HomeMy WebLinkAboutInterim Parking-MPD ConcernTop areas of concern for the Police Department are as
1. Signage- as per section 35-283 and 35-284 all parking lots
shall have two signs, one at each entrance of the parking lot for
which a license is granted, or if one entrance, then two signs at
such entrance, with letters not less than six inches in size
printed or painted thereon, indicating the lot type (i.e.
Temporary special event parking, short term event parking, or
interim parking), city license number, company name, lot
physical address, emergency contact number, and total number
of vehicles allowed, as well as indicating the price and fees
charge for automobile parking and the period of time for which
such fee or price is charged. The sign shall be displayed not
less than five feet from the ground nor more than eight feet
above the ground.
2. Lighting- for all lots utilized after dusk lighting shall be required
and should be of adequate intensity and placement to create a
near daylight appearance without creating unnecessary
shadows or dark zones and arranged to prevent glare or
excessive light on adjacent properties.
3. Fencing- perimeter fencing shall be required to control access
to lots to specified entrances and exits and shall not be of the
chain link type but shall be either decorative wrought iron or
aluminum picket or other decorative yet secured fencing subject
to the review and approval of the Director of the Department of
Planning and Zoning. Also required will be access gates
allowing the lot to be secured when not in used.
4. Surface- parking lot surface shall be level, clean of obstacles,
debris and any items which could cause injury or damage to
patrons and their vehicles. If lot does not have adequate
drainage resulting in excessive standing water lot can not be
operated until the condition no longer exists.
5. Parking attendant- all lots without defined parking stalls and
access isles shall be required to have a dedicated parking
attendant designated to direct the movements of vehicles
entering and exiting the lots. This attendant shall be separate
from the parking attendant assigned to the entrance or exit of
said lot. Parking attendant shall be present from one hour prior
and for a minimum of 45 minutes after lot has been opened and
closed. Parking attendants shall be required to submit a formal
application and photo ID to parking lot operators which shall be
kept on file and subject to review. Employees shall be required
to wear uniform shirts or vests identifying themselves as
employees of the licensed operator. Parking attendants
assigned to the entrance and exit shall keep an accurate count
of number of vehicles inside the lot at all times, subject to
review by Code Enforcement Officers, City Police Officers and
City Parking Network employees.
6. Security- lots capable of containing 50 vehicles or more or
operators operating several lots at one time which total 50
vehicles or more are required to have licensed uniform security
separate from the parking attendants required to operate the lot
or lots, for one hour prior to and for a minimum 45 minutes after
lot has been open and closed. Lots having the capacity of over
125 vehicles shall require a minimum of one City Police Officer,
instead of uniform security.