HomeMy WebLinkAboutNominations 05-14-09t CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Priscilla Thompson DATE: City Clerk SUBJECT: FROM: Ada Rojas REFERENCES: Office of Community Relations Coordinator ENCLOSURES: April 2, 2009 FILE: Community Relations Board Nominees Resumes Please find attached a list of names recommended to Mayor Diaz, Commissioner Angel Gonzalez, Commissioner Tomas Regalado, and Commissioner Joe Sanchez to fill vacant positions on the Community Relations Board, which is being submitted on behalf of the Nominating Committee. Also attached are copies of each potential candidate's resume. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or concerns. C= C-) 3: -n 07% CITY OF MIAMI — CRB NOMINATING COMMITTEE (April 2009) p Frrj yFr) glmnffi�� RISCILLA �A, T�10,jjpS@N CITY CLERK CITY OF HI A p1l. FL COMMISSIONER PREVIOUS APPLICANT APPLICANT APPLICANT APPOINTMENT OPTION I OPTION 2 OPTION 3 Mayor Manuel A. Diaz Roudy Thomas Schiller Jerome Frederick Bryant Felice Dubin Milton Pizarro Andres Lemos Gabriel Paez Bob O'Neill Commissioner Angel Gonzalez Jack Blumenfeld Dr. Amada Vargas Henry Langston Derek Cole District I Commissioner Tomas Regalado District 4 Haydee Wheeler Haydee Wheeler *re -appointment for excessive absences Commissioner Joe Harlene, Kennedy Sanchez Teresa Zorrilla-Clark Beatriz Baldan Karen Sanchez District 3 *re -appointment for Marlene Casar-Sanchez Marlene Casar-Sanchez; excessive absences To: Ada Rojas From- Schiller Jerome Date. January 25, 2009 Fax Number: 305-416-2576 RE: Application for Commu ity Relations Board Sc,h'ille*r�.J',e,ro.�B.-.*�A*�, 24 NE 47 St^*t - MIAMI, FLOWDA 33137 EDUCATION Nova SoutheagtersUniversity, Fort Lauderdale, FL January 2(*3- June 2005 Alaster qfBusiness Administration University of Central Floxi&4 Orlitado, FL August 1996- December 2001 Z-ichelor of&ience in L;Nraf Shalies Bwhelbr of Science in Elementary Education State offlorida Mortgage Brokers JAcense April 2005- Presmit Miami Dade Community College, Miami, VL Nfay 2008- Present Designation in Construction FrojectVanagement Fwzdamenteds R2T Trainlog, MISR* GA December 2008 — Present Bwiness.4nalyst Certification PROFESSIONAL E"ERTENCE Tri -lateral lavebtmt-at & M*vmgexneat Deceiraber 2007 —, Nes;ent General Manager • Manage a portfolio of 15- mufti -family real estate partnershipb to preserve the value of Investor Equity and ensure HLTD housuig compfiwme. • Solicit and maintain strong relations with leader representatives, management agents, local officiaW, and, general Partners itt a pmtfoti.o. • Manage reposition situations which include refinancing, general partner iub6-fitution, legal action and rcapitalization. • -Moahor the market mW implcment rent increases and special programs and manage an effective lea ;w renewal programs. • Conduct resident screening and approves all potentiaJ resident applications and reiriews qualifications. JSl%I MRQ Mort ne f rou Citlbaak Jul ,2005-Novemben 2007 ConventionulLuan Underwriter • Accurately analyze credit xoports, determine gross monthly micome for various types of borrowers; empkoyment, and analyze loan collateral to atsess the accumv of appraisals. • Review loan applications for compliance of Freddie Mac, Fannie Mat, Seller.i Servicers guidelines and raquirements. • Examine tmnsuctiom to ensure accuracy anti completimess-, ptt�paring, fors al reports .(Cyr review'; ensuring that documents wv consistent and uphold to company and industri guidelines • Implement gaud detection techniques, performing "mpliance reviews; assisting with renegotiations of loons, ba,,md on leadiag guidelines f L-C-0-ryentlonal Loan Underwriter Canthnwd * N11anage loan application pipeline and expected service levels to complete the loan funding in 21 days. * Facilitator for SUM0 Beta Project Process Mapping Initiative with M, icrosoft Visio Training fbr Six Sigxna Quality Improvement. ABN AMRO Moqg!Ef,up.. August 2003- July 2005 JfAolesale Loan Products Associate • Assigned to 35 mortgage brokerage firms to assist the in the order and fulfillment of all third party products such as appraisal, title, flood certification and closing instructions. • Acts as liaison widi real estate agents!brokers, bailders/developers, title mnpanies, loan consultants and co-wo*er.s to facilitate a prompt, efficient closing of each loan, • Ensare all loan products are completed with our service level agreements timeframe without any oversights. • Utilize established. guidelines to diagnoses loan package situations in order to proceed accordingly. • Prepare and scheduled closing instructions and date between all ponies, Fidelity Moqgagre AdvLsors January 2002- July 2003 jimior Loan C?AvrlProcessor • Initiate loan application and gadder supporting documentation using the Uniftmn Residential Lxxw Application (URLA-1003) and appropriate governmental disclosures. • E%wre loan file complete and order documents requited for loan processing includin& credit report, title, appraisal, flood detemination, 1040s, financial statements, W -2s, and other documentation • Solicit said manage initial relationslilps with builders, maltors, and profitssional groups for future reforrids through education on mortgage products and program",- • Review & collect underwriter wriditions and submit conditions, for underwriting approval for all loan applications. ® Ensure loan funding occur timely, efficiently, and withal program parameters, company guidclixws, state, and federal compliance regulations AFFILWrIONS LJ1 Redevelopment Group (5010), Miami, F1 January 2008 — December 2008 Appointed Special Assis"t to the .Ex ecuiire Director Consultation to the Board of Directors for organizatwn licensing, project selection, construction, fmancirig and property management for affmdabie, bousirig. BVE Historic Neighbors Assmintion (5016), Miami,11 January 2007 - December 2008 Board Member, Commimity Outreach and Special Projects Coordinator 0 Develop and oversec programs for larger communitydesigoed to publicize organization's unique aims and to broaden base of support, R.EFERENCES: Available upon request. 2 NAMEJ Mission The mission of the Community Relations Board is to: a work proactively to identify and. relieve intergroup conflicts before crises arise; identify and contain, as quickly. as possible, community tensions; 0 develop bridges of -understanding and suppoit programs in the community; foster understanding, communication, mid mutual respect; develop and support: local or city based Community Relations Boards throughout the county; and 0 assure that resources are in lace to respond to community crisis. The City of Miami Community Relaticons Board was created by an ordinance of the City Commission and it recruits 'representatives of the various social, racial, religious, linguistic, culuiral, economic, and geographic groups comprisibg the population of this City mid include leaders of government, business, religious and educational institutions, civic and organizations and V Each member appointed shall be a resident of the City of Miami with an outstanding reputation for community pride, interest, integrity, responsibility, businciss or professional ability and who has demonstrated a comm. itment to intergroup relations. Members shall have demonstrated skills in diplomacy and the ability to: • foster mutual understanding, tolerance, and respect among all econoirAc, social, religious and ethnic, groups in the City; act as conciliator in controversies involving comm. Lulity relations; cooperate with federal, State aud. City agencies in developing harmonious community relations; cooperate in the development of educational programs dedicated to the iraprovement of community relations; and enlist the support of, civic leaders; civic, religious, veterm-is, labor, industrial, commercial and other community groups and private agencies engage in the inculcation of ideals of tolenance, mutual respect and understanding. Candidate for Nomination to the City of NEami Community Relations Board Biographical Profile Name: Schiller Jerome fimployer: Tri-latml TMG Inc.. Title/Occu'pation: Managing Partner Business Type: Real Estate Business Address: 24 TdE 47 Street Miami, FL 33137 Business'Yetephone: 305-307.0859 Home Access: 24 NE 47 '.;treet Miami, FL 33137 Home Telephone: 305-573-0534 Length of Residence in the City of Miami. 5 'gears PLEASE CHE CKAPPROPAL4 TE VVFORM4TION USIWO BELO W (Oplionat) (X ) male ( ) Whitc'Nm4lfispanic ( ) Asian or Pacific Islandei Female (X.) Bt4ck Non -Hispanic American Indian or Alaskan Native Hispanic List all affiliations with. civic and community based organizations and positions held: See attached document of community activities. Community Interests: See attwhed document of community actiNities. Additional Information. - None Persons acquainted with Candidate's ActivitiesXxperieace- Name Telephone Koteles Alexander 305-250-5390 Bob Powers 305-299-0052 Pradel Denis 954-249-3785 Q-WESTIONNAIRE FOR CANDIDATES FOR NORMINATION TO SERVE ON THE CITY OF MIAMI CGINIMUNITY R.ELATIONS BOARD CAINDIODATE'S NAME: Schiller Jerome 1. Why would you like to serve on the Community Relations Board? During my tenure as a cc nmiunity advocate, relationship building and sburing of resources among reside is and neighborhoods has been irtst-umentalto improvfitg deprived and neglected conimunitie.s. The CRB will provide the platform and network to participate inn neighborhood building initiatives among multiple communities. 2. Can you dedicate at least A hours per month to serving on the Community Relations Board? Yes 3. What special skills would you bring to the Community Relations Board? I have bad a great success in advocating, lobbying and implementing initiatives and programs to improve quality of life issues. I am higWy trained in business management, networking, event planning and process improvements. 4. Wbat is your understanding of the role of the Community Relations Board in the City of Miami? The CRB serves as a communication tool to re -present the public dissent, opportunities and problem to appointed and elected officials while disseminating information and initiatives whkb. are go-venunent related. 5. Do you feel that positive inter -group relations can. be achieved in the City of Miami? Yes Please attach a copy of your resume after you have completed the form. Schiller Jerome, MBA History of Cominunipy Service • Founder and Chair of,4 Better Little Haiti Political Action Committee and Committee of Continuous Existence. (2008) • Ap*nted by Commissioner Michelle Spence -Jones to co-author the Musew Park- Benefits Agreement w1ft Miwni Science Mi sewn, and Miarni Art,Museum for bicentennial Park. (2008) • Appointed by Commissiorwr Michelle Spence -Janes to cu -author the city of Miami ordinance to address abandoned and derelict properties. (21008) • Comoittee member and contributor to the District 5 Wake. Up Miami Initiative. (29007) • Member of the board of Director for Buena Vista Fast Historic Neighborhood Association. (7006 - Present) • Member the City of Miomi Corturamity Block Grants Comwitwe (2008) • Co -organize BVEHNA Neighborhood Crime Watch Program (2007) • Monthly contributor and mMttr of 13VEHNA monthly Newsletter (2007) • Co-organizer of BVEHNA Metnbmship Drive to increase membership and donations. (2007) • Organizer BVEHNA, Atwual Home Tow and Artist Showcase for Art Basel week. (27007) 0 Ce -organizer BVEHNA Neighborhood Apprimiation Day (2007-2008) a Assisted in the partnembip with Citizen on Patrol to Patrol the Buena Vista East and the Design 46 Implemented Adopt -A -Comer Program with residents and businesses to beautify At qwalo- areas in Rue-ta Vista E3Si, . (2008) 6 Hosted Citizen Education programs for City of Miami initiatives (i.e.. Mjiun 12 1, MNCP) (2007) e Organize Hoaxing Fairs to places low income msidcnTs iri Remal Housing throughout Little I laitil Lemon City. (2008) • Lobbied and attain ftinding for Street Banners in Ruerta Vista Fast. (2008) • Lobbied and attain funding for Wstoric4l, Stwt Lights W BueAa Vista Fast, (2M) Fre�erfck Bry�n-'c 1431 NW2 Ave. Miami, FL 33238 Objective As a citizen of community my objective would be to improve the community. Qualifications Constituent of community. E� ucabon High.School: Miami Northwestern 1969-1971 College: Florida A&M University. 1971 -1975. Bachelor of Science: Political Science, Employment . Teacher: Dade County Public Schools (1997 -Present). Sherwin=-Williams (clerk) 1993-1997. Substitute teacher(1976-4992) Relevant Experience , Former member of NAACP. Teacher: working with children and parents. Frederick Bryant April 14, 2008 NAME: Frederick Bryant Mission The mission ~ nf+he Community Relations Board is to: ° work bD nndr�����intergroup rnn��.fn proactively ~ ��' conflicts ��f;�rp ` ` ' _--_'- crises arise; * identify and contain, as quickly as possible, community tensions; *develon bridaes of understandingand support programs in the community; �communication, ~ pnd mutual re wundk�rml 0[ ,h` develop .' ^based Community~ Relations Boards throughout the and 0 assure that resources are in lace to respond to community crisis. The City of Miami Community ReBoard was created by an ordinance of the --`/ --------------recruits-representatives of the various social, - racial, religious, linguistic, cultural, economic, and geographic groups ` ' the 0�+��' K��^ and m� ~~^^xr~^~~�� ~^- r~r-�-_�^^ ^ -~~~ -~^-� --- -^-~--- -�----- ~- g -v----'---, bnc'De3S, religious and educational institutions, '^8Ds, ^ ^c and organizations and "A�Vul g lill Il K -TV I &K-IJUT I U6 taL Each member appointed shall be a resident of the City of Miami with an outstanding reputation for community pride, interest, integrity, responsibility, business or professional ability and who has demonstrated a commitment to intergroup relations. Members shall have demonstrated skills in diplomacy and the ability to: • foster mutual understanding, tolerance, and respect among all economic, social, religious and ethnic groups in the City; • act as conciliator in controversies involving community relations; • cooperate with federal, State, and City agencies in developing harmonious community relations; • cooperate ooperate in the development of educational programs dedicated to the improvement of community relations; and • enlist the support of, civic leaders; civic, religious, veterans, labor, industrial, commercial and other community groups and private agencies engage in the inculcation of ideals of tolerance, mutual respect and understanding. Candidate for Nomination to the City of Miami Community Relations Board Name: Bryant, Frederick Employer: Dade County Public Schools Title/Occupation: Teacher Business Type: Education Business Address: 1450 NE. 2 Ave. Business Telephone: (305)995-1000 Home Address: 1431 NW 2 Ave. Home Telephone: (305) 571-8368 Length of Residence in the City of Miami: 8 years PLEASE CIIECKAPPROPRIA TE INFORAL4 TION LISTED BELOW (Optional) (X) Male ( ) White.Non-His'panic ( ) Female (X) Black Non -Hispanic ( ) Hispanic ( ) Asian or Pacific Islander ( ) American Indian or Alaskan Native List all affiliations with civic and community based organizations and positions held: Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Community Interests: Drug free, murder free Additional Information: Persons acquainted with Candidate's Activities/Experience: Name George Ellis, Ed.D. Art Woodard, Ed.D. Telephone (305) 571-5020 (305)696-7181 James Bridges, M.D. (305)758-4334 QUESTIONNAIRE FOR CANDIDATES FOR NORMINATION TO SERVE ON THE CITY OF MIAMI COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD CANDIDATE'S NAME: Frederick Bryant 1. Why would you like to serve on the Community Relations Board? To serve the community in a positive way. 2. Can you dedicate at least 10 hours per month to serving on the Community Relations Board? Yes 1. What special skills would you bring to the Community Relations Board? Knowledge of the community. Communication. QUESTIONNAIRE Page two (2) 4. What is your understanding of the role of the Community Relations Board in the City of Miami? To serve the Community. To keep what's good and improve. 5. Do you feel that positive inter -group relations can be achieved in the City of Miami? Yes. 2645 South Bayshoenrive 305.856.7273 miami, Florida 33133 feldub@»ooLcom community, Invoilvernent Cocoanut Grove Village Council, Treasurer (elected) City ofMiami Arts Entertainment Council (Commissioner appointed) Cocoanut Grove Ch berofCommerce, Member Grove Merchants G�oup,Member Miam(-DadnCounty Art inPublic Places Trust Former Board Member Coconut Grove Special Events and Marketing Committee Former Treasurer IFP Miami (independent feature projects) Work Experience: Grove -Star Partners Date to Current Owner/CEO ° Developing Real Estate Company. ° Condo and investment properties expert. * Establishing relationships with clients wmr|dwide. Felicia, Inc. 1990-1999 Founder/Omvner,CEO * Founded and grew retail children's clothing manufacturing company resulting in $8mm annual sales ` ° Developed and designed product (add product) details. ° Created marketing strategies increasing sales tn$8,00O'00O. w Established distribution partnerships with Wal-Mart, Kmart, Target Stores, Specialty Stores, Family Dollar, Federated Stores, T] Maxx. Increased Revenue by Developing aSoreen Printing Division. ° Sourced and se ' cured partnerships with manufacturing plants in Santo Domingo, Honduras and San Salvador, JenmeVVe Inc.: 1976-1998 Founder, Executive Vice President, Treasurer Manufactured Children's Clothing. ° Developed and designed product. ° Created marketing strategies increasing sales to$15,OOO,OOD. ° Created partnerships with VVa|rnart, Kmart, Target Stores, Specialty Stores, Rnnni|y Dollar, Federated Stores, TJ Maxx. ° Oversaw Shipping, Design, Production and Office Management. ° Managed over 1DOfactory personnel. * Trained and managed Junior Executives. ° Controlled financial operations. ' ° Negotiated raw rnahaha|s. ° Established pricing and cost basis. P. & F. Company: 1971-1976 Established aSewing Contracting Company producing apparel for Lady Manhattan, Bodin Apparel, Van Heusmn. Gmtfremmd Limmitacla: 1965-1970 Managed parents Fine Jewelry m anufacturing company and National Showrooms in Colombia, SA. Languages: English, Spanish, German Andres Lemos .247 SW 8th ST # 307 Miami, FL 33230 Office :(305) 460-6000 Mobile :(305) 409-3737 Andres(&,MiamiWaterViewProperties.com OBjECTM- To join the City of Miami so to further, expand on my involvement with community by utilizing past and current community based experiences as well as through my sphere of business to bring greater results to our own backyard. Summary of qualifications: Self motivated and highly driven business owner with a balanced exposure to business via banking, foreign currency, and Real Estate for over a decade with. an emphasis on relationship building. Focused on community and bringing success to not only himself but to those around that are more in need with his talents, gifts, and abilities in a genuine unconditional manner. Experience Miami WaterView Properties- Miami, FL Spring -03 to Present Established by Andres Lemos in 2003 for the sole purpose of serving Miami's growing demand for specialized services in the pre -construction high rise mid to high-end residential industry throughout the Miami metro markets. Principal and Realtor- Consulting clients and prospect clients in acquisition and dispositions with residential properties consisting of Condo, Single Family Homes and Town Homes on their respective values by analyzing Inventory levels, price levels, and financing prerequisites/conditions with a focus on due diligence for preventative measures on financing opportunities on the acquisition side and marketing research on the disposition. Managed work -flow for all documents relating to sales contracts, Lease agreements, and closing statements (Hud-1/Settlement statements) while still being able to offer additional services such as the review of floor plans for new construction and consulting clients on remodeling options for existing property to maximize their return on cash(ROI)/time and minimize liabilities. SouthTrust Bank /Wachovia Bank- Miami, FL Fall -03 to Spring -05 One of the largest domestic banks in all of the US servicing clients with most known bank retail services across the nation. Currently owned by Wells Fargo. Loan officer/Sales and Service Representative- Processed first and second mortgages while consulting clients on the different types of loans and credit options that are available to their particular fit. Also, worked closely with other lines of Business as means of referrals while indirectly introducing a variety of products and services so to maximize revenue and increase customer retention. Worked closely with international affluent clients from South and Central America for all banking needs. Bank of America- Miami/ Miami Beach FL Spring -02 to Winter -03 Currently the largest national retail bank in the country. Recently acquired Country Wide Home Loans, the largest retail lender in the nation, amidst the credit meltdown. Personal Banker / Loan Officer- Same Procedures as SouthTrust Bank/Wachovia Bank (Lateral move/Salary increase) Carlsen & Company -Coral Gables, FL Spring 05-99 to summer 04-02 A boutique financing investment and currency trading firm tvith afocus on Latin clientele and afocus on servicing importers tvith competitive rate spreads. Foreign Exchange Consultant- Handled daily high volume trading & currency up to $350K per trade while produced daily market news report with opening currency exchange rates, as well as graphical information in foreign currencies, market trends and forecasts. Great Western / Washington Mutual Bank Winter of 98 to fall of 98 Large national retail bank servicing various markets in consumer lending. Bank Teller - Standard domestic teller procedures for a residential banking center. EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Florida Real Estate License Current and Active -03 to Present- Miami, FL Miami Dade College -Business Degree- Miami, FL National Association Of Realtors- 03 to Present Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce- Member 01-08 to Present LANGUAGES Proficient in- English and Spanish and basic Portuguese. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Big Brother Big Sister of Greater Miami (Mentor to Jaime, my little, as they are called in the program since 05-05- to Present The All Grove Crime Watch Block Captain and now C.O.P./ Citizen on Patrol Captain since 05-07 to present Family Builders USA Political and Business Affairs Relations 08-08 to Present REFERENCES Available upon request. NAME —Gustgyyo "Andres" LeMgs CANDIDATE FOR NOMINATION TO SERVE ON THE CITY OF MIAMI COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD Mission The mission of the Community Relations Board is to: • Work proactively to identify and relieve intergroup conflicts before crises arise; • identify and contain, as quickly as possible, community tensions; • develop bridges of understanding and support programs in the community; - - foster understanding, communication, and mutual respect; - develop and support local or city based Community Relations Boards throughout the county; and * assure that resources are in lace to respond to community crisis. The City of Miami Community Relations Board was created by an ordinance of the City Commission and it recruits representatives of the various social, racial, religious, linguistic, cultural, economic, and geographic groups comprising the population of this City and include leaders of government, business,, religious and educational institutions, civic and organizations and other appropriate community leaders." QUALIFICATIONS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD Each member appointed shall be a resident of the City of Miami with an outstanding reputation for community pride, interest, integrity, responsibility, business or professional ability and who ,has demonstrated a commitment to intergroup relations. Members shall have demonstrated skills in diplomacy and the ability to: - foster mutual understanding, tolerance, and respect among all economic, social,- religious and ethnic groups in the City; o act as conciliator in controversies involving community relations; - cooperate with federal, State and City agencies in developing harmonious community relations; - cooperate in the development of educational programs dedicated to the improvement of community relations-, and - enlist the support of, civic leaders; civic, religious, veterans, labor, industrial, commercial and other community groups and private agencies engage in the inculcation of ideals of tolerance,, mutual respect and understanding. Candidate for Nomination to the City of Miami Community Relations Board Biographical Profile Name: Lemos Gustavo "Andres" (i go by my middle name, please) Last, First Middle Employer: Miami WaterView Properties Title/Occupation: Principal Business Type: Real Estate Business Address: (mailing only) 247 SW e ST # 307 Miami, FL 33130 Business Telephone: 305 460 6000 Home Address: 2949 Shipping Ave Coconut Grove, F1331.33 Home Telephone: 305 409 3737 Length of Residence in the City of Miami: 6yrs + & over 20yrnin Miami Dade County PLEASE CHECK APPROPRIA TE INFORHATION LISTED BELOW (Optional) Male { White Non-Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Female Black Non-Hispanic { American Indian or Alaskan Native (X) Hispanic List all affiliations with civic and community based organizations and positions held: Big Brother Big Sister of Grater Miami Mid 05 to present- Mentor to Jaime The All Grove Crime Watch mid 07 to present- COP Captain, Liaison to City of Miami Police Commander Martin and Net officers for Coconut Grove. Family Builders USA(non-profit organization) as the- Political and Business Director -Late 08 to present. Community Interests; Neighborhood improvements Additional Information: Too many needs and ideas to list here but overall a push to equality and better quality of life by implementing infrastructure and all other public services to aid the needed communities by creating community involvement by everyday people. Persons acquainted with Candidate's Activities/Experience: Name Telephone Marianne Weiss 305 6440066 Sue McConnell 305 442 9235 Alfred Santamaria 786 287 3876 QUESTIONNAIRE FOR CANDIDATES FOR NORMINATION TO SERVE ON THE CITY OF MIAMI COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD CANDIDATE'S NAME Gustavo "Andres" Lemos 1. Why would you like to serve on the Community Relations Board? I feel ym sure about brinaing value to the Board based on my professional background and passion and continued devotion to the community. I have a fresh look on how to better aid the community by bringing my talents gift and abilities to better serve those in grater needs than mine. 2. Can you dedicate at least 10 hours per month to serving on the Community Relations Board? Absolutely, as one of my strengths is time management 3. What special skills would you bring to the Community Relations Board? Passion for live and constant strive for improvement, abilily to see where an area lacks something and just as equally, the ability to come pp with solutions. I strongly believe in being part of the solution not the problem as well as being bystander! QUESTIONNAIRE Page two (2) 4. What is your understanding of the role of the Community Relations Board in the City of Miami? To bring and or implement equality through out the city of Miami and ensure a habitat that is balanced and as harmonious as possible. To educate and lead by example is the core of this Board. 5. Do you feel that positive inter -group relations can be achieved in the City of Miami? 100% Yes Please attach a copy of your resume after you have completed the form. Attached in separate attachment. Gabriel J. Paez 650 NE 64h Street Unit G-609 Miami, Florida 33138 Phone 786-443-4733 Email: gJpl225,,'t7yahoo.com Summary A highly knowledgeable and dedicated Human Resources Professional with comprehensive human resources experience including benefits administration, employee retention, conflict resolution, labor and employee relations. Proven skills in employment law including complaint investigation to impede legal action. Demonstrates the ability to work in a fast -paced environment while collaborating with senior management to conduct Human Resources strategic planning in order to support and further corporate goals. Experience Gevity HR, Miami, FL 2006-2008 HUMAN RESOURCES CONSULTANT Reported to Professional Service Manager; served the function of a Human Resources Business Partner to. 90+ clients/ 1675+ employees. • Proficient user of ORACLE -Human Resources Information System • Subject matter expert in health, life, dental, vision, FSA, and disability insurance plan administration for the region. Ensures compliance with Sec 125, FSA, HSA, COBRA, HIPAA, FMLA & any other applicable city, county, state & federal benefit laws. • Initiated client review and supported introduction of new products, services or technologies- Oracle based. • Provided the primary client interface with annual benefits enrollment, client payroll and human resources in order to support and foster client retention and company profitability. Responsible for $1.3 million of client retention. • Planned, recommended and executed client renewal program changes while ensuring timely and correct pricing goals. • Evaluated client services needs and organized time and process resources to fulfill HR consulting, payroll and benefits contracts and commitments with existing, and new clients. • Assessed client relationship and resource requirements, and recommended actions that ensure balance between client contract specifications and related fees and expenses. i • Measured assigned client service reports and recommended changes and actions to ensure contract fulfillment and resolved client related issues and problems. • Executed client training and communication requirements regarding ongoing client relationship needs. • Partnered with Shared Services in order to ensure timely and quality delivery of services and products. Ryder System, Inc., Miami, FL 2005-2006 HUMAN RESOURCES REPRESENTATIVE Reported to Senior HR Manager; served as Human Resources Generalist to 700+ corporate employees • Managed employee investigations while recommending corrective actions to senior management. • Facilitated new hire orientation and ensured all new employees received proper and timely orientation. • Resolved employee concerns while providing guidance regarding FMLA/FLSA/ADEA/EEO related issues. • Assisted with the development, implementation and communication of HR policies, programs and procedures. • Administered HR processes, including annual performance evaluations, pay equity analysis and benefit enrollment. I • Conducted exit interviews; gathered and maintained database for disseminating HR metrics such as turnover reports. • Contingency Planner for the Ryder Employee Disaster Fund; distributed $185k in grants while supporting Field staff. • Organized associate activity, programs, fairs (i.e., annual employee functions, corporate events, health and wellness fair etc). Gabriel J Paez 2 Hertz Rent-A-Car, Miami, Fl, 2002 to 2004 SENIOR STATION MANAGER -HR Reported to Employee Relations Manager and assisted in leading and directing the HR department also interpreted policies and procedures to management. • Maintained all personnel records and ensured compliance to federal and state laws. Completed the selection, performance appraisal and termination of employees. • Administered benefit programs and assisted with the researching and resolution of complex benefits situations. • Coordinated and attended job fairs, interviewed and made recommendations in the selection of employees to fill exempt and non-exempt positions and handled separation notices and exit interviews. • Hertz Labor Agreement Bargaining Team member with the Teamsters Union Local 390. Swissport, Miami, Fl, 1999 to 2002 PASSENGER SERVICE TRAINER Reported to Passenger Service General Manager and ensured compliance with all federal, state & local agencies. • Administered new hire orientation & training. • Task force member —Objective of this task force was to seek better efficiency in all aspects of the company. • Prescreened and interviewed candidates and made recommendations in the selection of employees to fill exempt and non-exempt positions and handled separation *notices and exit interviews. Additional Experience American Airlines, New York, NY FLIGHT ATTENDANT Reported to Flight Service Manager. • Ensured all F.A.A. safety compliances where met. • Assigned to domestic and international routes , Education • B.A. Human Resources Management St. Thomas University, Miami, FL 1994 Memberships and Community Service • Miami Beach Police -Citizen's Police Academy Executive Board Member • Member in good standing with the Society for Human Resource Management • Member in good standing with the Greater Miami Society for Human Resource Management 1992 to 1999 Computer Skills • Command of current software for standard business applications: Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint • SAP & ORACLE Languages • Bilingual English/Spanish •7%r 5f2 it. 1 " t 5 E1 6E �lE�: RAY C,l. L.. PAGE 02 6:>0 64 'Sttee ruf:6-66 `lacizi ?�34- ,33 1 nail ] -2-,t - `�jli©c'; c rr Summa` A, highly 1c�trvSleeia�etri�Ec: ��ci cir*it��teti. ; �'utx��tt::�t�s0-ji' P-,Mfessi pap *ilb— cixnprchenl ti -e- ha res6ki, es e x eztt la} e t latic cttnsce>?rttict€xt,is 0, peri ibim�ziE SkillsrerttpiovM414-d.ntsnc mptint ves Wri to zi eiie leQ acticsn. ezactbstxare3`"tlte ab' ity to vvrk to a iast; ac, �l envtro ztzxent vr�itte cc It be rati i �citli senior' . : An4gezzxe�at tai c+ taduct R%: "Re r�tzre tra i fila anode #cr set rt::aztcl :fin er cqrate': FATS: E7t�ae�fe�ce: - , `.Repeiied to l*rt�iessia�aal �ervtce:i�i��r; ser+.ecl]the uticczar, c�#`�°INti��,Resae?rccs l�z%�ess P tii '9fl t- cletcst26 t �.� euapla} ees 4ro6czene user n £}kr3 G1 i Etzm+tz Lesovxces ftztorrzitzorz Svatetzz aiz�,jeet zruxtt�reuc�rf its iresltlz ?t1C�, cS�z+z�l. asst, ��'� ,znd das�tazl��y.i�suz�rzc-e �t�xt ezm�tro� fc�s:thp: zigrotttlsuz euzrtizzstteeYtlt pec :125, FSS, 5 C}13;1�IP lI A rzther siYc�t�ie:czry,` eCitiilt'y sti;:�.�ecler�l ��Fr lams 1a�sta ',Ud tr9zeztt r }ier� ci seip ; Cett.antr9 tue:tif;ne roiluc , seivioes c r teel n t� ;� s t7.r�ir e is se�I. o f Oi Vide&uk:-primary c]aer.±t= tt r£ e:+.vlth- annual..taea6fci.:eztk'6cnt eiteict-.�t 4 c11 art€l huihzu x�:suetrces k r order. 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Yt ptil`t-. tonttnz eney 113rrtter ;fa. tie )kAet Ezis to eg fl aster tzct , z tnSu#epi I85k i, g t# uehttt` tipport zk Fie i rtati Ed B� o�A #�v�t r ?ro iams>`fttz (a: _, aryt?t��S'ee�la4o}ee zura ns, e ilio te'ev., lzea 110 4110>:ruei tles.lq �i7,'F3ut20P-7 10:'05 7:F.8,. NA`, GUELL. PAGE R3 PAY GjE-L ie * p ;brief es cif derstanding ani sTipp ogs -p thq. + fasterieiers acid j Vit'. Aimun cahoot, an ua x s e dovloXbp anei sixpp z . Is c ;car c€ use o iait i Boards lfro o t tie c 4ass2u r trur s axe sn �ace:tu r€ sir �c� to:ec�z� xt��t�; ��sz� . Ttic t* -of iaml;Commutiq tlationsBoard wasp. an i~.ecimtssxt�na t%it repcscntesea6otz socia(, eita ti ?u � i s est cu tc 1,, ecosioli. an .aeo r"T� 5 ` r IP'S coinprisll�g lh, e pca�u�atitr� Of ci* Kaci Me U e lea��& u iii ss, Tel" . lll; prg izatzs�ns � . is l F'�.✓�ut#LE� it � +. 'C"` G P'!': C`.L r i.'S'3 air-�{�,.�,... 1 Fuh member app- gat l s l 'tae a t Of the c;y "I'vith, st t tdi� p i tac rr'ut� t a r,p�i k r t} i to `> z-cspo sibih . xt z t yapIaTi'oxns �Sr9:ewlaers,a Have d zt?nstrated Wlls� ploraa-� t :e abi it.Y tti. . t€ sten mutual Lunde st ►t A" g, teleran aid re�p�et-am' n , a 1 ect ie icy xze d oups.in the ll; .; . nt ds c.oncili car -n taut overs relations-. ccer�t:�thedi.t ttezd ztyzt zed Wave lanius c oliaiaunity relatzbz ..coops x t jq ibe dei elf pmerzt of ee%catabnal PrO € s,d&dzcat cl >t tae p u #c x c t:iaf c6iiunianirelatiari �and 4b, e lstt 5'Cid}'li f,,C'I j'cjcEdm,.:cid'ick;,reholous;:Vett' '3`a�,��3�4�x: dura, ccmria:ct; ct*pd 1te agencies eeti eietzczOf deastix'rc��t(spc €l caozst�din�: 0'r 5-15V.2-707 15:15 3056S27.TS6 AY CUED. City:of )46mi.+ ommum) 3 ogr p , wa . liofi.�e Y.GUEL r!7"fi Gf:? iQ? 1 5. v 566? 1u;,RAY GUELL PAGE RAY G; ELL E`AGE 09 Whit �s vui�.. p� dersi �a tl off'; the . f # Cama et t .l .z Saar # i'e Cid' ofINUMPi: Page I of I Rojas, da From: Bob O'Neill Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 20078.40 PM To: Rojas, Ada Subject.- Resume of Bob O'Neill Attachments: RDO resurne.doc Good morning, I would be interested in applying to the board. I have many years experience in law enforcement and in the hotel business as well as involved in environmental issues. I have lived in the Brickell area for almost five years. Thank you for your time and consideration. r 11/15/2007 (786) 561-1447 150 SE 25`' Road, Road, Miami, F] 13123 EMPLOYMENT Director of Loss Prevention & Safety July 2003-Prosent Four Seasons Hotel & Tower, Miami Opened mixed-use 70 story tower , responsible for 305 hotel rooms, 196 residences as well as fire life safety system for entire building, access control systems, 26 elevators, loading dock, et al. Chaired safety committee and environmental committee. I assisted with the opening of Four Seasons hotels and resorts in Budapest, Costa Rica, and Great Exuma. Bahamas Director of Loss Prevention & Safety June 2002- July 2003 Four Seasons Resort, Santa Barbara I was transferred to this resortdue to the closing of the Caracas property. Currently revising Policies & Procedures, reducing labor turn over and improving morale within the department. I helped to improve Worker's Compensation, and the overall Safety of the resort. Director of Security June 2001 -,June 2002 Four Seasons Hotel Caracas, Venezuela I assisted in the opening of the company's first hotel in South America. Later I was invited back to become the Director of Security. Created the entire loss Prevention and Safety programs, supervised and trained a staff of 17 agents. I worked closely with FS Corporate office during a difficult legal situation and subsequent litigation with the ownership. Director of Loss Prevention & Safety May 1997 — June 2001 FOUR SEASONS RESORT AMARA CARLSBAD, CA I created the Safety and Security programs for a Luxury resort (opened August 1997). Resort includes 335 guest rooms, 250 vacation ownership villas, and championship 18 hole golf facility. Oversees the safety and security of 1100 employees, and directly supervises a staff of 16. 1 was an instructor in CPR, and OSHA regulations. I directed and chaired the resort's Safety committee. I represented the FS Corporate office in assisting with the opening of FS Caracas in January 2001. Director of Security April 1987 - May 1997 FOUR SEASONS HOTEL Los ANGELES Los ANGELES, CA I assisted in creating the Safety and Security programs for a Five Diamond 286 room hotel (opened April 1987). 1 oversaw the hotel safety and security for 550 employees with direct supervision of 12 officers,Taught CPR and OSHA compliance chaired and directed the Safety committee. I provided security for numerous celebrities, dignitaries, and heads of State. I was recognized by the White House and U.S. Secret Service for assistance and support with numerous Presidential visits. I was selected as Manager of the quarter in 1994 as a result of actions during the "Northridge" earthquake. EDUCATION REFERENCES Ownertmanager March 1978 -April 1387 UNIVERSAL COf10DENTfAL SERVICES UNIVERSAL CITY, CA tj 04; private I started a personal business, a Detective Agaiicy (Lindl icanse #7242) that couctewd averie I investigations in the Southern California area. Police Officer March 1977 - February 1978 NEWPORT BEACH POLICE DEPA."'RT_?V1ENT NEwPbRT BEACH, CA Police Officer/Detective May 1968 - September 1976 NEWARK IN J.) POLICE DEPARTNIENT NEWARK, NJ BLOOMFIELD (N.J.) COLLEGE, B.A. SOCIOLOGY Newark (N.J) Police Academy L.A.P.D. Police Academy Glendale College (Computer courses) Four Seasons In-house Management Seminars Red Cross. CPR/IstAid certified Instructor A.M.A. OSHA Compliance Bi -lingual /Spanish -English (60%) Homeland Security, various courses involving Terrorism IVAN GOH, Sr. VP, Operations, Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts (416) 449-4797 DAVID RIVERO, Chief of Police, Miami University (305) 643-7176 Jim THOMPSON, FIRE CHIEF (RET.) CARLSBAD, CA. (760)438-0659 JIM WOOD, OCEANSIDE CALIF. CITY COUNCILMAN, MAYOR (760) 439-5929 COMMANDER RONALD PAPIER, MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT (305) 643-7170 JIM BOROWSKj, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING, FAIRMONT TURNBERRY (954) 347-8366 NAME: AMARA VARGAS CANDIDATE FOR NOMINATION TO SERVE ON THE CITY OF MIAMI COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD Mission The mission of the Community Relations Board is to: • work proactively to identify and relieve intergroup conflicts before crises arise; • identify and contain, as quickly as possible, community tensions; • develop bridges of understanding and support programs in the community; • foster understanding, communication, and mutual respect; • develop and support local or city based Community Relations Boards throughout the county; and • assure that resources are in lace to respond to community crisis. The City of Miami Community Relations Board was created by an ordinance of the City Commission and it recruits representatives of the various social, racial, religious, linguistic, cultural, economic, and geographic groups comprising the population of this City and include leaders of government, business, religious and educational institutions, civic and organizations and other appropriate , community leaders." Komi 1111 1 1 � I "I" iN111111,1111 111111IFF! I � � IF1 161!11711 MIAMI COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD Each member appointed shall be a resident of the City of Miami with an outstanding reputation for community pride, interest, integrity, responsibility, business or professional ability and who has demonstrated a commitment to intergroup relations. Members shall have demonstrated skills in diplomacy and the ability to: I • foster mutual understanding, tolerance, and respect among all economic, social, religious and ethnic groups in the City; • act as conciliator in controversies involving community relations; • cooperate with federal, State and City agencies in developing harmonious community relations; • cooperate in the development of educational programs dedicated to the improvement of community relations; and 0 enlist the support of, civic leaders; civic, religious, veterans, labor, industrial, commercial and other community groups and private agencies engage in the inculcation of ideals of tolerance, mutual respect and understanding. Candidate for Nomination to the City of Miami Community Relations Board Biographical Profile Name: VARGAS AMARA J. Last First Middle Employer: LATINOS UNITED IN ACTION CENTER, INC. Title/Occupation: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Business Type: A NON FOR PROFIT COMMUNITY AGENCY Business Address: 3321 NW 17TH AVE. MIAMI, FL 33142 Business Telephone: 305-637-1106 & 786-326-0474 Home Address: 126 SW 17TH ROAD, MIAMI, FL 33129 Home Telephone: 786-326-4428 Length of Residence in the City of Miami: 16YEARS PLEASE CHECK APPROPRIATE INFORMATION LISTED BELOW (Optional) ( ) Male (X) Female ( ) White Non -Hispanic ( ) Black Non -Hispanic (X) Hispanic ( ) Asian or Pacific Islander ( ) American Indian or Alaskan Native List all affiliations with civic and community based organizations and positions held: CITY OF MIAMI ART & ENTERTAINMENT COUNCIL, BOARD MEMBER LATINOS UNITED IN ACTION, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Community Interests: creating job opportunities for people in Allapattah youngsters relevant faces from business, industry, politics, and the arts. provided experiences that have increased my sensitivity to not only real and important local community needs, but assessing and prioritizing needs that may be turned into viable programs. Additional Information: At the present time I am running a program serving over 100 families in the Allapattah Community, this type of work has allowed me to become very familiar with the needs of the area. Persons acquainted with Candidate's Activities/Experience: CELSO AHUMADA 786-972-1368 FRANK CASTA&EDA 305-250-5430 ROBERTPARENTE 305-868-3823 0 IM H ktALTA WINE N mn I W41 V V" 203 1 K-303 I KOV9103 10 1012111. 1. Why would you like to serve on the Community Relations Board? I have devoted my life long before the inception of Latinos United to encouraging others while facilitating partnerships between charitable and educational organizations. At Latinos United, I promote working together within families as parents and grandparents discover the importance of collaborating and negotiating as opposed to demanding things of each other. Service on the board will allow me to employ my grass roots experience in a much larger arena. Essentially, I make a difference where I work and know I will do the same while establishing and negotiating relationships among board members, politicians, and members of the community at large. 2. Can you dedicate at least 10 hours per month to serving on the Community Relations Board? My commitment to public relations is a mission. But I'm not only committed. There have been changes in my personal life whereby I don't have to teach so much, which has been my major employment. So I not only have the commitment, but the time to serve 10 hours a month and I will. 3. What special skills would you bring to the Community Relations Board? I bring to the table leadership, coordination, and collaboration skills. I don't know how to hammer nails and I'm not strong enough to lift and carry much of anything. But I'm sensitive to the abilities and talents of others and basically I listen. Coming together among differing perspectives is what community relations is all about. I love being a part of the process. QUESTIONNAIRE Page two (2) 4. What is your understanding of the role of the Community Relations Board in the City of Miami? I'm convinced that diversity within Miami is our city's greatest resource while posing severe challenges. At Latinos United, I developed a conflict resolution program.that teaches children the negotiated process in resolving monumental conflicts, especially in economically challenged communities. It seems to 'be the public relations board is accomplishing something similar in an effort to bring improve police/community relations while reaching out to real people facing difficult challenges. 5. Do you feel that positive inter -group relations can be achieved in the City of Miami? Yes. I see it every day in Allapattah. Whether it's academically challenged students, or economically challenged parents, I meet people at their points of need. And when needs are less clear, I struggle for clarity then I use.my teaching skills while designing an intimidatingly neutral approach for identifying needs while bringing hope that can only come from a realistic yet sensitive plan. Please attach a copy of your resume after you have completed the form. CURRICULUM VITA J. Amada Vargas, Ph.D. 126 SW 17th Road Miami, Florida 33129 (786)326-4428 amadav@aol.com CERTIFICATION: Florida Professional • Computer Science K - 12 • Elementary Education • Spanish K - 12 • ESOL Endorsement EDUCATION: • 2000 Ph.D.: Computing Technology in Education. Nova Southeastern University • 1988 Master in Education Administration. University of Massachusetts at Lowell • 1988 Master in Computing Technology in Education. Lesley College • 1976 Bachelor of Arts/ElerAentary Education - Foreign Language. Gordon College FITITS] 11TIXT -4 W-1 T&W Title: Using Multidisciplinary Methods through Technology to Improve Reading Comprehension Institution- Nova Southeastern University Completion Date: IV1999 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1976 — Present • Teacher, Dade County Public Schools, Aflapattah Elementary School Technology Facilitator (1996 to present) • Florida Memorial College, Department of Computer Science, 1 Adjunct Professor, (1998 -2002) • Teacher, Dade County Public Schools, Miami Jackson Senior High School (Summer 1996.to Summer 2001). • Teacher, Dade County Public Schools, Miami Jackson Community School ESOL/Computer Teacher (1993 to 1999) • Supervisor of the After School Tutoring Program and Saturday Academy (1998) Teacher, Dade County Public Schools, Allapattah Elementary School' Computer Teacher (1993 to 1996) • Teacher, Dade County Public Schools, Allapattah Elementary School ESOL Teacher ( Sept 1993 to Nov. 1993) • Teacher, Dade, County Public Schools, Design & Architecture Senior High ESOL Teacher (March, 1993 to June, 1993) • American School of Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic ESOL Coordinator (1991 - 1992) • The Learning Connection, Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Director ( 1990 -1992) • American School of Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Literature Teacher (1990 - 1991) • Lawrence Public Schools, Lawrence, Massachusetts ESOL - C.A.L Teacher (1984 -1988) • Lawrence Public Schools, Lawrence, Massachusetts Parents Advisory Council Facilitator for TBE Program (1985 - 1987) • Northern Essex Community College, Lawrence, Massachusetts Basic Skills Teacher (1985 -1986) • Lawrence Public Schools, Lawrence, Massachusetts Basic Skills Teacher (1982 -1984) • English Club Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic ESOL Teacher (1980 -1982) 2 Carol Morgan School of Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic SSL Teacher (1980 -1982) • Lawrence Public Schools, Lawrence, Massachusetts Fifth Grade Classroom Teacher TBE Program (1976 - 1980) OTHER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: • Grant Writing Seminar Florida International University Success Maker NCSLEARN • Success For All Johns Hopkins University • Barry University, Miami, Florida Project Infusion • Audrey Cohen College System of Education Training • Chapter I Reading/Math Inservice Workshop • Citibank/SAGE Workshops • HIV/AIDS Instructional Course for Counseling - American Red Cross • Lions -Quest International Workshop Skills for Adolescence and Skills for growing EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: • Lenora Braynon Smith/ Allapattah Elementary Technology Mentor for peer teacher (2002 -to present) • Nosotros News (2000 -to present) Writer write articles on education topics • Member of the Florida Association of Computer Educators (FACE) (1994 - Present) • Member of Site Leadership Team (1994 -Present) K • Member of Grant Writing Team (1993 -Present) • Co -Editor Allapattah Educated Gator Newspaper (1997 -Present) • Co -Editor The Forum Region IV Newspaper (1999-2001) • Co -Editor The RAP Sheet Newspaper (1998-2001) • Editor Allapattah Curriculum Count (1997-2001) • Co -Editor DASA Newspaper (1998-2000) • Editor Miami Jackson Adult & Community Education Center News (1997-1999) • Special Areas Chairperson (1997-1998) • Break The Mold grant recipient (1997) • Who's Who in American Education (1996 -1997) RECOGNITION: • Nominated Technology Teacher of the Year (1996-1997) • Profesional del ano Premios Independencia 2003 • Dominican American Chamber of Comerse of Florida 2004 • Nuestro Orgullo Televisa Canal 23 (2005) OTHER ACTIVITIES: • Member of The Dominican Professional Association of Florida • Founder/President of Latinos United In Action Center, Inc. • Member of the Florida Association of Computer Teachers 4 LO 4 "'I- 1, ia?33�. ',� I* Ik IS -3i JZ NAME Henry 0, Langston LWII The mission of the Community Relations Board is to: work proactively to identify and relieve intergroup conflicts before crises arise; e identify and contain, as quickly as possible, community tensions; e develop bridges of understanding and support programs in the community; o foster understanding, communication, and mutual respect; develop and support local or city based Community Relations Boards throughout the county; and assure that resources are in lace to respond to community crisis. The City of Miami Community Relations Board was created by, an ordinance of the City Commission and it recruits representatives of the various social, racial, religious, linguistic, cultural, economic, and geographic groups comprising the population of this City and include leaders of government, business, religious and educational institutions, civic and organizations and other appropriate community leaders." Candids-te forNDm1,nm.on tD the Clfyof Miami 4 Gomm, unhy- Relzflom Bo -a -rd Name: Langston 0 Lanston Last Employer: Gulliver Schools H.Silr-v First Oliver ?VE ddl e Dean of Faculty Title/Occupation: Lir p_rt-or ()f jjnivpr_it-y, CorportA, c4 Commlinity Aff;lircz Business Type: Independent School Business Address: 1500 San Remo Ave — Suite 400 — Coral Gables, FL 33146 Business Telephone:' 305-666-6333 Home Address: 3523 Loquat Avenue - Miami FL 33133-6215 Home Telephone: 305-441-1619 Length of Residence in the City of Miami: 68 Years PLEASE CHECKAPPROPRIATEINFORMATIONLISTED BELOW (Optional) Male (x) White Non -Hispanic Female }Black Non -Hispanic Hispanic Asian or Pacific islander American Indian or Alaskan Native r ,QUITESTI-ONNAMI FOR EA,.N-DJDATES F -,' 0R ?NORMEN-ATIDN TO SERVE ON THE CITY OF TA1,11-A-18H ' I OARD ,CO.-,N,I-,A,!I,NIT'I'RE,LATI,ONS C-A'ANDID-ATE'S ?°A i3 Henry ". 1,ar,54ston 1. Why would you., like to serve on. the Community, Relabons Board? To understand the real purpose, determination and future of the board and to help add depth to our diverse and multicultural city. 2. Can you dedicate at least 10 hours per month to serving on the Community Relations Board? 3. What special skills would y®u bring t® the Community Relations Board? Leadership; by simply doing things for the city of Miami, Empowering this community so it can become central to its own development. WJUNQXRMI(�,1113 W, W Page two (2) - n 43 N�I-al is you_r unadeTsT.2noding of the ro,-Ie of thke Commundt�t_j Reln-tomts Dowd. in lhe'Oly Di' AILEM.1"? A dedicated board that would take the best of what it has. to 2fffjL__ and develop a plan that would address the challenges that lay ahead of the co=nun_Jtv we serve, 5. Do you feel that positive inter -group relations can be achieved in the City of Miami? The City of Miami Relations Board Inter -Group Relations could illuminate how people think, learn and function in groups. Please attach a copy of your resume after you have completed the form. Listall afffifl'abons -viitlh :an r.,C)Mnmaunnttv b::@�,ed 4)T!G'Dni:Z, talDn-b Rn -!J P0,6661c)nxs eld. Kiwanis Clu-b-Past President - Ponce Development - Pas-, ;President Junior Orange Bowl Committee -Past Parade Chair/Scholar Athlete Chair Greater Miami Crime Commission -Board Member - Coral- Gables Chamber of Commerce - Education Chair/Higher Education Task Forte -Chair - Chamber South -Military Affairs -Chair Elect - DA -ANS -Board Member Persons acquainted with Candidate's Activities/Experience: Name Mark Trowbridge, Pres Coral Gables Chamber Gloria Burns, Executive Dir. . Coral Gables Community Foundation Harper Davidson, Past Pres. Orange Bowl Committee Telephone 305-446-1657 305-446-9670 305-665-5647 COR,_ALGABLES :00,:NENf T2;_T\11TY F0T_Pi�i'D__kT1CY1.N-i Cit AI R I�ENIRY 0. LAINIIGSTON After completing his undergraduate and graduate studies in Economics, Political and Higher Education at the University of Oklahoma, UCLA and Duke, native Miamian,- Hank Langston returned horn.- to begin a career, in education. Completing his 35th year at Gulliver School and currently serving as Dean of Faculty and. Director of University, Corporate and Community Affairs. Additionally, Hank was awarded a certification for continual services as a private educational consultant, specializing in college admissions for scholar athletes and has recently expanded his business to include professional development for educators. Hank's educational accomplishments in the area of education include life membership in the University of Oklahoma Alumni Club of Florida, Founder and past President of the UCLA Alumni Club of Florida as well as having served on the Alumni Board of Directors for Duke University. He continues to serve on the Alumni Admissions Advisory Committee. He has also served on the University of Miami Advisory Committee for the School of Education,, the Board of Directors for the Dade Association of Academic Non -Public Schools and the Florida Council of Independent Schools Staff Development Committee. Hank's many civic organizations include membership on the Board of , Directors for the Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce and the President's Club. Trustee for the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce and Chamber South, past President of the Ponce Development Association, Membership in the Pinecrest Business Association, The Rotary Club of Coral Gables, Committee of 200 and the Board of Directors for the Council of International Visitors. Hank has served on the Board of Directors for the Riverside House, the Junior Orange Bowl Committee, where he continues to serve as Chair for the Scholar Athlete Awards Committee. He also organized and chaired the first Nighttime Parade and Gymnastics Committee, as well as having served on the Greater Miami Crime Commission's Board of Directors. For dedication to community service, Hank recently was presented the key and seal to the City of Coral Gables. Mission � The mission of the Community Relations Board is to: work proactively to identify and relieve intergroup conflicts before crises arise; identify and contain, as quickly as possible, community tensions; • develop bridges of understanding and support program in the community; 9 foster understanding, communication, and mutual respect; • develop and support local or city based Community Relations Boards throughout the county; and # assure that resources, are in lace to respond to community crisis. The City of Miami Community Relations Board was created by an ordinance of the City Commission and it recruits representatives of the various social, racial, religious, linguistic, cultural, economic, and geographic * groups comprising the population of this *City and include leaders of govemment, business, religious and educational institutions, civic and organizations and other appropriate community leaders." Narne: C. Last Employer: i Title/Occupation:. Business Type: 0 Business Address: Business Teieph Home Address: Candidate for Nomination to the City of Miami Community Relations Board i re K, Middle Home Telephone. Length of Residence in the City of Miami: . ."'10 141U,1,4f' PLEASE CHECK; APPRO.PRUTE INFO"A TION LISTED BELOW (Optional) ale VWhiteNon-Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Female )Black Non -Hispanic American [radian or Alaskan Native Hispanic List all affiliations with elvic and community based organizations and positions Community interests: Ajaw--z' /noz,., 14JO _17 Additional Information: Pei -sons acquainted with Candidate's ActivitiesfExperience: Name Telephone .JOS 6 6 2_ QUESTIONNAIRE FOR CANDIDATES FOR NORMINATIO TO SERVE ON THE CITY OF MIAMI COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOA" CANDIDATE'S 1. Why would you like to sery 9� The-Coqa_Tunity Relations Board? 4 2. Can you dedicate at least 10 hours per month to serving on the Coin munity ]Relations Board? 3. What special skills s Board?,/ QUESTIONNAIRE Page two (2) 4. What is your understanding of the role of the Community R-Plations Board in the City of ;a=l? 14, 4 5, Do you feel that positive inter -group relations can be achieved W the City of Miami? ". 1A Please attach 11, copy of your resume after you have completed the form. D E A S DEREK COLE 1010 NW I I ST, #605 creative Djr,,Ctor MQMi, FL 33136 dereMofty1d(305asmiam) 667-8188 9i.com BEATRIZ BALDAN 770 Claughton Island, Dr. 1709 Miami, FL 33131 Phone: 305-878-4880 - Fax: 305-256-7816 — Cell: 917-609-3062 Overview I am an experienced Development Project Manager and Contract Manager with expertise in planning, design and oversight of all aspects of construction. My experience includes initial site investigation, programming, design development, preparation of construction documents, approval of shop drawings and equipment, field construction, coordination, supervision, contract and construction administration. My extensive construction industry experience provides an especially strong background in the design/build process. I have applied my expertise to the management of the development and construction of subsidized affordable housing, market rate housing; assisted living facilities; medical facilities; and retail development. I bring to my assignments a thorough knowledge of applicable codes and requirements for plumbing, electrical, heating, air conditioning and ventilation, environmental management systems as well as general construction. MBD Investments, LLC President: Development, construction and sales of middle income houses in Saga Bay, Miami, and Palmetto Bay mix use development, in progress. (2001 to present) Beatriz Baldan, LLC Design, and Contract/Construction Management for residential and commercial renovations for private clients; including Condo's .rehab in Palm Beach, FL and Connecticut, new house in Westhampton Beach, NY. (2001- to present) Society Financial Corp. Vice President for Latin America Consultant, for development and construction for middle and low income family houses, Danli, Honduras, Member of Qualification Selection Evaluation Committee for new construction , the School Board of Broward County, FL, Facilities and Construction Management representing the Builders Association of South Florida (BASF), (2006-2007) Skanska USA Building Inc. Project Manager: New York City Department of Design and Construction. As Project Manager for Crossroads and Horizon Juvenile Centers expansion, these projects are valued at $57 million and $51 million respectively (1998-2001) Project Manager for the expansion of the Brooklyn Children's Museum. New construction and renovation of the existing facility valued at $25 million. Responsible for contract administration, cost estimates and scheduling, preparation of bid documents and contracts, monthly and executive reports, processing change orders and preparation of requisitions. Oversight includes supervision and assistance of contractors in preparation of all permits; scheduling and processing of all shop drawings and sample submittals, with daily and weekly reports, schedules job meetings and process job closeout package, (2001-2003) Project Manager: NYC School Construction Authority Projects, Various Sites, As Project Manager for Capital Improvement projects valued at $35 million. Was responsible for preconstruction design review, contract administration, cost estimates and scheduling, coordination of trades and subcontractors, and payment requisitions. Oversight included supervision and assistance of contractors in pre paration of all permits, scheduling and processing of all shop drawings and sample submittals, with daily and weekly reports, and preparation of requisitions. Served as the liaison between the contractor and the SCA- she scheduled monthly job meetings and processed job closeout package. (1992-1998) Received the Environmental Management Services Recognition Award Second Quarter of 2002. Represented the New York Division at the company annual Environmental Management Forums in Helsinki, Finland and Prague, Check Republic Full Spectrum Building & Development Development Project Manager: Multi Residential Projects, Various Sites, Brooklyn, NY for the New York Housing Partnership/HPD. As Development/Project Manager of design/build projects I was involved in the construction of over 187 two family homes luxury appointed affordable houses. Representative Project Lists: Residential / Commercial Development DDC' SCA Affordable Housing Development Columbia University BEATRIZ BALDAN 770 Claughton island, Dr. 1709 Miami, FL 33131 Phone: 305-878-4880 - Fax: 305-256-7816 — Cell: 917-609-3062 Relevant Experience (cont.) Was Responsible for development planning, budget, cost/profit analysis, prepare bid packages and contracts, contract administration, cost estimates and scheduling, coordination of trades and subcontractors, preparation and payment of requisitions. Oversight included processing all job closeout packages including all necessary inspections and obtaining the Certificates of Occupancy, (1987-1992) Office Engineer: DASNY-Lehman College, Bronx, NY As Office Engineer for $10 million mechanical system upgrade, I was responsible for contract and project administration, cost estimates, processing and negotiation change orders, scheduling, coordination of trades and subcontractors, and payment requisitions. (1984-1987) Consultant Work Consultant to the Board of Directors: 444 Central Park West, NY, a 175 units 21 story high co-op building, capital improvement project, cost $25 million. (1998) Consultant: United Nations Development Program, New York, NY I have worked as consultant for the study and development for construction of low cost housing in Africa, Uganda. (1985-1986) Consultant: New York City Housing & Preservation and Development, Various Sites, NY, Sweat Equity Projects. Provided design and construction services as Consultant to 5 sweat equity projects. Help create the tenant associations, negotiated between owners, the community association and HPD. Trained homeowners and worked in various trade specialties like rough and finish carpentry and finishes. (1982-1984) Officer: Columbia University Planning & Construction Office, New York, NY As Officer of College of Physicians and Surgeons (by University Presidential appointment) of Health Service programming, planning and design provided design and supervision of $60 million Cancer Research Center at the Arm and Hammer Building, and other laboratory renovations at the College of Physicians and Surgeons and the Black Building. Construction encompassed research laboratories, administrative offices, and installation of electron microscopes, hot viruses rooms, chemical storage, and central equipment rooms for laboratory equipment, animal research and kitchen facility. I was in charge of design, production of contract documents, and coordination with consulting engineers, approval of shop drawings and equipment, and field supervision. I served as Columbia University representative ,at job progress meetings. (1972-1983) Before immigrating to the United States, architect services for a variety of new construction projects including multifamily housing, meat processing plants and facilities, and specialized unit hospital projects. Responsibilities included programming, design, production of contract drawings and field supervision. Taught Architectural Design at Buenos Aires University and Industrial Design at La Plata University. Education: Buenos Aires University, MSA Architecture Columbia University School of Architecture, MSA, Hospital Architecture and Health Planning Design, graduate with honors receiving William Kenney Fellowship. Member of the Florida Builder's Association of South Florida and the National Association of Home Builders. Member of Columbia University Alumnae Association, Fluent in Spanish Language NAME Beatriz BaIdan Lei V 6WO-1 guy I IF.-IIUV I 1XID3 Idy tINI V we N x WIN N 1111m 0 -- t I Mission The mission of the Community Relations Board is to: • work proactively to identify and relieve intergroup conflicts before crises arise; • identify and contain, as quickly as possible, community tensions; • develop bridges of understanding and support programs in the community; • foster understanding, communication, and mutual respect; • develop and support local or city based Community Relations Boards throughout the county; and • Assure that resources are in lace to respond to community crisis. The City of Miami Community Relations Board was created by an ordinance of the City Commission and it recruits representatives of the various social, racial, religious,' linguistic, cultural, economic, and geographic groups comprising the population of this, City and include leaders of government, business, religious and educational institutions, civic and organizations and other appropriate community leaders." lot Illy 01 W - Each member appointed shall be a resident of the City of Miami with an outstanding reputation for community pride, interest, integrity, responsibility, business or professional ability and who has demonstrated a commitment to intergroup relations. Members shall have demonstrated skills in diplomacy and the ability to: • foster mutual understanding, tolerance, and respect among all economic, social, religious and ethnic groups in the City; • act as conciliator in controversies involving community relations; • cooperate with federal, State and City agencies in developing harmonious community relations; • cooperate in the development of educational programs dedicated to the improvement of community relations; and • Enlist the support of, civic leaders; civic, religious, veterans, labor, industrial, commercial and other community groups and private agencies engage in the inculcation of ideals of tolerance, mutual respect and understanding. Candidate for Nomination to the City of Miami Community Relations Board Biographical Profile Name: ' Last Baldan First Beatriz Middle Employer: —Agora Developers, LLC Title/Occupation: General Manager Business Type: Real Estate Development Business Address: 770 Claughton Island Dr, Suite 1709, Miami, FL 33131 Business Telephone: 305-878-4880 Home Address: 770 Claughton Island Dr, Suite 1709, Miami, FL 33131 Home Telephone: Length of Residence in the City of Miami: L 3 years PLEASE CHECK APPROPRIA TE INFORMA TION LISTED BELOW (Optional) ( ) Male (X ) Female ( ) White Non -Hispanic ( ) Black Non -Hispanic (X ) Hispanic ( ) Asian or Pacific Islander ( ) American Indian or Alaskan Native List all affiliations with civic and community based organizations and positions held: QSEC member Broward County Board of Education as a volunteer; Foster Care Review volunteer 1i - I I 1i i IM 01 111LALTA DKIMN V al I OWN N ILVAII NO I KALVJ I RK1105 101111011 CANDIDATES NAME Beatriz Baldan 1. Why would you like to serve on the Community Relations Board? I am interested in becoming part of the community that, even when I recently arrived, I love. I see many things that need improvement and we as residents can help to do, that Community Interests: Affordable housing, education and relationship with all member of the community 2. Can you dedicate at least 10 hours per month to serving on the Community Relations Board? Yes tcan Additional Information: See attached resume 3. What special skills would you bring to the Community Relations Board? am an architect and knowledgeable on all aspects of construction and planning Persons acquainted with Candidate's Activities/Experience: Barbara Bisno, Marjorie Weber QUESTIONNAIRE Page two (2) 4. What is your understanding of the role of the Community Relations Board in, the City of Miami? Community relations; cooperation with federal, State and City agencies in developing harmonious community relations; development of educational programs for the improvement of community relations; Enlist the support of, civic leaders; civic, religious, veterans, labor, industrial, commercial and other community groups and private agencies engage in the inculcation of ideals of tolerance, mutual respect and understanding. 5. Do you feel that positive inter -group relations can be achieved in the City of Miami? I strongly believe that these relationships can be achieved; I further believe that even when we can disagree, communication is the key for a better community that functions for the good of all our fellow residents Please attach a copy of your resume after you have completed the form. E-mailed as a separate document Karen Sanchez 501 SW 1st Street #506 Miami, Florida, 33130 786-273-2788 ksanchez@NTF.org 5/5/2008 Office of Community Affairs 444 SW 2" d Avenue, 10th Floor Miami, Fl. 33130 To whom it may concern: I am interested in being part of the community relations board. I believe my experience in journalism, as a social worker and strong communication skills qualify me for consideration. To further acquaint you with the specifics of my background I am enclosing my resume. I hope you will consider me for this position. I look forward to meeting with you and discussing my qualifications in more detail. Sincerely, Karen Sanchez Karen Sanchez 501 SW I Street #506 Miami, Florida, 33130 Home Phone (786) 273-2788 May 2000 University of Miami, Coral Gables Bachelor of Science in Communication Bachelor of Arts, Political Science Minor in Secondary Education August 2007 Barry University, Miami Shores Masters in Social Work June 2005- Neighbor To Family, Inc., Miami Gardens, Fl. Present Case Management Supervisor -Supervise employees providing child welfare services in child protection, foster care and adoptions. Position entails the following responsibilities: a Evaluate, recommend, and approve changes of Sibling and Professional Foster Caregiver Program based on need and analysis. a Analyze data to guide the direction taken to resolve complaints or problems and correct actions and behaviors. N Interview Job applicants, select and train staff in operational procedures, Florida Statutes, agency guidelines, sibling care, high fidelity wrap around, trauma perspective, and sexual safety. W Staff support and guidance in communication with other entities in the child welfare system. ■ Consult daily with employees involving high profile and complex cases. ■ Supervise and review employee's case files to ensure adherence to procedures, time!), completion of work, and compliance with state and federal guideline on a weekly basis. • Assist case managers with client assessments and•development of service plans. • Evaluate and analyze staff performance for determination of efficacy and accuracy measures regarding case management services through performance evaluations at six months and annually thereafter. • Prepare . monthly statistical data outlining outcome and performance measures. ■ Participated in grant writing team for the NTF sibling program. ■ Managed training and development efforts for Florida International University's Case Management student internship project at Neighbor To Family, Miami North office in 2006. Januaty 2007- Masters Program, Internship, Neighbor To Family, Inc.- Miami, FL. August 2007 Independent Living Facilitator -Provided independent living services to 103 foster youth ages 13-17, as follows: a Developed Independent Living Life Skills Curricula and training. 0 Created an Independent Living referral form and tracking tool to capture timely referral and completion of independent living stagings, and attendance to life skills training for documentation in the dependency file and for submission to the dependency court. Created and provided agency with Independent Living monthly reports which captured.foster youths educational, mental health, placement, and plan for Post emancipation. August 2005- Masters Program Internship, Victim Services Center -Miami, FL. April 2006 Clinician -Provided trauma counseling and services to children and adults using Traumatic Incident Reduction, a brief person centered, highly structured method for permanently eliminating the negative effects of past traumas. Position entailed the following responsibilities: ■ Conducted one on one trauma resolution. ■ Facilitated adult educational groups for domestic violence victims. ■ Facilitated children's educational groups, ■ Maintained strengths based approach while working with client(s) and families to assist in the retention of dignity and the development of positive intrinsic qualities. August 2002- Citrus Health Network, Inc. -Hialeah, Fl. June 2005 Family Safety Case Manager -Served as afull case manager for Residential Group Care and Supportive Foster Program within the agency. Case management ditties included: M Referral and implementation of behaviorally specific mental health services for foster care clients with special needs, to include assistance with crisis intervention for those with acute and serious mental health diagnosis. ■ Managed a diverse load of cases of varying complexity, use problem -solving skills and customize strategy to determine the most suitable course of action in reference to case plan goals, referrals, and follow-up activity. ■ Provided post -placement supervision after reunification as well as termination of parental rights an&or adoptions proceedings, when reunification is not appropriate. ■ Created a Permanency Team Form utilized by Citrus Health Network, Inc. to track the progress and set backs attributed to achieving permanency goals. ■ Participated in monthly client psychiatric medication management appointments. ■ Coordinated and executed special events in an effort to motivate children in care and increase case manager morale for future planning of similar projects (i.e. gathering funds and seeking volunteers). ■ Participated in multidisciplinary staffings for purposes of monitoring the efficacy of services provided to clients. ■ Completed incident reports when necessary on a child andlorfamily, April 2004- Citrus Health Network, Inc. -Hialeah, Fl. June 2004 Adoptions Counselor/ Specialistl Trainer- Provided case management services to Special Needs Adoption Program, ■ Reviewed background information and offered recommendations for appropriate Josterladoptive home placement for children being served. ■ Completed an adoptive profile for children available for adoption. ■ Requested assessments and reports on fosterladoptive families where allegations of neglect or maltreatment of children had occurred. ■ Served as an Adoption mentorltrainerfor co-workers transitioning into this area. October 2001- WS VN -FOX 7 -Miami, Fl. August 2002 "Today In Florida," News Writer- Wrote cop), for newscasts, researched stories and assisted producers in the production of shows. November 2000- Department of Children and Families -Miami, FL August 2002 Family Service Counselor- Protected children and worked with families who had allegations of abuse, neglect andlor abandonment. 0 Designed and implemented individualized case plans for parents in order to facilitate reunification with their children. a Conducted home visits to ensure child safety. a Served as a liaison for all parties involved in working towards a permanency resolution andlor seeking alternative permanency options, to include adoption, if reunification was not achieved with parents. a Managed cases thoroughly and prepared documents for court presentation. a Provided information, evidence, and witness list to child -welfare attorney. January 2000- Internship, WTVJ-NBC 6 -Miami, FL May 2000 News reporting Internship with focus on interviewing, writing and reporting, as follows:. • Wrote scripts for WB broadcast. • Assisted field reporters on beats. • Assisted in newsroom, assignment desk, and answered phones. University of Miami Television- UMTV Channel 24, Coral Gables, F1. Senior Reporter- Resear'ched stories, interviewed, reported and edited for "NewsVision, " a National award-winning weekly live newscast. • Fluent in Spanish (including writing skills); • Excellent ability to prioritize work assignments, meet deadlines and manage projects; • Proficient in AP and Avstar News System, Microsoft Word, Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint and agency based systems to include HomeSafeNet, FSFN, CJIS, Our Kids System, Miami -Dade County Public School Record System and Adoption Exchange; and • Knowledge of staff development, job analysis, and the ability to develop and present training programs. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS, NONORS AND CERTIRCA71ONS ■ Certified Child Protection Professional; ■ 2006 recipient of the Miami Dade Community Based Care Alliance Award of Excellence; ■ University of Miami Rex Pompadur Award 1998-1999;' University of Miami's Deans List; • Barry University's Dean's List; graduating gradwith a 3.9 GPA; C, C, ■ Completed 54 -Hour Supervisory Training at Florida International University; ■ Completed 12 -Hour Quality Case Management Training for Supervisors at Florida International University; and ■ LCSW registered intern. ■ Certified on use of the Children's Functional Assessment rating Scale (CFARS) Har'lene Kennedy 2919 Virginia St. Coconut Grove, F16rida 33133 210-385-5933 harlenek-ennedy-2002@yahoo.com May 1, 2008 Office of Community Relations 444 SW 2nd Ave. 10" Floor Miami, Fla. 33136 Re: Community Relations Board, City of Miami Application of Harlene S. Kennedy Dear Sir or Madam: WEISS SE ROTA HTELFMAN P-NSTORIZA COLE & B61,fIsKE, P.A. HAR.LExE SILVER-lq- KENNEDY ATTORNEY AT LAW DADE 305-854-080f-1 2525 PONCE DE LEON BOULEVARD 8RW0 954-763-4242 SUITE 700 FAX 305-854-2323 CORAL GABLES. FLORIDA CI3I04 HKENNE0Y0WSH-LAW,COtA Kindly consider this letter as an expression of my interest in a board position for the Community Relations Board. T grew up in Miami, attended Coral Gables High School and graduated from the University of Miami undergraduate program with honors. I later practiced law in New York and Texas before becoming a member of the Florida Bar. I had the good fortune to accept an opportunity to return to South Florida about a year and a half ago. I now am in private practice at a firm which represents local governments and has a general practice as well. I have always enjoyed the excitement of South Florida, aid in particular, I enjoy the diversity which creates much of that excitement. I speak* Spanish and enjoy the "melting pot" atmosphere that is part of our community. I hope to become active in local community projects and was pleased to become aware of this opening. I believe my legal skills and experience will make me an asset to the board. To that end, I enclose my res * ume for your review. I look forward to hearing from a representative of the Community Relations Board and will be happy to provide any further information necessary. Thank you for your consideration. S cer y, Jllene 1 vem n e Harlene Silvern Kennedy 2919 Virginia St. a Coconut Grove, Fla. 33133, 210-385-5933 cell hai-1c,iiek-ennedi,2002Ca_,,vahoo.coin Employment History: WEISS SEROTA HELFNIAN PASTORIZA COLE&BONISKE, P.L. CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA Associate, February 2007 present e Counsel for the Village of lslamorada. Municipal -Law including real 0 ' state, capital projects, construction, land use, utilities, ,administrative law, open records and regulatory matters. THE CITY OF SAN ANTONIO SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS ASSISTANT CYTYA TwANEY, DEC' 1998 -MARCH 2006 Eminent Domain Counsel for the City of San Antonio; supervising all condemnation and eminent domain matters. Lead counsel for the Public Works Dept. advising on capital projects, storm water and drainage, real estate, construction, infrastructure, contracts, bidding, purchasing, environmental and land use matters, information management, drafting and interpreting legislation, and municipal administrative law and open records.. LAW OFFICES OF HARLENE S. KENNEDY SAN, ANTONIO, TEXAS PresidentlOwner, 1995-1998 9 Responsible for management and administration; supervising all attorneys and support staff. Real estate and general transactions, state court litigation. Client development. I LANGLEY & BANACK, INC. (FORMERLY JEFFERS, ]BROOK) SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Partner, 1992-1995 0 Real estate and secured transactions including contract drafting and negotiation, financing and loan transactions, landlord -tenant matters, banking and state court litigation. Client development. AKIN, Gump, STRAUSS, HAUER & FELD SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Associate Attorney, 1988-1991 0 0 Real estate complex transactions, representing developers, lenders and borrowers, banking and financial institutions, construction issues, landlord -tenant matters, foreclosures, secured transactions. -T.WWR CADWALADER, WICKERSAHM&TAFT NEW YORK, NEW YORK Associate Attorney, 1985-1988 a Representation of developers, borrowers, financial institutions, landlord -tenant matters, conveyances, financing, construction, and varied real estate practice for local, national and international clients. UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, MIAMI, FLORIDA Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude Major in Accounting and English/Minor in Education Florida Regents Scholarship every year Dean's List every semester NEW YORK UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW NEW YORK,, NEW YORK (ONE YEAR) UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA LAW SCHOOL NORMAN, OKLAHOMA JD(TWOYEARS) • Order of the Calf • Law Review • Dean's List every semester • First Place Appellate Advocacy Competition (Moot Court) • Recipient of Harden Ballard Memorial Award • Who's Who in American Law Students • Member, Board of Advocates Member, Phi Alpha Delta Legal Fraternity Class rank: Top 9% PUBLICATIONS: The Mortgagee's Right to Rents; Oklahoma Law Review, Vol. 37, Winter 1984. Languages: Fluent Conversational Spanish Professional Licenses and Accreditations: ADMITTED To NEW YORK, NEW JERSEY, FLORIDA, AND TEXAS BARS. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, WESTERN AND SOUTHERN DISTRICTS OF TEXAS Community Activities: Leadership Son Antonio XIX: Leadership Son Antonio XXI Steering Committee; San Antonio; Board of Directors-Avan.ce, San Antonio: Board of Directors -Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center; Board of Directors -Women's Enterprise; Member -Women's American Ort, Member -Temple Beth -El; Commissioner -City of Son Antonio Work Family Commission, Commissioner• City of San Antonio Historic Design and Review Commission; Member -San Antonio Chamber of Commerce, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, San Antonio Real Estate Council, Florida Association of Women Lawyers; Director- Linda Ahmed Breast Cancer Fund, other civic organizations.