HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1978-09-25 Discussion Itemi• 1 1 Maom MIMPP SALARY PROJECTION COMPARISIONS 1977/78 ADOPTED MODIFIED MODIFIED YEAR END PROPOSED BUDGET 2nd STATUS 7/13/78 PROJECTED BUDGET 1977/78 REPORT 1977-78 EXPENDITUR 1911-78 12/16/77 1977-78 1977-78 _ . Salries $51,165,513 Other Wages(1) _1,902,472 $51,858,830 $51,358,761* $51,362,244* $49,601,184* 14931 012 _1,931,112 1_4931,112 _1,792,517 Total Appropriation $53,067,985 $53,789,942 $53,289,873* $53,293,356* $51,393,701* *Excludes salary reserve of $551,074. 8/J Salary Projection from 9/9/78 Payperiod $49,601084 B/J Salary Projection for 1977-78 at F.I.U. Hearing S49,785_,091 City Estimate at F.I.U. Hearings - Salaries $51,682,58 7/13/78 Modified Appropriation in Budget 9/30/78 Projeciton (B/J).Salary and other Wages B/J Salary Savings Projection 9/30/78 $53,293,356 51 393 701 S 1,899,62) F.N. (1) OTHER WAGE INCLUDES OVERTIME, HOLIDAY PAY, SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL, OUT -OF -CLASSIFICATION PAY, DRIVER/ENG. 4- 67,300 in MISC. (2) EXCLUDES SALARY RESERVE OF $551,074 6111 G. O4G1E City. CO: 1 i EMI i i 11/4 Solid Waste 11111111 1 II 111111 III II IIIII 11 11 II II 1 1 ■■M • r PROJECTION CF SEVERANCE PAY FOR FY ' 77-' 78 .Date Received Department 10/19 Tourism Promotion 10/20 Building & Vehicle Maintenance 10/27 Public Works 10/27 Police 10/28 Citizen Services 10/31 Human Resourcestl �. e 10/31 Civil Service r 0 10/31 Stadiums & Marinas 11/2 Parks 11/2 Leisure Services „ 6 '1 A' \ 11/4 Fire 11/7 Planning .J�-) 11/7 City Clerk 11/8 City Manager 11/8 Finance 11/8 Planning & Zoning, > . Administrative Boar 11/8 Office of The Mayor 11/18/77 Pro_ected Corrected Corrected Severance Cumulative Severance Cumulative . Per Department Total Per DOA Total 17,219.58 81,161.00 88,250.61 489,337.88 2,810.55 21,467.65 6,562.27 139,043.00 51,769.00 82,855.00 671,433.53 669,242.00 1,504.03 11/10 Building Department 88,288.00 17,219.58 18,516.44 18,516.44 98,380.58 81,161.00 99,677.44 186,731.19 88,608.55 188,285.99' 676,069.07 488,337..88 677,623.87 • 678,879.62 0 677,623.87' 700,347.27 11,858.77 689,482.64 706,909.54 10,9627_28 700,449.92 845,952.54 139,075.,00 838„524.92 897,721.54 52,640.00° 892,164-92' 980,576.54 83,264.00 975,428.92 1,652,010.07 569,501.93 1,644,930.85 2,321,252.07 674,567.00 2,319,497.85 2,322,756.10 1,504.03 2,321,001.88 2,322,756.10 0 „ 2,321,001.88 2,329,171.10 6,415.0E 2,327,416.88 2,378,930.39 49,888-147 2,377,305.02 • 2,378,930.39 0 2,377,305.02 2,380,255.67 1,325.28 2,378,630.30 2,468,543.67 88,249.00 2,466,879.30 1 1111/11111 ^ate Received Denart_ment 11 Board of Commissioners Computers & Communications Law Department 1/18_ . Budget & Analysis 111111111111111 IIIIII III 11111111111 PROJECTIM OF SEVERANCE PAY FOR FY '77-''78 Protected Severance Per Department 11111111 11111111111 1111111 11 Corrected Corrected" Cumulative Severance Cumulative Total Per DOA Total 0 2,468,543.67 70,292.26 2,538,835.93 Not submitted 2,538,835.93 19,242.13 2,558,078.06 70`,292..26 0i L4-M 242>r]3t 2,466,879.3a 2,537,171.56 • 2,537,171.56 2,556,413.69 II J MI • • the honorable Joseph R. Orassie Manager) City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami) Florida 33133 Dear Manager Grx-sie: On the basis of my review of actual severance payments during the period October 1, 19/7 to March 25, 1978 and for the prior five years, I estimate that actual ceverance payments for fiscal year 19/8 will be $300,000 loss than the $2,055,639 currently budgeted. The pattern of expenditures during fiscal year 19/8 appears to be a close approximation of the average for fiscal years 1976 and 1977 in which expenditures from October through M)rch were approximately 57 percent of those for the entire yoar; thus, w.,snming that the $926;000 in actual 5everance payments from October 1, 19/7 through Hard) 19/8 is 57 percent of those for all of fiscal year 19/8, the total should be about $1,730,000, or about $300,000 loss than the budget. I appreciate the e>.cellLnt assistance and cooperation that Howard Gary and his assistants have given me in gathering data and developing analyses for this estimate. Sincerely, iarvey . .lentrickson, Ph.D, CPA • 9865 c d. 158 Terrace Miami, Florida 33157 , • s 1 i• 1 LXEki(31T ( c iry EkNii5,r 116,f7 FORECAST(t) CENPRAt PUNS Pte etted ReVentct A Sthedule A (submitted to panel cpetditurest 101S 089 5 ,51, 3 payroll - Schedule B (submitted to 2 el) $ ) 1��745 2 Non -Payroll - Schedule C (attached) _1$,t�38 _ - Projected Surplus ,..v 1023j430 Advisory panel took exception to Schedule C, so all other Schedules are not reproduced. Advisory panel took the following arbitrary actions on Schedule C: (a) Reduced $700,000 third party claims and dn:nage reserve by 507.--when in fact there was a net increase in claims of $412,500 (see City Attorney's letter attached) . (b) Charges to Contingency Account of $74,948 disallowed, even though this aLnount was transferred to support the Latin American Trade Fair. (c) Reduced encumbrances arbitrarily by $683,200 without considering all depart- mental requests. Schedule C is reproduced as reviewed and approved by four (4) CPA's. The effect of this Schedule is to reaffirm that there is only $1.2 million in fund balance and not $2.0 million or $2.3 million as contended by the advisory panel. ■■IIIIIIIIM IIIIIuiiui111■iiiiui.iuim 100) 000 62,632 75,406 1,265 12,500 35,911 21,371 50,000 1,112,500 306,000 _ 465, 572 2,243,157 10, 540, 344 6,434,435 �779�923) . $18,438,013 SCH Eb UL E t ` AU tL1 EXF EOITURES ENCUMBRANCES At g-30-7i HUI4AN RESOURCES - CONSENT DECREE RESERVC HAND CASH MATCH - (STATE & FEDERAL GRANTS COILtITMENtS) CITY HALL RENOVATIONS - (PUBLIC PROPERTIES MEHO) SANITATION - INTERVIEW TRAVEL EXPENSE LAW DEPART';ENT - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES I;A►:AGEHENT SERVICES - VARIOUS ACCOUNTS POLICE DEPARTMENT - FIXED ASSETS AUDITORS FEES - ItU4 & CO. FY 76-77 AUDIT THIRD PARTY CLA I HS DAmAGES RESERVE CONTRIBUTION TO LATIN ;HERICAN TRADE FAIR, ORD, 8656 OPEN PURCHASE ORDERS AS of 10-3-77 LESS: PROJECTED LIQUIDATION OF P.O.tS OEI-0RE 600KS ARE CLOSED TOTAL ENCUMBRANCES PROJECTION OF HON-PAYROLL EXPENDITURES THROUGH 9-30-77 PROJECTION of SPECIAL PRoGRAHS AHD ACCOUNTS EXPENDITURES 9-30-77 PRIOR YEAR ENCUHgRANCES CLOSETY 76-77 OTALIN FNON-PAYROLL EXPENDITURES 559, 0/2 (93_1500) AMES E. GUNDERSON INANCE DIRECTOR CARL 45 E. GARCIA, C.P.A. ASST. FINANCE DIRECTOR a GARY H HOUCK, N.S.N., C.F.A. ASST. INANCE DIRECTOR GEORG SACK 0 , H.B.A., C.P.A. ASST INA► DIRECTOR T - tom= KEN NEAGLC, C.P.A. ACCOUNTANT IV 1 11111 Iiiiiiii1111111111111111111111111111111 1 J.1111111 . Iiiiiiiiiiiimmillitinuitimilmotnimmiling CITY OF MIAMI. F'LOrnDA INTCR-OI=FICE MEMORANDUM Fames 1;. underson, Director Department -� �- I • 1 Georg - F. Knox, Jr City 1:Ltorney 0Att, (etobetr 41 1977 PtLt: tueAct, Contingent Torts Liability gtPtatNCte: tkcLotuRti: The following is the estimated contingent torts liability: Butcher v._City of Miami: This case has been in litigation since T963 and involves an ununiformly pay increase given to the Sanitation Department. At this time the estimated / $ 350, 000. liability is ( The case is presently on appeal. Rosen v. City_of Miami: This case arose out of an automobile accident with a police vehicle. The estimated liability 1�00,000.1 is There are presently claims pending involving various types of auotrnobile accidents, including Sanitation Department and Fire Department equipment. The estimated 550,000.( liability is The City is also a party -defendant in numerous other /, / /?, Sv v tort cases involving police civil liability; accidents in parks, on sidewalks, city buildings; wrongful refusal to issue certificates of occupancy and use by the licensing division, damages to boats on city owned marinas, etc. The total general liability in these cases is estimated at 75,000.0 TOTAL $1,375,000.0 • cITY by fq.Amt PkayECTEb PlYND BATANCE IN 'THE GENERAt FUND FOR 71"77 as 'Et [bated e,enetei. Puna' Pevenues -fa the period ending 9/30/77 .a) Projected Expenditures Based on Expenditure Report fl as of 9/15/77 $0)241,131 Expenditures Not Included in Report 41 as of 9/15/77 r85541.-MI ' c)., Salary savings Z000i0op\ (0196,811) .o:Itstimated Fund Balance for TY'77 , $ 1,023,595 • • .tv. (tivvi • r .-0001111Milmonsm.--- r7 ' h 9/23/77 11111111•=11110111 44).14 ‘'d e•,;'2, 34 ( '• 4. 5. , 6 --- 7.. 1 8. 9. 12. 11. 14. 15. 16. bepartMental Departmental Departmental Departmental Departmental Departmental Departmental Departmental Departmental Consent Charges Charges ADDiTtONAt tXPENDITORtg NOT REFLECTED IN COMPUTER PRINT-OUT 0 Overtime fot September '77 t.1J • • • Holiday Pay for September 17/ Pay for September '7/ Social Security for September '7/ Shift Differential for Sept, '17 Group Insurance Motor Charges Garage for August Garage for September Decree Against Unallocated Balance Against Federal Grant Matching Incinerator Debt Service Summer Recreation Program Charges Against Contingency Fund Property Maint. and Print Shop Charges 17. Summer Youth Recreation Program c.2/4<ez2 :•-•-v,44e - Funds /92/ 92 •• / f e 2 4- e c..; V / 03/ 7 Z 87,285 65,387 235,660 .289,000 27,395 427,700 116,147 205,352 205,352 100,000 104,025 47,300 197,650 141,556 55,000 174,000 103,724 2,555,138 -ef hle 2 it J.a.,_cit. re-N.r cG-,j (�— L.ito►�t��ids; i r!'+-•11- 1 1 - .6 9 0 1 3 4 5 6 .7 e .9 .0 71 '2 '3 ,4 "' 5 � o 27 •e •9 � 1 2' ■ 3. 5 1 9 10 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 — 25 26 27 28 2° —=-_ 30 31 32 33 MIK WETI ZMOMI MEM IIMEMSA MINIM 34 — - 35 October 1, 1978 tffi lORM ACCOUNTING SYSTEM LOCAL UNITS OF GOVERNMENT 6TATt OF FLORIDA r:LASSIFIC1 TION OF FUNDS th accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, governmental accounting systems are organized and operated on a fund basis. However, due to the inflexibility, complexity, and expense involved in the administration of a large number of funds, only a minimum number consistent with legal and operational requirements should be established by i.he local unit. Separate bank accounts are not necessary for funds. Centralized bank accounts which are reconciled to separate cash statements for each fund will maintain cash control over each fund. The Classification of Funds :shown below is required to be used by all local governments. The coding scheme that is provided with the Classification of Funds is optional and may be altered to meet the specific needs of the local governments. For example, if a local government has less than ten funds of any one type, a two digit fund number may be used. tiY' ,sc FUND GROUPS O` 001 General Fund ,lid 100 Special Revenue Funds f1� 200 Debt Service Funds �! 300 Capital Projects Funds Qv r�400 Enterprise Funds 500 Tntrayovernmental Service Funds 600 Trust and Agency Funds 700 Special Assessment Funds 800 Clearing Funds L_ONG-'PERM GROUPS OF ACCOUNTS C•ir 900 General Fixed Assets Group of Accounts 950 General. Long -Term Debt Group of Accounts The coding scheme provided above allows for up to 99 different funds in each type listed. There is only one fund in the General Fund Category and it is coded 001. This coding system allows the data in each fund to be "rolled up" or combined with every other fund of that category. For example, if a local unit maintains 23 Special Revenue Funds numbered 101 to 123, these funds_may be combined f.or _reporting _pur.po Ses into one control category, "100" - Special Revenue Funds. EFFECTIVE DATE: SUPERSEDES: U.A.S. MANUAL VOL. Ch. Page 1 2 1 • UN l FORM ACCOUNTING SYSTEM • LOCAL UNITS OF GOVERNMENT 8TATg OP FLORIDA l:LA881FiCf TlON OP FUNb Di the context of the Uniform Accounting system, a fund may be defined as an independent fiscal and accounting entity consisting of a self -balancing set of accounts for recording crash .and/or other assets together with related 1 iabil ities, reserves, and equities segregated for the purpose of carrying on specific activities or attaining certain objectives in accordance with certain defined regulations, restrictions, and limitations. m Fixed Assets and Long -Tenn Liabilities are usually not carried in E the Name funds as current assets and liabilities, but are recorded iiMIunder the General Fixed Assets and General Long -Term Debt Groups 11 of Accounts (900 and 950 respectively) . The exceptions to ,this ii principle will be noted in the fund definitions listed below: 001 m ■ 1 Fund Nos. 201-299 Title and Definition General Fund. This fund accounts for all transaCtiuns not properly recorded in any other fund. qpecial Revenue _Funds. These funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (except special assessments) to be used for a specified purpose only and not properly recorded in another fund. Examples: Federal Revenue Sharing Trust Fund County Transportation Trust Fund Library Fund (State or Federal) State and Federal Grants (Nonenterprise) Debt Service Funds. These funds account for payment of principle an interest on long-term debt serviced by general governmental revenue (as distinguished from special acse:ssment or enterprise revenue bonds) . Examples: General Obligation Bonds of 1964 - Cigarette Tax Revenue Certificate Franchise Tax Revenue Certificate Utility Tax Revenue Bonds EFFECTIVE DATE:'SUPERSEDES: October 1, 1978 iANUAL • Page 2 • UNIFORM ACCOUNTING SYSTEM LOCAL UNITS OF GOVERNMENT STATE OF FLORIDA t nd Nos, 3O1 iS9.7 EFFECTIVE DATE: October 1, 1978 ,ASS I F I CAT I ON OF FUND Title and Definition Capital Projects Funds. These funds are used by the— oca1 unit to record those transactions related to the acquisition of public facilities other than those financed through the special asseSSaiient :and enterprise funds. Examples: Construction Projects Building Improvements Library Renovation Enterprise Funds. These funds are used to aiecoaant -TOr tale fi-nanci rig of services to the general public where all, or a substantial portion, of the costs involved are paid in the form of charges to users of such services, and the intent •is for_ the service to he on a self-:;u;taining basis. Eilfei•prise Funds are operated in an essentially identical manner as commercial enterprise activities of the same type, and therefore should record all fixed assets, depreciation thereon, and long-term debt related to its operations. Examples: Electrict Utilities Water Distribution Systems Sewerage Systems Sanitation/Refuse Collection Golf Courses Hospitals Airports U,A.S. MANUAL VOL. Ch. Page 1 2 3 8 C-tI OF 14TAMI i FLORIDA 14616-g•tt Piiiahc3.a1. Statrinent5• At itsctit, the City does not carry umbrella exce ,s i alii • limit the Cityts exposure in possible claims, Litigation In April, 1978, the City, as defendant,, settled an outstanding suit which alleged certain irregularities in pay increases granted to certain City employees in prior years. The City agreed to pay the plaintiffs $1,100,000 covering all back wages, attorney's fees, court costs and auditor costs. 0f this amount, $187,500 was charged to expenditures in the prior year, and the remainder ($912,500) was charged to expenditures in the current year, loth in the General Fiend. The portion of the settic;,rent which the City expects to pray in fiscal 1977-78 ($350,'000) is included_in General Fund claims payable.'The remainder ($/50,000) is recorded in the General Long -Term Debt Group of accounts, with a contribution to fund balance in the same ,amount being made to the General. Fund. isr4- The City is a defendant in a lawsuit arising from .an automobile accident in- volving a City employee which caused a fatality. Settlkment negotiations are currently in progress. The ::mount of. the Ci ty's liability, :as estimated by the City Attorney, is included in claims payable in the General Fund. There are also a number of claims and lawsuits against the City resulting principally from personal injuries incurred on City property. In the opinion of City officials and t:he City Attorney, these claims wi11 result in a liability to the City of approximately $F.00,000. At September 30, 1977, the City had $435, 000 on deposit with :an insurance ce-mp any under a 'spread loss reinsurance contract to cover such claims. Effective October 1, 1977,. this contract was cancelled and the deposit returned to the City. The liability for outstanding claims :and the deposit are recorded in the Tntra- governluental Service Funds (Self -Insurance Fund). The City of Miami relies primarily on their legal department acting under the direction of the City Attorney for legal advice. The foregoing opinions are based solely on the opinion of the City Attorney.' (8) Transactions with Related Parties Revenues derived from the operations of the Maurice Gasman Cultural Center for the Performing Arts, the Olympia Building and certain other properties owned by the Ci t have been assigned to the Department of Off -Street Parking. ( ' a'� n oN. U` (� Ley � kY�, /� .�� 1 AZ-' ,..' c.> 0 , - M1LLAGE AND TAXABLE VALUE The following table shows the City's total tax rnillages since 1960 ritcal Total General Debt Street Hydrant Year _ t�lillage Fund- Service Pensions Liyhtinq Service 1-ibrariet Publicity. 1959-60 20.69 10.200 4.866 2.784 1.033 .308* 1.072 .427 1960-61 20.59 10.183 4.105 3.266 .886 .364 1.206 .580 1961-62 20.34 10.996 3.234 3.100 .936 .366 1.191 .517 1962-63 20.34 11.454 2.504 3.307 .922 .371 1.248 .534 1963-64 18.34 9.714 2.?54 3.213 .962 .352 1.264 .581 1964-65 18.24 10.048 1.913 3.088 .923 .353 1.272 .643 1965-66 18.24 10.600 1.913 3.214 .703 .293 1.170 .347 1966--67 15.79 9.439 1./38 2.258 .717 .257 .944 .437 1967-68 15.19 (1.507 1.882 ?.263 .526 .242 .980 .390 1968-b9 15.762 9.380 1.882 2.460 .456 .223 .956 .405 1969-70 15./62 9.418 1.882 2.400 .511 .1/4 .972 .405 1970-71 14.825 9.180 1.319 2.482 .523 .114 .865 .342 1971-72 14./55 8.658 2.232 2.661 .480 -0- .304 .420 1972-73 12.6/3 6.152 2.6/3 2.1/9 .665 -0- -0- .404 1973-74 13.436 5.821 3./81 2.892 .503 -0- •-0- .439 1974-75 10.880 4.959 ?.311 3.064 .242 -0- -0- .304 1975-76 10.930 5.553 2.311 2.521 .374 -0- -0- .171 1976-77 11.903 5.683 2.311 3.129 .541 -0- -0- .239 1911-78 13.200 10.000 '3.200 -0- -0- -0- Estimated 1978-79 14.487 10.000 4.487 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- The Metropolitan Dade County Property Appraiser advised the City by letter dated June 30, 1978 that the taxable value for the City of Miami was $4,087, 593,431. This taxable value is as follows: -0- Current year taxable value of real property "$3,249,478,849 for operating purposes Current year taxable value of personal property o. e.- for operating purposes -. P 727,601,337 Current year taxable value of centrally, assessed rti cj property for operating purposes 4,644,604 Current year funded senior homestead exemption. j 54,821,254 Current year funded additional disability exemption L. 3,522,136 Current year funded inventory differential .'�;. 47,525,251 Current year effective taxable value l$4 087 593 431 After applying a 5 percent reserve for early payrnt discounts an4 uncollectible taxes, the net return per mill for 1978-79 is $3,883,213.•,�The 'age is then applied to this to determine the amount of Ad Valorem rev c*wj. e i4, 1 \ V ,t;1A\,. \ x.), � �� r Ce`. ;:►;t ,!I , ate recommend that the two funds noted above be eliminated and their acti•= yr/>7 vitles be tuclgeted and recorded in the General Fund. The cost of the / tittle 1lavana Community Center would then be transferred to the Cenera1 Pied Asset (:coup of ac.rountS. xiorida Power and Light (FPL) Franchise Revenue During 1976-77) the City called and fully paid Ali outstaneiing Capital lift- provement Ponds, Series A-E and fully reserved all outstanding Orange Bot.$1 Special Obli6ation Bonds. As a result, the bond covenants restricting the use of FPL franchise revenues no longer apply,. In the past, principally because of the restrictive bond covenants, most of the }•PI, franchise revenue has been recorded in the Capital Improvements Fund. Tn addition, the expenditure:; of the Fund were restricted to capital improvements. In 1976-77, all FPL franchise revenue was recorded in the Capital Improvements Fund .and transferred to other funds. Due to the above nentiened changes in the activities of the Capital Improve- ment Fund, it no longer meets the definition of a r. pital projects fund, i.e., "to account for the receipt and disbursu;ne•nts of monies used for the acquisition of capital facilities other than those financed by cntr'rprise funds." In fact, in 1976-77 less than 6% of the total expenditures of the fund were for capital improvi.ient purposes. 1de recommend that this fund be dissolved, and the receipt and expenditure or transfer of FPL franchise• revenue be recorded in the General Fund. Utilities Service Taxes All revenue derived from the City's tax on purchases of electricity, gas, water and local telephone service is recorded in the Utilities Service Tax Debt Service Fund. Amounts in excess of reserve requirements are trans- ferred to other funds. The receipt of these taxes would be more appro- priately accounted for in a special revenue fund and the .mount necessary to meet principal and interest payments and maintain reserve requirements transferred to the debt se•ivice fund. We recommend that the City examine the appropriate provisions of the bond ordinance to determine the legality of implementing the accounting proce- dures described above. If not in conflict with the ordinance, or if the ordinance can be amended, the establishment of a special revenue fund would be ',ore appropriate to account for these taxes. Investment Income The City's accounting system pools all cash and investments in.the,-Trea surer's Fund. During the period covered by our examination, the`City's I� I 1 11111111111 11 II I I I IIII11 1111111IIIIIIIIIII IImma MOR to. Jos'epli A, i rassid city Rinnget= ,,,,I.a it ::atd V, Gary, ' irect:or `fiMaitagemynt and l;utlget t;tti, OF' MIAM1. I-1.ornoA 1_ti t_ r=rl :tr Mt.r.tor ANDIiM geptt=rn ref 12, t5/ I tl k =:c,r,xrt:i gtatiis of G- pi.tal. Tinpi°c ven nt I raid .UUt;I o .1,iuI rsurant- to your request, the following i.s a stirma y of the Capital Tiaq)rove- iTrc'nt }'und beginning with fiscal year 1974- 75 through fiscal year 19/8-19. This un v ry ,gas jointly prepared by .Jaiies Gunderson and myself with a • review and coniw it by Jim Reid. 'iiiree things should be noted about this m sunaLy. Firstly, for fiscal years 1977-78 and 1918-79, ;appropriations have been provi ded only for those i t c•nss that have received your prior ;approval with t.11e .exec t i on of the t.';it son Island Infrastructure. With regard to this item, :l iiri'-(t`. `'a:3~l l y ; and }t i rh:ar:d Fu :►.,= it do not \:i•ry $1 .7 mill ion W,71s request ed for ibis purpose ;;_ c,.i i ;e all funding fur \••':aston Island development .should come from the proceeds of the Watson Tsl;and F•nuis. Secondly, $/50,000 has been pruvided for the Tk.r:.nte':.n People Mover even though the Rinds will not be drawn upon lint it fiscal year 19/9-80. ...thirdly, $1.64 ini 11 ion'has been provided for the Conference ;and Convention Center. This is a new request and increases the ,i propri ati on from the Cap- ital Tnprovenk nt Ftuad for this purpose from $3.025 million to $4.665 million. •T.ast week you nontioned that $1 .983 million should have been ;appropriated from the Capital Tu roviin•nt Fund in fiscal year 1977--78, but was not. Please lie inform7d that the $1.,933 million is p;irt of the $3.025 inil.lion t:i)ich was appropriated and reserved in fi seal year 1974-75. • Finally, no provisions have 1xcn made in the FY'78-79 Capital Improvement Fuld for those projects referred to you by Jim Reid in his August 25, 1978 tra< iix.irancltun t o you. These projects t of al apl)rc;xiiivately $1..3 million of which approx i uvit.c'l y $500, 000 is rote.>:nrk. nded for approval. By carbon copy of this iftmrandtun, I am informing Messrs. Jams Gunderson and - Jim Reid of this report which will enable them to .other review saine and mike airy coil r►•nts they deem appropriate. 0 f cc: Charles Crr mp)ton vG���► tij 1 i% Richard 1 osmn .James Gunderson Jim Reid P.S.-The Conference and Convention Center .may affect future Capti a1 Improvement funds. IuuImIiuIuI■nii CAPITA Ate I7'IPROVF IENI'S FUND (I ro:n F'Y' 74-75 to FY' 73 -795 1ieventmr_ s t 73-74 Raid Bai.ancd ,.. 74-75 Revenues Tnterest F xpc'ndi.t7 u-es : Transfer to Convention Bands Fund - Res. No. 75-914 Construction n of Various Projects Dinner Key Ev,i1u:3t.iori 74-75 Fund B:lance FY` 75-76 Reveniics : 74-75 Fund Balance 75-76 Revonue.s Tnterest F.xpendi tures : Transfer to (k neral Fund - 0rd. 8464 nt range Peal Various City Buildings Dinner Key Auditorium •. Fire Station #5 City Garage O1y pia P)ln1ding 75-76 Fund Balance FY' 76-77 Revenues: 75-76 Fund Balance 76-77 Revenues Interest $2,566,553 3,352,034 2_37 ,1.98 $6,i55,835 $ 72,500 2,995 35,910 57,053 5,104 28,950 60,588 .-263, ] 00 $5,892,735 $ 5,892,735 4,079,041 275,648 $116;247.,424+ 76-77 Contde rxpenditures: Transfer to General Fund transfer to Debt Service . • m City Cemetery • i Demolition of 20th Street Water tank Miley Property (Monty TrainerIS) rire Station #5 HE Dinner Key Auditorium ME Orange Bowl gg Various Facilities ma rY'16-71 rand Balance PY'77-78 mm Revenues: mm mm 76-17 Fund Balance 77-18 Revenues MI interest (rstimate) Expenditures: Transfer to General Fund Miley Property Watson Island Bend Reserve FYI71-78 Fund Balance FY278779. ESTIMATE Revenues: 71-78 Fund Balance 78-79 Revenues (Estimate) 78-79 Miley Property Rent 78-79 Interest (Estimate) E xpenditures: Transfer to General Fund Miley Property Convention Center (78-79 Req.) === Downtown People Mover* FY-78-79 Fund Balance 130111582 P18443298 20,528 22,031 130,000 26,011 173,370 51,751 5,370 $TJ84,941 481 $8',062,481 4,853,025 $8-,M1013-(61 • $3,506,537 200,000 1_1.800 000 $5,506,537 $2 608 969 $2,608,969 5,000,000 . 120,000 200,000 $7-,928,96g $3,615,537 152,000 1,640,000— /50,000, $ 1,771 432 er Jim Reid, Planning Director, this appropriation can be postponed--,t FYI79-80 because Dade County won't draw down against these funds unit next fiscal year (1979-80). st .or 7.,•!,• .1 0 . .1 ,11 • , • - *-_1 4 4, .4 'J.., 1 4,4 .0 .1 .1 .1 . 11. • 1 ;/ 1 I7- /P 7'?oJ(Ci7D .1-1'0 eet4Al1(63 Jllr Y)1> /1 a=c47PIS %(:cS f'l/.1Yl_=R TO (1 iL;�, /limo- ii f3 4 II i—/?/& /3?&L;c%2D 1 D' _R /' i9 i • 'triirit Rr 1� S/�t�•�� iiiiii■iimin■ii ■ • ■ ME 3 3 9 7 ,3 .1 9 7 31 °r k 1111- DP A4,o1, 4/v4i VS _DI: f '/' i<? 76-=/1 /I).B4 4N `.-.. July, c i ols Thh'0 IdRIctlNA-L. iMoD1t-1t:0 FvK't7-iR ro(z1.1-t-•1 .jili ail •1-,1 f 1')r,'--1(?'017;1 �r trj ..1() l ' 1J ' 1' 1t /41 Lis -i1r4:/' �7Uelp :1 .:b /!4L!.:6 Iv �1+1���='i�i�n� </.-loC'<<-'�' S I, 11� • l- j (,rf ,j.1 i ■•1iu.IIIIIIIIIIIII•.IIIIBiiiiiiiiiiiiiii III ummimii mnom ■n. �I��II II�I�I 1�1111�11111 IIIII I III III III II 111 ■ Position City Manager: National South Finance Director: National South Council -Mgr. Govcrncrent Attorney: Notional South Council -Mgr fovernurent Director of Budget: National South Council -Mgr Goverment Asst. City Manager: taut ional South Council -Mgr Governrr2nt er SALARIES OF MUNICIPALOFFICIALS (1) CITIES OF FOPUt.Ai ION SIZE , 1977 Salary Distribution Mead 1st Quartile $ Median $ Director of Public Works: t;dtional South Counci 1-t•lgr Government J, Grassie $45,999 $40,375 44,376 334334 J, Gunderson $32,275 $29,311 32,919 29,137 32,241 29,328, G. Knox $34,977 $30,488 32,489 28,156 33,573 33,629 H. Gary $26,529 23,558 28,610 $23,422 13,122 24,313 V. Grimm $32,886 $23,943 23,300 15,750 38,526 30,636. W.E. Parkes $33,769 $28,75,0 32,807 26,268 35,964 31,443 Labor Relations D, Mielkc (N/A Governor, State of Florida $45,55 32,128 '28,554 :$33,150 31 ,616 35_, 305 3rd Quartile $5 J,046 43,506 $34,724 35,300 $30,238 2,6,014 $36,886 35,004 40,173 (N/A) e ItkiMunicipal Year Gook 19/80 International City Matia9emet$ i iatiotl Table 1/4, pp, 100 - 101 Source: Payroll records, City of Miami Budget Work Papers for 19/8-79 Budget Work Papers or Current Salary, whichever iS higher. 2 04000 - 499,991 1/1/f Miami ( 2 ) $46 y'392 53,820 (4) 41 , 369 50,000 41,179 084 6,408. 37,683 36,430 38,282 $50,000 50,000 WW1 AssIriI D POSITION City Attorney Deputy City Attorney Asst. Ci'.y Attorney City Manager Assistant City Manage Labor Relations Officer 36,430 Labor Relations Officer CITY Or MIAMI rA PONL COMPARISONS - PARTIAL LIST.CNO Finance Director Assistant Director Asst. Director Accounting Purchasing Agent Asst. Director - Risk Mngt. Asst. Director Treas. itngt. MuLin Resources - Director (4) Solid Waste - Director Solid Waste - Asst. Director • Tourist Promotion - Director Director - Citizen Services Building/Zoning - Director Budget Director Budget - Asst. Directors ODIrIED 3/31/78 $45,808 43,630 217,630 (10) 52,000 (actual $53,820) 135,365 (4) (1) 9,245 36,225 2_6,796 27,472 23,128 28,112 No Detailed -. troti k Paper 37,260 (12-18-77) 40,800 31,005 41,550(5) (12-18-77 4,915 3,690 37,683 78,992 (3) CEQuE:s'_1973/ 79 $50,000 46,000 218,200 (9) 52,000 (actual $53, 20) 204,439 (5)(2) •38,282_(C3ctual 40,297) '27,041((aclllal 28,464) 41,369 28,583 29,291 24,089 29,745 40,684 42,727 32,193 43,613 28,915 7178' 1,179 84,716 (3) lec. i_l Pro rtirns and Accounts -. Res 6 I- -�a9 carve for f-_xecutive Pay_ Plan_Ad�ustment: �80,000 � ) S 1. Budyet Manual: one position 75" General Fund (25% C.D.) one position 50% General Fund 2. One ACM 25: C.D.; one ACM 50 bond funds; one new position; anniversary increases. 3. See explanation on work paper - hidden from Proposed Budget is a 5% salary supplement for these positions. Only C[TA cons;,ent in budget (p.55) relates to an intern position. 4. Detail on salaries of unclassified employees was missing from budget work papers. 5. 3/31/78 amended ,alaries not shown in budget work papers. 6. This S80,000 reserve is for further salary increases in 78/79 awarded at the discretion of the City Manager. COt Cv No' F L OEM 11r31�'r t, t S'I \: ' "E CITY OF MIAMI. - CIVIL SERVICE: DOA}U ' 1 REQUEST FOFI PLFisON'N'7::9 L•0 XE-PIGt'<i 41Q di CHECK action c. ed (See instr, •-tiort.booklrtt) i g [i] Appointment [ � Permanent Appt. 2. b [-] Promotion h [;{] Salary Change e (� Advancement i [3 DemotionTYW Roll - bock of d (, Charlie in Class Title t j [�] Action e (] Ext. of Temp. Appt. t k [] Return to Duty f I _3 Change in Status I [] Other (Specify) a [i] Resignation 4. b[--] Dismissal sep. e Suspension from d [_] Lay -Off Payroll • [._] End of Temp. Appt. f [-3 Deceased r > • ,d City Manager —3— j days suspension "Ur" toting reason Le the ▪ I ■ • fffffffffff- Approved by: Division Head_ Departin•nt'""'r'/� 1 3. Sec I. Name of (t.ast) (First) 3. Transfer only: signature of appointing authority of Department from which transfer is mode g ["3 Other (Specify) h[_] Trans. to Disability Payroll i (_3 F oil ure to return from leave of at senor 5. Last day at work: 6. Lost day on payroll: 7. Date of notice to employee for demotion, dismi%solo lay-off or suspension: 9. Length of Suspension: Frans From: CTY ATTORNEY UNCLAS 18010 q3 y7D M.; -r-0-Iny:-inn. Job Basis LAW City Attorney 174 E. Flag1er Street --\ � - --•�—""------ ---- --`._ 1 4. a IJ 00 Delayed due to n Loniv, incr.(":1effect. date d ( Other action eflec. dote h [� Delayed due to b Lo. incr. effec. date �.2"�2'�J e (_—.iho time lost without pay [ ]ngf Delo ed due to Boys lost w/o pay i l j Prior service c { Payroll effect SJspen. t (__� ? er.r, Dior:.issat. De:r.� ticn (ncn-pn,U at icnary). t-aY-nft yr Roil -back, the s4'Vctr.ting autl- REMARKS: (In sll cast cf Sup q't. wcticn sod nottfy rc:ploY«r7 indkate re ts:nbelow:) ` // •.- - thru �r_ T o: SAME -•(( 0 •J r,1 t. • i11►S POS}T10l,1S 1gLUD C?-' /. C y. Y Resignation Signature% For us• of Finonc. Department Approved _.— YytC t �.. QLtioljuRE. COW ROL Witness: Approved pi, v•d� Data _ $47, 000/ann Jq% 13asis SAMEG-1t-70 > 76P— SAME SAME For use of Civil Service Board Clas sifi cation approval by Salary or wog. Co3• Request it 1 91- 88 :or.m sea, IuI _MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1iiiiiiui1•i.aiii CITY OF MIA Mt. t=1.OHIDA CITY MANAr:ER'S NOTICE OF PER ONNF;L .ACTION CHECK nctfon ate sirert (Se• instruction o ( ] F3orinen..at Appl, b [_A Promotion c ( 1 Advc*teement d [ .] C1'+cr.g• in Closs Tit?* I • [ ] Ext. of Temp. App.. t f [ _] Clinngat in Status 2. tyw o► Action l�rnkfet) 0 [-] Appointrra'.nt h (Xtsrr,y Change i L ] Dernotiori i Li Roll, back k (� Return to Duty 1 Li Other (Specify) a I Resignation 4. b [ ] DI srni t so) c L-_) st•sFens;on from d [. l Lay-off PcyrotI • (] End of Temp. Appt, ► [ 1 Decr.osea o(_] Other (Sp.•cify) h[] Trans. to Disability Payroll r oilure to return from leave of absence 9. Title, status & lob code of floss, 10. Rot• of pay-hrs. per wk. 11. Orporttnent 12. Division 13. Section r• r.,,n: City Manager $47, 00,0 p/a City Manager Administrative . ,k1'me of nrloyre e4r.o._>> ire Joseph its _ M (Lost) (First) J. Ttonttot only: signature of appointing outf:.+rity of Depafoment frorn which transfer is made 5. Last day nt work: 5. Last day on payroll: 7. Date of notice to r:..pl,y..$ for drmutioR� di. itsnl, I ty-nfl or s.rthenkion; A. Lrngth of Suspension: From quo to: Same $52t000 Same Same 14. a [A Ar.niv, intr. effec, dcte d3:. Other action 'free. dote 7/28/77 g I- I Delayed clue to days Suspension b [_] Long, incr,'free, date e I . l No time lost without pay h I j D•-toyed due to "U" noting c (_i Payroll effec. date f I ( Delayed due to ,lays Icst w o pa • �7' . t Pr. 7.4ervice RF.NA;:1<8: (1n .11 cese. of Sumptntlon, Mtmisam:, f:r!lotion (non-probratlonery), Lay- Off nr Roll -hoot., r!,r• ep � p.•u+SirtQ mnhalty moat lot + r.•ni.rn Y.t tl.r .ctlrn end notify .mployth. in•ltratt re aa,.n b•ivw:) .,, .. . -4 L. . Increase effective July 28, 1977 as r-sipnation $1/2nctu►e: round by: D}visicn H.od-,_ ^erurt"ent Hood r w Lae of Finonc• Deportment Die :.•}.roved - ;�tay.d 1 0 3. 6(. I 0 1 per attached R solution I -11 Witness: No. 77-636 Approved Date ;// `/7 • Ctf anoge► . •1 7 seer-ty or wog• Cods For,n 922 C/td !pO 2/79 Request tl_ Date of Request .) CITY OF MIAMI. 1:1-01—i IDA • tiP CITY MANAGER'S NOTICE OF 13.ERSONNEL A C.TIuN HECK artion d.sired (See instructioravultlat) 2. Type of Action 4. Sep. from a 1:1 Periranerit Apr+. Promc-tion c J Advance -rent d 1_1 Chore in Class Title e 1 J Ext. of T•mp. Appt. I t Cl•onv,e in Stutut o [] R•signation bL] Dismissal c [1] Susi...ension d t_oy-Of I payroll e L.] End of T•ap. ot.c•ct.d Appie gtiApro;nttaird S afar y Chongit i I j De--,otion jJ Roll - back Ret Len to Duty I I i] Otter (SFecify) 7 Enployee___ .F(3).1(2.1.;111i._ (Lost) (First) (M) 3. tronsfet only: signatrire of appointing nuifvstity Of Depa•trrit nt from *1,ittt tronsJet ;% mo-le g [j Other (Specify) 611 Trans. to Disability Payroll ILIF oil uri to return from leave of ellsence 5. Last day at v.ork: 6. LOS, day on payroll: 7. Dote of not ce to f.np to y dismissal. lay-off or sus 13. Length of Sus pe,ision: From _ Aft tor demotion. pension: __ • TiKrei :tot usf. job' ode of doss: - lbs. Reid of poy-lvs. per, e ! 0 t}, >TX t-•••••-t• it • • • t-• t_ I A.; Division 1 3. S td!cri 14. a 1. Anniv. incr. effec. dote b Long. incr. etc. dole c Payroll effec. date R E MAR K6: (In •11 elm • ei S I., vent son, D la r-tla ••1. 11. nr+ticn (nr•n- pOm+, i,n•ry )„ f Assistant City Manager $39,58? p/a job basis - City Manager Acirnini strati.ve h?di Lit v d 1.11 Other action e L.1 No time lest f I Deloyed due to •ct ton sea notify • r•olnyee. Indle•Is re r•..n b•low:) 8*It tut $43,61.3 p/a — job basis gAMF, (II 1° )11° • /6 7f 1/3 3YJ SAME ,20 1 6 (-7? ket4,-1. elfec. dote witi-iout pay days lost nr Increase effective Feb. 12, 3_978. • # /- .2 i. • 1111SPIJI UUED I 4 THEll CURRENT 2:4 ,1 A -. S' Resignation SignOtvrit: Approvsd by: Division Head EXPENDIFURE CONI ROC Deportrn•nt Helsel •For vse of Finance Deport,ent Di s approved Approved__ Woe Coifs r.01. 7.0 LO_ Request g[lD.lcyed due to drys suspens.ort Delayed due to "U" toting i .1 Pr ;in service „ the •rp.•int ng kt-ithOolty MUS.1 tit e noon ( or 1.,e Witness: ______. _2_ . L; / ' •••:1% •• --•-- Approved / rr• / T z.•______,/ / / • ' l'I'" • ..."j ''' 4.1irhopyrc\•ed !. __, ----a --,..,— _ 1' .; • 'City10.. oger --. --"" Salary or form 922 C/tA $00 Z/75 • • • F:::•!••••,-irri.,,,i, - • • - lo ?-772 y Dolls of Request .-;"•-"ti,.....iesseetemeseemelleittlir1111111111.111,1!„, .1111e11.110141111INEK i 1 CITY Of: MIAMI. FLORID CITY MANAGER'S r P-146 6/ NOTICE OF PERSONNFI. ACTION CHECK action desired (See instructiort.b.-.altlef) o (_] Perinon.'nt Appf. g LI AppointmFnt b (] Promotion :{.It:f}A:5nlaty Change e [11 Advancement i (] Demotion d [] Change in Clots Title i ("IRO!! - bock e (- ] Ext. of Temp. Appt. . It [] Pettit', to Duty 1 Change in Status 1 [] Other (Specify) 2. Type of Action 4. Sep. from o [_] Resignation b[] Dismissal c [ ]Suspension d (;] Lay -Off Payroll e LJ End of Ternp. Appt. f Li Deceased 9. Title, tJ/ .{{ of class. 10. Rdtit oTpay=h-t�pprwk\ II=f i ,;;..; r0,-11'. I 19in 11. (irportment 12. Riian 1 j'ii 13. Sectrc A,' I— I 4. a [_] Anniv. incr. erfec. date b I ] Long. incr. eIfs c. date e ( ] Payroll erfec. dote g II] Other (Specify) hi-: Trans. to Disability P nyrotl i (:] Failure to return frorn leave of absence 1. Nerve of E nploye Gr i.mrn, V . Fi (Last) (Firs() J. transfer only: signature of appointing outft:01ft of Department from which transfer is mad! 5. Last day of work: G. Lost day on payroll: /. Doerr of itntice to ercptaye8 for dernutiOFi, dismissal, try -off or suspension: 1. Lenyth of Suspension: From Front: i\sst City Manager— Unclassr $43,613 p/a Lity Manager y(1ministrative 36 that Same d ( Other oction effect, date e (-] No time lost without pay (( I Delayed due to Boys lost w o pay (m) TO: $48,084 p/a tiOG 7. ame lS"7/9 • Same c7?, 1173 gl_( Detaycd due to h (.� Delayed due to i Prior service REMARKS: (In •11 cues of Sus IensIon. DI* .nissal. Demotion (non-probnttun•rv), t.wy-(off or Roll-h..ct., the •ctlan and notify rrnrloyee. lndlc•ts re•sonbe1cw:1 Salary Increase effecti\ • 1/ THIS POSITION CURRENT BU Z ♦ e :Ignation Signoture:_ Approved by: DivisionHeou— 2/12/78 IS INCLUDED IN THE -NDITURE CONTROL Deportment Head For use of Fincnre Depa! Disarprowed Approved_ -, ent Salary or Woge Code s` / L ) • i ! • JC I °Request. Fo.;n 922 c/M 300 2/7S .1 Wifnsis .__.---___--- Approved D at e days suspension "U" roting •pp••tntinB auth.•rtty rnurl Bute re na...n for the _T y FEB 2 8171978 /0,56 • MAR _3 On Dute of Request t •CITY OF MIAMI. FLO1-iIL)A CIVIL sir47Vlf-r: ROAf3O REQUEST FOR PERSONNI:L ACTION CHECK action desired (See instruction -booklet) 2. Type of Action o [] Prrmonent Appt. bill Promotion c [-] Advmcement d [] Ckonge in doss Title e ( ] Ext. of Temp. Appt. t f [] Change in Status g [ ] Appointment 1, (Xi Salary Chong*" i [ ] Dr -motion [] RoI l - bock k (_] Return to Duty [_] Other (Specify) 1. Nome o1 Fmptoyee MI r LK1 DEAR (Fit3t) 3. transfer only: signatuve of appointing outhorit De.ptrfinent from which transfer is made of 4. front Re1.4skKS: (In •II cues of Suspension, Di►t.liesat. Dern,tion (non-prob.tienerF). •ctIon •nd notify ernploy.e. Lndiute re.srm below:) W3 -- 8'0 II/ --,50 7/5"- �O 1,asrgnrtion Signmure: ■ ■ ■ ■ i_ • • a (_3 R.signelion b(_] Dismissal cr..] Suspension d [13 Loy -Off P,-troll e [_] End of Temp. Appt. f [-] Deceosed 9. Title, stotus & job code of closes. 10. Rate of pay vhrr petwk. 3 ,�30 11. Daprrfrnent 12. Division 13. section g (.� Other (Sprcify) h [_] Trans. to Disability P oyroll i (,] Failure to return from leave of absence 5. Lost day nt work: 6. Lost day on payroll: 7. Date of notice to employe.. dismissal, toy•off or sus B. Length of Suspension: From Frotnt Labor Relations Officer 8022 $37,704.96 Yr. - Job Basis City Manager's Office Labor Relations 14. a -] Anniv. incr. ef{ec. date 5-17-76d [ j Other action effec: date b [ ] orv3, incr. aeG tile.lff date a (]tile.time lost without pay Sa $39, b tom. -- Job Basis Sane. Sara', �1.0LSY_%)_', h [] Delayed due to e effec. date 5- - -78 f (`] Decayed due to days lost w/o pay i [] Prior service L•y-Off err Rnll.b■ck, the appointing .utlwrity must give 0 �1�I4 FC:;ifioN 13 INCLUDED IN THE CO ;ANT-UDGET. c(1(If01 ear Witn.•sit CONTROL 1� 1 sre.nsion "U" toting re•s on fnr the 4,f470 Approved by: Division Heod Deportment Head i Approved e /�� -/. ---- City Manger- • — For use of Finance •apartment Disapproved Approved For use of Civil Service Board Classification opprovcl by Sotery of Wage GII 8. 103.04. 1010 Request t rl•M rJfA Date of Request fa• CHECK 2. Type of Action Olk_CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA l CIVIL `:F. RVICE I OnRD p'tEEQUE ST FO1-1 action desired (See instruction•booklet) s a 1� Ptrmonent Appt. 9 Appointment [_� b Promotion ?:`� Salary Change i Demotion e [_] Advancement [� Roll - bade d [_] Change_ in Class Title I [] e I _] Ext. of Temp. Appt. r k [] Retun to Duty Other (Specify) f [^] Change in Status �-.]—,.�--- a [] Resignation b[j Dismissal e LJ Suspension d L.j Loy -Off Porto11 a [__] End of Temp. Appt. f U Deceased A. Sep. from 9. Title. status 8 jab code of class. 10. Rote of pay.hrs• per wk. 11. Department 12. Division FtONNEL ACTION, g Li Other (Specify) h [:� Trons. to Disability Payroll i [_] F. ail are to return from leave of obsence Asst. Labor $26,773 Yr. . Nome of Emptoye4Dr1;rniny, ,d` ram` (Last) (Fi►s4)• 3. Transfer only: signature of appointing authority of Department (ram which transfer is made 5. Last day et work: 6. Lost day on payroll: 7. Dote of notice to employee For dismissal, Icy -off or suspensio 5. Length of Suspension: From _.-._--- — Ihru From: Relations Officer 8065 - Job Basis t,ity Managers 0f fice O. Labor Relations Same $28,112 p/a S;;tne Satrt / . a XiL rw �_(07 l5 �! 13. Section cloys suspension 9 [_ � Delayed due to r (, Other action effec, date ela ed due to " ys rating 1 4. a [?:] Loniv. incr. effec. dote-��-�.. N. h [ .J D- 7 Long. effec date e [ ] ho time lost without pay -'� prior service b [ .' f Delayed due to days lest w/o pay n LJ a give reason tar the 7-1-78 [ � t OH or 12o11�buck, the rpl,+eintinC •utMriry must Q e KSr% allPayroll eea of dolery). F_}4.►3:k5: (tn all c.tea of 5.w{Amason. Dianiaa•1. Dcn�olic•n (nun-1wobr,iena. 1-ar• •ctlun and no•rfy er:;�toyce. Indicate reason below:) OL it -MI Resignation Approved by: Division Head Department wad.____ For use of Finonce Department Disopproved Approved Et THIS POSITION CURRC i r 4 Is rrrcr. uO fd rift' " Uc� Witness:__ Approved �; rpved— Ciityy Mcritager D ate______.:-:::___ T�'-4 For use cl Civil Service eoard Classification cpprovcl by___ 1 Dole of Request $-103.0�+a 1010 Req.,est r_.-._ _ — 7 �-=-3-- Salary or Wc.jo Code--------_`� _`_.___ _ 5-24-78 III III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III ■ II II III IIIIIIIIIIIII MI 11111 11 IIIII III III 1 11 III III II IIIIII IIII III II II 1111 111 MON111.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 CITY Oi 2:AMI BUDGET - PERSONN:EL SERVICES: SALARIES & WAGES FISCAL YEAR 19 ; B-79 es c_ i ^ _-on/Title 022 '?` rr ^.e...a'.=o^s Officer CrA AC' R TCodeDivision 25 ; Labor Relations t� (�1 Modified Ado?tech of Request 1977-78 ?osi--=978-79 A of $39,245 of Difference Posi- 3-4=5 of Posi- ..;r-R unde 'QYpr1 '- 0n o. 'Code 02' Explanation $38,292 ? 963 5% Funded by CE'I? Ann versary Increase 104 . 1?r^9 AdTin._stra'-_'ve Secretary TT ' 14,554 I 15,632 I Assistant Labor 'Relations 25,804 I I 27,041. is Labor Relations Intern 4,748.. 1 _v� 7,36 ' $94,351 $88,315 (1,078) (1,237) (2,6I2) 4 (3,964) 0 Anniversary Increase 5% Funded by C'I.TA Anniversary Increase 1 40%Funded byC 1 'Y.! T; 6.2 T of i 1 ■mm ■ i ■ ■ ri• • mmm mmm MEE mmm 1,rPAPTMLurAi. 1xpended 1975= 76 Personnel Services Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Debt Service Capital Reserve Total Positions FUNCTION OII'IC1: OF iUF CllY 'e IIR LA[30R Ri"I AFI('1S $1?1,881 BUDGET AND POSITION <<I}MARY rxpended 1916-7/ Adopted 1911.-J8. $ Amended' 191/48 35 Requested 1978-19 85,460 $ 92,933 11,581 27,333 -n� 1,510 ..0_ -0s -0_ The Office of Labor Relations is responsible for representing City employees. When accord is reached through nogotiatiorrs, the ayrtements are prepared in writing and brought hofore the City Cc;;:;is'ion and the City employees for ratification. These agreements contaain provisions fur hours, wages, and other terms .and conditions of omploent, rr,:king it ii:,iiorative that this office coordinate its activities with every dep,:rt; ,ent of the City. BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS * This Request is $24,840 more than the Fiscal Year 19/1-18 Amended Budget. * Fhe reallocation of ,:;10,:'priations pursuant to the State Uniform Accounting System has caused this Request to increase by $5,000. A comparison with the Year 19//-78 Ani nded Budget, on the fame basis, shows a real increase of $19,210 or ?0.14%. * One Labor Relations Intern position is being partially funded by CLFA. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111=11111 a ❑ Resignation b (i Dismissal c [-] Suspension d ❑ Lay•0ff e [-] End of Temp. !,; pt. f [3 Dtceased CITY ?.iANAc;F.R'S NOTICE OF PERSO 1NF L AC 'tON CHECK a. type of Action action desired (tee instruction ho klet) o 0 Permanent Apt. g EJ A, r ointment b [3 Promotion h g_J Sty Change t Advancement i [] D• otion d ❑ Chnnge in Clr. s Title I (•.] R.11 - bock • ❑ Fy+. of Temp. Appt. k [_] Return to Duty r] Chinge in Status (❑ Other (tpecify) 4. from Payroll 9. 11. 00 Other (Specify) h [] trans. to Disability Payroll i [_] Failure to return front lec.e of absence 1. 1'fnme of Emfloye4 GUNUEPSON, JAME§ Et (Lest) (First) (M) 3. transfer only: tignottir*s of appointing otrthority of i?�Fatment from v.hich ttrnsfet is mode 5. Last day at work: 6. Last day on payroll: 7. Date of notice to e, ployee for demotion, dismissal, Icy -off or suspension: 8. Lent,th of Suspension: Prom -_ __•.___�thru Fram: Director, Dept. of Finance (Unclassified) 8028 $36,225 p/a Job Basis finance Director's office • to: SAME $39,558 SAMB SAME p/a Job Basis 37:6.50Ara• 14. o LJ Anniv. roar, eft.,c. date d.( Other action effec, dale 2/12/78 b [J 1 inrr, eff.'r. d,ae • Li No time lost without pay q G Delayod due to h [3 D.loyed due to drys syspension "U'r rating e [] Foy all eft•±c. a _.'.�.<.i.,?. /'SZ f ri Delayed due to days lost w/o pay i [] Prior service t,a-tts KS: (in .ti c•aea ri 3:^.yena:r r., .^. is ^!•ail, De-^. ticn (ncn•lnni•e'L^nun), Lay. Oft or Holt -hack, the a;prontrng authority :•t ki,e re ar on for the ncticr, nr.a na !y rr, ,co•e. 'r'ica!e reaaent.elow:) T*ycre.3se effective 2/12/78. V/ i� J (wtignt i.,r1 fiiy„ lure:_,_ A proved by: Division Hoed _. Depurtrne,-t Heod__ Tr�IS i'iiSl11011 1S lin.UUED rl [L N_ DURRi.PF';' �_ ^ i1 -_l E,�•P'i.[{D[i�1-E �6 } ��. 1 Wit,•ss: /,f r.r oved 1 lr . d Dote 7- _f (4- r.t use of Find;). Deportnren Disc;,?roved stiLr Salary.,, Ws8111. O1 • 1010 s F OiiI. 922 C/Si .100 8/76 Request A 8'111 . 12 Dote of Request 0 G 4/7 d r Ill Manager —_j{�� ui r-- ■ II i 1 11 II 1 1I11■ 11 1 1 II IIIII i i 1■1■■■1111■I■11■ 11111 IIIN /.��� :��, "�'J, ..i --rr"1 1 4I� ,•`c,'=.XL .. .. t-�..�+-�..�:.!'^.^..�t. �++?'.'�""�-�"a y4.4. :ir".ti'"'�i" '► ' ,. m:. CTTv OF F.,T BUDGET - PEP.S0 ' r. S?'?V_rES: SALARIES & WAGES _."r'A:. YEAR In 7O_j9 A 'Division Director's Office 'Code 01 Descri? Lion./title `'oc:,fie% Adoptedf of ?'.eques'_ t '.:ifference # of 1971-r3 "osi _9 :'OSi- , 4-3=3 Posi- As n f 36,225 26,796 11,68° 41,369 28,583 1 12,005 /ynryny ).]ver 5,144 1,787 317 40 MO. 14.04 TOTAL 6.1 74,709 81,957 7,248 Explanation Anniversary increases. II■IIII IIIIIUII111■UIII IMINENIMimmimi :rf 1 (J1= iv1lr^.'v1l I:1.c')I -NIDA CITY MANAGER'S ,IOTICF: OF P R;;ONNF r4 AG.CJON CHECK a,.tion de tired (See In struc`Ion bcnIdet) a I—] Parrrcnent ' Fpt, 9 n Apr.intr-ent b [-. 3 Promotion h j:{] Solury Ch,^gd c (_] Advnncernent I [ ] 00.11c:ion d Cttango in CI ass Tido I (] RoII - bock e [ ] Ext. of Temp. Appt, k Return to tuty f [ -] C}'ange. in Statutl 1 [_ ] 0t1:cr (Specify) 2. Type of Action I , Nmne of I'rrployert PARKEtu' t1tt,LtA (Lost) (First) J, transfer only: signature of cppointing authority 'o Ceprxtrnent frcrn which trantf±r is mid 4. f r rn Payroll a (-] Resignation 61 3 Di s:ni s sal c [ 3 Susp'insion d ( ] Lay -Off e I j end of T."'p. Appt, f I D,,ceused 9. Title. sts °, jcb ., a of 10. P,:tte 11. C-•p.:rt4 ,A, 12. { fit NUI�_L 12. Division , /`. r`iL;‘ 13. S..ction [] Cther (S.,.cify) h (;3 front. to Disability Peyroll [__] Fciluro to return from Ienve of ab..nca 5. Lest day at work: 8, Lost day on payroll: f, Dote of notice to •+::.playas for dernotioni .iisrnissnlr icy -off or ,usiensionl f3. Let,gth of Su. pension: r -tn: Acting DirocLor, Llnclass[fi. d (Avat. Director, ;fs051) $2 339. 53 no. Job Basis Works • to: Director $ 3034 .O6 mo. Job F3a:i is Pubiic Works ,)r 4,J !IL.sir r -i'�['kv 14. o I j Anniv, inch effec. Mote d `jj Other octinn effec. date 8-10.,77 oil] Delayed Sue to days suspension b I ]Lora. incr. effec. dote e Li No time lust •witl.Gut pay h [_,] belayed due to "U" noting. c l j Pay.• I effec. date ydays lost w o o i t Prior service f Delayed due to Y I N Y ._] I._a `:...14Ks: c.., cases c.f.S.nrcnsic n, ❑istr.is Rat, Dr^..`tia n (n-r,-rv,=ito:ivn..ty'), Lay -01f or I:v11-hack. the appointing avt herity ^-uat.gi,'e reason for the . .. w-A n. :ay :4,1cy'ee. ro,14'ate re ,sun 6,1o4,:) � CA t t . t i f,, Resignation Signature: Ai.i,roved by: Division Head-„_._.__....__:._ D. -.rtanent Neod�,� For use of Finance Drpertment Disapproved = Ai prcved._. Solcry or 'Rage Code = FCii•A y:2 C. !d 3vtl 8.`76 its its ).1) t 1, .__4 ./(1 3i >, • rti j, r ti .3 1977 Witness: _.._-..,., . Approved -- 1 + ' City r Dote AUG 10 1977 tor-- Y ANA G V.R P NOT T.GE,' OF PE R.EONIN T, (:-1' [ON Cil FCK action desired (See instruction le..3 Fernanent Appte 9 fi Ai.poinfinenf bill Pre...notion 2. Type of c [ Ar!ve:nce,noni d i] Chyge in Clots 106 action e("1 Cxt. oF T•nnp. Appt‘ f C!,onge. in St:Jut Dorn,tiort j [.:1 Poll - hack Is LA Return to Duty I Li Other (pecify) a 1:1 ri.signction 4. b [-A tis5al C 71 Su Si•In1;04 f:orrt d ] 1-cY-Off rcyrcil r.04 of ter-o• Appte f Deceased • ,:,-- 9. T;t1•4;*to',.•'s jC6.41rJe of closSe •• 10 of.pcy '• t) 11.Dcp ,:r1rnent • :;••‘: 12., Division 13. S •cti-onr-,•• • , • 14. a j 3 A nniv. r•frec. 43te b 1.o,"9. inrr. ere. c. 4 ..•te c I Poll ...,ffee, (tn t•7 4111e t:fr.7.....c.n%i.3n, Di+,ntsi at, C ern,:tk.ri (n;r:-;r:.batit,nAry), 1.ay.Off the ,rm,!::ting trult givi f,r on and n. tit), .-n-ploy.e. Indic :ott r• ison betewl) • g L.10thrr (Specify) ft( 1 Trans. to Disobilify Pcyroll 111Fcilure to roturn from leave of ,:hsenre Diroct-or $37 260 p/a Bu(bjet and ManAgenleil 1. Norge of (la rye Howard V: rinployee a ost) 0:4A — (m) only: GI oppoinfing authority Col Dr-pcirtr.ient (rori1 which trcnsfer is rricellt 5. Lost Any nt wort: A. Lust dcy nn p,:yr 011: /. Dote of notice to errphyi.4 for demotion: srni snot, 1 ly-cf f or 0. Lntk of Suspension! P(Ininisi:rative . , . Same $39,558 p/A Name 8ame 74 Salary • d (-A Other action ....ffec. date, • - §^.1r., j.3 k4 ..-'!1,44 to • A cyt suspension .... 1 e C.] No t ;int lc.st without pay h LA Delayed duo) to " U " toting F (.] Delo:ed ,lue to . cloys lost w/o pay i j Prior service Inc rod se „ , • • r.•:.•:Joction Signittife; /,;proyed by: rv;5:an Head li-od effective tglaruary 12, 197-8- POSMON CUVRENTE31. INCLUDED CC-tii-R I: N'iitnesst_ Apc.roved / -4-7rty • APR 2 6 Dote 137$ rCt t.s.. of Finonce Deportment Disc;:proyed 5 okay cr Wc:ie c, g -(() bi• 16 it) FiegLest rc..;-..04 922 CiM :V7,0 9;76 6 Date of Petit:rest / ff Olt, OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INtER.bFFICE MEMORANDUM Joseph R. Grassie City Manager "cv Howard V. Gary, Di recto Management and Budget MM MM DATE sUBJE:,' September 21,1978 Changes to Fiscal Year 1978=79 Proposed Budget as Requested by the City Commision REFERENCES ENCLOSURES. c,LE Pursuant to the request of the City Commission, the following changes have been made to the Proposed Budget for fiscal year 1978-79. Due to time constraints, retyping and printing of the changes for the Proposed Budget document will be very difficult to accomplish. Instead these changes are incorporated in the attached appropriation ordinance (see Exhibit A) and Mi will be included in the Adopted Budget document for fiscal year 1978-79. 1. The position of Executive Secretary has been restored to the Civil Service Department with an appropriation of $25,000. The $25,000 was transferred from Special Programs and Accounts, Contingency Fund. . Twelve thousand dollars ($12,000) has been added to the Department of Tourism and Promotion for the Dinah Shore Show. The $12,000 was transferred from Special Programs and Accounts, City-wide Events. • The FY'78-79 Proposed Budget for Day Care is attached and should be inserted in the Commissioners' FY'78-79 Proposed Budget for informa- tional purposes only. (See Exhibit B): The appropriations for Day Care will be placed in a Trust and Agency Fund. 4. The Police Department's Proposed Budget for FY'78-79 has been modified to allocate pension payments to all the divisions within the Police Department. Attached is a draft of the changes that are included in the apropriation ordinance and will appear in the Adopted Budget document. (See Exhibit C). 5. The proposed budget for the Planning and Zoning Administrative Boards has been increased by $47,382 to provide for advertising and mailing costs for the proposed zoning changes. To accomplish this modification, $47,382 was transferred from Special Programs and Accounts, Contingency Fund. . The appropriation for Pension has been increased by $387,840 to provide for increased pension payments for retirees and payback f ;e 7 Rick/ f#E4'' / 111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111 .(Conth1nuod) Oppbrtunities for laborers, watchmen and custodial workers pursuant to Ordinance No. 8842. This modification was accomplished by adding revenues from the Street Lighting Fund. In addition to the above changes to the FY'78-79 Proposed Budget, the City Commission requested information on the total funds that supplement depart- mental budgets, all sources of revenues received by the City and where they are appropriated, and the next meeting of the Budget Review Committee. The first two requests are very time consuming and require a great deal of research and manipulation of data. In view of the City Commission's request that this information be provided to them at the first public hearing on the budget, we were unable to prepare this information with the level of sophis- tication required of such a report. However, the information provided should give the City Commission some indications of the total funds avail- able regardless of funding source and the total revenues received by the City and where they are appropriated. With regard to the total funds that supplement department budgets, please find attached Exhibit D which depicts all municipal departments, the amount of funds proposed from the General Fund for FY'78-79, the amount of funds received from other specific funding sources, and the total funds available from all sources. It should be noted that because of time constraints and the overlapping of fiscal years, we were unable to determine what funds are available from other funding sources (i.e., grants) that are applicable to fiscal year 1978-79. Therefore, we used the amount of the original appro- priation for this category. In reference to the sources of all revenues received by the City and where they are appropriated, attached is Exhibit E which displays all revenues by sources and the operating funds that receive these revenues. Revenues that are non -General Fund will be stated in terms of original amount granted rather than the unexpended amount available for fiscal year 1978-79. In those cases where we were able to determine the unexpended amount available, that amount was used. The next meeting of the Budget Review Committee will be held on Friday, October 4, 1978 at 4:00 p.m. at the Department of Management and Budget, 174 East Flagler Street, Room 902. Letters have been mailed to all committee members informing them of the meeting. (See Exhibit F). 1 ME MEME • ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1979, PROVIDING THAT IF ANY SECTION, CLAUSE, OR SUBSECTION SHALL BE DECLARED UNCONSTITUTIONAL, IT SHALL NOT AFFECT THE REMAINING PROVISIONS, REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. WHEREAS, the City Manager has prepared and submitted to the City Commission a Budget Estimate of the expenditures and revenues of all City Departments and Boards for the fiscal year 1978-79, copies of such estimate having been furnished to the newspapers of the City and to each library in the City which is open to the public; and WHEREAS, provisions have been duly made by the City Commission for Public Hearings on the proposed Ordinance before the City Commis- sion as a Committee of the Whole and Public Hearings thereon were held; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF• THE CITY :MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The following appropriations are made for muni- cipal operations of the City of Miami, Florida, for the fiscal year 1978-79, including the payment of principal and interest on all Gen- eral Obligation Bonds. • Y Departments, Boards, and CCe5. GENERAL FUND APPr ri at ion Office of the Mayor $ 116,921 Board of Corimi scioners h }', 154,124 City Clerk 240,464 Law 788,548 Civil Service 213,055 City Manager''; ' s 757,940 Wf i ' iT Finance r3r1'F �,�`���4��`� 1,382,370 Human Resources 924,534 Fire ix�t��, �f �s� 21,290,156 Police {',fi 28,959,901 Public Works 8,229,408 Parksr�x{ �,` 4,231,666 Solid Waste i 14,426,979 �"'''`'�° Tourism Promotion ,' 1,223,522 Conferences and Conventions 1,267,813 Citizen Services 436,914 Leisure Services 2,195,000 Building and Zoning Inspection 1,607,855 Planning 454,907 Planning and Zoning Administrative Boards 251,694 Management and Budget 770,413 Special Programs and Accounts 7,647,912 TOTAL GENERAL FUND GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS TOTAL GENERAL OPERATING APPROPRIATIONS ENTERPRISE FUNDS Miami Stadium Orange Bowl Miamarina Dinner Key Marina Municipal Auditorium Dinner Key Exhibition Hall Marine Stadium Melreese Golf Course Miami Springs Golf Course Community Center TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS* *Deficits appropriated in the General Fund in Special Programs and Accounts TOTAL OPERATING APPROPRIATIONS $ 97,572,096 17,735,693 $115,307,789 $ 262,280 1,145,695 425,580 526,816 288,477 263,696 303,220 341,523 315,930 102,541 $ 3,975,758 (305,474) $118,978,073 011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIMMii uuuuiI IIII I■IiIIIiII Section 2, The foliating Appropriations Ate tale for ttunici. pli operations and Revenue Bond tebt SetVice of the City of Hiatdi fof the fiscal year 1978-79: SPECIAL REVENUE FUND UTILITY SERVICE TAXES General Fund Debt Service Funds - Revenue Bonds TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Appropriation $ 17,150,620 198,750 $ 17,349,370 Section 3. The following activities, which are carried on for the service convenience of other funds, shall be operated by the City Manager within the limits of the appropriations provided in the foregoing Departments, Boards, Offices and accounts of the City of-Mami and other revenues or receipts which may be received. INTRAGOVERNMENTAL SERVICE FUNDS Garage Motor Pool Property Maintenance Communications Maintenance Print Shop MMPD Custodial Services Dinner Key Office Buildings Municipal Justice Building Custodial Computers and Communications Purchasing - Central Stores Public Works Design Services TOTAL INTRAGOVERNMENTAL SERVICE FUNDS Appropriation 3,197,575 1,826,323 1,418,318 955,606 168,088 250,503 209,387 70,762 2,486,508 110,740 53,461 $ 10,747,271 The Intragovernmental Service Funds are funded by charges to user departments and other agencies as well as fund balances as required. Section 4. The following appropriations are hereby made for debt service payment of principal and interest and incidental costs for Orange Bowl Warehouse Bonds, Incinerator Bonds, Utility Service Tax Bonds and Orange Bowl Bonds for the 1978-79 fiscal year. Appropriation DEBT SERVICE FUNDS - REVENUE BONDS Orange Bowl Warehouse Bonds $ 35,535 Incinerator Bonds 185,475 Utility Service Tax Bonds 198,750 Orange Bowl Bonds 176,135 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS ;' $ 595095 IIIII ■,uIIIIIIIIIuII IIIIII111 IIII IIIII IIIIII IIIIIII II I I i ii miimi i lull i■■ • Section Si The following appropriations Are made ih ttust and Agency Funds. TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS Self Insurance Trust Fund Pension Day Care TOTAL TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS Appropriation $ 9,371,683 16,017,566 378,800 $ 25,768.049 Section 6. The above appropriations are made based on the ;:fallowing sources of revenues for the 1978-79 fiscal year. GENERAL FUND Ad, Val orem Tax Sources Other Than Ad Valorem Tax Fund Balance Appropriation Street Lighting Fund Anticipated Salary Savings to be Earned TOTAL GENERAL FUND APPLICABLE TO 10 MILL CAP GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT SERVICE Special Millage Tax Fund Balance Appropriation TOTAL GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT SERVICE Revenue $ 38,832,137 56,958,070 394,049 387,840 1,000,000 $ 97,572,096 $ 17,423,977 311,716 $ 17,735,693 TOTAL GENERAL OPERATING REVENUES $115,307,789 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Miami Stadium Orange Bowl Miamarina Dinner Key Marina Municipal Auditorium Dinner Key Exhibition Hall Marine Stadium Melreese Golf Course Miami Springs Golf Course Community Center Rental Properties Contribution From General Fund TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS* *Deficits appropriated in the General Fund in Special Programs and Accounts. TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES SPECIAL REVENUE FUND UTILITY SERVICE TAXES Utility Service Taxes $ 17,349,370 190,795 1,189,132 425,580 526,816 96,519 171,000 55,500 363,642 312,698 80,000 258,602 305,474 $ 3,975,758 (305,474) $118,978,073 111111111111111■11■11■1111■ III I III II IIIIIII I1I I u 1 IIIIIIini i u ii iiii iimili ■ INtIAGOVERNMENTAL SE V IOE _ FUNDS Garage* Motor Pool* Property Maintenance* Communications Maintenance* Print Shop* MMPD Custodial Services* Dinner Key Office Buildings* Municipal Justice Building Custodial* Computers and Communications* Purchasing - Central Stores* Public Works Design Services* TOTAL INTRAGOVERNMENTAL SERVICE FUNDS DEBT SERVICE FUNDS - REVENUE BONDS 3,197,575 1,826,323 1,418,318 955,606 168,088 250,503 209,387 70,762 2,486,508 110,740 53,461 $ 10,747,271 Orange Bowl Warehouse Bonds** $ 35,535 Igcinerator Bonds** 185,475 Utility Service Tax Bonds** 198,750 b4 'ti` Orange Bowl Bonds** � � r 176,135 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS Day Care* Self Insurance Trust Fund* Pension* TOTAL TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS 595,895 * These revenues are derived from all funds other than Debt Service and the Special Revenue Fund. ** $ 378,800 9,371,683 16,017,566 $ 25,768,049 The sources of these revenues are: the Orange Bowl Committee, an appropriation from the General Fund under Special Programs and Accounts, Special Revenue Fund - Utility Service Tax and Florida Power and Light Franchise Fees, respectively. Section 7. This ordinance is an ordinance of precedent and all other ordinances in conflict with it are hereby held null and void insofar as they pertain to these appropriations. The appropriations are the anticipated expenditure requirements for the City but are not mandatory should efficient administration of City Departments and Boards or altered economic conditions indicate that a curtailment in certain expenditures is necessary or desirable for the general welfare of the City. The City Manager is specifically authorized to transfer funds between accounts and withhold any of these appropriated funds from encumbrance or expenditure should such action appear advantageous to the economic and efficient operation of the City. Section 8. The City Manager is authorized to administer the executive pay plan and to disburse the funds allocated in this budget for this purpose in a manner he deems appropriate, with the exception of those positions in which the salary is established by Commission or Board Action. The City Manager is further authorized to establish the salary of those employees in the executive and staff positions in accordance with the executive and staff pay plan. These employees are entitled to any salary increases given in Section 8. Section9. The City Manager is authorized to disburse any funds that may be designated by the City Commission as cost -of -living or other pay adjustments to Civil Service, executive and staff employees as may be approved by the City Commission. Section lo. Nothing contained_in this ordinance shall be con- strued as to prohibit or prevent the City Manager, the administrative head of the City of Miami, who is responsible for the efficient admin- istration of all Departments, from exercising the power granted to and imposed upon him in the City Charter to fix, adjust, raise, or lower salaries, and to create, abolish, fill or hold vacant, temporary or permanent positions whenever it has been determined by the City Manager to be in the best interest of efficient and economical admin- istration of the City of Miami and all its Departments. The authority contained in this section shall also be applicable whenever the City Manager shall cause a Department to reorganize itself to perform its services more efficiently; such reorganization may include reduction of budgeted positions, reclassification of positions, and alteration of the number of budgeted positions in one given classification. Section 11.(a)(1) The transfer of funds between the detailed ittounts comprising any separate amount appropriated by the above Aections hereof is hereby approved and authorized when such transfer Shall have been made at the request of the City Manager and when such transfer is to be made of any part of an unencumbered balance of an Appropriation to or for a purpose or object for which the appropriation for the herein fiscal year has proved insufficient. (a)(2) The transfer of funds between the detailed accounts comprising any separate amount appropriated by the above sec- tions hereof is hereby approved and authorized when such transfer of mm • is to be made between the detailed accounts appropriated to the same MEM MEM 1 i I funds is made at the request of the City Manager and when such transfer office, department, or division. (b)(1) In order to effectuate salary adjustments, the City Manager is hereby further authorized to make departmental and other transfers from and into the Reserve Employee Adjustments Account of Special Programs and Accounts, or such other reserve accounts established therein by the City Manager or the City Commission in the General Fund, and is hereby authorized to approve transfers of Intragovernmental Service Funds and Enterprise Funds as may be required. (b)(2) The Contingent Fund is hereby declared to be appro- priated to meet emergency expenses and is subject to expenditure by the City Manager for any emergency purpose. (c) Except as herein provided, transfers between items appropriated hereby shall be authorized by ordinance amendatory hereto, except that transfers from the Contingent Fund may be made by Resolution. Section 12. The City Manager is directed to prepare and file with the City Clerk a statement of the proposed expenditures and esti- mated revenues for the fiscal year 1978-79, which shall be entitled "Annual Budget of the City of Miami, fiscal year October 1, 1978, through September 30, 1979". 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•111 A t. Section 13. The City Manager is hereby authorized to invite OP advertise for bids for the purchase of any material, equipment, or service embraced in the aforementioned appropriations or which may be provided for in accordance with the authority of Section 12, for which formal bidding is required; such bids to be returnable to the City Commission or City Manager in accordance with Charter or Code pro- visions. Section 14. If any section, part of section, paragraph, clause, phrase, or word of this ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of the ordinance shall not be affected. Section .15. All ordinances or parts of ordinances, insofar as they are inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this ordi- nance, are hereby repealed. PASSED ON FIRST READING BY TITLE ONLY this day of , 1978. PASSED AND ADOPTED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING BY TITLE ONLY this day of , 1978. ATTEST: HOWARD V. GARY, DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET APPROVED BY: ROBERT F. CLARK, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: GEORGE MAURICE A. FERRE, MAYOR MM MM • • 04 tNrORMAtIO,N._.,PURPOSES ONLY LEISURE SERVICES CHILD DAY CARE $378,800 -MAR-MENTAL BUDGET AND POSITION SUMMARY Expended Expended Adopted 1975-76 1976-77 1977.-78 personnel Services $ Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Debt Service Capital Reserve Total Positions EXHIBIT B 164 Amended Requested 1977-78 1978-79 $ 321,084 $ 316,826 48,350 61,974 1,816 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- $ 371,250 $ 378,800 9+23PT 9+20PT FUNCTION This division is responsible for providing day care for children between 2 1/2 and 5 years of age in a protective setting for purposes of personal care and to promote their social, health and emotional well-being through opportunities for companionship, self -education and other satisfying leisure time activities. Four centers will operate between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. These centers are as follows: Shenandoah Moore Park Eaton Edison -Little River 1800 S. W. 21st Avenue 765 N. W. 36th Street 6015 N. E. 4th Court 5411 N. E. Miami Place BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS * This request is $7,550 more than the Fiscal Year 1977-78 Amended Budget. * The revenues that support this division are derived from the Federal Revenue Sharing $213,000 Child Day Care Fees 86,000 U.S.D.A. Food Reimbursement 34,500 Florida Community Affairs Grant 45,000 TOTAL $378,800 following sources: • a • • 7• 164b LEISURE SERVICES Ct-tLb DAY CARE FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR CHILD DAY CARE FY'78 Day Care Administrator 1 Custodian I 3 Day Care Aide 0 7PT Day Care Assistant 0 Day Care Center Supervisor 0 Day Care Instructor 0 12PT Day Care Parent Involvement Coord, 1 Day Care Teacher 3 Day Care Teacher Assistant 0 4PT Typist Clerk II 1 9 23PT CETA TOTAL 10 19 23PT CHANGE 1 0 3 0 0 7PT 0 0 11PT 0 11PT 4 4 1) 0 (0(12PT) 0 2PT (3) 2PT 0 0 (4PT) 1 0 9 2OPT (3PT) 13 3 22 2OPT 3 (3PT) ■ mm mm EE ME ri MM M. mm MI MM MI MEM MIMI i r� MEM MEM MEM /y EXHIBIT C POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF $6,091,322 bE NVITMENTAL BUDGET AND POSITION SUMMARY Expended** Expended** Adopted** Amended** 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1977-78 Personnel Services $ Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Debt Service Capital Reserve Total , Positions ** $ 4,341,089 269,720 684 - 0- - 0- $ 4,321,465 269,720 684 -0- -0- g� Requested 1978-79 $ 5,331,859 759,463 -0- - 0- - 0- $3,0 2,194. $ 2,020,755 $ 4,611,493 $ 4,591,869 $ 6,091,322 75 75 78 This column has been adjusted to include appropriations which were previously budgeted in separate divisions; namely the Divisions of Special Investigations, Planning and Inspections, and the Salary Incentive Unit. These divisions are now combined into one --the Office of the Chief. FUNCTION The Office of the Chief is responsible for the following activities: 1) the dissemination and coordination of managerial information throughout the Police Department; 2) the drafting of City Ordinances and Resolutions relevant to the Police Department; 3) the development of public awareness programs through increased media representation; 4) the investigation of internal reports regarding employee misconduct; and 5) the maintenance of a reporting system to the Chief of Police on activities of: criminal organizations, subversive terrorist groups and other potentially dangerous or disruptive situations. BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS * This Request is $1,499,453 more than the Fiscal Year 1977-78 Amended Budget. This increase is the result of departmental reorganization. * The reallocation of appropriations pursuant to the State Uniform Accounting System has caused this Request to increase by $1,342,391. A comparison with the Fiscal Year 1977-78 Amended Budget, on the same basis, shows a real increase of $157,062 or 3.42%. * The number of positions has been increased by 3. These changes are the result of departmental reorganization which transferred positions from various divisions. 1.0 E HIBIT C 1111111 ■ui•IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII■Immii■ imum 111111111111111111111 POLICE OPPICE or ADMINISTRATION $5066,023 *MAMMAL BUDGET AND POSITION SUMMARY Expended** Expended** Adopted** Amended** 1975.76 1976-77 1977-78 1977-78 Personnel Services $ Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Debt Service Capital Reserve $ 2,741,484 647,082 - 0- -0- - 0- $ 2,741,484 601,036 -0- -0- -0- 01 Requested 1978-79 $ 3,808,029 1,257,994 - 0- -0- - 0- Total $____138,729 $ 3,068,166 $ 3,388,566 $ 3,342,520 $ 5,066,023 Positions ** 159 9PT 159 9PT 181 1OPT This column has been adjusted to include appropriations which were previously budgeted in separate divisions; namely the Divisions of Information and Security, Information Services, Systems Development, Personnel and Training, and Custodial Services. These divisions were combined into one --the Administration Division. FUNCTION This division provides the following services for the Police Department: 1) the processing of all employee records and personnel transactions; 2) the preparation and daily maintenance of all financial records as well as providing technical assistance to units of operation in budget preparation; 3) the designing and implementation of training programs to assist in the repression and prevention of crime; and 4) the maintenance of all computer reporting systems to achieve effective communications internally and externally. BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS * This Request is $1,723,503 more than the Fiscal Year 1977-78 Amended Budget. This increase is the result of departmental reorganization. * The reallocation of appropriations pursuant to the State Uniform Accounting System has caused this Request to increase by $1,192,709. A comparison with the Fiscal Year 1977-73 Amended Budget, on the same basis, shows a real increase of $530,794 or 15.88%. * The number of full-time positions has been increased by 22 and the number of part-time positions has been increased by 1. These changes are the result of departmental reorganization which transferred positions from various divisions. i 1 ME G m. am MEM MEM Mi POLICE OPERATIONS $17,802,556 DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET AND POSITION SUMMARY Expended** Expended** Adopted** 1977-78 Personnel Services $ Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Debt Service Capital Reserve 1975-76 1976-77 $13,193,554 1,121,688 -0- -0- Total $1.5,520,442 $15,144,079 $14,315,242 Positions ** EXHIBIT C 02 Amended** Requested 1977-78 1978-79 $13,219,764 1,141,688 -0- -0- -0- $14,361,452 $16,619,774 1,182,782 - 0- - 0- -0- $17,802,556 716 13PT 716 13PT 649 11PT This column has been adjusted to include appropriations which were previously budgeted in separate divisions; namely the Divisions of Criminal Investigation, Patrol, Community Relations, and Traffic. These divisions were combined into one --the Division of Operations. FUNCTION This division provides the following services: general police patrol; rescue; traffic enforcement and control; investigation of crimes; and a community relations program which is carried out by scheduled visits to schools and community centers. BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS * This Request is $3,441,104 more than the Fiscal Year 1977-78 Amended Budget. * The reallocation of appropriations pursuant to the State Uniform Accounting System has caused this Request to increase by $4,547,572. A comparison with the Fiscal Year 1977-78 Amended Budget, on the same basis, shows a real decrease of $1,106,463 or 7.70%. * The number of full-time positions has been decreased by 67 and the number of part-time positions has been decreased by 2. These changes are the result of departmental reorganization, which transferred positions from various divisions. DEPARTMENT/GRANT OFFICE OF Tic. MAYOR General Operations BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS General Operations CITY CLERK General Operations IAW General Operations CIVIL SERVICE Genral Operations may MANAGER General Operations Calmer Camn. Dev. (CETA I) Calmer Revitalization (CETA VI) Total City Manager FINANCE General Operations HUMAN RESOURCES General Operations Career Dev. Intern Prog. (CETA I) Public Serv. E:rp. Prog. (CETA II) Public Serv. Err. Prog. (:ETA VI) Modern. of Personnel System Total Human Resou ces 1mMI■IIII•III1•1111III111.1 CITY OF MIAMI REQUESI'U) APPROPRIATION INCLUDING GRANTS FISCAL YEAR 1978-79 Contract Period 10-1-78/9-30-79 10-1-78/9-30-79 -0- -0- 10-1-78/9-30-79 10-1-78/9-30-79 10-1-78/9-30-79 10-1-78/9-30-79 General Fund _. $ 116,921 154,124 240,464 788,548 188,055 '757,940 - 0- - 0- 757,940 924,534 -0- -0- -0- -0- 924,534 Approved Grants -0- -0- -0- -0- Pending Grants -0- 375,100 655,764 $ 1,030,864 - 0- - 0- 261,279 4,807,671 5,582,405 60,000 $ 10,711,355 11111E11 1 EXHIBIT D Totals 116,921 154,124 240,464 788,548 188,055 757,940 375,100 655,764 $ 1,788,804 924,534 261,279 4,807,671 5,582,405 60,000 $ 11,635,889 111111111111111 1I Page 1 11111111 I II1 DEPARMENT/GRANT FIRE General Operations POLICE General Operations Accurate Inf. Messages Auto. Color Photography Juvenile Offender Div. Data Access Radio Network(D.A.R.N.) Threshold for Pub. Serv. Aides (CETA I) Threshold for Pub. Serv. Aides (CETA III) Clerical & Rept. Writing Training (CETA VI) Total Police PUBLIC WORKS General Operations Community Inprov. Inspec. (CETA VI Community Landscape Prog. • (CETA VI) Street Improvement Dinner Key Recreation 'Total Public Works PARKS General Operations SOLID 1,lASI'E General Operations 'TOURISM PROMiION General Operations CITY OF MIAMI REQUESTED APPROPRIATION INCLUDING GRANTS FISCAL YEAR 1978-79 Contract Period -0- -0- 10-1-77 to Open 10-1-77 to Open 7-1-78/3-15-79 General Fund $ 21,290,156 28,959,901 -0- -0- -0- 7-1-78/1-31-80 -0- 10-1-78/9-30-79 -0- 10-1-78/9-30-79 -0- 10-1-78/9-30-79 -0- $ 28,959,901 -0- 10-1-78/9-30-79 10-1-78/9-30-79 10-1-78/9-30-79 2-8-77 to Open -0- $ 8,229,408 -0- -0- -0- -0- $ 8,229,408 $ 4,231,666 $ 14,426,979 $ 1,211,522 Approved Grants -0- -0- 59,230 16,000 198,918 229,635 -0- -0- -0- $ 503,783 -0- -0- -0- -0- 3,758,187 $ 3,758,187 Pending Grants - 0- -0- -0- - 0- - 0- -0- 297,545 210,101 107,463 $ 615,109 $ -0- 113,962 522,594 545,100 -0- $ 1,181,656 EXHIBIT D Totals $ 21,290,156 28,959,901 59,230 16,000 198,918 229,635 297,545 210,101 107,463 $ 30,078,793 $ 8,229,408 113,962 522,594 545,100 3,758,187 $ 13,169,251 $ 4,231,666 14,426,979 1,211,522 Page 2 IIII■■IIIIIII III IIII 11 ME 111 IIIIIII■IIi�IIIII. i ■ 1111111 iIiIi CO a' 'NOES & CONVENTIONS General Operations Administration Bldg. Convention Center `Total Conferences & Conventions CITIZEN SERVICES General Operations Muni Center/Lowe Art Museum Citizen Participation (CETA I) In -School Youth Program (CETA I) Social Service Aides (CETA I) Out -of -School Project (CETA III) Public Opinion Project CETA VI) Photo Silk -Screen Work Shop (CETA VI) Sound & A/V Techn. Prog. •(CETA VI) Young People Together (CETA VI) Youth Agency Wrkr. Prog. �(CETA VI) Video Works (CETA VI) Skimmer Teen Program Total Citizen Services I Ililiillll■iuilillill IIIIII 111111111 11111111 11114 Vdlli'iihidPl� Ilil CITY OF MIAMI REQUESTED APPROPRIATION INCLUDING GRANTS FISCAL YEAR 1978-79 Contract Period -0- 9-16-77 to Open 9-77 to Open -0- 7-78/6-79 10-1-78/9-30-79 10-1-78/9-30-79 General Fund $ 1,267,813 -0- -0- 1,267,813 10-1-78/9-30-79 -0- 10-1-78/9-30-79 10-1-78/9-30-79 10-1-78/9-30-79 10-1-78/9-30-79 -0- 10-1-78/9-30-79 -0- 10-1-78/9-30-79 -0- 10-1-78/9-30-79 -0- 3-24-79/9-30-79 -0- $ 436,914 Approved Grants -0- $ 3,193,000 4,373,000 $ 7,566,000 -0- $ 2,500 -0- -0- -0- 2,500 .Pending Grants -0 -0- - 0 - 0- 213,195 692,264 171,312 453,000 105,895 292,814 110,000 314,794 , 517,154 292,814 556,040 $ 3,719,282 1 r 11111111 EXHIBIT D Totals $ 1,267,813 $ 3,193,000 3,373,000 $ 8,833,813 $ 436,914 2,500 213,195 692,264 171,312 453,000 105,895 292,814 110,000 314,794 517,154 292,814 556,040 $ 4,158,696 1111 Page 3 1 1111 ,. IIII I■ A DEPARTMENT/GRANT LEISURE SERVICES General Operations Neighborhood Art Serv. Staff Training for Adapted Recreation Artist -in -Residence Prog. (4th. year) C.Y.A.Work Experience (CETA 1) 0.J.T.for Indep. Living (CETA I) Staff Training for Adapt. Recreation (CETA I) T.R. Training (CETA III) Accent Reading (CETA VI) Creative Arts for Rec. & Education (CETA VI) Nbtor Dev. Train.w/ Dev'mtlly Disable Ctzs. (CETA VI) Proj. for Handicapped (CETA VI) Model Sites Spec. Proj.Docunentation Very Spec. Arts Festival (3rd year) Programs for the Handi- capped Senior Centers Alter. & Renovation Project Transp. for Handicapped Child Day Care Program. Child Day Care Food Prog. Recreation Support Prog. Summer Lunch Prog. 'Total Leisure Services .-IIIIII1111III1 011I 1111111111 ■ 11111111111 11111111 111111111111 CITY OF MIAI II REQUESTED APPROPRIATION INCLUDING GRANTS FISCAL YEAR 1978-79 Contract General Fund Period -0- $ 2,195,000 4-1-78/4-1-79 -0- 6-1-78/5-31-79 -0- 1-1-78/12-31-78 -0- 10-1-78/9-30-79 -0- 10-1-78/9-30-79 -0- 10-1-78/9-30-79 10-1-78/9-30-79 10-1-78/9-30-79 10-1-78/9-30-79 10-1-78/9-30-79 10-1-78/9-30-79 10-1-78/9-30-79 10-1-78/9-30-79 10-1-78/9-30-79 10-1-78/9-30-79 10-1-78/9-30-79 10-1-78/9-30-79 10-1-78/9-30-79 10-1-78/9-30-79 10-1-78/9-30-79 6-79/9-79 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0 -0- -0- -0- -0- - 0- - 0- - 0- -0- $ 2,195,000 Approved Grants $ -0- 50,000 35,000 11,250 -0- - 0- -0- - 0- - 0- -0- -0- -0- 96,250 11111111 1111 1 Pending Grants - 0- -0- - 0- - 0- 91,519 138,498 107,827 160,000 190,152 100,159 65,000 197,352 3,000 10,000 5,000 90,000 ' 50,250 23,000 45,000 27,000 107,960 156,833 $1,568,550 11111111■111 ■I .I EXHIBIT D Totals $ 2,195,000 50,000 35,000 11,250 91,519 138,498 107,827 160,000 190,152 100,159 65,000 197,352 3,000 10,000 5,000 90,000 50,250 23,000 45,000 27,000 107,960 156,833 $3 ,859,800 1111111 I1I 111 i 1111 Page 4 II 11 1111 I 111 II 111 II i i I I I 1 DEPARTMENT/GRANT BUILDING & ZONING INSPLCT. General Operations PLANNING General Operations Wainwright Park Comm. Dev. Block Grant (1st year) Comm. Dev. Block Grant (2nd year) Comm. Dev. Block Grant (3rd year) Comm. Dev. Block Grant (4th year) Latin Community River - front Park (Dev.) Total Planning PLANNING & ZONING ALMA. BOARDS General Operations MANAGEMENT & BUDGET General Operations SPECIAL PROGRAMS & ACCOUNTS • General Operations 'TOTAL GENERAL FUND -ORAL OBLIGATION BONDS CITY OF MIAMMI REQUESTED APPROPRIATION INCLUDING GRANTS FISCAL YEAR 1978-79 Contract Period -0- General Fund $ 1,607,855 -0- 5-22-75/12-31-78 5-16-75 to Open -0- 5-17-76 to Open -0- 6-15-77 to Open -0- 6-15-78 to Open -0- 8-14-72 to Open $ 454,907 -0- -0- 454,907 204,312 770,413 $ 7,344,454 $ 97,184,256 $ 17,735,693 Approved Grants $ -0- -0- 171,986 2,605,663 5,831,000 9,693,000 10,065,000 250,000 $ 28,616,649 $ 40,543,369 $ -0- 11 111 .pending Grants -0- $18,826,816 11 111111111 11 11 1 Totals $ 1,607,855 454,907 171,986 2,605,663 5,831,000 9,693,000 10,065,000 250,000 $ 29,071,556 204,312 770,413 $ 7,344,454 $156,554,441 $ 17,735,693 minim 1 i CITY OF MIAMI REQUESTED APPROPRIATION INCLUDING GRANTS FISCAL YEAR 1978-79 ENTERPRISE/GRANT Contract Enterprise Period Funds MIAMI STADIUM 262,280 Enterprise Operations -0- $ Stadi uris & Grounds Improv. (CETA VI) 10-1-78/9-30-79 -0- `Total Miami Stadium $ 262,280 ORANGE BOWL Enterprise Operations MARINAS Enterprise Operations BAYFRONT AUDITORIUM Enterprise Operations DINNER KEY EXHIBITION AHLL Enterprise Operations MARINE STADIUM Enterprise Operations Marine Stadium (CETA VI) 'Total Marine Stadium MELRE:ESE GOLF COURSE • Enterprise Operations MIAMI SPRINGS GOLF COURSE Enterprise Operations 0 $ 315,930 -0- $ 1,145,695 952,396 288,477 263,696 -0- $ 303,220 10-1-78/9-30-79 -0- $ 303,220 COMMUNITY CENTER Enterprise Operations 0 $ 102,541 $ -0- TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUND $ 3.975,758 $ -0- LESS: DEFICITS APFROPRIAlED IN SPECIAL ;OGRAMS $ 341,523 Approved Pending Grants Grants Totals -0- $ -0- $ 262,280 -0- - 64,847 64,847 -0- $ 64,847 $ 327,127 TOTAL ENTERPRISE F 1ND I■111111111111111•IIII■IIIIIIIIIIII1111■11■II■I.11�11 ($ 305,474) $ 3,670,284 $ -0- $ 1,145,695 $ 952,396 $ 288,477 $ 263,696 -0- $ 303,220 51,704 51,704 51,704 $ 354.924 -0- $ 116.551 $ -0- $ -0- $ 116,551 III 11111111111111 $ 341,523 $ 315,930 $ 102,541 ($ 305,474) $ 3,786,835 11 INTRAGOVEP RENTAL/GRANT Co GARAGE Intragovernmental Heavy Equipment Service Facility Total Garage MOTOR POOL Intragovernmental PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Intragovernmental Apprenticeship Prog. (CETA I) Total Property Maint. COMMUNICATIONS MAINTENANCE Intragovernmental PRINT SHOP Intragovernmental M.M.P.D. CUSIUDIAL :SERVICES Intragovernmental DINER KEY OFFICE BUILDINGS • Intragovernmental MUNICIPAL JUSTICE BUILDING CUSTODIAL Intragovernmental COMPUTERS & COMMUNICATIONS Intragovernmental PURCHASING -CENTRAL SIRES Intragovernn vital PUBLIC ' t Ri .S DESIGN SERVICE Intragovernmental TOTAL INTRAC-0VER=AL FUNDS CITY OF MI MI REQUESTED APPROPRIATION INCLUDING GRANTS FISCAL YEAR 1978-79 ntract Period -0- 1-27-77 to Open -0- -0- 10-1 78/9-30-79 i■IIiiiiiiimiiimII -0- Intragovernmental Approved Service Fund Grants $ 3,197,575 $ -0- -0- 2,710,050 $ 3,197,575 $2,710,050 $ 1,826,323 $ -0- $ 1,418,318 -0- $ 1,418,318 $ -0- 955,606 $ -0- 168,088 70,762 2,486,508 110,740 $ 53,461 $ -0- $ 10,747,271 $2,710,050 11 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Pending Grants $ -0- - 0- - 0- - 0- -0- 122,.473 122,473 $ -0- $ 122,473 EXHIBIT D Totals $ 3,197,575 2,710,050 $ 5,907,625 $ 1,826,323 $ 1,418,318 122,473 $ 1,540,791 955,606 168,088 250,503 209,387 70,762 $ 2,486,508 110,740 $ 53,461 $ 13,579,794 Page 7 ■Illllillll�■■ .iuui11 III IIIIIIIIIIII III oo� oL$ o�'a C" 1. Ad Valorem Taxes Homestead Exemption Miscellaneous Taxes Service Charges 'Dodge Island Taxi and For Hire Cars Telephone Franchise Gas Franchise FPL Franchise Business Licenses Construction Permits Rental Properties Utility Service Taxes Federal Funds Federal Revenue Sharing Countercyclical Revenue Sharing Community Development Latin Community Riverfront Park U.S.. Commerce - Admin. Building " Convention Center Dinner Key Exh. Center Heavy Equip. Svc. Fac. U.S. Justice - Accurate Info. Messages Auto Color Photography Data Access Radio Net Juvenile Offender Win.+ U.S. Interior - Wainwright Park THEW - Staff Training for Rec. CETA - Title I CETA - ." e II CETA - Title III CETA - Title VI CETA - Title VI - Spec. Projects 1111■1IIIIIII 1111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII•11. CITY OF MIAMI PROJECTED REVENUES BY FUND FISCAL YEAR 1978-79 TOTAL 38,832,137 278,916 60,034 2,421,977 500,000 78,000 580,000 113,000 7,928,969 3,389,355 1,345,000 106,374 17,349,370 7,993,394 2,566,798 28,194,663 250,000 3,193,000 4,373,000 3,758,187 2,710,050 59,230 16,000 229,635 198,918 171,986 35,000 2,471,012 4,807,671 1,379,141 5,582,405 4,247,568 (1) GENERAL FUND 38,832,137 278,916 60,034 2,421,977 500,000 78,000 580,000 113,000 3,615,537 3,389,355 1,345,000 106,374 17,150,620 7,993,394 2,566,798 22,000 - 0- - 0- - 0- - 0- - 0- - 0- 0 -0- 0- - 0- -0- 0-: _0 - 0- - 0- -0- 1 11 11 . ENTERPRISE FUNDS 1 I - 0- -0- - 0- - 0- - o- -0- - 0- - 0- - 0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - 0- -0- -0- - 0- -0- -0- - 0- • -0- -0- - 0- - 0- - 0- - 0- - 0- -0- 1111 �I�IIIlII IIII it - TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS -0- -0- - 0- -0- - 0- -0- -0- - 0- -0- -0- -0- - 0- - 0- - 0- - 0- 28,172,663 -0- -0- -0- 3,758,187 2,710,050 59,230 16,000 229,635 198,918 -0- 35,000 2,471,012 4,807,671 1,379,141 5,582,405 4,247,568 mmi EXHIBIT E CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS - 0- - 0- - 0- -0- - 0- -0- - 0- - 0- 4,313,432: -0- - 0- -0- -0- - 0- - 0- - 0- 250,000 3,193,000 4,373,000 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 171,986 - 0- - 0- -0- - 0- -0- - 0- 111111 ■ 1111 0. DEBT' SERVICE FUNDS., -0 ° -0- -0- -0- -0- - 0= -0- -0- -0- - 0.�. - 0-- 98,750 111 I - 0_ -0-� -0- - 0- -0- -0- - 0-Y -0- - 0- - 0- -0- - 0 - 0- -0- -0- - 0- 1 I II ■■11■111111111 111 State Funds State Revenue Sharing Cigarette Tax Mobile Home Licenses Beverage Licenses U.S. Civil Service Commission Programs for the Handicapped Sr. Citizens Alt. & Reno.Project Transportation for the Handicapped Day Care Operating Expenses Day Care Food Program Recreation Support Program Summer Lunch Program Other Grant Funds Nat'l Endowments of Arts Fla. Arts Council - Artist -in -Res. Fla. Arts Council - Lowe Art Museum Nat'l Committee - Arts for the Hand. Public Facility Rentals & Conc. Revenues - Other Agencies, p. 14, Item #8 Less Metro Contract Metro - Dade County Contract Misc. Revenues, p. 14, Item #9 less dedicated Conf. & Conv. Bond Fund Fed. Grants - Parks Design Carryover Fund Balance Salary Savings ,Bond Funds Property Taxes for General Obligation Orange Bowl Committee Lease 1111 TOTAL kEVENUES 111111111111111 111111 1111111111111111 I����IIViI i�Vl I�VIIIIII��III III rl CITY OF MIAMI PROJECTED REVENUES BY FUND FISCAL YEAR 1978-79 TOTAL II Iilll GENERAL FUND 11,194,988 11,194,988 481,260 481,260 56,476 56,476 258,058 258,058 60,000 -0- 90,000 -0- 50,250 -0- 23,000 -0- 45,000 -0- 27,000 -0- 107,960 -0- 156,833 0- 50,000 -0- 11,250 -0- 2,500 -0- 18,000 -0- 3,670,284 -0- 1,428,000 1,428,000 500,000 500,000 1,371,750 1,371,750 1,097,069 1,097,069 349,464 349,464 394,049 394,049 1,000,000 1,000,000 17,735,693 -0- 35,535 -0- 185,435,209 97,184,256 (21 11 1111 11 VI ENTERPRISE FUNDS- 1111 11 -0- - 0- -0- - 0- -0- -0- -0- - 0- -0- - 0- - 0- -0- - 0- -0- - 0- - 0- 3,670,284 -0- - 0- - 0- - 0- -0- - 0- - 0- -0- - 0- II 111 II EXHIBIT E TRUST AND CAPITAL AGENCY IMPROVEMENT FUNDS FUNDS - 0- - 0- -0- - 0- 60,000 90,000 50,250 23,000 45,000 27,000 107,960 156,833 50,000 11,250 2,500 18,000 - 0- - 0- - 0- -0- - 0- -o- -0- - 0- -0- _0- -0- - 0- - 0- - 0- - 0- - 0 -o- - 0- -0- -0- - 0- - O- -0 -0 - 0- -0- - 0 -0- - 0- - 0- DEBT' SERVICE. FUNDS -0- -0- - 0- -0:- -0- -0- - 0- -0- -0- -0 - -0- - 0-- -0- -0- -0- -0- - 0' -0- - 0- - 0- 1:7,735,693 35,535 3,670,284 54,309,273 12,301,41a 17,969,978 1111111/1 111 1111111 111111 ■ i�� i S%Ob Pars AA*, ;con Driv! P. O. Bo* 330708 MIAMI, tLORIDA 33133 DEPARTMENT OP MANAGEMENT SERVICES Cyr41 Smith 6326 N, W. Miami Avenue Miami, Florida 33150 Dear Mr. Smith: The next meeting of the Budget Review Committee will be held on Friday, October 4, 1978 at 4 p.m. at the Department of Management and Budget, 174 East Flagler Street, Room 902. Although an agenda has not been officially developed by you, it is felt that we should at least discuss the following items: 1. Election of officers 2. Purpose of the Budget Review Committee 3. Plan of action 4. Target dates 5. Meeting dates and times Some of the City Commissioners may attend the October 4th meeting to give us their ideas on the purposes of the Committee. For those of you who have not received a copy of the FY'78-79 Proposed Budget, a copy will be hand -delivered to your home prior to the meeting. If you require further information, please do not hesitate to call me or Mr. Manohar Surana, Assistant Director for Budget Management, at (305) 579-6052. Sincerely, ve, Howard V. Director L TO: Mayor and Members of the City Commission Joseph R. Grassie City Manager CAT? or '..IAMI FLORIDA INTE?•1=FiCI. MEMORANDUM bAtS. September 20, 1978 -!LE: Proposed Uses of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds for City Commission Review otFtoo4ctd: 4CL'J31:r1L5: During the City Commission's review of the 1978-79 Proposed Budget with Department Directors, the City Commission requested information on the proposed uses of Federal Revenue Sharing (FRS) for Fiscal Year 1978-79. In reviewing these proposed uses of Federal Revenue Sharing, the City Commission should be aware of the following facts: A. The amount of funds available to the City from Federal Revenue Sharing is approximately $2.7 Million or 25% less than the current year. B. The amount of Federal Revenue Sharing allocated to the major categories pretty much equals the percentage these categories received of the total FRS funds in Fiscal Year 1977-78. No allocation is reflected fyir the equipment Replacement Program. The funds for this category which totals $214,862 have been included in the General Fund category and are approximately 25% less than the current year allocation. It may appear that the percentage for the Social Service Program Category is drastically reduced; however, this is not the case. If Day Care, African Square Park and the Handicapped Program are appro- priately classified as Social Service Programs, the total for this category would be $741,371 or 9.275% which is close to the 9.79% allocated to this category in Fiscal Year 1978-79. The proposed uses for the remaining $445,941 allocated to Social Service Programs was prepared by the Department of Citizen Services and is attached for your review. Mayor and Members of The City Commission The final allocation of Feder 1 IeVende ghAtih4 by ptirp a i§ ag follows: General Fund Street Lighting Recreation Extension Parks Mechanization Equipment Replacement Social Service Program bay Care African Square Park Handicapped Program 1977=78 $ 70914,852 1,200,000 165,000 45,000 286,368 1,043,053 -0- -0- -0- 1978=79 $6,152,995 900,296 165,000 33,732 -0- 445,941 213,000 37,430 45,000 $10,654,273 $7,993,394 bifference Between '78 & '79 $ (1, 761, 857) (299,704) -0- (11,268) (286,368) (597,112) 213,000 37,430 45,000 $ (2, 660, 879) i 1 • • ME ;I'CY :r i �IAMI• Lc:ifIDA :.1T =•:,i ' 1�: _ :•11-1N40;tANDUM Joseph R, Grassie City Manager R. W. Parkins, Director Citizen Services Department nAI= September 20, 1978 R FF:t1 i+ct5: Federal Revenue Sharing/CETA for Social Services Purposes The City of Miami has provided an allocation, each year, of its Federal Revenue Sharing Funds to supplement social services provided to City of Miami residents. Generally, the funds that the City provides purchase social services beyond that which is provided through sources traditionally responsible for meeting human service needs. For purposes of comparison, the following arrays the FRS Funds for sot'ial service purposes provided in FY 1977-78 compared to FY 1978-79 proposed: FY 1977-73 . FRS. Budget Allocation $1,043,053.00 . Dade County School Board 175,000.00 . FY 1976-77 F.R.S. Fund Balance 33,511.00 . Transfer from Reserve for Judgements & Losses 116,172.00 . Transfer from Dallas Park Renovation 16,423.00 . Total Funds for Social Service Allocation $1,384,159.00 . Additional Transfer for Action Community Center (9/28/78) TOTAL FUNDS APPROPRIATED FUNDS FOR ALLOCATIONS: • City Programs - Day Care - Handicapped Total City Programs $213,000.00 45,100.00 • Social Service Agency Allocations TOTAL ALLOCATIONS 20,694.00 $1,404,853.00 258,100.00 1,146,753.00 $1,404,853.00 'oselih Rs Cfassie City Mahager VI 1978-79 s FRS Budget Allocation FUNDS FOR ALLOCATION: City Programs Day Care $213,000 Handicapped 45,000 - African Square Park 37,430 Total City Programs mm Social Service Agency Allocations mm allocations: AGENCY St. Alban's Day Nursery Miami Bridge Little Havana Activity Center JESCA (Culmer) JESCA (Coconut Grove) Coconut Grove Family Clinic,;, Belafonte Tacolcy Sports Development Action Community Center Puerto Rican Opportunity Center Administration TOTAL TO BE ALLOCATED 295,430,00 445,941.00 741,371.00 The following list represents the recommended social service agency $ 68,250.00 14,411.00 86,000.00 36,036.00 36,036.00 100,000.00 22,000.00 11,000.00 30,000.00 12,000.00 30,208.00 $445,941.00 The approach to recommending funding levels this year included meet- ings with Citizen Participation groups in each of the eight target areas within the City of Miami. Each Citizen Participation group provided the City staff with their perception of needed services categories in priority order. These priority order categories were then ranked in order by Citizen Services staff in accord with the City of Miami Commission's priorities based upon historical funding practices. Eight Citizen Participation Target area meetings were conducted along with public hearings on the proposed use of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. MEM MME MEM MEM ■ ■ ■ Joseph R. Grassie City Manager As in past years, the Citizen Services Department fielded evaluation teams so that every agency requesting funds received an on -site pro- grammatic review of their actual delivery of service procedures, management capabilities and client satisfaction factors. In addition, all agencies that had received 1977-78 funds from the City of Miami received a Program Review visit to verify agency performance related to the agency's 1977-78 proposal and contract. The staff gathered information on all categories of service provided in the City of Miami. Further, staff reviewed other sources of fund- ing as well as the level of government (Federal County or City) primarily responsible for each of the eight categories of service that are represented. The categories of services identified, in priority order are: Day/Evening Care Food Programs Health Programs Counseling Programs Employment Programs Recreation Programs Transportation Programs Information & Referral Services that had been previously funded, recommended by Citizen Participation groups, the Evaluation staff, and who had shown a history of satisfactory service delivery, are represented on the recommended list. Funds recommended are based on previous years' allocations in order to maintain - as much as possible - continued service delivery. Agencies applying for FRS funds have been encouraged to view these funds as supplements only, in accord with the continued and predict- able decline of FRS Social Services funds availability. Attachment "A" 1978-79, lists all agencies funded currently and requesting funds. This attachment also lists Community Development Funds allocated for 1978-79, CETA Consortium allocations and other identified sources of funds. Attachment "r3" relists staff recom- mendations. Attachment "C" lists agencies that had received FY 78-79 funds and funds recommended for 1978-79. 'AGENCY 1) Action 1Communi ty Center 2) Belafonte Tacolcy Center 3) Borinquen/PROC 4) Catholic Service Bureau St. Luke's 0vertown %) Miami Bridge • Dade County/After School Care y) Dade County/Community Schools • 8) Coconut Grove Family Clinic MI1111111 11 1111111 11 III II IIIIIIIII 1111/1111 IIIII II IIII IIII EXHIBIT "A" FRS FRS REQUESTED RECEIVED 78/79 77/78 $ 71,250.00 $ 47,424.00 43,927.00 22,890.00 73,466.00 27,500.00 80,000.00 68,626.26 51,370.00 14,411.13 .. 208,326.00 192,017.21 70,000.00 70,000.00 223,741.00 130,000.00 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII■1•1111■III! SOUTH FLORIDA CETA CONSORTIUM FUNDED AGENCIES 78/79 (Page 1 of 5) OTHER FUNDING SOURCES REQUESTED TOTAL SOURCE BREAKUUWN FRS, CD, CITY CETA SFCC, DOT 131,084.00 FRS, CETA Child Care Title VI 167,550.00 Program $259,043.00 111 ,.242,217.00 FRS, CETA J.N.PEW CETA City Archdiocese of Miami Fees State. FED, United Way Archdiocese 252,476.00 FRS, Fees 624,612.00 III 111111 4,099.00 11111 11 1 11 FRS, School Board CETA City County United Way HEW Dade FRS 1111 lull' 1111111 11 1111111 $ 58,080 -- Other 10,000 -- CD City 10,000 -- CD County 171,318 -- SFCC 87,157 -- CETA PEW 283,765 -- J.N.Charitabi- Trust 145,320 -- CETA City 48,550 37,000 2,000 - - CETA City - - Archdiocese Fees 76,000 -- Feds 37,500 -- State 25,000 -- CSB 5,000 -- Donations 34,940 -- United Way 44,150 -- Fees 554,612 -- School Board 66,026 -- CETA City 202,506 -- County, FRS 71,848 -- HEW 53,400 -- United Way 73,818 -- SFCC 52,760 - Program Income 1111111■■ AGENCY 9) Industrial -Home for Blind 10) J.E.S.C.A. (Culmer) 11), . E .S. C.A. ft-Coconut 'Grove) 12) Nicky Cruz Outreach 13) St. Alban's Day Care 14) Sports Development,Club 15) youth Co -Op 16) Little Havana Act. Center 17) TEAM 3(-Cul mer —II■I1111IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIII FRS REQUESTED 78/79 $ 19,275.00 FRS RECEIVED 77/78 $ 5,000.00 36,036.00 36,036.00 40,707.00 36,036.00 48,338.00 30,750.00 71,663.00 68,250.00 21,000.00 11,000.00 100,000.00 • 206,427_00 111111 IIIIIII SOUTH FLORIDA CETA CONSORTIUM FUNDED AGENCIES 78/79 Title VI $70,000.00 JESCA Agency Health Care Services for the Elderly Title VI $200,000.00 60,000.00 Allapattah Youth Title VI - $190,000.00 • Activity Title III-YCC- 211,000.00 - YETP- 158,502.00 Title 1 - 150,000.00 126,415.00 $250,000.00 9,161.00 16,500.00 1 II 11111 iii iii■liiilulllll11iill1 II (Page 2 of 5) OTHER FUNDING SOURCES REQUESTED TOTAL SOURCE BREAKDOWN $162,591.00 CETA Fees $ 18,355 -- CETA Cit, Donations 109,961 -- SFCC Lions Club 14,512 -- Lions CI 112,971.00 SFCC 31,023 -- SFCC Donations 40,899 -- CETA C County CD 121,691.50 FRS, CETA, 36,169 -- CETA DOT, AAA, 44,743 -- CD; County, CD 104,412.00 SFCC 944,864 -- CETA Git CETA 11,210 -- SFCC 228,659.00 FRS 11,609 -- CETA Cit: CETA 18,800 -- State CD 126,587 -- County 21,450.00 FRS CETA City 10,450 -- CETA Ci: 1,044,625.00 SFCC FRS 890,625 -- SFCC CETA City 1,191,727.00 II 114,252.00 1111 54,000 -- CETA Cit FRS, United Way,855,573 -- HRS HRS, Donations 80,909 -- United Wa 31,000 -- Donation! City CD, County CD i i i 17,591 -- City CD 7,500 -- County CL 111110111 AGENCY 18) First United Methodist ''Church 19) Douglas Gardens 20) Women In Distress ✓ 21) American Red Cross 22) Association for the =Useful Aged 23;) Boys Ci ub of `Miami 24) :Catholic Service Bureau -5) Center for Dialog 26) City of Miami/Cultural Experiences 27) Dade County Ass. for Retarded Citizens (Information and Referral) 28) Dade County Ass. for Retarded (Citizens Advocacy) 111111111111 1111 1111111111 11 FRS REQUESTED 78/79 $ 14,910.00 11 SOUTH FLORIDA FRS CETA CONSORTIUM RECEIVED FUNDED AGENCIES 77/78 78/79 $ 8,901.25 123,900.00 98,850.00 12,000.00 5,848.00 2,709.70 89,471.00 50,000.00 38,941.00 10,499.99 22,499.99 17,757.28 34,205.00 .Title VI - CPR Training $50,000.00 Blood Pressure Project 70,000.00 DARCS 90,000.00 Horticultural, Agricultural, Training Program ■ 1 1111 TOTAL $ 54,910.00 1 130,800.00 35,311.00 27 ,096.30 214,099.00 446,233.00 164,613.00 67,487.00 54,667.00 45,758.28 77,205.00 (Page 3 of 5) OTHER FUNDIIIG SOURCES REQUESTED SOURCE BREAKDOWN FRS, Senior Centers of Dade FRS Donations $40,000 - - Centers Dade 6,900. -- Donatio, Donations 22,3.11 -- United Wa_ FRS 1,000 -- Contribut' Other FRS, Older Americans Act 24,387 FRS, CETA City 60,828 63,800 FRS, United Way, Contri- butions FRS, FEDS STATE, CSB FRS, LEAA Match CETA PACE FRS - - Older Ame. -- CETA City -- SFCC 217,877 - 178,356 - 73,755 4,326 47,519 56,988 2,504 12,000 20,000 FRS, CETA City,. 18,000 United Way 10,000 - United Way - Contribut; -- FEDS - - State -- CSB - - LEAA - - Donation:, - - PACE - - CETA City - - CETA City -- United Wa, FRS, CETA STATE,28,000 - County 10,000 - 5,000 - 111111111 i - CETA - HRS - United Way i 29) Dade County Public Defender 30) H.A.C.A.D. 31) S.U.R.F. 32) Transition 33) Univ. of Miami (Dept_ of Psychiatry) - Day Treatment FRS REQUESTED 18J79 $ 38,351.92 46,902.00 84,830.00 46,068.00 117,208.00 34) Univ. of Miami (Counseling for 84,023.00 Children of Ex -Offenders) 35) Univ. of Miami Hot Lunch Program 50,866.00 36) United Family and Children Serv. 70,175.00 ' 37) Wynwood Elderly Center 38) Res. Homemaker Services of Dade County NomiNE 111IIII1111111111111III1111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIII 11,206.00 r 152,227.00 FRS RECEIVED 77/18 11111E1 SOUTH FLORIDA CETA CONSORTIUM FUNDED AGENCIES 78/79 Title VI $70,000.00 Title III - $139,485.00 Title I - $83,500.00 itle VI - $200,000.00 Title VI Youth Services Outreach $90,527.00 TOTAL $ 71,184.92 FRS LEAA 80,044.00 FRS CETA City 273,375.00 FRS SFCC 155,295.00 FRS SFCC (Page 4 of 5) OTHER FUNDING SOURCES REQUESTED SOURCE BREAKDOWN $32,833 -- LEAA. 33,,1.4a CAA cit 188,545 -- SFCC 109,227 -- SFCC 948,245.00 FRS, HEW, 554,087 -- FED Dade Co. Area 247,914 -- DHT, JMH Wide Agency 86,037 -- Income 84023.00 FRS 50,866.00 FRS 111,251.00 82,253.00 935,727.00 i illUIIOI IMP City CD, 15,000 -- City CD CETA City, 21,803 -- City CETA Donations 4,273 -- Donations FRS, City CD 41,840 -- City CD CETA 29,207 -- City CETA. FRS, FED, 85,000 -- FED County, State 400,000 -- State 298,000 -- County 1111111111 ■ ■ 111111111111111 1111111111All 111 i iI III tI IIIlulIliII'lI'IiIi i 111 111 I i I 11 IIhIIiliiiIli1 ri i 111111 (Page 5 of 5) II 1111111 111111111 III dull 11 I11111 111111 :AGENCY 39) SER-JOBS for Progress 40) Latin ,American Center FRS REQUESTED 78/79 $ 54,000.00 20,084.00 41-) Dade County Council of Arts :_ .: `=; .,, , 5,000.00 and Sciences FRS RECEIVED 77/78 SOUTH FLORIDA CETA CONSORTIUM FUNDED AGENCIES 78/79 TOTAL OTHER FUNDING SOURCES REQUESTED SOURCE BREAKDOWN Title III - $89,280.00 $369,000.00 FRS, SFCC, SER National CETA City 502,134.00 FRS, MEDICARE HRS, Dade Co. 136,026.00 $189,000 - SER National 96,000 -- SFCC 30,000 -- CETA City 450,000 -- HRS 22,500 -- Medicare 2,000 -- Other 7,550 -- Dade Co. FRS, State, $20,000 -- State County 91,026 -- County 10,000 -- Other 1111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111 1 111111111 III II■11■1111■III ■ i 11 hill II■1111 11 III I 111 11111 I 11111 111111111111 ■ EXHIBIT "B" RECOMMENDED AT BUDGET REQUIREMENTS pAy/tVENtNG CARE REOUE5T RECOMMENDED 1) St. Alban's Day Nursery $ 82, 763:00 t 68, 250.00 2) Miami Bridge 51,370.00 14,411.00 FOOD PROGRAMS 1) Little Havanna Act: Cent: 2) JESCA (Culmer) 3) JESCA (Coconut Grove) HEALTH PROGRAMS 1) Coconut Grove Family Clinic YOUTH EMPLOYMENT 1) Belafonte Tacolcy 43,927.00 22,000.00 RECREATION 206,4 27.00 36,036.00 36,036.00 86,000:00 36,036.00 36,036.00 223,741.00 100,000.00 1) Sports Development 21,000.00 11,000.00 TRANSPORTATION 1) Action Community Center, 7 , 250.00 30,000.00 INFOPMATION & REFERRAL 1) Puerto Rican Opportunity Center 73,466.00 12,000.00 $846,016.00 $415,733.00 ADMINISTRATION 30,208.00 $445,941.00 MM MM • 1 ■iii■ii■ iiuioi Ii 11miiIIIII.IIIIIIm EXIIIBIT "C" cif L SERVICES AC,ENCIES LIS'ni) OC 1) 1Ctien oitimcunitV Centet 2) Belafonte Tacolcy Center 3) Borinquen-PROC 4) Catholic Service Bureau St. Luke s Overtown 5) Catholic Service Bureau Miami Bridge 6) Dade County - After School Care 7) Dnde County - Community Schools 8) Coconut Grove Family Clinic 9) Industrial Huit for the Blind 10) J.E.S.C.A. (Culmer) 11) J.E.S.C.A. (Coconut Grove) 12) Micky Cruz Outreach 13) St. Alban's Day Care Nursery 14) Sports Development Club 15) Youth Co-op 16) Little Havana Activity Center 17) TEAM (Culmer) 18) First United Methodist Church 19) Douglas Gardens 20) Women In Distress (Salvation Army) 21) Coconut Grove ,After School House FRS F12.5 FRS RECEIVED REQUESTED RECOMMENDED 77-78 7809 78-79 $ 47,424.00 $ 71,250,00 $ 30,000.00 22,890.00 43,927,00 22,000.00 27,500.00 73,466.00 12,000.00 *14 68,626.00 80,000.00 14,41100 51,370.00 192,017,00 208,326.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 130,000:00 223,741.00 5,000.00 19,275.00 36,036.00 36,036.00 36,036.00 40,707.00 30,750.00 48,338.00 68,250.00 71,663.00 11,000.00 21,000.00 60,000.00 100,000.00 =0� -0- 100,000.00 -0- 36,036.00 36,036.00 -0- 68,250.00 11,000.00 -0- 126,415.00 206,427.00 86,000.00 16,500.00 89,161.00 -0- 8,901.00 98,850.00 5,848.00 14,910.00 123,900.00 12,000.00 -.7- 22) t o tifiiit drove Optimitts dlub 21) Y.M4d.A. Aliapatah 111111111111111111111111111111111111 11,660.606 10,111.00