HomeMy WebLinkAboutFood Service Inspection ReportSTATE OF FLORIDA Page 1 of 3 DEPARYMM OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION MET' INSPECTION STANDARDS DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS during this visit r wwwAyFlor$da.com/dbpr/hr + coe FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT LEGAL NOTICE Failure to comply with this Notice may Initiate an admihistraWe complaint that may result in suspension or revocation of your license and tinea. 04/24/08 10:56 AM Routine 2326832 CATR Inspection Date and Time Inspection Reason Lkense Number - GREATER MW4I CATERERS INC ANY VIOLATIONS noted herein must be UrAmer Name corrected by the NEXT UNANNOUNCED INSPECTION, 6334616 GREATER MIAMI CATERERS INC unless otherwise stated. Area Code/Telephone Number Buslness Name nspectlon Result october 1 each year Number of Units ! Ca (back Date/Time License Expiration 4001 NW 31 AVE MIAMI, 33142 Address I Chy I State I Z10 I etC. Item 03: Food Temperatures Item 53a; Cert, Food Managers Item 20: Warewashing SanRizatlon Item 45: Fire Extinguishers and Fire Suppression Systems Dates Flaurtry, v4k In coder, 43 Depn= F. Manager Name: john r butler Certification Sanitlzer Type: Quaternary Ammonium found A rlan ABC type fin Ex6ngu6bar, found inlatklkhan Baer, walk in cooler, 43 Doone* F. Dairy products, "ilk In cooler, 41 Depress f. Date! 2/11/2008 Certified by: y at concentration Of 100 PPM, has a oertir"tim date of 5/2007 A Hood Svppmwion type fire Extinouioher, found in/at Poultry, was: In cooler, 38 Deon— F. Registry of Food Safety Professionals *02-13 Consumer advisory on raw/undercooked animal products In Niche has a cerdrmfion dans of 1/2ooe Plant foods, liktw, 196 Degrees F. *04 Facilities to maintain product temperature *05 Thermometers provided -nd consplcuously placed *06 Potentially hazardous foods properly thawed Pastahim, kkhan,156 No— F. not E: items marK" anove Wn1i an asterisk t") inalcate a violation Inspector's Comments MGRS NEED TO GET FOOD MANAGERS CERTIFICATION W/I 90 DAYS OF HIRE; NEED TO TRAIN ALL EMPLOYEES ON FOOD SAFETY W/I 60 DAYS OF HIRE FROM AN APPROVED ING PROGRAM; HEP 1-800-704-1076; EDUCATION INFORMATION PROVIDED; WEBSITE: W W W,HOSPITALTTYEDUCATION.ORG; EXPLAINED IMPORTANCE OF SANITATION REMENTS. LIST OF DOCUMFMS SHOULD BE READY AT THE TIME OF INSPECTION. 1. LICENSE OF RESTAURANT 2. MANAGER CIRTLFIC—MON 3. LAST INSPECTION 4. �ES 5. HOOD SYSTEM REPORT- 5. ALARM REPORT(IF APPLICABLE) 7. FUMIGATION REPORT(IF APPLICABLE) Employees trained by Florida RestaurantAssoclatlon Boller ction Number: FL021616, Boiler Expiration Date: 9/20/2008 I acknowledge receipt of this inspection form and comments. 04-24-08 Date Signature of Recipient Recipient: JOHN BUTLER Title OPERATOR Phone: 786-797-5528 J� Inspector Signature Forfurther Information please contact: Mohammad Khan SANITATION AND SAFETYSPECTAUSTS240 NW 52TERR, SUITE 101 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33166 (850) 487-1395 rromuuns mara9p wim an ti cer— ars cnocai Ynotrons. items marxw to are in compliance. trams mantso uur are mooeons. npecmc oecaus or vioiawn are nscea on subsequent pages. items marked N/A are Not Applicable. Items Marked as N/0 are Not Observed, and were not being conducted at the time of inspection. DBPR Form HR 5022-016 In *01a Approved source In *01b Wholesome, sound condition *03a Cold food at proper omperatures during storage, display, service, transport, and cold holding In In *02 Original container; properly labeled, date marking In *03b Hot food at proper temperature N/A *02-11 Consumer advisory on raw/undercooked oysters In *03c Foods property cooked/reheated N/A *02-13 Consumer advisory on raw/undercooked animal products In *03d Foods properly cooled *04 Facilities to maintain product temperature *05 Thermometers provided -nd consplcuously placed *06 Potentially hazardous foods properly thawed rromuuns mara9p wim an ti cer— ars cnocai Ynotrons. items marxw to are in compliance. trams mantso uur are mooeons. npecmc oecaus or vioiawn are nscea on subsequent pages. items marked N/A are Not Applicable. Items Marked as N/0 are Not Observed, and were not being conducted at the time of inspection. DBPR Form HR 5022-016 DBPR Form HR 5022-015 Page 3 of 3 License Number STATE OF FLORIDA CATR 2326832 DEPARTMENT OF 13USXNESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Business Name - DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RWAURANU ^� GREATER MIAMI CATERERS INC r ` www.mytiorida.com/dbpr reoo;� nti Inspection Date FOOD SERVICE XWSPRCTION RePORT 04121/08 10:56 AM LEGAL NOTICE - Failure to comply with this Notice may initiate an administrative complaint that may result In suspension or revocation of your license and fines. Vlolation(s): ZS 04-1;Observed single -service items stored on floor, 37-20-1:Hood not cleaned to bare metal prior to surfaces becoming heavily contaminated with grease or oily sludge. 36-13-1:0baerved grease accumulated under cooking equipment. 47-06-1;Observed ex6ansioh cord In use. for non-temporary period. 38-07-1:1.1ghts missing the proper shield, sleeve coatings or covers. 45-22=1:Portable fire extinguishers) obstructed from view. ' 45-27-1:Portable fire wdinguisher blocked/not easily accessible: 22-22-1:Observed encrusted material on can opener. 36-11-1;Floors not maintained smooth and durable. 45-30-1:No Class K portable fire extinguisher provided for high hazard cooking area (for suppression system/equipment installed after June 30, 1938); DBPR Form HR 5022-015