HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-78-0542• tiEsoLtrTIot No, '7'. ` r 2. >.A RESOLUTION REPROGRAMMING $200,000 PROM THE MIAMI RIVERFRONT SPECIALTY CENTER (FOURTH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUNDS) TO A NEW PROJECT ENTITLED NEW TOWN IN TOWN PLANNING: FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY mm TO SERVE AS PROJECT MANAGER FOR THE HIRING OF A CONSULTANT TO CARRY OUT A PLANNING, MARKET 1 F)w) ` rW i • `'i1ESTOWNIIN ANDTOWGENERAL DESIGN STUDY FOR THE DOCUMPNIS ■ ■ FOLLOW" WHEREAS, a New Town -In Town has been recommended as an integral part of the City of Miami's Development Strategy under. the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Development Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed New Town -In Town area, bounded by 1-395 on the north, Biscayne Boulevard on the east, the old Municipal Railroad right-of-way on the south, and the F.E.C. Railroad on the east, is an area of slum and blight, and can be qualified as a redevelopment area under Florida State Law; and WHEREAS, the development of a New Town -In Town in this loca- tion will have a positive effect on redevelopment activity in the adjacent Culmer area, and WHEREAS, the area falls under the jurisdiction of the Downtown Development Authority, and WHEREAS, the necessary funds for such' 'a`'s�arilay available Y �T from fourth year Community Development funds, and WHEREAS, it is deemed in the best interest of the City of Miami, Florida, to conduct such a study to further the private develop- ment of housing and mixed use in the Downtown area: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Section 1. That $200,000 be reprogrammed from the fourth year CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF S E P 1 4 1970 RESOLUTION No. 7 , 7 + iiiiiiii•ui ii■iiiii11 COM Uhity De\etopMent project entitled "Miami 1 iVerfront Special- ty Center" to a new project entitled "New Town -In Town Planning". Section 2. That the City Manager be authorized to enter into an agreement with the Downtown Development Authority in the amount of $165,000 of which $25,000 would be allocated to project support and management costs and $140,000 to be used to hire a consultant or consortium of consultants to conduct a planning, design, market feasibility, financing, and management development study for the New Town -In Town Project. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 14th ATTEST: 02- CITCLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY day of September * 1978.. Maurice A. Ferre APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: GEORG;i] KNOX, JR. , CITY ATT tJD rIn T:). • 1 1Nte-_F.•C. i F'Ca F:M i-4At••!'��:tr{ dOseph R. Grassie City Manager Richard L. ?osmoe Assistant City Manager to- S O 7 V00 flcrVicu=::a- <:NCi:t t IVS: New Town In Town Planning Study City Commission Agenda - September 14, 1978 It has become apparent that due to the lengthy planning and land acquisition period required for redevelopment projects that the entire $900,000 allocated under the fourth year Community Development Program to the Miami River Specialty Center will not be expended during the fourth CD program year. It is recommended that $200,000 from this project be programmed into a new project entitled "New Town -In Town Study" to assure the timely expenditure of CD funds. The New Town -In Town pro- ject is currently scheduled for funding under the fifth year CD program. (See attached map) The New Town -In Town was recommended as an integral part of the City of Miami development strategy under the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. The proposed study area is bounded by I-395 on the north, Biscayne Boulevard on the east, the old Municipal Railroad right-of-way on the south, and the FEC Railroad on the west. This area currently contains an assortment of various manufacturing, wholesaling and warehousing firms with much of the land currently vacant or underutilized. A number of slum and blighting conditions are presently in the area and therefore it can be qualified as a redevelopment area under Florida law. Basically the City intends to use these funds to contract with the Downtown Development Authority to conduct a market analysis and full scale planning and development study, including pack- aging, for an in -town, new -town residential and mixed use com- munity designed primarily to attract middle income people. While some subsidized and upper income housing will be provided in the study area, the main thrust of the development program would be to have a range of housing types and balanced community attracting all income levels. age #- JE I ' r% r ! rr 78 542 • t. ■ ■ ■ 4 d &tph Ft► Gtassie ft is expected that a development of the New Town=th Town in this location will have a positive effect on redevelopment activity in the adjacent Culmer area and will provide the impetus for a higher rate of usage of Bicentennial Park and support new park development in the FEC area. The proposed New Town -In Town would compliment public investment now con- templated for the rapid transit system and the downtown people mover station along Biscayne Boulevard. The New Washington Heights Station is located on the western boundary of the area and the project is near the Miami -Dade Ed-Com complex. Preliminary economic forecasts indicate that a large scale, moderate density community can be developed downtown if signifi- cant amenities are provided so that this community can compete with other areas in the region. This downtown community could serve as a model in terms of the attraction of people through- out the region to other areas in and around the downtown and could stimulate retail activity in existing downtown stores. It compliments the employment growth that is occurring as a result of 700 million dollars in new projects that are either underway or planned for the downtown. Included in this total are the number of state, county, and city employment facilities that would be easily accessible to the residents of this com- munity from the government center area. The planning of a project of this type requires a high degree of coordination among public agencies, and formulation of a realistic and thorough private sector market analysis, financing strategy and development program. To meet the objective public coordination, it is suggested that a technical steering committee be established to guide the project during the planning phase. This steering committee would be chaired by the Miami Planning Director, and include the Director of DDA, Miami Community Develop- ment Director, and representatives from Dade County, Little HUD, and the Dade County Community Development Department. The steer- ing committee would meet regularly to review the progress of the program and provide periodic reports to the Miami City Commission and the Dade County Commission. The County's early and full in- volvement in this project is necessary to insure full consideration of the feasibility of tax increment financing. This committee could also assist in screening respondents to the consultant R.F.P. dis- cussed later. To meet the objective of private sector analysis the City Manager would be authorized to enter into an agreement with the DDA to provide as technical project management for this important endeavor and authorize the DDA to hire a consultant or consortium of con- • NENE ph ft, drasgie stlltants to carry out planning, marketing; design, financing, a►d implementation studies for the New Town -In Town project: Specifically, it is envisioned that $140,000 of the project Monies would be used to hire a consultant or consortium of Consultants that had combined planning economic analysis, financing, and development management skills. The consul- tant would be expected to: • assist the technical steering committee in defining the objectives of the new town including the physi- cal, social, economic and environmental aspects of the development program. • identify the basic elements of the development pro- gram, i.e., housing of different types and economic levels, and possible retail space, office space, industrial space, and public facilities. • describe each of the program elements and their basic variations in development terms, i.e., gross building area, net area, parking, building coverage, and re- quired rental or price level. establish a land use plan and urban design program and a development schedule for the project that is econom- ically feasible and fiscally sound. identify the capital investments and associated costs required for land, improvements, detail design, engineering, development management and other aspects of development. • identify the capital available from land sales, and other sources such as CD monies, excluding tax incre- ment financing and other sources of financing. ▪ identify the net capital requirements to be financed and a recommended method of financing including finan- cing costs and cash flow assumption. • identify the real estate tax projections based on project valuation and current assessment policies and tax rates and the feasibility of tax increment finan- cing. identify any legal issues associated with the development and financing assumptions including the creation of special tax districts and the Use of tax increment financing. assist in the development of a marketing approach and management strategy to assure that land acquisition, demolition, resale and overall project development will occur in a timely and economically feasible manner. The end product of the study would be a detailed redevelopment ■ plan that meets the requirements of Florida laws and provides the basis for financing and carrying out the project. ■ Public and business consultation would be achieved during the planning process by extensive contact with the Community Develop- ment task force for Downtown and the New World Center Action Com- mittee. The technical steering committee will assure the inter - MO gration of the plan with other major activities occurring in the downtown such as the Ed-Com project, the rapid transit station development, the people mover plan, the convention center and overall downtown development. At the present time there is significant investment in the downtown that we believe has resulted from the catalytic actions of govern- ment which support and complement private sector investment. The proposed New Town -In Town project is a unique opportunity for the City of Miami working with the Downtown Development Authority and other concerned public agencies to plan and develop a quality in - town community that would be a tremendous asset to the downtown and to the City of Miami and the entire region. • • ■ PROPOSED PROJECT BUDGET_, Contract with Downtown Development Authority for (New Town -In Town consultant Studies - $140,000, DDA Support Costs - $25,000) Reserved to City for HUD required monitoring, program coordination services and support of the Technical Committee. II■UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II I IIIIII IIA CI T w E NE NE N W. 7 ST. N W TOWN.,IN TOWN STUDY CC N E 12 1 STD MiC- MU ilBe MM =. i 1 1 M ■ ma 1m i 1 I mm mm mm CITY OF MIAMI PLANNING DEPARTMENT - SEPTEMBER, 1978 PURPOSE DESCRIBE BACKGROUND, CONTEXT, AND DEVELOPMENT GOALS OF THE NEW TOWN -IN TOWN STUDY, REVIEW PROJECT ORGANIZATION AND STUDY DESIGN RECEIVE AUTHORIZATION TO ALLOCATE $200,000 IN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUNDS TO THIS PROJECT "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW„ KG ROUND IAMI DOWNTOWN PLANNING AND ZONING STUDY 1972 NATIONAL URBAN DESIGN COMPETITION 1976 MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN 1976 DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY NEW TOWN -IN TOWN STUDY 197$ CONTEXT EXISTING CONDITIONS STRATEGIC LOCATION BICENTENNIAL PROJECT AND FEC SITE ED-COMM PROJECT NEW WASHINGTON HEIGHTS RAPID TRANSIT STATION PEOPLE MOVER - BISCAYNE BOULEVARD CULMER REDEVELOPMENT "SUPPORTIVE DOCUl'ilEN1 S GOVERNMENT CENTER FOLLOW" PRIVATE SECTOR INVESTMENT • i INN 11IIIII111111111IIIIIIIIIIIII._■iiIiIiiiunuiimll m1 DEVELOPMENT GOALS BALANCED COMMUNITY - NIGH i MIDDLE = LOW RANGE OF HOUSING TYPES AND TENURE SOME CONVENIENCE SHOPPING AND MIXED USE CLOSELY RELATED TO DOWNTOWN AMENITIES FEASIBLE FINANCING PLAN EXCELLENT DESIGN AND STRONG DEVELOPMENT CONTROLS L ()CUMErq*IS FOLLOV I» PROJECT ORGANIZATION POLICY GUIDANCE CITY COMMISSION COUNTY COMMISSION DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD BUSINESS AND CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT NEW WORK CENTER ACTION COMMITTEE DOWNTOWN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TECHNICAL STEERING COMMITEE CITY OF MIAMI PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY DADE COUNTY LITTLE HUD AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OTHERS AS NEEDED DDA CONTRACT WITH CONSULTANT OR CONSORTIUM - PLANNING, FINANCING, DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT CAPABILITY TECHNICAL CONSULTANTS STUDY DESIGN __••L -r;r1 • ;•••••: • ”s: - , ASSIST IN DEFINING OBJECTIVES CONDUCT MARKET ANALYSIS DEVELOP DETAILED PROGRAM IDENTIFY CAPITAL FACILITIES REQUIREMENTS IDENTIFY FUNDING SOURCES DEVELOP DETAILED FINANCING PLAN FORMULATE MARKETING STRATEGY RECOMMEND MANAGEMENT PROGRAM i ■ TIMETABLE TAILED WORK PROGRAM AND R.F P SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER CONSULTANT EVALUATION AND SELECTION - NOVEMBER - DECEMBER WORK PROGRAM CARRIED OUT -JANUARY-SEPTEMBER DRAFT FINAL REPORT SEPTEMBER REPORT REVISED AND ACCEPTED