HomeMy WebLinkAboutVol. III. 8. Traffic Study Attachment V. Committed Development InformationAttachment V Committed Development Information Table V-A CITY OF MIAMI LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT REPORT: 1995 To Present CiWa de Major Use Special Par nils (UIUSP) and applicable Class 11, Special Exceptions 8 Exempt Projems (Status: A -Completed; fi-Undm Conslm=n; C.AW0,,0d: 0•APpk3Wni E•Prel—rinry; F -ft hdrawn] As of 51112008 8:38:54 AM Locational Inlormalion Units Sq. Ft. Review Name Addross Description Nee Area ReslCondo Hotel onfpe Retail App -1 nate $talus Committed Protects Under Construction or Approved Located to the North of the Marlins Ballpark: 1690 NW Noah Riva, Drive 1690 NW North River Drive {Mixed Use: Residential & Office ; ALLAPATTAH 172 0 11212 900 12/2212005 C __— - .._ .... 1a{1allah Heights 1951 NW 27th Avenue Woo Use: Residenlral &Retail ALLAPATfAH [, 700 0 .e...�r 0 27(0 P .. _.�,.. ..-.._. ._.- Amber Garden 1341 NW 29$!reeC � IResld&AaI[Elderly} ••--�ALLAPATTIW 710 j 0 0 � 75� �••�� -��- y UhderCST- ClviCa Towers 1090 NW 141h StfBel nixed Use=Rasidorxiel, Retail 6 Hotel �`` ALLHPATTAH ! 0 f � 490 i 3$0827 I 14855 l � � �"°'--- tiv.rriwne Cove 1818 & 1884 NW N. River 7RGsidiintbl. Mwima Retail and Raslaurenl ----- I ALLAPATTAH 1073 0 l 9 -- -- SIXiO --� -- raf2420�j CHALLENGED Drive I: _�_._...-.-r.�...— ...__.._.. SY LAWSUIT Urna 2955 B' na Boulevard Muted Use: Residentral 8 Retail ALLA.PATTAW 208 0 0 32731 712412006 C hlw— Rwangwn 1400-1500 NW Nor1fl Rwar Mixed Use: Rasieennel Retail & QHiee : ALLAPATTAH 985 �— -- - 0 29 !v 981 •"j � 51045• -I 712a12pC§ C news I I New Miami City View ApaamenlS 1455.73 NW 14 Streat (Residential • - - AI.LAPATTAHI 130 ! 0 0 I 0 --� 10119120031 _.... - C Summary of Committed Development Units and SF located to and from the North (does not include project$ being challenged by lawsuits); 1,703 0 109,341 87,451 7ahle V-A Marlins Ballpark Major Use Special Permit Traffic Impact Study November2008 Table V-A CITY OF MIAMI LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT REPORT: 1995 To Present Citywide Major Use Spmd Pernet5 (MI and appIcahle Clans II, Spedal rmipllals & Exempt Prgads (Status: A{bmpleled; n -Under eonsR dvm C-Aop—d. O-Appl—on; E•Prel—ury; F-W[hdra—) As of 5)112008 8:38:54 AM Locational Information Units 5q, Ft, Review Name Address Description Net Ama RoslCondo Hotel Office Ratall Approval Doh Status Committed Projects Under Construction or Approved Located to the East of the Marlins Ballpark: 1490 amcayno 1490 Bl"ne BoulevardMixed Use; Resrcental & Rerun ('L buddings) f DOWNTOWN 850 0 108543 l 43540 312312005, C- DDRI Fees I 1 Not Paid 1650 Biscayne Elouievard 1650 Biscayne Boulevard Mixed Use: Residential. Retail & Office (36uilaings) DOWNTOWN 1 896 0 28060 66225 V2812005� C - DDRt Fees {Cardinal Symphony} f 1 Not Pad Hii"w Markel 1700 NE 2 Avenue r Mixed Use: Big Box Retail with re9idenfial liner DOWNTOWN ! 24 0 0 ( 653659 512005IC Chelsea, The 1.550 Biscayne Boulevard Mixed Use: Residential. Relay & Office II ! DOWNTOWN ... 385 0 79958 10120 r l - .��-^� C -- DDRI Fees Not Paid City Square Rema 425 NE 13tR Street Mixed Use: Reside DOWNTOWN I U ..�� —0 0 04 - --- 981200 C DDRI Fees �� Not Pada City Square Towers 14018 a BoulevardMired �� Use: Residential & Retail (2 buildi } 5 DOWNTOWN 1 942 0 0 13566 I 9972006i C - DDRI Fees Not Paid Dupont Tower (Dupont Plaraj 300 0ccayne Boulevard Way Mixed Use: Residential, Reim, Restaurant, Conoo(Holall DOWNTOWN .` 1228 62 0 �11 38000 4i2212Q04 C _ Florida Grand Opera {Anderson 236-245 NE 14 Street `rProduction rehearsal 5273aat hall, theater, w1 retail. la I DOWNTOWN --� 22 0 k 18200 �T^ 0 r 12t2V200 C - DDRI Fees Opera Center) im. and aWmant units Not Paid Humid Square Parol -3 Ono Herald Plaxa ---._..- !High Mixed -Use Sirucure - ---- _ .._ ...._�j_� DOWNTOWN 495 96 0 0' C-DDRIFces Not Paid Island Gardens 910 Marjvthur Causexray� Walson Island, Loll 3 201 -229 NE 20 Avenue—lMcxed-use Mega-Yac11 50 -north Marina, Holels. Resrdantial, Relalt,j RReslaurant ---- --�—i DOLYNT04i/N OOYVNTOWN�r D 495 6005` 4 221004 7fW0M C Y - 0��0 `r 14000 9122f200 C - DDRI Fees Nor Paid Lynx DgwnldwR 16 SE 2 Street; 80 SE 2 Street 41 SE 3 Street: 61 58 3 Street Mixed Use: Residential, Retail, Office, Hotel ,& V4Rioal Sports Club (8 builaings) DOWNTOWN I 521 401 747698 _ 50397 ( Sd2612005 C -DDR[ Fees I Not Pak! 1 Metropolitan Miami - Mal 7 a 3DD SE 3 Street (Tract 8) Mixed Use: Residential, Retail & Entartaknment"heatre DOWNTOWN 447 0 I 4 142575 57267200 UnderCST Ma(Squaro; {Ona Warn I - MalroWilan Miami - Mel 21 (Ore 200 SE 3 Street (Tract C) IMtxeu UW. Residential, Relell & Office DOWNTOWN I 30 400 f !I 678230 30090 I 212412006' LkWarCS7 Irlramd Tradr C1 i I I I Omni Devalapmert 1507.1701 Biscayne 8oulevare Meed Use Residenlrel & Retail (Demolish6h exislirg mall & hotel} (6 toners) I�a. DOWNTOWN `— 4208 _ 0 4 35020D l- - _ � =-T) C - DOWIFees I Net Paid Summary of Committed Development Units and SF located to and From the East (does not include Downtown DRI projects which have not paid their fees to reserve development credits): 1,729 1.067 678,230 1,085,324 Table V-A MaAA5 Ballpark Major Use Special Permit Traffic Impact Sludy November 208 Table V-A CITY OF MIAMI LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT REPORT: 1995 To Present City -do Major Use Special Permits (MU SP) and apol,cable Class IL Special Exceptions 8 Exempt Prajc<^s (Status: A -Completed; B-U,4v Conslmoion; C-A:yproved:0-App6onn: E-Preimnary; F-W:udnwr,0 A5 of 5H 12008 8:58:54 AM LocatlanaI Information Units Sq. Ft- Review Name Address Description Net Area I Res1c.ndp Hotel Office Retail Approval Date Status Committed Projects Under Constructlon or Approved Located to the Southeast of the Marlins Ballpark: 1101 BrvckNl Avenue - 1141 Hrickell Avanac IMaed use: Residential, Or4ce & RoMil (proposed. 74- I DOWNTOWN 1 500 0 269000 30007 { 1 12 71 2 0 00 C - DDRI Faes Story mixed use tow adjacent to existing 19 -story o48rel i J Not Paid 1390 Brickell Bay 1390 Brickall Bay Drive ([liked Use. Residential & Retail DO�i 354 U _-jT p 4 �-.21388 31127 C -DDRI Fees II l_ Id Not paid 1451 BrsckNl 1451 Brid[ell Avenue -� Muced Use: Residential & Reisa _ "-T-�- 1 DOWFYYDWN ��--199 0 17840 I 3985 3/2212004 C -DDRI Foes � No[ Pai d 500 BrIckell 550 Brirkell Avenue, 41-55 SE lMered Use: residential &ne4atl __ j DOWNTOWN 633 1 0 0 I 20487-� 6724P2rJ04 Under CST 6 Street Rim� 500 Brickell 60D Bnckell Averwa Use: Residential, Retail, Office & Hotel DOWNTOWN134 � 360 952030 17000 er UndCST 99] � Asia 606 Wckoll Key Boulevard lResidentiat I DOWNT'OWH _ 1 1 0 0 23 _ Under CST Beacon at Bntkell Vdlaga.7he 30 BE 8 Street & 830 SE 7Residential Avenue prujaCt herith accessary recreational Was Wa i DOWNTOWN I — 228 0 1 0 0T i 17115f2001i C Bnlckoll'Flauran BWIkl 1001.1121 South Warm Mixed Use: Residential, Retail8'[yfrlCe wile Metromovey WWoWN s54-- a 254043 -1 47229 E rJ22f20W� c - DDRI Fees Avenue through building 33 T '- Not Paid BrickpD Station {running 31.39 S£ 61h SUsat l�lail JSubslantial Modi6cat enDOWNTOWN 232 0i p d478 C -fit `tathe 500 Bhokell M SPj . - -!� I ^6!221 fi p anduvitView TorracoPrgael - 4Mixed-Usepraled DOWNTOWN --! 119 0 0 0 C Coral Station at Brlckell Way 1420 SW 1 Court Mixed Use: Resit enlial, Retai! and acvussory DOWNTOWN I 481 0 0 40606 _ 61277 C Village Los Suan rs as Brickell retxaalional uses i45 SW l lth $Heat Residential ---_- - DOWNTOWN 11 1 + 53 0 0 j�� p - + Under CST Premiere Tore BwAne ViOa0e I 98-59 SW 9 Street -- _-_ Mixed Use: Residential, Retail & Office DOWNTOWN _ 0 46000 ���20286 I 1242004! C - - Rohadgns on tna Mreml RIyK 701-717 SW fi Street DOWNTOWN 125 0 0 1I 3085 4(1412005(' C South Miami Ayenue 1900.1340 South Miarra. �zcd Usa: ResitleMatl, Relat & Qffice DOvVN7OLVN 56$ ' 4 ] 0 1 11588 � , 412812L>Q� C Cwbwlinlum {Infinity 21 Avenue 1 i_ I Vitra Magna _ 1261 Brncketi Bay 01-0. i:ed Use: Residerai Retail, Restaurant. S HNaI. I -. DOWNTOWN 787 r 209 0 32950 - I--1p129121104� i _ .__c West Bdd[dt Con" 267 SW 11th Street Residenlial and retail I DOWNTOWN - POWN70YVkl 1 192 � 0 0 2780 d 5125120 — C Summary of Committed Development Units and SF located to and from the Southeast (does not 024 $69 998,030 148,762 include Downtown DRI projects which have not paid their fees to reserve development Credits): Table V-A Marlins Ballpark Major Use Special Permil Traffic Impact SWdy November 2008 Table V-A CITY OF MIAMI LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT REPORT: 1995 To Present C4Mide Maw U. Speuel Permits (MUSP) and applicable Claas II, Special Exceptions & Exempc Projects (Slaluc A-Campldted; $•Under ComtructioN C-Appro ed: D.4pplimliw E -Preliminary; F•Wthdi'a ) As of 571!2009 8:38:54 AM Locational Information UnILs Sp. Fl, Rwlaw Name I Address Description Net Area I Ros7Condo Hotel Offleo RotaH Approval Oaty Status Committed Projects Under Construction or Approved Located to the Northwest of the Marlins Ballpark: Barcelona Condammma 2277 NW 7 Siruul Residential FLAGAMI 71 0 0 0 Linder CST Buses Dol Rio 1583 NW 24 Avenue Mixed Use: Resiclamim & Ratad,. Manna - FLAGAMI 3:18 Q 0 2200�_�f.._ - - ZW200 C CHALLENGED BY IAWSllYT Coastal on tho Hirer 22215 NW 14 Street �Re iidantial (2 buildings) -- --- FLAGAMI 1 693 �..._� 0 _.. __ '—(T— _ ._.......�.. ._,...T_ 112712496 CHALL£NGEO ._-. SY LAWSIAT — Fwo Proparltea 4750 NW 10 Sheet Residential FLAGAMI 155 � O 0 0 10P26f2OtNG� G LpRlka 3271 8 3299 NW 7th Street, nd 726 Nw 32Pll—, 72$ $ Mixed Use; Residential, RBlai. & O!fice ; I C p FLAGAMI II 18S � Q 1 14875� 1 11908 Mlam1 Rwar Rapids 1701-1851 Delaware Parkway Ilse: Residential 8 Retail FLAGAMI 1 !� e - o 63882 - -- W 0 bql C - -- (Mixed Oak Garcon Homos 9129-69 NW 11 54aat �� .._..—..__ Resldentlal. Satgle Fanily Homes � FLAGAn1t � i7 � 0 9 Q I� {�tI27120 i C River Oaks (Hlddon Hartw) 1951 NW Soulh River Drive _.-.__-�--- Re51deM101 FLAGAMI 199 I o 0 0 B Te,"as Rivar Park Village 1861NWS,.Ih River Drive e8idaMlBl 7 FLAGAMI 324 l D -6---T 182712212004 B_-� Summary of Committed Development Units and SF located to and from the Northwest (does not include projects being challenged by lawsuits}; 2,539 Q 14,875 81,340 Table V-A Marlins Ballpark Major Use Special Permit Traffic Impact Study November 2008 Table V-A CITY OF MIAMI LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT REPORT: 1995 To Present Citywide Major Df a $pedal Permas (V.USP) and apptkabla Class II, Speaal ExcaWions A Exempt Pr*cts ISlatus: A -Completed; 13 !undo Conslrucrlon: C -Approved: 04pplication; E-Prehrrwnsry-. F -Withdrawn} As of 51112498 8:3$:54 AM Localiornal Infarmatl an Units Sq. Ft- Rerlew Name Address Description Net Area I Res+Condo Hotel Office Retail Approval Oats I Status Committed Projects Under Construction or Approved Located Adjacent and to the South of the Marlins Ballpark: 20V0 5'h' 8 Sweet r6•,.xv: r1•v+l !pilo S'A: 8 titins[ {MIxoo uso. Resldenlial & Reiail ? LITTLE 42 0 0 1195 3? 111241115 C If I HAVANA 1 Awa Plata 2984 SW 7 Street -�---- _._.-.._ 4Allxed USB: RBs{d�BMla_l. Office, andRetab (w)30 Ot10 sq . LITTLE 320 �.�6— _J _- 7000 36470 J12i15tl2005 C in Pulaluij t2 bulldingsy HAVANA i Ad„aro-la Condos 401-411 SW 17 Avenue Resldentlal LITTLE 33 0 - 0 a '. c HAVANA l Sa Ila Vista Palau" It ___-- 1435 NW 1st Street Residential ---__- T LITTLE 14 0 _��. 0 l � 0 __.-_�_—__._. C II HAVANA._. Cavo Tower Channc ear Bay.," SW SW 12 Avenue T 606 West Flagler StreetMixed Retail f Mixed Use: Rasidentlal &; D6mpilsh exlsaro9 strip I LITTLE —I 328 0 cenl4r HAVANA � Use' FUe dentlW. R -M-1. R-ta urard 6 ice UTTLE245 0 0 10000 11W2004 C _...�. i I 21691 ! 9565 4(28120 0 GonporninlNm q HAVANA j Havaw tower _.._.�..e�._..._ 1439 SW 7 Sltaet .._...-...__ _.. .. ___.._—.. Residenlial8 Retail LITTLE SO f ..�.__�.—.�_,� f 0 P �� 672 j 1!2512065, C I HAVANA I t l lunlserral 1.35 SW 121h y�—.--.—_—.._—_—__.. 435 SW 12 Avenue--1RasldeM'vp LITTLE 40 0 t p 0 ..._.C_.....__.0 �..,_. A.veevol HAVANA Momson Cendom�n+.m llntown 45 SW 81A Avenue Mixed Use; Residential $ Retail CATTLE 345 ^� 0 0 33000 C 'Vi iagol J` HAVANA hl-bw on itw R[ver —�� 555 NW South River Urine Residential LITTLE 1T 192 - I 0 0 �0 4114�� C Oleander Park 1970 NW 71h Street Remd antial - - - �--- - 4 HAVANA LITTLE 30 lk 0 � 0 0 —� �j C HAVANA I d Palma Apannwnls Ttw 1040 SW 1 Street Residemial 41TT9..E 91 0 0 I�T 0 5f2572004i�T C HAVANA Renaissanca Pointe 1900-1552 SW 8 Street Mixed Ll se: Resideraiai 8 Relail LITTLE 323 ! 0 o � 18000 712772006; c HAVANA II Rlo P.tlaml lfka Raga) AtlanlrcI 1001 NW 7 Street Residential d Rotall LYtTLE 744 0 { 9400 r 2P2612004i C IiAVANA I Summary of Committed Developent Units and SP located to and from the South: 2,853 0 28,691 118.302 Table V-A Marlins $all park Major Use Special Permit Traffic Impact Study November 2008 Table V-A CITY OF MIAMI LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT REPORT: 1995 To Present Cityvide Major Use Special Permit5 (rd USP) and applicable Glass It, Special Exceptions 8 Exampt Projects ($latus: A•Completed; a -Under C—Antolion; C-Apprwed; D-Apel—bon; E -Preliminary; F-Wakdrewn) As of 51112008 8:38: S4 AM Locational Wtormaaon units sq. Ft. Rmew Name Address Description Net Area I ReslCondo Hotel Office Retail I Approval Data Status Committed Projects Under Construction or Approved Located to the Northeast of the Marlins Ballpark: To and From the East - Downtown C130 5,729 1,067 600 Sucayna GSB Biscayne Dmievwd; 215 iMixed usc: Residential & Retail SEOPW and 678 0 0 11000 C NE S Street I ppWNTOWN 14,675 81,340 To and From the South - Little Havana 2,853 ill NE 1 tth Stroal Ill NE 11th Street Mixed Use' Residential8 Retail TE twidimds] SEOPW and 430 0 0 29232 W23I2flO8�C - SE9Pk OR 18,700 Summary DOWNTOWN 1,636 1,829,167 y Fees Net Paid Paramount Park (TDD 84swyne) 7DO Biscayne Boulevard - ..-�....-...A_._._- SE5PW and 467 120 4f 0 r� 12947 Mixed Use ; Residential. Retail. Office & Hotel 5r2812D05' c - SEOPW DRI DOWNTOWN 4 I I Fees"Paid Lyric village B lync Oaks 919 NW 2nd Arenue WResidential Sawyer's Walk 249.263 NW —6s trea-t; 160 NW COndda [Villa3e - 54 units) Tewvnhmlleg (Oaks - 42 units) Mixed Use: Residential & Retail (4 Cutalr98) OVERTOWN I_ OVERTOWN __. i 98 1056 O D4 _ 1 75" C - SEOPW DRI Fans NO Paid C- SEOPW DRI {Crosswords) 7 Street; 152 NW 9 Street; 218 •, I I� Feas Nm Pad Urban River 601, 649, 685 NW 7 Slraet; Residential l2 Gulklir�s} I OVERTOWN 577 0 ,- o _�--� 7760 3/22/200 C 650 NW 8 Street; 734 NW 6 Summary of Committed Development Units and SF located to and from the Northeast (does not 1,255 D 0 18,700 include SEOPW DRI projects which have not paid their fees to reserve development credits): Summary of Committed Development Units and SF Area Res/Condo Hotel Office SF Retail SF To and From the North . Allapartah 1,703 0 109,341 67,451 To and From the East - Downtown C130 5,729 1,067 678,230 1,085,324 To and From the Southeast - Downtown Brickell 4,024 569 998,030 146,752 To and From the Northwest - Flagami 2,539 0 14,675 81,340 To and From the South - Little Havana 2,853 0 28,691 118,302 To and From the Northeast • Overflown 1,255 0 0 18,700 Summary 14,103 1,636 1,829,167 1,539,869 Table V-A Marling Ballpark Major Use Special Permit Trak Impact Study November 2008 TABLE V -B COMMITTED DEVELOPMENTS TO THE NORTH OF THE MARLINS BALLPARK - TO AND FROM ALLAPATTAH PM PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION ANALYSIS PRE -GAME PEAR HOUR 6 TO 7 PM POST -GAME PEAK HOUR 9:30 TO 10:30 PM 10 -Nov -08 LAND USE UNITS ITE LUC ITE 7TH EDITION RATE OR FORMULA PM TRIPS % IN TRIPS % OUT TRIPS Residential 1,703 DU 232 T = 0.34 (X) + 15.47 594 62% 369 38% 225 Hotel 0 ROOMS 310 Ln (T) = 1.20 Ln (X) - 1.55 0 49% 0 51% 0 Office 109,341 SQ. FT. 710 T = 1.12 (X) + 78.81 201 17% 34 83% 167 Retail 87,451 SO, FT, 814 T = 2.40 (X) + 21.48 231 44% 102 56% 129 Gross PM Peak Hour Vehicle Trips 1,027 49% 505 51% 522 Internalization 10.00% of Gross Vehicle Trips 103 49% 50 51% 53 Transit Trip Reduction 5.00% of Gross Vehicle Trips 51 49% 25 51% 26 Pedestrian/Bicycle Trip Reduction 5.00% of Gross Vehicle Trips 51 49% 25 51% 26 Net External PM Peak Hour Vehicle Trips 822 49%m 405 51% 417 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 1.40 Persons/Vehicle 1,150 49% 564 51% 586 Net External Person Trips using Transit 1.40 Persons/Vehicle 72 49% 35 51% 37 Net External Person Trips (Vehicles and Transit) 1 1,222 49% 599 51% 1 623 Net External Person Trips Walking/Using Bicycles 1.40 PersonsNehicle 721 49% 351 51% 37 Net External Pre -Game Vehicular Trips - 6:00 to 7:00 PM 10% reduction from PM Peak 740 49% 365 51% 375 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 1.40 PersonsNehicle 1,035 49% 507 51% 528 Net External Person Trips using Transit 1.40 PersonsNehicle 65 49% 32 51% 33 Net External Person Trips (Vehicles and Transit) 1,100 49% 539 51% 561 Net External Post -Game Vehicular Trips - 9:30 to 10:30 PM 62% reduction from PM Peak 312 49% 154 51% 158 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 1.40 Persons/Vehicle 437 49% 214 51% 223 Net External Person Trips using Transit 1.40 PersonsNehicle 281 49% 138 51% 143 Net External Person Trips (Vehicles and Transit) 718 49% 352 51% 366 Marlins Ballpark Major Use Special Permit Traffic impact Study November 2008 TABLE V -C COMMITTED DEVELOPMENTS TO THE EAST OF THE MARLINS BALLPARK -TO AND FROM DOWNTOWN CBD PM PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION ANALYSIS PRE -GAME PEAK HOUR 6 TO 7 PM POST -GAME PEAK HOUR 9:30 TO 10:30 PM 1n-Nnv-CICS - - LAND USE UNITS ITE LUC ITE 7TH EDITION RATE OR FORMULA PM TRIPS % IN TRIPS OUT oto TRIPS Residential 1,729 DU 232 T = 0.34 (X) + 15.47 603 62% 374 38% 229 Hotel 1,067 ROOMS 310 Ln (T) = 1.20 Ln (X) -1.55 913 49% 447 51% 466 Office 678,230 SO. FT. 710 T = 1.12 (X) + 78.81 838 17% 143 83% 695 Retail 1,085,324 Sp. FT. 814 T = 2.40 (X) 121.48 2,626 44% 1,156 56% 1,470 Gross PM Peak Hour Vehicle Trips 4,981 43% 2,120 57% 2,861 Internalization 10.00%0 of Gross Vehicle Trips 498 43% 214 57% 284 Transit Trip Reduction 22,60%u of Gross Vehicle Trips [1] 1,126 43%ti 484 57% 642 Pedestrian/Bicycle Trip Reduction 10.00% of Gross Vehicle Trips [1] 498 43% 214 57% 284 Net External PM Peak Hour Vehicle Trips 2,859 43% 1,208 57% 1,651 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 1.40 PersonsNehicle 4,003 43% 1,721 57% 2,282 Net External Person Trips using Transit 1.40 PersonsNehicle 1,576 43% 678 57% 898 Net External Person Trips (Vehicles and Transit) 1 5,579 43% 2,399 57010 3,180 Net External Berson Trips Walking/Using Bicycles 1.40 PersonsNehicle 1 697 43% 1 300 57% 397 Net External Pre -Game Vehicular Trips - 6:00 to 7:00 PM 10% reduction from PM Peak 2,573 ii 43% 1,087 57% 1,486 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 1.40 PersonsNehicle 3,602 43% 1,549 57% 2,053 Net External Person Trips using Transit 1.40 PersonsNehicle 1,418 43% 610 57% 808 Net External Person Trips (Vehicles and Transit) 5,021 43% 2,159 57% 2,862 Net External Post -Game Vehicular Trips - 9:30 to 10:30 PM 62% reduction from PM Peak 1,086 43% 459 57%e 627 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 1.40 PersonsNehicle 1,521 43% 654 57% 867 Net External Person Trips using Transit 1 A0 PersonsNehicle 978 43% 420 57% 558 Net External Person Trips (Vehicles and Transit) 2,499 43% 1,075 57% 1,424 [1] These reductions are consistent with the Increment Il of the Downtown Miami DRI for the CBD Area, Marlins Ballpark Major Use Special Permit Traffic Impact Study November 2008 TABLE V -D COMMITTED DEVELOPMENTS TO THE SOUTHEAST OF THE MARLINS BALLPARK - TO AND FROM DOWNTOWN BRICKELL PM PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION ANALYSIS PRE -GAME PEAK HOUR 6 TO 7 PM POST -GAME PEAK HOUR 9:30 TO 10:30 PM 10-Nnv-d8 LAND USE UNITS ITE LUC ITE 7TH EDITION RATE OR FORMULA PM TRIPS IN % TRIPS OUT % TRIPS Residential 4,024 DU 232 T = 0.34 (X) + 15.47 1,384 62% 858 38% 526 Hotel 589 ROOMS 310 Ln (T) = 1.20 Ln (X) - 1.55 430 49% 211 51% 219 Office 998,030 SO, FT. 710 T = 1.12 (X) + 78.81 1,197 17% 203 83% 994 Retail 148,752 SO. FT. 814 T = 2.46 (X) + 21.48 378 44% 167 56% 211 Gross PM Peak Hour Vehicle Trips 3,389 42% 1,439 58% 1,950 Internalization 10.00% of Gross Vehicle Trips 339 42% 142 58% 197 Transit Trip Reduction 14.10% of Gross Vehicle Trips [1] 478 42% 201 58% 277 Pedestrian/Bicycle Trip Reduction 15.00%0 of Gross Vehicle Trips [1] 508 42% 213 58% 295 Net External RM Peak Hour Vehicle Trips 2,064 42% 883 58% 1,181 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 1.40 PersonsNehicie 2,889 42% 1,213 58% 1,676 Net External Person Trips using Transit 1.40 Persons/Vehicle 669 42% 281 58% 388 Net External Person Trips (Vehicles and Transit) 3,5,581 42% 1,494 58% 2,084 Net External Person Trips Walking/Using Bicycles 1.40 PersonsNehicle 1 712 42% 1 299 58% 413 Net External Pre -Game Vehicular Trips - 6:00 to 7:00 PM 10% reduction from PM Peak 1,858 42% 795 58% 1,063 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 1.44 Persons/Vehicle 2,601 42% 1,092 58% 1,509 Net External Person Trips using Transit 1.40 PersonsNehicle 602 42% 253 58% 349 Net External Person Trips (Vehicles and Transit) 3,203 42% 1,345 58% 1,858 Net External Post -Game Vehicular Trips - 9:30 to 10:30 RM 62% reduction from PM Peak 784 42% 335 58% 449 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 1.40 Persons/Vehicle 1,098 42% 461 58% 637 Net External Person Trips using Transit 1.40 Persons/Vehicle 706 42% 297 58% 409 Net External Person Trips (Vehicles and Transit) 1,804 42% 758 58% 1,046 [1] These reductions are consistent with the Increment II of the Downtown Miami DRI for the Brickell Area. Marlins Ballpark Major Use Special Permit Traffic Impact Study November 2008 TABLE V -E COMMITTED DEVELOPMENTS TO THE NORTHWEST OF THE MARLINS BALLPARK - TO AND FROM FLAGAMI PM PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION ANALYSIS PRE -GAME PEAK HOUR 6 TO 7 PM POST -GAME PEAK HOUR 9:30 TO 10:30 PM 1 n -Nov -08 LAND USE UNITS ITE LUC ITE 7TH EDITION RATE OR FORMULA PM TRIPS % IN TRIPS OUT %fl TRIPS Residential 2,539 DU 232 T = 0.34 (X) + 15.47 879 62% 545 38% 334 Hotel 4 ROOMS 310 Ln (T) = 1.20 Ln (X) - 1.55 0 49% 0 51% 0 Office 14,875 SQ. FT. 710 T = 1.12 (X) + 78.81 95 17% 16 83% 79 Retail 81,340 SQ, FT. 614 T = 2.40 (X) +21.48 217 44% 95 56% 122 Gross PM Peak Hour Vehicle Trips 1,191 55% 656 45% 535 Internalization 10.00%0 of Gross Vehicle Trips 119 55% 65 45% 54 Transit Trip Reduction 5.00% of Gross Vehicle Trips 60 55% 33 45% 27 Pedestrian/Sic cle Trip Reduction 5.00% of Gross Vehicle Trips 60 55% 33 45% 27 Net External PM Peak Hour Vehicle Trips 952 55% 525 45% 427 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 1.40 Persons/Vehicle 1,333 55% 733 45% 600 Net External Person Trips using Transit 1.40 Persons/Vehicle 831 55% 46 45% 37 Net External Person Trips (Vehicles and Transit) 1,418 55% 779 45% 637 Net External Person Trips Walking/Using Bicycles 1.40 Persons/Vehicle 831 55% 1 46 45% 37 Net External Pre -Game Vehicular Trips -6'00 to 7;00 PM 10% reduction from PM Peak 857 55% 473 45% 384 Net External Person Trips In Vehicles 1.40 PersonsNehicle 1,200 55% 660 45% 540 Net External Person Trips using Transit 1.40 Persons/Vehicle 75 55% 41 45% 34 Net External Person Trips (Vehicles and Transit) 1,275 55% 701 45% 574 Net External Post -Game Vehicular Trips - 9:30 to 10,30 PM 62% reduction from PM Peak 362 55% 200 45% 162 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 1.40 Persons/Vehicle 507 55% 279 45% 228 Net External Person Trips using Transit 1.40 PersonsNehicle 326 55% 179 45% 147 Net External Person Trips (Vehicles and Transit) 832 55%© 458 45% 374 Marlins Ballpark Major Use Special Permit Traffic Impact Study November 2008 TABLE V -F COMMITTED DEVELOPMENTS ADJACENT AND TO THE SOUTH OF THE MARLINS BALLPARK - TO AND FROM LITTLE HAVANA PM PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION ANALYSIS PRE -GAME PEAK HOUR 6 TO 7 PM POST -GAME PEAK HOUR 9:30 TO 10:30 PM 10 -Nov -08 LAND USE UNITS ITE LUC ITE 7TH EDITION RATE OR FORMULA PM TRIPS % IN TRIPS OUT % TRIPS Residential 2,853 DU 232 T m 0.34 (X) + 15.47 985 62% 611 38% 374 Hotel 0 ROOMS 310 Ln (T) = 1.20 Ln (X) - 1.55 0 49% 0 51% 0 Office 28,691 SQ. FT, 710 T = 1.12 (X) + 78.81 111 17% 19 83% 92 Retail 118,302 SQ. FT, 814 T = 2.40 (X) + 21.48 305 44% 134 56% 171 Gross PM Peak Hour Vehicle Trips 1,402 54% 764 46% 638 Internalization 10.00% of Gross Vehicle Trips 140 54% 76 46°1 64 Transit Trip Reduction 5.00% of Gross Vehicle Trips 70 54% 38 46% 32 Pedestrian/Bicycle Trip Reduction 5LO% of Gross Vehicle Trips 70 54% 38 46% 32 Net External PM Peak Hour Vehicle Trips 1,122 54% 1 612 46% 510 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 1.40 PersonsNehicle 1,571 54% 848 46% 723 Net External Person Trips using Transit 1.40 PersonsNehicle 98 54% 53 46% 45 Net External Person Trips (Vehicles and Transit) 1,669 54% 901 46% 768 Net External Person Trips Walking/Using Bicycles 1.40 Persons/Vehicle 1 98 54% 1 531 46% 1 45 Net External Pre -Game Vehicular Trips - 6:00 to 7:00 PM 10% reduction from PM Peak 1,010 54% 551 46% 459 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 1.40 PersonsNehicle 1,414 54% 763 46% 651 Net External Person Trips using Transit 1.40 PersonsN_ ehicle 88 54% 48 46% 40 Net External Person Trips (Vehicles and Transit) 1,502 54% 811 46% 691 Net External Post -Game Vehicular Trips - 9:30 to 10:30 PM 62% reduction from PM Peak 426 5-4-% 232 46% 194 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 1.40 PersonsNehlc€e 597 54% 322 46% 275 Net External Person Trips using Transit 1.40 PersonsNehicle 384 54% 207 46% 177 Net External Person Trips (Vehicles and Transit) 981 54% 530 46% 451 Marlins Ballpark Major Use Special Permit Traffic Impact Study November 2008 TABLE V -G COMMITTED DEVELOPMENTS TO THE NORTHEAST OF THE MARLINS BALLPARK - TO AND FROM OVERTOMWN PM PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION ANALYSIS PRE -GAME PEAK HOUR 6 TO 7 PM POST -GAME PEAK HOUR 9:30 TO 101:30 PM i Fia0114woY. LAND USE UNITS ITE LUC ITE 7TH EDITION RATE OR FORMULA PM TRIPS IN % TRIPS OUT % TRIPS Residential 1,255 DU 232 T = 0.34 (X) + 15.47 442 62% 274 38% 168 Hotel 0 ROOMS 314 Ln (T) = 1.20 Ln (X) - 1.55 0 49% 0 51% 0 Office 4 SQ. FT. 710 T = 1.12 (X) + 78.81 79 17% 131 83% 66 Retail 18,760 SQ. FT. 814 T = 2.44 (X) + 21.48 66 44% 29 56%° 37 Gross PM Peak Hour Vehicle Trips 587 54% 316 46% 271 Internalization 10,00% of Gross Vehicle Trips 59 54% 32 46% 27 Transit Trip Deduction 5.00% of Gross Vehicle Trips 29 54% 16 46% 13 -Pedestrian/Bicycle Trip Deduction 5.Do% of Gross Vehicle Trips 29 54% 16 46% 13 Net External PM Peak Hour Vehicle Trips 470 54% 252 46% 218 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 1.40 1 PersonsNehicle 659 5411/o 356 46% 303 Net External Person Trips using Transit 1.40 Persons/Vehicle 411 54% 22 46°/° 19 Net External Person Trips (Vehicles and Transit) 700 54% 378 46% 322 Net External Person Trips WalkinglUsing Bicycles 1.40 PersonsNehicle 1 411 54% 1 221 46% 19 Net External Pre -Game Vehicular Trips - 6:00 to 7:00 PM 10% reduction from PM Peak 424 54% 227 46% 197 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 1.40 Persons/Vehicle 593 54% 320 46% 273 Net External Person Trips using Transit 1.40 Persons/Vehicle 37 54% 20 46% 17 Net External Person Trips (Vehicles and Transit) 630 54% 340 46% 290 Net External Post -Game Vehicular Trips - 9:30 to 10:30 PM 62% reduction from PM Peak 179 54% 96 46% 83 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 1.40 PersonsNehicle 250 54% 135 46% 115 Net External Person Trips using Transit 1.40 PersonsNehicle 161 54% 87 46% 74 Net External Person Trips (Vehicles and Transit) 411 54% 222 46% 189 Marlins Ballpark Major Use Special Permit Traffic Impact Study November 2008 Table V -H Committed Development Traffic Assignment by Area - Pre Game - S to 7 PM Marlins Ballpark Major VSG Special Permit Traffic Impact Study glove ber 2008