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Composite Exhibit A
Composite Exhibit A Exhibit A-1: Wynwood BID Boundaries Exhibit A-2: Description of geographical boundaries for the Wynwood BID \\ I u8115INE55 ENT DISTRICT WYNWOOD Exhibit A-1 Wynwood BID Boundaries NW 30TH ST rWynwao;d(13ID Folios March 2023 NW 26TH ST NW 23RD ST A 0242860 02429 0 -o 9242920 0242030 B s g A rya 33 a s 1r 111 888 8 NW 28TH ST 0324530 .20150 2 o NW 27TH 0320300 NW 29TH ST 0243390 0 032040 0 00o J ST 0320250 > inIo <429243 1- )32023f 0 Z 0320370 0330170 0320220 33 a 1H L 33 0320411 4 R e 5210 0330240 3 le10 R a 5? 0 s a 0310171 0310200 0320090 032040 n 0320030 11 0 1 s 0 O 00 03 0 0 s 0 3. 0 04 33 t 33 3 0 0 MI 0280850 0 1 1 B a 0 usieso 02;I,7f § § °s 02a1n 9 0281001 00g 02000 • 0 NW26THS ✓ g n.0/ 0 0013 a93CI(14 o �3991 a 85nn1 $n 1 0340110 NW 24TH ST 0340400 091090 conmso 5035 0340250 mma4r062a NW 23RD ST© B Q349320 9 57 134 530 fr " 0140020 0340450 000 30 031.0679 Parcel BID Folio NW 22ND ST 0 245 490 980 Feet 1 1 1 1 1 l I. l Created by the City of Miami Planning Department Apnl 3, 2023 N:lPlanninglGlslGeoPLANNINGIREQDESTSRequests 2023h REQ 283-Wynwood BID Reelection 0110830 0340 J 0290385 0290950 200100 0 § 40 0291)P10 "o a S 1 s 029015 02010 0299020 Fir lI u ro 0 NW 25TH sT K 02913t31 120, 0291150 0201350 0361171 S S 038011 0 0 8 o o 0 z oo o 33 B88R3 22NDTER 0420080 NW21STST 77 z NW 20TH TER Z .2 NW20TH ST 037 530 039918) 0 1 0540100 069160m 51011 0 000 06491 40 at 010 flIl IMO mom 0370000 o $. a 8 a 037 0 0 NW 23RD ST —9490020 0490060 - 0450 0490940 NW 22ND ST 0540330 0540300 L540290 0540280 NW21STST 0480200 0180230 45300069 0370300 06(0020 0450190 0480240 i1■r2 o Nr ST U z� 71e1+i 'OEM" 9�1W 1I I NE 27TH �1 1 Int OEM Alt NE26THST -! tililIII a93a13o oloa9n IB 9taoaso 1111111 nNa90 mamaNE 111111 z0100130NW2 t9a9II111111 24 1 IIIlllill /IIIII IIIIIIIII II i11IIIIIIi �IHIIIIII IIIIII NE21STST III 0430200 0450270 0480250 F U 0540370 0370030 a 70020 0370260 03702 0370240 034W10 000110 0060070 010p N 9180°10 NE 23RD —S $R 0540340 0549341 0480300 0 0503 4035 0480330 0472250 0450369 0490331k 0450390 0130010 0130020 9169360 01E0370 160 F In NB: all folios begin with "013125' and that has been removed from the labels for legibility. 40 \\ I IMPRuE55 I ENT DISTRICT WYNWOOD Exhibit A-2 Description of geographical boundaries for the Wynwood BID Wynwood BID Boundaries I East - West Streets 1. NW 29th St (South side only) from the East side of NW 5th Ave to the West side of NW 2nd Ave. 2. NW 29th St (North & South Sides) from the East side of NW 2nd Ave to the West side of North Miami Ave. 3. NE 29th St (South side only) from the East side of North Miami Ave to the West side of the railroad tracks. 4. NW 28th St (North & South sides) from the East side of NW 5th Ave to the West side of North Miami Ave. 5. NE 28th St (North & South sides) from the East side of North Miami Ave to the West side of the railroad tracks. 6. NW 27th St (North & South sides) from the East side of NW 5th Ave to the West side of North Miami Ave. 7. NE 27th St (North & South sides) from the East side of North Miami Ave to the West side of the railroad tracks. 8. NW 26th St (North & South sides) from the East side of NW 5th Ave to the West side of NW 2nd Ave. 9. NW 26th St (North & South sides) from the East side of NW 2nd Ave to the West side of North Miami Ave. 10. side of North Miami Ave to the West side of the railroad tracks. 11. NW 25th St (North & South sides) from the East side of NW 5th Ave to the West side of NW 1st Ave. 12. NW 25th St (North & South sides) from the East side of NW 1st Ave to the West side of North Miami Ave. 13. NE 25th St (North & South sides) from the East side of North Miami Ave to the West Side of the railroad tracks. 14. NW 24th St (North & South sides) from the East side of NW 5th Ave to the West side of North Miami Ave. 15. NE 24th St (North & South sides) from the East side of North Miami Ave to the West side of the railroad tracks. 16. NW 23rd St (North & South sides) from the East side of NW 5th Ave to the West side of North Miami Ave. 17. NE 23rd St (North & South sides) from the East side of North Miami Ave to the West side of the railroad tracks. 18. NW 22nd St (North side only) from the East side of NW 5th Ave to the West side of NW 2nd Ave. 19. NW 22nd St (North and South sides) from the East side of NW 2nd Ave to the West side of North Miami Ave. 20. NE 22nd St. (North and South sides) from East side of North Miami Ave to West of railroad tracks. 21. NW 21st St (North side) only from the East side of NW 3' Ave to West of North Miami Ave. Wynwood BID Boundaries/North - South Streets 22. NW 3rd Ave (East & West sides) from NW 29th St to NW 21st St. 23. NW 2nd Ave (East & West sides) from NW 29th St to NW 21st St. 24. NW 1st P1 (East & West sides) from NW 23rd St to NW 21st St 25. NW 1st Ct (East & West sides) from NW 23rd St to NW 21st St. 26. NW 1st Ave (East & West sides from NW 21st St to NW 29th St. 27. N Miami Ave (East & West sides) from NW 29th St to NW 20th St. 28. NW Miami Ct (East side only) from NW 20th St to NW 21st St 29. NW Miami Ct (East and West sides) from NW 21st St to NW 23rd St 41