HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Public Comments Submitted Online for the September 23, 2023 Special City Commission MeetingSpecial City Commission Report
Special City Commission Meeting Public Comment Form - September 23, 2023
September 23, 2023 5:35 PM MDT
Public Comment
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14740-Submittal-Public Comments Submitted Online for the September 23, 2023 Special City Commission Meeting
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(amended version) Dear Commissioners, My name is Michel (Mike) Suarez. I am a lifelong resident of the
City of Miami and have lived in Dist. 1 for the last 17 years. I have served on the City of Miami Code
Enforcement Board and was a candidate for Dist. 1 in 2007 obtaining over 40% of the votes in the area. I
hold a Doctorate degree from Saint Thomas University in Leadership and Management and I'm currently a
college professor at Miami Dade College and host a television show called Business World on MDC TV. I
am respectfully asking the esteemed Commissioners of the City of Miami to appoint me as the Dist. 1
interim commissioner. I am offering to be a steward of the seat until the Nov 7 election results. To be
dear, I am not a candidate and will not appear on the ballot Nov. 7. This will avoid any conflict of interest
and or unfair advantage, since I will not compete for the seat. I agree with the public comments that some
commissioners have made to hold the election on Nov 7. This makes financial sense, and it is in
alignment with the spirit of the city charter. However, I would like to articulate why this decision alone
without an appointment is detrimental to the residents of Dist. 1 and the City of Miami as a whole. Here's
my analysis, It is highly probable that Mr. Alex Diaz De La PortiLta will win the election for Dist. 1. This is
for two reasons. First, he has raised over one minion dollars, second, Mr. Diaz de La PortiLta has strong
name recognition therefore he has a competitive edge and is expected to win regardless of the current
situation. However, the Governor wilt suspend him again and the seat wilt become vacant. As a result, The
City of Miami wilt be compelled to fottow the charter and hold a special election within approx. 45 days.
Here in ties the problem to the City of Miami administration and its residents. The downside of only
holding the election and not appointing an interim commissioner to the seat is that it gives candidate
Miquet Angel GabeLa an unfair advantage, essentially giving him two bites of the apple. This unfair
DI. 1 advantage may allow him to win the election and execute one of the most egregious types of political
#146 malpractices I have seen in decades. Keep in mind that, Mr. Alex Diaz De La PortiLta doesn't have to run
67 twice, since if he wins in Nov. 7 that is sufficient to be reinstated in the event that he is found not guilty in
Disc his Legal cases, and so a special election after Mr. Diaz De La PortiLta is suspended again, wilt only include
ussi all new candidates competing in a Limited amount of time approx. 45- or 30-day election. The reality of
on - political races is that the most known person has the best chances of winning. Given this reality Miquet
Distr Angel GabeLa would have an unfair advantage since he has been campaigning for over a year and would
ict 1 be allowed to run twice. Versus all other candidates are relatively unknown and don't have ample time to
Vaca gain name recognition. The problem is further exacerbated by GabeLa's reckless and malicious behavior,
ncy such as making unfounded allegations that The City of Miami has carved him out of the district on
purpose to "steal the election from him." When in reality the ACLU sued the City of Miami and as a result
the new map had to fottow the court's specifications. GabeLa has made malicious comments on Live
Television claiming that "the City of Miami administration is corrupt." He has said that if elected he wilt fire
the City Attorney. He has said that Commissioner Joe CaroLto is corrupt. He has further said that he wilt
"dean house "if elected. So, the question becomes who is the house? welt from my perspective the house
is the City of Miami administration, so by his own admission he is making a veil threat to fire the City of
Miami Manager. Furthermore, he has also said on radio and Television that he wilt fire all of Mr. Diaz De
La PortiLta staff Members. We must take GabeLa on his word, when someone tells you who he is we must
believe him. I implore you to be a good steward of the City of Miami and protect us against this type of
political malpractice. He wilt embattle the City in an endless political turmoil and most certainly fight with
all of you in the process. At the end of the day the Losers wilt be the residents of Dist. 1 In order to avoid
this scenario, I am asking you to appoint me as the interim commissioner of Dist.1. If appointed I pledge
to be a good steward and bring both stability and predictability to the City of Miami. I wilt not fire any of
Mr. Alex Diaz De La PortiLta staff members they are hardworking employees that have families to support.
I pledge not to run in Nov 7 election you are able to verify this with the City of Miami Clerks Office. I
pledge to have a harmonious relationship with every commissioner on the Dias and the media at Large. I
further pledge to serve the residents of Dist. 1 again I would Like to reiterate that this is the most prudent
course of action to take in order to reach normalization in the City Of Miami. By appointing someone from
the area that comes from humble beginnings it wilt restore faith in the residents by having one of them
represent them. Thank you, Mike Suarez
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nda Public Comment
Dear Commissioners, My name is Michel (Mike) Suarez. I am a lifelong resident of the City of Miami and
have live in Dist. 1 for the last 17 years. I have served on the City of Miami Code Enforcement Board and
was a candidate for Dist. 1 in 2007 obtaining over 40% of the votes in the area. I hold a Doctorate degree
from Saint Thomas University in Leadership and Management and I'm currently a college professor at
Miami Dade College and host a television show called Business World on MDC TV. I am respectfully
asking the esteemed Commissioners of the City of Miami to appoint me as the Dist. 1 interim
commissioner. I am offering to be a steward of the seat until the Nov 7 election results. To be dear, I am
not a candidate and will not appear on the ballot Nov. 7. this will avoid any conflict of interest and or unfair
advantage, since I will not compete for the seat. I agree with the public comments that some
commissioners have made to hold the election on Nov 7. This makes financial sense, and it is in
alignment with the spirit of the city charter. However, I would like to articulate why this decision alone
without an appointment is detrimental to the residents of Dist. 1 and the City of Miami as a whole. Here's
my analysis, It is highly probable that Mr. Alex Diaz De La Portilta will win the election for Dist. 1. This is
for two reasons. First, he has raised over one million dollars, second, Mr. Diaz de La Portilta has strong
name recognition therefore he has an competitive edge and is expected to win regardless of the current
situation. However, the Governor wilt suspend him again and the seat wilt become vacant. As a result, The
City of Miami wilt be compelled to follow the charter and hold a special election within approx. 45 days.
Here in lies the problem to the City of Miami administration and its residents. The downside of only
holding the election and not appointing an interim commissioner to the seat is that it gives candidate
Miquel Angel Gabela an unfair advantage, essentially giving him two bites of the apple. This unfair
DI. 1 advantage may allow him to win the election and execute one of the most egregious types of political
#146 malpractices I have seen in decades. Keep in mind that, Mr. Alex Diaz De La Portilta doesn't have to run
67 twice, since if he wins in Nov. 7 that is sufficient to be reinstated in the event that he is found not guilty in
Disc his legal cases, and so a special election after Mr. Diaz De La Portilta is suspended again, wilt only include
ussi all new candidates competing in a limited amount of time approx. 45- or 30-day election. The reality of
on - political races is that the most known person has the best chances of winning. Given this reality Miquel
Distr Angel Gabela would have an unfair advantage since he has been campaigning for over a year and would
ict 1 be allowed to run twice. Versus all other candidates are relatively unknown and don't have ample time to
Vaca gain name recognition. The problem is further exacerbated by Gabela's reckless and malicious behavior,
ncy such as making unfounded allegations that The City of Miami has carved him out of the district on
purpose to "steal the election from him." When in reality the ACLU sued the City of Miami and as a result
the new map had to follow the court's specifications. Gabela has made malicious comments on live
Television claiming that "the City of Miami administration is corrupt." He has said that if elected he wilt fire
the City Attorney. He has said that Commissioner Joe Carolto is corrupt. He has further said that he wilt
"dean house "if elected. So, the question becomes who is the house? welt from my perspective the house
is the City of Miami administration, so by his own admission he is making a veil threat to fire the City of
Miami Manager. Furthermore, he has also said on radio and Television that he wilt fire all of Mr. Diaz De
La Portilta staff Members. We must take Gabela on his word, when someone tells you who he is we must
believe him. I implore you to be a good steward of the City of Miami and protect us against this type of
political malpractice. He wilt embattle the City in an endless political turmoil and most certainly fight with
all of you in the process. At the end of the day the losers wilt be the residents of Dist. 1 In order to avoid
this scenario, I am asking you to appoint me as the interim commissioner of Dist.1. If appointed I pledge
to be a good steward and bring both stability and predictability to the City of Miami. I wilt not fire any of
Mr. Alex Diaz De La Portilta staff members they are hardworking employees that have families to support.
I pledge not to run in Nov 7 election you are able to verify this with the City of Miami Clerks Office. I
pledge to have a harmonious relationship with every commissioner on the Dias and the media at large. I
further pledge to serve the residents of Dist. 1 again I would like to reiterate that this is the most prudent
course of action to take in order to reach normalization in the City Of Miami. By appointing someone from
the area that comes from humble beginnings it wilt restore faith in the residents by having one of them as
a representing them. Thank you, Mike Suarez
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e e Item
DI. 1
NW 67 I'd like to thank the current commissioners for coming on a Saturday evening to discuss this extremely
Disc important matter. I'd also like to say that, today, you might have one of the easiest choices to make - to
Mary Tapi h ussi do nothing. Sit back and allow our Democratic process to continue its course the way it's intended. The
in a on - choice of who should be our commissioner belongs to the residents of District 1 and with all due respect,
Distr none of you live in my district. I'm very much looking forward to working with you because I know
#29 ict 1 together we will put the people first as we SHOULD.
DI -
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End of Report