HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-78-0562MM MM 1 1 1 • 1 ESOL1JTION NO, T 8 5 62 A:RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF ROY Lr MAL?HUS S INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $12,400 FOR TIME ?1.N.P,D. COMPUTER ROOM AIR CONDITIONIN( y 1978; WITH FUNDS ALLOCATED FROM THE ACCOUNT EIITITLED "FIRE FIGHTING AND RESCUE FACILITIES BOND FUND" IN THE AMOUNT OF $12,400; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM WHEREAS, sealed bids were received August 25 , ' 1978. COMPUTER ROOM AIR COtNDITIONING 1978; and WHEREAS, the City Manager reports that the $12,400 id of. Roy L. Malphus, Inc. is the lowest responsible bid and recommends that a Contract be awarded to said firm; and WHEREAS, the Capital. Improvements Appropriation Ordinance No. 8716 was adopted on October 26, 1977, and the proposed amount of the Contract is to be allocated From the account entitled "Fire Firhtin ; and Rescue Facilities Bond Fund"; 110'J, THEREFORE, BF IT RESOLVED BY THE COM"II,SSION Ow TILE CITY OF 11IAIMII , FLORIDA: Section 1. That the Aurust 25, 1978 bid of Roy L. Malphus, Inc. in the proposed amount of $12,400 for the project entitled M.M.P.D. COMPUTER ROOM AIR CONDITIONING - '978 for the Base Bid of the Proposal is hereby accepted at the price stated therein to cover the cost ,, f of said t m `, Contract. T11'i ,.. _1 _ .. Section 2. That the amount of $1?,`..CO be, and it hereby, allocated from the account entitled "Fire Fighting and Fescue Facilities Bond Fund". Section 3. That the City Manager is hereby authorized enter into a Contract on behalf of The City of Miami with oy� L, !lalphus, Inc. for r.l. M. P. D. COMPUTER R00r1 AIR CONDITIONING CI Y COMMISSION MEETING OF SEP 1 4 1978 e� NEiOLUTION MO... ............... PA88tb 'A tt7 AI OtTiJD thi8 ,i4T l_.._ ,., daY o .EP,Itt4ttit v Clc�r�'i PREPARED AHD APPROVED BY: fee,/ Assistant City Attorney APPROVED AS Tr FORM AND CORRECTNESS: IAUiltCE_.A r _._VElttt�. MAYOR • i • - i� BID SECURITY ITEM __ AIR CONDITIONERS FOR COMPUTER RDnM BIDDER Weathertrol Maintenance Corp N.W. - street Miami, Florida 33152 Otec International Inc 6850 Coral Way suite 504 Miami,Florida 33155 3264 N.W. 72nd Ave Miami Florida 33122 DATE BIDS RECEIVED July 21► .1978 ...n. _.. TYPE OF SECURITY AMOUNT Received the above desc►ibed checks this day of $26,06100 25,140.3 26,700.0 FOR ACCOUNTING USE 19 FOR ACCOUNTING DIVISION iiiiiiiiii iii■1 I■■IuIIu■mI. Joseph R. Grassie City Mana;er William E. Parkes Director Department of Public Wor1ts September 14, 1978 _;,, B-2756 M.Msp,D. COMPUTER ROOM AIR CONDITIONING = 1978 DidS were received August 25, 1978 for the Work consisting; Of installing two 15-ton and one 10-ton air conditioning Units in the firth floor Computer Room, including all necessary pining and electrical connections, located at I400 N. W. 2 Avenue. As reflected in the Tabulation o`' Bids, the $12,400 bid of Roy L. Malphus, Inc. is the lowest responsible bid for the Base Bid of Proposal. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND THE CITY MANAGER n M ND ADOPTION OP T RESOLUTION t 1 RECO,1� _ 1E At�JARDI'•3^ THE BID RECEIVED AUGUST 25, 1978 OF ROY L. r•1ALnHUS, INC. IN THE AIiOUNT OF $12,400 FROM THE ACCOUNT ENTITLED "FIRE FIGHTING AND RESCUE FACILITIES BOND FUIID"; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INNTO A CONTRACT IN BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAI.1I FOR N.M.P.D. COMPUTER ROOM AIR COIIDITIONING - 1978. "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW» 7 8 5 3 2 13,10 AWARp_PACT SHEET For The City Manager tio2756 PRAM LNAME & LOCATION M,M.P,D, COMPUTER ROOM AIR CONDITIONING m 1978 400 N. W. 2 Avenue PROJECT .SCOPE ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST DATE BIDS RECEIVED NUMBER OF BIDS RECEIVED NAME OF LOW BIDDER AMOUNT OF LOW BID TOTAL FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED LENGTH OF TIME ALLOWED FOR CONSTRUCTION SOURCE OF FUNDS Form ?W #389 6/76 The work consists of installing 2 15-ton and 1 10-ton air conditioning units it the fifth floor Computer Rooms including all necessary piping; and electrical connections, $163000 ur,ust 25 Ls 1978. PrORTIV DOCU M Etee f FOLLOW" working days Fire•Fighting & Rescue Facilities Bond Fund 41 t nOMNtiTER ROOM AIR CONDITIONING JOH NO. F3-2756 CONTRACTOR'S FACT SHEET y L. Malphus, Inc. 7677 N.W. 24 Avenue Miami, Florida 33147 It Principals: Rhone: 691-8600 J.A. Reeder - President James G. Reeder - Treas. Nadette A. Otten - Sec. III. Contractor is properly licensed and insured IV. Sub -Contractors: Not required at this time Experience: 18 years Dade County Auditorium - $ 36,000.00 Miami -Dade Water & Sewer Authority - $ 8,700.00 Florida Keys Aquaduct Authority - $183,000.00 I. Not a minority contractor VII. 16 Certified Advertisements mailed out 7 Advertisements mailed out by regular mail 10 Contractor's picked up Plans & Specifications 5 Contractor's submitted bids. ate 11 111111 11111111111 11 11 11 1111101B TABULATION OF BIDS FOR /7 0 n c.r) 1 11--v,-/-.; - - .-. City Manager, City Cleil, Received by the 'Zit,. rjz.--..:-...;.,....-., r: ••. n c:k, City of Miami, Florida ut ..:L': P. M. 4 • • . ... fli -- - — t 4 I 1,11.. 1d f!und /d.ier 4 i ' • '•, ../ i . i.',..• ./. • .• Z • -/. .1- /- .•'•--/ . • ,-/ /,1 1( , „ ./".• /•ti...•.//, . r - •. -_-___ A S 1 USW ed as Per City C. F. Metro Ord / , / , ., - . — Auu .ont . . . :- . .." 1 lie.- 1 Nu. ' DESCRIPTICiri Unit Price Total Unit Total Price Unt i Price Total Un ,:te Total 1 pr i Unt i. I Total Price Unit Price i 1 , r.....-, :1 ...- :- : • . , , ... -.,,... ... : . . I • / . / • ,,• , I /t . ‘ '. I I I 1 r 1 , • - / i I I ; )' ' - ./ ': / 1.. ' • ' -, • ' "/"•-• I- i .1-. ; • • j . . • - ' . 1 1 / - ." • , • . 1 -- .. • .1 - .-) . / -,-- r---. i , 1 . . / /) -. ) 1 "., • . • i ,- 1---* 1: / _ •-• / ' - 1.1 I I . I , A - No C — Corrected D - Prcposol E - G - Improp 11 - Corrected I - J - Preo. IRREGULARITIES LEGEND IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT Q c..:',0 $ ',It - i • t"" '-' ..) • _ .......,.4 1 i I DISTRIBUTION: Power -of- Attorney Extensions Unsigned or improperly ...ed or No Corporate Seal er Bid Bond Bid . , • By: • '• '' ; ' ."/ • i . • -. -; , 1,-) - .'-) • .. ,•••••• 0,-,1 .:._. .•, ' .. / " . .., ' ' - 4 . . / ..,..a_._L.; f -, / f • ' . /. • . / • • r, ' ; /I • • ..• • I • /1„,•1, • . . ) - BID / 7 , y '.1 4; •)/ / •• .. ; s . .1 - .....,_e___, PL1rr 'T/{. JOB NO. 110'111"! 11 I BID SECURITY / rfEm CONVENTION CENTER, PHASE II batE BIDS RECEIVED Sept. 5; 1978 SITE WORK PUBLIC WORKS BIDDER TYPE OF SECURITY AMOUNT FOR ACCOUNTING USE Joe Reinertson Equipment Co. Base $224,000.00 EM Mlami,Florida 33137 ■ • Box 1104 RiiPna Vista STatinn BB 5;% P J Constructors, Inc. Base $453,650.00 4300 SW 70 Court BB 5% Miami,Florida 33155 itecoiv.d the above described chocks this cloy of 19 FOR ACCOUNTING DIVISION f r�NM NO % 43 REV 74 L DEPT I DIV CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA REQUISITION FOR ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS RE(.:EIVED I„i , f Viif: V f• ACCOUNT CODE Q BID NO. DATE c" PREPARED BY PHONE COLE TOTAL ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMT. ESTIMATED COST : APPROVED BY CONTRACTUAL: • INCIDENTAL : TOTAL '.,OURCE OF FUNDS: $ 64 QUANTITY REPRESENTS DEPARTMENTisirt REQUIREMENTS FOR MONTHS BIDS TO BE SECURED FOR FOR THE bEPARTMENT OF: ADVERTISE ON BIDS TO BE RECEIVED ON DIRECTOR OF ISSUING DEPARTMENT I !N ji/lf-d in by EXPENDITURE CONTROL: FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR PROJECT INVOLVED EXPENDITURE CONTROLLER PROJECT CODE_._ AD CODE (,UI'II:.S 70: Purchasing (O►g.) WHITE — City Manager — City Clerk —!expenditure Control — Issuing Department —Other Affected Department GREEN PINK CANARY BLUE GOLDENROD Bid No.77-78-136 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Seaied bids for ';CONVENTION CENTER, PHASE II SITE WORK" will be redeiVed by the City Manager and the City Clerk of the City of Miami, Florida no later than 2:00 P.M. on the 5th day of September, 1978,• in the City Clerk's office, first floor of -the Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Dinner Key, Miami, Florida 33133, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. The Work consists of providing all necessary labor and equipment to accomplish the following major items on the site, located on the north side of the Miami River, between S.W. First Avenue and S.W. Second Avenue -clearing and grubbing, stripping of topsoil and other materials to underlying limerock, dewatering, excavating of limerock to subgrade levels, backfilling and compaction to subgrade levels, placing and removing surcharges, modifying existing bulkhead and fencing, and relocation of plantings, all as indicated by the Bid Documents. As time is of the essence, the Bidder shall demonstrate his ability to begin the Work with on -site labor on or prior to September 15, 1978, and to accomplish the Work within the time schedule as indicated in the Specifications. All bids shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and Specifications. Plans and Specifications may be obtained from the office of the Director, Department of Public Works, 3332 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. Plans and Specifications are to be returned in good condition and unmarked within 10 days after bids have been received. Minority, target area contractors or small businesses interested in submitting bids are advised to contact Contractors Training and Development, Inc., for providing technical assistance in preparing bid packages. For further information call Mr. James D. Thomas Administrative Assistant, 579-6848. Contractors and subcontractors shall be required to comply with the provisions of Section 3 (Federal Regulations) which requires that all developers, contractors, and subcontractors create feasible opportunities to employ and train residents in the area of the project, and to give preference in sub -contracting and purchasing of materials to businesses located in, or owned in substantial part by persons residing in, the area of the project. The estimated cost of the Site Work is $150,000.00 and is funded by a Federal Economic Development Grant. The City Commission reserves the right to waive any informality in any bid, and the City Manager may reject any or all bids and readvertise. The Finder should '1 _sect anv questions rerardinr the Contract Documents to the Oonstruction Tanar.er, iary Herrmann, 150 S. E. 2 Avenue, 12th 'T orgd? 7?1?2, (305) 572-60711. Questions of reneral interest will be issued i ri i all bidders in form of an :addendum. in l t n�. to Joseph R. Grassie Cit;•, flanager