HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnalysis and Maps-SUB4 PURE/ THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT City of Miami Planning Department G 0 Q a. NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled for a pubic hearing in cordonce kh timelines set forth in the city of Miamc w Code.The applica de decision -making body NOR renew the Information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. 44, ''VIEW COr- PZ-19-4230 09/21/23 STAFF ANALYSIS FOR A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-19-4230 Location 118 Southwest South River Drive and 437 and 445 Southwest 2 Street Area Approximately 1.637 Acres (71,332 Square Feet) Commissioner District Office Little Havana City Commissioner Joe Carollo Existing FLU Designation Medium Density Multifamily Residential Proposed FLU Designation Medium Density Restricted Commercial Applicant RIVER INN SRD, LLC Applicant Representative Amanda Bonvecchio Email: amandabonvecchio@gmail.com Planner Darren Murphy, Planner II Email: dmuphy@miamigov.com Recommendation Approval A. REQUEST Pursuant to Policy LU-1.6.4 of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan ("MCNP"), River Inn SRD, LLC ("the Applicant") is requesting an amendment to Ordinance No. 10544, the Future Land Use Map ("FLUM") of the MCNP to change the designation of the properties at 118 Southwest South River Drive and 437 and 445 Southwest 2 Street (the "Property") from "Medium Density Multifamily Residential" to "Medium Density Restricted Commercial". The proposed amendment contains approximately 1.64 acres (71,332 Square Feet). A Small- scale comprehensive plan amendment involves less than 10 acres of property and is subject to the Small -Scale Review Process, as set forth in Section 163.3187, Florida Statutes. Concurrently, the Applicant is requesting a change to the Miami 21 Zoning Atlas as a companion item (PZ-19-2769). The companion application seeks to change the Property's zoning designation from "T4-R", General Urban Transect Zone — Restricted ("T4-R") to T5-O, Urban Center Transect Zone -Open ("T5-O"). The table below summarizes the proposed changes, please refer to Table 1. PZ-19-4230: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR -Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 1 of 15 9/15/2023 14985 - Analysis and Maps -SUB THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT This submittal needs to be scheduled for a pubic hearing In accordance w'kh timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code.The applica de decision -making bodywill review the Infonna*ion at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. # Address Folio FLUM Existing FLUM Proposed Miami 21 Existing Miami 21 Proposed 1 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR 0102010801020 Medium Density Multifamily Residential Medium Density Restricted Commercial T4-R T5-O 2 437 SW 2 ST 0102010801160 3 445 SW 2 ST 0102010801150 Table 1: Summary of the Existing and Proposed FLU Designations and Zoning Designations The Property is bordered by the following Thoroughfares: to the north: Southwest 1 St, to the east Southwest South River Drive, to the south: Southwest 2 Street, and to the west Southwest 5 Street, please refer to Figure 1. The Property consists of three (3) parcels that is approximately 1.623 Acres (70.668 Square Feet). PZ-19-4230: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR -Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 2 of 15 9/15/2023 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT Figure 1: Aerial Photo of Subject Site (red outline) B. RECOMMENDATION This submittal needs to be scheduled for a public nearing In accordance wkh timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applica de decision -making bodywill renew the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. The Planning Department recommends Approval of the requested amendment to the Future Land Use Map ("FLUM") of the MCNP from "Medium Density Multifamily Residential" to "Medium Density Restricted Commercial," request based upon the facts and findings in this staff report. PZ-19-4230: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR -Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 3 of 15 9/15/2023 4 PURE/ THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT C. BACKGROUND G 0 Q Q. NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled for a puboc hearing in cord once kh timelines set forth in the city of Miamc w Code.The applica de decision -making body NOR renew the Information at the pubs hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. 44, ''VIEW COr- PZ-19-4230 09/21/23 On September 30,1986, per Resolution HC-86-14, the Heritage Conservation Board ("HBC") made a recommendation to the Miami City Commission to designate 428 Southwest 1 Street, 438 Southwest 1 Street, 431 Southwest 2 Street, 433 Southwest 2 Street, 435 Southwest 2 Street, 437 Southwest 2 Street, 104 Southwest South River Drive, 109 Southwest South River Drive, 118 Southwest South River Drive, and 124 Southwest South River Drive as the South River Drive Historic District ("Historic District"). On November 18, 1986, per Resolution HC-86-20, the HBC recommended that 428 and 438 Southwest 1 Street., 437 Southwest 2 Street, and 104, 109 and 118 Southwest South River Drive be nominated to the National Register of Historic Places. On January 22, 1987, per Ordinance 10213, the Miami City Commission designated 428 Southwest 1 Street, 438 Southwest 1 Street, 431 Southwest 2 Street, 433 Southwest 2 Street, 435 Southwest 2 Street, 437 Southwest 2 Street, 104 Southwest South River Drive, 109 Southwest South River Drive, 118 Southwest South River Drive, and 124 Southwest South River Drive as the South River Drive Historic District. On March 17, 1987, per Resolution HC-87-6, the HBC reaffirmed the recommendation that the 438 Southwest 1 Street., 437 Southwest 2 Street, and 104, 109 and 118 Southwest South River Drive be nominated to the National Register of Historic Places. On August 10, 1987, the properties located at 428 and 438 Southwest 1 Street., 437 Southwest 2 Street, and 104, 109 and 118 Southwest South River Drive were listed on the National Register of Historic Places as the South River Drive Historic District. On November 3, 2015, the Historic and Environmental Preservation Board, per Resolution HEPB-R-15-101, granting a Special Certificate of Appropriate to allow for three (3) exceptions to permit a Hotel Use, a Food Service Establishment, and an Outdoor Dining area at the Property. D. EXISTING AND PROPOSED FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION Existing The three (3) parcels included in this request have existing Miami Neighborhood Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan's (MCNP) Future Land Use (FLU) designations of "Medium Density Multifamily Residential". Areas designated as "Medium Density Multifamily Residential" allow residential structures to a maximum density of 65 dwelling units per acre, and maximum residential density may be increased by up to one hundred percent (100%), subject to the detailed provisions of the applicable land development regulations and the maintenance of required levels of service for facilities and services included in the City's adopted concurrency management requirements. PZ-19-4230: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR -Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 4 of 15 9/15/2023 PURE/ THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT G 0 Q Q. 4 NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled for a puboc hearing in cord once kh timelines set forth in the city of Miamc w Code.The applica de decision -making body NOR renew the Information at the pubs hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. 44, RSV! EW COr- PZ-19-4230 09/21/23 Supporting services such as community -based residential facilities (14 clients or less, not including drug, alcohol, or correctional rehabilitation facilities) will be allowed pursuant to applicable state law; community -based residential facilities (15-50 clients) and day care centers for children and adults may be permissible in suitable locations. Permissible uses within medium density multifamily areas also include commercial activities that are intended to serve the retailing and personal services needs of the building or building complex, small scale limited commercial uses as accessory uses, subject to the detailed provisions of applicable land development regulations and the maintenance of required levels of service for such uses, places of worship, primary and secondary schools, and accessory post- secondary educational facilities. Professional offices, tourist and guest homes, museums, and private clubs or lodges are allowed only in contributing structures within historic sites or historic districts that have been designated by the Historical and Environmental Preservation Board and are in suitable locations within medium density multifamily residential areas, pursuant to applicable land development regulations and the maintenance of required levels of service for such uses. Density and intensity limitations for said uses shall be restricted to those of the contributing structure(s). roposed The Applicant is seeking to change the existing MCNP's FLU from "Medium Density Multifamily Residential" to "Medium Density Restricted Commercial". Areas designated as "Medium Density Restricted Commercial" allow residential uses (except rescue missions) to a maximum density equivalent to "Medium Density Multifamily Residential" subject to the same limiting conditions; transitory residential facilities such as hotels and motels. This category also allows general office use, clinics and laboratories, auditoriums, libraries, convention facilities, places of worship, and primary and secondary schools. Also allowed are commercial activities that generally serve the daily retailing and service needs of the public, typically requiring easy access by personal auto, and often located along arterial or collector roadways, which include: general retailing, personal and professional services, real estate, banking and other financial services, restaurants, saloons and cafes, general entertainment facilities, private clubs and recreation facilities, major sports and exhibition or entertainment facilities and other commercial activities whose scale and land use impacts are similar in nature to those uses described above. This category also includes commercial marinas and living quarters on vessels as permissible. The nonresidential portions of developments within areas designated as "Medium Density Restricted Commercial" allow a maximum floor lot ratio (FLR) of 6.0 times the net lot area of the subject property. The map below shows the "Existing" (Medium Density Multifamily Residential) and "Proposed" (Medium Density Restricted Commercial" FLU designations for the Applicant's Property. PZ-19-4230: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR -Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 5 of 15 9/15/2023 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT Figure 2: Existing Land Use Map — Medium Density Multifamily Residential, color = light brown NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled fora pubic hearing In aaordancc whh timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicable decision -making body NOR resiew the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decla on. Figure 3" Proposed Future Land Use Map — Medium Density Restricted Commercial, color = light pink E. NEIGHBORHOOD CONTEXT-SOCIODEMOGRAPHICS The subject properties are located within the 2020 Census Tract 12086003605 (the "Census Tract"). According to the 2020 Census, the Median Family Income for all families for this Census Tract is $19,911 which is 61.43 percent lower than the Median Family Income for all families for the City of Miami ($51,625) and 70.85 percent lower than the Area Median Income (AMI) in Miami -Dade County ($68,300). The Census Tract in which the Property is located has a total of 1,441 households as compared to the City of Miami with 181,597 households. The percentage of people living in poverty in this Census Tract is 27.33 percent, which is 23.71 percent higher than the City of Miami at 20.85 percent. The 2020 Census showed that 90.98 percent of the residents in the subject Census Tract rented, as compared to 69.98 percent for the City of Miami. The median rent for a unit in this Census Tract is $1,113, as compared to $1,361 for the City of Miami. This information is summarized in the table below. Census Variables Census Tract City of Miami Population 3,433 442,241 Total Households 1,441 181,597 Average Household Size 1.82 2.38 People in Poverty (All) 27.33% 20.85% Number of Homeowners (All) 9.02% 30.02% PZ-19-4230: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR -Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 6 of 15 9/15/2023 4 PURL, THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT G 0 Q a. NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled for a puboc hearing In accord once wkh amarines set forth in the City of Miami Code.The applica de decision -making body NOR reWew the Infommaoon at the pubUc hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. 44, ''VIEW COr- PZ-19-4230 09/21/23 Number of Renters (All) 90.98% 69.98% Vacant Rate 17.84% 13.97% Median Family Income (All Families) $19,911 $51,625 Median Gross Rent $1,113 $1,361 Table 2: Summary of 2020 Census Data for Subject Census Tract: 12086003605, Source: Census F. SPATIAL ANALYSIS DISCUSSION Planning Staff replicated the required one-half mile radius criteria as stipulated in Article 7, Section (2.) (g.), used for the companion Rezoning application (PZ-19-2769) in performing a Spatial Analysis of the existing MCNP's FLU designations and to summarize the findings, please refer to Table 3 and Figure 6 (the "Study Area map"). Study Area Citywide FLUM Designation Acreage % Total Acreage % Total Central Business District 30.55733448 5.87% 199.2179 1.65% General Commercial 8.418085239 1.62% 991.9744 8.22% High Density Multifamily Residential 20.95465613 4.03% 223.5258 1.85% Industrial 19.53406482 3.76% 449.4634 3.72% Light Industrial 7.298177873 1.40% 511.859 4.24% Low Density Restricted Commercial 7.194453388 1.38% 144.4388 1.20% Major Inst, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities 79.32427617 15.25% 2082.872 17.26% Medium Density Multifamily Residential 104.6455125 20.12% 1424.06 11.80% Medium Density Restricted Commercial 21.90051891 4.21% 864.397 7.16% Public Parks and Recreation 13.889599 2.67% 1330.591 11.02% Restricted Commercial 206.4700444 39.69% 3847.147 31.87% 520.186723 100.00% 12069.55 100.00% Table 3: Comparison in the total percentages (in acreage) between the Study Area and Citywide When comparing the total percentages, in acreage, between the Study Area and Citywide, a couple of notable differences are made apparent: • Restricted Commercial for the Study Area is the largest total percentage of 39.69 percent versus the Citywide total percentage of 31.87 percent. • Medium Density Multifamily Residential of the Study Areas is the second largest total percentage 20.12 percent versus the Citywide total percentage of 11.80 percent. Based on the Study Area map, the Property's eastern property line straddles the border between the two MCNP, FLU designations: Restricted Commercial and Medium Density PZ-19-4230: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR -Comprehensive Plan Application - Page 7 of 15 9/15/2023 PURL ic THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT 4 0 Q- Q. NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled fora pubic hearing In aaordanre whh timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicable decislon-making bodywill reWew the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decla on. 44, Rebl EW CO - PZ-19-4230 09/21/23 Multifamily Residential. Furthermore, Applicant's Property is directly fronting two (2) Commercial Corridors: SW 1 St and SW South River Dr, please refer to Figure 6. W FWGLER .. W-SRG ST ATk5 k r SW 5T115 Pass, Tenlia; C8 `erci..i f 0 0,125 025 0.5 Mlles I r 1 I I 1 l r I Figure 6: Study Area map: an analysis of the properties within a one-half mile radius of the subject property (yellow hlajcr Inst, P_tfic Fac II[les. Trans,: And that Pub c raac'I.:m rensr Pares an.: Fte-,eal.0„ P.=.s.nda MedLm Ce-sny r,c Gann`Cmlal NE 6Tx 5T Ef L.AGLER57 One -Hoff Mile Analysis of the Subject Property. The 'Idenlifioniton of exisilrrg MCNP-designaled FLU dosignations. A outline) regarding the existing condition of the radius properties and the current Future Land Use designations of the radius properties. G. MCNP's LEVEL OF SERVICE (LOS) - CONCURRENCY ANALYSIS The Planning Department tested the MCNP's Levels of Service (LOS) requirements for this application. The MCNP's LODS testing is based on a potential increase in population. For this request, there would be no change to the allowed density. Furthermore, the allowed density for both the existing and the proposed Future Lade Use designations will remain the same at 65 dwelling units per acre, please refer to Attachment 2. Schools As there would be no increase in the residential population, testing of school concurrency is not required for this application. Recreation and Open Space The MCNP requires a 10-minute, 1/2-mile barrier -free walk to a park entrance to meet public Levels of Service (LOS). The Planning Department conducted an analysis in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to test the LOS for this proposal and found that it meets LOS PZ-19-4230: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR -Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 8 of 15 9/15/2023 PUBL ics THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT G 0 Q Q. 4 NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled fora pubic hearing In aaordancc whh timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicable decision -making body NOR resiew the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decla on. 44, Reb! Ew CO PZ-19-4230 09/21/23 standards. Jose Marti Park is immediately adjacent to the Property. In addition, Riverside Park is within a 10-minute walk to the Property. Both parks provide ample recreational amenities and passive open space. Potable Water The MCNP LOS standard for potable water service is 92.05 gallons per capita per day (GCPD). Potential consumption by residential uses would not change, as the allowed density is remaining the same; however, LOS standards do not take into consideration the consumption of non-residential use. Sanitary Sewer Transmission The MCNP LOS standard for Sanitary Sewer is 141 GPCD. Consultation with the Miami -Dade County Water and Sewer Department is required prior to the issuance of any building permit or its functional equivalent to ensure new development can be adequately serviced. Solid Waste Collection The City's LOS standard for Solid Waste is 1.28 tons/resident/year. The Franchise Agreement the City maintains provides flexibility to address fluctuations in solid waste production. Transportation The MCNP has updated its LOS standards for the City with the most recent update of the Transportation Element. In the December 2019 concurrency review for this application, the Office of Capital Improvements acknowledged that the difference in daily trips is estimated to be approximately 3,789 on based on this proposal. Based on the preliminary analysis for transportation concurrency, additional information is needed to help determine the impact of the application. H. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ANALYSIS The following is an analysis of the application relative to the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the MCNP. Criteria 1 Policy LU-1.6.4: "Any proposal to amend the City's Zoning Atlas that has been deemed to require an amendment to the Future Land Use Plan Map by the Planning Department, shall require a level of service (LOS) review and a finding from the Planning Department that the proposed amendment will not result in a LOS that falls below the adopted minimum standards described in Policy CI-1.2.3, and will not be in conflict with any element of the MCNP. Based on its evaluation, and on other relevant planning considerations, the Planning Department will forward a recommended action on said amendment to the Planning Advisory Board, which will then forward its recommendation to the City Commission." PZ-19-4230: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR -Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 9 of 15 9/15/2023 4 PURE/ THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT G 0 Q Q. NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled for a pubic hearing in cordonce kh timelines set forth in the city of Miamaccord w Code.The applica de decision -making body NOR renew the Information at the pubs hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. 44, 14-VI EW COr- PZ-19-4230 09/21/23 Analysis 1 Staff analyzed the amendment for concurrency and found that all levels of service are met. All concurrency analyses are attached separately. See Attachment 2. Finding 1 Staff finds the request consistent with Policy LU-1.6.4 Criteria 2 Policy LU-1.1.7: "Land development regulations and policies will allow for the development and redevelopment of well -designed mixed -use neighborhoods that provide for the full range of residential, office, live/work spaces, neighborhood retail, and community facilities in a walkable area and that are amenable to a variety of transportation modes, including pedestrianism, bicycles, automobiles, and mass transit." Policy TR-1.1.5: "The City will encourage new development to be structured to reinforce a pattern of neighborhoods and urban centers by focusing growth along transit corridors and around transit nodes and centers." Analysis 2 The Property is located along Southwest 1 Street, which, to the east in Downtown and west in Little Havana, consists of commercial and mixed -use development. This block is the only block along the corridor, east of Southwest 22 Avenue, within a two-mile radius, which has a FLU designation that doesn't allow any type of non-residential uses. A mixed -use designation would better align with those designations immediately to the east and west along the corridor. Additionally, Southwest 1 Street is a Transit Corridor, and a portion of the Property is within the Government Center Station Transit Oriented Development. These transportation assets encourage a mix of uses, as well as the accessibility of the public to an important historic asset for the City of Miami. While the rehabilitation and preservation of the buildings on the Property are not new development, renewed business development will aid in the preservation of the structures, and the presence of the district within the TOD and Transit Corridor will make them more accessible to residents within the City. Finding 2 Staff finds the proposed amendment consistent with Policies LU-1.1.7 and TR- 1.1.5. Criteria 3 Policy LU-1.1.3: "The City's zoning ordinance provides for the protection of all areas of the city from (1) the encroachment of incompatible land uses; (2) the adverse impacts of future land uses in adjacent areas that disrupt or degrade public health and safety, or natural or man-made amenities;...Strategies to further protect existing neighborhoods through the development of appropriate transition standards and buffering requirements will be incorporated into the City's land development regulations." PZ-19-4230: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR -Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 10 of 15 9/15/2023 PURL/ THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT G 0 Q Q. 4 NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled for a puboc hearing in cord once kh timelines set forth in the city of Miamc w Code.The applica de decision -making body NOR renew the Information at the pubs hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. 44, RSVIEW COr- PZ-19-4230 09/21/23 Analysis 3 Existing FLU designations around the Property, to the east and north, support higher density and a variety of uses with a Restricted Commercial designation. Further west, on the adjacent block, the designation is the same. With a Medium Density Multifamily Residential designation to the south, the allowed intensity is compatible with both the existing and proposed FLU designations, as they allow the same level of development capacity. Given the fact that the proposed designation, Medium Density Restricted Commercial, would not increase the allowed density on the Property, the only change would be the introduction of non-residential uses. The Property is situated on the portion of the block where Southwest South River Drive runs underneath Southwest 1 Street, and the predominant FLU designation is Restricted Commercial. The proposed amendment would harmonize the character on either side of Southwest 1 Street and Southwest South River Drive. Furthermore, the Property has contained a hotel or rooming house use since the construction of the original buildings, beginning in 1908. The proposed amendment would not present further adverse impacts while simplifying the process of harmonizing the existing use with nearby residential areas to the south. Finding 3 Staff finds the request consistent with Policy LU-1.1.3. Criteria 4 Policy CM-4.1.2: "Continue to direct population away from the Coastal High Hazard Area..." Analysis 4 The Property is within the Coastal High Hazard Area as designated by the MCNP. The amendment would change the allowed uses from strictly residential to a variety of uses, including commercial, office, hotel, and residential. This would allow the property owner to develop the property without residential uses, putting fewer residents at risk from threats from coastal hazards. Finding 4 Staff finds the request consistent with Policy CM-4.1.2. Criteria 5 Policy LU-1.6.9: "The City's land development regulations and policies will establish mechanisms to mitigate the potentially adverse impacts of new development on existing neighborhoods through the development of appropriate transition standards and buffering requirements." Goal LU-2: "Preserve and protect the heritage of the City of Miami through the identification, evaluation, rehabilitation, adaptive reuse, restoration and public awareness of Miami's historic, architectural and archaeological resources." Analysis 5 Per the designation report, five (5) of the structures on the Property were constructed in the early 1910s and exemplify the architectural trends in Miami prior to 1915. Located within the close proximity of the Miami River and the PZ-19-4230: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR -Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 11 of 15 9/15/2023 PURL/ THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT G 0 Q a. 4 NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled for a puboc hearing in cord once kh timelines set forth in the city of Miamc w Code.The applica de decision -making body NOR renew the Information at the pubs hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. 44, V ''VIEW COv" PZ-19-4230 09/21/23 Flagler Street bridge, these structures served as rooming houses to tourists and potential new residents. The proposed amendment would help to preserve the character and nature of these structures by aligning the FLU designation with the historic land use development pattern of the area. By aligning the FLU designation with historic preservation designations, historic Uses can be preserved and protected. Finding 5 Staff finds the request to be consistent with Policy LU-1.6.9 and Goal LU-2. I. CONCLUSION Based on the above background information, the Planning Department recommends Approval of the request to amend the designation on the FLUM from "Medium Density Multifamily Residential" to "Medium Density Restricted Commercial" for the properties located at 118 SW South River Dr and 437 SW 2 St, and 445 SW 2 St, Miami, FL. PZ-19-4230: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR -Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 12 of 15 9/15/2023 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT This submittal needs to be scheduled for a pubic hearing in cord since w'rch timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code.The applica de decision -making bcdywill rewew the information at the pubdc hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. DocuSigned by: batis a. htf, `-7F35EEF0C6C349F... Lakisha Hull, AICP, LEED AP BD+C Planning Department Director DocuSigned by: StAAAAAAAA, S'ItitAA V' 3A75CAC5AF7E446... Sevanne Steiner, CNU-A, Assistant Director Planning Department ,—DocuSigned by: 7 AvruA, k A8 Darren Murphy, Planner II Planning Department Attachments: Attachment 1 — South River Drive Historic District Designation Report Attachment 2 — MCNP's LOS, Concurrency Management Analysis PZ-19-4230: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR -Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 13 of 15 9/15/2023 AERIAL EPLAN ID: PZ-19-4230 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT ADDRESSES: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR, 437 SW 2 ST & 445 SW 2 ST THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT 0 125 250 500 Feet This submittal needs to be scheduled for a public hearing in accordance with tl mellres set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applica de decision-rna king body will renew the lnfonnaton at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. PZ-19-4230 09/21/23 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT FUTURE LAND USE MAP (EXISTING) EPLAN ID: PZ-19-4230 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT ADDRESSES: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR, 437 SW 2 ST & 445 SW 2 ST 0 125 250 Thla submittal needs to be schedu led for a public hearing In accordance wiHr hmellnes set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applies de deoIsion-making bcdy will review the Information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final dada on. PZ-19-4230 09/21/23 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT FUTURE LAND USE MAP (PROPOSED) EPLAN ID: PZ-19-4230 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT ADDRESSES: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR, 437 SW 2 ST & 445 SW 2 ST 0 125 250 44W,flApf • 500 Feet Thla submittal needs to be scheduled for a public hearing In accordance wiHr hmellnes set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applies de deoIsion-making bcdy will review the Information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a fine) dada on. PZ-19-4230 09/21/23 SUBSTITUTED This submittal needs to be sche in accordance with bmelln Miami Ccde.The applica renew the inter nalion a recommend City of Miami Planning Department STAFF ANALYSIS FOR A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDM d bra public hearing et forth in the city of ecision-making bcdy will public hearing to render a n or a final dec.ie on. 9-4230 Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-19-4230 Location 118 Southwest South River Dr' and 437 and 445 Southwest 2 Street Area Approximately 1.637 Acre 71,332 Square Feet) Commissioner District Office Little Havana City Commissioner Joe Carollo Existing FLU Designation Medium Density Itifamily Residential Proposed FLU Designation Medium Densit estricted Commercial Applicant RIVER INN D, LLC Applicant Representative Amanda B vecchio Email: a ndabonvecchio@gmail.com Planner Darre urphy, Planner II Ema' . dmuphy@miamigov.com Recommendation Ap oval Pursuant to Policy LU-1.6.4 o e Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan ("MCNP"), River Inn SRD, LLC ("the Applica ) is requesting an amendment to Ordinance No. 10544, the Future Land Use Map ("FLUM") ." the MCNP to change the designation of the properties at 118 Southwest South River ► ive and 437 and 445 Southwest 2 Street (the "Property") from "Medium Density M family Residential" to "Medium Density Restricted Commercial". The proposed ame . ment contains approximately 1.64 acres (71,332 Square Feet). A Small- scale comprehen ' e plan amendment involves less than 10 acres of property and is subject to the Small -Scale eview Process, as set forth in Section 163.3187, Florida Statutes. Concurrent) companio zoning Urba cha , the Applicant is requesting a change to the Miami 21 Zoning Atlas as a item (PZ-19-2769). The companion application seeks to change the Property's signation from "T4-R", General Urban Transect Zone — Restricted ("T4-R") to T5-O, enter Transect Zone -Open ("T5-O"). The table below summarizes the proposed es, please refer to Table 1. PZ-19-4230: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR -Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 1 of 15 9/15/2023 SUBSTITUTED This submittal needs to be schedu In accord ancewkh timelines Miami Code.The applicade reNewthe information at recommendati # Address Folio FLUM Existing FLUM Proposed Miami 21 Existin 7/' Mia Propd 1 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR 0102010801020 Medium Density Multifamily Residential Medium Density Restricted Commercial 2 437 SW 2 ST 0102010801160 3 445 SW 2 ST 0102010801150 Table 1: Summary of the Existing and Proposed FLU Designations and Zoning The Property is bordered by the following Thoroughfares: to the east Southwest South River Drive, to the south: Southwest 2 S 5 Street, please refer to Figure 1. The Property consists of th e approximately 1.623 Acres (70.668 Square Feet). Desi ations rth: Southwest 1 St, to the et, and to the west Southwest (3) parcels that is fora public hearing forth in the City of sion-making body will ublic hearing to render raflnal decision. 9/21/23 PZ-19-4230: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR -Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 2 of 15 9/15/2023 SUBSTITUTED W FLAGLER ST Figure 1: Aerial Photo of Subject Site (red outline) B. RECOMMENDAT iN rr. This submittal needs to be schedu in accordance with timelines Miami Code.The applicade renew the informalon at t recommendati for a public hearing forth in the City of sion-making body will ublic hearing to render a raflnal decision. 9/21/23 The Planning Department recommends Approval of the requested amendment to the Future La • Use Map ("FLUM") of the MCNP from "Medium Density Multifamily Reside al" to "Medium Density Restricted Commercial," request based upon the facts and fi ings in this staff report. PZ-19-4230: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR -Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 3 of 15 9/15/2023 SUBSTITUTED C. BACKGROUND This submittal needs to be schedu in accordance with timelines Miami Ccde.The applicade renew the infonnalion at t recommendati On September 30,1986, per Resolution HC-86-14, the Heritage Conservation B► . rd ("HBC") made a recommendation to the Miami City Commission to designate 428 Sou west 1 Street, 438 Southwest 1 Street, 431 Southwest 2 Street, 433 Southwest 2 Street, 4 Southwest 2 Street, 437 Southwest 2 Street, 104 Southwest South River Drive, 109 So hwest South River Drive, 118 Southwest South River Drive, and 124 Southwest South Riv= I rive as the South River Drive Historic District ("Historic District"). On November 18, 1986, per Resolution HC-86-20, the HBC reco Southwest 1 Street., 437 Southwest 2 Street, and 104, 109 and Drive be nominated to the National Register of Historic Places ended that 428 and 438 8 Southwest South River On January 22, 1987, per Ordinance 10213, the Miami Ci Commission designated 428 Southwest 1 Street, 438 Southwest 1 Street, 431 South -st 2 Street, 433 Southwest 2 Street, 435 Southwest 2 Street, 437 Southwest 2 Street, 104 southwest South River Drive, 109 Southwest South River Drive, 118 Southwest South fiver Drive, and 124 Southwest South River Drive as the South River Drive Historic Distr On March 17, 1987, per Resolution HC-87-6, e HBC reaffirmed the recommendation that the 438 Southwest 1 Street., 437 Southwest 2 eet, and 104, 109 and 118 Southwest South River Drive be nominated to the National Regist- of Historic Places. On August 10, 1987, the properties lo.. ted at 428 and 438 Southwest 1 Street., 437 Southwest 2 Street, and 104, 109 and 118 Sou west South River Drive were listed on the National Register of Historic Places as the ' outh River Drive Historic District. On November 3, 2015, the Hi HEPB-R-15-101, granting a permit a Hotel Use, a Foo ric and Environmental Preservation Board, per Resolution pecial Certificate of Appropriate to allow for three (3) exceptions to ervice Establishment, and an Outdoor Dining area at the Property. D. EXISTING AND ' -OPOSED FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION Existing The three (3) •:rcels included in this request have existing Miami Neighborhood Comprehen e Neighborhood Plan's (MCNP) Future Land Use (FLU) designations of "Medium Density M !family Residential". Areas esignated as "Medium Density Multifamily Residential" allow residential structures to a ma ' um density of 65 dwelling units per acre, and maximum residential density may be in• eased by up to one hundred percent (100%), subject to the detailed provisions of the plicable land development regulations and the maintenance of required levels of service for facilities and services included in the City's adopted concurrency management requirements. PZ-19-4230: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR -Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 4 of 15 9/15/2023 fora public hearing forth in the City of sion-making body will ublic hearing to render a raflnal decision. SUBSTITUTED This submittal needs to be achedu In accordance wM1h timelines Miaml Code. The applica Pie rewew the Information at t recommended bra public hearing forth in the City of -malting body will ubc hearing to render a r a final decision. 9/21/23 Supporting services such as community -based residential facilities (14 clients or les-, not including drug, alcohol, or correctional rehabilitation facilities) will be allowed purs nt to applicable state law; community -based residential facilities (15-50 clients) and d care centers for children and adults may be permissible in suitable locations. Permissible uses within medium density multifamily areas also include co ercial activities that are intended to serve the retailing and personal services needs of the b ding or building complex, small scale limited commercial uses as accessory uses, sub' ct to the detailed provisions of applicable land development regulations and the main ance of required levels of service for such uses, places of worship, primary and secondary ools, and accessory post- secondary educational facilities. Professional offices, tourist and guest homes, museums, a private clubs or lodges are allowed only in contributing structures within historic sites f historic districts that have been designated by the Historical and Environmental Preserv. ion Board and are in suitable locations within medium density multifamily residential areas, p suant to applicable land development regulations and the maintenance of required levels • service for such uses. Density and intensity limitations for said uses shall be restricte o those of the contributing structure(s). roposea The Applicant is seeking to change the exis ' g MCNP's FLU from "Medium Density Multifamily Residential" to "Medium Density Restricte• " ommercial". Areas designated as "Medium Densit restricted Commercial" allow residential uses (except rescue missions) to a maximum de ty equivalent to "Medium Density Multifamily Residential" subject to the same limiting condi .ns; transitory residential facilities such as hotels and motels. This category also allows generoffice use, clinics and laboratories, auditoriums, libraries, convention facilities, places of orship, and primary and secondary schools. Also allowed are commercial activities that g erally serve the daily retailing and service needs of the public, typically requiring easy acss by personal auto, and often located along arterial or collector roadways, which includ general retailing, personal and professional services, real estate, banking and other fincial services, restaurants, saloons and cafes, general entertainment facilities, private du.- and recreation facilities, major sports and exhibition or entertainment facilities and other ommercial activities whose scale and land use impacts are similar in nature to those uses d:.cribed above. This category also includes commercial marinas and living quarters on v sels as permissible. The nonre'. dential portions of developments within areas designated as "Medium Density Restrict:. Commercial" allow a maximum floor lot ratio (FLR) of 6.0 times the net lot area of the subje property. T map below shows the "Existing" (Medium Density Multifamily Residential) and "Proposed" edium Density Restricted Commercial" FLU designations for the Applicant's Property. PZ-19-4230: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR -Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 5 of 15 9/15/2023 SUBSTITUTED Figure 2: Existing Land Use Map — Medium Density Multifamily Residential, color = light brown E. NEIGHBORHOOD CONTEXT-SOCIODEM The subject properties are located within the Tract"). According to the 2020 Census, the Tract is $19,911 which is 61.43 percent I the City of Miami ($51,625) and 70.85 Miami -Dade County ($68,300). This submittal needs to be achedu In accordance wM1h timelines Mlaml Code.The applica Pie renew the Information at t recommended blulLlam Figu3" Proposed Future Land Use Map — Medium D sity Restricted Commercial, color = light pink RAPHICS 20 Census Tract 12086003605 (the "Census edian Family Income for all families for this Census er than the Median Family Income for all families for rcent lower than the Area Median Income (AMI) in bra public hearing forth in the City of -malting body will ubc hearing to render a r a final decision. 9/21/23 The Census Tract in which the Pr, •erty is located has a total of 1,441 households as compared to the City of Miami with 181,59 households. The percentage of people living in poverty in this Census Tract is 27.33 perce which is 23.71 percent higher than the City of Miami at 20.85 percent. The 2020 Census show:. that 90.98 percent of the residents in the subject Census Tract rented, as compared t► 69.98 percent for the City of Miami. The median rent for a unit in this Census Tract is $1, 3, as compared to $1,361 for the City of Miami. This information is summarized in th- able below. Census Vari •Ies Census Tract City of Miami Population 3,433 442,241 Total H. 4 seholds 1,441 181,597 Aver. • e Household Size 1.82 2.38 P:.ple in Poverty (All) 27.33% 20.85% umber of Homeowners (All) 9.02% 30.02% PZ-19-4230: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR -Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 6 of 15 9/15/2023 SUBSTITUTED This submittal needs to be achedu In accordance wM1h timelines Mlaml Code.The applica Pie renew the Information at t recommended Number of Renters (All) 90.98% 69.98% Vacant Rate 17.84% 13.97% Median Family Income (All Families) $19,911 $51,625 Median Gross Rent $1,113 $1,361 Table 2: Summary of 2020 Census Data for Subject Census Tract: 12086003605, Source: ensus F. SPATIAL ANALYSIS DISCUSSION Planning Staff replicated the required one-half mile radius criteria a .tipulated in Article 7, Section (2.) (g.), used for the companion Rezoning app ' ation (PZ-19-2769) in performing a Spatial Analysis of the existing MCNP's FLU desig- -tions and to summarize the findings, please refer to Table 3 and Figure 6 (the "Study Are. ap"). Study Ar• . Citywide FLUM Designation Acreage % Total Acreage % Total Central Business District 30.557334• . 5.87% 199.2179 1.65% General Commercial 8.41808 ' 39 1.62% 991.9744 8.22% High Density Multifamily Residential 20.95• - 613 4.03% 223.5258 1.85% Industrial 19.5 406482 3.76% 449.4634 3.72% Light Industrial 7. •8177873 1.40% 511.859 4.24% Low Density Restricted Commercial .194453388 1.38% 144.4388 1.20% Major Inst, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities 79.32427617 15.25% 2082.872 17.26% Medium Density Multifamily Residential 104.6455125 20.12% 1424.06 11.80% Medium Density Restricted Commercial 21.90051891 4.21% 864.397 7.16% Public Parks and Recreati' 13.889599 2.67% 1330.591 11.02% Restricted Commercial 206.4700444 39.69% 3847.147 31.87% 520.186723 100.00% 12069.55 100.00% Table 3: Comparison in t total percentages (in acreage) between the Study Area and Citywide When comparin couple of nota e total percentages, in acreage, between the Study Area and Citywide, a differences are made apparent: • Re icted Commercial for the Study Area is the largest total percentage of 39.69 p: cent versus the Citywide total percentage of 31.87 percent. • edium Density Multifamily Residential of the Study Areas is the second largest total percentage 20.12 percent versus the Citywide total percentage of 11.80 percent. sed on the Study Area map, the Property's eastern property line straddles the border etween the two MCNP, FLU designations: Restricted Commercial and Medium Density PZ-19-4230: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR -Comprehensive Plan Application - Page 7 of 15 9/15/2023 bra public hearing forth in the City of -malting body will ubc hearing to render a r a final decision. SUBSTITUTED This submittal needs to be achedu In accordance wM1h timelines Miaml Code. The applica Pie rewew the information at t recommended bra public hearing forth in the City of sion-maling body will ublic hearing to render a r a final decision. 9/21/23 Multifamily Residential. Furthermore, Applicant's Property is directly fronting two (2) Cmercial Corridors: SW 1 St and SW South River Dr, please refer to Figure 6. W FWGLER .. W-JRG ST - SNATfrS 1 k r SW 5T115 Ress, Tenlia; C8 `erci...l f ndwthat Pub c raaal.:m rena p Parks an Ne-,eal e„ P.=.s.nda MedLm Ee-sny rttl Ganmcmial sj a-H�s� N• 0,125 025 0.5 Mlles I r 1 1 I I I I Figure 6: Study Area map: an analysis of the outline) regarding the existing condition of t One-H FLIP hlajcr Inst, P_t-'Ic Fac Iltles. Trans,: And le Analysis of the Subject Property, The idengficblton of exisilrrg MONP-designaled gnations. roperties within a one-half mile radius of the subject property (yellow radius properties and the current Future Land Use designations of the radius properties. G. MCNP's LEVEL OF S ICE (LOS) - CONCURRENCY ANALYSIS The Planning Departme ested the MCNP's Levels of Service (LOS) requirements for this application. The MCNP'. LODS testing is based on a potential increase in population. For this request, there would ,e no change to the allowed density. Furthermore, the allowed density for both the existing a • the proposed Future Lade Use designations will remain the same at 65 dwelling units pe . cre, please refer to Attachment 2. Schools As there w► Id be no increase in the residential population, testing of school concurrency is not required dr this application. Recr- . tion and Open Space Th CNP requires a 10-minute,'/2-mile barrier -free walk to a park entrance to meet public els of Service (LOS). The Planning Department conducted an analysis in Geographic nformation Systems (GIS) to test the LOS for this proposal and found that it meets LOS PZ-19-4230: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR -Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 8 of 15 9/15/2023 SUBSTITUTED This submittal needs to be achedu In accordance wM1h timelines Mlaml Code.The applica Pie renew the Information at t recommended bra public hearing forth in the City of -malting body will ubc hearing to render a r a final decision. 9/21/23 standards. Jose Marti Park is immediately adjacent to the Property. In addition, River '.e Park is within a 10-minute walk to the Property. Both parks provide ample recreational a nities and passive open space. Potable Water The MCNP LOS standard for potable water service is 92.05 gallons per cap' - per day (GCPD). Potential consumption by residential uses would not change, as the allow:. density is remaining the same; however, LOS standards do not take into consideron the consumption of non-residential use. Sanitary Sewer Transmission The MCNP LOS standard for Sanitary Sewer is 141 GPCD. Co •ultation with the Miami -Dade County Water and Sewer Department is required prior to the i-.uance of any building permit or its functional equivalent to ensure new development can be dequately serviced. Solid Waste Collection The City's LOS standard for Solid Waste is 1.28 tons/r sident/year. The Franchise Agreement the City maintains provides flexibility to address fluc ations in solid waste production. Transportation The MCNP has updated its LOS standards for e City with the most recent update of the Transportation Element. In the December 20 9 concurrency review for this application, the Office of Capital Improvements acknowle• Jed that the difference in daily trips is estimated to be approximately 3,789 on based on this pr..osal. Based on the preliminary analysis for transportation concurrency, additional ' formation is needed to help determine the impact of the application. H. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ALYSIS The following is an analysis of e application relative to the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the MCNP. Criteria 1 Policy L-1.6.4: "Any proposal to amend the City's Zoning Atlas that has been deem-: to require an amendment to the Future Land Use Plan Map by the Pla ing Department, shall require a level of service (LOS) review and a fi ing from the Planning Department that the proposed amendment will not sult in a LOS that falls below the adopted minimum standards described in Policy CI-1.2.3, and will not be in conflict with any element of the MCNP. Based on its evaluation, and on other relevant planning considerations, the Planning Department will forward a recommended action on said amendment to the Planning Advisory Board, which will then forward its recommendation to the City Commission." PZ-19-4230: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR -Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 9 of 15 9/15/2023 SUBSTITUTED This submittal needs to be schedu In accord ancewkh timelines Miami Code.The applicade reNewthe information at recommendati fora public hearing forth in the City of sion-making body will ublic hearing to render raflnal decision. 9/21/23 Analysis 1 Staff analyzed the amendment for concurrency and found that all leve • of service are met. All concurrency analyses are attached separately. ' -e Attachment 2. Finding 1 Staff finds the request consistent with Policy LU-1.6.4 Criteria 2 Policy LU-1.1.7: "Land development regulations and policie• will allow for the development and redevelopment of well -designed mixed 4se neighborhoods that provide for the full range of residential, office, live/ , .rk spaces, neighborhood retail, and community facilities in a wa able area and that are amenable to a variety of transportation modes, inc ding pedestrianism, bicycles, automobiles, and mass transit." Policy TR-1.1.5: "The City will encourage ne •evelopment to be structured to reinforce a pattern of neighborhoods and u •an centers by focusing growth along transit corridors and around transit odes and centers." Analysis 2 The Property is located along Southw- t 1 Street, which, to the east in Downtown and west in Little Havan., consists of commercial and mixed -use development. This block is the o , block along the corridor, east of Southwest 22 Avenue, within a two-mile r. ', us, which has a FLU designation that doesn't allow any type of non -reside -I uses. A mixed -use designation would better align with those designatio . immediately to the east and west along the corridor. Additionally, So west 1 Street is a Transit Corridor, and a portion of the Property is within t - Government Center Station Transit Oriented Development. Thes-, ransportation assets encourage a mix of uses, as well as the accessibility of e public to an important historic asset for the City of Miami. While th- ehabilitation and preservation of the buildings on the Property are new development, renewed business development will aid in the preserv. on of the structures, and the presence of the district within the TOD and ' ansit Corridor will make them more accessible to residents within the City Finding 2 Staff nds the proposed amendment consistent with Policies LU-1.1.7 and TR- 1. . Criteria 3 •olicy LU-1.1.3: "The City's zoning ordinance provides for the protection of all areas of the city from (1) the encroachment of incompatible land uses; (2) the adverse impacts of future land uses in adjacent areas that disrupt or degrade public health and safety, or natural or man-made amenities;...Strategies to further protect existing neighborhoods through the development of appropriate transition standards and buffering requirements will be incorporated into the City's land development regulations." PZ-19-4230: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR -Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 10 of 15 9/15/2023 SUBSTITUTED This submittal needs to be schedu In accord ance with timelines Miaml Cotle.The applicade review the information at t recommendati fora public hearing forth in the City of sion-making body will ublic hearing to render raflnal decision. 9/21/23 Analysis 3 Existing FLU designations around the Property, to the east and higher density and a variety of uses with a Restricted Commercial Further west, on the adjacent block, the designation is the same. Medium Density Multifamily Residential designation to the sout intensity is compatible with both the existing and proposed F as they allow the same level of development capacity. Giv- the proposed designation, Medium Density Restricted Com rcial, increase the allowed density on the Property, the only • ange introduction of non-residential uses. The Property is - uated on the block where Southwest South River Drive runs i nderneath Street, and the predominant FLU designation is ' estricted Commercial. proposed amendment would harmonize the c . racter on either Southwest 1 Street and Southwest South IT -r Drive. Furthermore, the Property has contained : hotel or rooming house the construction of the original building-, beginning in 1908. The amendment would not present furth- adverse impacts while simplifying process of harmonizing the existin► use with nearby residential south. north, -upport d- ignation. i ith a , the allowed designations, fact that the would not would be the the portion of Southwest 1 The side of use since proposed the areas to the Finding 3 Staff finds the request consis nt with Policy LU-1.1.3. Criteria 4 Policy CM-4.1.2: "Continu- to direct population away from the Coastal High Hazard Area..." Analysis 4 The Property is withi' the Coastal High Hazard Area as designated by the MCNP. The amen, ent would change the allowed uses from strictly residential to a v , iety of uses, including commercial, office, hotel, and residential. Th'. would allow the property owner to develop the property without resi• •ntial uses, putting fewer residents at risk from threats from coastal h. ards. Finding 4 Staff fi► is the request consistent with Policy CM-4.1.2. Criteria 5 Pol. LU-1.6.9: "The City's land development regulations and policies will e• ablish mechanisms to mitigate the potentially adverse impacts of new •evelopment on existing neighborhoods through the development of appropriate transition standards and buffering requirements." Goal LU-2: "Preserve and protect the heritage of the City of Miami through the identification, evaluation, rehabilitation, adaptive reuse, restoration and public awareness of Miami's historic, architectural and archaeological resources." A alysis 5 Per the designation report, five (5) of the structures on the Property were constructed in the early 1910s and exemplify the architectural trends in Miami prior to 1915. Located within the close proximity of the Miami River and the PZ-19-4230: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR -Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 11 of 15 9/15/2023 SUBSTITUTED This submittal needs to be schedu In accordance with timelines Miami Cotle.The applica Lie renewthe informalon at t recommendati for a public hearing forth in the City of sion-making body will ublic hearing to render a raflnal decision. 9/21/23 Flagler Street bridge, these structures served as rooming houses to t lists and potential new residents. The proposed amendment would help to preserve the character nd nature of these structures by aligning the FLU designation with the hist c land use development pattern of the area. By aligning the FLU desig tion with historic preservation designations, historic Uses can be preserve nd protected. Finding 5 Staff finds the request to be consistent with Policy LU- .6.9 and Goal LU-2. I. CONCLUSION Based on the above background information, the Planning P- partment recommends Approval of the request to amend the designation on the FLUM fro a "Medium Density Multifamily Residential" to "Medium Density Restricted Commer al" for the properties located at 118 SW South River Dr and 437 SW 2 St, and 445 SW 2 ` , Miami, FL. PZ-19-4230: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR -Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 12 of 15 9/15/2023 PUBo SUBSTITUTED This submittal needs to be schedu in accordance with bmellnes Miami Code.The applicade renew the intormalon at t recommendati ,—DocuSigned by: `-7F35EEF0C6C349F... Lakisha Hull, AICP, LEED AP BD+C Planning Department Director DocuSigned by: WZIAA A., S.kitAA.X 3A75CAC5AF7E446... Sevanne Steiner, CNU-A, Assistant Director Planning Department ,—DocuSigned by: `-72FA59 D 4CE4 Darren Murphy, Planner II Planning Department Attachments: Attachment 1 — South River Driv Historic District Designation Report Attachment 2 — MCNP's LOS, oncurrency Management Analysis PZ-19-4230: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR -Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 13 of 15 9/15/2023 bra public hearing forth in the City of sion-making body will ublic hearing to render a raflnal decision. AERIAL EPLAN ID: PZ-19-4230 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT ADDRESSES: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR, 437 SW 2 ST & 445 SW 2 ST SUBSTITUTED 0 125 250 500 Feet I I I This submittal needs to be echedu in accordance with tlmellnes Miami Ccde. The applica de renew theinfo mlattn at t tlad r a public hearing orth in the City of stun -making bcdywill ubhc hearing to render a r a final decision. FUTURE LAND USE MAP (EXISTING) EPLAN ID: PZ-19-4230 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT ADDRESSES: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR, 437 SW 2 ST & 445 SW 2 ST 0 125 250 i I 500 Feet Thls submittal needs to be achetlu In accordance wilt tmellnx Mlami Cede. The applicade review the lnormat natt reco mmended r a public hearing orth in the City of sion-rmalung bcdywill ubec hearing to render a r a fineldeciaon. SUBSTITUTED FUTURE LAND USE MAP (PROPOSED) EPLAN ID: PZ-19-4230 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT ADDRESSES: 118 SW SOUTH RIVER DR, 437 SW 2 ST & 445 SW 2 ST 0 125 250 500 Feet i i i I f i I Thls submittal needs to be achetlu In accordance wilt tmellnx Mlami Cede. The applicade review the lnormat natt reco mmended r a public hearing orth in the City of sion-rmalung bcdywill ubec hearing to render a r a fineldeciaon.