HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-78-0446itTEM BID SECURITY COCONUT GkoVE BUStAREA Date BIDS RECtiVE15 .. JULY I 3. L978 Hhti. IMIJKUVEMh1I1 H PUBLIC WORKS BIDDER MARKS BROTHERS 1313 N. W. 97 AVE, MIAMI , FLORIDA 33L26 Received the above describtd checks this TYPE OP SECURITY BASE $966 o36.o0 BB 5% day of FOR ACCOUNTING DI VISION AMOUNT FOR ACCOUNTING USE r t 19 r === CODE TOTAL Pi,11) 1, DEP ..‘1. 1 TiT ACCOUNT CORE BID NO ' PREPARED BY ESTIMATED COST; CONTRACTUAL; $ INCIDENTAL : TOTAL_ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 1 i) in by EXPENDITURE CONTROL: PROJECT CODE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA REQUISITION FOR ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS RECEIVED '78 JUN I LI AM 9 : 0 APPROVED BY: QuANtitit REPRESENte DEPARtMENT REQUIRtivitNts FOR ftioNiiv r L 1 Div Ralph G (21011 City C.4 • l-ty , DATE PHONE ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMT. • A DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT BIDS TO BE SECURED FOR FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF: ii. ADVERTISE ON ..--- BIDS TO BE RECEIVED ON !am ROW 11111 DIRECTOR OF ISSUING DEPARTMENT FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR PROJECT INVOLVED EXPENDITURE CONTROLLER AD CODE (.0PIPS TO: Purchasing (Org.) — City Manager — City Clerk —Expenditure Control — Issuing Department — Other Affected Departrnent WHITE GREEN PINK CANARY BLUE GOLDENROD ic4 3 - NEV 7 4 nig Ram Ner Bid 7 78 106 ADVERTISEMENT POR BIDS Sealed bids for the construction of t iCOCONUS_OE BUSINESS AREA fIGHWAYIMPR,OVEMENT Hm4408" will be received by the City Commission Of The y amt orida at 2:00 a.m. on the 1 th day of July, , 4 in the City Commission Room, first floor, Miami City 'a j 3500 Pan American Drive, Dinner Key,Miami, Florida, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. briefly, the work will include the construction of 0.9 miles of street on: Main Highway between McFarlane Road and Franklin Avenue; Grand Avenue between Mary Street and McDonald Street; Commodore Plr.;a between Grand Avenue and Main Highway; Fuller Street between Grand Avenue and Main Highway. Construction will include new decorative textured sidewalk, concrete curb and gutter, landscaped planter areas, trees in sidewalk (with grates), decorative textured pedestrian crosswalks, pavement adjustment and adjustment of drainage structures. If any questions, call George V. Campbell, Jr., Highway Engineer, at 579 - 6865. All bids shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and Specifications. Plans and Specifications may be obtained from the Director, Department of Public Works, 3332 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. Plans and Specifications are to be returned in good order and unmarked within 10 days after bids have been received. Those minority or target area contractors /small businesses interested in submitting bids are advised to contact Contractors Training and Development, Inc. for providing technical assistance in putting together bid packages. For further information pertaining to the above, call Mr. James D. Thomas, Administrative Assistant, at 579 -6848. GENERAL CONTRACTORS may secure Plans and Specifications for a deposit of $50.00 per set. The deposit will be returned to only those Contractors who submit a bona fide bid, and who return the Plans and Specifications in good condition and unmarked within 10 days after bids have been received. OTHER CONTRACTORS may secure that portion of th Plans in which they are involved at a cost of $1.00 per sheet. This cost is not refundable. Proposal includes the time of performance and Specifications contain provisions for liquidated damages for failure to complete the work on time. The City Commission reserves the right to waive any informality in any bid, and the City Manager may reject any or all bids, and re advertise. Ralph G. Ongie City Clerk