HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 1SURPLUS LANDS / N.W. CORNER OF SEC. 36-53-41 N.W. 20ft S TRO T — — — — — — GRAPHIC SCALE I ��NORTHUNE OF THE NW in 1/4 SEC. 36-53-41 zs' so' 100' (91'15';�..) h � --- -'---� 91'15'2x" ( IN FEET ) 5' I— —T- B E C 1 inch = 50 ft. LOT 11 I SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIAnONS• SEC. - SEcnoN h TW. - TOWNSHIP LOT 10 b nt �� RGE. - RANGE I *-+ I P.O-C- - POINT OF COAIAIENCEmENT P.0.8. - POINT OF BEGINNING o r, Fr I P.B. - PLAT BOOK i I N LOT 9 I I C I C 1 O.R-B. - OnCIAL RECORDS BOOK Q ,� a PG. - PAGE Z z - - - — — �J 16 R US - RC LENGTH Uj LOT 8 I = r� d - CENTRAL DELTA ANGLE op `S• P.C. - POINT OF CURVATURE C. C" o �- — 2 I RIW - RIGHT-OF-WAY w — - — (100) - RECORDED PLAT DIMENSION 3 LOT 1 � � _ � _ 100' - MEASURED/PRORATED DIMENSION `N 1� - rt - CENTER UNE Ii Ni �-`r 0- - - — -- S Ii - MONUMENT LINE 3 3 z a W LOT o LOT 16 SURVEYORS NOTES- 40 00 hl Z o 1 >- - — - 1. Bear;;ngs`shown hereon ore on or. assumed bcsrs, o U and are referenced to the City of Miami N.W. 7th 2 I -j o n 2 W y LOT 5 m Avenue Monument Line, having c heart 1g of 2 OZ Lt m N 00'59'36 " W. Z N V W 2. !his sketch and ;ego/ descriP:,an ore valid on;y W LDT 17 when ell sheets are combined, forming 'he complete �— — -- —±—o JJ V docun-ent. Io i� w LOT 4 p I I — - - 3. Platted easements (;f any) are rat shown. _ -- —._ — o _ Not valid without the signature and LOT 3 , I o I LOT 18 Surveyorraised Sed ea dt+�u tbg F3or'do J Q appy 5' -- y-- 9 ' THS IS NOT A SURVEY �25 - 35' �J LOT 2 w ` BISCAYNE ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. 529 WEST rZ AGLER STREET, M/AMI, FL. 33130 �ea4ti 4$ LOT 1 SITE LOT 19 (305) 324-7671 98'44'36" STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS r- AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION EB -0000129, LB -0000129 — w N8T45'DO_E P"�' � t-- — .%� DA TE: 11 /21 /2008 GNI W. Imp TERRACE R WOLFGA c S. HUECK rl�T- S, PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER No 6519 1STATE OF FLORIDA Drawing No. 2094 -SS -13 BEC Ref. 78320 F:',VEY\PROJECTS\78000's\78382 MAMCA MV 7 AMdrg\78382-2094-SS-13.dwg 11/21/2008 1+23+36 PM EST Layout 1 PROJECT: SUFRPL-US -ANDS SKETCH 8� I�ESCF2IPTION SURVEY DATE: N/A CLIENT NAME: DRAWN BY MAMCO P.F. REVISION DATE: BEC ORDER #. SHEET 03-78382 1 OF 2 BISCAYNE ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. TEL (305) 324-7671, FAX (305) 324-1700 di- f899 529 WEST FL/AIGLER ST, MIAMI FL 33130 WWW BISCAYNEENGINEERING.COM �(Gl n WIN 140 ACCOWJPJUWY LBOAL ]DCRow SURPLUS LANDS 35' E . t^ LOT 3 Ld OJ- W 2 ti to O U �O 2'Uj U uI W (n O 2 1�0 o 1 4� W ~ N0039360W l 3 15.14' LOT 2 I RADIAL ._..,_.89170'. Ld OJ- W 2 ti O U �O uI W o 1 4� W ~ N0039360W l 3 15.14' I L=29.4.3' L=39.82' R=25.00' LOT 1 �r O ao J QU o� Wm Z W 0 X9175 24 NORTH LJNE OF THE O O SOUTH 5.00' OF LOT 1 (n h N87'45'00'E 7224' P. 529 SQ. FT. 0.012 AC. S87'45'00'W 74.38' (100') —4 -- s' R=25.00' o P.O.B. SW CORNER _6726.32- + N 8745'00" E 0 OT 1 — I� �- GRAPHIC SCALE --{ 2.5' 0 10' 20' 40' ( ) LEGAL DESCRIPT70N: IN FEET 1 inch = 20 ft. A portion of Lots 1 and 2 in Block 8 of ROBERTS AND GRENTNER ADDITION, as recorded in Plot Book 10, Page 56 of the Public Records of Miomi-Dade County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows. Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Lot 1; Thence South 87'45'00' West, 74.38 feet along the South line of said Lot 1 to a Point of Curvature; Thence Northwesterly 29.43 feet along the Southwesterly line of said Lot 1, also being the Arc of a Curve concave to the Northeast, having d Radius of 25.00 feet and a Central Delta Angle of 677632", to the East zoned Right -of -Way line of N.W. 7th Avenue lying 35.00 feet East of and parallel with the zoned Centerline of said N.W 7th Avenue; Thence North 005936" West, 15.14 feet along said East Zoned Right -of -Way line to o Point of Cusp with a Curve concave to the Northeast, having a Radius of 25.00 feet and to which Point a Radial line bears South 89'00'24" West; Thence Southeasterly 39.82 feet along the arc of said curve through o Central Delta Angle of 9175'24" to the North line of the South 5.00 feet of said Lot 1; Thence North 87'45'00' East, 72.24 feet along said North line to the East line of said Lot 1; Thence South 0104'11" East, 5.00 feet along said East line to the Point of Beginning. Containing 529 square feet, or 0.012 Acres, more or less. Drawing No. 2094 -SS -13 BEC Ref. 03-78320 r:\SORvEY\PRDJECTS\78000•x\78382 NAMCO NY 7 AVE\DVG\78382-2094-SS-13.d.2 12/4/2008 10:33:17 An EST ln7oul•. i PROJECT: SUF;,PLIJS LANDS SKETCH 8, E:)ESC4Z1F=1'TION SURVEY DATE.- N/A CLIENT NAME MAMCO DRAWN BY P.F. REVISION DATE: ' 2/O4/08 BEC ORDER # 03-78382 SHEET 2 OF 2 BISCAYNE ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. TEL (305) 324-7671, FAX (305) 324-1700 y;," fags 529 WEST FLAGLER ST, MLAlO FL 33130 WWW. BISCAYNEENGINEERING.COM