HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2024-01-11 Mayor's Signature ReportCITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO : Rosemary Olivera Record Systems Coordinator DATE : SUBJECT: REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: January 16, 2024 January 11, 2024 City Commission Meeting - Mayor's Signature Report (1) FILE : Certain item(s) adopted by the City Commission during the January 11, 2024, City Commission Meeting became effective immediately and were not subject to the Mayor's signature or City Clerk's attestation. As a result, our office generated a Mayor's Signature Report for the aforementioned meeting for items RE.3, RE.4, RE.5, RE.6, SR.1, SR.2, PZ.4, PZ.8 and PZ.9. Please file accordingly in Laserfiche. Ewan, Nicole From: Wysong, George K. Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2024 11:27 AM To: Ewan, Nicole; Legislative Division Cc: Greco, John A.; Hannon, Todd; Lopez, Maricarmen Subject: RE: Items to appear on the Mayor's Signature Report for January 11, 2024 City Commission Meeting - Please review and confirm Hi Nicole, Hope you had a nice weekend. Please see the updated list confirming that items RE.3, RE.4, RE.5, RE.6, SR.1, SR.2, PZ.4 PZ.8 and PZ.9 should appear on the Mayor's Signature Report (MSR). FILE ID/ENACTMENT # ITEM ON MSR? YES / NO FINAL CA CONSENT AGENDA CA.1 15203 / R-24-0002 Amend List of Expenditures - Economic Stimulus Award and Agreements NO — Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" CORRECT CA.2 15144 / R-24-0003 Execute Maintenance Agreement Improvements SR 934 NO — Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" CORRECT CA.3 15095 / R-24-0004 Accept - Two (2) Right -of -Way Deeds NO — Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" CORRECT CA.4 15309 / R-24-0005 Authorize Settlement - Tyler Parish NO — Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" CORRECT CA.5 14975 / R-24-0006 Settlement - FOP Vega, et al. NO — Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" CORRECT CA.6 14964 / R-24-0007 Settlement - Lynda Brewer NO — Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" CORRECT PH PUBLIC HEARINGS PH.1 PH.1 14973 / R-24-0008 Approve Affordable Housing Incentives Strategies NO — Legislation states effective immediately upon adoption" CORRECT PH.2 15137 / R-24-0009 Allocate ARPA Funds - New Construction Homeownership NO — Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" CORRECT PH.4 15258 / R-24-0010 acate API Funds - B. Wright Leadership 3demy Inc. NO —Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" CORRECT 15261 / R-24-0011 ate API Funds Martin Luther King Dcate )nomic Development NO — Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" CORRECT 1 RE RESOLUTIONS RE.1 15123 / R-24-0012 Accept Bid - PMM Consulting Engineers NO — Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" CORRECT RE.2 Co 15103 / R-24-001 lective Bargaining Agreement - Local 871 CIO NO — Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" CORRECT RE.3 Mitigation 15228 / R-24-0014 - 1600 AP, LLC YES - Legislation contains Mayoral veto provision CORRECT RE.4 15225 / R-24-0015 Mitigation - 2085 NW 2nd Ave YES - Legislation contains Mayoral veto provision CORRECT RE.5 Mitigation 15226 / R-24-0016 - 2110 NW 13TH AVE YES - Legislation contains Mayoral veto provision CORRECT RE.6 Mitigation 15229 / R-24-0017 - 2302 / 2304 NW 7 Place YES - Legislation contains Mayoral veto provision CORRECT RE.8 15120 / R-24-0018 appointment - City Attorney NO — Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" CORRECT RE.9 15119 / R-24-0019 appointment - City Clerk NO — Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" CORRECT RE.13 15299 / R-24-002Direct City Attorney - Amend Charter - OIAG NO — Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" CORRECT RE.14 15300 / R-24-0021Direct City Attorney - Amend Charter - OIIG NO — Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" CORRECT RE.15 15307 / R-24-0022 ect Independent Auditor General nduct Boards Audits NO —Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" CORRECT RE.20 p 15330 / R-24-0023irection to Propose Amendment Tnpaign Finance Reform NO — Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" CORRECT SR SECOND READING ORDINANCES SR.1 14828 / 0-14248 Amend Code - Chapter 40 - Criminal History Record Check YES - Legislation contains Mayoral veto provision CORRECT SR.2 13645 / 0-14249 Amend Code - Chapter 31 - App Based Mobile Operation Pilot to Permanent YES - Legislation contains Mayoral veto provision CORRECT PZ PLANNING AND ZONING ITEM(S) PZ.4 15243 / R-24-0028 Special Appearance - 53rd Street Apartments YES - Legislation contains Mayoral veto provision CORRECT 2 PZ.8 14192 / 0-14250 ling Text - Waiver Reform Project - scellaneous Waivers YES - Legislation contains Mayoral veto provision CORRECT PZ.9 15125 / 0-14251 Zoning Text - Rescue Mission Fence and Sign Flexibility YES - Legislation contains Mayoral veto provision CORRECT NA NON -AGENDA NA.1 15378 / R 24-0030 Direction to City Manager - Outdoor Advertising NO NA.3 15375 / R-24-0029 Funding for 1-395 Heritage Trail Signature Bridge NO —Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" NO Have a great day! GEORGE K. WYSONG Ill DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY TELEPHONE: (305) 41 6-1800 gwysong@miamigov.com Assistant: Marta Gomez, Senior Legal Assistant (305) 416-1844 Under Florida Law, e-mail addresses and the contents of the e-mail are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address, or the contents of the e-mail, released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. From: Ewan, Nicole <newan@miamigov.com> Sent: Friday, January 12, 2024 12:39 PM To: Legislative Division <Vagenda@miamigov.com>; Wysong, George K. <GWysong@miamigov.com> Cc: Greco, John A. <jagreco@miamigov.com>; Hannon, Todd <thannon@miamigov.com>; Lopez, Maricarmen <mclopez@miamigov.com> Subject: Items to appear on the Mayor's Signature Report for January 11, 2024 City Commission Meeting - Please review and confirm Importance: High Good afternoon George and Team, Happy Friday! Please provide confirmation that items RE.3, RE.4, RE.5, RE.6, SR.1, SR.2, PZ.4, PZ.8 and PZ.9 should appear on the Mayor's Signature Report (MSR) so I can prepare the MSR and render the remaining files that are ready for rendering. Also, please advise if NA.1 and NA.3 should be on MSR. I reviewed all the items that were adopted during yesterday's meeting and compiled the list below based on the last section and/or footnotes in each legislative file. FILE ON MSR? ID/ENACTMENT # ITEM YES / NO FINAL 3 CA CONSENT AGENDA CA.1 15203 / R-24-0002 Amend List of Expenditures - Economic Stimulus Award and Agreements NO —Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" CA.2 15144 / R-24-0003 Execute Maintenance Agreement - Improvements SR 934 NO — Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" CA.3 15095 / R-24-0004 Accept - Two (2) Right -of -Way Deeds NO — Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" CA.4 15309 / R-24-0005 Authorize Settlement - Tyler Parish NO — Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" CA.5 14975 / R-24-0006 Settlement - FOP Vega, et al. NO — Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" CA.6 14964 / R-24-0007 Settlement - Lynda Brewer NO — Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" PH PUBLIC HEARINGS PH.1 14973 / R-24-0008 Approve - Affordable Housing Incentives Strategies NO —Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" PH.2 15137 / R-24-0009 Allocate ARPA Funds - New Construction Homeownership NO —Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" PH.4 15258 / R-24-0010"effective acate API Funds - B. Wright Leadership ademy Inc. NO — Legislation states immediately upon adoption" PH.5 15261 / R-24-0011 Dcate API Funds - Martin Luther King )nomic Development NO —Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" RE RESOLUTIONS RE.1 15123 / R-24-0012 Accept Bid - PMM Consulting Engineers NO — Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" RE.2 Co 15103 / R-24-0013 lective Bargaining Agreement - Local 871 CIO "NO — Legislation states effective immediately upon adoption" RE.3 Mitigation 15228 / R-24-0014 - 1600 AP, LLC YES - Legislation contains Mayoral veto provision RE.4 15225 / R-24-0015 Mitigation - 2085 NW 2nd Ave YES Legislation contains Mayoral veto provision RE.5 M 15226 / R 24 0016 itigation - 2110 NW 13TH AVE YES - Legislation contains Mayoral veto provision 4 RE.6 Mitigation 15229 / R 24 0017 - 2302 / 2304 NW 7 Place YES - Legislation contains Mayoral veto provision RE.8 15120 / R-24-0018 appointment - City Attorney NO — Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" RE.9 15119 / R-24-0019 appointment - City Clerk NO — Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" RE.13 15299 / R-24-002Direct City Attorney - Amend Charter - OIAG NO — Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" RE.14 15300 / R-24-002mirect City Attorney - Amend Charter - OIIG NO — Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" RE.15 15307 / R-24-0022 ect Independent Auditor General nduct Boards Audits NO —Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" RE.20 Direction 15330 / R-24-0023 to Propose Amendment npaign Finance Reform NO —Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" SR SECOND READING ORDINANCES SR.1 14828 / 0-14248 Amend Code - Chapter 40 - Criminal History Record Check YES - Legislation contains Mayoral veto provision SR.2 13645 / O 14249 Amend Code - Chapter 31 - App Based Mobile Operation Pilot to Permanent YES - Legislation contains Mayoral veto provision PZ PLANNING AND ZONING ITEM(S) PZ.4 15243 / R-24-0028 Special Appearance 53rd Street Apartments YES - Legislation contains Mayoral veto provision PZ.8 14192 / 0-14250 ling Text - Waiver Reform Project - scellaneous Waivers YES - Legislation contains Mayoral veto provision PZ.9 15125 / O 14251 Zoning Text - Rescue Mission Fence and Sign Flexibility YES - Legislation contains Mayoral veto provision NA NON -AGENDA NA.1 15378 / R 24 0030 Direction to City Manager - Outdoor Advertising NA.3 15375 / R-24-0029 Funding for 1-395 Heritage Trail Signature Bridge NO —Legislation states "effective immediately upon adoption" Have a great weekend! 5 Nicole Ewan, MPA, CMC Assistant City Clerk City of Miami City Clerk's Office 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Ph: (305) 250-5347 Fax: (305) 858-1610 Website: www.miamigov.com/cityclerk Boards & Committees: www.miamigov.com/boards Search City Commission and CRA Documents (1983 to Present) City of Miami Mayor's Signature Report City Commission Meeting January 11, 2024 --J 71. co Cn Cn Pursuant to Miami City Charter Section 4(g)(5), "It]he Mayor shall, within ten days of final adoption by the City Commission, have veto authority over any legislative, quasi-judicial, zoning, master plan or land use decision of the City Commission, including the budget or any particular component contained therein which was approved by the City Commission; provided, however that if any revenue item is vetoed, an expenditure item in the same or greater dollar amount must also be vetoed. The City Commission may, at its next regularly scheduled or special meeting after the veto occurs, override that veto by a four -fifths vote of the City Commissioners present, notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary contained in the Charter and City Code. Said veto power shall include actions pursuant to sections 29-B through 29-D of the Charter." Received By: Date: l i e Z'� Please call the Clerk's Office at ext. 5361 once the Mayor has signed. City of Miami Mayor's Signature Report Meeting Date: January 11, 2024 City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com File Number Title Enactment Number 15228 Resolution Enactment No. R-24-0014 MODIFIED LLJ ,) LIU Ln i,_i o 15225 Iftc; L,Jcc.y r r) L. c�r ca MODIFIED 15226 MODIFIED A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION MITIGATING/NOT MITIGATING THE CODE ENFORCEMENT LIENS RECORDED AGAINST PROPERTY ADDRESS 1600 NORTHWEST 20 STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA, CASE NUMBER CE2021011435, AFTER A HEARING, AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 2-817 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED; AUTHORIZING THE AMOUNT APPROVED AS FULL AND FINAL SETTLEMENT OF THE AFOREMENTIONED LIEN; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY, ALL IN FORMS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN. SIGN Resolution VETO Enactment No. R-24-0015 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION MITIGATING/NOT MITIGATING THE CODE ENFORCEMENT LIENS RECORDED AGAINST PROPERTY ADDRESS 2085 NORTHWEST 2 AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, CASE NUMBER CE2020006794, AFTER A HEARING, AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 2-817 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED; AUTHORIZING THE AMOUNT APPROVED AS FULL AND FINAL SETTLEMENT OF THE AFOREMENTIONED LIEN; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY, ALL IN FORMS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN. SIGN Resolution VETO Enactment No. R-24-0016 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION MITIGATING/NOT MITIGATING THE CODE ENFORCEMENT LIENS RECORDED AGAINST PROPERTY ADDRESS 2110 NORTHWEST 13 AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, CASE NUMBER CE2021010072, AFTER A HEARING, AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 2-817 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED; AUTHORIZING THE AMOUNT APPROVED AS FULL AND FINAL SETTLEMENT OF THE AFOREMENTIONED LIEN; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY, ALL IN FORMS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN. SIGN VETO City of Miami Page 1 of 4 Printed on 01/16/2024 City of Miami Mayor's Signature Report Meeting Date: January 11, 2024 City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com File Number Title Enactment Number 15229 Resolution MODIFIED Enactment No. R-24-0017 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION MITIGATING/NOT MITIGATING THE CODE ENFORCEMENT LIENS RECORDED AGAINST PROPERTY ADDRESS 2302/2304 NORTHWEST 7 PLACE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, CASE NUMBERS CE2018021610 AND CE2018021624, AFTER A HEARING, AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 2-817 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED; AUTHORIZING THE AMOUNT APPROVED AS FULL AND FINAL SETTLEMENT OF THE AFOREMENTIONED LIEN; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY, ALL IN FORMS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN. SIGN VETO 14828 Ordinance Q65 U e t r-- a.:.. ar tj -�' C.) 13645 Enactment No. 14248 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING CHAPTER 40/ARTICLE I, SECTION 40-1 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, TITLED "PERSONNEL/IN GENERAL/REGISTRATION AND FINGERPRINTING — GENERALLY," BY CREATING NEW SUBSECTION 40-1(E) PROVIDING AUTHORIZATION FOR STATE AND NATIONAL CRIMINAL HISTORY RECORD CHECKS TO BE CONDUCTED BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT AND THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS FOR ALL PERSONS APPLYING FOR, OR CONTINUING EMPLOYMENT OR APPOINTMENT IN THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR THE POSITION OF FIREFIGHTER PURSUANT TO SECTION 166.0442, FLORIDA STATUTES; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR AN IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVE DATE. SIGN VETO Ordinance Enactment No. 14249 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING CHAPTER 31/ARTICLE II/SECTION 31-51 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, TITLED "LOCAL BUSINESS TAX AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS REGULATIONS/LOCAL BUSINESS TAX (BTR)/FOOD TRUCKS OPERATING ON PRIVATE LAND," TO PROVIDE FOR A PERMANENT FOOD TRUCK ORDINANCE; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVE DATE. SIGN VETO City of Miami Page 2 of 4 Printed on 01/16/2024 City of Miami Mayor's Signature Report Meeting Date: January 11, 2024 City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com File Number Title Enactment Number 15243 Resolution Enactment No. R-24-0028 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), APPROVING A WAIVER OF THE LIMITATIONS UNDER SECTION OF THE MIAMI 21 CODE, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, FOR THE PROPERTIES LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 40 AND 50 NORTHEAST 54 STREET AND 43 NORTHEAST 53 STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA. SIGN VETO 14192 Ordinance Enactment No. 14250 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 13114, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, ("MIAMI 21 CODE") SPECIFICALLY BY AMENDING ARTICLE 1, TITLED "DEFINITIONS," TO ADD NEW DEFINITIONS; AMENDING ARTICLE 3, TITLED "GENERAL TO ZONES," AND ARTICLE 5, TITLED " SPECIFIC TO ZONES," TO CLARIFY AND AMEND THE WAIVER PROCESSES AND ASSOCIATED STANDARDS RELATING TO SETBACKS FOR IRREGULAR LOTS, DOMINANT SETBACKS, PRESERVATION OF NATURAL FEATURES, EXTENSIONS ABOVE MAXIMUM HEIGHTS, ENCROACHMENT OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, ADJUSTMENTS TO BUILDING SPACING AND TO SETBACKS ABOVE THE EIGHTH FLOOR, ADJUSTMENTS TO BUILDING DISPOSITION IN CIVIC INSTITUTIONAL (CI) TRANSECT ZONES, INDUSTRIAL USES REQUIRING ADDITIONAL HEIGHT, AND BUILDING FLOORPLATE DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS; AND AMENDING ARTICLE 7, TITLED "PROCEDURES AND NONCONFORMITIES," TO UPDATE THE WAIVERS SUMMARY LIST; MAKING FINDINGS; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. SIGN VETO City of Miami Page 3 of 4 Printed on 01/16/2024 City of Miami Mayor's Signature Report City Commission Meeting January 11, 2024 Expedited Item: RE.16 / File #15308 / Resolution R-24-0001 Pursuant to Miami City Charter Section 4(g)(5), "[t]he Mayor shall, within ten days of final adoption by the City Commission, have veto authority over any legislative, quasi-judicial, zoning, master plan or land use decision of the City Commission, including the budget or any particular component contained therein which was approved by the City Commission; provided, however that if any revenue item is vetoed, an expenditure item in the same or greater dollar amount must also be vetoed. The City Commission may, at its next regularly scheduled or special meeting after the veto occurs, override that veto by a four -fifths vote of the City Commissioners present, notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary contained in the Charter and City Code. Said veto power shall include actions pursuant to sections 29-B though 29-D of the Charter." Received By: /7.---./1/ Date: V1/2e/ Please call the Clerk's Office at ext. 5361 once the Mayor has signed. City of Miami Mayor's Signature Report Meeting Date: January 11, 2024 City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com File Number Title Enactment Number 15308 Resolution Enactment No. R-24-0001 MODIFIED ATTEST: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), AMENDING THE JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY COMMISSION DISTRICTS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NO. R- 23-0271; OFFICIALLY DELINEATING THE BOUNDARIES OF EACH DISTRICT AS SET FORTH IN "COMPOSITE EXHIBIT 1," ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED; MAKING FINDINGS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. SIGN VETO Mayor ancis X. S arez , / , A( Date The signature of the Mayor indicates review and action for the items listed above. If any item does not indicate a determination to sign or veto, the item shall be deemed to take effect 10 days from the date of the City Commission Action. I t It9bg‘LI y Clerk Date Deputy Clerk (for Todd B. Hannon, City Clerk) City of Miami Page 1 of 1 Printed on 01/11/2024 City of Miami Mayor's Signature Report City Commission Meeting January 11, 2024 Expedited Item: PZ.5 / File #13965 / Ordinance 0-14218 0,1 Pursuant to Miami City Charter Section 4(g)(5), "[t]he Mayor shall, within ten days of final adoption by the City Commission, have veto authority over any legislative, quasi-judicial, zoning, master plan or land use decision of the City Commission, including the budget or any particular component contained therein which was approved by the City Commission; provided, however that if any revenue item is vetoed, an expenditure item in the same or greater dollar amount must also be vetoed. The City Commission may, at its next regularly scheduled or special meeting after the veto occurs, override that veto by a four -fifths vote of the City Commissioners present, notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary contained in the Charter and City Code. Said veto power shall include actions pursuant to sections 29-B through 29-D of the Charter." Received By: 7:714‹,� Date: �Z 1 Please call the Clerk's Office at ext. 5361 once the Mayor has signed. City of Miami Mayor's Signature Report Meeting Date: January 11, 2024 City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com File Number Title Enactment Number 13965 Ordinance ATTEST: 'City Clerk( Deputy Clerk (for Todd B. Hannon, City Clerk) Enactment No. 14218 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 10544, AS AMENDED, THE MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO EXPEDITED STATE REVIEW PROCEDURES UNDER SECTION 163.3184(3), FLORIDA STATUTES, BY AMENDING THE "INTERPRETATION OF THE 2020 FUTURE LAND USE MAP" FOR "MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL, PUBLIC FACILITIES, TRANSPORTATION AND UTILITIES" TO CLARIFY RESIDENTIAL USES WITHIN THIS FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION; MAKING FINDINGS; CONTAINING SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. SIGN VETO Mayor rancis X. Suarez 1 /2,704 Date The signature of the Mayor indicates review and action for the items listed above. If any item does not indicate a determination to sign or veto, the item shall be deemed to take effect 10 days from the date of the City Commission Action. V.)NC) Date City of Miami Page 1 of 1 Printed on 01/12/2024 City of Miami Mayor's Signature Report Meeting Date: January 11, 2024 City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com File Number Title Enactment Number 15125 Ordinance Enactment No. 14251 MODIFIED ATTEST: e�ity Clerk Deputy Clerk (for Todd B. Hannon, City Clerk) AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 13114, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED ("MIAMI 21 CODE"), SPECIFICALLY BY AMENDING ARTICLE 5, SECTION 5.5.2.K., TITLED "SPECIFICS TO ZONES/URBAN CENTER TRANSECT ZONES (T5)/BUILDING CONFIGURATION (T5)," TO ALLOW FOR FENCES AND WALLS IN THE FIRST LAYER FOR USES THAT SOLELY SERVE NEEDS OF NEIGHBORHOOD CHILDREN AND ARE AFFILIATED WITH AN ABUTTING APPROVED RESCUE MISSION; AND AMENDING ARTICLE 10, SECTION 10.3.7, TITLED "SPECIAL SIGN PACKAGE," TO PROVIDE FOR A SPECIAL SIGN PACKAGE FOR BUILDINGS THAT SOLELY SERVE THE NEEDS OF NEIGHBORHOOD CHILDREN AND ARE AFFILIATED WITH AN ABUTTING APPROVED RESCUE MISSION; MAKING FINDINGS; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVE DATE. SIGN VETO yor ancis X. Suarez Date The signature of the Mayor indicates review and action for the items listed above. If any item does not indicate a determination to sign or veto, the item shall be deemed to take effect 10 days from the date of the City Commission Action. Date City of Miami Page 4 of 4 Printed on 01/16/2024