HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittals at PZAB Mtg (9.20.2023)ARGUMENT
I. Introduction.
A)Good evening. My name is Alfredo L.
Gonzalez, an attorney with the Gunster
Law Firm, with offices at 600 Brickell
Avenue, Suite 3500, Miami, Florida 33131.
B) It is my pleasure to be here tonight
representing 53rd Street Apartments, L.P.,
a Florida Limited Liability Partnership, the
Applicant and Owner of the Property
subject of this Application.
I. Introduction.
Through the Application before you, we
are requesting a change to the City future land
use plan so that the entire parcel be
designated restricted commercial.
Simultaneously we have filed for a
modification of the zoning applicable to the
Property to T5-0 to be heard by the Board after
you address this Master Plan Amendment
[We do not have any specific plan of
development at this time and the voluntary
covenant filed with our Application is hereby
withdrawn. Said covenant was applicable only
if the Property was zoned T680 as requested in
our Application.
Our request to T680 shall not be
considered today but rather per staffs
direction by complimentary and ancillary
process that will come before this board later.]
As allowed under a restrictive commercial
land use designation a vibrant residential and
retail community may be developed on this
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Property to include attainably priced rentals
and homeownership as well as enhanced retail
with local shops and restaurants.
Our intended land use designation is
consistent with the City Master Plan objective
LU-1.3 which encourages mixed use
neighborhoods with a variety of uses within
walkable distance.
The City's future land use plan bifurcates
the Property into three separate and
competing land use designations. The part of
the land facing 54th street is presently
designated restricted commercial. The part of
the Property fronting on 53rd street is
designated low density multifamily restricted
and low -density restricted commercial.
This is the case notwithstanding the fact
that the Property fronts along 53rd street the
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massive hospital project encompassing the
Miami Jewish Health System Hospital, a
Property that includes T-6-8 zoning and is
designated in your Master Plan for major
institutional facilities.
II. Support.
We are proposing this Amendment to the
City Master Plan to create consistency
amongst proximate land uses which will allow
for the development of a multi -use residential
and retail project. The part of the Property
along 54th street is already designated as
restricted commercial and the institutional
designation directly across the street on 53rd
street argues for the part of the Property
fronting 53rd street to be designated restricted
commercial as well, in accordance with future
land use goal LU.1 and policy LU.1.1.7 of your
Master Plan.
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The hospital across from our Property is a
Master Planned major institutional public
The City Master Plan allows the hospital
under their land use designation to develop
ancillary residential up to the maximum
allowed under high density residential which is
150 units per acre.
When looking at our Application in the
most simplistic way, why would the hospital,
our neighbor across the street on 53rd street
be allowed to develop their Property at 150
units to the acre and restrict our Property to
36 units to the acre.
This is just not fair or good planning,
particularly since our Property faces on 54th
street a major arterial, 4 lane road and is
located near a transit corridor on NE 2nd
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Avenue where the City Master Plan (TR-2.1.3)
encourages higher density.
This Property is located in an area that has
been neglected for some time. This application
if approved, will help to revitalize this area
consistent with goal LU.1 and LU.1.2.1 of the
City Master Plan.
The requested Amendment will create a
uniform and consistent land use pattern
throughout NE 54th street and 53rd street
which fronts the hospital. This change will
allow for a more efficient and cohesive
development area in accordance with goal
LU.1 of the City Master Plan.
The proposed Amendment will serve to
protect existing residential areas by promoting
commercial and multiuse residential along NE
54th street a major arterial road that serves to
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connect 1-95 to the West with US-1 to the East
and along NE 53rd street which faces the
hospital complex.
Further, the proposed Amendment will
incentivize development in this neglected area
while generating attainable rental units, fee
simple housing alternatives and employment
opportunities as part of any development
under the restrictive commercial land use
designation all as supported by the City Master
Plan under goals LU.1, 1.1.7, LU-1.3, LU-1.2.2,
LU1.3.15 and policy HO 1.17 and 2.12.
Our development team has worked
diligently with your staff, and we are proud
that your staff after a thorough review, is
recommending our request for approval by
the City and agrees that our request is
consistent with the goals and objectives of the
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City of Miami comprehensive neighborhood
Respectfully, we request your support for
this Application, consistently with the City's
professional staff recommendation.
Zoning Application
I. Introduction.
SEP 2 0 2023
A) Good evening. My name is Alfredo L.
Gonzalez, an attorney with the Gunster
Law Firm, with offices at 600 Brickell
Avenue, Suite 3500, Miami, Florida 33131.
B) It is my pleasure to be here tonight
representing 53rd Street Apartments, L.P.,
a Florida Limited Liability Partnership, the
Applicant and Owner of the Property
subject of this Application.
I. Introduction.
We are requesting a change to the Zoning
applicable to the Property so that the entire
parcel be zoned 75-0 Urban Center Transect
Zone. To be clear our Application is requesting
a T-680 zoning designation for the Property.
Said request is being processed by a separate
Zoning Application
process as stated in your staff
recommendation. However, before you today
is the change to T50 and 1 will address that
Simultaneously with this Application we
have filed an Application requesting a change
to the City future land use plan so that the part
of the Property not already designated
restricted commercial be so designated. You
have approved such action today.
II. Support.
The Property is located in an area that has
been largely neglected for some time and is an
important transition between two major
corridors 1-95 and US-1. Further, the Property
is within walking distance from Northeast 2nd
Avenue, which is a transit corridor. Consistent
with the City Master Plan policy LU-1.1.10
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Zoning Application
higher density developments are encouraged
in transit corridors.
The Property is surrounded by a few
zoning districts, including T6-8-0, T5-0, T4-R,
and T4-0, which provides for a unique and
diverse neighborhood which is transitioning
into a mixed use, higher density transit
dependent area. In fact, in close proximity to
the Property the City is reviewing a 30-acre
special area plan known as Sable Chase which
includes T-680 zoning.
The Property is near to the 1-95 and US-1
Major Traffic Corridors, walking distance from
a transit corridor, and the Miami Jewish Health
System (Hospital) which borders the Property
on NE 53rd Street. These changed conditions
support the requested Zoning under the City
Miami 21 Zoning Code section
Zoning Application
The proposed T5-0 zoning designation will
permit a mixed -use residential multi-
family/commercial development on a large
size property that can provide sufficient
buffers to the established neighborhood while
providing a much -needed mix of uses and new
housing in a commercial intensive area.
Rezoning the Property to T5-0, will also
help further the City's vision for "pedestrian
friendly neighborhoods". See Objective HO-2.1
and TR-2.7. of MCNP.
The Property is presently split between
three zoning districts T5-0, T4-0 and T4R and
three land use designations (Restricted
Commercial, Low Density Restricted
Commercial and Low -Density Multi -Family)
under the City Master Plan.
Zoning Application
Unifying the Property under the same
zoning and land use Designation will create a
more efficient and cohesive development,
area. Approval shall avoid inconsistencies in
future development and support consistency
of use among proximate land uses such as the
Hospital and other T-5-0 and T-6 uses along
NW 54th Street and 53rd Street.
The zoning of this Property to T5-0 will
allow for a functional and pedestrian friendly
plan that integrates public realm features
along the NE 54 Street corridor that fronts the
property while remaining considerate of the
existing neighborhood. See Objective HO-
1.1.7 and 2.1 of MCNP.
The T4-R and T4-0 zoning is no longer the
most beneficial use of the Property due to: (i)
the presence of the major transit corridors on
54th street; (ii) proximity to the Hospital an
Zoning Application
institutional use; (iii) the fact that the Property
is a few blocks from a transit corridor and the
size of the Property. The requested zoning
would allow consistent zoning on both block
faces thus creating a consistent and more
desirable pedestrian environment.
This area is in need of a revitalization of
commercial and residential uses and the
requested zoning and any project developed
under the requested zoning designation will
expedite such changes see Master Plan goals
LU.1 and LU.1.2.1.
Proposed development of the site can
include a multi -family project with ground
floor commercial and retail spaces and will be
subject to the regulations contained in the
City's Zoning Code, Article 5, Section 5.6 Urban
Core Transect Zones, the focus of which is to
minimize potential negative impacts on
Zoning Application
adjacent land uses and improve the
appearance of urban development in the City.
The proposed zoning promotes and
facilitates economic development and the
growth of job opportunities in the City by
creating much needed pedestrian friendly
retail commercial development as well as
residential units in accordance with the City
Master Plan Policy LU-1.1-7 and LU-1.2.
The applicant, as allowed under this
zoning designation, will replace long standing
vacant land with residential and commercial
development to add vibrancy to the area.
The requested Amendment will create a
uniform and consistent land use pattern
throughout NE 54th street and 53rd street
which fronts the Hospital. This change will
allow for a more efficient and cohesive
Zoning Application
development area in accordance with goal
LU.1 of the City Master Plan. it is important to
note that the Hospital directly across 53rd
street from the Property is zoned T5-0 and T-
6-8-0 and is allowed under the City Master
Plan to develop ancillary residential at 150
units to the acre.
The proposed Amendment will serve to
protect existing residential areas by promoting
commercial and higher density multi -use
residential along NE 54th street a major arterial
road and along NE 53rd street which faces the
Hospital complex.
Further, the proposed Amendment will
incentivize development in this neglected area
while generating needed housing alternatives
and employment all as supported by the City
Master Plan under goals LU.1, 1.1.7, LU-1.3,
Zoning Application
LU-1.2.2, LU1.3.15 and policy HO 1.17 and
In this regard and when the Property is
finally zone 7-680 we will voluntarily proffer a
covenant to ensure that ten (10) percent of the
residential rental units to be developed are
made available for work force housing at 100%
of area median income.
We are proud to affirm that your
professional staff has recommended our
Application for approval and finds that the
request is consistent with the goals and
objectives of the City Master Plan and
consistent with the requirements of Miami 21
article 7 for approval of the Application.
It is applicants' intention should the
requested approval be granted to develop a
vibrant residential and retail community to
Zoning Application
include attainable price residential rental units
and retail with local shops and restaurants.
Respectfully and consistently with the
recommendation of your professional staff,
we request your support for this Application.
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