HomeMy WebLinkAboutPre Legislation 10FEB -20-2003 17=34 CITY M44q ERS CFFICE 305 416 101E P.03/06 RESOLUTION NC. A RESOLUTION Or T:� MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ALT=-iORZ Z I NG THE CONA7EYANCE OF TIKO (2) CITY - OWINTEID VACANT PARCELS LOCATED iN T"tiE ALLArP.2anzF. NE.1G1-MGRHOOD TO PLL) LPATTAH BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, INC. AS iIE'�LOPER AT NO COST FOR 7AE DEVZLOPMEENT OF r40 (2) NSW SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES AFFORDABLE TO FAMILIES AND I2vMIVIDUALS Or LOW AND MODERATE !NCOME, SUBJECT TO THE DEVELOPER : (1) AGREEING TO PAY : qE COST OF ELIMINA 1 -NIG ALL TITLE DEFECTS EXISTING ON TIM PARCELS, (2) PROVIDING $VIDENCE ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY OF FIRM COMMITMENTS FOR PROJECT CONSTRUC':ION ATLTD PERIXWENT FINANCING FOR PURCHASE BY QUALIFIED HOMEBUYERS, (3) COM"IFNCING CONSTRUCTION WZ=HIN TWELVE MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF CONVEYANCE BY THE CITY, (4 ) COMPLYING wIT-ri OTH-rR TERMS AND CONDITIONS, INCLUDING PARCEL REVERTER PROVISIONS, AS DEEly= APPROPRIATE BY THE CITY MANAGER AND TF'.E CITY ATTORNEY, AND (5 ) PRO IBING THE ADMINIST.iATION WITii A STATUS REPORT CONCERNING THE TITLE TO THE PARCELS WITHIN NINETY (90) DAYS FROM THE DAZE OF CON-VEYANCE ; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MA_MAGER Tb =CUTB ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENT (S) , IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORI'QW, FOR SAID PURPOSE, S?Jn.'£CT TO APPLICABLE CITY CODE PROVISIONS. WHEREAS, a severe shortage of housing exists in the City of Miami (City) within the affordability range of families and individuals cf iow and moderate-ircome; and WhTREAS, pursuant to Reaoiution No. 99-429, adcrted July 22, 1999, the City Commission approved the City's prcposed Five FE -1-20-2003 17:34 C ? iY MAr4q3ERS UF I CE 305 416 1015 P. 34/136 (5' Year Consci_cated F=ar: i_55° -20C4; ;z.G.r:) =cr S-Lj' ss -on to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development includ.irg, as a major component cf the Plan, a ::cL+si:�g s:rate=y designed to facil_tate the annual creation of 1,000 new hcmeownership units for purchase by very low, lcw and moderate --income families; and wi-:EREAS, the twc (2) parcels are vacant properties owned by City of Miami & d the development plan proposed by A_lapattah Pusiness Development Authority, Inc. cor_forrrs to the Plan; and WHEREAS, Section 29-B of the Charter of the City of Miami, Flex:.da, as amended, aliowa for the conveyance or disposi:.aon of City -owned property ir, connection with the implementation of City -assisted housing programs or projects intended to benefit persons or househc1ds of low or moderate -income without cc-npetitive bidding requirements and fair ra_ket value return to the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'irE COMMISS:0N OF THE CITY OF K AMI, FLOR,DAt Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Pzeamb:e to this Resolution, are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The cenvevance of the following two (2) parcels at no cost to the Develaper is hereby aut:zorized suject ,Cc the Developer ;i) aeree:Lrg to pay the cost of elimirlat:.rg all title defects exastinc or. the parce2s, i2) prov_ding evidence Pace 2 of 4 FEB -2o -20W 17:34 C 1 TY ''t��rk r� O F i CE 305 416 1019 P. 85./06 acceptable :0 the C_t c .ire: ccrt-,itments For pro4eCZ construction and perm4nent f for -,:-,;rchase by qL:a__ iet3' low and moderate income home_l.yers, (3) comnencemer_t Of construction on the oa_cels wit;.in twelve (12" Tncnts -_om he date of conveyance to the Developer by the City, (4) complying with Otte: terms and conditi-cns, 1I7C1::d1rC reverter prcvisiors for each: parcel, as deemed app ropy=ate by t e City Ma nage` and. the Citv P.ttorney, and (5) p_aviding the administration with a status report concerning the title to the parcels within ninety (90) days from the date of conveyance: 790 NW 29 Terrace 2374 W 33 St=ee, Sectio`. 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute all necessary document(_), in da fora, acceptable to the City Attorney, subDect to applicable City Code prcvisicns. Secticn 4. This Resoluticn Shall become effect4�ve immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.v PASSED AND ADOP73i this Cay of , 2003. KlNLr-r'L A. DIAZ, MAYOR " If t -he Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten (10; calendar days from. the date it was passed and adopted. If the N'.aycr vetoes this Resolution, it shah become effective itRrrediate.y jpcT. override c: the. -:e;,c by the City cornission. Pace, = Cf 4 -20-2003 1? : C 1-y MAt�lf Go; -= OFF CE 305 416 1019 F. 06/06 FEB Fttest. PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: AL,EJANDRO VILARELLO CITY ATTORNEY Pace 4 C' E TU r'iL P. 06