa_Sosa@URSCorp.com' Cc: 'JoseGonzalez@miamigov.com'; Lilia Medina (limedina@ci.miami.fl.us); 'Richard Garcia' Subject: RE: Committed Development _New Civica MUSP Thanks Geysa Jose or Lilia, We have identified the committed developments shown below for the New Civica MUSP project. If available, can anybody provide us with the information so we can include these projects in the analysis? If so, please let us know to coordinate how we can get this information. We will appreciate any assistance with this topic. Thanks Respectfully, Carlos X. Valentin Traffic Engineering Analyst Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. 13117 NW 107th Avenue, Unit 4 Hialeah Gardens, Florida 33016 Tel: 305-595-7505 Fax: 305-675-6474 WWW.RGATRAFFIC.COM Can you kindly provide us with the Site Traffic sheet for the following committed developments: Proiect Name Address 1. Wagner's Place(Class 11) Court 2. The Urban Club(Exempt) Avenue 3. UM Interdisciplinary Laboratory Bldg Avenue 4. Florida Department of Health Street 5. UM Medical Staff Parking Garage Avenue 6. Jenny Tower(Exempt) Avenue 1 Folio# 01-3135-024-0030 1511 NW 13th 01-3135-010-0420 1444 NW 14th 01-3135-065-0030 1501 NW l 0th 01-3135-000-0165 1350 NW 14th 01-3135-060-0010 1453 NW 9th 01-3135-010-0030 1524 NW 14th We will appreciate any help with this matter. Thanks From: Geysa_Sosa@URSCorp.com [mailto:Geysa_Sosa@URSCorp.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 2:48 PM To: Carlos Valentin Subject: RE: Committed Development —New Civica MUSP The City may have other sources of information because there are several projects on that list.•You may want be sure to include all the committed developments. Geysa Y. Sosa Traffic Engineer URS Corporation 3343 West Commercial Blvd., Suite 100 -~ Ft Lauderdale, FL 33309 Phone: (954) 739-1881 x. 234 Direct: (954) 670-2608 Fax: (954) 739-1789 geeysa sosa@urscorp.com com www.urscorp.com r I From: Geysa Sosa@URSCorp.com [mailto•Geysa Sosa@URSCorp.co Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 2:24 PM To: Carlos Valentin Subject: Re: Committed Development New Civica MUSP Carlos, I have not been able to find any of these projects in our files. I will check again and if I find something I will let you know. Geysa Y. Sosa Traffic Engineer URS Corporation 3343 West Commercial Blvd., Suite 100 Ft Lauderdale, FL 33309 Phone: (954) 739-1881 x. 234. Direct: (954) 670-2608 Fax: (954) 739-1789 .,eysa sosa@urscorp.com www.tirscorp.com 2 CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Appendix F: Transit Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. 29 . r� CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Appendix G: Corridor Analysis (Person Trip) Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. 30 TABLE: A5 Civica Medical Center MUSP PERSON TRIP VOLUME AND CAPACITY ANALYSIS TABLE (ONE-WAY ANALYSIS) ROADWAY MODE ROADWAY DIR MIAMI ADOPTED LOS CORRIDOR TYPE ROADWAY VEHICULAR CAPACITY PERSON- TRIP CAPACITY @ 1.6 PPV ROADWAY VEHICULAR VOLUME PERSON - TRIP VOLUME @ 1.4 PPV EXCESS PERSON TRIP CAPACITY ROADWAY PERSON TRIP FROM TO WC LOS EXIST��IG COxNDi FI,O.Nau,. ._ , .... <,... .'. • �.' . NW 12th Ave SR 836 NW 20 ST NB E 21 -D -Class II 1800 2880 1322 1851 1029 0.64 C NW 20 ST SR 836 SB E 21 -D -Class II 1800 2880 1323 1852 1028 0.64 C NW 14th St NW 7 AVE NW 14 AVE EB E 2LD-Non State 1720 2752 744 1041 1711 0.38 C NW 14 AVE NW 7 AVEI WB I E I 2LD-Non State 1 1720 2752 1 647 906 1846 1 0.33 C i. WITH BACKGRQ ,,' TRAFFIC (2011: ' t NW 12th Ave SR 836 NW 20 ST NB E 21 -D -Class II 1800 2880 1389 1944 936 0.67 C NW 20 ST SR 836 SB E 21 -D -Class II 1800 2880 1389 1945 935 0.68 C NW 14th St NW 7 AVE NW 14 AVE EB E 2LD-Non State 1720 2752 781 1093 1659 0.40 C NW 14 AVE NW7AVEJ WB E 2LD-Non State 1720 2752 680 WIT.H;'B/ACKGRO„UND _& COMMITTED,TRAFIC 952 1800 0.35 C n ; NW 12th Ave SR 836 NW 20 ST NB E 2LD-Class II 1800 2880 1389 1944 935 0.67 C NW 20 ST SR 836 SB E 21 -D -Class II 1800 2880 1389 1945 935 0.68 C NW 14th St NW 7 AVE NW 14 AVE EB E 2LD-Non State 1720 2752 781 1093 1659 0.40 C NW 14 AVE NW 7 AVEI WB E 2LD-Non State 1 1720 2752 680 952 1800 1 0.35 C WITH•PROJECT,AND:BACKGR,OU,ND 8 CMMITIED TRAFFIC, NW 12th Ave . ,......,.... .,. : 3 SR 836 NW 20 ST NB E 21 -D -Class II 1800 2880 1 1466 2052 828 0.71 C NW 20 ST SR 836 SB E 21 -D -Class II 1800 2880 1462 2047 833 0.71 C NW 14th St NW 7 AVE NW 14 AVE EB E 2LD-Non State 1720 2752 1065 1491 1261 0.54 C NW 14 AVE NW7AVEJ WB E 2LD-Non State 1 1720 2752 977 1367 1385 0.50 C TABLE: A6 Civica Medical Center MUSP PM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES otes: 1 Roadway Name 2 Location of Count 3 Source of Data: RGA=Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. 4 Beginning of data count 5 Ending of data count 6 Peak Seasonal Correction Factor obtained from 2007 Florida Traffic Information CD, Miami -Dade North Category 8700 7 Axle Correction Factor obtained from 2007 Florida Traffic Information CD 8 Link Direction 9,10 Raw Data 11 Average of Count 12 Seasonally Adjusted PM Peak Hour Calculation=Average'SF'ACF © Richard Garcia and Associates, Inc. 2008 E ROADWAY PM Peak Hour PM PEAK t° �o LL U u- HOUR Link NAME AT cn o o a Q DIR Tuesday Wednesday AVERAGE VOLUME °sExistin,g Con'd�tiorr(S,easo'n,ally Ad�,usted} , „ ;'; , �;. s� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 11 12 w w NB 1174 1498 1336 1,322 I o co co 1 NW 12th Avenue South of NW 14th Street co rn SB 1333 1340 1337 1,323 C) co co LINK 2507 2838 2673 2,645 w co EB 739 764 752 744 ¢ 0co 0 2 NW 14th Street East of NW 12th Avenue c7 rn Wg 1 658 1 650 654 647 r o LINK 1 1397 1 1414 1406 1,391 co I co otes: 1 Roadway Name 2 Location of Count 3 Source of Data: RGA=Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. 4 Beginning of data count 5 Ending of data count 6 Peak Seasonal Correction Factor obtained from 2007 Florida Traffic Information CD, Miami -Dade North Category 8700 7 Axle Correction Factor obtained from 2007 Florida Traffic Information CD 8 Link Direction 9,10 Raw Data 11 Average of Count 12 Seasonally Adjusted PM Peak Hour Calculation=Average'SF'ACF © Richard Garcia and Associates, Inc. 2008 TABLE: A7 Civica Medical Center MUSP Project Traffic ROADWAY Net Vehicle Percent Percent Net Vehicle Net Vehicle Trips Trips - FROM TO DIR Ingress Egresss Trips - IN OUT TOTAL NW 12th Ave SR 836 NW 20 ST NB 40.00 15.00 13 64 77 NW 20 ST SR 836 SB 12.00 12.00 13 60 73 NW 14th St NW 7 AVE NW 14 AVE EB 15.00 15.00 51 233 284 NW 14 AVE NW 7 AVE WB 12.00 12.00 46 1 251 297 CIVICA MEDICAL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Appendix H: Intersection & Driveway Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. 310 TABLE : A8 Civica Medical Center MUSP Intersection Level of Service Summary Intersection Existing PM Peak (2008) Proposed PM Peak (2011) Proposed PM Peak (2011) Optimized Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS NW 14th St & NW 7th Ave NW 14th St & NW 10th Ave NW 14th St & NW 11th Ave NW 14th St & NW 12th Ave 21.4 C 91.6 F 29.4 C 51.3 D 50.1 D 33.9 C 12.7 8 63.2 E 28.0 C 36.3 D 61.0 E 37.1 D ISM 4-6t9 IG Iy �E AAV L MN 6 0� �T ' z zZ CO m m <—b9 9 AAV 0 MN SES L6 6-3 N (o N 99Z—, N N CO N (0 0 SMI AAV L 4 MN 0 T 6Z6 LO N r v z mc N F -b59 66 AAV Zl MN OL T 909 --->(COO w W HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Existing PM TMC's 1: NW 14 ST & NW 7 AVE 08-057 Civica Medical Center MUSP _10. *-- I41 Lane Configurations, tce3lFfow (vp() 1900... 900 1900900 x;900 19,00 19009aQ0 ' 900 ; 1900; 190Q 1900' Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 are t1tl Factor 1 00 x;0`0 1 00 1 00 < Oµ95 1 OQ 0 95 Frt 0.98 1.00 0.91 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.99 0:98 0 9V6,1 0� 0 95 1 00: 0 95' 1 0`Q , „rorc�ed Satd Flow (prot) 1784 1770 1690 1770 3515 1770 3499 Satd. Flow (perm) 1184 928 1690 741 3515 717 3499 Volute (v h) 129 1`24 49 39 7d - 1 i 3 - 31 546 Peak -hour factor, PHF 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 d� Flow (vett) 14"2 36 54 43 77 124 34 603 _ 29 76 56"0 46' µs Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 332 0 43 201 0 34 632 0 76 606 0 � Protected Phases 2 6 8 4 Permii:ed P�iase � 2 6 8 `4 Actuated Green, G (s) 26.0 26.0 26.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 s E�fecti�e Green, g ( ) 2 06 0 26 0 0"' 56 0 56 0 56 0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.62 Ceaance Time (s) AA Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lne'Grp� Cep (vp'h) 342 268 X488 461 2' 87 446 217:x. v/s Ratio Prot 0.12 c0.18 0.17 ws Rano Per c0 28 0 05 0 05 0 v/c Ratio 0.97 0.16 0.41 0.07 0.29 0.17 0.28 Unfori'®relay,d1 31x6 -23 9 25 8 6 7 $', 7 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - ... 1.00 crena Delaj!F d?; 40 ?,. rar .. Delay (s) 72.3 24.1 26.4 7.0 8.2 8.0 8.1 Leve of Service E C C A A A A Approach Delav (s) 72.3 26.0 8.1 8.1 floridlvl7-AA51 Timings Existing PM TMC's 1: NW 14 ST & NW 7 AVE 08-057 Civica Medical Center MUSP Lane Configurations None None Coord Coord Coord Coord Act Efct Gee (s) 26 0 26 0 26 0 56 0 56F0 56 0 , 56 p Actuated g/C Ratio 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.62 0.62 0.62 . 0.62 /c Maio „ 0:90 Volum iii' �....< Uniform Delay, d1 29.7 23.8 12.8 6.7 7.77.2 7.5 1'2 8._...._8.3, ._.. . _. _. Turn Type .�?9..._.. Perm _�',2 Perm �`i-oac �ea369 r143 X83 Perm Approach LOS D Perm A P�octed �t�ses 2 6 Cycle Length: 90 8 4 Permitted Phases 2 Offset: 70 (78%), Referenced to phase 6 8 4 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Qetecor Pises 2 26 6 $; 8 4 4 Minimum Initial (s) 4.0 4.0 .. 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 t ury► s J(?? 20 5 y 20 50 5 20 Total Split (s) 33.0 33.0 33.0 33.0 57.0 57.0 57.0 57.0 Total vpll (%) 3% 37% 37% 37°l� $3% 63% ` 63�% Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 X63°�s 4.0 4.0 Recall Mode None None None None Coord Coord Coord Coord Act Efct Gee (s) 26 0 26 0 26 0 56 0 56F0 56 0 , 56 p Actuated g/C Ratio 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.62 0.62 0.62 . 0.62 /c Maio „ 0:90 0`16 0 360 0 29 07„ 0 28 Uniform Delay, d1 29.7 23.8 12.8 6.7 7.77.2 7.5 1'2 8._...._8.3, LOS D C B A A A A �`i-oac �ea369 r143 X83 82 Approach LOS D B A A Cycle Length: 90 'FCtua e C cl'e Len tih 90 Offset: 70 (78%), Referenced to phase 4:SBTL and 8:NBTL, Start of Green Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated x.51 Intersection Signal Delay: 14.0 Intersection LOS: B .- Splits and Phases: 1: NW 14 ST & NW 7 AVE floridlvl7-AA51 a floridlvl7-AA51 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Existing PM TMC's 2: NW 14 ST & NW 10 AVE 08-057 Civica Medical Center MUSP Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Frt 1.00 0.92 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.97 1.00 1.00 0.85 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 3247 1770 3362 1770 1807 1770 1863 1583 F!t Perrnitted 0'49 1 00}'Q 40 '�9 00 0 26 1 00 0 62 1 0:0 1:00 P..M Satd. Flow (perm) 907 3247 750 3362 479 1807 1152 1863 1583 Volume:(uph) 227 264 323 48 X237 118 65 74 18 38 197 266 Peak hour factor, PHF 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 Pd1 sFlow (vph) 3' ftt23 n22 _,333 ' 49 2434° 3 122 67 76 19 3;9 203 274 Lane Group Flow (vph) 234 605 0 49 366 0 67 95 0 39 203 274 Protected Phases 5 2 1 6 3 8 7 4 emitted Phases tx-,. a. xw'[x4e,e.,,..,.at Actuated Green, G (s) 84.7 76.1 77.8 72.2 23.1 16.9 22.5 16.6 16.6 Ef�ecifve Greer, ,g (s) 85 6 77 1 � � k SM`8 } 73 2n 23 1 17 9 22 5 17 6 17 6; Actuated g/C Ratio 0.66 0.59 0.60 0.56 0.18 0.14 0.17 0.14 0.14 Vehicle Extension (s) . 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp"C"' (vph) 653 1924..«,w nM' 485 f892 Km137, `249 223 X252 214 .. v/s Ratio Prot c0.02 0.19 0.00 0.11 c0.02 0.05 0.01 0.11 •, 1 h - �j .F - .1 4� 3 S Y 1 - -... -st /s Ratlo Pei f7i'c0 2 I0 06 0 07 0 02 x0 17 v/c Ratio 0.36 0.31 0.10 0.19 0.49 0.38 0.17 0.81 1.28 UnifornDelayd1' 90 13 30=94 0 46 2 5`I 1 45 5 546 `"562 ..4W .YN S.. .:.a�,t .t >8. ,e w..: a_ .tA 3z, ...,. ., f ._. � ..:, _ Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 , z � Inccernental Delray, d25 3 0 45 0 1 0'2 a.g 2P7 1 0 0 4 16 9 15,710 Delav (s) 9.3 13.7 11.0 14.2 48.9 52.0 45.9 71.5 213.3 s) 12.5 13.8 50.8 144.8 HCM Volume to Capacity ratio 0.53 Intersection Capacity Utilization 51.3% ICU Level of Service A c Crifcalane floridlvl7-AA51 Timings 2: NW 14 ST&NW 10 AVE Existing PM TMC's 08-057 Civica Medical Center MUSP i 41 ar�efiCrot�p Lane Configurations VORme u h) �- 2564"'48 237 65 74, 38 197 X66s x' Turn Type pm+pt pm+pt pm+pt pm+pt Perm Permitted Phases 2 6 8 4 4 Minimum Initial (s) 4.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 MlnlrnurnKS ilt s v Y X8'0 21 0 8 0 210`8 0 X21 0 8 0E k21 4 29 0 19 Q Total Split (s) 13.0 76.0 13 0 76.0 11.0 23.0 11.0 23.0 23.0 17.0 6/0 0 0 0 � 1`16r/ow>r �2�0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lag bead 1_ag Optlm>ze? Yes ` EYesk z Yes Yes , e Yes Yesx Yes Yes 4Yes M Recall Mode None Max None Max None None None None None Min Actuated g/C Ratio 0.65 0.60 0.60 0.56 0.19 0.14 0.19 0.14 0.14 V/czRafio T `` 6, 0 35 0:29 01 0 19 0 43 0 37 0 1'6 .F 0 80, 0 60s Uniform Delay, d1 8.7 5.5 8.0 10.2 42.7 47.1 42.0 54.6 0.0 LOS B, A A B D D D E „AS Approac�i Delay rt :. 7 6 91,2 46 Approach LOS A B D C I'nter'section Slghai Delay 18 1; � _ ; =p� � ��� Intersectl¢n LOS B � �� _ �� s Intersection Capacity Utilization 51.3%° ICU Level of Service A Splits and Phases: 2: NW 14 ST & NW 10 AVE 1(' o1 ' o2 o3 ` o4 m9 K. d *t7- -14 05 06 o7 o$ 3 .s :': ---.. err 1 .. - <. floridlvl7-AA51 l:icremental Delay' d2- X36 Ar0 2 0 3 N Delay (s) 77.6 2.9 5.7 36.5 53.5 Approach Delay (s) 8.7 5.7 47.0 Approach HCM Volume to Capacity ratio 0.41 °Ac�uate�d CycleSLenEgth (s) _�� r�,�� X87 4' � s=Sum oflos time (s) 12 0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 40.2% ICU Level of Service A floridlvl7-AA51 Timings Existing PM TMC's 3: NW 14 ST & NW 11 AVE 08-057 Civica Medical Center MUSP .' — *'► f< Lane Configurations tt tT+ Turn Type Prot Perm A Permitted Phases 4 Minimum Initial (s) Total Split (s) 9.0 68.0 59.0 32.0 32.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Optimizes "Y' Recall Mode None Max Max None None Actuated q/C Ratio 0.06 0.78 0.69 0.13 0.13 Uniform Delay, d1 41.2 2.6 5.3 35.2 0.0 LOS D A A C A Approach Delay Approach LOS A A B Lenqth: 100 Intersection Capacity Utilization 40.2% ICU Level of Service A Jpiits and Phases: 3: NVV l4 ST & NVV i i AVE o2 o4 05 � 06 floridlvl7-AA51 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Existing PM TMC's 4: NW 14 ST & NW 12 AVE 08-057 Civica Medical Center MUSP Lane Configurations Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Qelayd1 42 CP 510' 519 45<8 5'5.r 11 0 15 8 13 9x 13 8 ` l8'6' Lane Uti) Factor= 1 00' 1 00 1:00 1 00 0 95 1 00 ;p 0 95 �1 y00' 1 OQ, 0 91 88.8 79.3 Frt 1.00 1.00 0.85 1.00 s 0.96 1.00 1.00 k 0.85 1.00 0.97 0.64 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.53 Clearance Tide 3 Satd Flow (prot) 1770 1863 1583 1770 3406 1770 3539 1583 1770 4935 3.0 6It Permitted 0 �5 �R00., �:OOa 0`4 Satd. Flow (perm) 274 .. 1863 1583 773 3406 530 3539 1583 681 4935 %olume'(vph) .' 166 182 188 221 403 135 195 ,654 X30;, 70'605 14$ Peak -hour factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 .d 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Adt Flow �yph) 175 192 .198 9 424 142205 ; 688 k X137,, 74 156 VM Lane Group Flow (voh) 175 192 198 m:233 233 566 0 205 688 137 74 793 0 Protected Phases 7 4 3 8 5 2 70 a ...,.: 1 6 0.53 0.64 0.81 0.85 0.46 0.34 0.15 0.17 0.30 Qelayd1 42 CP 510' 519 45<8 5'5.r 11 0 15 8 13 9x 13 8 ` l8'6' Actuated Green, G (s) 37.2 25,2 25.2 37.2 25.2 88.8 79.3 79.3 79.4 72.9 52.2 56.5 60.8 65.0 11.8 16.3 14.3 14.0 18.9B Actuated g/C Ratio 0.27 0.19 0.19 0.27 0.19 0.64 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.53 Clearance Tide 3 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 v/s Ratio Prot c0.07 0.10 0.06 0.17 c0.04 0.19 0.01 0.16 v/s Ratio Perm x c018 130 16 c0 26 4 0 09 0 09 70 a ...,.: v/c Ratio 0.91 0.53 0.64 0.81 0.85 0.46 0.34 0.15 0.17 0.30 Qelayd1 42 CP 510' 519 45<8 5'5.r 11 0 15 8 13 9x 13 8 ` l8'6' zUniforr>1 �: , Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Delay (s) 83.7 52.2 56.5 60.8 65.0 11.8 16.3 14.3 14.0 18.9B B,�,. Approach Delay (s) 63.4 63.8 15.1 18.5 HCM Volume to Capacity ratio 0.59 Actuated Cycle, LeOgfh (s), •, ry " 7;`40 0 �': Su,m of los# time (s) '12 0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 66.4% ICU Level of Service B e Critical Lane Group r floridlvl7-AA51 F_ Timings Existing PM TMC's 4: NW 14 ST & NW 12 AVE 08-057 Civica Medical Center MUSP Lane Co Turn Type pm+pt Perm pm+pt pm+pt Perm pm+pt Protected Phases ::zh , .` 7..:g4.. 3' 8 :: 5 FF?,, , Permitted Phases 3,4 4 8 2 2 . 6 Minimum Initial (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Total Split (s) 15.0 33.0 33.0 15.0 33.0 22.0 70.0 70.0 22.0 70.0 Total Spllt (%) „ , ry11 °l4 24% X24°l0 : I:1 % ,x>24% ,16%. 50% 50%' 16% 50% >... Yellow Time (s) 3.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 Lead Lag Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead Recall Mode None None None None None None Coord Coord None Coord Actuated g/C Ratio 0.27 0.19 0.19 0.27 0.19 0.64 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.53 v/c Ratio x 0 88 0 53 0 42 f 0 `79N0 83 0 46 ` 0 `34 0,1Y4 0 190 30 ak m Uniform Delay, d1 38.0 50.6 0.0 41.0 51.1 10.2 15.8 0.0 9.8 17.0 Delayv.x LOS E D A D D B B A B B Approach LOS D D B B "�ss� r'�Ei+� *C ^x �`✓,^l'}' �^Eg �s a., ,3 �" K ro`R° i '•. iTi' A `�" �. 3�'�`. , � P' •z :� 3 . v-` fi* .Xfi 3 � f y' a „sar f Cvcle Length: 140 7 (5%), Referenced to phase 2:NBTL and 6:SBTL, Start of Green Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Intersection Signal Delay: 27.5 Intersection LOS: C 1:'n�ersectron Ca ac)t Uti)ization 66 4J° Splits and Phases: 4: NW 14 ST & NW 12 AVE 01 02 7 m3 ", 04 1 05 06 07 08 floridlvl7-AA51 N v r --eZ (--LL9 �--hh DAV L MN ZL 9EN 9� F - v z z It N C,O tL DAV OL MNLOZ-08Z�m ZMN �� 0) m M/Q N DAV 11 MN Vq 9E1 y oum-i`" 0091 OZ DAV Z1 MN 9 969- v �� 991 r N F- d Z r- HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Proposed PM Peak TMC's 1: NW 14 ST & NW 7 AVE. *Optimized 08-057 Civics Medical Center MUSP r HCM Volume to Capacity ratio 0.72 41 C, (s) ` , k �u� , , 90 0 ,Sm oflost time (s) 8 Q k F „ .. Intersection Capacity Utilization 83.2% ICU Level of Service D c Critical Lar7e Group x .F',... floridlvl7-AA51 Timings Proposed PM Peak TMC's 1: NW 14 ST & NW 7 AVE *Optimized } 08-1057 Civic@ Medical Center MUSP _10..�-- I # Lane Configurations Turn Type Perm Perm Perm Perm Permitted Phases 2 6 8 4 Minimum Initial (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 ..,' ..4 R, s�.. � ,2aaa._11 1, of Total Split (s) 56.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 Total Spllt (%)". 62°I° 626y 62% 62% 38% `38% 38%0 '_ 38% ` Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 • n -n S;W'n Recall Mode None None None None Coord Coord Coord Coord Actuated WC Ratio 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 Uniform Delay, dl 22.2 14.0 9.2 14.9 16.4 16.1 16.1 Delayr 21 3 1;1 1 7 7� 20 7` 1y87 �Y22 4 18'4 LOS C B A C B C B Approach LOS C A B B Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio � 94 �, x � �€w � 4 Intersection Signal Delay: 18.2 Intersection LOS B Intersection Capacity Ulizaton 832%,CU Levelof ServiceDX -... .. t : .. Splits and Phases: 1: NW 14 ST & NW 7 AVE o2 o4 �1 a, : a.-.,-zii' ... : ,t... ..,' ..4 R, s�.. � ,2aaa._11 1, of 08 floridlvl7-AA51 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Proposed PM Peak TMC's 1: NW 14 ST & NW 7 AVE 08-057 Civica Medical Center MUSP 119 44 577 �> 28'� 72 53658 Peak -hour factor, PHF 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 „ 0.91 0.91 0.91 Lane Configurations tT+ Ideal Floyv (uphYpl)s,' £as �`� 1900 ��190�0 �'�1900 � 1Y900 , 1"900 <7900q fi1900 �1�900�,��1900< 1900�� 19,;Q0 1900 Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Frt 0.97 1.00 0.92 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.99 Protected 0 935 1 00 1 00 1 tilt X98 ,00 Satd. Flow (Prot) 1780 1770 1707 1770 3514 1770 3487 Fit Permuted � 0 64 Satd. Flow (perm) 1168 Q 38 � 1s,00 710 1707 0 37 4;8��1 00 - � � 0 36 1 DO 685 3514 674 3487 Uolurne(vph) 119 44 577 �> 28'� 72 53658 Peak -hour factor, PHF 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 „ 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 Lane Group Flow (vPh) 0 606 0 45 235 0 48 665 0 79 653 0 Protected Phases 2 6 8 4 Actuated Green, G (s) 29.0 29.0 29.0x 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 Effective Gee N,xg (sir 29 0 X29 0 29 0 53 0 53 0 `- 453 0 X53 0 ,> _. '�3 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.32 0.320.32 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 - Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 v/s Ratio Prot 0.14 c0.19 0.19 v/c Ratio 1..61 0.20 0.43 0.12 0.32 0.20 0.32 lJriiform Delay; d i 3035s 22 1 24 0 8 2 9 4 8 6 X94 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 '1.00 1.00 1.00 Increrriental Delay d2 A 287 3 0 4 0 5 r Delay (s) 317.8� 22.5 24.5 � �� 8.8� 9.8 9.7 9.8 Approach Delay (s) 317.8 24.2<<9 7< 9.8 HCM Volume to Capacity ratio 0.78 Actuated Cycle Lengt)5 (s� � y90 0 '�� Sum of lost time A(s�� 8 0 �,� . Intersection Capacity Utilization 83.2% ICU Level of Service D cr Cntcal Lane Groupy_ floridlvl7-AA51 r Timings Proposed PM Peak TMC's 1: NW 14 ST & NW 7 AVE 08-057 Civica Medical Center MUSP Lane Confiaurations Turn Type Perm Perm Perm Perm 4J" LOS F C B A A A A OO 4�.. Permitted Phases 2 6 8 4 Approach LOS Detector, Phases 2 s 2 6 8 8 4 4 Minimum Initial (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Total Split (s) 33.0 33.0 33.0 33.0 57.0 57.0 57.0 57.0 Total Split37% F63% `='63% .- 63°�° 63% Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 . 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Recall Mode None None None None Coord Coord Coord Coord Uniform Delay, d1 29.3 22.1 15.7 8.2 9.2 8.6 9.0 4J" LOS F C B A A A A OO 4�.. Q8 SW.., Approach LOS F B A A le Lenath: 90 Offset: 70 (78%), Referenced to phase 4:SBTL and 8:NBTL, Start of Green Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximurrl v/c Ratio 157 Intersection Signal Delay: 6 .,1.7 Intersection LOS: E In�ters�ctiort Capacity Utiliz�tiori 83 2%43 ICU Levu ofYS�rvice SDIIts and Phases: 1: NW 14 ST & NW 7 AVE floridlvl7-AA51 o2 o4 4J" OO 4�.. Q8 SW.., floridlvl7-AA51 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Proposed PM Peak TMC's 2: NW 14 ST & NW 10 AVE *Optimized 08-057 Civica Medical Center MUSP Lane Configurations '4',0'4:"f'_207 28:0 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 flow v h 246 J (.p }. Lane Group Flow (vph) 246 526 351 q52 x 03 128 71 877 0 52 431 0 71 80 - S 2Q 41 100 0 41 21:3 280. 213 289 +' Ideal F}o�uj(�ph`pl} 1900 1900 X1,900 1900 �1900 1900 1900 1900 � 1900_,,; � 900;; 190q 1900, Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 L°ane Utl Factof �; x1 00 . 0,95 1' 00 �0 95 , ;;K , ,,w,1 00 ,. 1 00 1 00: 1 00 1 OQ Frt 1.00 0.94 1.00 0.96 1.00 0.97 1.00 1.00 0.85 Flow (prot) 1770 3327 1770 3382 1770 1807 1770 1863 1583 Satd. Flow (perm) 755 3327 504 3382 608 1807 1290 1863 1583 Utolume v h sn 239 X510 340 50 29A 124, 69 �8 9 Peak -hour factor, PHF 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 '4',0'4:"f'_207 28:0 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 flow v h 246 J (.p }. Lane Group Flow (vph) 246 526 351 q52 x 03 128 71 877 0 52 431 0 71 80 - S 2Q 41 100 0 41 21:3 280. 213 289 Protected Phases 5 2 1 6 3 8 7 4 Perrnitted;Phas;es Actuated Green, G (s) 58.3 49.7 47.6 42.0 26.8 20.0 22.0 17.6 17.6 Actuated/C Ratio 0.56 0.48 0.45 0.41 0.25 0.20 0.21 0.1 g 8 0.18 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 _ 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 e I�ane,Grp Cap (uph) � `�j 544 1603 ¢ - 2$3 1382 � � 219 36� '" } k _> 285 329 280 v/s Ratio Prot c0.05 c0.26 0.01 0.13 c0.02 0.06 0.00 0.11 v/c Ratio 0.45 0.55 0.18 0.31 0.32 0.28 0.14 0.65 1.03 104iformwDelay`d1 f 12 1q�192 M r16 5 21 1 30 9 35 7 wy33 7 X40 3 43 °3 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I�crernental Delay,'d2 '� �0�6 t 1 3 0 3 }0 6` X 0 9 0 4- � � 0 2 4,3 X62:4 Delay (s) 12.7 20.5 16.8 21.7 31.8 36.1 33.9 44.6 105.7 Approach Delay (s) 18.8 21.1 34.3 76.3 Approach LOSS.... „'r.. :.��,., B >.� .....rt C.... �__..� .. .A. __, . rC �...."�' .,'F ....,. vP :a_:.: ... _...a _:::: .. .. >.: f._.r:. 1 . HCM Volume to Capacity ratio 0.65 actuated Cyole Ler�tg�hp(s) , X ' s X05 2��� fiS��n�of lost time��(s� � =n 25 5`, _ F y Intersection Capacity Utilization 58.4% ICU Level of Service A floridlvl7-AA51 Timings Proposed PM Peak TMC's 2: NW 14 ST & NW 10 AVE *Optimized 08-057 Civicfa Medical Center MUSP Permitted Phases 2 6 8 4 4 '8 - Minimum Minimum Initial(s) 4.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 . 4.0 5.0 Total Split (s) 31.0 53.0 14.0 36.0 14.0 38.0 12.0 36.0 36.0 23.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lag Recall Mode None Max None Max None None None None None Min Actuated WC Ratio 0.57 0.49 0.45 0.41 0.26 0.20 0.23 0.17 0.17 Uniform Delay, d1 11.6 15.8 11.0 18.7 29.2 32.7 28.9 40.2 0.0 LOS B B B C C C C D A Appr"U. Delay 1,7 8 ..h21 8 $,>32 2 rvX21 2'W Approach LOS B C C C Cycle Length: 140 s'r� cuated cycle Lerlgth 103 5 4_ ..r _.�,.. -, e . _.., eaa. S _ M € � ,.,. _.., s � . s . .. ��.� . u ,,.„ik.- Natural Cycle: 80 Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.66 ' Iriterseetion Signal Delay�'20 5 ,' �'Infers�ectio�n LOS�C �,'.��.. _ �; � � , Intersection Capacity Utilization 58.4% ICU Level of Service A Splits and Phases: 2: NW 14 ST & NW 10 AVE 7 01 " o2 o3 � o4 A 09 mss.FROMi nmS t 2 05 =� m6 Y+? 07 1 08 ..�� U ;', floridlvl7-AA51 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Proposed PM Peak TMC's 2: NW 14 ST & NW 10 AVE 08-057 Civica Medical Center MUSP Lane Configurations r IdealFlow (vphipl) s i ;u 19Q0 19'00 1900 1J900 a 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900' 190Q 1900 19QQ t .w.,....A. Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Lar1e Util Factor 1 00 0 95 100 0951 00 1 00 1 OQ 1 00 1 00 ...... ,. �_..... _ _� Frt 1.00 0.94 1.00 0.96 1.00 0.97 1.00 1.00 0.85 Flt Protected' ' 0 95 1 0050 95 1 Q0 k 0=95 �1 00 0 9 1 Ob 1 0"0 Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 3327 1770 3382 1770 1807 1770,1863 1583 Fltxertlitted 0,5= 1 000 2$1,00 w # 0 24 1h00 ; K 0 60 1 00 1 00 Satd. Flow (perm) 834 3327 516 3382 439 1807 1125 1863 1583 '%olume (vph), x X39 . ` 510 340 50 294 X124 X69 -: 78 ! 9f 40 207 280 Peak -hour factor, PHF 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 Add Flow (uph) 246 X526 „ w351 52 f :303 128 71 , 80 2q; X41 N.F13y 2$9 r=, _ ..$. Lane Group Flow (vph) 246 877 0 52 431 0 71 100 0 41 213 289 Turn Type p►?+pt >., «. , �,... .,,gin.._. I?m+pt _ pm+pt Protected Phases 5 2 1 6 3 w pm+pfi Perm 8 7 4 Permitted Phases 2 6 I 8 4 4 d x4.,.ro �A. ,bra .1 y:, .,max,..... ... •,: b: .<xx. e`F „ '_..., .,.�,.. <. £e.C..9.,, .,w.. s:.. Actuated Green, G (s) 84.7 76.0 77.8 72.1 23.5 17.3 22.9 17.0 17.0 Effect`iveGreeri, g (s) 85 6 77 0 77 8 73 1 23 5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.66 0.59 0.60f0.56 0.18 18 3 r 22 9 18 0 1°8'.0 0.14 0.18 0.14 0.14 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 ro 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 v/s Ratio Prot c0.03 c0.26 0.01 0.13 c0.02 0.06 0.01 0.11 /s Ratio P,err , 0 24 Y0 080 08 0 0'3 0 1;8 v/c Ratio 0.40 0.45 0.15 0.23 0.54 0.40 0.18 0.83 1.33 .Uniform Delayvd1x . 9 3 149.. x g x;11 114 5 _ f6F2u 51F1 w:= s,.45 4 5485 .,.56 2 Progression Factor 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I'ncrernental Delay, d2_ 0 4 0 7 0 2<0 3 4 2' t1 `0 ` 0 4 19:3 174 Z= Delay (s) 9.8 15.6 11.6 14.7 50.4 .52.1 45.8 74.1 231.0 Approach Delay (s) 14.3 14.4 51.4 155.5 Approach z floridlvl7-AA51 Timings Proposed PM Peak TMC's 2: NW 14 ST & NW 10 AVE 08-057 Civica Medical Center MUSP Lane Turn Permitted Phases 2 6 8 4 4 Minimum Initial(s)4.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0~ 5.0 Total Split (s) 13.0 76.0 13.0 76.0 11.0 23.0 11.0 23.0 23.0 17.0 o �� o o °� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' `�• Yellow Time (s) 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 2.0� Lea Recall Mode Actuated g/C Ratio Lead Lead Lap Lead Laq L None Max None Max None None None None None Min 0.65 0.60 0.60 0.56 0.19 0.14 0.19 0.14 0.14 Uniform Delay, d1 8.9 11.5 8.2 11.9 42.6 47.3 41.9 54.7 0.0 LOS B B A c B D D<., D. E "A na v na gppioaeh Delay 12 3f 12 7467 k32 9 Approach LOS B B D C Cycle Length: 140 Natural Cycle: 80 Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.82 Intersection Capacity Utilization 58.4% ICU Level of Service A Splits and Phases: 2: NW 14 ST & NW 10 AVE ter- T o1 tz 4 o2 l o3 1► o4 09 7 r 05 ' 06 o7 08 floridlvl7-AA51 ` HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Proposed PM Peak TMC's 3: NW 14 ST & NW 11 AVE *Optimized 08-057 Civica Medical Center MUSP 1681 1575 1504 ova�ent� �;�;�t �B� BBT � SBR sUUBL yVBR yNBL �N T NB(�= SBL S SBR ��,� �U11BT r r Lane Configurations, r Ideal Flow (vphpl) ��„9 �` 1900 19.00,��'f19Q0 ���1900 1900 `1900 �` 1490Q: t ��900 �p ;1900�,��190s0 ��9;00 ,,900 Total Lost time (s) 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 �, Lane Ut_II ae or ' 1 00 0 95 0 95 _ 0 95 0 91 OA95 1 00 1 QO- r ..... �,� �, . a ...> t ., _ Frt 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.96 0.85 1.00 0.85 Flt Protected w 0x951 00 1 00 0 95 0 96 1 0,0; Satd. Flow (Drot) 1770 3539 3510 1681 1575 1504 1770 1583 Satd. Flow (perm) 1770 3539 3510 1681 1575 1504 1770 1583 Volume (uph)y w F,. }. 5705-2, 37 251 0°a° 233;1,35 Peak -hour factor, PHF 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 WOO (kph):4 66 849 0 xF'. 0 761 45 302 r 0 =281s 10'I 0 163 E Lane Group Flow (vph) 66 849 0 0 806 0� 165 _ 179 239 0 101 163 Protected Phases 5 2 6 8 8 ry 4 4 Actuated Gren, G (s) 7.2 46.1 35.9 14.2 14.2 * e 14.2 10.1 10.1 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.07 0.56 0.44 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.13 0.13 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 - 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane GrpuCap (vph) 129 1993 Y 1y558 £280 262 250 "0,:r, 206. v/s Ratio Prot 0.04 c0.24 c0.23 0.10 0.11 0.06 v/c Ratio 0.51 0.43 0.52 0.59 0.68 0.96 0.44 0.79 U-. Ifor Dela d 1 38;1 0 �7 a r ff '! 71, Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I'ncrenenfal DelayGd2; 34 0 7 N Z311F, 081:4 Delay (s) 41.5 11.4 18.4 36.1 40.7 79.7 35.6 54.5 Leve`I of Seniice " D 4 B w' E r " B D D„ E,� D 'D Approach Delay (s) 13.6 18.4 55.4 47.3 ,- HCM Volume to Capacity ratio 0.65 ActuatedCycle Lepgfh (s)� ���' ;�'fi� ` 85 4 �urri of losttirne�(s) A� 16 0' k �;�� , Intersection Capacity Utilization 54.0% ICU Level of Service A floridlvl7-AA51 ` Timings Proposed PM Peak TMC's I NW 14 ST & NW 11 AVE *Optimized II 08-057 Civica Medical Center MUSP Lane Confiqurations Volume(vph) ': £55 X705 632 251 0 233 0 ` 135 Turn Type Prot Split Perm Perm I?totected Phases 5,, 2 , j 6 . �.8 8 ,. 4..:.... �., , . , Permitted Phases 8 4 Minimum Initial (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0.• Total Split (s) 15.0 51.0 36.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 23.0 23.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 4.0 4.0 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.0 4.0 `- all Lead/Lag Lead Lag Recall Mode None Max Max None None None None None Actuated g/C Ratio 0.09 0.56 0.45 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.13 0.13 Uniform Delay, d1 38.1 10.7 17.0 32.9 30.6 0.5 34.2 0.0 LOS D B C C C A D A „ Approach LOS B C C B 1tersectlonSrgrary 's *�� . F., r, Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycle LergthF 84 813s£:,a.. $: F „ ,..x Natural Cycle: 75 Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.65 I�ntersectin Sinal Delays 17 91erse�ction L'OS- B Intersection Capacity Utilization 54.0% ICU LevelofService Splits and Phases: 3: NW 14 ST & NW 11 AVE o2 o4 08 IEEE ... ... `v floridlvl7-AA51 Queues Proposed PM Peak TMC's 3: NW 14 ST & NW 11 AVE '"Optimized 08-057 Civica Medical Center MUSP Lane Group Flow (vph) 66 849 806 165 179 239 101 163 Queue Length 95th (ft) 73 207 261 144 154 49 97 43 Ii�terr�at Link Dlst (ft) 7q1 X278.; 4' 279 175 " 50th Up Block Time (%) Turn Bav Lenqth (ft) 95th Bay Block Time :,�� rS � xse�s 4 �L.. 9 - y r s y.a k S L rs g�'�a3 h, � _� �,i� s � 6- S -k -✓' . floridlvl7-AA51 t, HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Proposed PM Peak TMC's 3: NW 14 ST & NW 11 AVE 08-057 Civica Medical Center MUSP •,� �`�, � v v s7 rJ n Y sz ���, z � f f r� � Lane Configurations tt 0 Idea) F(owq(yphpAr 1900`fi 1900 "19p0 ` 19001900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 (900 41900 Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Lane Util Factor 1 00 0 95 ' 0 95 r95 0 91 >` ' 0 95 Er ' 10"0 1 QO Frt 1.00 1.00 0.99 ,0 1.00 1.00 0.85 1.00 0.85 Satd. Flow (Prot) 1770 3539 3510 1681 1610 1504 1770 1583 Flt Permitted �0 95 1 00A,1 00 f 0 95 0 95 1 00 0 95 < 1 0,0 ,' Satd. Flow (perm) 1770 3539 3510 1681 1610 1504 1770 1583 %olume (kph,)., 55 ?05 0 .. , 0 632 37 r: 251. 0..` 233`. 84 0 135 .`: Peak -hour factor, PHF 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 Lane Group Flow (vph) 66 849 0 0 .806 0 151 151 281 0 101 163 Tr Split Perm Protected Phases 5 2 6 8 8 4 4 Actuated Green, G (s) 4.7 62.6 54.9 11.5 11.5 11.5 97 9.7 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.04 0.65 0.58 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.11 Clearace Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane GrP.0 P.��ph). r¢_.n.a, 66 .23.14 5 �: 2021..= n196 187 175:8 h 192 .. 1Z:I v/s Ratio Prot c0.04 0.24 c0.23 0.09 0.09 0.06 v/c Ratio 1.00 0.37 0.40 0.77 0.81 1.61 0.53 0.95 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Increrperitat Delayr d2 �� 10;;8 0 5 0 6, 16 9 21 9 X297 5 f,m„ = 3 2 6 54:,8 Delay (s) 158.3 8.2 12.1 59.3 64.5 341.2 44.2 98.6 Approach Delay (s) 19.1 12.1 196.5 77.8 HCM Volume to Capacity ratio 0.66 Intersection Capacity Utilization 54.0% ICU Level of Service A floridlvl7-AA51 Timings Proposed PM Peak TMC's 3: NW 14 ST & NW 11 AVE 08-057 Civica Medical Center MUSP Permitted Phases 8 4 b8 Detector P�iases a 5 2 g s 8 :. .. s� _ �� l0s,9100 RIM 05 �1-- 06 Minimum Initial (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 �Vl�nim�i"rn Splif�(s) t S ;$#0,:� 0 0 F20 Ox 20 0 k 2?0 0 21 0 21 0 Total Split (s) 9.0 ,22 68.0 ,,,..,122 59.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 T`Otal Yellow Time (s) 3.0 4.0 4.0 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.0 4.0 Lea ,Yes . .. .. ...... . . ...��.. q... ..,,: Recall Mode None Max Max None None None None None Act Effct Green'(s)`x 3'„ 5 0„ 1',64 0 X56 9 X11 5 dX311 5 r11 F5 ..t.5.r{ Actuated g/C Ratio 0.05 0.65 0.58 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.11 Uniform Delay, d1 47.5 7.8 11.4 42.4 42.5 8.9 _ 41.6 0.0 LOS E A B D E B D A a, r ,{..vi11�, A`PProach De:IaY Approach LOS B B D� C 3^iY & �3iPJi s�Z3Fty95e� F ^gni Ye a R }teNr T In�^ t ionfic n ter'&SignalrDelay 1846 _ HJ IritersectionzLOS B 4 kj� s..K E. ''�= s s'=. , f Intersection Capacity Utilization 54.0% ICU Level of Service A Sblits and Phases: 3: NW 14 ST & NW 11 AVE - 02 04 08 b8 :. .. s� _ �� l0s,9100 RIM 05 �1-- 06 floridlv17-AA51 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Proposed PM Peak TMC's 4: NW 14 ST & NW 12 AVE *Optimized 08-057 Civica Medical Center MUSP Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 64.5 64.5 Frt 1.00 1.00 0.85 1.00 0.96 1.00 1.00 0.85 1.00 0.97 Flt Protected Y 0 9v5 1 0`0 �� } 1 `OQ 0 95 1 O{0 � }'�0� 95 , � 1 00 1=00 0 95 1 00 Satd. Flow (r)rot) 1770 1863 1583 1770 3394 1770 3539 1583 1770 4935 1863 1583 676 3394 458 3539 1583 570 4935 Peak -hour factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Add Flov (vph)r 183 227 207 w , X07 k{ X79 4 217 216 723 k 158 X91; 66$ a 164 Lane Group Flow (vph) 183 227 207 307 796 0 216 723 158 91 832 0 Protected Phases 7 4 3 8 5 2 1 6 Perm�ttd P)ises 4 Y Actuated Green, G (s) 46.2 31.4 31.4 54.1 36.3 w74.9 IrcrexneArital Delay, d2 a. 18 1'6M 6 6' '7,W Delay (s) �54.8 47.2 48.3 38.2 56.1 21.4 25.8 _ 22.7 20,8 27.3 64.5 64.5 67.4 60.0 Effective Green g (s)"� ��47�2'� 334 � 33'4 56 1 ` 38 3�� ` �° ::75'9 65 5 65 5 367 4 361 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.34 0.24 0.24 0.40 0.27 0.54 0.47 0.47 0.48 0.44 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 v/s Ratio Prot 0.08 0.12 c0.10 c0.23 c0.05 0.20 0.01 0.17 %s Rat o'Per n 0 19 0 13 0'2 0g ,C "¢ ......,__ m,<.- v%c Ratio 0.80 0.51 0 _..55 0.74 0.86 0.62 0.44 0.21 0.28 0.39 lJniform Delay�d1„,x ,36 7 46 2 4G7M £ 31 6 48 2 �8�L24 9 = 22 O a 20 42618 r: Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 IrcrexneArital Delay, d2 a. 18 1'6M 6 6' '7,W Delay (s) �54.8 47.2 48.3 38.2 56.1 21.4 25.8 _ 22.7 20,8 27.3 _x:KIP, ` ... Approach Delay (s) 49.8 51.1 24.4 26.7 �. Approach LOS . �., Y c HCM Volume to Capacity ratio 0.69 ActuaiRed Gcle Length (s) 140 0 A' Sn of lost�time (s,) w„ 8 0 ? < ` Intersection Capacity Utilization 74.9% ICU LevelofService C floridlvl7-AA51 Timings Proposed PM Peak TMC's 4: NW 14 ST & NW 12 AVE_*Optimized 08-057 Civica Medical Center MUSP -'* -p. --# 4-- t /AN. "" t Turn Type pm+pt Perm pm+pt pm+pt Perm pm+pt ,w eotected Physes 7 t.` a g 3 � 5_ 8 " Permitted Phases 4 .���.xa .. 4 8 2 2 6 >i { Minimum Initial (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.24 b.40" 0.27 0.54 Total Split (s) 25.0 44.0 44.0 29.0 48.0 29.5 52.0 52.0 15.0 37.5 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4,0 4.0 3.0 4.0 AIIRedTime(s)` 0'.OY 20 200ly?�., .`�.� 1,�If �` 00`..>��£.' ., .. , Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead Lag Recall Mode None None None None None None Coord Coord None Coord Acct Effct Green (s`)£' 47F;3 ;,33 33 4 56 1 38 2 752 65 5 65 5 67 5: 6 >i { l Q 4, Actuated g/C Ratio 0.34 0.24 0.24 b.40" 0.27 0.54 0.4f 0.47 0.48 0.44 /c'ta io 0 73E 0`5 ( 0°39 0°69 083 �0�84 0'44019 '0 2,7 0 38 � e�x, _.. ,,,._.. ,. Uniform Delay, d1 re ,.fhxl ., r ., 5. , 28.7 46.2 .f -F„ a,s a,d A , s 0.0 30.4 45.3 16.7 .i r:4 ;i4� d, $' . < a i ._ . •.- .- 24.9 0.0 15.8 25.3 Delay; .., LOS C D x A Cr'. D C C A B. C pP&roach De a 2`6 8�4 0 6 22 Approach LOS C D C C . :140 Offset: 7 (5%), Referenced to phase 2:NBTL and 6:SBT.L, Start of Green Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Intersection Signal Delay: 29,6 Intersection LOS: C jerseionyCapacity U$tiz�i"o 7 9%� JCi l Level of Service C "N- Splits ,A Splits and Phases: 4: NW 14 ST & NW 12 AVE o1 t o2 m3 o4 o7 108 florid Ivl7-AA51 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Proposed PM Peak TMC's 4: NW 14 ST & NW 12 AVE 08-057 Civica Medical Center MUSP Lane Configurations r '� tT+ tt r 0.01 0.17 ttl+ fdeal F1ou�pfpa `` Y1900 190 19� 0 X1900 x 190 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900; f 900 �k 190 Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Lane U.til Factor 1 00 1r ,004 1:00 h ,1 Q0 Ok95 x . 1 00 :0,95 1 z00; 1 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 0.85 1.00 -0.96 1.00 1.00 0.85 1.00 0.97 Delay (s) 117.5 52.4 54.5 133.3 132.1 13.0 18.5 16.4 14.7 20.7 i}`4:. eves of Serncy f D D F F' . Satd. Flow (prot) 1770 1863 1583 1770 3394 1770 3539 1583 1770 4935 F1tPer �fted 014 '10 1 00 0 36 00 0 27 1 00 1 00 " 0 34 1 OQ ;'&1 c Satd. Flow (perm) 257 1863 1583 673 3394 495 3539 1583 628 4935 Peak hour factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0,95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 2072'1623;108 Lane Group flow (vph) 183 227 207 307 796 0 216 723 158 91 832 0 Protected Phases 7 4 3 8 5 2 1 6 Green, G (s) 39.0 27.0 27.0 39.0 27.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.29 0.21 0.21 0.29 0.21 "6 0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 87.0 75.7 75.7 78.5 70.2 0.01 0.17 %s�Ratio Perm::+ ®20,013 0 23 E e0 27 0 f0, 0 Tp1 ` 9sz ., , x.. , 0.63 0.55 0.55 0.56 0.51 0.59 ,tv 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 v/s Ratio Prot 0.07 0.12 c0,09 c0.23 c0.05 0.20 0.01 0.17 %s�Ratio Perm::+ ®20,013 0 23 E e0 27 0 f0, 0 Tp1 ` 9sz ., , x.. , HI. ate... v/c Ratio 0.95 0.59 0.63 1.10 1.13 0.50 0.37 0.18 0.22 0.33 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 % 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Delay (s) 117.5 52.4 54.5 133.3 132.1 13.0 18.5 16.4 14.7 20.7 i}`4:. eves of Serncy f D D F F' . _... , Approach Delay (s) 72.4 132.4 17.1 20.1 HCM Volume to Capacity ratio 0.69 Actuated Cy�cleb Length (s) �_- � � (,) f s �.,x; r.. x_. .a 'Y,. � ..x �,. i s„_ :Z � .yn. .., xu.�nd, ,.,, a;;. •2..5 4„ b,� Esc^..T 4 F .«,.� ➢, ,.x „w.'� " ,_ Intersection Capacity Utilization 74.9% ICU Level of Service C floridlvl7-AA51 Timings Proposed PM Peak TMC's 4: NW 14 ST & NW 12 AVE 08-057 Civica Medical Center MUSP --Ip. -- t t Turn Type pm+pt Perm pm+pt pm+pt Perm pm+pt 1 6; Permitted Phases 4 4 8 .._ 2 2 6 y e Minimum Initial (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Total Split (s) 15.0 33.0 33.0 15.0 33.0 22.0 70.0 70 0 22.0 70.0 Yellow Time (s) 3.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 Lead/Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Optize� Yes Yes` Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes k.9>...� Recall Mode a. None None None None None None Coord Coord None Coord"» Act Effct Green'(s) 40 0 29 0 29 0"' 40 0 29 0 88 0 X76 7 76 7 78 5 '` '7 �2 ,".i gat ti�E; Actuated g/C Ratio 0.29 0.21 0.21 0.29 0.21 0.63 0.55 0.55 0.56 0.51 v%c�Ratio �� 95 0 59 0 42 . 1 10 I¢ 09 050 `0 37f 0 1:7 :x 0 25 "0 33 4 ar . , . e e.- ,.. . ,_. 3✓ .C. .. s ,,,. , . 'c a a. Uniform Delay, d1 37.0 50.1 0.0 43.5 52.8 11.0 18.0 0.0 10.6 18.7 Dela£s 786 X0`8 X59 11'07`1013 '12 183 X23 108 *1191 LOSS D. A .F BB B. A B , B Approach Dey 44'0 X04 0 -4. 6 18 3 £ v � t �p iv r.� Approach LOS D F B B rI�i� ff;'�,14 "4 .°7k.r."ER`"�y. xj 3' ys"z '+k�'z'� �' a �,a,Ezc",` _ ,�-. -yxt a e z aa....e. r 7 'x• -* �ter$ec Cvcle Lenqth: 140 renced to phase 2:NBTL and 6:SBTL, Start of Green ntrol Tvne: Actuated -Coordinated 46.7 Intersection LOS: D Splits and Phases: 4: NW 14 ST & NW 12 AVE 01 It o2 03 4 04 w-t�+i/pw '! Ti ' <•:. .. ; .,� _. b'. �'.XnS '"' 07 'y..`e.'r `]<. 47-08 l m5 ♦4 ' 06 x 3 F. floridlvl7-AA51