HomeMy WebLinkAboutPre ResolutionMAY -29-2002 10:45 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 ese 161a F.02 J-02-111 2/4/02 RESCLUT ION NO , 02— 14 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT, ACCE?TING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER TO APPROVE THE FINDINGS OF THE SELECTION COMMITTEES, PURSUANT TO REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS, FOR THE MOST QUALIFIED FIRMS TO PROVIDE PROFZSSIONAL SERVICES FOR PUBLIC WORKS CATEGORY "B" DESIGNATED PROJECTS FOR 2002 THROUGH 2004 LISTED BY SPECIALTY N RANX ORDER; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENTS WITS EACH FIRM IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED THE AMOUNT INDICATED IN ATTACHMENT "A" FOR EACH SPECIALTY FOR EACH rIRM; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM INDIVIDUAL PROJECT ACCOUNTS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recommer_dataon of the Ci�y Manager to approve the findings of the selection Committee, pursuant to Request for Proposals, as to the moat qualified firms to provide professional engineering construction management services for Public Warks Category "B" designated pa7Ajects for 2002 through 2004, listed herein in rank order, are accepted: 1. The Corradino Group, Inc. 2. Nova Consulting Inc, 3. Marlin Engineering Inc, 4, Civil-Cadd Engineering Inc. S. CES Consultants, Inc. (ALTERNATE) 6. PBS&J (ALTERNATE) I CITY ac SSIQN FEB I � 2002 &--olut4= Np. �2- 144 .) MRY-25-2002 1x;45 C=TY CLERKS OFFICE 305 eye 1610 F.e� Section. 2. The recommendation of :he City Manager to approve the findings of the selection committee, pursuant to Request for Proposals, as to the most qualified firms to provide professional ADA requirement services for Puhlic Works Category "B" designated projects for 2002 through 2004, listed herein in rank oxder, are accepted: i. PHS&J' 2. R 0 Architects + Planners, Inc. 3. Gurri Mature, P. A. (ALTERNATE) Section 3. The recommendation oz the City Manager to approve the findings of the sejecticn committee, pursuant to Request for Proposals, as to the most qualified firms to provide professional architectural engineering services for Public Worms Catego-ry "B" designated projects for 2002 through 2004, 1-sted herein in rank order, are accepted: 1. CSA Southeast, Inc. (C.A.P. Eng. Consultants, Inc,) 2. Indigo Service Corporation Section 4. The recommendation of the City Manager to appzove the findings of trip selection committee, pursuant to Request for Proposals, as to the most qualified firms to provide professional architecture sexvice5 for Public Wozks Category "3" designated projects for 2002 through 2004, listed herein in rank oxder, are accepted: 1. Gurri Matute PA 2. Zyscovicr, Inc. 3. R.J. Heisenbottle Architects, P.A. 4, R.E. Chisholm Architects, Inc.. 5. Bermellcr Ajam�l & Partners, Inc. (ALTERNATE) 6. PBSJ (ALTERNATE) 4 Page 2 of 7 02— 144 MRY-25-2002 10:46 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1613 P.04 Section. 5. The recommendation of the City Manager to approve tl.e findings of the selection commd tlee, pursuant co Request for Proposals, as to the most qualified firms tc provide professional env_ronraental engineering services for Pub=ic Works Category "B" desagnated projects for 2002 through 2004, listed herein in rank order, are accepted: 1. ATC Group Services Inc. 2. E.J. Ross Associates, Inc. 3. (TRS Corporation 4. BND Engineers, Inc. 5. Nova Consulting Inc. (ALTERNATE) 6. Consulting Engineering & Science, lnc. (ALTERNATE) Section 6. The reccmmendation of the City Manager to approve the findings of the selection ccmmittee, pursuant to Request for Proposals, as to the most qualified firms to provide professional general engineering services fQr Public Works Category "B" designated projects for 2002 through 2004, listed herein in rank order, are accepted: — H.J. Ross Associates, Inc. 21 KI -Inde, Sprecher & Associates, Inc, 3. Metric Engineering, inc. 4. PBS&J 5. Marlin Engineering, -nc, 6. PHS Engineering Cc2p, 7. URS Corpozation (ALTERNATE) S. Kimley-Horn_ and Associates, Inc. (ALTERNATE) se;.tion 7. The recommendation of the City Manager to approve the findings ;,f the selection Committee, pursuant to Request for Proposals, as to the most qualified firms to provide Page 3 of 7 02- 144 MAY -29-12002 1x.46 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 B58 1610 P.05 professional landscape architecture services for Public WorkA Category "B" designated projects for 2002 through 2004, lis-�:ed herein its rank order, are accepted: 1. Falcon. & Bueno 2. Curtis & Rogers Design. Studio, Inc, 3. Kimley-Horn and AssQziate5, Inc. 4. FDAW, Inc. (ALTERNATE) Section B. The recommendation of the City Manager to approve the findings of the selection committee, pursuant to Request for Proposals, as to the mosti qualif_ed firms to provide p ofessional mechanical engineering services for Public Works, Category "e" designated projects for 2002 through 2004, listed herein in rank order, are accepted; Louis J Aguirre & Associates, P.A. 2. Johnson, Hernandez Associates Inc. 3. Gartek Engineering Corporation (ALTERNATE) Section 9. The recomtr.endation of the City :tanager to approve the findings of the selection committee, pursuanzr tc Request for Proposals, as to the most qual_fied firms to provide professional structural engineering services for Puhlic Works Category "B" designated projects for 2002 through 2004, listed herein in rank order, are accepted: I. San Martin Associates, Inc. 2.' Avart, Inc. 3. EAC Consulting, Inc. Section 10. The recommendation of the City Manager to approve the findings of the selection committee, pursuant to Request for Prgpasals, as to the most qualified firms to provide Page 4 of 7 A0.4. 1 A A MAY -29-2002 10:46 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1613 F. BE professional surveying and mapping services for Public Works Category "B" designated projects for 2002 through 2004, listed herein in rank order, are accepted: 1. PBS&J 2. Fernando Z. Gatell P. L. S., inc. 3, Weidener Surveying and Mapping, P. A. 4, Craven Thompson & Associates, Inc, 5. Williams, Hatfield & Stoner, Inc, 6. Leser, Perez & Associates, Inc. Section Il. The recommendation of the City Manager to approve the findings of the selection comm::ttee, pursuant to Request for Proposals, as to the most qualified firms to provide professional value analysis and cost estimate services for Public Works Category "B" designated projects for 2002 through 2004, listed herein in rank order, are accepted: 1. A2 Group, Inc. 2. PBS&J 3. Grace & Naeem Uddin (AL ZRI�ATE) Section 12, The recommendation of the City Manager to approve she findings of the selection comm;ttee, pursuant to Request for Proposals, as to the most qualified firm to provide professional air conditioning services for Public Works Category "B" designated projects for 2002 through 2004, listed herein is accepted: 1. Grace & Naeem Uddin Section 13. The recommendation of the City Manager to approve the findings of the selection committee, pursuant to Request for Proposals, as to the most qualified firm to provide Page 5 of 7 02- 144 MAY -29-2002 10:46 CITY CLERKS.OFFICE 305 859 1610 F.[7 professional 1_fe safety services for Public Works Category "B" designazecd projec:s for 2002 throug'� 2C04, ]._steel '-ere--'n is accepted: 1. Gurri Matute, P,A, Section 14. The recommendation of the City Manager to approve .the findings of the select_on committee, pursuant to Request for Proposals, as to the most qualified firms to provide professional roofing services far Public Works Categcry "B" designated projects for 2002 through 2004, listed herein in rank order, are accepted: i. Building Diagnostics Associates, PA 2. International Logistics Group Section 15. The City Manager is authorized!" to negotiate and execute Professional Services Agreements, in a form accepzable to the City Attorney, with each firm in an cmnount not to exceed ,i -e amount indicated in Attachment "A" fo-- each specialty for each firm, with finds allocated from individual project accounts. 1' The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with aAZ recm;Lrements that may be imposed by the City Attorney, including but ,not li ited tc those prescribed by applicable City Charter and Code prow' sions . Page 6 of 7 02— 144 1hAl'-fig- 02 1F] 47 CITY CLEWS OFFICE 3CIS 558 1610 P,06 Section 16. This Resolution sha_1 become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature cf the Mayor.` PASS�in AND AM?7t D this 14th day Of February 2002. ��/ �: ftp' C � .� -•t �'`' I,i�NUEL A. DIAZ, M") ATTEST: SylvA Scheider Acting Cit Jerk APPRWED A27TO ,FORM AND C0RRECTN7n$8 : t/ �ANDRO VILARELI,O TX ATTORNEY W5975:LB ?� If the Mayor does not Sian this Resolution, wt shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted, if the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become affective immediately upon overrido of the vmto by the City Commissien. Page 7 of. 7 02.• 144