HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnalysis and MapsThis submittal needs to be scheduled for a puboc hearing in accordance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code.The applica de decision -making bcdywill review the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. City of Miami Planning Department ANALYSIS FOR EXCEPTIONS TO ALLOW EDUCATIONAL USES AND PARKING REDUCTIONS Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-23-16208 Location 411 Southwest 4 Street Folio Number 0102020601172 Miami 21 Code Transect "T4-R" General Urban Transect Zone - Restricted Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP) Medium Density Multi -Family Residential Commission District 3 (City Commissioner: Joe Carollo) Commissioner District Office Little Havana Planner Maxwell Utter Planner II mutter@miamigov.com Property Owner Centro Mater Foundation LLC Project Representative Maritza Salgado mharo@brzoninglaw.com A. REQUEST Centro Mater Foundation Inc. (the "Applicant") requests two (2) Exceptions pursuant to Article 4, Table 3 and 4, and Article 7, Section of Ordinance 13114 ("Miami 21 Code"), as amended, to allow an Educational Use along with a 100 % parking reduction on a property located at 150 NW 69TH Street (the "Property") as follows: 1. Exception pursuant to Article 4, Table 3 to allow a Pre-school with 48 students, ages zero (0) to three (3) years old and 13 staff members in accordance Chapter 33, Article XA of the Miami Dade County Code 2. Exception pursuant to Article 4, Table 4 and Article 7, Section to provide zero (0) parking space where 13 parking spaces are required. B. RECOMMENDATION Pursuant to Article 4, Table 3, Educational (Pre -School), Article 4 Table 4, and Article 7, Section of Miami 21 Code, as amended, the Planning Department recommends Approval with Conditions for the requested Exceptions(s) based upon the facts and findings in this staff report. Staff Analysis Report No. (PZ-23-16208: 411 SW 4 ST-Exception) — Page 1 of 16 11/8/2023 4 PUei./ n k NOTICE This submittal needs b be scheduled for a puboc hearing In accordance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code.The applica de decision -making bodywill review the Information at the pubc hearing to render e recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-16208 11/09/23 Rib! EW CO�Q C. PROJECT DATA Surrounding Uses Miami 21 MCNP / Density Existing Use North "T4-R", General Urban Transect Zone — Restricted Medium Density Multi- Family Residential Multi -Family Low Density (<25 du/ac) Residential South "T4-R", General Urban Transect Zone — Restricted Medium Density Multi- Family Residential Centro Mater Childcare Center East "T4-R", General Urban Transect Zone — Restricted Medium Density Multi- Family Residential Multi -Family Low Density (<25 du/ac) Residential West "T4-R", General Urban Transect Zone — Restricted Medium Density Multi- Family Residential Centro Mater Childcare Center Site Location The Property fronts Southwest 4 Street to the south and is surrounded on two sides by other Centro Mater properties, and by two sides by Multi -Family properties, refer to Figure 1. The Property is approximately 7,500 square feet S.F. or 0.172 acres in size and located within Miami 21 Code's "T4-R", General Urban Transect Zone — Restricted transect zone. Apart from residential properties, Jose Marti Park is east across Southwest 4 Avenue. Staff Analysis Report No. (PZ-23-16208: 411 SW 4 ST-Exception) — Page 2 of 16 11/8/2023 -.As 1111 Figure 1: Site Location NOTICE This submittal needs to be' scheduled fora pubic hearing In accordance whh timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The appLIca o decision -malting body will review the information at the pubc hearing to render a recommended on or a final decla on. Property Information The Property was built in 1956, which is similar to other parcels in the area. Currently, it is being used as a multi -family residence. Microfilm records indicate that the use of the Property has not changed since it was built, refer to Figure 2. Staff Analysis Report No. (PZ-23-16208: 411 SW 4 ST-Exception) — Page 3 of 16 11/8/2023 NOTICE This submittal needs to be' scheduled fora pubic hearing In accordance whh timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The appLIca o decision -malting body will review the information at the pubc hearing to render a recommended on or a final decla on. PZ-23-16208 11/09/23 Figure 2: Microfilm records Proposal The Applicant proposes to adaptively reuse the structure at 411 Southwest 4 Street for a Pre - School with a total capacity of 48 children. Staff Analysis Report No. (PZ-23-16208: 411 SW 4 ST-Exception) — Page 4 of 16 11/8/2023 NOTICE This submittal needs to be' scheduled fora pubic hearing In accordance whh timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The appLIca o decision -malting body will review the information at the pubc hearing to render a recommended on or a final decla on. PZ-23-16208 11/09/23 Based on the Applicant's plan drawing — A-101, Floor Plan, the Project will be constructed generally in accordance with Miami -Dade County, Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources' Child Care Check List for Day Nursery, Day Care Center, Kindergarten, and Private School, refer to Tables 1 and 2, and Figures 3 and 4 below: CLASSROOM DATA ROOM NO. ROOM NAME USE NO. OF STUDENTS NO. OF TEACHERS NO. OF ADM. NO. OF MISC. STAFF S.F. PROVID ED S.F. / CHILD REQUI RED 1 Classroom #1 0-3 Years Old 8 Students 2 Teachers 357 280 2 Classroom #2 0-3 Years Old 8 Students 2 Teachers 357 280 3 Classroom #3 0-3 Years Old 8 Students 2 Teachers 357 280 4 Classroom #4 0-3 Years Old 8 Students 2 Teachers 367 280 5 Classroom #5 0-3 Years Old 8 Students 2 Teachers 367 280 6 Classroom #6 0-3 Years Old 8 Students 2 Teachers 357 280 Total: 48 Students 12 Teachers 1 Admin None 1,758 1,680 PLAYGROUND CALCULATIONS PROPOSED NUMBER OF STUDENTS ENROLLED — 48 STUDENTS OUTDOOR PLAY SPACE FOR 28 STUDENTS: 48/2 = 24 STUDENTS X 45 S.F. PER CHILD — 1,080 S.F. REQUIRED — 1,146 PROVIDED TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF NON -CLASSROOM AREA (OFFICE, BATHROOM, KITCHENS, CLOSETS): 400 S.F. HOURS OF OPERATION: MONDAY — FRIDAY 7:00 AM — 6:00 PM Table 1: Applicant's plan drawing — A-101, Floor Plan: Property Area, Room Areas, Enrollment Numbers Classroom Space per Grade Levels, and Number of Faculty and Staff TOTAL SIZE OF SITE: 150' X 50' = 7,500 S.F. / 43,560 SQUARE FEET (S.F.) = 0.17 ACRES LANDSCAPING: SEE §33-151.18(G) OF MIAMI-DADE CODE AND ARTICLE 9 OF MIAMI 21 A. 28 TREES ARE REQUIRED PER NET ACRE. TREES REQUIRED: 5 TREES PROVIDED: 5 Staff Analysis Report No. (PZ-23-16208: 411 SW 4 ST-Exception) — Page 5 of 16 11/8/2023 NOTICE This submittal needs to be'scheduled fora puboc hearing In aaordance whh timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The appLIca o decision -malting body will review the information at the pubdc hearing to render a recommended on or a final decla on. PZ-23-16208 11/09/23 TOTAL SIZE OF SITE: 150' X 50' = 7,500 S.F. / 43,560 SQUARE FEET (S.F.) = 0.17 ACRES B. TEN SHRUBS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH = TREE REQUIRED. SHRUBS REQUIRED 50 SHRUBS PROVIDED: 50 C. GRASS AREA FOR ORGANIZED SPORTS/PLAY AREA IN SQUARE FEET: 1,146 SQ. FT D. LAWN AREA IN SQUARE FEET (EXCLUSIVE OF ORGANIZED SPORTS/PLAY AREAS): 724 S.F. PARKING: SEE §33-124.L OF MIAMI-DADE CODE AND ARTICLE 9 OF MIAMI 21 AUTO STACKING REQUIREMENTS: SPOTS REQUIRED: 4 SPOTS PROVIDED: 4 PARKING REQUIREMENTS SPOTS REQUIRED: 13 SPOTS PROVIDED: 0 Table 2: Parking and Landscaping requirements pprikg SW 4111 STREET o51TE KAN Staff Analysis Report No. (PZ-23-16208: 411 SW 4 ST-Exception) — Page 6 of 16 11/8/2023 NOTICE This submittal needs to be'scheduled fora pubic hearing In accordance whh timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The appLIca n decision -malting body will review the intonation at the pubdc hearing to render recommended on or a final decla on. PZ-23-16208 11/09/23 Figure 3: Site Plan Staff Analysis Report No. (PZ-23-16208: 411 SW 4 ST-Exception) — Page 7 of 16 11/8/2023 e IIII IIIII IIIII 11,1,: II III i FRCf0SED FLOOR PLAN ■■ Iks'OOM GA5axozst r3 �,Pae ilP Ja� „ err& STM11 !I Figure 4 Classroom Plan CLASalCal rwrw,rm IIII 111114111 Illh III IIIIIl1:- Staff Analysis Report No. (PZ-23-16208: 411 SW 4 ST-Exception) — Page 8 of 17 11/8/2023 NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled for a pubic hearing In accordance wth timelines set forth In the city of Miami Code. The appdva de decision -making bodywlll renew the Information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. �M1A,RV_. CER RAc Y This submittal needs b be scheduled for a puboc hearing in accordance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code.The applica de decision -making bcdywill renew the information at the pubc hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. D.ANALYSIS Miami Dade County Code of Ordinances The proposed educational facility was evaluated using sections Section 33-151.18. — Physical Standards sections (a) Outdoor areas, (c) Auto Stacking, (e) Classroom size, (g), trees, and Section 33-124.1 — Parking for Educational Uses. The compliance of the property with the standards put forth by Miami Dade County with respect to lot size, student enrollment, and staffing levels are shown in Table 3 Criteria Requirement Proposed Compliant? Classroom space per child in sq. ft. 280 357 Yes Recess space for every other child in sq. ft. 47.75 47.75 Yes Play area location Back of property Back of property Yes Tree quantity 5 5 Yes Shrub quantity 10 for every tree 50 Yes Auto -stacking 4 4 Yes Off -Street Parking 13 0 No Table 3: Miami Dade County Compliance Analysis The unified administration of public schools throughout Miami Dade County through the home rule charter gives the County the final determination on the authorization of any Pre -School Use within the County. Exception Criteria Exception for a Pre -School Use in a "T4-R" General Urban Transect Zone Criteria 1: Compliance with the Miami 21 Code The Property is located within Miami 21 Code's "T4-R" General Urban Transect Zone — Restricted, refer to Figure 5. The Applicant proposes to build a preschool with a maximum capacity of 48 students Per Article 4 Table 3, "Pre -School" uses are allowed by Exception. As the proposed use is permitted by Exception, the request is consistent with the requirements of Article 4 Table 3 Miami 21. Staff Analysis Report No. (PZ-23-16208: 411 SW 4 ST-Exception) — Page 9 of 17 11/8/2023 This submittal needs b be scheduled for a puboc hearing in accordance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code.The applica de decision -making bodywill renew the information at the pubc hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. r SW 3RD $T r T4-R SW 4TH ST 01 Figure 5: Miami 21 Transect Zone \\\\\ D3 (,,,,, 0;„ 'Miami Pr RlerJ �// Mia R ,er a -en. Rt S VV 1/' S * Furthermore, the integration of Educational Uses within neighborhoods aligns with Article 2, Section of Miami 21 Code: "Schools should be located to enable students to walk or bicycle safely to school. New schools should not be located on primary Thoroughfares." Staff Analysis Report No. (PZ-23-16208: 411 SW 4 ST-Exception) — Page 10 of 17 11/8/2023 NOTICE This submittal needs to be'scheduled fora puboc hearing In accordance whh timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The appLIca o decision -malting body will review the information at the pubdc hearing to render a recommended on or a final decla on. PZ-23-16208 11/09/23 Based on the Applicant's plan drawing — V-1, Survey, the Property fronts Southwest 4th Street. Southwest 4th Street is a two-lane road, classified as a local road with a maximum speed limit of 25 miles per hour, or 15 miles per hour during school hours. Therefore, the request is consistent with Article 2 Section of Miami 21 Code. Criteria 2: The manner in which the proposed Use will operate given its specific location and proximity to less intense Uses The proposed Property at 411 Southwest 4 Street is surrounded by both educational and residential uses. The Applicant is proposing a Pre -School use, the intensity of the use would be appropriate given its specific location and its proximity to less intense uses. Per the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan, primary and secondary schools are considered compatible with the interpretation of the Low -Density Multi -Family Residential future land use designation. According to the Applicant, 60 percent of students served by similar properties owned by Centro Mater reside within one (1) mile of Centro Mater facilities. Therefore, schools, including the intended Pre -School use are well integrated and appropriate to the neighborhoods in which they reside. Therefore, the proposed Use is consistent with the surrounding uses, including less intense uses given its specific location. Criteria 3: Compliance with Article 4 Table 12 of Miami 21 The proposed Pre -School is an adaptive use of an existing building built in 1956 with no improvements being proposed to the exterior of the building, and therefore it is consistent with the original neighborhood character. Article 4 Table 12 criteria that specially addresses Use are as follows: • Ensure transitions of Density, Intensity, and Height that complement the Neighborhood context. • Calibrate Density, Intensity, and Uses to facilitate walkability and promote transit use. The properties to the south and west of the site are part of the existing Centro Mater Childcare Center. The properties to the north and east are multifamily residential. While the Pre -School use is more intense than the residential uses it is compatible with residential uses as it supports the neighborhood and surrounding community. The applicant has stated that approximately 60 percent of the students reside within one (1) mile of the location and walk to school. Expanding the Centro Mater Childcare facility to this site further increases walkability with the community. Furthermore, the proposed landscaping would preserve existing features and be compatible with Florida Friendly Landscaping principles. There is no indication that the outdoor play area would impact the Pre -School's compatibility with the Neighborhood context. Ambient lighting would be consistent with the other Centro Mater facilities in the area, and the proposed operational hours would ensure that ambient lighting would not be an issue after typical work Staff Analysis Report No. (PZ-23-16208: 411 SW 4 ST-Exception) — Page 11 of 17 11/8/2023 4 PUei./ NOTICE This submittal needs b be scheduled for a puboc hearing In accordance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code.The applica de decision -making bodywill review the Information at the pubc hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-16208 11/09/23 V Rib! EW CO�Q hours. The proposed Use as a Pre -School is consistent with Article 4 Table 12 and can be recommended for Approval with Conditions. Exception for a 100% Parking Reduction for a Structure of Less than 10,000 Square Feet in Floor Area Criteria 1: Compliance with the Miami 21 Code Per Article 4 Table 4 of Miami 21, any Structure with a Floor Area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet or less may reduce parking by up to one hundred percent (100%) by process of Exception with City Commission approval. In Article The Community — Guiding Principles state that Schools should be located to enable children to walk or bicycle safely to school. New schools should not be located on primary Thoroughfares. The Pre -School is located on a local street and helps to facilitate walkability with the community as the majority of the current students reside within one (1) of the school. The proposed parking reduction is consistent with Miami 21 and can be recommended for Approval with Conditions. Criteria 2: The manner in which the proposed Use will operate given its specific location and proximity to less intense Uses The proposed parking reduction is a modification of the operation of the principal Pre -School Use. The proposed parking reduction would increase the total amount of on -street parking that currently serves numerous less intense Uses such as the two (2) multi -family residential properties to the north and east. However, Centro Mater, the Applicant, owns multiple other properties on the block, which have the potential to absorb the additional parking needs of the school. Therefore, the proposed public parking reduction would be a modification that would not reduce the consistency of the Use of the Pre -School with adjacent less intense Uses and can be recommended for Approval with Conditions. Criteria 3: Compliance with Article 4 Table 12 The proposed parking reduction can best be evaluated with respect to walkability and the impact on public transit. There is a public parking lot located near Jose Marti park, and two (2) parking lots owned by Centro Mater adjacent to the property. A parking reduction would encourage staff to use parking at other Centro Mater property or the public parking lot. Visual surveys of the property show that there is extensive street parking, and a parking reduction combined with the reserved use of other Centro Mater properties or the nearby parking lot for additional parking would reduce the parking burden for residents. (Figures 6 and 7). Therefore, provided that the required parking spots are reserved nearby, the proposed parking reduction would be consistent with Miami 21 and can be recommended for Approval with Conditions. Staff Analysis Report No. (PZ-23-16208: 411 SW 4 ST-Exception) — Page 12 of 17 11/8/2023 NOTICE This submittal needs to be' scheduled fora pubic hearing In accordance whh timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The appLIca o decision -malting body will review the information at the pubc hearing to render a recommended on or a final decla on. PZ-23-16208 11/09/23 Figure 6: Parking in and near the Subject Property Figure 7: Parking further along the street Staff Analysis Report No. (PZ-23-16208: 411 SW 4 ST-Exception) — Page 13 of 17 11/8/2023 NOTICE This submittal needs to be' scheduled fora pubic hearing In accordance whh timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The appLIca o decision -malting body will review the information at the pubc hearing to render e recommended on or a final decla on. PZ-23-16208 11/09/23 NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES Pursuant to Article 7, Section of the Miami 21 Code, the Planning Department has made referrals to the agencies below: • Office of Zoning • Department of Human Service Neighborhood Service Center - Little Havana • Fire Department • Office of Transportation • Miami Dade County Traffic Engineering Division F. FINDINGS • The Property is located within the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan's (MCNP) Future Land Use designation of "Medium Density Multifamily Residential" and the Miami 21 Code's "T4-R", General Urban Zone — Restricted Transect Zone. • The proposed Pre -School does not comply with all regulatory requirements for educational facilities as specified by Miami -Dade County. • The Use of the Property as a Pre -School would provide an important service to local residents. • Pursuant to Article 4, Table 3 of Miami 21 Code, the Applicant's proposed Educational Uses — Pre -School is allowed by Exception within the "T4-R" General Urban Transect Zone - Restricted. • Based on the Applicant's site plan, the total lot area is 7,500 square feet or 0.172 acres • Based on Planning Staff's review, the Applicant's proposed Preschool complies with all the requirements of Article XA, Sec. 33-151 (a),(c), (e), (g), and (j) of Miami -Dade County Code. • Based on the Planning Staff's review, the Applicant's proposed Preschool does not comply with all the requirements of Article VII, Sec. 33-124 of Miami -Dade County Code. • The school enrollment for the Pre -School is 48 students • The school is expected to employ 13 faculty and staff. Staff Analysis Report No. (PZ-23-16208: 411 SW 4 ST-Exception) — Page 14 of 17 11/8/2023 4 PURL/ n k NOTICE This submittal needs b be scheduled for a puboc hearing In accordance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code.The applica de decision -making bodywill review the information at the pubc hearing to render e recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-16208 11/09/23 ''VIEW COs-Q • The amount of parking provided for the Pre-school is four (4) parking spaces, which will be used for auto stacking. • Hours of Operation for the Pre -School if approved would be Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM G. CONCLUSION After reviewing the requirements of Article VII, Section 33-124, and Article XA Section 33-151 of the Miami -Dade County Code of Ordinances, the MCNP, and Miami 21 Code, the Planning Department recommends Approval of the Applicant's requested Educational Use, Pre -School, and Approval of the Applicant's proposed parking reduction subject to the following conditions: H. CONDITIONS 1. The proposed Pre -School facility shall be in accordance with the plans entitled "Centro Mater" as prepared by Carmen T Diaz, Registered Architect, AR 96290 and bearing the ePlan approval stamp PZ-23-16208-EX 2. Pursuant to Article XA, Section 33-151.18(e)(1) of Miami -Dade County Code, as amended, the Applicant shall provide a revised plan drawing — A1-01, Floor Plan that shows a total of 1,758 S.F. of Educational Classroom Floor Area, prior to submitting for a building permit. 3. The proposed Pre -School shall meet all physical, parking, and other regulatory standards as specified by Miami -Dade County Traffic Engineering Division Review Comments dated 11.08.2023 (see attachments). 4. The Applicant shall provide all required parking spaces within 500 feet the property. 5. As a condition of approval, the Applicant is limited to students aged zero (0) years old — three (3) years old, thirteen (13) staff members and the number of students is limited to 48. 6. The permitted hours of operation are from 8:00 AM — 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Changes to the hours of operation shall require approval by the Miami -Dade Traffic Engineering Division and review by the City of Miami Planning Department. 7. The Applicant shall submit a Signed and Sealed "Landscape Plan(s)" that has been approved by the City of Miami's Building Department, Environmental Resources Division (the "Environmental Resources Division"), prior to beginning operations. Staff Analysis Report No. (PZ-23-16208: 411 SW 4 ST-Exception) — Page 15 of 17 11/8/2023 NOTICE This submittal needs to be'scheduled fora puboc hearing In aaordance whh timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The appLIca o decision -malting body will review the information at the pubdc hearing to render a recommended on or a final decla on. PZ-23-16208 11/09/23 8. The Applicant shall provide a Traffic Circulation Plan, signed by an authorized representative of Miami Dade County to address possible traffic backups that could be created as a result of the operation of the Pre -School and will include both mitigating measures and procedures for school staff to adequately manage traffic during drop off and pick up times. 9. A minimum of five (5) trees shall and 50 shrubs shall be planted within the First Layer based on the distance between the Base Building Line and the required Setback including the Private Frontage. 10. Applicant shall obtain proper fire inspection clearance prior to Certificate of Use. 11. All signage shall be reviewed under a separate permit application. 12. The applicant shall comply with the requirements of all applicable Departments/Agencies as part of the City of Miami building permit submittal process. 13. Ensure fire sprinkler system is in place and/or fire inspection has been conducted for life safety standards and that client capacity is consistent with maximum capacity standards. 14. Failure to comply with the conditions above shall result in this Exception permit being revoked. 15. Any noise generated on -site shall conform to Chapter 36 of the City Code, as amended, including any future amendments for noise regulation. Concerns or complaints related to noise nuisance will be addressed and resolved immediately. 16. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of all applicable departments/agencies as part of the City of Miami building permit submittal process. 17. The City reserves the right to inspect the site to ensure compliance with the conditions as listed. 18. Pursuant Article 7 Section An Exception shall be valid fora period of two (2) years during which a building permit or Certificate of Use must be obtained. This excludes a demolition or landscape permit. A one (1) time extension, for a period not to exceed an additional year, may be obtained upon approval by the Planning Director. 19. The Applicant shall provide an annual written confirmation from a certified public accountant of the total student enrollment by the first Wednesday of every October to the Department of Staff Analysis Report No. (PZ-23-16208: 411 SW 4 ST-Exception) — Page 16 of 17 11/8/2023 PUBLI y 0 4 NOTICE This submittal needs b la scheduled for a puboc hearing in accordance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code.The applica de decision -making bodywill review the information at the pubs hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. ti REV,Ew CO PZ-23-16208 11/09/23 Planning through Certified Mail delivery service by the United States Postal Service. At no time, shall said enrollment exceed 48 students. 20. The title block for all plan sheets must state that the use is to establish a Pre -School. DocuSigned by: Eatis6 lfi&tL 7r3.,CCrocoC349r... Lakisha Hull, AICP, LEED AP BD+C Planning Director CDocuSigned by: J t�Gti/Llil.t� S'Ititn,ur 3A75CAC5Ar7C446... Sevanne Steiner, CNU-A Assistant Planning Director ,-DocuSigned by: Aitz9,wdi, Uf u" `-516d fl 7F7 d 7 Maxwell Utter Planner II Attachments: Miami -Dade County Traffic Engineering Division Review Comments NOTICE The Final Decision of the Planning Director, or his/her designee, may be appealed to the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board by any aggrieved party within fifteen (15) days of the date of the posting of the decision on the City's website. The filing of an appeal, and payment of appropriate fee, may be submitted online at https://www. miam igov.com/Services/Solve-a-Problem/Appeal-a-Warrant-or-a-Waiver. 0 Staff Analysis Report No. (PZ-23-16208: 411 SW 4 ST-Exception) — Page 17 of 17 11/8/2023 Traffic Engineering Division Review Comments Wednesday, N 2023008892 — Centro Mater Day Care Please submit a response to comments document along with the resubmittal addressing the co TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION COMMENTS: This submittal needs to be scheduled bra puboc hearing In accordance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The appLIca o decision -malting body will redew the information at the pubdc hearing to render a recommended on or a final decla on. PZ-23-1 6208 11/09/23 The Department of Transportation and Public Works Traffic Engineering Division has reviewed subject application and has no objections subject to the following conditions: • The on -site parking shall be restricted for parents use only during school days for pre-school drop- off and pick-up. These parking spaces shall be designated and properly signed. • The applicant shall be responsible for accommodating staff parking at an alternate location. • The area immediately south of the sidewalk will be striped -out to prohibit on -street parking in front of the four parking spaces designated for the parent's drop-off and pick-up operation. • Four (4) on -site parking spaces will be provided for parent vehicles to park in front of the pre- school parcel for the drop-off/pick-up operations. • At least one staff member shall be located at the day care site to assist with the parking and unparking maneuvers and with the drop-off and pick-up operation. • All parents and staff that decide to walk to and from the future Centro Mater facility shall use the intersection of SW 4th Street and SW 5th Avenue to safely access the future day care. The pre- school shall regularly send mass emails to all parents and staff to ensure proper guidelines are followed. Please contact our office at (305) 375-2030 for any further questions. Thank you, �G�E%LCr, PL-e-Ce e j Dalila Fernandez, P.E. School Section Head Miami -Dade County, Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) Traffic Engineering Division 111 NW 1st Street, Suite 1510, Miami, FL 33132 Page 1 of 1 AERIAL EPLAN ID: PZ-23-16208 EXCEPTION ADDRESS(ES) : 411 SW 4TH ST 0 125 250 500 Feet 1 This submittal needs to be schebu led bra public hearing In accordance wiHi timelines set forth in the City of Miami Cede. The appllcade deolalon-making burly will review the Information at the public hearing to render a recommentlatl on or a final decision. PZ-23-16208 11/09/23 O/ NOTICE This submttal needs to be scheduled for public hearing In accordance with timelines set forth In the City of Miami Code. The applicable decision -making body will rexewihe Information at the public hearing Ot render recommendation or a h a nadeclaen. J 3 �y Q 11 /09/2 PZ-23-1 6208 IE MIAMI 21 ATLAS (EXISTING) EPLAN ID: PZ-23-16208 EXCEPTION ADDRESS(ES): 411 SW 4 ST 0 125 250 500 Feet NOTICE (17 This submittal needs to be scheduled for a public hearing in accordance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Ccde. The applica de decision-rna king body will ren ew the intonnation at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final dec is on. PZ-23-16208 11/09/23