HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplications171 APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL-OkESERVATION`BOARD Todd FIRST NAME 1717 North Bayshore Drive, Suite 2SS1, Miami, FI 33132 ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Jonas LAST NAME(S) Architect tjja@tjja-architects.com OCCUPATION E-MAIL ADDRESS TJJA Architects BUSINESS / EMPLOYER 305-377-4808 TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS 1717 North Bayshore Drive, Suite 2551, Miami, FI 33132 1717 North Bayshore Drive, Suite 1251, Miami, FI 33132 CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? NO THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check "citizen." Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member." ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA ❑ EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND 0 FINANCE OR LAW HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND X DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. Fx— OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT, ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING ❑X DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES ,AX,0,4 DATE REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES, OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY, C (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) ❑ NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PAMELA BURNS Print Form Plan ning/HP/HEP Board A pplicadon 01/2006 TODD JAY JONAS A R C I T E T N 1717 `s orth Dayshore Drive, Suite 2551, Miami, Florida 33132 Telephone (305) 377-4908 Telefax (305) 377-4559 Florida Licensed Architects AA0002550 Florida Licensed Inferior Designers ID0002373 NCARB certification (National) 22317 Todd Jay Jonas, AIA, NCARB Biography Todd Jay Jonas is TJJA Architects' founder and principal architect with over 30 years of experience and an impressive portfolio of high- profile commercial, residential, academic, hotel and civic projects concentrated in South Florida. Mr Jonas's ability to balance history organization and creativity has yielded exceptional results on very challenging projects. He is expert at leading a team through the construction phase with strict adherence to the project's design, budget and scheduling goals. Mr. Jonas's more recent accomplishments are in residential and multi -family housing construction, particularly in the areas of condominium convorsion and historical preservation. His hand can be seen throughout Miami Beach's redevelopment where he has received consistent recognition and awards for his restoration and new building projects. He is the consecutive three-year award recipient of the Miami. 113each De,%ign and Historic Preservation League's prestigious Preservation, Restoration and Design award and a significant contributor to Miami Beach's architecture. Mr. Jonas has an extensive portfolio in aviation and aviation related projects. Since 1987, Mr. has been continually involved with the reconstruction and renovation of Miami International Airport. He is responsible for the expansion of the main airport terminal, the construction contract administration for MIA's Main Terminal Emergency Command Center ($2.4m), the building of new restaurants and general interior design standards and construction administration. In 1992, his firm was awarded a multi-year contract (PSA) for replacement of hurricane damaged buildings at Miami -Dade County's Tarmumi and Homestead General Aviation Airports. At both facilities, Mr. Jonas is responsible for creating new shade and `T' hangars_ two new maintenance and repair hangars, private FBO terminals, conducting handicap accessibility studies and other responsibilities totaling approximately $10 million in construction costs. Additionally, Mr Jonas completed renovations and additions to the Hazmat and Aviation Fire Station (S2.6m) and the Reserve Firefighters Facility ($1.7m) at Homestead Air Reserve Station . Mr Jonas served as University Architect for the University of Miami from 1978 through 1982. He was responsible for all planning, design and contract administration for the ten campus university with annual construction expenditures of S20 to $30 million. Mr. is also credited with the creation of the first fabric tension structure in Miami -Dade County with the building of the University's Main Campus outdoor stage. Mr. Jonas x expertise includes the design and integration of complex building programs within academic, urban and commercial environments. Ile is masterful at accommodating his process with a client's requirements for continual operations. His extensive experience in construction enables the seamless actualization of his innovative designs. Mr. Jonas operates from a philosophy of 'dynamic change', whereby a structure's history adaptability and evolution are inherent to its design and its materials, thus ensuring sustainability. Mr. Jonas received a bachelor's degree in architecture from Boston Architectural Center in 1977 and has been recognized by professional and civic organizations with awards and honors. He has served as board memcber in the Coral Gables Board of Architect, Dade County Capitai Impro%ents Board and the Dade IIcritage Trust. mm RM kki M-maum Awarded at the Annual Mming 0i the Miami Dpsl'(,jn Preservation Leagi'e, Date Jl� 2007 (hairmarl Bei b4�4 0 Is Bestowed U -,-On In recognition of your significantcontriution to preserving our architectural heritage, =,=I'll 4 0 1 1 , Date 1 -"t Y if- ha[rman Awdrded dt the Aaml Meetinq of, the Miami Miyo Preservation liedque. 7. ia'rief resurric of key perms a. Narne and Title: atrct sin197+x, in private pruAW* since 19Wabill active in rbe buzi:iitrg� 969, industry 4 taii+r l .AROMI&I b. Pmjec't assignment : i uida ; Principal Architect 115 Design. Coordination, Administration lownior pesigoer NW 1 itcgi Atcbltoot gw 7120. c. Name off i rm which assts:iattxl . ( 1973 r ARCHITECTS Kim 1477 ' tchiti e has s 1,976 d. Years, experience -with this firm : 29 years with oilier 11rms : 7 years �w 111 f ie °oa _ Amer`: _-_�, , -`_ �� .ffPC' IfdjCSR`€'l31 InfOi'IIIt,CF2Qlt. I`471ZY1i6rjtl c. Uticali�U�rn : :C)Irl Itt_•._ (Housing Apartments, Condominium Conversion) "rsitstrfnc (Transportation: Aviation: Terminals, Hangars, F130) uf� aior ii (Educational Facilities: Elementary to University Uvel) 2110[1 .. Ar6it tm avnmniow,1,441� MM W - 2101 t _ m _ f. Actil-e registration: year fist regisler(A / di-xiplinc, k" wit (><eeail4aeew 4fii7rniai wt: c.,,,istr(w01YV'1,i iitntitti trrvt€o4 1 siaxr tattwo( � J�tcetion Syw. ....bor:.. R. Other experience and mililications televant to the ru -,ed ro cwt : Pe t1 ' P fA •' p J sttirbitratesf Reernlle. Mr Jo*w lute heen Involved with the redevelopernenl of Mia ui and Miami l?ewh, Lruildirg and ana- I vertinvInay7eling_s !ca ©nah msniuen and multi use ftx'idiUes. Pic jests t atat: larva inrkaded racarl v StX:p erode+ r �i, 4ti' minium uniti, duough- fur hloriJa. Ret,*1raaP lr prateru� are the redesign Qtdw Hotel Ocvan, the Empire, 211 Aviator hotel, rhe Evelyn, Fontana, Atatatia, Vanderiu di, and numerrnus residential multi family pmlecty- Swiayt rs,-A ' r . AAchitt Mr.lnnas hobeen actively In *,r d or the ren rations to Miami lnte-rrutdonal Airport since 19,1:'9. 4, wrk :�ytgp- tn('luded math tern6mil expawion, new reflatrano and interior lied -pi vondardr and rnnsirkiion admanurra- , LNmA1 tion, In 19x2 lits firm w•a r assarted a 3 year aaniror r (PSA) for ReplatYmentx hwri un drunaged hutaitrtgx at Vises tliarni-T)ade County'.; Tomiatni and Homestead General A viation airp ruts. The work included Shade r�t�i ltl Hanpus, Handicap Accr<sWuhty 5tudu,s, 'T' hangar, 2 Maintenance and prpair Hangars, and Prilfae 1,P) i fti r�i A lerrrtinala totaling apprarmtalely 10 rnilhon in ronstru lion coxi f 19a 1 camp MY Jona recently completed Conurui don c ontroa Adininistralion fir 4liamt international Main Terminal Oiio Ifni Emergency Command Center (S 2.4tn). State of FYori4a Rekronal ierratc Center ($ ,S,I nn) and new Clax>w,ons t4 Pr addttiow to l-eonard High School in West Pubo l3ercach ($ 2, 1m) Additions and Renovations to the Ha anal wiew Dowd ami.Aviation Frye Station (S i 6nt1 curd the Reserve Firefighlerx %'acuity i Sl _7nz) ar 11„mestead Air Reserve 1981 Station fr 'rsnus swat°ail a+ Uruversitv arc;utef^t for titr Clnit'etsuy o Alianu 1 74-.1y�� ttG }�v� He w�ixs respvnt,:+ale for all planning, de,;Ign and contract adrra'ntswalion for lane ten rarnpus urbaiv ann ersiiv %fa with annual r,,n.srrucwt, e.grenditurea of S2ti ro%3T rniihott His reip)nsihdidec ow Weil ,resign and, awreur ,fi t Na, f ci,iminbtratw”, lhly request rinle.W. Bile tit rpPS'tltin r, ida'S'r'V jnd dorwitentrui{on ofexulini� canditiorv. Ve latter- t "a preted, wtaed anet implemented Urnversay design craii&wds wid contrixt hint!,. C�,[<ttrkrity. �t1tt titrllt"l{it$ Prngrattt atrct sin197+x, in private pruAW* since 19Wabill active in rbe buzi:iitrg� 969, taii+r l .AROMI&I 1M 1 tdaai Agent iJi2ta5a5 115 RWMWWI lownior pesigoer NW 1 itcgi Atcbltoot gw 7120. 1905 F'1ce"irwiOlft NCARR No.2'� � ._ 1973 chit ; Archiltcatl Alrhit,COtaral C Inter --= 1477 ' tchiti e Atebita CatrsttUn tttWMoo AftWeeturtzl Clavier 1,976 WOO weacL Pltkrtri rnari .amity 1973 _ Vdian J*aiop MiadikpakJun iot.CORW 1472 44, await 1995i tti00 Advinif `.t 6031 pjocwum 2lTCitt bdsic» i Jim 'sMety f e§rary aior ii " 4 ar ''�&s> Pain# itr 2110[1 .. Ar6it tm avnmniow,1,441� MM W - 2101 a rvit £ 7 'Juida $tu`i ' $ ADA, [Is Oldgt. 2}l iitntitti trrvt€o4 1 siaxr tattwo( � J�tcetion Syw. 100tmutmC _ ssgo M9C c �niing iterisst Ire lh5s '10W A , i tacoGOVOMM tr ra 200 AIA C S_i ltti?S{n int 8wte auril 19133 SARA, A, SocwrY �iT.iG}'. �'.rtts i'�lor tistr ae isav�t 18 1y O&I 1­1110�'rv;4( � � r -nude ("rainy r r�yDarrd� q�•.�y�. ,�y�v _' yi A,A,A» Ametian ArWhNitico'A3wl r' flora 1 f�rta, a 1xstx � ';zxigzr t� 1 x n, i taicsaa 1irt A 1975 wiew Dowd COW4 ildiit$13e r 1981 is �.sA -. 1"it7t411�r .�trr 1 iturcraity,ot alsaatcbuaia l '30 crnsuit t trr�n r`�1�sttt Schorrf` °1&14 t "a C 1'1 C�,[<ttrkrity. �t1tt titrllt"l{it$ Prngrattt 1445= rpt : , eirttty tiA g it 199w ' ., ', 1kfni,tlCcidnr 199 !aManitige city 00,60mi t}rrt Aara�n ri 1�t12 Rikettgrpt ` Srraysti C 1waJa iti$trrt atvoo A � Au**" 910Xt iz »B3 i�zrrue ' t91�2 �iiMy+�ae t xi�c t Boom 11M17ti t'".yts�ta7gt - xd`eOEit �tf3t�dnd�i i M Sua ""Wired, F106"'Poly rattc ZWO46 AV, _ `� r d APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRE&ERVATt�il'� BOARD M'' FIRST NAME LAST NAMES) I 1-3' ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP C( OCCUPATION E-MAIL ADDRESS BUSINESS / EMPLOYER TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY COME SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check "citizen." Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member." ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY, ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION ❑ EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW TI ZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND NTEREST IN THE H(STORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE u ABOVE CATEGORIES SIGNATURE DATE Robert John Graboski ., I I e'[i T 6011 North Bayshore Drive, #9 - Miami, FL 3J1 I �r� 3 Phone: 305,772.5250 Email: Robert(a-)villagearchitects.com OBJECTIVE: Position on HEP Board for the City of Miami EDUCATION: University of Miami School of Architecture Bachelor of Architecture Miami, FL 33146 Courses included Historical Preservation with Ellen Uguccioni EMPLOYMENT: Village Architects (2002- present) 104 Crandon Boulevard Key Biscayne, FL 33149 Robert John, Artitecture Inc (1998-2002) Miami, FL 33137 Studiolido Inc Miami Beach, FL 33139 (1994- 1998) EXPERIENCE: My professional experience includes submittals to the City of Miami HEP Board with approvals for new construction infill and additions to homes in the Morningside Historic District. In the City of Miami Beach Historic Districts my experience includes approved submittals to the board of architects for an Apartment Building renovation, exterior modifications to commercial buildings and single family residence, ORGANIZATIONS South Beach Aids Project (2002-2007) & COMMUNITY Board of Directors ACTIVITIES: The Task Force (2002-2004) Winter Party Festival & Recognition Dinner Event Coordinator RAYMOND JUNGLES FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) 242 SW 5 STREET MIAMI, FL 33130 ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT raymond@raymo(idjungles.com OCCUPATION E-MAIL ADDRESS RAYMOND JUNGLES, INC, BUSINESS /EMPLOYER 305.858.6777 TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTYOES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI -DADS COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI -LADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW, PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIIBLE. Nominees for the piolessioral posifbns who meet the demonstrated knowkedge and requirement shoull also check "citizen," - Nominees who ro"t any of the categories listed shou.'a also check 'biternatenietriber. " F-1 ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF F-LORIOA F] EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OF LAW HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DALE COUNTY INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVA71ON OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF'THE ARCHITECTURAL REsroRATK),N'A'ND HISTORIC PRESERVATION, ❑ ABOVE CATEGORIES REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS R RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTION" ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ❑ (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CM ❑ NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMRTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CRY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PAMELA BURNS Fr pt Form PbnnkgMPMEP Board App nam 01/1008 EDUCATION 19811 Bachelor of Landscape ArchitKAure, Honors / tjniversity of Florida 19781 Associate in Arts I Miami -Dace Comnunity College EXPERIENCE 2006 1 Fellow I ASLA 1981-1982 /Raymond Jungles Design Build I Principal 1982- 2006 1 Raymond Jungles, Inc, / Fourding Pr-ncipal REGISTRATION State of Florida I Landscape Architect 1 #856! October 1982 PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 1983 - 2006 Member / A -SLA 1981 - 1983 Associate / ASLA 1978 -1981 I Student / ASLA 20051 Presenter / ASLA National Meeting 2005 / Tour Guide / ASLA National Meeting 20051 Practiliover's Panel -'Getting the details Riqht'/ ASLA National WItetitty HONORS, AWARDS, and RECOGNITION 2007 Award of Honor I Flofida Cilapter, ASLA I Cwnfeld Garden 2005 Hoior Award / National ASLA Professional Awards Pioqram / Island Morleri Frederic 8 Stresau Award of Excellence / Florida Chapter, ASLA / Island Modern Award of Excellence / Florida Chapter, ASLA I island Modem Award of honor I Florida Chapter, ASLA I Casa Morada 2D04 Award of Excellence f Florida Chapter, ASLA / Hyatt Windward Poir t Resort Award of Merit / Florida Chapter, ASLA / 8eigeron Garden 2003 "Landscape Architect of the Year' / Miami Chapter, American Institute of Architects 2002 Award of Merit I Flodda Chapter, ASLA / Spanish Tropical Garden Award of Merit I Flanda Chapter, ASLA / Niontiflore Garden 2001 Frederic B Stresau Award of Excellence / Florida Chapter, ASLA / Ounin Garden Award of Excellence / Florida Chapter, ASLA I Dunn Garden Award of Excellence I Florida Chapter, ASLA f Swerdlow Garden Award of Recognition / FIcrida Chapter, ASI -A I Lec*jres 2000 Univffsity of Florida Distinguished Alumnus 1998 Award of Excellence f Florida Chapter, ASLA /Saline'ro Garden Awaird of Merit I Florida Chapter, ASLA I Marquessa Hotel 1997 Frederic B Stresau Award of Excellence / Florida Chapter, ASLA I Hyatt Sunset Hzrbor Resort Award of Exceffence / Florida Chapter, ASLA I Hyatt Sunset Harb(.,r Resort Award of Merit / FI3Jda Chapter, ASI A / Paradise It -n 1996 Award of Excellence /Florida Chapter, AS -A I Sims Garden 1995 Horior Award / ASLA Professional Awards Program / Neukomrn Residence Honor Award (ASLA Professional Awards Program 1 Worrell Enterprises Award of Excellence / Florida Chapter, ASLA I Landas Garden Award of Excellence I Florida Nurserymen and Glowers Associatior, /0RCA Environmental frnprovemeot Grand Award I Arnerican Landscape CA)nIu*,Aoi's Assmiation ORCA 1992 Gdd Award / American Resort Development Association f Coconut Beach Resort Hotel 1991 Award of Excellence / Florida Chapter, ASLA I Jungles -Yates Garden 1987 Community Design Award I Florida Chapler, ASLA I Eagk,- Creek Country Club PUBLIC SERVICE Lectures ASLA Annual Conference / Various Locations FLASLA Annual Conference / Various Locations Columna University / New York, NY APLD Annual Conference I Pasadena, CA Mounts Botanical Garden I West Palm Beach, FL Naples Botanical Garden / Naples, FL Architectural Digest / Miami, FL Florida A & M University I Tallahassee, FL The Wolfsonian Museum / Miami Beach, FL The Kampong I Miami FL The Garden Conservancy / NY, NY Garden and Landscape Designers Association / Dublin, IR Friends of Fairchild Tropical Garden I Miami, FL Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Florida I Gainesville, Fl- Graduate LGraduate Program in Landscape Architecture, Florida International University I Miami, FL Pro bourn Key West Botanical Garden / Key West, Fl- Fairchild LFairchild Tropical Garden / Miaml, FL Sunset Elementary School / South Miami, FL Fairchild Tropical Garden Design Review Committee / Miami, FL MEMBERSHIP IN ALLIED ORGANIZATIONS Member I Florida Native Plant Society Member I Flowering Tree Society Member I Fairchild Tropical Garden Member I Key West Tropical Forest and Botanical Garden Member I Board of Directors / Arango Design Foundation Member / Museum of Modern Art PUBLICATIONS Ar#icles 2007 DWELL / 'Jones Residence, Key West, Florida Designed by Raymond Jungles"/ September 2007 HORTICULTURE MAGAZINE /'Designer Raymond Jungles' / April 2007 BLUE PRINT DIRECTORY /"From the Ground Up"/ March -April 2007 WATERFRONT HOME & DESIGN /'Lush Life' I Summer 2007 ROOMS MAGAZINE /'Nature at its Finest" / February 2007 2005 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE / "Greenhouse Effect' / January 2006 2005 OCEAN DRIVE /'Las mansions Salvajes de Raymond Jungles'/ July -August 2005 LUXURY LIVING /'Savoring ParadiW I Spring 2005, pp 88-94 2004 HOUSE BEAUTIFUL /"Tropical Paradise" / December 2004, pp 102-07 GARDEN DESIGN /'Call of the Mid' / September -October 2004, pp 52-9 WOHNI DESIGN /'Die Garten des Mister Jungles'/ March 2004 2003 VOGUE LIVING I `Tropicana' I December 2003 TRADITIONAL HOME /Florida Fandango" I September 2003, pp 161-67 GARDEN DESIGN (Cover) / July 2003 GARDEN DESIGN/ 'Junglee Fever' / February 2003 SOUTHERN ACCENTS /'Call of the Wad" I January 2003 2001 METROPOLITAN HOME /'Victoria's Secret Garden' I March 2001 2000 VILLA GIARDINI I'Razionalista Paesaggisfico' / October 2000 OCEAN DRIVE /'Magic Gardens'/ May 2000 VILLA GIARDINI /'Modemriato Paesaggistico' 12000 1999 SOUTHERN ACCENTS/ `Tropical Tatem / March 1999 1998 VILLA GIARDINI I'Giardino Marxiano° / November 1998 VILLA GIARDINI /'Florida Extravaganza' 1 May 1998 LANDSCAPE NURSERY /'bare Roixitatiion' I January 1998 1997 HOUSE BEAUTIFUL I'Artfully Tropical' I February 1997 1995 CASA VOGUE /'Very Miami We'/ June 1995 1993 GARDEN DESIGN /'Jungle's Beat" / May 1993 GOLD COAST MAGZINE I Worrell Enterprises I May 1993 1992 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE / 'Touch of Burse Marx' / October 1592 1991 FLORIDA ARCHITECTURE, 58#1 EDITION / "Tropical Serendipity" / 1991 1990 FLORIDA HOME and GARDEN /'By The Water's Edge'/ December 1990 NEW MIAMI / The Pros and Cons of Miami Style' l July 1990 1989 FLORIDA HOME and GARDEN /'Color Celebration'/ April 1989 METROPOLITN HOME /Two Artists Paint Paradise' / March 1989 1988 SOUTH FLORIDA HOME and GARDEN /'Fakahatchee Kid' / February 1988 1987 SOUTH FLORIDA HOME and GARDEN /The Trellis'/ August 1987 NEWSWEEK /'Buying Your Way into Eden'/ July 1987 1986 SOUTH FLORIDA HOME and GARDEN /'Cheap Thrills'/ September 1986 SOVH FLORIDA HOME and GARDEN /'Pretty in Pink'/ July 1986 GARDEN DESIGN /'Miami Nice'/ 1986 1985 FLORIDA ARCHITECTURE, 52m EDITION I'Joie de vivre in the Keys° l 1985 Books, Chapters and Featured Work 2003 Architecture in the Garden / James von Sweden / Random House Forty landscapes I James Trulove 1 Thunder Bay Press 2002 Grounds For Pleasure I Denise Otis I Harry N. Abrams, Inc. Dream Pools / Planets & Sultiver / Atrium Publisher Group 2001 The New American Swimming Pool / James Trulove / Watson-Guptill Publishers 2000 Key West Gardens and Their Stories / Janis Frawley -Holler I Pineapple Press Gardens for the Future I Cooper & Taylor I Conran Octopus Publishers Pocket Gardens: Big Ideas for Small Spaces / James Trulove / Morrow & Company The Garden Book / Pha'rdvn Editors I Phaidon Press 1999 Raymond Jungles: Ten Landscapes I Trulove & Seinder / Rockport Publishers 1998 Gardens I House Beautiful The New American Garden / James Trulove / Spacemaker Press Designed Landscape Forum / Crandall & Landecker / Spacemaker Press A Child's Garden I Molly Darwenmaier / Archetype Press 1997 Florida Gardeners I Taylor Publishing 1990 Miami Hot and Cool / Cerwinske & Brooke I Clark N. Potter, Inc MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS & OUTSTANDING PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Island Modern / Key West, FL Role: Principal-In°Charge, Project Designer This project exemplifies the landscape architect's role in shaping the built environment and enhancing lifestyle, while seeking to foster through the landscape a deeper appredation of art and nature within the context of the garden. The plant palette reflects an abiding sensitvity for sound water management Indigenous plant materials were utilized for their durability and minimal maintenance requirements, and their scale, texture, and form aid in the development of a privacy buffer that also offers habitat for terrestrial and avian species common to the region. The significance of this project ties in the creative and functional relationship between interior and exterior space within a sub -tropical setting, for a relatively small garden space. Ward Garden I Coral Gables, FL Role: Principal -In -Charge, Project Designer Located on a three acre parcel, the Ward Garden is bounded by eight adjacent residences and fronts a historic highway. The created landscape reflects the character of an undisturbed natural landscape found Rriyrrhnrc; Juniglc-f ASL/1, within adjacent Matheson Hammock, a Miami -Dade County Park planned and designed by noted landscape architect Wilfiam Lyman Phillips. Two acres of extsWg lawn were removed and grade manipulations and excavations undertaken to expose the oolitic substrate, creating distressed rock outcrops ranging from a few feet to twenty feet in height, and solution holes of varying size and form within the landscape. The ponds and water courses that were created were enhanced with littoral zone and emergent zone plantings of native species, creating a series of microclimates and habitats. The significance of this project may be observed in the extraordinary manipulation of the land to create a naturalized habitat possessing the inherent values of traditional, natural sub -tropical landscapes of The Everglades and Big Cypress. Five Acre Garden I Miami, FL Rale: Principal -in -Charge, Project Designer Neglected and in decline as the result of a series of storms, the Five Acre Garden manifest overgrown and unmanaged plantings dominated by lawn areas and extensive asphalt pavement The development pian created by the landscape architect proposed a children's play area; an entertainment area that is integrated with a tennis court; a botanical garden with a diverse yet cohesive plant palette including various palm species; a native Miccosukee "chickee`; an extensive pedestrian circulation system; and a renovated swimming pool. The significance of the Five Acre Garden is most effec ovety understood within the context of the e*aordinary damage delivered to the south Florida landscape by a series of hurricanes that started with Andrew 11992 and most recently was manifest In 2005 in Katrina, Rita, and Wilma. As well, the capacity of the natural landscape to endure and restore is of special note. Hyatt Sunset Harbor Resort I Key West, FL Role: Principal-tn-Charge, Project Designer The garden setting for this popular Key West resort reflects an axial gaorretry that is compatible with and compliments the traditional Key West style of architecture. A major challenge was to provide a visual and aural buffer between the dose proximity of a public promenade and vehicular rights-of-way and the desired privacy and Intimacy of the garden's various spaces. Ramona Jungles, I-I\SLA X56-�1 �pQ:a6pd �b��9 l,lI9:QT 6Q9ISL.`;SQ`= :wo.,� Wd8b=bQ BQQZ-L.L�-8�� APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD Jorge Zamanillo - - _ .... -- FIRS' NAME LASTNAME(S) :6201 SW 87 Court, Villaye of Palmetto Bay, FL 33157 AD04E55, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Curator j2amanlllo@hmsf.org OCCUPATION E-MAIL ADDRESS Historical Museum of Southern Florkia BUSINESS / EMPLOYER r 305-301-3685 305-375-1613 TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BMW PLIAM LIST ANY OTHER PP ER (IES) TO W I H YOU WtDTITLE L T D WHRIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-SKE) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI -DADS COUNTY, FLORIDA. OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY Ti=EREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? NO J THE HISTORIC AND ENVIfIONMEPITAL PRESERVAT" BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW, PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the nrofeislorsal posltlons who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should oiso Check "citizen." -Nominees who meet ony of the categories listed should also check "alternate member," EDARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA C LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EKPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. E] EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PER50N EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND L FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING [. DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. ABOVE CATEGORIES • L �l.J t/ SIGNATURE DATE 2d W&�S : VO 802,E 2-0 'fad 609TS2-2S02: 'ON XUd dSWH : WOJA %S6-�d b3O:a6�d RE IRE10 ATTACHM1" 'M3�0 JIiID:4I 609TSILES02 :woj-� WdSt,:t7O eOO2-10-63-� -RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENT88 LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. OF NOT tWLUDED IN RESUMUCV) [] NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDA110N INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS T0: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT; PAMELA BURNS Print Form Planning/MP/NEP Boord AppAcatlon 0112008 bd WdbS:bO 310E Ld 'Gad 609TSLS"S02: 'ON Xdd jSWH: WOdd %S6='O soe:a6pd >63-1--) ,�iID-DI :LuoJd Wd8b:b© 8002-Za-B]d JORGE ZAN IANILLO hover (786) 573-('455 16201 SW 87 Court ofte (305) 375,1613 Ulan i, YL 3:1157 Board Member of the City of Miami Historical and Environmental Preservation Board from May 2000 -October 2003. -1:`.xperience includes reviewing applications for major use spQdul p4rmits for :archaeological pro)ccts within the City of lVliaird Including the One Miami development- Professional evelopment Professionzal Experience N1sunical 149un, m of Scluthcrn Florida November 2WO-present Curator of Object Collections: Responsible for the ac(juisition, care and handling of all 3-dimensional objects, along with exhibition responsibilities with other curators. Involved in design, research, and construction of exhibits. Responsible: fnr archaeological collecrions. t' archaeological =4,,T -I totic l Conservancy, inc. February 1988.Octobet 2000 Archaeologist: Field director in charge of archa.uological excavations, sun eys, mapping, photography, wid supervision of field crew. Projects included: Excavations and research at the Miami Circle site in downtown Miami and over 30 archaeological surveys within the City of Miami Researrher/Wt ter: 'Responsible for researching and docutnenting hiformation concerting archaeological sites and Florida history, and writing and edi6ig reports, grants, and proposals. Project Manager. In charge of directing projects froth inception to completion. Tasks included directing staff, coordinating and attending relevant project inm ings and review Of all projects for sufficiency and compliance. Education 'Rorida State University, Tallahassc-c, Fl, B.A. Anthropology/ minor in History, 1091 Miarni-Dade. CA)mmunity College, Miami, Fl. A.A. General Studies/Music, 19119 Mianv Senior High School, Miarni, Fl. High School. Dialoma, 1')87 Foreign languages, Fluent in Spanish Affiliations: Florida Anthropological Society, Archaeological Society of Southern Florida, American Anthropological Association Sd WdbS : bo 8002 L0 '4aA 609IS2 SOE : 'ON XU-� dSWH : WOb3 S6=a 2a0:anpd �Id3�0 .11I�:�7I 6©9tiSLSSO� :woad Wdet':b0 8002-_0-83d February 6, 2008 City Clerk's Office City of Miami, City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Re; Historic and Environmental !'reservation Board To whom it may concern; Enclosed is my application form and resume for your consideration in the appoindnent of a board member for the City of Miami's Historic and Environmental Preservation Board. I formerly served on the board from 2000-2003 and would like to be considered 'far reappointment, Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Jorge Gamanillo Ed Wd£S : r0 SOez Lo 'qG� 609LSLZS©�: : 'ON Xdd dGWH : W06A APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESIERVATION,'BOARD t; G" o'' " - / -�A _1:( ' L -11v I - � IS -1, I ) _JL _L� DRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE 4CCCUPATItN / A WTI E-MAIK"DD ESS is BUSINESS / EMPLOYER ;NE (BUSINESS) CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, *NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI - ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAM17 EE:] THE HISTORIIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOW114G POSMONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WH" YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: Nominees for the pmfessiormil positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requtrement should also check citizen." Nominees wtio fTw(any of the cotegotks listed should also check"afterriate member.' G, ARCHITECT- REGISTERED IN THE STATE Of FLORIDA E LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY, ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION, SIGNA [� EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE Of, THE Xr ABOVE CATEGORIES I I Till] 1 "I'll TTI 774771 g RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUMEJCV) Cl NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PAMELA BURNS IPrint Farm kwd AoPlkalmlo 10 1 11 X$ot� 65ol SW 02-1 ("otirt Nfiatn' 1`71- 33143 (305) 661-8217 RESUME P" _fe$_Sd_QAV! I _T_r41__MTA9] INI.A.Theatre (1963) Univers-itvofi\iichlpn,At-in.-krlyi)r,MI 13-`0."I'lleatre (1960) Barry t"fuversity, Miami, IT Cmmnj_EQa cans I-Iel l'ounder/Artistic. Director - Crystal. Parrot Players AssLstanrArchivist and member of the IR,)ard. of Directors, -- Woman's Club of Coconut Grove Historian - Albert Lowe Museum Green 'Turtle Cay, Abaco, Baharnas Edi tori Plays W tten and Prodaged : (selm.ted list) ParriAre Nfeip Premiered at "lite Miami LO -)t Project / 14 -,ht Box Studio, Miatill, lq kpril 2005 *Afaiiiih Bmayz Vizcaya. April 2007 (Coconut Grove Celebrates Community—Presemation Awareness) C)conut Grove Plavhouse Encore Room -,May 2004 (I"undraiser Mari'ah Brown 1 -louse) ) Woman's Club of (;coconut Grove - Feb24X)4 (Fundraiser Mariah Brown House) Ransom Everglades Pagoda, Coconut Grove, F1, - June 22003 (Preview) Mall l.. ram &,Viss ltvb " di ,y 'Ihe Ntianiif.igjitl)rc))cct/f,iglitF3,t)xSt.0 ,, Miami, _`1.,Jan. 20()3 1lie San Carlos'neater, Key West - Cuban American Heritage Festival, June 2(X)2 tete Gullery Stage, Green Turtle Cay, Abaco, Bahamas, May 2002 11te San Carlos Theater, Key West, F1, -- Pirates In Paradise Festival, Nov. 2(X)l Proliessional Eience as HistQricid R=Argher: 1980-prcse.nt Albert Ix.)wc Museum - Green Turtle Cay, Abaco, Bghanias 20M Archaeological D1 -- G%en'Turtle Cray, Abaco, Bahamas 1997 Archaeological Dig - M.iami Circle, Downtown r\fiami, FL 1991 47h International Congress of Americanists - Panc_1List,Tu1Anc Univ., New Orleans, LA 1988 Bahamas Postal Service 500 year anniversary, of Columbus'Arrival in the Bahamas Commernot-ative Stamp Issue 1987 Bahamas National Montin,.tent -- Memorial Sculpture Garden - Gteen Tunle Cay, Abaco, Bahamas 1994 Archaeological Dig Carlton Site, Treasure Cay, Abaco, Bahamas 1973-74 Columbus Landings Company -San Salvador, Bahamas Books Pqb_bfhed_- (selected list) 'I he Lvn*,ans NIacmillan Caribbean 1991 1 4 Hii-lary of tty Bak-Offa Iflands to 1850 Hith a 1)�flnififvSfk4y ezlhaen in fdV-4mmal" L�yakft Platmaliem Pe"od Fourth Printing 2000, 1983 H tit) The City of Miami & -Ilie Black Archives, Histonx and Research 1.`ciundation of 4ciuth Florida ti The Cn-i;tal Parrot. Player-, for their production of Afan',.h Brvwti 2003 *Since 2003, the Crystal Parrot PlAyem has remained committed to restoration efforts and the continued support of the Mariah Brown House Interactive Museum Projectt. t)r ; r jam.. -03 APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATtM BOARD FIRSTNAME AD RESS, CITY, ST) OCCUPATION LAST ME(S) ATE, ZIP CODE " '' k°"'!2 e - E -MAIL ADDRESS BL' NESS pp C fJ �j �fy �w _ ? C? Ci, ! i'(3 trr> 7 J f' C' y:�~ LEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE UST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS n ��' � CJS•' a. �_� r+`e- ` �� �' ` /' � -�' � ��' �; 5s.'t`_ CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? NO THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check "citizen." Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member." ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING LJ DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING L7 DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION 0 EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND EXI FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE 0 OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT, ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES SIGNATURE DATE REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS rXj RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES, OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. -� (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PAMELA BURNS Print Form Planning/HP/HEP Board Application 01/200B c' F H. Baird Lobree LtiS) 442-0060 office baird.lobree@auxis.cort 9 fax Summary Executive Management and Information Technology Consultant with "twenty one years experience in providing professional services to organizations. Create business strategy, plan/select/integrate information technology, implement management reporting and business controls. Proven ability to assess multi -national business needs, develop operational action plans, achieve management consensus, develop strategic solutions and build technology infrastructure in numerous industries. Known for troubled company and project turnaround success. Professional speaker and facilitator, able to work within international organizations to examine issues, create strategy, identify problems and implement solutions. See attached summary of representative industries & project experience. Professional Experience Auxis, Inc., South Florida April 1997 - present President and Chief Executive Officer Auxis is a strategic managernent and technology solutions company dedicated to helping businesses prosper. Auxis specializes in business strategy, process improvement, package software selection and implementation, project management, troubled company restructuring and the application of emerging technologies. Cap Gemini Ernst Young, South Florida November 1995 - April 1997 Principal Produced significant new business development and delivery management for worldwide management and technology consulting firm (formerly Cap Gemini). Developed new relationships with target executive management. Sourced appropriate bAternal and external vendor's resources for clients' changing business needs. Managed complex projects from initial meetings through proposal development, contract negotiations, project planning, execution, Board of Directors reporting and appropriate follow-up. Accenture/Arthur Andersen LLP, Miami, Florida 1994 - November 1995 l`i'iison M!? er Produced significant business development for Accenture (formerly Andersen Consulting) and Arthur Andersen through advanced practice development skills, senior executive relationship management and troubleshooting. _reported and directly accountable to the two Managing Partners for Accenture and Arthur Andersen in Florida. Arthur Ande<sen LLP 1991-1994 Florida Computer Risk Management Manager Established Florida and Caribbean information technology audit and control practice. Grew new practice to over $1.5M business. Developed and led firmwide telecom information teclunology team by designing, executing and teaching numerous new services for the industry. Responsible for practice planning, intellectual property development, staffing, training, financial management and reporting. Arthur Andersen LLP, Miami, Florida and Atlanta, Georgia 1987-1991 Financial Audit Manager Began as staff and progressed to manager on a wide variety of financial audit clients in many industries. Member of Computer Audit Specialty Team. Performed all facets of financial auditing from fieldwork to financial statement preparation and Securities and Exchange Commission reporting. Education 1 { ^ 1 i+ 1983-1986 Florida State University, FL Bachelor of Science, Accounting - Graduate study of accounting & information systems 1981-1983 Tulane University, LA A. B. Freeman College of Business-,Under"r d "ate lady of business and liberal arts Representative Industry and Project Experience Extensive industry experience and knowledge of transportation, distribution, financial services, telecom, high- tech manufacturing, consumer products, entertainment, health-care, retail, travel, utilities, real estate, agriculture, gaming and government. Baird has worked in over 350 businesses & IT shops throughout his career. Project examples include; Strategic Business & Technology Planning/ Business Infrastructure Design • U^signed the strategic retail business infTastruck ure fer a $1B fashion retailer, Systems included demand chain, merchandising, replenishment, allocation, inventory and point-of-sale processes and technologies. • Designed the future 'To -Be' Enterprise Application Architecture for an international fast-food conglomerate. Architecture included restaurant point-of-sale and back -of -house systems to regional marketing systems, SAP financials, groupware, intranet, workflow & data warehousing technologies. • Prepared Latin 132C Internet gift retailer's business and technology plans. Specified logistics strategy and supply chain infrastructure for operations throughout South and Central America • Re -designed and implemented point-of-sale systems, value-added network polling, Iockbox, credit card settlement and sales reconciliation processes for an international retailer. Project yielded 40% personnel reduction and compressed period -end close by 15 days. Prepared a future information technology blueprint for an international pharmaceutical. conglomerate. • Ltd B2B Internet nursery/ landscaping company business infrastructure design and implementation project targeting $80B+ industry. Moved company from concept to launch in eight months. • Specified the technology platform, communications systems, call detail reporting, security and controls for a leading in -bound telemarketing firm. • Designed and managed the development of a store opening and daily operations procedures manual for an international video retailer. Procedures were implemented at over 3,000 stores worldwide. Revenue Enhancements/ Operational Improvements • Performed a mobile telephone switch revenue recognition project at a major cellular communications company. Developed revenue assurance procedures that yielded $8M+ additional annual revenue. • Re-cngincered the business processes for the South and CentraI American division of an international food and beverage conglomerate. Developed detailed process and technology "to -be" plans for a shared services canter to handle customer orders, distribution and financial processes. • Re -built the order, billing, collections and customer service systems for a large catalog retailer. New revenues and retention of previously lost customers yielded $10M+ additional annual revenue. Project "Bailouts"/ Troubleshooting(Due Diligence • Resurrected a catastrophic $18M financial systems project for a $3B food distribution company. • Acted as a 8 month interim Chief Information Officer for a private bank. Took charge of over 25 person MIS departinent after serious management fraud and Fed seizure. Ran daily operations, immediately developed problem reporting, backup/security procedures and stabilized operations. • Led 82B marine Internet company due diligence effort including business strategy and technology infrastructure. Due diligence and re -design yielded $40M equity capital infusion. Risk Analysis/ Technology Control/ Due Diligence • Identified and negotiated $5M purchase price reduction in systems due -diligence work in the acquisition of a large financial institution. • Evaluated power management and billing controls at an international electric utility conglomerate. • Designed and delivered training for the Federal Financial Institutions Information Systems Examination Council on automated teller machine network operations, processes, security & controls. • Prepared $2B food and beverage distribution concept for spinoff from parent. Developed business plan and operating model for standalone operations. Associations and Memberships Baird is a member of George W. Bush's Technology Leadership Council. Baird was a three term President of the Information Systems Audit and Control Association, South Florida Chapter. Baird is a member of the Council of Logistics Management, Telecommunications Industry Association, the International Bankers Association and the Institute of Management Accountants. Baird was a former Certified Information Systems Auditor. Professional Papers and Presentations Baird has addressed various federal regulatory agencies in the Washington, D.C. area, innumerable .large corporate audiences, the Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Information Systems Audit & Control Association and numerous academic organizations. Baird has often presented to corporate management as a representative of the MIS Institute. Representative papers, methods, presentations, practice aids and training sessions include,- 1. nclude; 1. A Senior Executive's Guide to Using the Power of the Internet - May 2000. 2. Business & Career Opportunity In the Internet Era - April 2000, 3. Internet Business Infrastructure Development - March 2000. 4. Business Technology Ground Rules for Success - November 1999. 5. Emerging Technologies Beyond 2000 - October 1999. 6 Enterprise Application Architecture Guidelines - Emerging Technologies practice aid - November 1.996, 7. Inventing Your Future: The Effects of Trends & Changes in Information Technology on Business, The Accounting Profession and You - February 1995. 8 Designing, Client/Server Applications and Processes (joint publications and presentation with the MIS Institute and Frank Lyons, President, Entellus Technology, Inc.) - February 1994. 9. Chargeout and Allocation Systems: Managing Your Information Capital - September 1993. 10. Mobile Telephone Information Systems (Firmwide telecom industry competence document) - April 1993. 11. Cellular Telephone Industry Information Systems Risks and Controls (Firmwide telecom industry competence document) - April 1992. 12, Application Program Change Control (Firmwide Computer Risk Management software practice aid) - February 1992. 13, Automated Teller Machine Network Operations, Processes, Control and Security, Federal Financial Institutions Information Systems Examination Council, Washington, DC - October 1991. 1t, _ r- ��<<it iii ff i I APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRES9jRVATI9fii'96ARD L _Ef4 I FL FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) _ foci 1 'f�)rTz_b Ayre p ! AM I , FL ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE _C,� -►ST r rac-�E�c�a MIST 2cIn6 L. P OCCUPATION E-MAIL ADDRESS BUSINESS / EMPLOYER _3 - Ll23- a'7 L4 305- 34 ! 19 & 5 TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" f ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? "'"o THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check "citizen." Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member." ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA ❑ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. SMG&TURE ; ❑ EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND NTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ,4LTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES 02 -_• DATE REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS I li�RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIV1 1TIPE5; � w 1 ,_ n OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL.H19TpJ3Y. 0,' El (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) 'I.r t- 7 NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PAMELA BURNS Planning/HP/HEPBoard Application 01/2008 L.J. Scinto, Ph.D. Page 1 of 3 LEONARD J. SCINTO, Ph.D. Office Home t ' 5 =+ Southeast Environmental Research Center 3091 Bird Ave Florida International University Coconut Groe, FL. r. University Park 33133 Miami, FL 33199 (305) 461-0074 (305) 348-1965 fax: (305) 348-4096 Email: scintol@fiu.edu Freshwater Biogeochemistry Laboratory — www.fiu.edu/---fwbechenV Objectit,e: "To investigate biogeochemical cycles affecting the ecology of aquatic and wetland ecosystems. To understand how the physical and chemical environment influences biota and how biotic activities alter ecosystems. To apply this information to natural and created systems for reuse of chemical elements to: allow ecologically -efficient land use, to improve surface water quality, and to minimize anthropogenic environmental impacts. To disseminate knowledge of ecological system processes and the role these processes have in affecting environmental health to foment informed management decisions especially regarding aquatic systems. Education: 1990- 1997 Ph.D. Soil and Water Science, University of Florida. Wetland Biogeochemistry, K.R. Reddy, Ph.D. advisor. Dissertation: Phosphorus Cycling in a Pe iphyton-Dominated Freshwater Wetland. Minor: Environmental Engineering Science - Graduate Wetlands Certification. Award for Graduate Student Excellence in Soil and Water Science for 1997. 1987-1990 M.S. Soil Science, University of Florida. K.R. Reddy, Ph.D. advisor. Thesis: Seasonal Variation in Soil Phosphorus Distributions in Two Wetlands of South Florida. Minor: Environmental Engineering Science 1983-1985 B.S. Biological Sciences, Northern Illinois University. Minors: Environmental Studies and Chemistry 1981 — 1982 Moraine Valley Community College. Palos Hills, IL. L.J. Scinto, Ph.D. Page 2 of 3 Professional Experience: 2001 - Present Assistant Research Scientist, Southeast Environmental ResearcE 66fifer, I+ Florida International University, Miami, FL. 1997-2001 Visiting Research Scientist, Southeast Environmental Research Program; Florida International University, Miami, FL. 1994- 1997 Pre -Doctoral Fellow. Soil and Water Science Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. 1987-1994 Graduate Research Assistant. Soil and Water Science Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. 1986-1987 Lecturer in Biological Sciences. Northwestern t;niversity, Evanston, IL. 1984- 1985 Undergraduate Research Technician. Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Illinois University. DeKalb, IL. Personnal and Professional Highlights: Born September 6, 1960 in Chicago, Illinois. Married to Rocio Goni February 16, 2007. Active member of several community organizations and currently on the Board of Directors of Treemendous Miami and the Village of Center Grove Neighborhood Association Active participant in the Mango Strut and other community activities. Manage the Freshwater Biogeochemistry Laboratory and Research Program at the Southeast Environmental Research Center at Florida International University Career grant funding currently at approximately $1.3 million as Principal Investigator and an additional $8.8 million as Co -PI. Author or co-author of over 20 peer-reviewed and technical papers and reports. Member of the American Society of Agronomy — Soil Science Society of America and Gamma Sigma Delta. Collaborator in the Florida Coastal Everglades Long-term Ecological Research Program of the National Science Foundation. South Florida Water Management District Expert Advisor. References: (Alphabetical) William T. (Bill) Anderson, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Earth Sciences and Southeast Environmental Research Center Florida International University Miami FL 33199 (305)348-2693 andersow@fiu.edu L.J. Scinto, Ph.D. Page 3 of 3 Sue McConnell 3090 Virginia Miami FL 33133 (305) 442-9235 mcconne1128@msn.com