FILE ID: oc? -60) 7S
Date: 2/2/2009 Requesting Department: Public Works
Commission Meeting Date: 3/12/2009 District Impacted: 5 Law Deparment
Type: ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Emergency Ordinance ❑ Discussion Item Matter ID No:
❑ Other
Subject: A Resolution rescinding the acceptance, for highway purposes, of a portion of the property
described in the deed of dedication accepted by the City Commission on November 19,1987, by
authority of Resolution No. 87-1003, and recorded in Official Records Books 13403 at_Page 979 of the
Public Records of Miami -Dade County. Florida. The said nronertv to remain in fee simple ownership
by the City of Miami.
Purpose of Item:
The purpose is for the City Commission to adopt a resolution rescinding the acceptance, for highway
purposes, of a portion of the property described in the deed of dedication accepted by the City
Commission on November 19, 1987; by authority of Resolution No. 87-1003, and recorded in Official
Records Books 13403 at Page 979 of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. The said
property to remain in fee simple ownership by the City of Miami
Background Information:
See Attached.
Budget Impact Analvsis
NO Is this item related to revenue?
NO Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below.
General Account No:
Special Revenue Account No:
CIP Project No:
NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost:
Maintenance Cost:
Total Fiscal Impact:
If using or receiving capital funds 1
Grants 0
Final Approvals
Background Information:
On November 19, 1987, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 87-1003 accepting thirty-two (32)
deeds of dedication for street widening purposes. Included in these thirty-two (32) deeds was the deed
for a portion of the property located at 1971 NW 7 Avenue. This deed of dedication was recorded in
Official Records Books 13403 at Page 979 of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida.
Recently, the University of Miami, in connection with its proposed development of a new medical and
research center on the adjacent property, requested that the City of Miami rescind the acceptance for
highway purposes purpose (street widening purposes) a portion of the property described in the said
deed of dedication recorded in Official Records Books 13403 at Page 979. This portion of the said
property which is described and depicted in the attached sketch and legal description will remain in the
fee simple ownership of the City of Miami.
The Department of Public Works has reviewed this request and recommends acceptance by the City
Commission to rescind said portion of property for highway purposes (street widening purposes) and to
retain it in fee simple ownership. This recommendation is made in lieu of the fact that the said portion
of property has never been used for street widening purposes.