HomeMy WebLinkAboutComposite Exhibit AComposite Exhibit A: Wynwood Business Improvement District ("Wynwood BID") Board Resolution adopted June 20th, 2023 with Wynwood BID Budget, and Wynwood BID Budget Template FY 2023-2024 Proposed Budget Wynwood Business Improvement Distric autlaetrempnte empuan Bucher 7,019-er0 net., FT ztian ACWaI FY Han.,Araal FY2n22-23Atlopted FYi 22-23 Projection Ft...-. Ropoatl i uere.a< Menet number et Funn,ne positions 2 +2 FYr24, the Wynwood wishes to increase staffing to (4) office personnel and (1) clean loam member. with other being promoted to local Wynwood 14e(eL after a decade + nfservice. F, ... . Reveaees _. .. niaA„ess,nent: $ 658,561 $ 774,407 $ 821.356 $ 850,000 $ 830,000 $1,474,000 $ 624,0130 FY'24: The Wynwood BR) 1ms increased its assessment totals from $850K to $1 474 million dollars arc due to an increase in folios and increase in assessment from $.24 cants in 2013 to $.03I cents in FY 24. as per BID successful 10 year renewal from 2013. which now has 385 total folios in 50 black district. Please note that due to elections finalizing in November 2023 and Miami -Dade County tax roll releases in November, the BID will use ems operational funds for Oct, Nnv'23_ The BID tines Miami Dade Count 's annual tax roll, sent annually_ The following mtes apply Adj. Ground Floor Rate tgJ $0,31 sq. ft. Upper Floor Rate (4ef 0.16 sq. E.. FY'23: The Wynwood BM will continue to use Miami Dadc Comfy for the collection of annual assn=sments. with a I%charge, for annual assessment collections_ ne:e„ea Collection: 5 120,000 $ - $ - $ 50.000 $ 16,000 $ 25,000 $ (25,000) FY'24: The Wynwond BID have collected are ...visaed to try to collect the remaining assessments from $25,000 in outstanding assessment fees front 2013 to 2021. now that Miami Dade County are collecting via Ad Valorem tax rolls FY'23: Based on previous annual treads, the Wynwood BID...l,cgta to collect approximately $SOK, in assessments pia dfrom 2013-2021_ Please note that the Wynwood BID has collected $350.403 m past due nssesslnents, since 2019, width is the largest collectionof tin neerec,nm,c rho to initiative l.v-Rm Cite.,FU31n,: 1 rent and fl ,,b9awnine, nrfire neeruolpadsou wa.,$n- nesa,oed $ - $ 468,000 $ 993,000 $ 366.000 $ 4,642,000 $ 187,000 $ 079,000) FY'24: The Wynwood BID are expected to collect conservatively S186,000 in parking waiver and/or tree trust finals FY'23; The Wynwood BID conservatively budgeted 0306K for 2022-2023. however we have been able to collect waivers for (Fisher Oros. Society Wynw0od since 2923_ Please note_ budgeted Parking Waiver fees reflect net of 1.0% Contribution to the Parking Waiver Trost fiord as required by City Ordinance 13556_ Fade spare is currently priced at $12_000 per space. Parkng waiver expense ism are restricted in nature wvmnnt woos flunk ecneInTrust Fund .Attydattnflaunty, tnroan $ - $ - 5 - $ - $ - $ 3500,000 $ 3,500,000 FY'24: The BID's Public Benefit Committee adopted resolution 5la 02l2022 on Dux mtbcr 22, 2022: 2035 North Mom" Avenue, Wynwood Works far new ecia tractio l of a 12-stavmixed use building. All one hundred mean(120)Prjxt writs are set aside for occupancy by Exlrareiy Low Income l-lenuoeho!dsCorti sling individualstranoitiuning on ofhotnd ssnessl, Very Low Income Households, and Low (manor: Households pursuant to the NRD-1 Rngxinnmems (defined below) throughout the Affordability Period. bY2.3: The W}un'ood BID had a mooing o¢ Dacaniter 23, 2022 to approve 1Vynwod Works Project, with City of Miami Noosing and Legal oaer Rename $ 3.130 $ 19.240 $ 7,370 $ 35,003 $ 3004 $ 20,000 $ (.I DOD) FY'24: As per the ream( approval oftla; Wynwood Public Benefit Trust Fend in FY-22, the Wynwood BID will be depositing funds that am cmmntly at the City of Miami, to be pu110 work on an interest earning account, in tandem with the Parking Trust Fund and Tree Trost Fund Accounts, thus why the larger estimation far Itie coming year_ The estimates we have received are about 3%returns. with Bide to no risk W principle once opened in 21123. FY'23: The Wynwood BID currently has $14.000 in the Wynwood Tree Trust earning S.66 a month, and $1,197.000 in Parking Trust Fund that avenges $116 71 yearly, based on recent deposits. aeaanue cnnaDial S 781,691 S1,261,647 S 1,821,726 $ 1.301,000 5 5,491,000 S 5,206,000 $ 3,9050'0 ... %Eiooiiditanes ...... am oracasrat,l0laeantaammemaea. andranmaetl3awi'.smaeanteam. administrative sarriraaeatl mterndips. $ 396,22D $ 43951D $ 424304 $ 24870D $ 22U,n00 $ 295-Opt $ 46' FY24: Staff E. Director is slated to make $135.500, with 2 wanks vaoalioa aid inuring ! 5th year assisting the City of liana with B1D's io Grove/Wymwood_ Prof_ Co_ $81K, n weeks vacation. Office is currently stalled by two employees and a inlvro(2)Clean Teammembws also work 40 hours weekly and on payroll, as clean teammcmbas. We currently hes(7) clean team personnel_ working approximately almost 200 hums psawnok for the Wearing of the 50 block Disrict, snict, seven days eweek. Budget will remain with thresholds due to efficient ma nag Kumuby Project Manager of the program and. hours used by sta0'. Insvanra $ 11,169 $ 12,972 $ 8.995 $ - $ 13,000 $ - $ - Mover to line kern below in FY 22 nfl4y g res, 4eenma cod Wines $ $3,773 $ 75,252 $ 8Ij86 $ 20670D $ 65004 $ 193,005 $ {13,700} FY'M4: FY'24' We are cirnvtly paying S5k modh!v until November 2023, BID 51i31 seek space in the realm of curet mtes on ponmd lead tooting foraccdss to public_ The Wynwnad RD's List of paarso an: foroffice utilities Sac equipment and supplies 7K, l)&O insurance $13,100,FICA, Health cac$12K, Lioases,Bookku:ping 09OK and animal audit dvest2K_ FY'23:- The Wen -wood MD's list ofexpens,s are for off utiliti,s$1K, equipmad and supplies Elf rem SEAR, fumihac$IOK,D&O insemns:$12_100, FICA, Health care 112K. Lianas, 9aokkeo ing 349K and amoral audit dues pnlottnnat Mane.cet, Atilt $ 9,880 S 29_767 $ 12.863 $ - $ - $ - $ - FY'Z3: No espencas 7n this line item Wvnnooaflawing Tenn $ 105,053 $ 87.576 $ 122.511 $ 198,000 $ 205,000 $ 305.000 $ 107,000 FY'21: The W ynwnod BB) will increase its cleat team rota personnel from sema to Iwdve, since our visitations have increased Ifs since inception in 2013. BID will continue to ate- employment to those from thtmloracommunity. in need of emp1461. l and a positive coop. Each cleat team membvvs aid S12.00 p/h to $15.00 per Lour, all will roceive increases due to expansion totaling upm$2.00 dollars for all comrutpennonr3 New parscnaAWill bcrr at814.00 parlour. FY'23- The Wptwood BID currently hes(7)clean 'cm personnel, working appro)iaately almost 200 hours per week for the cleaning of the SO block District, seven days a wed_ Budget will remain with thresholds due to efficient management by Project hkmugcr of the program awl hours used by stall wwn•ood Claming Team snppian $ - $ - 5 - $ - $ 35,000 $ 39,000 $ 39,1100 FY'24: The Wprwood BID will be pamdasiro addinonal cleating and safety materials, in addition to the purchasing of any items needed to help with the maiiterm ee ofpublic right of %ays,msh can rmcpmdcsand lops__ond painting of curbs, as needed_ We will also be in charge of pointing wallsmrtwildtr_s that have been vazDalize.,free of charge with the expansion of the clean team services. sec v $ 637 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Not Applicable. Camera Dannloos have beeollocned under 3tre0noolo Capital tapaal mt.aaeez: $ 219?64 $ 251,152 $ 51.1 D5 $ 205,000 $ 75,000 $ 324,000 $ 11tI,04U F1'24, The Wynwond BID are expecting to inhume dmmrians m the City of Miami Police Del/anneal. procurement of signet. and infmaroo6oe planning train studies, talker modclring and other news of need Former communty. The Bin expectsin wnemdonauons,$20K in rubbervnulching expenser,VMAstunaue dmtndms to PD forBaiel and any other event-waded_$5le for sound aiochines to be used by Code Compliance, for plot programio FY23. The BID also installs bowers throughout the district on suer thoroughfares throughout the year for evennavithin District. Marketing rtisement $ 190,995 $ 245,129 $ 116,516 $ 361,6110 $ /90_000 $ 400,000 $ 38,900 FY'24: The Wvnwvod BID will seek an increase in expenditures fw next fiscal ).ear, for thehnrnning of PR ugmcy, motst media and photogaphy_ The Wynwood BM will also immeaso its pre -sea. on the intanationalaoddomestic markets, with its new agency Jacobs Creative, via RFP that wascon0Bhded in 2022. The WrawwodBDD's saxices arc to help promote and aa0/olmebusima'ses. Wc!'il alsucoutinuenxpmdmgtho bunncr wvlcbrandim5 tneughonl nnWtybiockdistrirf FY'23: The WymsnodBIDrelraadils 5raspecialevantmna0gants, to Miami Hack Week, Chinaoa New Year and Pride Miami towline $21K roe 60ots ate here m assist w 5 xo110 t1 everts fin lice dbtrial. 5n to curly 922„ ma Wynwowd BID has bull using Saceber creative to assist with the Wynwood newsletter, photography and purchasing ofadvediseveus, to lxip faster the hnoge eta self multi use Community that welcomes all, We also allocated! ding for the Wym000dBID's renewal_ Nkrae4le Howley ecntlrowcMpasikamen, Iran Fund $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 3,500000 $3.500,000 FY'21: The BID's Public Benefit Committee adopted resolution No. 02f2022 on December 22, 2022: 2035 Noah Miami Avenue, Wynwood Works for new construction of a 12-9erymixed usebutlding. AB one hundred twenty{120) Project units are setaside for occupancy by Etmtely Lora locome Households(mclndinp individuals transitieninp out ofhomelesvness), Very Low Thorne I3oruseholds, and Low Income Households pursuant to the NRD-1 Requirements (defined below) throughout the Affordability Period. FY'23: T. Wynwnnd BID hod amnnting on 11.ciYa1cr 23, 2022 to approve coy wood Works Project, with City o(Miami Housing and Laval. StreeumPe $ - $ - $ 290,1100 $ 81,000 $ I5,000 $ 150,090 $ 69,000 FY'24: The BID will seek input bur the olhkehoiders to wintmue unapt:. from previous year, i.e. pr0vure denting of hash bins, sid000ll , possible donations to public works or other mid gaffti related nanvals_ FY'21: The Wynwood BID donated $i000 far rho City ol'Miand Code Enforcement sound meters 52- trash can lids far nu City ofMiani public works dep:rtriamla) small mucking grants andojnipmet C the painting of trash awos and tide,preaevre claming m:ntino for the dean Warn to help the City of Miami pubtio right of ways_ .;FspenditureGrand'Fvtal S 1,016,901 5 1,141„338 $ 1,067,880 5 1,301,000 S 818,000 5 5,206,000 5 3,993,000 Revenues Minus Expenditures 5 (235,210) $ 120,289 S 753,846 S - $ 4,673.000 $ Nat.]; 8j3n0132.4500 seaeseri • DIVISION 21. - INYNWOOD BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BOARD • Sec. 2-1316. - Establishment and purpose. The Wynwood Business Improvement District Board of the city ("BID board") is herewith established for a period of ten years to improve and strengthen the area known as the Wynwood Arts District as more particularly described in Resolution No. 13-0228 adopted on June 13, 2013 through promotion, management, marketing, and other similar services, including but not limited to, coordination, funding, implementation and maintenance of infrastructure improvements, and other projects. The Wynwood Arts District shall be described herein as the "area." The BID board shall be the board charged with managing the Wynwood Business Improvement District ("BID"). (Ord. No. 13404, § 2, 9-12-13; Ord. No. 13453, § 2, 5-8-14) • Sec. 2-1317. - Composition of board; terms, filling of vacancies. (a) The BID board shall have nine members, seven of which are voting members, two of which are non -voting. The seven voting BID board members must be commercial property owners in the district. Beyond the first year, all terms will be for two years. To ensure a voice for North Miami Avenue, at least one of the nine board seats shall be dedicated to a property owner from North Miami Avenue. The two non -voting members shall be either retail, cultural arts, office, or restaurant established business owners in the district. (1) The BID board, on the recommendation of the current chair, will form a slate selection committee which will formulate a slate from among property owners who have been self -nominated or nominated by other property owners. After approval by the BID board, the slate will be put to an up -or -down as a whole vote by the commercial property owners of the BID, with one vote allowed per assessed folio. Guidelines will be issued by the BID staff which will give deadlines and acceptable manner for casting votes. The board shall be sworn and seated on or about the first day of the month of October. (2) Selecting and seating of future board members beyond the first year of the BID. The BID board will finalize and establish the method for electing and seating of future BID board members in the by-laws developed by them for the BID in the first year of operations. (b) At the first meeting of the BID board, the members will determine lengths of terms for the initial BID board. Three of the seven members will serve initial terms of one year. Four members will serve initial terms of two years. In years "two" and beyond of the BID, all terms will be for two years. Among the members of the board who serve an initial one-year term, the maximum time they may serve, if re-elected, is a total of seven years —either consecutively or intermittently. Among the members of the board who serve an initial two-year term, the maximum time they may serve, if elected, is a total of six years —either consecutively or intermittently. (c) Members shall continue to serve until their successors have been elected and seated. Appointments to fill board vacancies shall be made by the chair and confirmed by a majority of the board for the unexpired term only. (d) Quorum shall consist of a majority four of voting members. (e) The BID board shall have the power to establish committees and appoint the members to the various committees, consistent with any standards for standing committees provided for explicitly in sections herein. (f) Protection from personal liability. The BID board shall maintain officers and director's liability insurance coverage at all times, in an amount and in a form satisfactory to the city's director of risk management. Nothing in this section shall be construed in any way to limit or waive sovereign immunity. (Ord. No. 13404, § 2, 9-12-13; Ord, No. 13453, § 2, 5-8-14; Ord. No. 13554, § 2, 9-24-15; Ord. No. 13835, § 2, 4-25-19) • Sec. 2-1318. - Qualifications of members. (a) All members of the BID board shall be "affected commercial property owners" in the area. (b) All members of the BID board shall be individuals of outstanding reputation for integrity, responsibility and business ability and acumen. (c) Convicted felons may not serve on the BID board. (d) Before assuming the duties of the office, each member shall take and subscribe to the oath of office required of officials of the city. (Ord. No. 13404, § 2, 9-12-13) ▪ Sec. 2-1319. - Meetings; parliamentary authority, rules and regulations; compensation of members. The parliamentary authority of the BID board shall be Robert's Rules of Order for Small Boards and Associations. The BID board shall hold regular meetings no Tess often than once each quarter. Special meetings may be held when called in the manner provided in the by-laws of the BID. All meetings of the BID board shall be open to the public. Each member of the BID board shall serve without remuneration. (Ord. No. 13404, § 2, 9-12-13) • Sec. 2-1320. - Removal of members. Notwithstanding anything in the Code to the contrary, by resolution specifying facts sufficient to advise a BID board member as to the basis for his or her removal and after reasonable notice to the BID board member and an opportunity for the member to be heard, the BID board, by a 51 percent vote of the board, may remove a board member, so long as the reason for removal is one or more of the following: (1) If the member ceases to meet the qualifications and integrity criteria set forth herein or any additional qualifications set forth in the BID board by-laws; (2) If the member is not current with timely payment of BID assessrnent(s) due; (3) For purposes of this section, being absent from three regular BID board meetings or committee meetings —or a combination thereof —during a calendar year shall constitute good cause for removal; or (4) For one or more violations of the Sunshine Law, as reviewed by the Board and the Miami -Dade County Commission on Ethics. (Ord. No. 13404, § 2, 9-12-13) • Sec. 2-1321. - Powers and duties. (a) The BID board shall have the power to: (1) Subject to city commission approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, appoint an executive director and fix the terms of engagement and compensation of the executive director. (2) Prepare an annual budget to be presented to the city commission for approval. (3) Plan, propose, and implement programs and services for the purpose of stabilizing and improving the BID through promotion, management, marketing, and other similar services, such as streetscape improvements. (4) Plan and propose to the city and the city commission, within the area, land use and zoning policies, public improvements, including but not limited to renovation, repair, remodeling, reconstruction or other changes in existing buildings and streetscape which in the opinion of the BID board will aid in the economic growth of the area. (5) Recommend to the city commission the acquisition by purchase or otherwise, of any land and any other property, real or personal, or any rights or interests therein, which it may determine is reasonably necessary for any project or purpose of this article. (6) Cooperate with any governmental agency or public body for the purposes authorized herein. (7) Solicit and accept grants in cooperation with the city office of grants administration. The BID staff shall contact the office of grants administration for assistance in project planning, proposal writing, application assembly, and monitoring financial and budgetary compliance with grantor agency guidelines. All grant applications shall be submitted to the office of grants administration for review and coordination prior to submission. The BID board shall be responsible for implementing and managing all of its grants. Any and all other contributions and financial support from individuals, private business interests, the general public, governmental entities, corporations and organizations, foundations and other philanthropic entities shall follow the approvals established by the city. (8) Exercise all powers incidental to the effective and expedient exercise of the foregoing powers to the extent not in conflict or inconsistent herewith. (9) The city manager may delegate to the executive director the authority to execute contracts consistent with the provisions ofchapter 18, article ill, subject to BID board approval. (Ord. No. 13404, § 2, 9-12-13; Ord. No. 13554, § 2, 9--24-15) Sec. 2-1322. - Employees generally. (a) Executive director: The executive director shall serve at the pleasure of the BID board and shall be a person of good moral character and have a reputation for integrity, responsibility and business ability. No member of the BID board shall be eligible to hold the position of executive director. Before entering upon the duties of his/her office, the executive director shall take and subscribe to the oath as required of members of the BID board. Subject to the approval of the BID board, and direction by it when necessary, he/she shall have general supervision over and be responsible for the preparation of plans and the performance of the functions of the BID in the manner authorized in this article. He/she shall attend all meetings of the BID board and shall render periodic reports covering the activities and financial condition of the BID. The executive director shall have no civil service rights or privileges. (b) Staff. Subject to the specific policy directives and goals of the BID board, budget limitations, and the approval of the board, the executive director may engage such staff members as are necessary for the efficient operation of the BID. Staff members shall have no civil service rights or privileges. (Ord. No. 13404, § 2, 9-12-13) • Sec. 2-1323. - Annual budget; source of funds. (a) The BID board shall establish a fiscal year which coincides with that of the city. Within 60 days following the effective date of the enactment of the ordinance from which this division derives, the BID board shall submit to the city commission, in a form acceptable to the city manager, a BID board budget for adoption and ratification by the city commission. Commencing with fiscal year 2014-2015, consistent with the city's budget process, the BID board shall submit to the city manager, a BID board budget pertaining to management, operation and maintenance expenditures and delineating the financial responsibility of the city for certain categories including but not limited to: insurance, security, utilities and maintenance to be approved by the city commission. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit the BID board from submitting a supplemental budget to the city commission for approval. (b) As needed, the BID will revise budgets and submit these revisions to the city commission for approval. BID expenditures shall comply with city procedures for acquisition of goods and services. (c) In conjunction with the submission of the budget, the BID board shall submit a plan reflecting the proposed operations, activities, improvements, and maintenance plans for the forthcoming fiscal year. (d) No provision contained in this division shall be construed to violate the Anti -Deficiency Act, as set forth in sections 18-500---18-503. (e) The operations of the BID board shall be principally financed from the following sources and such other sources as may be secured: (1) Proceeds of a special assessment as authorized by resolution. (2) Contributions, gifts, and/or donations to the BID board for the performance of its functions. (3) 'Such parking waiver fees as are authorized. (4) Such parking surcharge fees as are authorized. (5) Such sidewalk cafe fees as are authorized. (7) Such other fees as are authorized. (8) Grant funds. (Ord. No. 13404, § 2, 9-12-13) • Sec. 2-1324. - Annual report and audi#. The BID board shall submit to the mayor and city commission an annual report and an annual audit. The audit shall be performed by an external auditor who is a certified public accountant. (Ord. No. 13404, § 2, 9-12-13) • Sec. 2-1325. - Notices and filing of records. The BID shall publicly notice meetings of board and committees at the city. The BID shall keep a record of all motions passed at board and committee meetings. (Ord. No. 13404, § 2, 9-12-13) • Sec. 2-1326. - Sunshine. The BID will be governed by the Sunshine Law and will schedule appropriate training for each member of the board and staff in this regard. (Ord. No. 13404, § 2, 9-12-13) • Sec. 2-1327. - Counsel. The office of the city attorney shall provide legal services to the BID board as may be necessary and requested by the BID board. (Ord. No. 13404, § 2, 9-12-13) • Sec, 2-1328. - Inapplicability of sunset provision. The BID board shall not be subject to the provisions of$eCtiof 2-892 of the Code. (Ord. No. '13404, § 2, 9-12-13) • Sec. 2-1328.1. - Wynwood design review committee. (a) Establishment. There is hereby established a standing committee of the BID, to be known as the Wynwood Design Review Committee ("WDRC"), for the purpose of recommending to the director of planning and zoning and the Urban Development Review Board ("UDRB"), pursuant to the Wynwood NRD-1 and Miami 21, the zoning ordinance of the city, as amended or superseded. whether the design of developments and/or improvements to properties within the boundaries of the Wynwood NRD-1 are compatible with the cultural and architectural character of the Wynwood Arts District and guidelines that may be adopted from time to time. (b) Membership. (1) Composition; appointment. The WDRC shall consist of seven members and one alternate, to be appointed by the BID board, or any successor body designated by the city commission. (2) Qualifications. It is intended that members of the WDRC shall be persons of experience, mature judgment and background; having knowledge of the Wynwood Arts District; and having the ability, special professional training and interest to act in the public interest in order to make informed and equitable decisions concerning art, architecture, urban, physical and site design for developments within the Wynwood NRD- 1 boundaries. To that end, qualifications of members shall be as follows: a. BID members. At least three members shall be individuals who are members of the BID. Each member shall have been living or working within the Wynwood NRD-1 boundaries for at least two years. b. Professional members. Two members shall be professionals, licensed by the State of Florida (or professional equivalent) as an architect, landscape architect, urban designer, planner, engineer, general contractor or attorney. Each member shall have been living or working in the city for at least two years. c. Tenant/cultural member. Two members shall be a tenant with an active lease within the VVynwood NRD-1 boundaries, artist, or cultural institution representative. d. Alternate. The alternate member shall satisfy the qualifications set forth either in subsection (2)a. or b. above. e. During the qualification process, members of the BID shall be encouraged to submit names of persons and their qualifications to the BID board through the BID's executive director. (3) Terms of office. Members of the WDRC shall be appointed to the following terms. Two of the [31D members, one of the professional members, and one of the tenant/cultural members shall be appointed for an initial term of one year. All other appointments to the WDRC thereafter shall be for a term of one year. Notwithstanding the above, individual WDRC members may serve until his/her successor is appointed. (4) Vacancies. Vacancies in the membership of the WDRC shall be filled by the BID board, and shall be only for the unexpired term of the member affected. (5) Removal, Members of the WDRC may be removed with or without cause by vote of not less than three members of the BID board; however, any member or alternate member of the WDRC who fails to comply with the attendance requirements contained insection 2-886 of this Code shall be automatically removed in the manner prescribed under section 2-889 of this Code. Following said removal, the BID board shall fill the vacancy pursuant to subsection (4) above. (c) Functions, powers and duties generally. In addition to such other powers, duties and authority as may be set forth elsewhere in this City Code and in the zoning ordinance, the WDRC is hereby authorized to: (1) Review and recommend to the director of planning and zoning for approval, approval with conditions or disapproval of all applications within the Wynwood NRD-1 boundaries for which the WDRC is specifically designated for such role. Said review shall be pursuant to city guidelines and standards or such design guides contained in the requirements of the applicable zoning district text, Wynwood NRD-1, and any design guides adopted by the BID from time to time. (2) Require submission to the WDRC of all information as may be reasonably necessary for the WDRC to evaluate completely the proposed structure of improvement. (3) To recommend, from time to time, to the director of planning and zoning amendments to the city guides and standards applicable to the Wynwood Arts District. (4) Adopt and amend rules of procedure. (5) Where the UDRB has jurisdiction to review projects, review and recommend to the Urban Design Review Board ("UDRB") such projects for approval, approval with conditions, or disapproval, with reasons for such recommendation stated in writing. (6) In conformity with chapter 10 of the City Code, and other applicable regulations, recommend legislation for security screens and shutters in the Wynwood Arts District. (d) Proceedings. The WDRC shall meet at least once each month, except for August, and ail meetings shall be open to the public. The WDRC shall establish rules of procedure necessary to its governing and the conduct of its affairs, in keeping with the applicable provisions of the City Charter and City Code. Such rules of procedure shall be available in written form to persons appearing before the WDRC and to the public upon request. The WDRC shall not defer or continue an item before taking affirmative action to recommend approval, approval with conditions or disapproval, unless requested by an applicant or the director of planning and zoning. (e) Voting; quorum. All decisions and recommendations of the WDRC shall require a concurring vote of a majority of the members present, except if the WDRC's action results in a tie vote, and there are no further motions put forth, the recommendation to the director of planning and zoning or UDRB, as applicable, shall reflect a tie vote. Three members shall constitute a quorum. (Ord. No. 13554, § 2, 9-24-15) Editor's note— Ord. No. 13554, § 2, adopted September 24, 2015, enacted provisions intended for use as section 2-1329. Inasmuch as there are already provisions so designated, and at the discretion of the editor, said provisions have been redesignated as section 2-1328.1.