HomeMy WebLinkAboutapplications 1-15-09CITY OF MIAMI APPLICATION R F. r F b V t-' r for PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD and/or ZON�ARP .. PPS 3:59 RiSCfLL:.«_ NAME: Constance Gilbert c i r yr Ci Vam F W4141 121 first Name)(Middle) St RESIDENCE: 3348 William Avenue rens fine (Address Line CITY: Miami STATE: Florida ZIP: 33133 HOME PHONE: (305) 442-0457 CELL (305) 299-8139 FAX: (305) 442-0457 EMAIL: gneil@bellsouth.net PRINCIPLE BUSINESS/EMPLOYER: Miami Dade County Public Schools BUSINESS ADDRESS: 1500 Biscayne Boulevard Attention: Personnel kAddress ine (Address Line CITY: Miami STATE: Florida ZIP. 33132 BUS. PHONE:(305) 995-7008 EXT. Would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Board? (o Yes r No Would you like to serve on the Zoning Board? r Yes C` No Please state if you have a preference for either board: Planning Advisory Board Are you an elector of the City of Miami? (o Yes SHORT STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (if you require additional space, attach additional pages.) 1. Describe the qualities, experience, expertise and/or abilities that you possess that would make you an effective board member that will act in the public interest. I am a lifetime Miami resident, property owner and community activist. I offer administrative as well as practical skTF tote Planning Advisory Board. Additionally, my professional achievements as well as my educational background would 5enef —fl e Planning Ad—visory-Soard. Mire romorFl ida—Power& Lightany. a ... currentlKr employed with Miami Dade County Public Schools. My community involvement include Coconut Grove Homeowners andTenants Association, Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation and numerous volunteer efforts underline my love for this city. Form Boards/MA-PAB/ZB-0701.01 Page 1 of 4 2. Describe your educational background and general knowledge of planning and zoning. I was educated in Miami Dade County Public Schools. I attended St. Thomas University. I hold degrees in Business Administration and a Masters in Management. I also served as secretary on the Coconut Grove Homeowners and Tenants Association and I was involved with many zoning issues. 3. Describe any prior community or personal involvement that you have had that demonstrates interest in and concern for planning and planning implementation. Coconut Grove Tutorial Program, Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation, Coconut Grove Homeowners and Tenants Association and AI a a p ppa Alpha Sororfty, Inc. 4. Describe any planning or land use or growth management seminars thay you have attended. I have attended charrettes for Coconut Grove, Grand Avenue, and Coconut Grove Playhouse regarding land use. I -haveatt�e many City of Miami ommission Planning and Zoning meetings. 5. Describe any membership in organizations having the primary aim of the furtherance of dissemination of knowledge of and support of sound planning and implementation programs. N o Please see response # 3 o J r - p 6. Describe any other activity evidencing knowledge and interest in the public purposes of planning and plan implementation. was on the committee that planned and implemented a charrette addressing the black community of Coconut rove.a recT sponsibi sties in preparing program materials for the aster R_an. Form Boards/MA•PASIM-0701.01 Page 2 of 4 I have read and understand the qualifications for members that are set forth in Sec. 62-124 of the City Code, and hereby certify that: (1) 1 do not have any interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work, or service for the city. (2) 1 am in a position to represent the public interest, and do not have any personal or private interests likely to conflict with the public interest. (3) 1 do not hold any elective office in any governmental authority in the county or the city. (4) 1 am not employed in a full-time capacity by any governmental authority in the county or the city. (5) As a member of the planning advisory board or of the zoning board I agree to participate in at least one seminar on planning or zoning to be held in Florida, and approved by the city, during the course of each calendar year that I remain a member or alternate member of the planning advisory board or of the zoning board. (6) 1 acknowledge that I am subject to removal from the board if I fail to meet this requirement each and every year after assuming board membership or alternate membership. 70 o (7) As a prospective appointee I am subject to a personal appearance before the city commission, to affjDfd ft city-4ommission an opportunity to ascertain my proficiency in the English language, educational background anctige"ral krwwledgb of planning and zoning. <C) r— C-) (8) I am an elector of the City of Miami. Co 7 An "elector of the City of Miami" means a person who: (1) is a citizen of the United States of America; r —' _TJ (2) is 18 years of age or older; 3" "- Ti (3) has not been adjudicated mentally incapacitated with respect to voting in Florida or any other state; (4) has not been convicted of a felony in Florida, or any other state, without having had his/her civil rights restore,, C:) (5) is a resident of the City of Miami; and CD (6) is registered to vote in the City of Miami I agree to immediately notify the city clerk if I cease to be a resident and/or an elector of the city during the term of my office. I agree that if I were to become a candidate for elective political office during my term and qualify as a candidate for elective political office, such qualification shall be deemed a tender of my resignation from the board. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-611 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from entering into any con- tract or transacting any business with the city or any person or agency acting for the city, or from appearing in representation of any third party before any board, commission or agency of which I am member. I also understand that prohibition upon activity which is set forth above remains in effect for a period of two years after I have left city service. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-615 and 2-617 of the Miami City Code which requires that I submit to the city clerk a complete itemized list of all real property owned by me, whether the title be either legal or equitable, whether owned in whole or in part, including corporate real property in which I have a controlling interest or I am an officer of such corporation. I agree to submit to the city clerk said information in the required form verified and under oath within 30 days of my appointment and I shall include the following information as to each parcel of land: (1) The legal description and common address; (2) The municipal or county zoning classification wherein the property is located; and (3) The manner in which the property is presently being utilized. I understand that I am required to list only those real properties that are located within the corporate limits of the city or those properties located 500 feet beyond the corporate limits of the city. I agree to comply with all financial disclosure requirements of the City, the County and the State including the requirements set forth in Section 2-11.1 of the Miami -Dade County Code, and Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145. 1 acknowledge that the code of ethics of Miami -Dade County shall apply to me as a member or alternate member of the planning advisory board or the zoning board and hereby agree to abide by all the provisions thereof. For additional information on Code citations, please visit the website of the Office of the City Attorney at http://www.miamigov.com/ cityattorney/pages/Index.asp for internet links to citations. I recognize that membership on the planning advisory board or the zoning board requires my regular attendance and participation at board meetings. I understand that attendance at board meetings is subject to the following point system: 1. Each member or alternate member of the planning advisory board and the zoning board who arrives after the beginning of the first agenda item or leaves before the termination of the last agenda item, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the board, shall receive two points. 2. Any member or alternate member of the planning advisory board or zoning board who accumulates more than 15 points in one calendar year shall automatically be removed and the position declared vacant. Additionally, I understand that if I am appointed to the zoning board and I am absent, for whatever reason, from more than five (5) meetings in one calendar year, I shall be automatically removed from the board; or that if I am appointed to the planning advisory board and I am absent, for whatever reason, from more than six (6) meetings in one calendar year, I shall be automatically removed from the board. Form Boards/MA-PAB2B-0701.01 3of4 I hereby certify that all information in this application is complete, truthful, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I have read and understand the qualifications and conditions of membership listed in this application. C: Yes 0 C=� =- r- r r1 Print Name Constance Gilbert o -` i- =DID 7-. 3C 1 Signature N o 0 o 2 Date October 27, 2008 FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS Please complete this form and submit to: Office of the City Clerk ATTN. Assistant City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Information may be copied and pasted into this form from other computer programs, i.e. MS Word. Information that is typed directly into the form may be "Saved as Text" and. then opened in other computer programs. For additional information on the Planning Advisory Board and/or the Zoning Board,! please contact Ms. Teresita Fernandez, Executive Secretary, Hearing Boards, at (305)' 416-203$ or email at: TFernandez(cDmiamiaov. com Form BoardslMA-PAB2B-0701.01 4 of 4 1t CITY OF MIAMI APPLICATION for PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD and/or ZONING BOARD NAME: DEAN BUTLER...- LEWIS, AIA, ULI (FirstName) --- WTZTd7est ame RESIDENCE: 5910 N. BAYSHORE DRIVE �aaress Line CITY: MIAMI STATE: FL. ZIP: 33137 HOME PHONE: (305) 962-3850 CELL FAX: (305) 572-9161 EMAIL: dlewis@dbla1.us PRINCIPLE BUSINESS/EMPLOYER: DB.LEWIS Arch itectu re+ Design BUSINESS ADDRESS: 120 NE 27 ST. Bay 500 (ACIdress me CH'Y: MIAMI BI<!"'r, PPK',44E:(305) 572-1220 EXT STATE: FL. C/1 b ZIP:33�13D m _'n Would you Ise,., to serve on the Planning Advisory Board? r Yes r No = c Would you like to serve on the Zoning Board? ;n Yes r No N ca • cn Flet .. state if you hav4, a preference for either board: Planning Advisory Board z Are you an elector of the City of Miami': c Yes SHORT STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (If you require additional space, attach additional pages.) 1. Describe the qualities, experience, expertise and/or abilities that you possess that t.. Luld make you an effective board member that will act in the public interest. I am a active Architect -Urbanist practicing here in Miami since 2001 with my firm DB LEWIS Architecture+Design. Prior tofounding ny firm basein ia'-�9familco-founded and managed-Afqukectonica s ans, rance office for six years from 1994 to -1000. During this time I was acting local Architect of Record in France and maintained principal relations with all European clients and design development and_ construction administration of all European projects managed through our Paris Office. All these projects where urban mixed-use and civic developments built directly into the urban fabric of European Cities such as Pans and Dijon, France. I also practiced in Washington DC and was employed with CHK Architects & Planners as a Design Architect where I worked on many inter -_urban, downtown DC projects, renovations and multi -family housing projects. Fom Page 1 of 4 :TJ 6 2. Describe your educational background and general knowledge of planning and zoning. Harvard Law School, 2007-8: Executive Seminars. USGBC Member (United States Green Building Council) since 2006: LEED_7aminars. L'Ecoles Des Beaux Arts -Paris, France, 1999: Advanced Drawing. Registered Architect in Paris, France -lie de France 1995. Registered Architect in Maryland (Wash.DC resid.) since 1989. Registered Architect, member of the American Institute of Architects and NCARB since 1995. Masters of Architecture Thesis: Water and Greco-Roman Urbanism, 12 Cities. University of Texas at Arlington; traveling fellowship, Rome Italy 1985. Bachelor of Science of Architecture, Ohio State University 1983: with City and Regional Planning. - 3. Describe any prior community or personal involvement that you have had that demonstrates Interest in and concern for planning and planning Implement{i4tion. For the past 3 years I have served on the City of Miami's Affordable Housing and Commercial Loan Committm!, servicwhich I was 1) onored w<tti a distinguisTedservice award -rf om- Mayes Diaz this September. I hl- ave been a member of the Miami Chapter the American Institute of Architects since 20b0, and I am currently Board Director (elect) for 2009. Furthermore as a member of the Urban Land Institute since 2002, 1 participate in numerous Planning and Urban Design elated conferences, research and our firm's practice focuses on Urban mixed-use design development projects fbr Miami. Please refer to our website: www.dbla2.us and the m P p 1 { Y attachedfim brochure.) i 4. Describe any planning or land use or growth management seminars thay you have attended. Harvard Law School, 2007-8 Executive Seminars. ULI-Urban Land Use Institute member since 2002: numerous seminars on planning and zoning. American Institute of Architects continued -education Ic7ming -seminars, annually since 2000. - -- - 5. Describe any membership in organiz ,i.ions having the primary aim of the furtherance of dissemination of knowledge of and support of sound planning and implementation programs. The AIA, American Institute of Architects, Miami Chapter since 2002; Board Director -'elect' for 20.09. L'Ordre Des Architectes, lie de France since 1995. The ULI Urban Land Institute, member since 2002 The USGBC United States Green Building Council, member since 2006. - 6. Describe any other activity evidencing knowledge and interest in the public purposes of planning and plan implementation. Served the City of Miami providing peer reviews of the new MIAMI 21 Zoning Code. (one of five firms invited to project test -Miami 2i). rconfmue- to provesexpert testimony and zoning feasibifiiy studies for our local and- national ndnational clientele. Elected to the AIA's Special Committee, task force to study and evaluate MIAMI 21, the City's new zoning code.- -As a member of -the City's Affordable -Housing and -Commercial Loan -Committee in the Chair of Architecture and Planning, I -have the -opportunity t6 -compliment -the City's -initiative to -improve the quality of affordable housing projects and planning implementations. -My practice has included -Special Area zoning and planning studies, applications for re -zoning, Major -Use -Special Permits and numerous Class -ll -Permits. — Fam 5U dcMA-PABIZM701.01 Page 2 of 4 I have read and understand the qualifications for members that are set forth in Sec 62-124 of the City Code, and hereby certify that: (1) 1 do not have any interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work, or service for the city. (2) 1 am in a position to represent the public interest, and do not have any personal or private Interests likely to conflict with the public interest (3) 1 do not hold any elective office in any governmental authority in the county or the city. (4) 1 am not employed in a full-time capacity by any governmental authority in the county or the city. (5) As a member of the planning advisory board or of the zoning board I agree to participate in at least one seminar on planning or zoning to be held in Florida, and approved by the city, during the course of each calendar year that I remain a member or alternate member of the planning advisory board or of the zoning board. (6) 1 acknowledge that I am subject to removal from the board if I fail to meet this requirement each and every year after assuming board membership or alternate membership. (7) As a prospective appointee I am subject to a personal appearance before the city commission, to afford the city commission an opportunity to ascertain my proficiency in the English language, educational background and general knowledge of planning and zoning. (6) 1 am an elector of the City of Miami. An `elector of the City of Miami` means a person who: (1) is a citizen of the United States of America; (2) is 18 years of age or older; (3) has not been adjudicated mentally incapacitated with respect to voting in Florida or any other state; (4) has not been convicted of a felony in Florida, or any other state, without having had his/her civil rights restored; (5) is a resident of the City of Miami, and (6) is registered to vote in the City of Miami I agree to immediately notify the city clerk if I cease to be a resident and/or an elector of the city during the term of my office I agree that if I were to become a candidate for elective political office during my term and qualify as a candidate for elective political office, such qualification shall be deemed a tender of my resignation from the board. 1 have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-611 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from entering into any con- tract or transacting any business with the city or any person or agency acting for the city, or from appearing in representation of any third party before any board, commission or agency of which I am member. I also understand that prohibition upon activity which is set forth above remains in effect for a period of two years after I have left city service. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directty or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-615 and 2-617 of the Miami City Code which requires that I submit to the city clerk a complete itemized list of all real property owned by me, whether the title be either legal or equitable, whether owned in whole or in part, including corporate real property in which I have a controlling interest or I am an officer of such corporation. I agree to submit to the city clerk said information in the required form verified and under oath within 30 days of my appointment and I shall include the following information as to each parcel of land: (1) The legal description and common address; (2) The municipal or county zoning classification wherein the property is located; and (3) The manner in which the property is presently being utilized. I understand that I am required to list only those real properties that are located within the corporate limits of the city or those properties located 500 feet beyond the corporate limits of the city. I agree to comply with all financial disclosure requirements of the City, the County and the State including the requirements set forth in Section 2-11.1 of the Miami -Dade County Code, and Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145- 1 acknowledge that the code of ethics of Miami -Dade County shall apply to me as a member or alternate member of the planning advisory board or the zoning board and hereby agree to abide by all the provisions thereof. For additional information on Code citations, please visit the website of the Office of the City Attorney at http://wv.w.miamigov.conV cityattorney/p ages/ Index. asp for internet links to citations. I recognize that membership on the planning advisory board or the zoning board requires my regular attendance and participation at board meetings. I understand that attendance at board meetings is subject to the following point system: 1. Each member or alternate member of the planning advisory board and the zoning board who arrives after the beginning of the ;first agenda item or leaves before the termination of the last agenda item, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the board, shall receive two points. 2. Any member or alternate member of the planning advisory board or zoning board who accumulates more than 15 points in one calendar year shall automatically be removed and the position declared vacant. Additionally, I understand that if I am appointed to the zoning board and I am absent, for whatever reason, from more than five (5) meetings in one calendar year. I shall be automatically removed from the board; or that if I am appointed to the planning advisory board and I am absent, for whatever reason, from more than six (6) meetings in one calendar year, I shall be automatically removed from the board. auard&WA-PAAIZB-0701.01 Page 3 of A rrrrrrr►rrrrrrrr**rr#rur►►rrrr►rr►r►rrr►rrrr•..• I hereby certify that all information in this application is complete, truthful, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I have read and understand the qualifications and conditions of membership listed in this application. (: Yes Print Name USAN B. LEWIS, AIA, ULI Signature , Date Thursday, October 9, 2008 FuhtTl ,E INSTi?UC'TIONS Please complete this form and submit to: Office of the City Clerh ATTN: Assistant City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Information may be copied ::.re.° pasted intQ this form from other computer programs, i.e. MS Word. Information that is typed directly into the form may be "Saved as Text" and then opened in other computer programs. For additional information on the Planning A ;vlsory Board andlor the Zoning Board, please ccr:' ct Ms. 'l eresita Fernandez, Executive Secretary, Hearing Boards, at (30.1i) 416-2038 or cinail at: TFemandezam_iaim ov.com -o m BourdQW-PAEMB-0-101.01 Page 4 of 4 DB LEWIS Architecture+Design Dean B. LEWIS, AIA Principal Education • 2007 Harvard Law School, executive seminars, Cambridge,MA. • 1993 Ecole Nationale Sup6rieure des Beaux Arts, Paris, France • 1985 Master of Architecture, University of Texas / UTA Rome, Italy - UTA Academy of Architecture -fellowship grant, GTA Master Thesis: 'Water and Greco-Roman Urbanism' -12 Cities • 1983 Bachelor of Science of Architecture, Ohio State University School of Architecture, City and Regional Planning • 1982 Catholic University of America, Wash. DC - graduate studio fellowship • 1979 Revere High School - Richfield, Ohio - varsity letters in soccer and golf • 1978 Akron University Art School, Akron, Ohio - advanced drawing Professional Affiliations • US Green Building Council, 2006 • Business Networking International, 2005 • City of Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce, 2005 • Franco -American Chamber of Commerce, 2003 • ULI, Urban Land Institute, 2002 • Ordre des Architectes en France, 1995 • AIA, American Institute of Architects, 1995 • Societe Frangaise des Architectes, 1991 • NCARB, Registered Architect in the states of Maryland, and Florida • American Society of Architectural Perspectivists, 1987 Adjoint Professor, GTA • 2007 Miami, Florida - Skipping Stones School, Architecture class • 1989-91 Fontainebleau, France - Ecole Am6ncaine d'Art et Architecture - international senior design studio, and jurist • 1984-85 University of Texas at Arlington, School of Architecture - Taught 3`" year conceptual drawing studios, GTA site planning, and jurist - Rome, Italy -UTA Academy of Architecture - GTA fellowship City Committees, Awards, Competitions • 2007 City of Miami, Consulting Architects Committee for new Zoning Code:Miami 21 • 2006 City of Miami, Commercial Loan and Affordable Housing Committee • 2005 City of Miami Special Committee for Rezoning the Upper East Side • 2004 Certificate of Appreciation -Art Cho, Non -Violence Project, Miami Florida • 2003- 07 AIA Miami Awards Exhibitions, Publications • 1994 International Design Competition for the Scottish Architecture and Design Center • 1994 International Design Competition for the reconstruction of the Souks of Beirut, Lebanon • 1993 international Design Competition for the Choragic Monument to Architecture • 1992 American Wood Council Design Competition - single-family residences - Colorado • 1987 CHKArchitects and Planners Office Headquarters Competition, Silver Spring MD. • 1988 Hugh Ferris Memorial National Drawing Competition • 1984 AIA / Ken Roberts National Drawing Competition 120 NE 27 STREET BAY 500 / MIAMI, FL 33137 / T 305.672.1220 www.dblal.us Architecture Interiors Planning AA0003652 AR0017357 ID0004.536 Committed to Excellence DB LEWIS Architecture+Design Professional Experience Since 2002 Founded DB LEWIS Architecture+Desi n Miami Florida USA - France (See Firm Portfolio, Projects In Progress) 1994-2001 AR UITECTONICA International USA Europe Paris, France Office Director, Architect of Record • 1994-2000 Bourgogne Centre des Arts et Complexe Urbain a Dijon, France Role: Project Manager and local Architect in charge throughout design and construction of. • The Dijon Opera and Concert Auditorium of 15,000m? 1600 seats - status: built • Le Palais des Congres - Convention Center of 600 seats - status: built • La Cit6 des Affaires - Office Park and Hotel - 50,000m2 - status: Schematic Design • 1996-98 Paris, La Defense - International Design Competition for the Gambetta Office Tower 35,000m2office with urban plaza and stepping atriums - status: 1St laureate • 1994 New York International Design Competition for the Redevelopment of Times Square, NY - mixed-use hotel tower complex of 800 suites - status: 1St laureate - construction phase 1 Role: co -Project Manager during the competition phase • 1994 Miami Performing Arts Center International Competition — status: 2"d place • 2000 Houston Hotel and Convention Center — status: Design Development • 2000 Volos, Greece - Resort Village and Convention Center - status: Concept Planning • Beirut, Lebanon - Aladdin Condominium and Hotel Complex- status: contract pdg • Marsa Alam, Egypt - Red Sea Coast Resort Development - status: contract pdg • 1997 Strasbourg Conservatory of Music Competition status: 3rd place • 1996 Amsterdam Harbor Cultural Center Competition status: 2"d place 1992-94 Cabinet Adrlen Fainsliber Architecte — Urbaniste Paris, France Project Manager in charge of design and construction documents : • Strasbourg Museum of Modern Art with structural glass Galleria - 15, 000m2 - status: built • La F16che City Hall Office and Plaza extensions upon the Loir River - 4700m2 - status: built • Toulouse-Purpan Children's Hospital with vaulted atrium hall - 21,000m2- status: built 1989-91 Aaence d Architecture A.E. Bechu Paris, France Project Designer and Perspectivist : • Paris Urban Renewal Projects including residential, Office, and Retail uses • Paris Edouard VII Center - 48, 600m2 of Office, Retail, and Auditorium - status: built • VAR Lou Rocas Resort Village - 61'000m2 with Golf Clubhouse and Hotel, - status: built • Paris Suresnes Urban Development Competition 120 NE 27 STREET BAY 500 / MIAMI. FL 33137 T 305, 572.1220 www. dbla 1. us Architecture Interiors Planning AA0003652 AR0017357 00004W6 Committed to Excellence DB LEWIS Architecture+Design 1985-89 CHK Architects and Planners Washington D.C. Project Designer. • CHK Office Headquarters Competition - 100,000tt2 - 19r place laureate - status: built • Adas Israel Synagogue Renovations - 37, 000ftz complex structural extensions - status: built • The Stanley Halle Residence upon the Severin River - 10,500ft2 with pool,docks - status: built • The Laurence Silverman Residence in Wash.DC - 9, 800ft2 with pool and tennis - status: built • The Martin Poretsky Residence in the hilltop woods of Maryland - 10,500ft2 - status: built • Multi -Family Garden Apartments, in Montgomery and Anne Arundel co., MD- status: built • Chesapeake Harbor Town home on the bay near Annapolis - 4,000ft2 - status: built 1987-2000 Independent Work (prior to founding Practice in 2002) USA - France • Kaplan Business School Testing Center - Paris, France — status: built • M.A. Bender Rowhouse Office Suites- Washington DC — status: built • Morton Bender Residence Renovations — Washinton DC - status: built • Columbia Center Cafe and Bookstore — Columbia, Maryland - status: built • L. Solomon Residence Addition - Virginia. - status: built • D. Jauregui Residence, ATnhoa, France - status: built • P. Della -Vecchia Residence, Saint Maxime, France - status: built • Design Competitions, Research, and Furniture Design Conferences, Panels/ Expositions • City of Miami, Luxembourg, Paris, Dijon, Strasbourg and Montpellier, Berlin (For ARQ) • Washington D.C„ Dallas, New York, AIA Awards Exhibits Professional Publications • Home Miami, Home Fort Lauderdale, InsideOut Miami Herald, Miami Today News, • Architectural Record (05/99), Formes et Structures (128/99), Archinews (01/99), • ArchiCr66 (285/99), Techniques Batiment (197), Bourgogne (11-12/'98), • Texas Architect (11/85) Languages / Computer Literacy • English (maternal), French- fluent, Spanish- notions • AutoCAD, 3DMax, Photoshop, Pagemaker, MS Office, Learning BIM-Revit Professional Travel • North and South America, Central Europe, Scandinavia, Northern Africa and the Near East Activities / Personal • Born: Akron, Ohio - August 17,1961, Married in Paris, France 2000, 2 children • Travel Sketching, Furniture Design, Watercolor Drawing and Photography • Swimming, Tae Kwon Do, Scuba diving, Golf, Cycling, Kayaking 120 NE 27 STREET BAY 500 / MIAMI, FL 33137 / T 305.572.1220 www.dbla1.us Architecture Interiors Planning AA0003652 AR0017357 ID000406 Committed to Exceffence DB LEWIS Arch itecture+Design 120 NE 27 STREET BAY 500 i MIAMI, FL 33137 / T 305.572.1220 www. dbla 1. us Architecture Interiors Planning AA0003652 AR0017357 ID0004536 Committed to Excellence CITY OF MIAMI APPLICATION for PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD and/or ZONING BOARD z xu o_ Lewis James Beilman III `2 C, NAME: (First Name) IGtWt ej(LastName) r RESIDENCE: 2110 SW 3rd Ave Apt 213 (Address Linel) (Address Line �� W CITY: Miami STATE: FL ZIP:324 _- O � HOME PHONE: (786) 493-6297 CELL (786) 493-6297 FAX: (305) 377-A74 EMAIL: Ljb373@yahoo.com _ PRINCIPLE BUSINESS/EMPLOYER: South Florida Water Management District _ BUSINESS ADDRESS: 2121 SW 3rd Ave 6th Floor CITY: Miami STATE: Fl- BUS. L BUS. PHONE:(305) 377-7274 EXT. 7249 ZIP: 33129 Would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Board? r Yes r No Would you like to serve on the Zoning Board? (: Yes r. No Please state if you have a preference for either board: No Preference Are you an elector of the City of Miami? C Yes SHORT STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (If you require additional space, attach additional pages.) 1. Describe the qualities, experience, expertise and/or abilities that you possess that would make you an effective board member that will act in the public interest. I recently moved to Miami and have a history of public service that would make me an effective board member. My -_Eiackground includes service ontlie-S-outh Waffil Planning 6oarc—andtheorth-Miami 0Fa-- e�oard, I consider volunteering in the- community in wfil6h f rive an important civic responsibility In addition; T understand how' ---- ------------- -- --- ------ - -- ---- -- ---..- .. ---- -- — _ _ government functions, having worked in government for several- years_ (Please see my attached resume for additional information on my work and volunteer history.) Loan 8nafds1MA-PA6IZB-0701.01 e1of4 2. Describe your educational background and general knowledge of planning and zoning. As I stated above, I have served on the South Miami Planning Board, so I have knowledge of how planning and zoning decisions are made. I also currently work for the South Florida Water Management District, which is a state agency with -water-use planning functions. Inaddition, I have a law degree and a bachelor's degreein political science, --both 'o-f which help me ,understand -- how -- planning. . -­ and . - ­ -zoning -- la . gards -- function - . . as - advisory and quasi- judicial boards in the local government frarnework._ (Please see my attached resume for additional information.) . ..... --------- -- ------- 3. Describe any prior community or personal involvement that you have had that demonstrates interest in and concern for planning and planning implementation. I served on the South Miami Planning Board from October 2005 to November 2006. (Please see my attached resume) t]uring that time, fwas 6 member of the American Pla"'n-n-ing- Asso-6i'a'66-6--and subscribed ­ t . o -- the Journal o . u - r -n -al- 6-f planning history ­ ­ 1--- ­­­� . ....... ... . ........ ffiCAr-ff6'r-ic­a­ n' Planning Association. I'Ai3-r'e;ad-up on p1l6nning h story In my ree time. ......... . .. -- ---------- --- - - -­ - . .. . 4. Describe any planning or land use or growth management seminars thay you have attended. Over the past two years, I have attended the Florida League of Cities conferences in August. These conferences "include -workshops -on planning; land use, and growth management -'issues. nt -i`s­s--u'es-.-- F also have- 'attended workshops on ttiese issues organized- by the- Miami -Dade - County -League of -'CitTes and --the­Greater ­ MiarN 'Chamber- of --------- - - Commerce. These workshops have focused on transportation, urban development, and housing issues, among other things.- -In -addition, as an employee of the South Florida Water Management District, I have attended numerous water -use planning workshops. 5. Describe any membership in organizations having the primary aim of the furtherance of dissemination of knowledge of and support of sound planning and implementation programs. I was a member of the American Planning Association during the time I served on the South Miami Planning Board. 6. Describe any other activity evidencing knowledge and interest in the public purposes of planning and plan implementation. As a senior intergovernmental representative for the South Florida Water Management District, I help coordinate water -use planning activities with local" government *agencies. . This includes assisting with it I h -the monitoring- of the -d6Vel(iot:h'dht7-5hd--i-(iYolornehtation- of lbcaI 'water -use permitg, supply -projects; and water res tflctiOfts,- among* Other things. ----- - - c -n r -i-1 Form 130ardsiMA-PAIN28-0701.01 Page 2 of 4 < :L CA) -,a O ON I have read and understand the qualifications for members that are set forth in Sec. 62-124 of the City Code, and hereby certify that: (1) I do not have any Interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work, or service for the city. (2) 1 am in a position to represent the public interest, and do not have any personal or private interests likely to conflict with the public interest. (3) 1 do not hold any elective office in any governmental authority In the county or the city. (4) 1 am not employed in a full-time capacity by any governmental authority in the county or the city. (5) As a member of the planning advisory board or of the zoning board I agree to participate in at least one seminar on planning or zoning to be held in Florida, and approved by the city, during the course of each calendar year that I remain a member or alternate member of the planning advisory board or of the zoning board. (6) 1 acknowledge that I am subject to removal from the board if I fail to meet this requirement each and every year after assuming board membership or alternate membership. (7) As a prospective appointee I am subject to a personal appearance before the city commission, to afford the city commission an opportunity to ascertain my proficiency in the English language, educational background and general knowledge of planning and zoning. (8) 1 am an elector of the City of Miami. An "elector of the City of Miami' means a person who: (1) Is a citizen of the United States of America; (2) is 18 years of age or older; (3) has not been adjudicated mentally incapacitated with respect to voting in Florida or any other state; (4) has not been convicted of a felony in Florida, or any other state, without having had his/her civil rights restored; (5) is a resident of the City of Miami; and (6) is registered to vote in the City of Miami I agree to immediately notify the city clerk if I cease to be a resident and/or an elector of the city during the term of my office. I agree that if I were to become a candidate for elective political office during my term and qualify as a candidate for elective political office, such qualification shall be deemed a tender of my resignation from the board. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-611 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from entering into any con- tract or transacting any business with the city or any person or agency acting for the city, or from appearing in representation of any third party before any board, commission or agency of which I am member. I also understand that prohibition upon activity which is set forth above remains in effect for a period of two years after I have left city service. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-615 and 2-617 of the Miami City Code which requires that I submit to the city clerk a complete itemized list of all real property owned by me, whether the title be either legal or equitable, whether owned in whole or In part, including corporate real property in which I have a controlling interest or I am an officer of such corporation. I agree to submit to the city clerk said information in the required form verified and under oath within 30 days of my appointment and I shall include the following information as to each parcel of land: (1) The legal description and common address; (2) The municipal or county zoning classification wherein the property is located; and (3) The manner in which the property is presently being utilized. I understand that I am required to list only those real properties that are located within the corporate limits of the city or those properties located 500 feet beyond the corporate limits of the city. I agree to comply with all financial disclosure requirements of the City, the County and the State including the requirements set forth in Section 2-11.1 of the Miami -Dade County Code, and Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145. 1 acknowledge that the code of ethics of Miami -Dade County shall apply to me as a member or alternate member of the planning advisory board or the zoning board and hereby agree to abide by all the provisions thereof. For additional Information on Code citations, please visit the website of the Office of the City Attorney at http://www.miamigov.com/ cityattorney/pages/Index.asp for internet links to citations. I recognize that membership on the planning advisory board or the zoning board requires my regular attendance and participation at board meetings. I understand that attendance at board meetings is subject to the following point system: 1. Each member or alternate member of the planning advisory board and the zoning board who arrives after the beginning of the first agenda item or leaves before the termination of the last agenda item, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the board, shall receive two points. 2. Any member or alternate member of the planning advisory board or zoning board who accumulates more than 15 points in one calendar year shall automatically be removed and the position declared vacant. Additionally, I understand that if I am appointed to the zoning board and I am absent, for whatever reason, from more than five (5) meetings in one calendar year, I shall be automatically removed from the board; or that if I am appointed to the planning advisory board and I am absent, for whatever reason, from more than six (6) meetings in one calendar year, I shall be automatically removed from the board. Form Boards/MA-aA9l7_0-0101.01 3 of 4 I hereby certify that all information in this application is complete, truthful, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I have read and understand the qualifications and conditions of membership listed in this application. r Yes » Print Name Lewis J. Beilman III c� ^ r7i O -' •� C7 4 -< -. ut fit Signature = 7O o rT1 r N W d � Date August 4, 2008 Z FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS Please complete this form and submit to: Office of the City Clerk ATTN: Assistant City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Information may be copied and pasted into this form from other computer programs, i.e. MS Word. Information that is typed directly into the form may be "Saved as Text" and then opened in other computer programs. For additional information on the Planning Advisory Board and/or the Zoning Board, please contact Ms. Teresita Fernandez, Executive Secretary, Hearing Boards, at (305) 416-2038 or email at: TFernandez(&miamigov.com Form Boards/MA-PAB/ZB-0701.01 Page 4 of 4 Resume Lewis J. Beilman III Lewis J. Beilman If/ 2110 SW 3rd Ave Apt 211 Miami, FL 33129 g (786) 493-6297 or 1jb373@yahoo.com t -n O == rn EDUCATION University of Maine Law School Portland, Maine?; 0 � r7i Juris Doctorate, May 2000 J. D. cum laude. Rank: 18/83. G.P.A.: 3.10. Senior Editor, Ocean and Coastal Law Journal. Treasurer, Environmental Law Society. z Sacred Heart University Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, May B.A. magna cum laude. G.P.A.: 3.69. Graduated in the top 6 percent of my class G.P.A. among Political Science graduates. WORK EXPERIENCE South Florida Water Management District April 2006 to Present. Senior Intergovernmental Representative. presentations to government agencies an, water -shortage enforcement issues. Wri Fairfield, Connecticut 1995 Received the 1995 Medal of Excellence for having the highest Miami, Florida Act as liaison with state, county, and municipal agencies. Make I community organizations. Work with local governments on to press releases and Op -Ed pieces. Support planning and implementation efforts on grant projects. Assist with resolution of right of way disputes. Assist with planning and act as agency representative at outreach events. Write weekly intra -agency progress reports. Support development of outreach budget. Provide emergency management support during hurricanes. Attend meetings of community and business groups. Miami Dade College Miami, Florida November 2004 to March 2006. Grant Writer. Wrote grant proposals to federal, state, and private finding sources. Prepared program budgets. Researched funding opportunities. Submitted grant applications electronically or by paper. Prepared items for board review. Served on job -screening committees. Researched OMB Circulars and grant -related legislation. Assisted with the college's submission of more than $50,000,000 in grants, of which more than $30,000,000 was funded. Specialized in workforce development grants. Community Renewal Team, Inc. Hartford, Connecticut November 2002 to November 2004. Planning Analyst. Researched and wrote approximately 40 new grant applications and renewal applications for a $50 million Community Action Agency. Applications resulted in over $4,000,000 dollars of new funding for the organization. Coordinated the filing of grant reports with state agency. Wrote feasibility report on Adult Daycare Center. Organized meetings with funders, community members, and government officials to ensure that the needs of Hartford's low-income community were met. Facilitated Urban -Suburban Dialogues on drug problems in Hartford. Mainel. Newspapers Biddeford, Maine August 2001 to August 2002. Resume Lewis J. Beilmun /1/ Editor, Biddeford -Saco -00B Courier. Each week wrote four to five articles, an editorial column, police notes, and an interview for weekly community paper. Wrote editorial columns that took positions on single -payer healthcare, recycling, and animal rights, among other things. Acted as community liaison for paper. Supervised staff writers and coordinated contributing writers. Took photographs to accompany articles. Assisted with coordinating the publication of the paper. Legal Aid of Dade County Miami, Florida 14y 2000 to August 2001 Program Manager, Self Help Program. Supervised day-to-day operations of the largest family -law pro se assistance program in the country. Instructed staff paralegals on the appropriate procedural information to provide to pro se litigants. Wrote instructional materials for filing procedures. Oversaw the sale of legal forms and made deposits of the money obtained from those sales. Coordinated with judges, the Clerk of Courts, and other Miami -Dade County employees to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Self Help Program. Global Access Coloration Stamford, Connecticut February 1996 to June 1997. Deputy Director, ABLE Program. Wrote three business research reports that were published and used by international clients. Aided in the management of research reports written by consultants. Supervised interns and administrative staff of international market -feasibility research organization. Handled a variety of administrative tasks. VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE Humane Society of Greater Miami North Miami Beach, Florida August 2007 to Present. Volunteer. Volunteer at Adopt -a -Pet outreach events. Staff and assist with set-up of large scale outreach events. North Miami Charter Board North Miami, Florida February 2007 to July 2008. Board Member. Attended meetings as needed. Studied city charter. Made recommendations on charter amendments to City Council. South Miami Planning Board South Miami, Florida October 2005 to November 2006. Board Member. Attended meetings twice a month. Reviewed applications for variances and made recommendations to City Council. Advised City Council on changes to the Land Development Code and Comprehensive Development Plan. Human Services Coalition Miami, Florida JanuaiT 2006 to April 2006 Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Volunteer. Received training on income tax preparation. Assisted low-income individuals with filing their federal and state tax returns. Promoted the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) within the community. Democracy for Greater Hartford Hartford, Connecticut September 2003 to November 2004. District Coordinator. Developed strategies for outreach. Coordinated voter registration drives. Organized meetings. Conducted phone -banking drives. Presented reports at statewide meetings. K hcwisj' Beiltnar? Ht Resume comvml"'I _11_yegnvwalTq�a Hartford, Connecticut January 2003 toApril 2004, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Supervisor. Received three-day training on income tax preparation. zn Supervised volunteers assisting lo,,v-income individuals with filing their federal and state tax returns. Promoted the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) within the community. Assisted low-income individuals with filing their state and federal income tax statements. Volunteer Lawyers Proiect Portland, Maine January 1998 to Decembei-1999 andAugust 2001 to August 2002, Volunteer. Answered phone calls regarding family law issues from low-income individuals. Provided leaal information to callers that laid out various courses of action. Discussed with volunteer supervisors about best course of action and relayed that information to callers, Leadership Miarm Miami, Florida NOVell7her 2006 to Mqv 2007 Participant. Worked with group to develop first in Miami -Dade County Hurricane Preparedness DooV Fair project. Wrote and disseminated project press releases. Coordinated project development meetings with government and nonprofit sponsors. Participated in fund-raising activities. Pine Tree Leaal Assistance Portland, Maine June 1999 to August 1999 Intern. Worked under the Supervision Of two family law attorneys. Assisted in writing a trial brief, a client zn memo, several motions, a divorce judgment order, and several client letters. Attended hearings, mediations, and case management conferences, State Representative Andrew Norton Hartford, Connecticut January 1995 to April 1995. Intern. Worked under the supervision of Rep. Norton. Wrote constituent correspondence, Attended legislative hearings and corm-nittce meetings. Answered constituent phone calls. Wrote paper on state ZY budgetary process. C, U -S. Representative ChristophDLShays Bridgeport, Connecticut September 1994 to December 1994. Intern. Worked under the supervision of Rep. Shays' staff, Wrote constituent correspondence, Clipped local newspaper articles about Rep. Shays and faxed them to his Washington, D.C. office. Answered constituent phone calls. Kept weekly journal of experience as intern. I CITY OF MIAMI APPLICATION for PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD and/or ZONING BOARD NAME: Frank Kemp Roliason ' (FirstName) 1 e(LastName)- RESIDENCE: 686 NE 74th Street (Address me (Address Line CITY: Miami STATE: FL Zip: 33138 HOME PHONE: 758-6144 CELL 299-7300 FAX: 758-6143 EMAIL: follason(cDcomcast.net PRINCIPLE BUSINESS/EMPLOYER: Rodriquez and Quiroga Architects Chartered BUSINESS ADDRESS: 2100 Ponce de Leon Boulevard (Address ine CITY: Coral Gables BUS. PHONE:— EXT 30ress Line Z STATE: FI ZIP: 33134 Would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Board? C: Yes c No Would you like to serve on the Zoning Board? C: Yes r No Please state if you have a preference for either board: No Preference Are you an elector of the City of Miami? r YPS SHORT STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (If you require additional space, attach additional pages.) 1. Describe the qualities, experience, expertise and/or abilities that you possess that would make you an effective board member that will act In the public interest. -4o - years- experience-with-theamity -mtjitiple-administrative-positions-ineiuding--Rre-Marshal-and-Dir-ector�f----- Building Department as well as Director for all three of the City's CRAs. Active with Bette Meade Home Owners Association and the MiMo Biscayne Association. Fam Boards/MA-PA&ZB-0701 01 Page 1 of 4 2. Describe your educational background and general knowledge of planning and zoning. I possess a BS in Fire Science and Safety from the College of Engineering at FIU --My previous positions with the City required me to have -more than Vayman's knowledge of the various codes impacting planning and zoning.- .. 3. Describe any prior community or personal involvement that you have had that demonstrates interest in and concern for planning and planning implementation. Answered under Number 1, above. CD 4. Describe any planning or land use or growth management seminars thay yotiDhavve attended. 1 attended multiple related seminars while employed by the City of Miami and the CRA. 5. Describe any membership in organizations having the primary aim of the furtherance of dissemination of knowledge of and support of sound planning and implementation programs. Belle Meade Home -Owners Association and -MWo-Biscayne Association. - 6. Describe any other activity evidencing knowledge an of planning and plan implementation. (Form Bo,,,51MA-PAB/ZB.0701 01 Page 2 of 4 I have read and understand the qualifications for members that are set forth in Sec. 62-124 of the City Code, and hereby certify that: (1) 1 do not have any interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work, or service for the city. (2) 1 am in a position to represent the public interest, and do not have any personal or private interests likely to conflict with the public interest. (3) 1 do not hold any elective office in any governmental authority in the county or the city. (4) 1 am not employed in a full-time capacity by any governmental authority in the county or the city. (5) As a member of the planning advisory board or of the zoning board I agree to participate in at least one seminar on planning or zoning to be held in Florida, and approved by the city, during the course of each calendar year that I remain a member or alternate member of the planning advisory board or of the zoning board. (6) 1 acknowledge that I am subject to removal from the board if I fail to meet this requirement each and every year after assuming board membership or alternate membership. (7) As a prospective appointee I am subject to a personal appearance before the city commission, to afford the city commission an opportunity to ascertain my proficiency in the English language, educational background and general knowledge of planning and zoning. (8) 1 am an elector of the City of Miami. An "elector of the City of Miami" means a person who: (1) is a citizen of the United States of America; (2) is 18 years of age or older; _ (3) has not been adjudicated mentally incapacitated with respect to voting in Florida or any other state, (4) has not been convicted of a felony in Florida, or any other state, without having had his/her civil rights -restored; ' (5) is a resident of the City of Miami; and (6) is registered to vote in the City of Miami - I agree to immediately notify the city clerk if I cease to be a resident and/or an elector of the city during the terrnof my office. I agree that if I were to become a candidate for elective political office during my term and qualify as a candaatecfor eMittive political office, such qualification shall be deemed a tender of my resignation from the board. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-611 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from entering into any con- tract or transacting any business with the city or any person or agency acting for the city, or from appearing in representation of any third party before any board, commission or agency of which I am member. I also understand that prohibition upon activity which is set forth above remains in effect for a period of two years after I have left city service. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-615 and 2-617 of the Miami City Code which requires that I submit to the city clerk a complete itemized list of all real property owned by me, whether the title be either legal or equitable, whether owned in whole or in part, including corporate real property in which I have a controlling interest or I am an officer of such corporation I agree to submit to the city clerk said information in the required form verified and under oath within 30 days of my appointment and I shall include the following information as to each parcel of land: (1) The legal description and common address; (2) The municipal or county zoning classification wherein the property is located; and (3) The manner in which the property is presently being utilized. I understand that I am required to list only those real properties that are located within the corporate limits of the city or those properties located 500 feet beyond the corporate limits of the city. I agree to comply with all financial disclosure requirements of the City, the County and the State including the requirements set forth in Section 2-11.1 of the Miami -Dade County Code, and Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145, I acknowledge that the code of ethics of Miami -Dade County shall apply to me as a member or alternate member of the planning advisory board or the zoning board and hereby agree to abide by all the provisions thereof. For additional information on Code citations, please visit the website of the Office of the City Attorney at http://www.miamigov.com/ c tyattorney/pages/Index.asp for internet links to citations. I recognize that membership on the planning advisory board or the zoning board requires my regular attendance and participation at board meetings. I understand that attendance at board meetings is subject to the following point system: 1. Each member or alternate member of the planning advisory board and the zoning board who arrives after the beginning of the first agenda item or leaves before the termination of the last agenda item, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the board, shall receive two points. 2. Any member or alternate member of the planning advisory board or zoning board who accumulates more than 15 points in one calendar year shall automatically be removed and the position declared vacant. Additionally, I understand that if I am appointed to the zoning board and I am absent, for whatever reason, from more than five (5) meetings in one calendar year, I shall be automatically removed from the board; or that if I am appointed to the planning advisory board and I am absent, for whatever reason, from more than six (6) meetings in one calendar year, I shall be automatically removed from the board. arm Bcards/MA-PABQB-0701 01 Page 3 of 4 I hereby certify that all information in this application is complete, truthful, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I have read and understand the qualifications and conditions of membership listed in this application. (-* Yes Print Name Frank K. Rollason Signature �!% 1,�� a -- Date May 23, 2008 FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS 'Please complete this form and submit to: Office of the City Clerk ATTN: Assistant City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Information may be copied and pasted jaW this form from other computer programs, i.e.' MS Word. Information that Is typed directly into the form may be "Saved as Text" and then opened in other computer programs. For additional information on the Planning Advisory Board and/or the Zoning Board, please contact Ms. Teresita Fernandez, Executive Secretary, Hearing Boards, at (305) 416-2038 or email at: TFemandez(g)miamigov. com arm Boards1MA-PABIZB-0701 01 Page 4 of 4 REGE1''ED CITY OF MIAMI APPLICATI043 FES 29 P1H 3: 54 �~ for PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD and/or ZpNkNG_BOARD-,",PSON CITY CI 111,t`!I. FL NAME: Hazem Monem rstName)"- 1 e s me RESIDENCE: 1703 SW 21st Street ___ Vddress ne (Address UWZ CITY: Miami STATE: Florida ZIP: 33145 HOME PHONE:30( 5) 858-4551 CELL (305) 431-1710 FAX: X305) 858-4883 EMAIL: haze m. monem@kraft.com PRINCIPLE BUSINESS/EMPLOYER: Edible Arrangements BUSINESS ADDRESS. 150 SE 2nd Ave Suite 1-G (AddressuneTy— (Address Une ij CITY: Miami STATE: Florida ZIP: 33145 BUS. PHONE:) 577-6101 EXT. Would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Board? to Yes r` No Would you like to serve on the Zoning Board? re Yes r No Please state if you have a preference for either board: No Preference Are you an elector of the City of Miami? re Yes SHORT STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (if you require additional space, attach additional pages.) 1. Describe the qualities, experience, expertise and/or abilities that you possess that would make you an effective board member that will act in the public interest. I have lived all my life within the city of Miami limits and have witnessed several LIVE meeting and also watched several of'the bro d casts-mge—Tng on--PUBLIC-iefevfsion fhaf iii be` dr th -dianyea%th6Tiiigfiier 0iannels_ TFiave always had i passion to learn about the goveming Hiles for building wiGnthe city of Miami.In addition, being one who has had several experiences with the building departrrrent as a business owner_ and a home owner is what has drawn me closer to volunteer my time to my city for whom which I care for. I Fmn E0ard1'kWPAB2&0701.01 Page f of 4 2. Describe your educational background and general knowledge of planning and zoning. I am graduate of Florida International University, with a major In business. My knowledge of planning and zoning stems from what I have read and researched in articles and books regarding setbacks, height limit, variances, etc. 3. Describe any prior community or personal involvement that you have had that demonstrates interest in and concern for planning and planning implementatiork: �" U none =: Ca C ^. • N � � � rn ref � r U'�- O 4. Describe any planning or land use or growth management seminars thay you hive attended. no serninars attended 5. Describe any membership in organizations having the primary aim of the furtherance of dissemination of knowledge of and support of sound planning and implementation programs. none 6. Describe any other activity evidencing knowledge and interest in the public purposes of planning and plan implementation. As a business owner in DOWNTOIMV Mlami, I was very much involved with the DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT A-UTAOklTY 1 wonted witfi them very closely. I saw the work that was being put f&th beFind the scenes prior to theTaunc-h MiaMi 21. I'pretty much thin—We-city is headed?n-the right direction into creating a 24 hoiir -downtown. My business -contacts at Ile DDA are Davon-Barbour and Leo Zabensky- 1 have always told the DDA if there is a project and you need merchants -to -be Involved=count mein: - Form Saw*&P A PnH2B-0701 01 t"e 2 of 4 _ _ I have read and understand the qualifications for members that are set forth in Sec. 62-124 of the City Code, and hereby certify that: (1) 1 do not have any interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work, or service for the city. (2) 1 am in a position to represent the public interest, and do not have any personal or private interests likely to conflict with the public interest. (3) 1 do not hold any elective office in any governmental authority in the county or the city. (4) 1 am not employed in a full-time capacity by any governmental authority in the county or the city. (5) As a member of the planning advisory board or of the zoning board I agree to participate in at least one seminar on planning or zoning to be held in Florida, and approved by the city, during the course of each calendar year that 1 remain a member or alternate member of the planning advisory board or of the zoning board. (6) 1 acknowledge that I am subject to removal from tie board if I fail to meet this requirement each and every year after assuming board membership or allemaie membership. (7) As a prospective appointee I am subject to a personal appearance before the city commission, to afford the r_q commission an opportunity to ascertain my proficiency in the English language, educational background and general -1 no ;dge of planning and zoning. (8) 1 am an elector of the City o1 Miami. An "elector of the City of Miami means a person who:UO f (1) is a citizen of the United States of America: C7 � (2) is 18 years of age or older; S (3) has not been adjudicated mentally incapacitated with respect to voting in Florida or any other state; (4) has not been convicted of a felony in Florida, or any other staff, without having had hislher civil rights rest�:r (5) Is a resident of the City of Miami; and ZU W (6) is registered to vote in the City of Miami Ll, Ln I agree to immediately notify the city clerk if I cease to be a resident and/or an elector of the city during the term of my 408. I agree that If I were to become a candidate for elective political office during my term and qualify as a candidate for elective political office, such qualification shall be deemed a tender of my resignation from the board_ I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-611 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from entering into any con- tract or transacting any business with the city or any person or agency acting for the city, or from appearing In representation of any third party before any board, commission or agency of which I am member. I also understand that prohibition upon activity which is set forth above remains in effect for a period of two years after I have left city service. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything o1 value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-615 and 2-617 of the Miami City Code which requires that I submit to the city clerk a complete itemized list of all real property owned by me, whether the title be either legal or equitable, whether owned in whole or In part, including corporate real property in which I have a controlling interest or I am an officer of such corporation. I agree to submit to the city Berk said information in the required form verified and under oath within 30 days of my appointment and I shall Include the following information as to each parcel of land: (1) The legal description and common address; (2) The municipal or county zoning classification wherein the property is located: and (3) The manner in which the property is presently being utilized. I understand that I am required to list only those real properties that are located within the corporate limits of the city or those properties located 5DO feet beyond the corporate limits of the city. I agree to comply with all financial disclosure requirements of the City, the County and the Slate including the requirements set forth in Section 2-11.1 of the Miami -Dade County Code, and Florida Statutes Sec, 112-3145. 1 acknowledge that the code of ethics of Miami -Dade County shall apply to me as a member or alternate member of the planning advisory board or the zoning board and hereby agree to abide by all the provisions thereof. For additional information on Code citations, please visit the website of the Olrioe of the City Attorney at http:/A~ miamigov.com/ cityattorney/pages/Index.asp for intemet links to citations. I recognize that membership on the planning advisory board or the zoning board requires my regular attendance and participation at board meetings. I understand that attendance at board meetings is subject to the following point system: 1. Each member or aftemate member of the planning advisory board and the zoning board who arrives after the beginning of the first agenda item or leaves before the termination of the last agenda item, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the board, shall receive two points. 2. Any member or alternate member of the planning advisory board or zoning board who accumulates more than 15 points in one calendar year shall automatically be removed and the position declared vacant. Additionally, I understand that if I am appointed to the zoning board and I am absent, for whatever reason, from more than five (5) meetings in one calendar year, I shall be automatically removed from the board: or that it I am appointed to the planning advisory board and I am absent, for whatever reason, from more than six (6) meetings In one calendar year, I shall be automatically removed from the board. F7- Bo-dNMAPAB([B-0701.01 rayn o of I hereby certify that all information In this application Is complete, truthful, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I have read and understand the qualifications and conditions of membership listed in this application. v.. Print Name HAZEM MONEM 7-7 N 0 Signature '< < M W I -Tl Date Monday, February 25, 2008 >� C3 r z FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS (Please complete this form and submit to: Office of the City Clerk ATTN: Assistant City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 information may be copied and pasted ittt4 this form from other computer programs, i.e. MS Word. Information that is typed directly into the form may be 'Saved as Text" and then opened in other computer programs. For additional information on the Planning Advisory Board and/or the Zoning Board, ipiease contact kis. Teresita Fernandez, Executive Secretary, Hearing Boards, at (305) 416-2038 or email at: 1Fern4ndez� lC1 RItf7ov_£9_I i 9oilO6flA-PA9rLA-0701.01 Page 4 of 4 CITY OF MIAMI APPLICATION G " - for PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD and/or ZONWON)�UDAI-, G: 44 'RISCILLI, CIFY clr--K NAME: Charles AIVn Pruett CITY OF Mi n MI. FL irst ame a(LastName) RESIDENCE: 2901 South Bayshore Drive (Address ine Apartment 17A (Address Line CITY: Miami STATE: Florida ZIP: 33133 HOME PHONE: (305) 441-2733 CELL (305) 302-3283 FAX: (305) 443-8431 EMAIL: ApruettlOO@aol.com/aprueft@cq.wrtdesign.com PRINCIPLE BUSINESS/EMPLOYER: Wallace Roberts & Todd BUSINESS ADDRESS: 191 Giralda Avenue (AOdress ine (Address Line CITY: Coral Gables STATE: Florida ZIP: 33134 BUS. PHONE:305 448078 EXT. 24 Would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Board? (: Yes r No Would you like to serve on the Zoning Board? r Yes (*- No Please state if you have a preference for either board: Planning Advisory Board Are you an elector of the City of Miami? C: Yes SHORT STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (If you require additional space, attach additional pages.) 1. Describe the qualities, experience, expertise and/or abilities that you possess that would make you an effective board member that will act in the public interest. -PLEASE= SEE ATT—KnE - Ai` 1VT Forth Boards/MA-PABfLB-0701.01 Page 1 of 4 2. Describe your educational background and general knowledge of planning and zoning. I received a Bachelor of Arts, and Bachelor of Architecture degrees from Rice University in 1973 and 1975 respectively. In 1974 1 spent a year working as an intern at the planning firm of Wallace McHarg Roberts & Todd, as it was then known. That experience generated interest in urban development and community planning. - — --- Following completion of my architectural degree I went to work for Wallace Roberts & Todd, and began my career as an urban designer/community planner. As a junior professional I was involved in a wide variety of project types that included planning for urban redevelopment, and land development planning. I was also directly exposed to the work of Ian McHarg, then a principal of the firm, which was focused on environmentalIp anning and design, and which is described in his influential book "Design with Nature". 3. Describe any prior community or personal involvement that you have had that demonstrates interest in and concern for planning and planning implementation. For approximately three years I participated on the "Working Waterfront Committee", an entity created to participate in and monitor public involvement in the preparation o the Coconut drove aterfront Master Plan. Vey inv�vement in that group led to my app yang or a seat on t e oconut rove illage Council that was vacated when Marc Sa—moff was elected to the City Commission. I was selected to fill one of the two vacant seats, and_ began serving on the Council in March 2007. 4. Describe any planning or land use or growth management seminars thay you have attended. I have attended numerous conferences over the years, including those of the International Downtown Association (Ili - an organization ocused on downtown development, and the society foroflege an3Universiry Planning (SCUP) - an organization tocused on panning tor institutions ot nigner education. attend e U na iona conference everyey ar, and have been selected to speak at several of these conferences. Most recently I have begun to be involved with the Urban Land Institute, and attended one of their recent seminars regarding affordable and workforce housing. 5. Describe any membership in organizations having the primary aim of the furtherance of dissemination of knowledge of and support of sound planning and implementation programs. I am a member of the American Institute of Architects and the Society of College and University Planning. 6. Describe any other activity evidencing knowledge and interest in the public purposes of planning and plan implementation. PLEASE SEE ATTACHED STATEMENT "' o C) `" -4 —� = r_.TT x Form Boards/MA-PAB/ZB-0701.01 Page 2 of 4 I have read and understand the qualifications for members that are set forth in Sec. 62-124 of the City Code, Onld.-hpf 1b certify that: (1) 1 do not have any interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract,-job, work, or servi �r the city. r (2) 1 am in a position to represent the public interest, and do not have any personal or pri=8rWJstp6ely to conflict with the public interest. `J f ' (3) 1 do not hold any elective office in any governmental authority in the county or the city. IS CIL . 4 4 (4) 1 am not employed in a full-time capacity by any governmental authority in the county or the city? j" (5) As a member of the planning advisory board or of the zoning board I agree to participatEPg t I"' t(6be �r- iH66( jrtfplanning or zoning to be held in Florida, and approved by the city, during the course of each calendar year t4f.l"M�n a member or alternate member of the planning advisory board or of the zoning board. (6) 1 acknowledge that I am subject to removal from the board if I fail to meet this requirement each and every year after assuming board membership or alternate membership. (7) As a prospective appointee I am subject to a personal appearance before the city commission, to afford the city commission an opportunity to ascertain my proficiency in the English language, educational background and general knowledge of planning and zoning. (8) 1 am an elector of the City of Miami. An "elector of the City of Miami" means a person who: (1) is a citizen of the United States of America; (2) is 18 years of age or older; (3) has not been adjudicated mentally incapacitated with respect to voting in Florida or any other state; (4) has not been convicted of a felony in Florida, or any other state, without having had his/her civil rights restored; (5) is a resident of the City of Miami; and (6) is registered to vote in the City of Miami I agree to immediately notify the city clerk if I cease to be a resident and/or an elector of the city during the term of my office. I agree that if I were to become a candidate for elective political office during my term and qualify as a candidate for elective political office, such qualification shall be deemed a tender of my resignation from the board. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-611 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from entering into any con- tract or transacting any business with the city or any person or agency acting for the city, or from appearing in representation of any third party before any board, commission or agency of which I am member. I also understand that prohibition upon activity which is set forth above remains in effect for a period of two years after I have left city service. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-615 and 2-617 of the Miami City Code which requires that I submit to the city clerk a complete itemized list of all real property owned by me, whether the title be either legal or equitable, whether owned in whole or in part, including corporate real property in which I have a controlling interest or I am an officer of such corporation. I agree to submit to the city clerk said information in the required form verified and under oath within 30 days of my appointment and I shall include the following information as to each parcel of land: (1) The legal description and common address; (2) The municipal or county zoning classification wherein the property is located; and (3) The manner in which the property is presently being utilized. I understand that I am required to list only those real properties that are located within the corporate limits of the city or those properties located 500 feet beyond the corporate limits of the city. I agree to comply with all financial disclosure requirements of the City, the County and the State including the requirements set forth in Section 2-11.1 of the Miami-Dade County Code, and Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145. 1 acknowledge that the code of ethics of Miami-Dade County shall apply to me as a member or alternate member of the planning advisory board or the zoning board and hereby agree to abide by all the provisions thereof. For additional information on Code citations, please visit the website of the Office of, the City Attorney at http://www.miamigov.com/ cityattorney/pages/Index.asp for internet links to citations. I recognize that membership on the planning advisory board or the zoning board requires my regular attendance and participation at board meetings. I understand that attendance at board meetings is subject to the following point system: 1. Each member or alternate member of the planning advisory board and the zoning board who arrives after the beginning of the first agenda item or leaves before the termination of the last agenda item, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the board, shall receive two points. 2. Any member or alternate member of the planning advisory board or zoning board who accumulates more than 15 points in one calendar year shall automatically be removed and the position declared vacant.. Additionally, I understand that if I am appointed to the zoning board and I am absent, for whatever reason, from more than five (5) meetings in one calendar year, I shall be automatically removed from the board; or that if I am appointed to the planning advisory board and I am absent, for whatever reason, from more than six (6) meetings in one calendar year, I shall be automatically removed from the board. Form Boards/MA-PAB2B-0701.01 Page 3 of 4 I hereby certify that all information in this application is complete, truthful, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I have read and understand the qualifications and conditions of membership listed in this application. (: Yes Print Name Charles Alyn Pruett a n co o r -j C)ar Signature : o :X = r - } Date October 27, 2008 -�- e� r FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS Please complete this form and submit to: Office of the City Clerk ATTN: Assistant City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Information may be copied and pasted into this form from other computer programs, i.e.i MS Word. Information that is typed directly into the form may be "Saved as Text" and. then opened in other computer programs. For additional information on the Planning Advisory Board and/or the Zoning Board,; please contact Ms. Teresita Fernandez, Executive Secretary, Hearing Boards, at (305)' 416-2038 or email at: TFernandez(dmiamigov.com Paae 4 of 4 1. Describe the qualities, experience, expertise and/or abilities that you possess that would make you an effective board member that will act in the public interest. As a registered architect I have been actively involved with City and community planning since beginning my career in 1975. One of the early projects I worked on was the first "Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Development Plan", during which I participated as the junior planner for the Allapattah community. Subsequent to that, in the early 1980's I became involved in the preparation of Community Redevelopment Plans and have over the years prepared redevelopment plans for various communities around Florida including Jacksonville Beach, Delray Beach, West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale Beach and Key West. In the early 1990's I was the principal author of the State University System of Florida's "Guideline for the Comprehensive Campus Master Plan System". Modeled on the State's Comprehensive Planning guideline, this document was designed to bring the state university system into compliance with the State's growth management law. State Universities are required to comply with the Guideline as specified in Chapter 1013.30 of the state statutes. Following completion of that project our firm was retained to prepare the campus master plan for Florida Gulf Coast University — for which I was the principal -in -charge. My work for colleges and universities has also included the preparation of Campus Master Plans for Georgia Tech, the University of South Florida at Tampa, Florida International University, the University of Missouri at Kansas City, the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, the University of North Carolina Wilmington, and Agnes Scott College in Decatur Georgia. In the late 1990's I began working with housing authorities to prepare HOPE VI grant applications to revitalize severely distressed public housing sites through the creation of mixed - income communities. Successful grant applications I prepared included: Harris Homes and Capitol Homes in Atlanta, McCallie Homes in Chattanooga, George Foster Peabody Apartments in Columbus Georgia, Carver Homes in Orlando, and the Alamito Apartments in El Paso Texas. Combined these applications were successful in obtaining $163 million for construction of new housing. Other notable planning projects I have worked on include: the Master Plan for the United States Capitol - which addressed the U.S. Capitol Building, the House of Representatives, Senate, Supreme Court and Library of Congress facilities on Capitol Hill; and the Master Plan for the New Federal Capital of Nigeria. Currently my professional practice is focused in three areas: community planning, master planning for mixed -income commuriities and master planning for colleges and universities. N in o O X13 C'7 r s �-jR� L z 6. Describe any other activity evidencing knowledge and interest in the public purposes of planning and plan implementation. Since being selected to sit on the Coconut Grove Village Council I have been actively involved in planning issues of importance to Grove residents. Specifically, in the spring of 2007 I prepared an analysis of the NCD -3 overlay district in Coconut Grove R-1 districts, in response to resident's concerns about the recent construction of "McMansions". My presentation of this analysis to the Village Council included suggestions for how the ordinance could be improved to improve the relationships between existing and new single family houses in the Grove. The results of this analysis were presented to the City Commission in the. form of a Village Council resolution. A copy of this analysis and my recommendations was also provided to the planners working on Miami 21. In addition I have assisted Miami Neighborhoods United in their work to respond to and improve the Miami Comprehensive Plan / EAR amendments and Miami 21. Most recently - in July and August of 2008, I led a Village Council subcommittee that addressed concerns of Village West residents regarding the proposed "Grove Village on Grand" development. The work of the committee involved meeting with the developer and residents and culminated in a resolution passed by the Village Council supporting a variety of resident requests for the planning and design of this project. October 29, 2008 Pamela Burns City Clerk City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 RFr, F(ar- 2008 OCT OO AM 9: 43 'RISCILL;:A i FSr3Fi CITY CLL; -,K CITY OF Hi,'M1, FL Re. Application to serve on the Planning Advisory Board Dear Ms. Burns, Attached please find my application for the Planning Advisory Board. As we discussed on the phone today I have two questions regarding the requirements and limitations of service on the board, which are as follows: 1. If I am selected to serve on the Board, will I have to resign my position on the Coconut Grove Village Council? At present I have another year left on my current term on the Council. 2. I am a principal of the firm Wallace Roberts & Todd — planners, architects and landscape architects, with offices located in Coral Gables and other cities around the country. I note in the attachment to the application a statement that members of the PAB may not enter into contracts with the City. While we do not do a tremendous amount of work for the city, there may be times when we would like to pursue a planning or design project. I understand from my partner Gerald Marston, who serves on the Historic and Environmental Preservation Board that the City Commission may set aside the limitation on contracts upon application for a waiver, for a specific project, or instance. I would like to confirm this is the case. While I can accept the limitation in general, in these economic times it is not helpful to completely forfeit one's opportunity to pursue business opportunities. Having the ability to request a waiver would be a great help in addressing this concern. I realize these are legal questions that may take consultation with the City Attorney to answer. I would like to confirm the answers to these questions so that there is no misunderstanding on my part regarding service on the PAB. I am very happy to submit my application and look forward to the opportunity to serve the City. Should you have any questions or need further information please do not hesitate to contact me at: 305.302.3283 (cell), Apruettl00 a,aol.com. Best Regards, C - C. Alyn Pruett, AIA