HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2022-09-22 Advertisement Beaufort Gazette The Herald-Pock Hill el Nuevo Herald-Miami Sun News-Myrtle Beach
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Bellingham Herald Idaho Statesman Raleigh News&Observer The Telegraph-Macon
Bradenton Herald Island Packet The Olympian San Luis Obispo Tribune
MCCLATCHY Centre Daily Times Kansas City Star Sacramento Bee Tn-City Herald
Charlotte Observer Lexington Herald-Leader Fort Worth Star-Telegram Wichita Eagle
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Fresno Bee Miami Herald Sun Herald-Biloxi
Account# Order Number Identification Order PO Amount Cols Depth
33010 308838 MIA Local ENCrTrim ads $3.457.83 3 10.25 in
Attention: Todd Hannon PUBLISHED DAILY
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared:
Amanda Grisham,who on oath says that he/she is
CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS of The Miami Herald,a daily
newspaper published at Miami in Miami-Dade County,
Florida;that the attached copy of the advertisement
that was published was published in said newspaper in
the issue(s)of:
Publication:Miami Herald
Copy of ad content No.of Insertions: 1
is on the next page Beginning Issue of: 09/18/2022
Ending Issue of: 09/18/2022
Affiant further says that the said Miami Herald is a
newspaper published at Miami,in the said Miami-Dade
County,Florida and that the said newspaper has
heretofore been continuously published in said Dade
County,Florida each day and has been entered a second
class mail matter at the post office in Miami,in said
Miami-Dade County,Florida,for a period of one year
next preceding the first publication of the attached copy
of advertisement;and affiant further says that he/she
has neither paid or promised any person,firm or
corporation any discount,rebate,commission or refund
for the purpose of securing this advertisement for
publication in the said newspaper(s).
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 19th day of
September in the year of 2022
c5 39a
Notary Public in and for the state of Texas,residing in
Dallas County
' ` $T NI 3COtT I(
! My Nobly O$13$NSa51
Extra charge for last or duplicate affidavits.
Legal downer*please do not destroy!
The City of Miami has tentatively
adopted a measure to increase its
property tax levy.
Last years property tax levy:
A.Initially proposed tax levy $504,725,865
B.Less tax reductions due to Value Adjustrrent
Board and other assessment animes S11.206.101
C Actual property tax levy $493 518,764
This year's proposed tax levy
All concerned citizens are invited to attend a
public hearing on the tax increase to be held on:
DATE:Thursday,Sec-tenter 22nd,2022
TIME 5:05 p.m.
PLACE:City Nall,City Commission Chambers,
3500 Pan American Drive,Miami,Florida 33133
Persons needing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding
cal (305) 250-5361 (Voice) and TTY users cal via 711 (Florida Relay
Service)no tater than two(2)business days prior to the proceeding_
Additional information:httpsi/www.miamigov.com
A FINAL DECISION on the proposed tax
increase and the budget will be made at
this hearing.
Ad No.40161
FROM PAGE to terminated ifowners fail tenants at Blackstone have ity's more than 3,000 they often lack rans-
EVI CT to make required repair not received notices to housing choice vouchers, portation and can't hna-
-although the regular vacate.Still,Bennett said Leon and.But she said it gine living somewhere
Pons give housing agen- the owner continues to rarely affects so many else,
ties discretion to decide squabble with the housing tenants at once. "Their whole world is
had agreed to rewind the rental assistance pay- when to terminate the authority over reimburse- Hearne,the Legal Serv- tight there where they
termination notices after ments to the landlord for contracts and advise them ment for payments that ices of Greater Miami live,"he said.
the housing authority said about 17 units that had to first give tenants a have been withheld, attorney,said the types of
it would pay back rent it failed a series of required "reasonable"amount of Withholding rent for tenants who live at the Aaron Leibowitz:
has been withholding due health and safety inspec- time to find new places to Section 8 units isn't un- Shep Davis and Black- 305.376-2235,
to failed inspections con- tions.The agency would live. usual among the Miami stone buildings need to be glaaron-kilt
ducted by the agency, not immediately provide Gonzalez,the Ecuador Beach Housing Author- protected,in part because
"At the end of the day, copies of its inspection native,said she needs
this is getting resolved," reports to the Herald,but more support.She said
Bennett said. Leon said"basic"housing h believed her Prat was NOTICE OF PROPOSED
Still,14 units had not quality issues like leaky in good condition and
yet passed required in- ceilings and broken heat- wasn't told why it failed TAX INCREASE
spections as of this week, ing systems have festered inspections,and said no
said Vashtye Eton,the over the past several one has helped her look
Housing Authority's Sec- years. for new apartments or
[ion 8 supervisor,And she When the landlord told her how much her The City of Miami has tentatively
said the agency has not didn't make needed fixes n v whets is worth.
determined how it will pay prior to follow-up ilupec- "I feel like the[housing
back previously withheld hens,the housing author- authority,should be clear- adopted a measure to increase its
rent,which is not typically ity terminated its assist- er in their instructions,"
covered by the U.S.De- ante contracts for the she said. property tax levy.
pertinent of Housing and failing units.That put Leon said the agency
Urban Development tenants in a bind.The has been communicating
(HUD), agency gave them vouch- with tenants throughout
"We're still looking into ern to find new housing the process,and is now Last year's property tax levy,
sources and putting those within 10 miles of Miami prepared to reinstate
funds together,"Leon Beach,but few were sac- housing assistance con-
said."It's important to us cessful as rents soared tracts to allow them to A.Initially proposed tax levy $504 725 B66
that these tenants remain across South Florida, stay if and when their
housed," This summer,after units pass inspections. B.Less tax reductions due to Value Adjustment
Voucher recipients typ- almost a year of the hoes- "We followed the
ically pay 30%of their ing authority withholding rules,"Leon said."We did Board and other assessment changes $11 206 101
monthly income toward payments,the landlord what we were supposed to
the rent and HUD covers gave residents 60-day do." C.Actual property tax levy $493 519 764
the rest Families are only notices to leave. The conflict between
eligible if their income is "I know the residents Meta and the Miami This
no more than half of the are in an uproar,"Leon Beach Housing Authorityyear's proposed tax levy $557 096.206
area median income, said."It's very difficult to goes beyond Shep Davis
which is about$68,000 in locate affordable units, Apartments.
Miami-Dade County. They don't want to leave.I At the nearby Black-
can't blame them at this nit building on Washing-
TENANTS 1N AN time." t ne Apartments,a All concerned citizens are invited to attend a
UpROAte Jeffrey Hearne,the tonAvenuepeunder the public hears on the tax increase to be held on:
Shep Davis Apartments director of litigation for hip,housing
sits on prime real estate Legal Services of Greater authority inspectors dis-
just one block from the Miami,said it's concern- cover.last year that the DATE:Thursday,September 22nd,2022
beach and steps away ing that elderly tenants on city of Miami Beach had
from the swanky W Hotel, enhanced vouchers could issued an unsafe structure TIME 5:05 p.m.
It reflects both the old and be forced to find new notice and that a 12th- PLACE:Coy Hall,City Commission Chambers.
new of South Beach—a homes as a result of poor Boor ceiling was"caving
mix of elderly,Spanish- maintenance. in,"
according to Leon. 3500 Pan American Drive,Miami,Florida 33133
speaking residents on In some cases,Heame The agency immediate-
fixed incomes and young- said,landlords can look to ly canceled housing assist-
er,well-to-do renters in exploit HUD regulations ance contracts for all 49
market-rate units, by letting units fag into of the building's Section g Persons needing special accommodations to participate In this proceeding
About half of the build- disrepair if they no longer units and issued tenants
ing's tenants utilize wish to house Section 8 ouchers to find d new call(305)250-6361 (Voice)and TTY users call via 711 (Florida Relay
housing choice vouchers, tenants, homes. Service)no later than two(2)business days prior to the proceeding.
the federal government's 1 wouldn't want some- Since then,the owner
largest program to help body to be forced out and has addressed the unsafe
low-income families,se- lose their enhanced structure violations and is
niors and people with voucher and their right to resolving issues in in. Additional information:htipsJ/www.miamigov,com
disabilities afford housing remain just because the dividual units"bit by bit,"
in the private market owner doesn't maintain Leon said,with payments
aMany Dare hWdwirsfrom the b"That's"Hearneawayto stvindn tsaso ld this
A FINAL DECISION on the proposed tax
a HUD rental assistance said."That's a way to do seven units as of this week
contact that covered the end-around." —down from an initial 29.
entire building starting in a Bennett,the property As she exited the build- increase and the budget will be made at
the early 1980s. manager who began work- ing earlier this week,Sec- 9
When the owner chose Mg at Shep Davis Apart- don 8 tenant Aida Fonse-
not to renew the HUD ments this rummer,said ca told the Herald she has this hearing.
contract in 2018,tenants the owner is not trying to heard about payments to
had to either accept new drive Section 8 tenants the landlord being halted
vouchers and seek hair- from the building and is due to poor conditions.In
ing elsewhere or stay at committed to making her unit,Fonseca said,she
Shep Davis using so-called repairs. has dealt with cockroach- Ad No.40161
"enhanced vouchers"— Now that the housing es
and rats.
which allow landlords to authority has said it will Unlike at Shep Davis,
collect more money from make back-payments for
the government in rent in withheld rent,"he's not
an effort to keep tenants terminating anybody,"
in their homes after HUD Bennett said of raw Mata, BUDGET SUMMARY/CITY OF MIAMI-FISCAL YEAR 2022-2023
contracts expire,even in the registered agent for ATHE PROPOSED OPERATING BUDGET EXPENDITURES OF THE CITY OF MIAMI
g neighbor- Shep Equities
That security blanket reached for comment General Fund 7.5539
disappeared for low-in- Federal regulations say Voted Debt 0.3235
come They Davis tenants payments must be with-
late last year,when the held from landlords and GENERAL SPECIAL DEBT INTERNAL
Authority stopped making tracts ultimately must be Taxes:MW9e per$1000
M Valorem Taxes 75539 529.245.003 529,245.000
.................... M Valorem Taxes 0.3235(Voted Debt) 22,669,000 22,869,000
Dr.Ronald B.Elam TIE Transfer ail Sb.,46.001 (56,2360001
Delinquent MVabrem lases 17,488.1J00 12,409000
Is closing his practice as of 9/30/2022. Interest Ad Valorem Taxes 51.000 51,000
Franchise fees 6 Other Taxes 124.167.000 124,157000
Dr.Luis E.Augsten Interest 2.537,000 13,000 2,550,000
Is taking over his practice and Intergovernmental ne 6 Farremnes 6.208,000 1,350,000 7658,000
governmental Revenue 96,229.000 70,415,000 5,000,000 171.844.000
has access to all existing patient charts. licenses and Peones 78.451,000 5,370,000 83.821,000
The office address and phone number Other Revenues 25,583,000 268.784,000 2,337,000 104,830,000 4M,534,000
Charges for Services 126.662.000 8,956,000 60,000 136,676,000
remains me same
6601 SW Both street Suite 101,Miami,Fla.33143 TOTAL SOURCES 950.783.000 354,888,000 30.006,000 100,890,000 1,440,167,000
305-661-3316 Transfers-In
raFunn Brs-In virnervesMet luse6 14.696,000 21,449,000 35.505.000 71252600
7.1rt‘ "� TOfAL REUES,TRAaSFERSBBCESVEN %S,t81,000 3T6,337,OW 65.511,000 104,tiB0,000 1,a12,M9,000
Thgest Antique Mai ,"' Evreagraws
in South Dade ry'/ Genera Government 100.539.000 121,377.000 14,808,000 230.721,000
k. Antique Mall YAlif.•. �^nirgdOevebpment 39.576.000 31,311.000 70,807,000
Commuraty De+ebpmem 1.833.000 97,841,000 9%874,000
Summer Sale Be:'! �. PuWk Wa%y 111.531.000 24,585,000 136,116,000
Public Safety 516,61 O.Ixp 6d,8ss.000 581,469,000
` Including Fine Jewelry �, IxFDelarsmenta 0663:ao 17,7755,0 D 90,082,000 186,863,060
43,43%0 0
r 20-50%OFF 4c Debt Services 65,511,000 66,511,000
Fine a Vintage Jewelry.Coins.Disney, TOTAL EXPENDITURES 894.m 3.000 356,26B.000 65.511.000 10/.890,000 1,120,662.000
Furniture,Lighting, Tranters-Oul 66,266.000 20,568,000 66,337,000
arware,Boo u,IF's , sop gyawelleserves/Net Assetste)
5,000,000 5,000,000
earwere,Books,LP's Signed Art, �-'1
Open 7 Days:Hon-Fs 10-5PM ;y ' 1RANSFUIS,RESERVES a BALANCES 965,281,000 376,337,000 65,511,000 104.880,000 1,5126I1,000
,Agb. Sat10-6PM,Sun 12-5PMp.
9845 E.Fern St,Palmetto flay A R18lJC RECORD.
Tornc.aUhla In eM.eami,N
We eeasy l aall poal+r Rensal-Cons,pn
iN. •_ ,i a M 110161
on i i
Beaufort Gazette The Herald-Rcck:Hill el Nuew_-Herald-Miami Sun News-Myrtle Beach
BeIkftdie News-Democrat Herald Sun-Durham Modesto Bee The News Tribune Tacoma
Bellingham Herald Idaho Statesman Raleigh News&Observer The Telegraph-Macon
Bradenton Herald Island Packet The Olympian San Luis Obispo Tribune
1 MCCLATCHY Centre Daily Times Kansas City Star Sacramento Bee Tri-City Herald
Charlotte Observer Lexington Herald-Leader Fort Worth Star-Telegram Wichita Eagle
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer Merced Sun-Star The State-Columbia
Fresno Bee Miami Herald Sun Herald-Biloxi
Account# Order Number Identification Order PO Amount Cols Depth
33010 308838 MIA Local ENCrTrim ads $3,598.40 4 8.00 in
Attention: Todd Hannon PUBLISHED DAILY
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared:
Amanda Grisham,who on oath says that he/she is
CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS of The Miami Herald,a daily
ouncEr suoilliART I an OF MAM-R AL YEAR newspaper published at Miami in Miami-Dade County,
911E PR °PERMED Now EXHIMMIRES OF TIE MIT OF ROAM Florida;that the attached copy of the advertisement
ME 1@.O%IMAM THAN LAST YEARS 701A1 mum EMERQRIAIEIL that was published was published in said newspaper in
Mae Poke 7a111 the issue(s)of:
110111 Deft Mel Publication:Miami Herald
wpm MIMo RAM WE MIMS EMS PIM T. No.of Insertions: 1
lint DAMN=M—o mentt1nem Beginning Issue of: 09/18/2022
al Mom look&ME MOO Winder
1loO4 Mil �� 1r Ending Issue of: 09/18/2022
OilliwrrtMendk ln � 1T
Affiant further says that the said Miami Herald is a
R.'d'Iv°Pea a 01ffTia 1?4187� JAIME. newspaper published at Miami,in the said Miami-Dade
ra r IMI &MA= 1 ARON County,Florida and that the said newspaper has
iniramirrarerel Rolm" 00D . heretofore been continuously published in said Dade
Caw 6n IN WA= i �.� 1 County,Florida each day and has been entered a second
aspclass mail matter at the post office in Miami,in said
TOTAL SOt11l!® 0MM3,A00 asc,Ee otE tIM.Doe.mo WIRE= 1A+10R Miami-Dade County,Florida,for a period of one year
Tt�.dsr(. 14,eBB f,000 21.440.000 WA = Fl t',IOE next preceding the first publication of the attached copy
IiIroslImraaftbeAmIt of advertisement;and affiant further says that he/she
TOM MEM MIME has neither paid or promised any person,firm or
i eleultm °ed'atl p°° 376.157,M 66,511,(><q 1pi,te1DA00 1A11gb corporation any discount,rebate,commission or refund
for the purpose of securing this advertisement for
aolloi IIlwmwt 1c0010,000 21aTn.0 lee zu 12129u106 publication in the said newspaper(s).
?brill insidixamt Arkin Camila Da Pita liana „11 I= Wig
fie+ 1 xx 1 g4D�mD 1� (1.3N .
Debt!~vkw 06 ti11000
TaW.EStl311ltteg 804,DM3.tI ae'ER= Km1,0:13 1lM. mD 1.411.111.101 Sworn to and subscribed before me this 19th day of
iiimiewout Rod ElioleolimmanletAnds as' uce BOAe4am September in the year of 2022
11VAIFIIII,MIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIA 815,261,000 370.237.0DD E6,611,000 101.80100D 1,611.1p,10i
MI Notary Public in and for the state of Texas,residing in
Dallas County
SAMSRTMNy111917 51
Ewa charge for lost or duplicate affidavits.
Legal doament please do not destroy!
FROM PAGE 5A terminated if owners fail tenants at Blackstone have ity's more than 3,000 they often lack trans-
EVI CT to make required repairs not received notices to housing choice vouchers, portation and can't ima-
-although the regula- vacate.Still,Bennett said Leon said.But she said it gine living somewhere
dons give housing agen- the owner continues to rarely affects so many else.
vies discretion to decide squabble with the homing tenants at once. "Their whole world is
had agreed to rescind the rental assistance pay- when to terminate the authority over reimburse- Hearne,the Legal Serv- right there where they
termination notices after meets to the landlord for contracts and advise them meat for payments that ices of Greater Miami live,"he said.
the housing authority said about 17 units that had to first give tenants a have been withheld. attorney,said the types of
it would pay back rent it failed a series of required "reasonable"amount of Withholding rent for tenants who live at the Aaron Leidovirr:
has been withholding due health and safety inspec- time to find new places to Section 8 units isn't un- Shep Davis and Black- 305-376-2235,
to failed inspections con- Lions.The agency would live. usual among the Miami stone buildings need to be faarouleib
ducted by the agency, not immediately provide Gonzalez,the Ecuador Beach Housing Author- protected,in part because
"At the end of the day, copies of its inspection native,said she needs
this is getting resolved," reports to the Herald,but more support.She said
Bennett said. Leon said"basic"housing hebelieved her unit was NOTICE OF PROPOSED
Still,14 units had not quality issues like leaky in good condition and
yet passed required in- ceilings and broken heat- wasn't told why it failed
ry ections as of this week, ing systems have festered inspections,and said no TAX INCREASE
said Vashrye Leon,the over the past several one has helped her look
Housing Authority's Sec- years. for new apartments or
said 8 supervisor.And she When the landlord told her how much her The City of Miami has tentatively
said the agency has not didn't snake needed fires new
w voucher is worth.
determined how it will pay prior to follow-up iespec- "I feel like the(housing
back previously withheld dons,the lousing author- authority!should be clear- adopted a measure to increase its
rent,which is not typically ity terminated its assist- er in their instructions,"
covered by the U.S.De- ante contracts for the she said. property tax levy.
partment of Housing and failing units.That put Leon said the agency
Urban Development tenants in a bind.The has been communicating
(HUD). agency gave them vouch- with tenants throughout
"We're still looking into en to Find new housing the process,and is now Last year's property tax levy
sources and putting those within 10 miles of Miami prepared to reinstate
funds together,"Leon Beach,but few were suc- housing assistance con-
said-"It's important to us cessful as rents soared tracts to allow them to A.Initially proposed tax lery $504 725 865
that these tenants remain across South Florida. stay if and when their
haired." This summer,after units pass inspections. B.Less tax reductions due to Value Adjustment
Voucher recipients typ- almost a year of the boos- "We followed the
ically pay 30%of their ing authority withholding miles,"Leon said."We did Board and other assessment changes 511 206 191
monthly income toward payments,the landlord what we were supposed to
the rent and HUD covers gave residents 60-day do." C.Actual property tax levy 5493 519 764
the rest Families are only notices to leave. The conflict between
eligible if their income is "I know the residents Mate and the Miami no more than half of the an uproar,"Leon Beach H This 555 blousing Authority year's proposed tax levy 7 096 206
area median income, said'"It's very difficult to goes beyond Shep Davis
which is about S68,000 in locate affordable units. Apartments.
Miami-Dade Carty. They don't want to leave.1 At the nearby Black-
an't blame them atthis uWoneApartments,Washing-
ashin- All concerned citizens are invited to attend a
TENANTS IN AN time." t building on Wahing-
U►ROAR Jeffrey Hearne,the ton Avenue under the
Shep Davis Apartments director of litigation for ership,housing public hearing on the tax increase to be held on:
sits on prime real estate Legal Services of Greater authority inspectors de-
just one block from the Miami,said it's concern- covered last year that the DATE:Thursday,September 22ntl,2022
beach and steps away ing that elderly tenants on city of Miami Beach had TIME 5.OS p.m,
from the swanky W Hotel. enhanced vouchers could issued an unsafe structure
It reflects both the old and be forced to find new notice and that a 12th- PUCE:City Hall,City Commission Chambers.
new of South Beach—a homes as a result of poor floor ceiling was"caving
mix of elderly,Spanish- m aintenance. in,"
according to Leon. 3500 Pan Amerman Drive,Miami,Florida 33133
speaking residents on In some cases,Heame The agency immediate-
fixed incomes and young- said,landlords can look to ly canceled housing assist-
well-to-do renters in exploit HUD regulations once contracts for all 49
market-rate units. by letting units fall into of the building's Section 8 Persons needing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding
About half of the build- disrepair if they no longer units and issued tenants
ing's tenants utilize wish to home Section 8 ouches tofin
new call(305)250-5361(Voice)and TTY users call via 711(Florida Relay
housing choice vouchers, tenants. homes. Service)no later than two(2)business days pilot to the proceeding.
the federal government's 1 wouldn't want some- Since then,the owner
largest program to help body to be forced out and has addressed the unsafe
low-income families,se- lose their enhanced structure violations and is
niors and people with voucher and then right to resolving issues in in- Additional Information:https://www.tnlamigov.com
disabilities afford housing remain just because the dividual units"bit by bit,"
in the private market. owner doesn't maintain Leon said,with payments
a Hny UD re sal assistance
the building,"awarneo still enerbeing withheld this
A FINAL DECISION on the proposed tax
a HUD rental assistmce said."That's a way to do vets units as of this week
conduct that covered the an
end-around." —down from an initial 29.
entire building starting in Bennett,the property As she exited the build-
the early 1980s. manager who began work- Mg earlier this week,Sec- increase and the budget will be made at
When the owner chose ing at Shep Davis Apart- don 8 tenant Aida Form-
not to renew the HUD meets this summer,said ca told the Herald she has this hearing.
contract in 2018,tenants the owner is not trying to heard about payments to
had to either accept new drive Section 8 tenants the landlord being halted
vouchers and seek horn- from the building and is due to poor conditions.In
ing elsewhere or stay at committed to making her unit,Fonseca said,she
Shep Davis using so-called repairs. has dealt with cockroach- Ad No.40161
"enhanced vouchers"— Now that the housing es
and rats.
which allow landlords to authority has said it will Unlike at Shep Davis,
collect more money from make back-payments for
the government in rent in withheld rent,"he's not
an effort to keep tenants terminating anybody,"
in then homes after HUD Bennett said of Paul Mata, BUDGET SUMMARY/CITY OF MIAMI-FISCAL YEAR 2022-2023
contracts expire,even in the registered agent for *THE PROPOSED OPERATING BUDGET EXPENDITURES OF THE CITY OF MIAMI
gentrifying neighbor- Shep Equities cou nor be ARE 10.5%GREATER THAN LAST YEAR'S TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES.
That security blanket reached for comment. General Fund 7,5539
disappeared for low-in- Federal regulations say voted Deb, 0.3235
come Shep Davis tenants payments must be with-
late last year,when the held from landlords and 6E14RAL SPECML DEBT dramas,
Authority stopped making tracts ultimately must be Toes Mass per 11000
Ad Valorem Tares 7,5539 529.245,000 529,245.000
..._...__..........._......_._ Ad Valorem Taxes 0.3235(Voted Debt) 22.669,000 22,869,000
TIF Transfer LRAI 156,23Bp00) (56,230 000)
Dr.Ronald Et.Flom Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 17,48,000 17,400,000
Is closing his practice as of 9/30/2022. Interest Ad Valorem room ti.000 51,000
Franchise Fees S Omer Taxes 124.167,009 124,167,000
Dr.Luis E.Augsten Interest 2,537,000 13,000 Z550.000
Is taking over his practice and Roes a Forfeitures 6,208.000 1,350,000 7,558,000
Intergovernmental Revenue 96.229,000 70,115,000 5,000,000 171.544.000
has access to all existing patient charts. Licenses and P.m. 78.451,000 5.370,000 83,821,000
The office address and phony number Omer Revenurs 25,583,000 268.781.000 2,337,003 104,830,000 401,534.002
Charges for Services 126.662.000 8.956.000 60,000 135,676,000
remains she same
6601 SW 80th Street Suite 101,Miami,Fla.33143 TOTAL SOURCES 950.303,000 354,888,000 30,006,000 104190,000 1,810,167.003
305-661-3316 Fund HalanceMrserves/NetAssets 14.038.000 21,149.000 35,505,000 71452,000
. AW 565.281,000 376,337,000 15,511p00 104,g90000 1,812,010000
The Best Antique Mall CommEXPENunity
in South Dade al Government ,00.539.000 121,377,000 14.808.000 n6.72a,W0
ntique Mall YAll n nne'9 Oeveblxnent 39.578.000 31,311,000 0,887,000
Y� Cgnmurvly Development 1,BU.000 97,8/1,OW 99,871,000
`Summer Sale Begin Pubic Works
Pudic Salery 111,531,000 24,565,000
516,610,000 64,859,000 1%,116.000
Including Fine Jewelry 'the' 53,261,Ino 13,520,010 90,O82,000 186,863,000
,� 20-SD/0 O Non-oepanmental 40.663,000 2,775,000 43,138,000
/�� O I Dm',Servkas 85,511,000 55.511.000
�r' Fins AMary,
allVintage Jewelry,Coins,Disney, 11 TOTAL EIPETTOTNRES 891.013,W0 356,268,000 85.511,000 t01,8 0,000 1,420,882,000
Chandeliers.Antique Furniture, iromlCe-0N 66.268.000 20069000 86.337000
Barwere,Books, Glass.*
Signed Art, Fund BaanceiReservesNel Asses 5.000.000 5.000.000
Depression Glass« { TOTAL APPROPRIATED FIP8Ng(T 1E5,
Open 7 Days:Mon-Fri 10-5PM TRANSFERS,RESERVES ABA/asCES 965.281,000 376,337,000 65,511,000 101,890,000 1412,019,000
ru. Sat 10-6PM.Sun 12-5PM
305-969-0696 9845 E.Fern SL,Palmetto Bey
Tee left at USl a Fem st be Oanaw*.
We Buy•mot•Meter Rental-Comon FE /d t4016t
• Estate s Les��Li9wdafiens
�:rI/.�7 J _�1
Beaufort Gazette The Herald-Rock Hill el Nue.r Herald-Miami Sun News-Myrtle Beach
Belleville News-Dernecrat Herald Sun-Durham Modesto Bee The News Tribune Tacoma
Bellingham Herald Idaho Statesman Raleigh News&Obserer The Telegraph-Macon
Bradenton Herald Island Packet The Olympian San Luis Obispo Tribure.
LhMCCLATCHY Centre Daily Times Kansas City Star Sacramento Bee Tri-City Herald
Charlotte Obserrer Lexington Herald-Leader Fort Worth Star-Telegram Wichita Eagle
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer Merced Sun-Star The State-Columbia
Fresno Bee Miami Herald Sun Herald-Biloxi
Account# Order Number Identification Order PO Amount Cols Depth
33010 308844 MIA Local SPN-Trim ads $1,355.15 3 10.25 in
Attention: Todd Hannon EL NUEVO HERALD
Ante la autoridad que suscribe se presento en persona:
Amanda Grisham,CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS Ouien bajo
juramento dice que El/ella es de El Nuevo Herald,un
periodico en Miami,Condado de Miami Dade,Florida;
que la copis adjunta de este anuncio fue publicado en
dicho periodico,en las ediciones de:
Copy of ad content Publication:El Nuevo Herald
is on the next page No.of Insertions: 1
Beginning Issue of: 09/18/2022
Ending Issue of: 09/18/2022
El declarante afirma ademas que El Nuevo Herald es un
periodico que Se publica en el mencionado condado De
Miami Dade,Florida y que ha sido Publicado
diariamente en dicho condado De Miami Dade,Florida,
habiendo sido clasificado por las Oficinas de Correos en
Miami condado de Miami Dade,como material con
franquicia de segunda clase desde El 29 de Marzo de
1976. El Declarante Asegura que no ha pagado ni
prometido Pagar a personal alguna,firma o Corporation
ningun descuento reembolso Comision o devolution de
fondos con el Proposito de lograr la publication de este
Anuncio en dicho periodico.
Jurado y subscrito ante mien Este Dia 19th day of
September in the year of 2022
57&,64i 9124a441
Notary Public in and for the state of Texas,residing in
Dallas County
€4:' ''* My Noisy Ol11317lSO81
t ,i' Elllres Ocli rr 23,3022
Extra charge for lost or duplicate affidavits.
Legal document please do notdestroy!
La Ciudad de Miami ha adoptado
tentativamerrte, un aumento a los
impuestos de propiedad.
iripuistot Or propladigl clef al%waft
A Irrrptama propu..tosaiar.lmarts
B.Marron radraobrr.a.n Impugning propu.atn.
por Mr Ii du alums de wlloree y atrme canb+ae t11,2C6.1 C1
C.Inmate a de propled9d melee 14A351 1114
Imprr.rtw prnpawataa pr a al ono owl, INEEABIZali
Todos los ciudadanos inter sadoa estarl
invitadas a asistir a la audiencia publica del
inoramerrto de impuestos qua tomara lugar al:
FEClik Imam 22 D.Sapti.rnbra 2122
MGM 5:05 p.m.
LUBA&La Aia.idla d.hltam4
WOG Pan Arnaicir Drive.Parra.Honda 33133
Poor= car n.aa m acarnodaclQir .apadai.s pare pr& an
eete mono peeler brie{A 25D-5301 y lee ueuarloe de TTY
purr"Samar al 711 Aida% y Srvb*a arts trdar dos(2)dila
habloa arrt a dal pr000der.
Para mil irrlornmaldis ratooflxmarriam<pov.can
sabre el aumento de Impuestos y del
presupuesto en esta audlencla publlca.
Ad P .4t1161
VIENE DE LA 3A del CRA en el Este de la de crear una CRA en urea que"shore que se ha to- Calve augur°que"no
ciudad cuando dim'.el zone donde el valor por mado la decision de no es el resultedo que espera-
presupuesto 2023."Coon- acre esti alrededar de$1.2 seguir adelante con urea ba,pero sigo comprometi-
do estibamos preparando millones de dolares.La CRA,2que esfuerzos con- do a continuer trabajando
!s parte final del presu- realided de one zone no es juncos del condado y la por esa area de Hialeah,
puesto me di cuenet de la misma que cuando se ciudad se pueden propo- buscando solutions crea-
plementar planes de reur- establecer la cons entre la cosas que no sable.La realize el primer estudio ner,estudiar e implemen- Oval pan motivar el desa-
banizacion commetaria,se estacion del Metrorail y la ciudad nerve obligations de necesidad en 2015". tar que conduzcan a la no.y la renovation sin
financian con base en un estacion de ferrocarril, de$856 millones a largo Sobre el debate,Frank revitalracion deseada? mobil los impuestos".
metedo conocido como pero yo procederia con plaza:pensioner,vacacio- Schnidman,profesor jubi- Tal vez sea hoes de urea
Financiamiento por lucre- precaution,porque ha nes y salad que no se han lade de planificacion urba- sesion conjunta pare idea- Veronica Egai Brito:
mento de Impuestos(TIE), habido CRA que no han pagado y se estin acumu- nay regional de la Florida M'¢ar atereses y metes 305-376-2664,VeroEgui
herramiena disponible funcionado". lando(...)me pose a pen- Atlantic University estimo comunes pan Hialeah".
pan ciudades y condados Sin embargo,en a se- sar entre los compromises
que buscan reurbsnizar Mon del 13 de sepnembre que tenemos y amatrar un
`A pester de q la ms. ocha form's d«ueo- ciudad(c un
pe que e
CRA'on especial sobre la rar un CRA,todos arcades not poder recibu los fan-
,el 23 de agosto, hreron elector pare servir dos,me preotnpaba". I M P U ESTOS
todos los concejales asis- a la Ciudad de Hialeah, En consideration del
tenter,run eacepclln de todos tienen urea oblige- alcalde,su gentile sera
Perez,manifestaron ester Mon,no imports donde capaz de rehabilitar el La Ciudad de Miami ha adoptado
de acuerdo con la pro- en el este,el oeste, necesidad de
puesta,en la votecdon de nvla zna aneza,tienen Wes
rsumn RA."Si no ha tentativamente,un aumento a los
la ordenanza n;nguno una obligation pan rods habido inversion en era
secundo la idea. la ciudad y la creation de zone es porque concejales
Incluse bubo un giro en un CRA nmita el rol del y sinless anteriores no to impuestos de propiedad.
la perception del alcalde, alcalde,realmente elimina han hecho,pero hay in-
Esteban Bove Jr.,sobre el el rot del alcalde,si uste versiones en esa zone.
proyecto,prevmente des quieren earthier a Hay oportunidad"earthier ,esti-
habia recordado que"(...) quien esti a cargo,pueden me. Impuestos de propledad del ano posed*:
en el surnte de Hialeah hacedo pero haste este A juicio del concejal
todos los residentes nos momento,el alcalde es Jesus Tundidor,quien A.Impuestos propuestos originalmente $504 725 RES
han dicho que han sido quien esti a cargo de la esrovo ausente de ambas
olvidados,hay necesidad ciudad",sentencio Bono. sesiones,"urea CRA noes
de infraestructura aiti, Posterio ante,el alcal- anismo may efecn- B.Menos reduccjones en Impuestos propuestos
ran un met
ezaten abundances opal- de dijo a el Nuevo Herald vo,se tarde macho en ver por la junta de ajustes de valorem y otros cambbs . $11 206 101
tunidades economical y que cambia de opinion resultados y no tenemos
concuerdo con Calvo de sobre la implementation tiempo.No hay necesidad
C.Impuestos de propiedad males•• S493 519 764
VIENE 0$LA 3A COMO SOLICITAR Impuestos propuestos pare el also presents S557.096,206
LS 6
Ademis de los salaries Todos los ciudadanos interesados estan
la pandemic. Empleador Preferido en a Rock Hotel y Casina ofre- invitados a asistir a la audiencia publiea del
Forbes reconocio a Hard Encuesta de Satisfaction ce beneficlos como seguro incremento de impuestos que tomara lugar el:
Rock como ono de Princi- de Ejecutivos de Juegos de medico,dental y vision,y
pales Empleadores de Casinos del 2022. tambien seguro de vide. FECHAS jueves,22 de$eptiembre,2022
Mujeres,Nuevos Gas- Recientemente, Cuenca con plan de retire
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Grande en la Industrie del in Hollywood Begaron a un En este momento,en el
Entretenimiento y la Hos- acuerdo con la empress Hard Rock de Hollywood 3500 Pan American Drive,Miami,Florida 33133
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Rock Online Casino Into $17 por horsy pare el camareros en salon de Personas que neceslten acomodaciones especiales para participar en
condecondo como el 2025 alcance$20. banqueter,hoar y cajero en este pronoun pueden Ilamar(305)250-5361(Voz)y los usuarios de TTY
I bar,cocineros de codas
b 1 ,pastelero, pueden flamer al 711(Florida Relay Service),a mots harder dos(2)dies
1 ` personal pare Wender el habiles antes del proceder.
-Ili,. } s
,.- p spossrpones en
rot § pe de dmeo en
Peia a
a a A, - efeFdr,xgundad,man pare mots Informacldn:httpsl/www.mamlgov.com
ire.'� personal dcon yotras que
"' se(, iri - a d`1 ion mow'afi" SE TOMARA UNA DECISION FINAL
- ."' en los lugares de
`" '4 e _ casino,
de empleo en U-
d sobre el aumento de impuestos y del
Pan Wonnarse y so���-
e -. °t s"' w «"P'0n:a=. presupuesto en esta audiencia publica.
°`� happy.com/.
THE SEMI'',..•, ,1',11l.-otel&Casino in Hollywood Sarah Moreno: Ad No.d0161
esta con tratondo con salanos entre 519 y Sri 305-376-2217,
Fondo'Oeneral 7.5539
Deu0a cc,00t0 0.3235
dip que los lideres se supervision de la institu- FORDO DE FORDO of mem of
pondrin en con[acto con Cion religiose,la Comisidn E NDO a1GRE505 SF ROM SEAVNnon
la comunidad pan tom- Judicial Petrnanen[e de la ESnMAoO DE e,srr505 DEMME fspv0brlf5 Of DEUDa5 WIERI705 TOTAL
panto los detalles del plan Asambtea General.Etta !mounlon Mikomas de Briar por$1000
de urbanization urea vet semen era comision Impuestos por Avaleo 7.5539 529,245,000 529,245,000
que arts linalGado.Aura- amino urea decision,pa-Impuestos por AvalR0 0.3235(pa goal 22,669,000 22,669,000
la tiene dere- niendose del lade de los IIF Impuestos
estoTrans ccl 00s i o At (56.,4 8.001 (56,488,00)
que render Gravamysccoyle IteresesKrasados 17,451.000 17,151,000
choavenderparsedesus hearers la iglesiamiembros.
s. Coates dnsscoreInrererosparurslos 51.000 67,000
t others y reurbenais mTolle de sus miembros. Guards 02 FranOuica y otros ImpuesloB 122.537,000 122550,000
pothers enfeeetie mar Tolley dijo que la deri- Inrnreses 2.537,000 13,000 7,550,000
reacciones.Varian padres o R
n ignore varies eoco- MUmen.Y Con9scxbres 6.208,000 1,350,000 ,556,000
vincados a la escuela de paciones sober la forma en gres0s Inl0100nemamenabs 96.229,000 70,7,000 5.000.000 171,644,000
Uo 5
la iglesia Key Point Chris- que Ion lideres de First
encias y Permisos 78,151,000 ,370,000 d3.821,000
tiara Academy y algunos Presbyterian Ilevaron a Otros In9resas 25.583.000 268,784,000 2337,000 704,830,000 401,534,000
os de Beckett carte- Cabo la votacion en lines Cargos pw Servklos 126,662.000 8,956,000 60,000 135,678,000
nosvecin dijeron anteriormente del ano pasado,incluyen- TOTAL DE FUENTES DE INGRESO 950,383,000 354,888,000 30,006,000 104,890,000 1,440,167,000
que se oponran a la cons- do que algunes pueden
truccion de la torre de haber enfrentado desafios Transterencias Redbidas 14.898.000 21,419,000 35,505,000 71,852,000
condominios.Ademis,los tecnicos pan ennar y Saldo de Fond0SReserves/Actlaos Sates
funcionarios de la ciudad participar. TOTAL OE WfJ1E505,TRANSFERENCIA$
de Miami[endnan que El Presbic de la Y SALDOS 965.281,000 376,337.000 65,511,000 104,890,000 1,512,019,000
prober cualquier plan de Florida Tropical controls
urbanization panel side la iglesia de Miami,des- GASTOS/COSTOS
antes de que Is construe- this de hater side dirigi-
"dn puede comenzar. do duranre anon par sus Goblemo General 100.539,000 121,377,000 14,808,000 236,724,000
"Estoy decepcionado", propios miembros.El Panifcacgn y Desanolb 39.576,000 31,311,000 70,887,000
dijo Tolley W Heald en presbirerio intervao des- Desarroao Cofounded° 1,833,000 97,841,000 99,874,000
eentrevista este same- this de que la ig esia Ones Publkas 111.531,000 24,585.000 136,116,000
."Sienm que el proceso enfrene rot un embargo Segunded Publka 516.610,000 64,859.000 581,169,000
judicial de la iglesia ha fiscal sobre la propiedad 0tros Costos 83.261.000 13,520.000 90,082,000 186,863,000
detnudado a less mlem- de$7 millones.La facture Garter no nepartamentaln 10.663,000 2,775,000 43,438,000
Castor de Derides 65.511.000 85,S11,OW
bras de First Miami". de impuestos se redujo a
Los miembros de la $807,000 el verano pasa-
iglesia estuv;eron dividi- do. TOTAL Of 6ASTOS/COSTOS 894,013.000 356268,000 85,511,000 104890,000 1,420,682,000
dos el ano pasado sobre el Tolley dijo que no se Translerendas Olorgadm 66,268,000 20,069,000 9,337,000
asunro,con 52 de egos arrepiente de nada,y que Sabo de Fandos/Reserves/Mhas Netos 5,000,000 5,083,000
voando a favor de la ven- su intpulso de oposicion TOTAL DE GASTOS APIIOPRIADOS,
tz de los tetrenos y 31 sense un precedence pare TRANSFERENCLOS,RESERNAS Y SNDOS 965,281,000 370337,000 65,511,000 104.890,000 1512,019,0W
oponiendose.En roviem- su mstimdon religiose.
bre de 2021,Tolley oldie a Cuotqu;er miembro de la
manente del Sinodo del presentacron de Tolley MENCIONADA AUTOPoOAD FISCAL COMO RESISTRO PUBUCO.
Atlentice Sur-la junta de como pmeba pare presen-
gobiemo de la iglesia tar urea queja formal con-
presbiteriana-que=Ware tra la iglesia,ya sea auto- Ada 40161
la decision.Tres perder, gestionada o dirigida por
aped al mayor organ de el presbiterio.
Beaufort Gazette The Herald-Pock Hill el Nuex Herald-Miami Sun News-Myrtle Beach
Belleville News-Democrat Herald Sun-Durham Modesto Bee The News Tribune Tacoma
Bellingham Herald Idaho Statesman Raleigh News&Observer The Telegraph-Macon
Bradenton Herald Island Packet The Olympian San Luis Obispo Tribune
MCCLATCHY Centre Daily Times Kansas City Star Sacramento Bee Tn-City Herald
Charlotte Observer Lexington Herald-Leader Fort Worth Star-Telegram Wichita Eagle
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer Merced Sun-Star The State-Columbia
Fresno Bee Miami Herald Sun Herald-Biloxi
Account# Order Number Identification Order PO Amount Cols Depth
33010 308844 MIA Local SPN-Trim ads S1,41024 4 8.00 in
Attention: Todd Hannon EL NUEVO HERALD
Ante la autoridad que suscribe se presento en persona:
RUM PliEsuptwgrauvoi ELM OE MUM'-SAO RIPS _2023 Amanda Grisham,CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS Quien bajo
*WS NOMpd PIESUINISIO OE II REA u COMM CE juramento dice que El/ella es de El Nuevo Herald,un
IIIAYI NO y■.11%IMldt NE LOS OMNI 1VOUJES OE mOS 118.Alb PASSIM. periodico en Miami,Condado de Miami Dade,Florida;
Rinds eenenl 7.1113e que la copis adjunta de este anuncio fue publicado en
osuleporyXe 04211 MOM �o ee dicho periodico,en las ediciones de:
113830 OrMCC NUM Mao a lm Publication:El Nuevo Herald
O11MO M Irk SEIM terra IF COMM 11111.101 TOOL
lowslime Mom is miff 7 R d0f �14I0e No.of Insertions: 1
bombe For IsdanV=IP Our meoi aim Beginning Issue of: 09/18/2022
hipseses A.i� v v M Ending Issue of: 09/18/2022
fillienms anME poinoido
de Fr daifdm awn 124,151 I1p tam 1 4,1 El declarante afirma ademas que El Nuevo Herald es un
Mum 104002yptl t mum j D.000 periodico que Se publica en el mencionado condado De
OAS 1B.41 OM.= Miami Dade,Florida y que ha sido Publicado
Lloirclos rRoane 71,451ge 0414.00) �e1�
gm loam 36,✓1e3,00° 71e/e4,000 $137A00 10{8110A0o 4e gOe diariamente en dicho condado De Miami Dade,Florida,
Wi°' Swame imamA00 4051 E,X° MEW habiendo sido clasificado por las Oficinas de Correos en
TOM OE REIM of MEMO 999313,000 354.40m aoA04aeo 104,13. o 1,4411.1184121 Miami condado de Miami Dade,como material con
tmisuld.WAIN 14Ae9,30 21,440.000 b6Jb04000 74�r10e franquicia de segunda clase desde El 29 de Marzo de
goo co m000wm91+r.mot1976. El Declarante Asegura que no ha pagado ni
Tuna 1E Olen M&11411111313101411 prometido Pagar a personal alguna,firma o Corporation
IF MOON ee,251,1:01 370 lS/M tis s11,000 101,0e0,000 1!1WPM ningun descuento reembolso Comision o devolution de
wroeradrlee fondos con el Proposito de lograr la publication de este
gAlmOmni i0e401eA00 191.177000 14e1110 MOM Anuncio en dicho periodico.
Plreed(e y Oewrdb IMAM 71.311,000
Own*Ibaelib 1433,01:0 17141,030 VA
1]tmPOM 1114M= u jeum a 1
a1o►eala Mss16,d10,000 e4aeeam
OM Cats e112e1100 19.901.02. 94014m0
Onion no oriesnrllrt. 4qmaAm 2,>1wA30 3N
Wald,Duitis E6,611,0X1 WOO
TOOL OE 11111110311111 ee4,41>4a0 °m 66k11,0� W ®tee 1r1�e Jurado y subscrito ante mien Este Dia 19th day of
lmiroxNo al im IMMO sAAe4am � September in the year of 2022
tonLL ee r,�lreu�eNuoo � .,t.�
n iaL.j. araNN.O1�a11 80%2111,p1q 370337.1= IMAM 00 104,Se0= 1,e11ApeN gQa/t.d
LD1 PIEOURA311313 RIONSIDWIE9 ADOP1100810 DEFT M08 LE mamma a if EWE=Ell LA OR M 0E LA MOB
IIOemeAIM AMMO]REEYe.COlil IfSIKlle7 mum.
Notary Public in and for the state of Texas,residing in
PO i 40191 Dallas County
11 traw
is: Ily*ay EN 1347iiISQ31
4 Egikiii
Extra charge for last or duplicate affidavits.
Legal dooznent please do not destroy!
WERE DE LA 3;1 del CRA en el Este de la de crear una CRA en una que"anon que se ha to- Calve asegurd que"no
ciudad cuando disedd el zone donde el valor por mado la decision de no es el resuitado que espera-
presupuesto 2023."Cuan- acre esti alrededor de$1.2 seguir adelante con una ba,pero sigo compromeri-
do estibatnos preparando millones de dolares.La CRA,Nque esfuerzos con- do a continuar trabajando
la parte final del presu- realidad de esa aorta no es juntos del condado y la por esa area de Hialeah,
puesto me di cuenta de la misma que cuando se Ciudad se pueden propo- buscando solutions crea-
plementar planes de rear- establecer la zone entre la cosas que no sabia.La realize el primer estudio ner,estudiar a implemen- tivas pan motives el desa-
banizacion comunitaria,se estacion del Metrorail y la ciudad time obligations de necesidad en 2015". tar que conduzcan a la erollo y la renovation sin
financian con base en un estacion de fetrocarril, de$856 millones a largo Sobre el debate,Frank revitalization deseada? subir los impuestos".
metodo conocido como pero yo procederia con plazo:pensiones,vacacio- Schnidman,profesor ubi- Tal yen sea non de una
Financiamiento por lucre- precaucidu,poeque ha nes y salad que no se han lado de planificacion urba- sesion conjunta pare iden- Veronica Egui Britu:
mourn de Impuestos(TIF), habido CRA que no ban paged°y se eosin aoumu- nay regional de Ia Florida tificar insereses y metes 305-376-2664,VeroEgui
herramienta disponible funcionado". land°(...)me passe a pen- Atlantic University estime comunes pan Hialeah".
pan ciudades y condados Sin embargo,en la se- are entre los compromidos
que buscan reurbanzar sign del 13 de septiembre que tenemos y amarrar un
areas pesar de que en la mucches forma de"Hay
ciudad alum(c on
sesion especial sobre la rar un CRA,todos ustedes no poder recibu los fon-
CRA,el23deagosto, fueron electos para servir dos,mepreorupaba". IMPUESTOS
todos los concejales axis- a la Ciudad de Hialeah, En considencion del
tenses,con exception de sodas tienen into obliga- alcalde,su gestion sera
Pere;manifestaronestar importa donde capes de rehabilitar el La Ciudad de Miami ha adoptado
de acuerdo con la pro- n el este,el arose, necesidad de
puesta,en la votacion d< n Ia vnna aneza,cnnen area sin
RA."Si no ha tentativamente, un aumento a los
la ordenanza ninguno an.obligation pan soda habido inversion en esa
secundo la idea. la Ciudad y la creacion de zone es pmque concejales
inluse.hobo un giro en un CRA limits el rol del y alnldes anteriores no to impuestos de propiedad.
la perception del alcalde, alcalde,realmente elimina ban hecho,pero hay in-
Esteban Bovo fr.,sobre el el rol del alcalde,si uste versiones en esa-
proyecto,previamente des quieten cambiar a Hay oporrunidad",esti-
habia recordado que"(...) quien esti a cargo,pueden mo. Impuestos de propledad del ado pasado:
en el sureste de Hialeah hacedo pero haste este A juicio del conceial
todos los meldeater nos momento,el alcalde es Jesus Tundidor,quien A.Impuestos propuestos orlglnalmente $504 725 R65
has dicho que Iran lido quien esri a cargo de la estuvo ausente de ambas
olvidads,hay necesidad ciudad",sentencio Bovo. "una CRA no es
de infraestmcnca alli, Pos ne rerionnte,el alcal- aniamo may efecd- R.Menus reductions en impuestos propuestos
xisten abundantes opor- de dijo a el Nuevo Herald vo,se tarda macho en ver por la junta de ajustes de valores y otros cambioS $11 206 101
tunidades econdmicas y que cambia de opinion resultadas y no tenemos
concuetdo con Calvo de sobre la implementation tiempo.No hay necesidad
C.Impuestos de propiedad reales •• 5493 519.764
CI3MO SOLICITAR Impuestos propuestos para el ado present. S557.096.206
CASINOS de los ralarior Todos los ciudadanos interesados estan
ompetidvos,el Hard invitados a asistir a Ia audiencia ublica del
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duandos,Diversidad y trabajadores sindicalvados 4011(y paga bonus anua- HORA:5:05 p.m.
como el Mejor Empleador del Diplomat Beach Resort les. LUGAR La Alcaldia de Miami,
Grande en la Industrie del in Hollywood Begaron a an En este memento,en el
Entretenimiento y la Hos- acuerdo con la empresa Hard Rock de Hollywood 3500 Pan American Drive.Miami,Florida 33133
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#fit# personal para.tender el heibiles antes del proceder.
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,„ https://www.gotowork
THE SEMINOLE Hard Rock Hotel&Casino in Hollywood Sarah Moreno: Ad No.40161
rota contratando con salaries entre SI&y S21. 305-376-2217,
Fonda General 7.5539
di' los Uderes se Deuaa pot Veto 0.3235
p quesupervision de la Maim- TONDO DE roomy DE TONDO of
pondean en contact°con c'On religiose,Ia Concision FORDO NORMS SERYIOIO SERVICIOS
la comunidad para corn- Judicial Pennanente de la ES1YAn0 OE MGRE505 GENERAL ESPEOMLES DE DEUOAS MtcrosoS TOTAL
partir los detalles del plan Asamblea General.Esta Impaestoc MIledmas de Dour par$1000
de urbanza n comision Impuestas por Amino 75539 529,245,00.3 529,245,000
que rote Final'zado.Aura- mmrio una decision,po- Impuestos par Maki°0.32351p0r vote) 22,669,000 22,869,000
que la iglesia Berta dere- niendote del lady de los Impuestos
ea tna por
oco ua At 156,,4 8. 01 (56.238200)17,4 ,000
cho a vender a de sus Bderes de la' ade la Mpuemen pas solve
I,erases por 17,451,000 17,451,000
part us m y CoonGrays de Frangue bteresos Impuestos
657,000 SI.aW
tudiera y frontreur anmis m Tolle de sus a la deci- biomes
ore Aaipukk y otros ImWestos 122,537,000 122,550,0.30
peaces enfrcntar mad Tuley ignora
r que la dams Menses 6,208.000 13,000 7,550,000
yioculados.Va es padres pion ire varies otma en Mutes v Ctergobciones 6.221,000 1,350,000 1,844600
vincvlads a la escueia de paciones sabre la forma knrrnla Iy Ponelses emaks 78.45,000 75,370,000 5.000,000 177,821,000
la iglesia,Key Point Chris- que los Bderes de First
Lkenclas a PermhOs 78.451,000 5,370,000 W,821,000
don Academy y algunos Presbyterian Ilevaron a GOos logresos 25,583,000 268.784,000 2,337,000 104,830,000 401,534,000
vecinos de Bricked Carta- Cabo la smack.en Bnea Cargos par Seined. 126662.000 8.956.000 60,000 136,678,OW nos dijeron anteriormente del any pasado,inciuyen- TOTAL DE FUENTES OE INGRESO 950.383.000 354,888,000 30,006,000 104,890,000 1,440,167,000
que se oponian a la cons- do que algunos pueden
tr ucion de la torte de hater enfrenndo desafios Transfererdlas 8edbldas 11.898.000 21,449,000 35,505,0013 71,852.000
condominios.Memos,los tecnicos pan entree y Salon de f°n0nvRroervas/Ocdvos Nets
funclonarios de la ciudad participar.
de Miami tendrian que El Presbiterio de la TOTAL OE WAWA TIUNSFERENCWS
aprobar cualquier plan de Florida Tropical controls t MOOS 965.281,000 376,337.000 65,511,1100 104,890,000 1,512,019,000
urbanizacibn pan el sitio la iglesia de Miami,des- OASTOS/COSmg
antes de que la construe. pales de saber sido dirigi-
`ton pueda c re da dante aims per sus 0ablee,o General 100.539,000 121,377,000 14,808,000 236,724,000
"Essay decepcionado", propios miembms.El Plaol900non y Detonate 39.576,000 31,311,000 70,887,000
dip Tolley al Herald en presbiterio intervino des- Desanolo Gen undone 1,833,000 97,841,000 99,674,000
nos entrevista este soma- pugs de que la iglesia Obras Publlcas 111.531,000 24,585,000 136,116,000
"Siento que el proceso enfrentara an embargo Segunaad Aeblka 516,610,000 64,859.000 581,469,00e
judicial de la iglesia ha Fiscal sabre la propiedad Ots Costs 83,261,000 13,520,000 90,082,000 186,863,000
detraudado a los miem- de 57 millones.La facture Gases no Oepanamentales 40,663,000 2,775,000 43,438,000
bras de First Miami". de impuestos se redujo a c ore DeDaaa 65,SI1,000 65,511,000
eo�noembr n de d807,000 el veno para-
igituvierun dinidi- do. TOTAL DE GASTOS/COSTOS 894.013,000 356,268.000 65,511 000 104.890.000 1,420,682,000
dos el any pasado sobre el Tolley dijo que no se Transferencias 010rgodes 66.268,000 20,069,000 86,337,000
asunto,con 52 de ellos arrepiente de nada,y que Santo ale tondovReservas/ACWos Nets 5,000,000 5,000,000
votando a favor de la nen su impulso de oposicidn TOTAL DE GASTOS APAOPRM0136,
[a de los terrenos y 31 senro un pretedeme para TRANSFERENCUS,RESERVAS Y SALDOS 965.281260 376,337,000 65,511.000 164.890,000 1,514019,000
poniendose.En nviem- su Maim..religiose.
bre de 2021,Tolley pidio a Cualquier miembro de la
manente del Sinodo del presentaccon de Tolley MENCIONADA AUTORIDAD FISCAL COMO REGSTR0 PUBDCO.
Atlantic°Sur-la junta de comer prueba para presen-
gobiemo de la iglesia tar una queja formal con-
presbiteriana-que armless to la iglesia,ya sea auto- Ad 4 40161
la decision.Tres perder, gestionada o dirigida por
apele at mayor Organ°de el presbiterio.
The Miami Times
900 NW 54th St. • Miami Florida 33127 • Phone: 305-694-6210
Published Weekly
Miami Dade, County, Florida
COUNTY OF Miami-Dade
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared NICOLE BROWN, who on oath,
says that she is the Advertising Representative of THE MIAMI TIMES weekly
newspaper published at Miami, Dade County. Florida; that the attached copy of
advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of:
September 14, 2022
Atfiant further state that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami-Dade
County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously
published in said Miami-Dade County, Florida, each week and has been entered as
second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami-Dade County, Florida, for a
period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of
advertisement: further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm,
person or corporation any discount. rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of
securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper.
Advertising Representative
Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 14tht day of September A.D. 2022.
AT LARGE, My commission expires:
,CRY Pao Kelvin Louis McCall I
Commission#HH 40804 am."
� o Commission Expires 09•09-2024
1 ..e., Bonded Through•Cynanotary '
. ^' `�\
Florida-Notary Public
Pursuant to Resolution No. R-22-0286 adopted on July 28, 2022, the Miami City Commission
will be holding its Second Budget Hearing on Thursday, September 22, 2022, at 5:05 p.m. in
the City Commission chambers located at Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami,
FL 33133.
The September 22, 2022 Second Budget Hearing will be broadcast live for members of the
public to view on the City's website (www.miamigov.com/tv), Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and
Channel 77 (Comcast only for residents living in the City of Miami).
For your information, public comment on agenda items to be heard at this hearing can be sub-
mitted via an online comment form and will be distributed to the Elected Officials and City Ad-
ministration and made part of the public record. The deadline to submit public comment via the
online comment form will occur when the Chairperson closes public comment for the hearing.
Public comment on agenda items to be heard at this hearing may also be provided live at City
Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, subject to any and all rules and procedures as
the City may implement or amend. Public comment will begin at approximately 5:05 p.m.
"*Please visit https://www.miamigov.com/meetinginstructions for detailed instructions on how to
provide public comment using the online public comment form.**
A copy of the agenda for the Second Budget Hearing will be available at: http://miamifl.igm2.
Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any
matter to be considered at this hearing, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of
the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be
based (F.S. 286.0105). Notwithstanding the foregoing, pursuant to Florida Statutes Sections
200.065(3) and 286.0105, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 12D-17.005(2)(c)22, no ver-
batim record is required for the appeal of any decision made during public hearings required by
Chapter 200 (Determination of Millage).
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special ac-
commodations to participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at(305)
250-5361 (Voice) no later than three (3)business days prior to the proceeding. TTY users may
call via 711 (Florida Relay Service)no later than three(3)business days prior to the proceeding.
," Todd B. Hannon
City Clerk
Ad No. 40183
Pursuant to Resolution No. R-22-0286 adopted on July 28, 2022. the Miami City
Commission will be holding its Second Budget Hearing on Thursday, September 22,
A Singular Voice in an Evolving City 2022.at 5:05 p.m.in the City Commission chambers located at Miami City Hall,3500 Pan
American Drive,Miami,FL 33133.
The September 22,2022 Second Budget Hearing will be broadcast live for members
of the public to view on the City's website(www.miamigov.comltv),Facebook,Twitter,
MIAMI TODAY YouTube,and Channel 77(Comcast only for residents living in the City of Miami).
For your information,public comment on agenda items to be heard at this hearing can
be submitted via an online comment form and will be distributed to the Elected Officials
Published Weekly and City Administration and made part of the public record.The deadline to submit public
comment via the online comment form will occur when the Chairperson closes public
Miami,Miami-Dade County,Florida ,comment for the hearing.
Public comment on agenda items to be heard at this hearing may also be provided
STATE OF FLORIDA I live at City Hall,3500 Pan American Drive,Miami,Florida,subject to any and all rules
and procedures as the City may implement or amend. Public comment will begin at
COUNTY OF MIAMI DADE: I approximately 5:05 p.m.
"Please visit https:llwww.miamigov.com/meetinginstructions for detailed instructions
on how to provide public comment using the online public comment form.**the undersigned authority personally appeared:
Diana Uribe A copy of the agenda for the Second Budget Hearing will be available at:
Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to
Who on oath says that he/she is: Accounting Director of any matter to be considered at this hearing,that person shall ensure that a verbatim record
Miami Today, a weekly newspaper published at Miami in, of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal
may be based(F.S.286.0105). Notwithstanding the foregoing,pursuant to Florida
Miami-Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of a Statutes Sections 200.065(3)and 286.0105,and Florida Administrative Code Rule
12D-17.005(2)(c)22,no verbatim record is required for the appeal of any decision
notice of publication: Public Notice made during public hearings required by Chapter 200(Determination of Millage).
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,persons needing special
RE: City of Miami Publication Notice#40183 accommodations to participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk
at(305)250-5361(Voice)no later than three(3)business days prior to the proceeding.
Second Budget Hearing 09-22-2022 TTY users may call via 711(Florida Relay Service)no later than three(3)business days
prior to the proceeding.
.�v�er yt Todd B.Hannon
iii City Clerk
Was published in said newspaper in the issue(s)of: t.gil; :
September 15,2022 o
Affidavit further says that the said Miami Today is a +016a
Newspaper published at Miami, in the said Miami-Dade
County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore
been continuously published in Miami-Dade County, Florida
each week and has been entered as second-class mail matter r)
at the post office in Miami, in the said Miami-Dade County, `.- ''
Florida for a period of one year preceding the first publication c=-, iv
of the attached copy of advertisement;and affiant further says t?rat m
that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person,firm or .,
corporation any discount,rebate or commission or refund for o'. N..) 0
the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in 1r,
the said newspaper. "' r =-=•
Dia a Uribe,Account' irector ? -
,�, 1NUlbprp,,.y.
S rn to a scri d before me this ,,,��GELA LEf `,,,,,,�
15' l3Lt& 2Zz S :�.„°gY�Pue�% ' '�z
EXPIRES 7-25-2026 I ;
%,,,rSs,,,NUMB ` a
Anew boat show to sail 1' i: O I' I.
to Virginia Key in 2023 Avison Young
names principal
Avison Young has named Lisa i Y
BY MONICA CORREA not so massive that you can't cover Jesmer principal and national .'`
the show in two or three days." director,investor services business
A new boat show starting next Booths would sell boating ac- development. `
year is promising to bring a new cessories,fishing gear and other Previously,Ms.Jesmerheldlead-
expenenceto South Flonda'sboat nautical gadgets and gifts. The ershippositionsforJLLandCBRE. �1
and trade shows in an all-in-site convention area would have space Goldman names �1
location, adjacent parking and for a few boats on display on shore marketingdirector Lisa Jesmer Dan Ellis Alejandro Arellano
lifestyle-centered entertainment and about 100 to 150 boats on the
The SoFlo Boat Show, put water,said Tony Albelo,CEO of Goldman Properties and Gold-
together by EngageLive!,would EngageLive! man Global Arts have named Dan
take place May 19 to 21,2023,at "It will be more like a boating Ellis director of marketing and ;
the Miami Marine Stadium on Vie- festival than a show,"he added, communications. s 11 aliri;
Previously,Mr.Ellis worked for qii grim«Key in a 20,000-square-foot "and we're [planning to] close or A
air-conditionedtentedpavilion with at 8:30 p.m.or 9 p.m.,so people Attack Marketing,an experiential t -� a"—.
on-landandin-waterboaldisplays, will be able to see the sunset on marketing agency based in Los s I t
Angeles.Hewasgraduatedfromthe rr 4
watersports and opportunities for Virginia Key." d r (
boat trials at sea.The show will Organizers expect about 30,000 University of Miami with a degree
also include live music each day attendees,10,000 aday for the three in communications, majoring in {
and evening,a 360-degree Ships days.By October,when more boat broadcast journalism. Dan Whiteman Roxanne Alexander Brian Fischer
Wheel Bar,several food trucks and builders,manufacturers and boating Codina Partners hires
social gathering areas,according to brands are signed up.there will be VP of development
a press release. a more specified agenda for the Codina Partners has hired Ale- It. -j
"We wantedto incorporate more show,he added. jandro Arellano as vice president lr
about the marine and nautical life- "The scale of the show is impor- of development �..1 6.,..
style,a different twist to it,"said tart.It's something that is not sobig previously,Mr.Arellano was a :y
John Hagins,director of partner that it's going to eliminate parking seniordevelopmentmanager for FCl _
relations for the SoFlo Boat Show, and cause big traffic issues.It's at Residential Corporation Mr.Arel- 4-
-The location is perfect it's easy to the right scale,only taking up about lano received his bachelor's degree f 1
get toandhasonsiteparkingthere." one fourth of the land space of the in marketing from Barry University.
Organizers have reduced rates Marine Stadium, much smaller Marcos Segrera Katherine Sojo Susan N.Eisenberg
for booth space until Dec. I and than the Ultra Music Festival or NAC inducts Coastal's the NAC Construction Hall ofFame of science degree in international
are putting together the outline of the Miami Boat Show,which took Dan Whiteman Gala in Scottsdale,AZ. business and master's degree in
the physical show."We're trying to the whole area."Mr.Albelo said. National Academy of Construe- Mr Whiteman joined Coastal finance from Florida International
work with our exhibitorsa lot more The dates are also strategically tion(NAC)haselectedCoastalCon- Consuuctionin 1992andhasserved University.She sits on the finn's
closely than the other boat shows," planned before Memorial Day, structionGroup'sDanHhitemanas as its president for l4years.Since planning committee.
he said."The site is large enough to the beginning of summer,he con- a member of its class of 2022.He is 2015,he has been serving as the
have what attendees want,but it's eluded. to be formally inducted Oct.6during Coastal's vice chair an. Cozen O'Connor
elects to board
CITY OF MIAMI,FLORIDA Evensky&Katz/Foldes Cozen O'Connor has elected
NOTICE OF SECOND BUDGET HEARING adds four shareholders Susan N.Eisenberg to its board
Evensky&Katz"Foldes has added of directors.
Pursuant to Resolution No. R-22-0286 adopted on July 28, 2022, the Miami City four new shareholders. Ms.Eisenberg is managing part-
Commission will be holding its Second Budget Hearing on Thursday, September 22, Roxanne Alexander is a senior ner at the finn's Miami office and
2022,at 5:05 p.m.in the City Commission chambers located at Miami City Hall,3500 Pan financialadvisorShegraduatedwith will serve a three-year term.She
American Drive,Miami,FL 33133. a bachelor's degree in accounting is Florida Bar board certified in
and business management from the labor and employment law and is a
The September 22, 2022 Second Budget Hearing will be broadcast live for members University of West Indies and an fellow of the College of Labor and
of the public to view on the City's website (www.miamigov.com/tv), Facebook, Twitter, MBA at the University of Miami in Employment Lawyers.She is also a
YouTube,and Channel 77(Comcast only for residents living in the City of Miami). finance and investments. founding member of the Wage and
Brian Fischer is also a senior Hour Defense Institute and its past
For your information,public comment on agenda items to be heard at this hearing can financial advisor and a member of president.
be submitted via an online comment form and will be distributed to the Elected Officials the fimt's investment conrntittee.
and City Administration and made part of the public record.The deadline to submit public Hegraduazedwithabachelorofsci- I L\II Nt., IN M1A:\I i
comment via the online comment form will occur when the Chairperson closes public ence n(inancefiomtheUniversity These film permits were issued last week
comment for the hearing. of Illinois at Urbana Champaign b,.the Mimi-Dade Count.Department or
and a master of science in personal Regniatori&Economic Resources'Once
financial planning from Texas Tech ,KF Vsli.o.`.mOSlo.iriim.Are,s
Public comment on agenda items to be heard at this hearing may also be provided University. Entertainment,(305)860.38 3;and the
live at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida,subject to any and all rules Marcos Segrera is a wealth Miami Desch Office or Art.,Culture and
and procedures as the City may implement or amend. Public comment will begin at manager and serves on the firm's Entertainment-Film and Print Di.Dion,
approximately 5:05p.m. i tn,c,,nrTn.".�.m.. .a'
PP Y investment and 401 K committees. a.ae o+a u.n.a„wo.,m Pa.a aa.,.
He was a board member for the o.n.o rim Havoc«.go.*Bin 0...n.
"Please visit https://www.miamigov.com/meetinginstructions for detailed instructions YMCA of South Florida scy erw..crane.,P..e.en
B.pe 11.0 Proeuelos.L.Amp...Tab,, .
on how to provide public comment using the online public comment form." 'Catherine Sojo is a senior fi- b°..^""'°"•°''^..^...
nancial advisor.She has a bachelor a tta.e...n.00.mm,..rasa
A copy of the agenda for the Second Budget Hearing will be available at:
http://miamifl.igm2.com/C itizens/Defaultaspx
Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to
any matter to be considered at this hearing,that person shall ensure that a verbatim record tilP
of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST
may be based(F.S.286.0105). Notwithstanding the foregoing,pursuant to Florida
Statutes Sections 200.065(3)and 286.0105,and Florida Administrative Code Rule COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY
12D-17.005(2)(c)22,no verbatim record is required for the appeal of any decision
made during public hearings required by Chapter 200(Determination of Millage). PLEASE ALL TAKE NOTICE, the Board of Commissioners
meeting of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Communi-
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,persons needing special ty Redevelopment Agency (SEOPW CRA) is scheduled to
accommodations to participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk take place on Thursday, September 22,2022,at 10:00 AM
at(305)250-5361 (Voice)no later than three(3)business days prior to the proceeding. or thereafter, at Miami City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive,
TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service)no later than three(3)business days Miami,FL 33133.
prior to the proceeding.
All interested persons are invited to attend. For more in-
„co of y Todd B.Hannon formation, please contact the SEOPW CRA office at
-s !)e,, City Clerk (305)679-6800.
• t
��• osa v` Ad No.40184 James McQueen,Executive Director
Southeast Overtown/Park West
#40183 Community Redevelopment Agency
i,Qu6 sucede en el servicio estatal
de obtener un came de conducir?
Demoras en las citas y largas colas crean el caldo de cultivo necesario para que personas aprovechen
la situation y lucren con el desconocimiento de quienes intentan sacar su permiso de manejar
VIENE DE PAG.to sona que dijo ser instruc- RICAS liege a las 7 am a ellas para conocer su tes- esta madre,cuya intention realizar el examen teerico,
tors de conduction",quien la oficina de LHSMV en timonio. era obtener un documento sostuvo que no tuvo nin-
Hay personas, incluso agrego"no hay citas haste el Mall de las Americas, "La cita la hice ayer,cerca de identidad para su hijo. guna dificultad para obte-
comunicadores y lideres dentro de tres meses.Pero, nos encontramos con una de las 6 am",afirmo Yanelis "Hace un tiempo,cuando ner su cita:"Yo vine ayer
comunitarios de opinion yo te puedo resolver una enorme file de personas Gonzalez. "Entre al portal segue mi licencia,tuve que y me dieron un papel con
que afirman "las colas antes". que esperaban desde la en Internet (flhsmv.gov/ esperar dos meses", re- todas las indicaciones.Ahi
son interminables","solo Segun la"instructora"el madrugada a que abriera locations)y pude reserver cordo Gonzalez. decia que debia sacar un
atienden con cita previa", publico prefiere este tipo el centro comercial.Con- para hoy a las 8am.No tuve Osmel Prieto,que se en- turno online.Por la tarde
"hay que esperar hasta de servicios personalize- versamos con algunas de ningun problema",sostuvo contraba en la file para entre a la Web y habia cupo
tres meses para sacar las dos porque es mas rapido,
licencias"y"quieren pri- a pesar de reconocer que
vatizarelsistema". "el cliente"siempre ten-
DIARIO LAS AMERICAS dra que venir a las ofici-
seacercoalproblemapare nas del Departamento de CIUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA
ver que este sucediendo a Seguridad Vial y Vehiculos
cienciacierta. Motorizados (FLHSMV,
Rio revuelto Para realizar loss t tramitemites
Lo primero que hallamos legales.
es que existe un gran des- T"
conocimiento acerca de Elserviclo '.- 'yip
los tramites que deben La realidad esque en Mia- r
realizar. Sob re todo, mi-Dade haynuevecentros
entre los inmigrantes re- del departamento FLHSMV on
den Ilegados al pais.De que ofrecen los servicios re- a R%
este desconocimiento se lacionados con las licencias
estan aprovechando al- de conducir,came de iden-
gunas personas que ofre- tificacibn,examenes teen- Conforme a la Resolution Num.R-22-0286,aprobada el 28 de julio del 2022,la Comision de la Ciudad de Miami
cen un servicio pago para cos y examenes practicos. celebrara su Segunda Audiencia Publica sobre el Presupuesto el jueves,22 de septiembre del 2022,a las 5:05
realizar unos tramites Ademas,existen centros p.m.en el auditorio de la Comision Municipal ubicado en el Ayuntamiento de la Ciudad de Miami,localizado en
que son totalmente gra- privados autorizados por el el 3500 Pan American Drive,Miami,FL 33133.
tuitos. estado y escuelas secunda-
"Si pagas 120 dolares,te rias donde se imparten cla- La Segunda Audiencia sobre el Presupuesto del 22 de septiembre del 2022 se transmitira en vivo para que el
doy un servicio persona- ses y realizan los examenes publico pueda verla en el sitio web de la Ciudad(www.miamigov.com/tv)y en Facebook,Twitter,YouTube y en
lizado.Te inscribo en la teoricos. el Canal 77(Comcast solo para los residentes que vivan en la Ciudad de Miami).
escuela de trafico,te saco
la tits y te Ilevo a hacer el Lar`ascdas Para su information, los comentarios del publico sobre los puntos del orden del dia que se analizaran en
examen",afirm6 una per- Cuando DIARIO LAS AME-
esta audiencia se pueden envier por internet mediante un formulario de comentarios,que se distribuira a los
funcionarios electos y a la administration de la Ciudad,y formaran parte de los registros publicos.La fecha limite
que el publico tiene para envier sus comentarios mediante el formulario en internet sera cuando la persona que
ti presida la reunion de por concluida la option de presentation de comentarios del publico para la audiencia.
Los comentarios del publico sobre los puntos de la agenda que se escucharan en esta audiencia tambien se
1 pueden presenter en vivo en el Ayuntamiento de la Ciudad,sito en 3500 Pan American Drive,Miami,Florida,
- -0' -!-- conforme a todas las normas y procedimientos que la Ciudad pueda poner en practice o modificar. Los
. comentarios del publico comenzaran aproximadamente a las 5:05 p.m.
i '"Visite httpsa/www.miamigov.com/meetinginstructions para instrucciones detalladas sobre coma el publico
p .�,' `:r. . r puede aportar sus comentarios mediante el formulario de comentarios en internet.""
Una copia de la agenda de la Segunda Audiencia sobre el Presupuesto estate disponible en el sitio web http://
_�, miamifl.igm2.com/Citizens/Default.aspx.
Si alguna persona desea apelar cualquier decision de la Comision Municipal con respecto a cualquier asunto que
S1V.,Opt - ...
f J se vaya a analizar en esta audiencia,esa persona debera asegurarse de que se realice un registro literal de los
. /, T E G�411 I: procedimientos que incluya todos los testimonies y pruebas en los que se pueda basar cualquier apelacion(F.S.
e t- r am " 286.0105).No obstante to anterior,de acuerdo con las Secciones 200.065(3)y 286.0105 de los Estatutos
.?" de la Florida,y la Regla 12D-17.005(2)(c)22 del Codigo Administrativo de la Florida,no se requiere un
_ registro literal para apelar cualquier decisi6n tornado durante las audiencias publicos,requeridas por el
. / �j 1 .L $1 is -- Capitulo 200(Determinacian del Amillaramiento).
- I, -'if J
I. 4 • De conformidad con la Ley de Americanos con Discapacidades de 1990, las personas que necesiten
� , acomodaciones especiales para participar en este proceso pueden ponerse en contact()con la Ofidna del
�,',,'. I' Secretano de la Ciudad por el(305)250-5361(voz),a mas tardar tres(3)dias habiles antes de la audiencia.Los
usuarios del sistema TTY pueden Ilamar al 711(Florida Relay Service),a mas tardar tres(3)dias habiles antes
ali �[ del proceso.
? ?ii- )te'r i • :
C Aviso num.40183 Todd B.Harmon
Secretario de la Ciudad
Osmel Prieto espera pars realizar el examenteorico.