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Attachment A General Fund Revenue Proposed Budget FY 2023-24 July, 2022 Changes to Proposed Budget #1 Preliminary Budget FY 2023-24 September, 2023 Property Taxes $ 554,682,000 $554,682,000 Franchise Fees and Other Taxes 131,767,000 131,767,000 Interest 11,508,000 11,508,000 Transfers -In 25,390,000 25,390,000 Fines and Forfeitures 6,743,000 6,743,000 Intergovernmental Revenues 111,569,000 111,569,000 Licenses and Permits 87,898,000 87,898,000 Other Revenues (Inflows) 5,772,000 5,772,000 Charges for Services 132,737,000 132,737,000 Total Revenues $1,068,066,000 $0 $1,068,066,000 General Fund Expenditures Mayor $ 3,261,000 3,261,000 Commissioners 11,333,000 11,333,000 City Manager 4,962,000 4,962,000 Agenda Coordination 409,000 409,000 Independent Auditor General 1,872,000 1,872,000 City Attorney 12,530,000 12,530,000 City Clerk 2,301,000 2,301,000 Civil Service 647,000 647,000 Code Compliance 11,440,000 11,440,000 Communications 1,630,000 1,630,000 Equal Opportunity and Diversity Programs 647,000 647,000 Finance 12,655,000 12,655,000 Grants Administration 2,030,000 2,030,000 Human Resources 6,049,000 6,049,000 Innovation and Technology 15,352,000 15,352,000 Management and Budget 3,984,000 3,984,000 Procurement 3,614,000 3,614,000 Resilience and Sustainability 1,171,000 1,171,000 Human Services 7,274,000 7,274,000 Building 36,075,000 36,075,000 Planning 7,216,000 7,216,000 Zoning 6,030,000 6,030,000 Housing and Community Development 2,281,000 2,281,000 Capital Improvements 1,959,000 1,959,000 General Services Administration 35,043,000 35,043,000 Resilience and Public Works 38,999,000 38,999,000 Solid Waste 45,906,000 45,906,000 Fire -Rescue 213,248,000 213,248,000 Police 345,923,000 345,923,000 Real Estate and Asset Management 18,853,000 18,853,000 Parks and Recreation 59,278,000 59,278,000 Risk Management 4,468,000 4,468,000 Non -Departmental Accounts (NDA) 75,167,000 75,167,000 Transfers - Out 74,459,000 74,459,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $1,068,066,000 $0 $1,068,066,000 FILE NO 14478 EXHIBIT SUB SUBSTITUTED. Attachment General Fund Revenue Proposed Budget FY 2023-24 July, 2023 Changes to Proposed Budget #1 Preliminary = dget FY 20 •-24 Septem • er, 2023 Property Taxes $ 559,683,000 :,559,683,000 Franchise Fees and Other Taxes 131,767,000 131,767,000 Interest 11,508,000 11,508,000 Transfers -In 25,390,000 25,390,000 Fines and Forfeitures 6,743,000 6,743,000 Intergovernmental Revenues 111,569,000 111,569,000 Licenses and Permits 87,898,000 87,898,000 Other Revenues (Inflows) 5,772,000 5,772,000 Charges for Services 132,737,000 132,737,000 Total Revenues $1,073,067,000 $0 $1,073,067,000 General Fund Expenditures Mayor $ 3,261,000 3,261,000 Commissioners 11,333,000 11,333,000 City Manager 4,962,000 4,962,000 Agenda Coordination 409,000 409,000 Independent Auditor General 1,872,000 1,872,000 City Attorney 12,530,0 '40 12,530,000 City Clerk 2,301 100 2,301,000 Civil Service 6, ,000 647,000 Code Compliance 11 40,000 11,440,000 Communications ,630,000 1,630,000 Equal Opportunity and Diversity Programs 647,000 647,000 Finance 12,655,000 12,655,000 Grants Administration 2,030,000 2,030,000 Human Resources 6,049,000 6,049,000 Innovation and Technology 15,352,000 15,352,000 Management and Budget 3,984,000 3,984,000 Procurement 3,614,000 3,614,000 Resilience and Sustainability 1,171,000 1,171,000 Human Services 7,274,000 7,274,000 Building 36,075,000 36,075,000 Planning 7,216,000 7,216,000 Zoning 6,030,000 6,030,000 Housing and Community Development 2,281,000 2,281,000 Capital Improvements 1,959,000 1,959,000 General Services Administration 35,043,000 35,043,000 Resilience and Public Works 38,999,000 38,999,000 Solid Waste 45,906,000 45,906,000 Fire -Rescue 213,248,000 213,248,000 Police 345,923,000 345,923,000 Real Estate and Asset Mana ement 18,853,000 18,853,000 Parks and Recreation 59,278,000 59,278,000 Risk Management 4,468,000 4,468,000 Non -Departmental Acc unts (NDA) 80,168,000 80,168,000 Transfers - Out 74,459,000 74,459,000 TOTAL GENERAL F ND $1,073,067,000 $0 $1,073,067,000 SUBSTITUTED. Attachment B Special Revenue Funds FY 2023-24 Proposed Budget Changes to Proposed Budget Preliminary B •get FY 2023- 4 Septemb= , 2023 General Special Revenues $ 3,528,000 $ 3,528,000 Sport Facilities and Activities 18,000 18,000 Planning Services 21,502,000 21,502,000 Planning and Zoning Tree Trust Fund 1,283,000 1,283,000 Public Art Fund 2,408,000 2,408,000 Historic Preservation Trust Fund 527,000 527,000 Fire Rescue Services 11,627,000 11,627,000 UASI-Fire Rescue 38,916,000 38,916,000 Parks and Recreation Services 801,000 801,000 Police Services 13,443,000 13,443,000 Law Enforcement Trust Fund 1,676,000 1,676,000 Public Works Services 8,111,000 8,111,000 Solid Waste Recycling Trust 116,000 116,000 City Clerk Services 1,794,000 1,794,000 Community and Economic Development 75,885,000 75,885,000 Homeless Program 2,407,000 2,407,000 Human Services 405,000 405,000 Bayfront/Riverfront Land Acquisition Rouse Trust 2,079,000 2,079,000 Miami Ballpark Parking Facilities 13,902,000 13,902,000 Departmental Improvement Initiatives 64,260,000 64,260,000 Transportation and Transit 23,710,00' 23,710,000 Emergency Funds 17,953,Ot I 17,953,000 American Rescue Plan Act 80,000 d00 80,000,000 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $ 386,3 ,000 $ - $ 386,351,000 SUBSTITUTED. FY 2023-24 Position Summary Schedule Attach City of Miami Departments, Offices, and Boards Amended Budget FY 2022-23 Interdepartmental Transfer Additions Reductions Pro• •sed : dget F ' 2023-24 Mayor 21 21 Commissioners 89 3 92 City Manager 18 18 Agenda Coordination 3 3 Building 196 37 233 Capital Improvements 31 31 City Attorney 65 65 City Clerk 12 12 Civil Service 3 3 Code Compliance 75 75 Communications 11 11 Equal Opportunity and Diversity 3 3 Finance 68 68 Fire -Rescue 907 907 General Services Administration 140 140 Grants Administration 9 9 Housing and Community Development 38 38 Human Resources 40 40 Human Services 69 69 Independent Auditor General 9 9 Innovation and Technology 82 82 Management and Budget 23 23 Parks and Recreation 293 293 Planning 48 48 Police 1: 3 1,803 Procurement 21 21 Real Estate and Asset Management 53 (3) 50 Resilience and Public Works 178 178 Resilience and Sustainability 6 6 Risk Management 25 25 Solid Waste 281 281 Zoning 32 32 Non -Departmental Acco is 11 11 TOTAL 4576 0 40 -3 4700